Algobraining the dissidents: A how-to guide for the Illuminati and other Satan-worshipping pedophiles

So you’re an elitist of the satan-worshipping pedophile variety, you’ve successfully deployed a bunch of vaccines to kill off the sheeple, but now you’re still left with the “based and red-pilled freedom-loving MAGA alpha male Christian patriots”, who are intrinsically a much bigger threat to you than the people you’ve injected with a gene therapy witch brew.

They don’t seem to be dying from SARS-COV-2 and they’re becoming not just an eyesore, but an actual threat. What do you do? How do you neutralize these people? Well to start with, they’re not independent geniuses who figured out on their own how to see through all your satanic schemes. They connect to one another and try to figure out how the world works through clickbait: Information you can digest within seconds, that doesn’t require any real critical reflection and can be rapidly shared with others.

What do we do? How do we get rid of them? It’s easy. We prey on their insecurities, their fear, the way we did with SARS-COV-2. Activate fear and critical thinking goes out of the window. Now we can start algo-braining them. We take their natural deviations from reality and we start exacarbating them, like an Aikido expert we take a destabilizing move and further push it along.

How does that look? Well, the greatest fear of every alpha male is not to be socially dominant. They behave as if they got raped in a prison shower ten years ago and it has governed their lives ever since. Let’s see if I can pull up an example. Hold on a second: What’s this alpha male feeding to his children?

The alpha male in question is feeding half a gallon of milk to his son, to make sure he grows up to become an alpha male (rather than a beta soycuck) himself. Take a look at this. We’re looking at a five year old boy, who is above the 95th percentile for height. His extreme height is merely accelerating:

If we assume the retard pardon me, freedom-loving patriotic alpha male correctly records his kid’s height and age, then he’s taller than at least 99.4% of Dutch boys his age. And trust me, Dutch boys are pretty tall.

Let’s skip over the question of whether a five year old boy enjoys getting nothing to eat from his father except milk and oysters.

Let’s also skip over the question of whether you should use “psychological warfare” against a five year old boy, to get the child to eat something he doesn’t want to eat.

What is the health impact going to be of feeding such a boy nothing but milk?

Well let’s see, these nasty right-wing populist conspiracy theorists, who refer to themselves as “freedom loving alpha-male Christian patriots” or something along those lines, have a habit of refusing to administer mRNA gene therapy to their children. But fortunately, they do enjoy other ways of administering gene therapy to children, like feeding them half a gallon of milk every day:

We previously reported that microRNA (miRNA) is present in human breast milk. Recently, other groups have reported that bovine milk also contains miRNA; however, these reports are few. We therefore investigated bovine milk miRNA using microarray and quantitative PCR analyses to identify the differences between colostrum and mature milk. The RNA concentration in a colostrum whey fraction was higher than that in a mature milk whey fraction. In total, 102 miRNA were detected in bovine milk by microarray analysis (100 in colostrum and 53 in mature milk; 51 were common to both). Among these miRNA, we selected several immune- and development-related miRNA, including miR-15b, miR-27b, miR-34a, miR-106b, miR-130a, miR-155, and miR-223. These miRNA were detected in bovine milk by quantitative PCR, and each of these miRNA was significantly more highly expressed in colostrum than in mature milk. We also confirmed the presence of some mRNA in bovine milk. Nevertheless, synthesized miRNA spiked in the raw milk whey were degraded, and naturally existing miRNA and mRNA in raw milk were resistant to acidic conditions and RNase treatment. The RNA molecules in milk were stable. We also detected miRNA and mRNA in infant formulas purchased from Japanese markets. It is still unknown whether milk-derived RNA molecules play biological roles in infants; however, if milk-derived RNA do show functions in infants, our data will help guide future studies.

Why is my child so tall? Because he’s an alpha male, like me? Or is it because you feed him cattle mRNA that’s designed to turn a small calf into an adult cow at rapid speed?

Or take a look at this study:

Milk has been recognized to represent a functionally active nutrient system promoting neonatal growth of mammals. Cell growth is regulated by the nutrient-sensitive kinase mechanistic target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1). There is still a lack of information on the mechanisms of mTORC1 up-regulation by milk consumption. This review presents milk as a materno-neonatal relay system functioning by transfer of preferential amino acids, which increase plasma levels of glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP), glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), insulin, growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) for mTORC1 activation. Importantly, milk exosomes, which regularly contain microRNA-21, most likely represent a genetic transfection system enhancing mTORC1-driven metabolic processes. Whereas human breast milk is the ideal food for infants allowing appropriate postnatal growth and species-specific metabolic programming, persistent high milk signaling during adolescence and adulthood by continued cow´s milk consumption may promote mTORC1-driven diseases of civilization.

This is again the sort of boring information that takes at least ten times more effort to understand and correctly interpret than “my son is an alpha male who grows really fast because I feed him milk”.

