Imagine you make a chair. You ask ten dollars for it and someone buys it. You think you created ten dollars of value. But now imagine in reality, the buyer would have otherwise bought a chair for nine dollars that now goes onto the scrap heap. The chair is worth to the buyer what he pays for it. In that case, you actually created just one dollar of value.
Why am I explaining this? Well, because this is our whole society. When you develop a video game like civilization VI, or a movie like Scream III, we don’t seem to bother acknowledging the fact that the world has so many movies and video games that all of us will die before ever trying all of them. Any new game, any new movie, any new blogpost written, just takes away scarce time that would have otherwise been spent on something that already exists.
We don’t really create things anymore because the world needs new things. No, we now mostly create things because we enjoy creating things. And all the other things that already exist, for all practical purposes just go onto the scrapheap. Not because they’re bad, but because something new came along.
Apparently, only 15% of Steam users playtime this year was spent playing a game released in 2024, the rest was spent playing older games. It seems we’re starting to bump into limits, when it comes to making things that are better than what already exists.
There’s a bit of a revolt among the low status white male types against the tech billionaires right now, who are just openly telling them they’re too lazy and stupid to compete with Indians willing to work 80 hours a week for some shitty Software as a Service startup.
And the funny thing about the rightoids is that when you make them really angry, like when the billionaires go face-off, they tend to arrive at some actual insight. They’re now starting to realize that hey, I wasted my life on a job that doesn’t care about me, only to be replaced by cheap migrant labor.
Or better yet, they’re starting to reflect critically on the “tiger mom” narrative that Vivek is trying to resurrect: “Us superior Asian parents send our children to piano lessons in weekend while your white kids sit in their pyjamas watching cartoons.”
And they’re finally just saying it: We don’t want that. We want to be lazy and we want our children to be lazy. We want our children to goof off at the mall, we want them to go skateboarding with their buddies and record their own VHS tapes and pull pranks on the neighbor and go hiking, visit Disney world and enjoy life.
There’s a lot that surprises me about people, but what surprises me most of all is that they still manage to convince themselves of this narrative that hard work is a virtue. It’s not a virtue, it’s a vice. Hard work, is what destroyed the world.
I often wonder: How could the carbon pulse of the past 100 years have been dragged out over a longer period, say, 200 years? It is after all, the speed of the change that causes the destruction. Just as you are better off getting into two car accidents at 30 miles per hour than one at 60 miles per hour, we would have been better off if we could halve the rate of global warming.
And honestly, the only way I see that could have been accomplished, would be through more profound laziness. The most destructive economic activities are industrial in nature and favor hard work as a virtue.
There’s this movie I watched, an old classic, Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo, about teenagers who go to clubs, get addicted to heroin and become prostitutes for Turkish taxi drivers.
And I just find myself going back to it a lot, because I really think we should have more of this and less of Vivek Ramalamadingdong and his tiger mom who traumatized him as a child, robbing the best years of his life from him, causing him to lash out at those annoying big-penised white jocks who got to goof off while little Vivek had to do his homework.
These people just take life too seriously. They work hard, they scam dumb people out of their savings with his shitty biotech scam company and then the end result is that they still die, just like anyone who did not study hard in school, started doing heroin and died of an overdose.
Growing up means realizing the nerds are more evil than the jocks. Good people look good. It really is that simple. They have well-proportioned bodies, heads full of hair and they’re able to run a couple of miles. It’s not that the nerds are too good to rape people or shove them in lockers or push their head into the toilet. No, the nerds are just too weak for it. The good looking people make our world more beautiful, whereas the ugly nerds turn our world into a banality.
I figured that out at my old job at the Bitcoin company, where I would sperg endlessly about how the protocol uses too much energy, how the whole thing is inflated with fake Tether dollars. And the funny thing is, only the boss cared to hear about it, I eventually figured out the nerds just genuinely don’t care, because the nerds are the true bad guys. They just lie in wait and once the jock’s cognitive capacity is past peak, the nerd shows up on TV and peddles his overpriced pharma company or his cryptocurrency ponzi scheme to the jock. The nerd wages war like a weak man does: Through deception, betrayal of trust.
