“No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another” -Charles Dickens.
Great content and horrifyingly well thought out in regards to the dark future that awaits us all. However you might want to consider changing the colour scheme. Yellowish text on a black background is physically painful to read and I have to paste everything into word so I don’t get a headache…
Do you have a disposable email that you can be contacted at? I was kind of wondering if I could email you a question and maybe have some discussion on it. I think it would help me tremendously.
Believe me when I tell you, it’s difficult to scout out likeminded people with niche interests.
I am on the hunt for Salvia Divinorum cuttings or seeds, would like to propagate the plant for myself. If you don’t mind, I would like to discuss that possibility to get some from you.
What an exhilarating, thought provoking blog! I found your posts yesterday via a zh comment and man! Was up half the night just reading, laughing and doing calculations and deductions along with your articles.
Thank you for saying what is in your heart and mind. The world is a better, more beautiful and free place because of it!
Raymond many thanks. I have just found your site and have been binge reading. What you say about about IGg3 suppression and the promotion of the IGg4 makes such sense and is being bourne out before our eyes with the advent of the explosion of infection such as RSV and StrepA in the UK. I do not have my head in the sand although I wish I did sometimes, then I wouldn’t have to face stark reality. Why will people not listen, it’s like they have some sort of strong delusion.
I echo other readers saying if you have a mailing list please can I be added.
Food for thought… there is a world wide human lack of inbuilt vitamin D and zinc and why does the med diet plus sun not provide immunity… check out what glyphosate does … is this another end time scenario?
Goedenavond! Wat een fantastische blog, wat een fantastische inzichten. Jammer dat ik nu pas het bestaan ervan ontdek, maar beter laat dan nooit.
Ook ik zou graag, mocht deze bestaan, aan een mailinglist worden toegevoegd..
bedankt voor alle moeite die je in deze blog hebt gestopt!
Your post on COVID vaccine-induced mass tolerance with IG4 production and IG3 suppression is indeed potentially a worry worth a drink or two. I want to follow your work. Spot on!
Vedo il tuo sito web https://www.rintrah.nl ed è impressionante. Mi chiedo se ci sono opzioni pubblicitarie disponibili sul tuo sito come guest post, contenuti pubblicitari?
Qual è il prezzo se vogliamo fare pubblicità sul tuo sito?
Big fan of your work. I wanted to touch base if you would be open to a podcast interview regarding your work. Would love to discuss on my podcast in long form your thoughts on covid, immune issues, psychadelics, censorship, travel, Europe, etc.
Hi. Did you have a critique of this paper on HIV inserts? I’d be interested in reading it. Cheers!
“Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120
and Gag
Prashant Pradhan$1,2, Ashutosh Kumar Pandey$1, Akhilesh Mishra$1, Parul Gupta1
, Praveen
Kumar Tripathi1
, Manoj Balakrishnan Menon1
, James Gomes1
, Perumal Vivekanandan*1
Bishwajit Kundu*1
1Kusuma School of biological sciences, Indian institute of technology, New Delhi-110016, India.
2Acharya Narendra Dev College, University of Delhi, New Delhi-110019, India
I would absolutely pay to support your Substack. I don’t agree with everything you write here but it always makes me reconsider my positions and I find that valuable, as a scientist.
Rdagast can you contact twitter against and ask to have your account unsuspended- you are entitled to it and I think there are plenty of people who would like to read your media- you are an excellent opinion person and journalists and great science analaysis
Great content and horrifyingly well thought out in regards to the dark future that awaits us all. However you might want to consider changing the colour scheme. Yellowish text on a black background is physically painful to read and I have to paste everything into word so I don’t get a headache…
You were right, yellowish text wasn’t a good choice.
Please keep writing! And, danke vel
This is good stuff. You should be on a bigger platform than this blog, even youtube.
A satirical novel about the tech industry, The Crimson Shamrock:
I thought you might enjoy my novel, as it pokes fun at the tech world, at least in California. Thank you.
Do you have a disposable email that you can be contacted at? I was kind of wondering if I could email you a question and maybe have some discussion on it. I think it would help me tremendously.