What’s an mTORC1-driven disease of civilization? I’m worried, does this mean your son is going to turn into a soyjack, instead of growing up to be like the guy with the beard who says “Yes”? Nah don’t worry, it’s just the casual stuff, like accelerated aging. Here’s what the authors wrote:

There is accumulating evidence that chronic diseases of civilization are associated with increased mTORC1 signaling [7778], like acne [7980], obesity [8182], type 2-diabetes [7783], arterial hypertension [84], Alzheimer´s disease [85], cancer [86], especially prostate cancer [8788]. Thus, cow´s milk is not just a simple food for humans, but a tremendously powerful evolutionary program of the faster growing species Bos taurus, which may permanently over-stimulate mTORC1 signaling in human milk consumers.

Pfew, there’s nothing in there about people turning into soyboy beta cucks. But wait a second. I think it could be turning your son into a beta cuck soyboy after all! Human beings have a habit of trying to maximize milk production, so that we even milk pregnant cows. Is it a good idea, to feed the milk of a pregnant cow to your son? Perhaps not:

Background: Modern genetically improved dairy cows continue to lactate throughout almost the entire pregnancy. Therefore, recent commercial cow’s milk contains large amounts of estrogens and progesterone. With regard to the exposure of prepubertal children to exogenous estrogens, the authors are particularly concerned about commercial milk produced from pregnant cows. The purpose of the present study was therefore to examine concentrations of serum and urine sex hormones after the intake of cow milk.

Results: After the intake of cow milk, serum estrone (E1) and progesterone concentrations significantly increased, and serum luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone and testosterone significantly decreased in men. Urine concentrations of E1, estradiol, estriol and pregnanediol significantly increased in all adults and children. In four out of five women, ovulation occurred during the milk intake, and the timing of ovulation was similar among the three menstrual cycles.


But that means…

The based Dutch milk maiden has betrayed me and the other American alpha males! She has been trying to turn us into beta cucks all along! I knew you can’t trust Europeans!

And what about the farmers? Are you telling me they were just trying to make money, instead of helping us turn our sons into freedom-loving alpha males like us through some good old fashioned traditional Christian gene therapy?

No of course not. The farmers want to help you. Why would they care about money? The average Dutch livestock farmer has a net worth of 2-3 million Euro, so now that they no longer need to worry about money, their main goal in life becomes to help low status white American men turn their sons into alpha males! They care deeply about your health, just as the guys on Twitter who encouraged you to invest your life savings in cartoon pictures of apes care deeply about your financial future. These people are all here to help you, they’re definitely not trying to monetize your low IQ!

I call it being algo-brained, it has happened to most of the modern right.

You don’t poison yourselves with gene therapy injections like the crying bald cartoon guy with glasses, no, you all have your own very based way of poisoning yourself and your children, just like the bearded cartoon guy who always says “Yes”.

And somewhere at a satanic pedophile convention on a tropical island, a group of shape-shifting reptiles are laughing their arses off at you: “We successfully herded them into their own idiotic 95IQ echo box, so now their children are drinking pregnant cow hormonal mRNA cocktails HAHAHAHA!”


  1. Is wahmahchi for real? It’s such self-aware presentation that it’s unclear if this is parody or trolling or someone so immersed in the Simulacrum that they’ve adopted existentially the very lifestyle they’re supposedly eschewing in rejecting modernity and embracing the old ways. Why do folks who want to return Western males to earlier cultural values spend such an inordinate amount of time curating this kind of online presence?

    On the other hand, wahmahchi claims to be getting the food from an Amish organic farmer. This might have no bearing on the overall content of the argument, but perhaps it is a pushback to the grounding claim of the last article (“Exposure to exogenous estrogen through intake of commercial milk produced from pregnant cows”) regarding the genetic modification of the cows. Given the articles I’m reading, it seems it doesn’t matter, though, since the modification is about the overproduction of the milk, not necessarily what the milk contains.

    Either way, I found the information in “Milk is not just food but most likely a genetic transfection system activating mTORC1 signaling for postnatal growth” to be pretty mind-expanding. Thank you for introducing this tack for further understanding lifestyle choices and the directions they can take. Unfortunately, I’m unable to delve deeper into the full text articles without an institutional access to the papers. I’ll have to check what kind of access to however many articles my public library will allow.

    This is also prompting me to look into how kefir differs from any of these concerns, if any. It might come down to having to make tradeoff choices regarding the benefits LAB provides versus the transfection and increased mTORC1 signaling that will reduce my brown fat, increase my white fat, increase overall adipogenesis, and increase my resistance to insulin . . .