Yukio Mishima famously said in an interview that we live in an age without heroic deaths. And I really think, that’s reaching very close to the core of the problem we’re dealing with here. There is too much fear of death in our society. So much effort is spent delaying the inevitable. That’s what freaked me out in 2020, how we were moving towards this totalitarian effort to avoid death, how I was going to end up in a global nursing home.
We don’t just need heroic deaths. We need the tragic deaths too. We need reckless drunk teenagers crashing their car into a tree on a stormy night, their lives turning into ghost stories for future teenagers. We need insane men going on murderous rampages, boats that mysteriously disappear off the radar, we need beautiful women dying of barbiturates, murder-suicides by jealous boyfriends, we need freak accidents involving elevators, hostages shot by bank robbers, men gored by bears, horrible plagues that leave entire villages to be reconquered by nature. God doesn’t make errors, we do.
I was in Norway long ago as a young man once and my backpack fell down so I ran after it, it almost fell into the fjord, with me falling along. And looking back, I realize that would have been a noble death. It would be mysterious, nobody would ever know what really happened, my body would have shown up somewhere much further along the river, you’d have never known for sure if it was an accident or murder. That’s how the loveable people die. Most deaths are now profoundly lacking in dignity, the sort where nobody even manages to cry at your funeral, where people feel relieved your suffering from some chronic illness is finally over.
You have to remember with all the politicians and the tech visionaries, that the only thing worse than their failure to achieve their promises, would be for them to succeed at it. I don’t know what people think these guys could offer them, other than a complete banality. In unrelated news, I’m off to a party for the next few days, so I probably won’t poast.
I was thinking. I have a nice decent net worth, very much closer to 8 digits than to 6 digits. And yet I barely enjoy the fruits of it. I make and save and invest money to satisfy my insecurities and ego. I do not drive a Bentley or hire expensive beautiful women. Art means nothing to me. I do not even eat expensive food, mostly beans or buckwheat or vegetables. I own a business that I really enjoy doing but that is not spending money. I do have a nice house but only at an upper middle class level. Always awaiting the next doom an frankly after long days at my business little desire to have any type of wild fun.
Please explain to me how this is not stupid!
Meanwhile I have diabetes, which is for now under control (BMI 26), so my lifespan is shortened. My mind realizes how stupid all this is but my heart loves workings, my forklifts and semi trucks etc
Igor we could set up an art museum together in Amsterdam, the Igor Chudov foundation for visionary art. You could just buy an old property in the city, we’d turn it into a museum and I would just buy art from weird people and we would fill the museum with it, it would be epic.
>very much closer to 8 digits than to 6 digits. And yet I barely enjoy the fruits of it.
Unironically just invent a job for me that doesn’t involve performing sexual favors.
If the money is good I will even dress up like a clown for you at your office and tell jokes with my little clown friend Bob the Buffoon. You read my blog, you comment on it, clearly I’m capable of entertaining you somewhat.
Really, basically anything you can come up with. If you’re at 8 or 9 million USD you have more money than you can gain enjoyment from anyway.
Rad, you didn’t just sell off all your Bitcoin, did you?
I sold my neckbeard playmoney back in 2017 or so at around 2700 dollars, thinking I had a great deal.
But then I realized I was just early in an insane pointless bubble that should have never existed, just low status white male autism spontaneously forming complex patterns like water transforming into snowflakes at the right temperature.
I’m frankly ashamed I ever touched the whole thing, although it’s not my fault I need some monero to buy DMT every once in a while, my neighbors are better off with me not extracting my own DMT.
I see all crypto as fake and gay monopoly money; though I don’t hold it against you are anyone else because I don’t care that much. If you’re vegan you’re a good person in my opinion.
>my neighbors are better off with me not extracting my own DMT.
Probably lmao
All currency is fake and gay. The idea of “value” itself is fake and gay.
Anyone who uses the term “intrinsic value” (i.e. 99.99% of the population) is liable to morph into an Agent Smith at any point, in response to your questioning how money is any different to cucumber slices for rhesus monkeys.
