There’s something about this photograph, the OK sign flashed in the school bathroom, by an anonymous figure in black shoes and black jeans, that makes it an image of an era. What did it mean, to be alive in 2024? Well, this. It summarizes it all.
What matters now is the Internet. You go to a concert now to hold up your phone, to prove to the Internet that you went there. You eat at a restaurant and photograph your meal, to prove on social media to your friends, colleagues and families that you can afford to eat at a restaurant.
Online is in a sense more real than offline. Offline became a derivative of online. And within a few weeks that became very apparent, as the next school shooter was ready to unload his gun in Nashville. He was inspired by what he saw Rupnow do:

The media had what it wanted: A “white supremacist” radicalized by the “alt-right”. And why does the media want that? Because then there is an answer and then there is a solution. But when the images of the perpetrator emerged, it was clear that the underlying situation is more complicated:

You can blame the “alt-right” if you want, but it’s not much of an answer, when you can’t answer why our “white supremacist” and self-proclaimed “golden nigger” seems to hail from the primordial continent. The real answer is of course a little more complex. But if as a post-menopausal journalist you can blame the “alt-right”, your own hands are clean. When your hands are clean, you don’t have to ponder what ever happened to that girl you used to be mean to back when you were at the school shooter age.
Of course, as respective “femcels” and “nigcels”, their chances of achieving a “high score” were poor. That “honor” still belongs to Cho Seung-Hui, who killed 32 people in 2007 at Virginia Tech after bringing a series of heavy chains that he used to lock the doors so that people could not easily escape, only killing himself once police began to remove them. Only Adam Lanza, who had a “high score” list hanging in his bedroom that his mother could have spotted if she ever walked in, came close in 2012. It’s doubtful anything like that can ever again happen at an educational institute, as society adjusts to minimize the impact of these disruptions.
Their manifestos were uploaded to X.com, by “alternative” journalists, who are ultimately as pathological if not more so than the “mainstream” variety. After prodding around in obscure discord channels and PMing people there, they got what they wanted, a manifesto that would have otherwise remained stuck in some inbox, but could now start earning them money and followers on the Musk platform, who would soon publicly repeat the gesture you see above.
The Internet has a talent for further accentuating every trait you have that deviates from the norm. It puts you into contact with others who share that trait, which makes you feel normal, until group polarization sets in, nobody can tell what is sincere and ironic anymore and madness begins to break out. If you think you’re being gang-stalked, if you think people break into your home while you’re away, to rearrange items on your desk and trick you into thinking you’re losing your mind, your family and friends would tell you you’re suffering paranoid schizophrenia. But today you can go online and find communities for people who also claim to be gang-stalked, who will tell you the exact same thing is happening to them.

That’s part of what sets the school shooters apart from the previous popular iteration of mass murder, the serial killer. The serial killer needed no external reinforcement from his environment. His desire to murder came from within. But a girl like Samantha, or a boy like Solomon, clearly draw their inspiration from previous perpetrators. Without the Internet, they would probably not kill. But they are also different, from previous school shooters.
They are desperate to prove they belong to something, an emerging subculture that is expanding across time and space. She finally has the T-shirt she ordered, the KMFDM shirt worn by Eric Harris a quarter of a century earlier, but there isn’t any real joy to be seen here in these eyes, only a sense of disbelief: “Am I really doing this?”
“She is in Agartha now”, Solomon Henderson writes. Agartha is the mythological kingdom that exists within our Earth and can be entered through the Himalayas, apparently first mentioned by 19th century French occultist Alexandre Saint-Yves d’Alveydre, who claimed to be in telepathic contact with it. It’s seen by some as the right-hand alternative of Shambala, the Buddhist kingdom.
It’s an amusing comment. And I’m not going to quote his manifesto here, which is disorganized and covered in various obscure “Soyjaks”, but I’m not going to deny that Henderson seems like an amusing guy. He’s the sort of guy you would want to have in your discord channel, I always reject invitations to discord channels myself, but I’m quite sure he’d do well there. And if you and your friends were to find out his lineage is not entirely Aryan, I’m pretty confident you would just run with it.
After all, to be “far right”, “based” and “red pilled” doesn’t really mean that you are this:

No, those are just the guys you were memed into giving power. The guys who used to pick you last in gym class and poured out beer on your head. The guys whose nervous system runs on an abundant supply of dopamine, whether naturally or with the help of some sort of reuptake inhibitor.
I’ve tried cocaine exactly once in my life, because I had to know. I immediately recognized what it was: Emptiness. Utter and complete emptiness. The secret of these guys, these aspiring proto-Trumps, is that their lives end up materially affluent, but their minds are desensitized to pleasure.