    I also appreciate this line:
    “In analogy to the postulated Trojan exosome hypothesis explaining the role of exosomes for the spread of RNA viruses [90], the milk exosome system too appears to function as a Trojan horse “transfecting” the neonate´s metabolism to ensure species-specific mTORC1-driven growth and anabolism.”
    Extrapolating: the adult men who continue to drink milk are transfecting their own biology to become more cowlike, right? More than just focusing on the presence of “growth hormones” in the milk —to where the Amish organic farmer can say that since there’s no growth hormones fed to the cows, the milk consumer won’t have to worry about their presence in the milk (or meat)— one also has to consider how the very mechanisms defining what mammals are evolved to ensure the children consuming the milk receive miRNA genetic information to help regulate and direct their growth towards becoming fully that species.

    So the guy is turning his own child into a cow, camel, goat, sheep transhuman. Wild!

    This does suggest that people who want to continue to drink milk to “bulk up” while remaining human need to confine themselves to their own species’ milk. They will do so, though, at the cost of accelerating their own aging and reduce their overall life —leaving it open whether this empowers or exploits some hyperlactating woman.

    • Not really. If Europeans and Middle Easterners had no problem with milk for a long time. Why is it going to be more of a problem now?

      If fermentation undoes the estrogenic compounds. Then all the better.

      • Well, for one thing, were they previously adulterating the cows (& sheep, goats, deer, &c) and converting them into mass industrial biomachines for the overproduction of milk? How long is the “long time” you’re thinking of? As well, it may be that certain aspects of their diets and lifestyle previously interacted with the miRNA particles or with their immune systems generally to counter the effects described in this research. My thought is that if we compare the gut bacteria of folks today with folks from many different time periods previously, we’ll see vast differences. This is one of the complementary observations one makes by pursuing the holobiont framework Radagast and others encourage —and one I think far more valuable for understanding the human condition than one cleansing the humans of their microbiome.

        For another, are we completely sure that Europeans and Middle Easterners “had no problem with milk for a long time”? It may be that entire populations became affected and normalized the changes (no “control group” so to speak). I mean, it’s a common refrain I hear among so-called self-reliant or independent people: why are so many people around me like sheep, like cattle?

        Milk for thought.

        • >For another, are we completely sure that Europeans and Middle Easterners “had no problem with milk for a long time”? It may be that entire populations became affected and normalized the changes (no “control group” so to speak). I mean, it’s a common refrain I hear among so-called self-reliant or independent people: why are so many people around me like sheep, like cattle?

          Asians didn’t/don’t really drink much milk. Probably other cultures that didn’t adopt animal milk either. Would be interesting to see what demographic comparisons would show for traits/conditions highlighted in these studies.

  2. haha, stupid non-progressives. problems, and more importantly, solutions, aren’t wrong just because they are pushed by politicians, corporations, and billionaire-owned media.

  3. There’s something really weird about drinking another species’ milk. Or any species’ milk, if you’re not an infant/toddler. It’s just one of those human adaptations that you can sorta get away with (sure beats starvation), but just isn’t very good for you. I also feel sorry for the cows.

  4. It’s hard not to admire that Carnivore Aurelius guy though managing to convince god knows how many thousand MAGA supporters that eating nothing but beef, lard, butter, eggs and ice cream is healthy. They’re so suggestible he could tell them that swimming in molton lava cures hair loss and they would all dive bollock naked into a volcano.

  5. You certainly seem personally bothered by the fact that somewhere on the internet, people believe things you disagree with, or are in fact just stupid.

    I really don’t know why you waste the mental labor seeking out and dissecting stuff that bugs you so much. I achieved financial freedom a couple of years ago and realized that the greatest part about not needing to show up to the wage cage, was the fact that I could disconnect in ways others couldn’t afford to, because I didn’t need to make myself socially acceptable enough to remain employable.

    I already haven’t given a black life about typical media for decades now, I took it a step further and began systematically disciplining myself to waste less time looking at opinions on the internet unless it was hand picked individuals who I respected, such as long time internet friends, or specific blogs such as yours.

    Overall this has been extremely beneficial for me mentally, as all the time I used to waste on angry scrolling and flame warring has now been redirected into various hobby projects and time with people I actually respect, and more importantly, actually know on some more meaningful level.

    I stopped and actually thought about it, and ever since phoneposters got online, the same demographics of your local walmart have come to infest every online space, solely excepting places that have some kind of barrier to entry, either a functionality cutoff or the simplest and most effective barrier of all time; invite-only structure.

    I finally hit a point where I realized that what I was spending my internet time on, was no different than going down to the local Shart Mart and arguing with fat boomers who cast retorts in between slurps from a gallon sized cup of mountain dew, and I just stopped doing it.

    It’s a true infinite resource bleed, as there are infinite stupids but only a very few relatively wise and reasonable. I realized the nature of this negative ROI infinite resource bleed, and have as a result quit doing it. I’d rather spend my limited energy on the 5 smartest people I know than on the 5 billion stupidest creatures on earth.