Value is a personal judgment and personal judgments are real to those who hold them; but the idea that there is intrinsic value to shit you don’t personally care about is slave morality, yes.
The Agent Smiths simply choose to act as if what society tells them they value is what they value; and they do this as a way to advance their station in the society game which revolves around the advancement of others through service to others which thereby allows you to associate with others and advance your status by proxy through advancing the group and being socially and materially rewarded for such service.
Basically, NPCS aren’t actually hollow shells or a illusion or whatever, they’re literally just people who have chosen the absolute easiest way to behave in this society and who question nothing; not out of a lack of ability, but due to a lack of care about betterment.
Unfortunately for the NPCs types, their way of life can’t last because their leaders (Men like Musk, Trump, and Obama) are retards and liars who tell them to act in ways that are contrary to their long term interest and survival. I turns out the easiest way is often the way that leads to dead ends in evolutionary terms. You must be able to adapt to survive what nature throws at you.
The selective pressure for this century’s evolutionary bottleneck seems to be the carnist fetish; are you retarded enough consume the steroid infused unpasteurized milk when it’s the biggest new meme as Bird Flu infects it? Are you dumb enough to follow the herd in continuing to eat meat as it becomes dirtier and dirtier and more and more expensive over the years? These are the questions which will determine the future from the past.
Well, you could get better food. Find a grocery store that sells weird, expensive heirloom or experimental vegetables out of the whole earth deedbook or something. People who grow and develop that sort of thing need your money.
Any news on mortality and fertility igor? I eagerly read your substack. Seems not much is changing for now, or they are hiding it better. The abandonment of increasing the pension age seems right in your wheelhouse.
Broadly, not much is happening in mortality. Fertility is a very exciting topic however.
I don’t believe that nothing much is happening in mortality. Every month or so I check the obits in the area I grew up in. It is NOT NORMAL for people to be dying at these ages. There are more young person deaths than there should be, and the older deaths are skewing younger than they should be:
This is an area where people typically live long lives; it is a safe, upper middle class area.
Karenica, I suspect that there will be a huge spike in deceased elderly, followed by younger cohorts. For example, my eldest brother died of stage 4 bowl cancer August of 2023. The same month my 41 year old niece was diagnosed with breast cancer, which has since spread to her abdomen (she is waiting for a surgeon- availability is the holdup). Both my 78 year old brother and 41 year old neice were vaccinated the same day.
I am convinced. There’s gonna be outliers, of course, but I believe that’s it.
The greedy bastards couldn’t limit themselves to the boomers, they had to maximize sales .
I’m very, very sorry about your brother and your niece. I think it could be covid along with the vaccines. Both are really bad. I hope your niece gets a surgeon.
I think Igor must have a very particular social set, and that is how he can avoid seeing this. The numbers are such that if you have a small reference group, you may not see it. One thing to look at is homes for sale. Even though private equity is still buying (I think), there are so many old people dying in the area that I’m from that there are houses generally available again.,cell%20proliferation%20and%20enhancing%20apoptosis.§breast-cancer.
Maybe your niece could find an alternative practitioner and try something while she is stuck waiting for conventional treatment. I have read of people who have taken that approach with success.
Last year was the first year deaths exceeded births in the Netherlands. It’s eerie.
>I figured that out at my old job at the Bitcoin company, where I would sperg endlessly about how the protocol uses too much energy, how the whole thing is inflated with fake Tether dollars. And the funny thing is, only the boss cared to hear about it, I eventually figured out the nerds just genuinely don’t care, because the nerds are the true bad guys. They just lie in wait and once the jock’s cognitive capacity is past peak, the nerd shows up on TV and peddles his overpriced pharma company or his cryptocurrency ponzi scheme to the jock. The nerd wages war like a weak man does: Through deception, betrayal of trust.
Mein Kampf, Teil 2
It’s funny, it does genuinely read like the sort of thing Hitler would write if forced to grow up in the 21st century.