You can PM me on Reddit, that’s probably easiest.
Were you previously u/accountt1234 on reddit? I read your analysis on Adam Lanza/school shootings and found it very insightful and conherent.
Believe me when I tell you, it’s difficult to scout out likeminded people with niche interests.
I am on the hunt for Salvia Divinorum cuttings or seeds, would like to propagate the plant for myself. If you don’t mind, I would like to discuss that possibility to get some from you.
What an exhilarating, thought provoking blog! I found your posts yesterday via a zh comment and man! Was up half the night just reading, laughing and doing calculations and deductions along with your articles.
Thank you for saying what is in your heart and mind. The world is a better, more beautiful and free place because of it!
Thanks for such a flattering comment! I really appreciate it!
See the success of Dr Shankara Chetty from South Africa and the success in Honduras. I created 8days.org to help Dr Chetty.
I just discovered your blog. Amazing! Great food for my brain. I am binge reading now. How do i get on your email list.
Raymond many thanks. I have just found your site and have been binge reading. What you say about about IGg3 suppression and the promotion of the IGg4 makes such sense and is being bourne out before our eyes with the advent of the explosion of infection such as RSV and StrepA in the UK. I do not have my head in the sand although I wish I did sometimes, then I wouldn’t have to face stark reality. Why will people not listen, it’s like they have some sort of strong delusion.
I echo other readers saying if you have a mailing list please can I be added.
Food for thought… there is a world wide human lack of inbuilt vitamin D and zinc and why does the med diet plus sun not provide immunity… check out what glyphosate does … is this another end time scenario?
If you have a mailing list please add me. Thanks!
Hi, do you have a mailing list? If spot, please may I be added to it?
Goedenavond! Wat een fantastische blog, wat een fantastische inzichten. Jammer dat ik nu pas het bestaan ervan ontdek, maar beter laat dan nooit.
Ook ik zou graag, mocht deze bestaan, aan een mailinglist worden toegevoegd..
bedankt voor alle moeite die je in deze blog hebt gestopt!
Your post on COVID vaccine-induced mass tolerance with IG4 production and IG3 suppression is indeed potentially a worry worth a drink or two. I want to follow your work. Spot on!
Ciao ,
Vedo il tuo sito web https://www.rintrah.nl ed è impressionante. Mi chiedo se ci sono opzioni pubblicitarie disponibili sul tuo sito come guest post, contenuti pubblicitari?
Qual è il prezzo se vogliamo fare pubblicità sul tuo sito?
Pietro Fabbro
Hi Rintrah:
Big fan of your work. I wanted to touch base if you would be open to a podcast interview regarding your work. Would love to discuss on my podcast in long form your thoughts on covid, immune issues, psychadelics, censorship, travel, Europe, etc.
Thanks in advance,
Hi. Did you have a critique of this paper on HIV inserts? I’d be interested in reading it. Cheers!
“Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120
and Gag
Prashant Pradhan$1,2, Ashutosh Kumar Pandey$1, Akhilesh Mishra$1, Parul Gupta1
, Praveen
Kumar Tripathi1
, Manoj Balakrishnan Menon1
, James Gomes1
, Perumal Vivekanandan*1
Bishwajit Kundu*1
1Kusuma School of biological sciences, Indian institute of technology, New Delhi-110016, India.
2Acharya Narendra Dev College, University of Delhi, New Delhi-110019, India
Yeah I wrote about it here:
I would absolutely pay to support your Substack. I don’t agree with everything you write here but it always makes me reconsider my positions and I find that valuable, as a scientist.
Ayo how do I get access to the inner sanctum?
Mr. Strangecuck that is a very good question.
Bro is this you in the bottom left?
You look like an arab.
Yeah, that’s me. I’m southern croatian, hence the tan, and have some sicilian genes, hence the big nose.
Rdagast can you contact twitter against and ask to have your account unsuspended- you are entitled to it and I think there are plenty of people who would like to read your media- you are an excellent opinion person and journalists and great science analaysis
I don’t really like using ku klux twitter much these days.
Since the new name is X, I like calling it Xitter. Pronounced like in Chinese: Shitter