    All simply presented as food for thought.

    • Well said, Fucko… Well said, Fucko.

      I used to care about the political and the cultural too much. I choose my current handle when I realized that I needed to just tend my own garden. My info diet is now books, with only a half dozen websites I check — this being one of them, somehow.

    • >I finally hit a point where I realized that what I was spending my internet time on, was no different than going down to the local Shart Mart and arguing with fat boomers who cast retorts in between slurps from a gallon sized cup of mountain dew, and I just stopped doing it.

      Honestly, you’re right.

      I shouldn’t spend so much time arguing with idiots.


    “A major data leak has revealed how Communist Party of China’s members have been employed with some of the world’s biggest corporations, in the areas of defence, banking, and even pharma companies involved in manufacturing coronavirus vaccine…As per the report by The Australian, companies where alleged CPC members are working as employees are COVID-19 vaccine-making companies like-Pfizer and AstraZeneca; financial institutions like ANZ, HSBC, aircraft manufacturer Boeing, and German carmaker Volkswagen..Journalist Sharri Markson, who reported about this major data leak in The Australian, said that CPC branches had been set up inside western companies where members, “if called on, are answerable directly to the Communist Party” and President Xi Jinping himself.”

    Maybe you’ve read this already but I’ve just come across it, from nearly two years ago. Food for thought. I seem to veer between thinking this whole COVID/Vaccine horror is the result of either total stupidity or outright malevolence. This has made me veer towards the latter again. Interesting that the Chinese won’t use mRNA or adenovector vaccines on their own citizens and appear to have had spies in both companies that produced them. Obviously this is all open to wild speculation and could just be a cooincidence. Perhaps they pushed them to go with mRNA (knowing they would be useless and dangerous) or had foreknowledge they would use them in a COVID outbreak scenario. Certainly is starting to feel more and more like China has played a very clever chess move.


    “A major data leak has revealed how Communist Party of China’s members have been employed with some of the world’s biggest corporations, in the areas of defence, banking, and even pharma companies involved in manufacturing coronavirus vaccine…As per the report by The Australian, companies where alleged CPC members are working as employees are COVID-19 vaccine-making companies like-Pfizer and AstraZeneca; financial institutions like ANZ, HSBC, aircraft manufacturer Boeing, and German carmaker Volkswagen..Journalist Sharri Markson, who reported about this major data leak in The Australian, said that CPC branches had been set up inside western companies where members, “if called on, are answerable directly to the Communist Party” and President Xi Jinping himself.”

    Maybe you’ve read this already but I’ve just come across it, from nearly two years ago. Food for thought. I seem to veer between thinking this whole COVID/Vaccine horror is the result of either total stupidity or outright malevolence. This has made me veer towards the latter again. Interesting that the Chinese won’t use mRNA or adenovector vaccines on their own citizens and appear to have had spies in both companies that produced them. Obviously this is all open to wild speculation and could just be a cooincidence. Perhaps they pushed them to go with mRNA (knowing they would be useless and dangerous) or had foreknowledge they would use them in a COVID outbreak scenario. Certainly is starting to feel more and more like China has played a very clever chess move.

  8. Some interesting info in there Radagast. In retrospect it should have been obvious to me that cows would use mRNA in milk to influence calves (and humans), given that male semen uses mRNA to influence all eggs in a womb, not just those it fertilise, milk uses all sorts of other ways to influence infants, and many *plants* use mRNA to negatively influence those that eat them (there’s a little further research for you to do matey ?) as they don’t exactly *like* being eaten… certainly something to think about as a dairy consumer.

    Meanwhile, please stop lumping globohomo corporate factory farmed *anything* in with healthy food: no one should be eating that toxic crap, whether it’s the poisoned, sick tortured meat/dairy, or the toxic agrochem coated gmo grains seeds and veggies. Using that as an argument for veganism is insane, akin to saying rotting food causes food poisoning so just starve.

    So: you *seem* to be implying that all meat and particularly dairy is as bad, in a soyboy hormone disrupting sense, as literal soy etc, except millennia of people eating meat and dairy, produced any way except through modern factory farm horrors, produced generations of masculine men and feminine women, and still do, and almost every vegan I’ve met, seriously, very close to 100%, and I’ve met MANY (because I respect ahimsa, have a lot of social and cultural overlap with mainstream vegan cultures, and if it wasn’t a slow form of self harming suicide I’d probably be one) slowly or rapidly turns feminised and suffers cognitive decline and mood imbalances… especially, afaikt, those that consume a lot of soy

    Meanwhile, I drank a lot of milk growing up, and consume a lot of (small farm high quality organic, if I can) dairy, yet I am 42 and regularly get mistaken for a healthy 25yo, or younger, by astounded people. Anecdote n=1 that rapid aging and at least quality dairy/meat intake are not positively associated.

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