They couldn’t screw a fat girl with cellulite and acne scars if their life depended on it. And by the age of thirty, there’s emptiness: “So what have you been up-to?” “Well you know, work, very busy. We had a reorganization at my department.” Then there’s a long silence, until the waiter steps in to ask if they’d like another drink. And as they grow old, they increasingly have to learn to live with knowing what they are. There’s a reason at 78 Trump is still dancing to YMCA. When your brain runs on dopamine, there’s quite soon nothing new left for you to derive pleasure from.
“You’ll get tired of winning!” Trump promises you. You know who would say that? A guy who is tired of winning. There’s no joy left that can be squeezed from that brain. And that’s what the “cruel kids” are setting themselves up for. A deeper layer of hell than you can imagine. No inside jokes, no pain, no humiliation, no abuse, no beauty, no meaning. You become a machine man, a chatGPT in the flesh. True Christians are against communism, for a pretty simple reason: Being rich is the punishment that the rich deserve for their sins. Being poor is the blessing that the poor deserve for their virtue.
Does anyone ever watch American Psycho, or do you just make memes out of it? His punishment continues to elude him. The price of sin, is a meaningless banality, a haunting emptiness. And that’s the only real argument I can offer you against shooting up your school. It’s a disappointment. An anti-climax. “Is this it?” Yup, this is it. Sorry. You’ll be a legend, but you won’t get to see it and you’ll get to enjoy it about as much as chatGPT does when it answers your question.
Inside every human, there is an animal. That animal wants to live in a challenging environment. A landscape with trees and mountains, night and day, snow and rain. Without those challenges, the body atrophies, it can not reach its full potential. Well, that is true for the mind as well. Your entire capacity to enjoy life depends on challenges. When everything just goes your way, when you are a proto-Trump, your capacity to enjoy life never really gets to develop. You’ll be stuck dancing to YMCA at 78.
There is this error that slipped into Christianity. Alfred North Whitehead referred to it as “God as Caesar”. To Whitehead, God does not sit on the throne, God does not direct things from above, moving the continents, miraculously curing you cancer, sending category five hurricanes into Appalachia. No, he emphasized an idea of God that he called “the brief Galilean vision of humility”:
It does not emphasize the ruling Caesar, or the ruthless moralist, or the unmoved mover. It dwells upon the tender elements in the world, which slowly and in quietness operates by love; and it finds purpose in the present immediacy of a kingdom not of this world. Love neither rules, nor is it unmoved; also it is a little oblivious as to morals. It does not look to the future; for it finds its own reward in the immediate present.
I think this ought to be emphasized more. If you ever feel powerless, consider that God is powerless too. What is in power? This unfeeling machine that increasingly dictates everything in your life, from within these little black mirrors everyone carries around. But that’s how it needs to be. The environment is supposed to be challenging. It’s the only way your mind can develop.
On Earth, Jesus resigned himself to his death sentence. In heaven, God stepped down from his throne and jumped into the abyss, as Satan crawled out of a black mirror and usurped his place. And how long does it last? Until you’re dead. But you have to understand, that this is what you wanted. God doesn’t want to be God, it’s just a means to an end.
If the heavenly insurrection was not part of the plan, it would have been nipped in the bud. But it’s part of the plan and you’re supposed to let it run as far as you can handle. There’s an infinite amount of darkness out there and you’re in the process of exploring it. It’s what you’re supposed to do.
When you microneedle your skin, your skin thinks just one thing: “Why is this happening to me? What did I do to deserve this?” But the answer is obvious to you. When you ever ask yourself: “Why is this happening to me?” Try to keep this in mind.
When I see these school shooters, I wish I could have explained to them that their soul is being polished like a diamond and they should not burst out in anger at the tool. It’s not some sort of grand cosmic injustice. It’s part of the plan.
I find the these two interesting. Solomon’s 800 page schizo document is more interesting than his manifesto. It’s mostly just rambling, but there’s some interesting things there when he can manage to get his ideas out semi-coherently. Golden Nigger was a solphist who believes history was fabricated. Says he wrote all that while high on “nigger weed” He suffered some serious weed psychosis it seems.
Excerpt from “Death Sentences” page 560
1. When I was born it was always my destiny to start a world. It is more than a nation, a religion, a tribe or a species.
2. I never had a family. My family was never relevant to what occurred in my soul.
4. the crust of the bread was once as bad as smoking cigarettes.
5. My SOUL came directly from the place you would call god.
6. all of you are inhabitants, waste to be flushed from my destiny.
7. waste products of my imagination. I must finish the process of cleaning my world.