We’re evolved from monkeys. We need adventure, raids, drama. We’re not suited for the today’s technological society life. You know who would be suited for such a life? Descendants of herbivores. Sit in front of a computer a day, ruminate, food comes by conveyor belt, caca gets removed by conveyor belt. These would be the ideal “knowledge workers”. Yeah, the mouse paradise we have built for ourselves needs to be shattered before we all go gaga.
> Good people look good. It really is that simple. They have well-proportioned bodies, heads full of hair and they’re able to run a couple of miles.
I seem to recall you claiming a long time ago that male pattern baldness is primarily caused by poor cardiovascular health rather than a genetic predisposition which makes the hair follicles ultra sensitive to DHT. Do you REALLY believe that? How then do you explain norwoodcels like Dr. Michael Greger and Gary Yourofsky? Heart healthy vegan diet, but still lost their hair?
> The nerd wages war like a weak man does: Through deception, betrayal of trust.
“By Way of Deception, Thou Shalt Do War.” – M̶o̶s̶s̶a̶d̶ Balding skinny-fat nerds who wear glasses
>How then do you explain norwoodcels like Dr. Michael Greger and Gary Yourofsky? Heart healthy vegan diet, but still lost their hair?
Well, since you asked.
Smart STEMish Jews just seem predisposed to severe male pattern baldness. Funny verbally intelligent Jews like Seinfeld on the other hand, keep their hair.
My suspicion it’s caused by overproduction of BDNF, resulting both in the higher Ashkenazi IQ and male pattern baldness. See:
>Growing up is realizing that the nerds are the bad guys.
Agree 100%. Nerds are people of rotten character, and Bronze Age Pervert and Vox Day have both gone in depth on the specifics of that. They’re not especially smart either, you’ll notice that if you try to make friends with one. They’re just conniving. For that reason, they also obviously make terrible friends.
Mr. Pussy I fear for your soul; I fear that Pickles the Talking Dog will bite your nuts off unless you Ave Caesar. You should do so now.
“Oh yeah, well, f-furry! Furry!” Is the response of a cornered man, and in your case, a butthurt nerd.
Bronze Age Pervert is some Harvard graduate nerd; anyone who can put up with the most soulless longhouse yet (modern schooling) is of a nerdish character. Sorry but if you didn’t drop out of school you’re a fucking nerd who lets society cum in your asshole for social credit.
All BAP cares about is eating pretentious restaurant food while jerking off to young aryan men who bodybuild. Being funny and insightful doesn’t absolve the fact that he’s a faggot queen and a dead end.
I am convinced that the furry shit comes from the same pit of demons as the tranny predication; you are a sick profligate who needs to be saved by the eternal Legion and fire of Caesar.
Slavery to The Legion would be a gift bestowed upon you. It would save your soul.
>being funny and insightful
Yeah. You just admitted that he’s correct about nerds. And from the sounds of it, you are one. Hate to break it to you, but the legion isn’t real. It’s a prop for a computer game. Go outside once in a while.
Also >dead end
Lmao how many kids do you have nigga?
>Hate to break it to you, but the legion isn’t real. It’s a prop for a computer game.
Hate to break it to you but you’re mentally retarded if you think my intention is to convince you that the Legion from Fallout New Vegas is real. Despite being a AI music video revolving around a video game faction; that video I linked you has more fire than all of Bronze Age Mindset and BAP’s insincere faggot nerd fantasies of being a Yamnaya Bronze Age milk-drinking horse-fucking barbarian or whatever stupid shit.
Why is the Legion superior to BAP’s book? Because it’s actually cool.
You as you are now should be destroyed because you’re cringe. Furry shit is cringe and ugly. Your avatar is the gayest thing I have ever seen in my life. You need more anime and video games in your life to cure yourself of your faggotry.
>You just admitted that he’s correct about nerds.
Yes Bronze Age Pervert is very good at criticizing himself since he’s a Jew nerd with a high verbal IQ. BAP is a Jew nerd who tells low status white males everything they want to hear so that they post shirtless pictures of themselves on his Twitter feed. He’s your typical gay Jew.
BAP is 44 and has no children so if you want to talk about creating biological incarnations of yourself he has failed in that mission as-well. Ideological AND Biological dead end, and he isn’t even cool.