8. all of you must be killed.
9. you don’t deserve life for you are all flawed and incomplete.
10. you are all annoying wretches. You are all beneath me.
12. All women who are not beautiful must die.
13. all women who are not virgins must die.
15. I never needed a family (it was a prison) I was already ready for all things in this universe.
16. When I was born I should have been put above all men and given a cult.
17. I was born to lead and every word that I have said should have been written down as a speech.
18. Every loave of bread that I touch can heal the sick if I meant to give them blessings.
19. But today I wish nothing but death.
Excerpt from “Death Sentences” page 337
18. Hitler Didn’t Exist – Don’t Compare me to Anyone – My
Cyclops Slave
1. I am the experience.
2. There is no other experience but me.
3. I am the experience and all things are pleasures of my experience. All things that exist are pleasures of my experience. All objects and events that are real or that will be real in the future are pleasures of my experience.
4. all other purported experiences are distractions and hallucinations soon to die. Soon to perish and be forgotten.
5. the only other experience is my soulmate. Together we are one and two at the same time. Two aspects of the same experience. There are no other experiences. So it is solipsism. I could also say that I am the only experience because I do not experience the world as her. I am not her. I do not experience her experience, but together our experiences combine to create the world and all that exists inside of it (pleasures).
6. sometimes I sing songs that I don’t like so that I can destroy them — this happens automatically.
7. the pleasure comes from my natural superiority to the songs, therefore I am invincible and the songs are broken.
8. my soul would never commit to a task, desire or goal if it were not perfectly true for the destination that I most desire. I am never duped. My soul is always absolutely on the path towards its infinitely perfect fulfillment, because my soul (the being of my experience) is what determines all of reality. My soul is the most real thing in existence, besides my soul’s mate (soulmate). Therefore all other things are revisable and flexible. All other facts, persons, objects, stuff and events (pleasures, since reality is limited to what serves our fulfillment) are revisable so that they contribute to our everlasting and increasingly perfect experiences of pleasure and enjoyment.
9. I’m not glad that my soulmate gets everything about me. I don’t need to celebrate or rejoice or thank her for existing. That is the point of our existence. It is what we are. So we don’t need to make a big deal out of it or be nice all the time, we already fit together perfectly and that is the point.
I wonder how he pictured his demon wife.
I like to imagine Solomon’s up in the higher realms plotting new ways to wage war on the rest of creation while screaming NIGGER insistently. Pure rage directed in every direction towards everything that exists.
When the former slaver in Blood Meridian said: “They is four things that can destroy the earth, he said. Women, whiskey, money, and niggers.” he was speaking truth to power.
Solomon, Samantha, and Chris Chan are going to judge us when we die.
Yeah, too much cannabis without balancing it out with other substances has this effect. A kind of insane solopsistic pyschosis with narcissistic tendencies.
>1. I am the experience.
>2. There is no other experience but me.
Honestly, seems to me he took more than just too much cannabis. That’s a high dose of mushrooms kind of thought.
>5. the only other experience is my soulmate. Together we are one and two at the same time. Two aspects of the same experience. There are no other experiences. So it is solipsism. I could also say that I am the only experience because I do not experience the world as her. I am not her. I do not experience her experience, but together our experiences combine to create the world and all that exists inside of it (pleasures).
Well gee, where have I heard this before?
It’s the gnostic idea.
It’s cliché, but the best drug of all is simply exercise, just running for 10 minutes. It balances out the whole shebang in your brain again.
We’re basically suffering an epidemic, of people who understand the world they’re living in a little too well, at an age at which they are not ready for it yet.
>Yeah, too much cannabis without balancing it out with other substances has this effect. A kind of insane solopsistic pyschosis with narcissistic tendencies.
Yeah I’ve experienced this myself in the past.
>It’s cliché, but the best drug of all is simply exercise, just running for 10 minutes. It balances out the whole shebang in your brain again.
Yeah exercise seems to help.
Seriously though thanks for the thoughtful post.
Never mind just looked up Golden Nigger didn’t write this he just claimed he did and linked it to his manifesto I’m retarded.
That schizo ramble isn’t from Golden Nigger case closed.
“Jesus resigned himself to his death sentence.”
This seems to be some complaint or negative opinion. If so, I think your missing the whole point.
Also, God IS an inter-actional being. I’m not sure to what degree but a basis of Christianity is that Jesus taught us to pray to God and ask for things. What percentage of the Our Father is requests? All except the 1st sentence.
I’m praying right here… God, please grant Radagast and all readers and commenters on this wonderful blog (including me) peace and comfort in Jesus’ name.
(See… Easy. Everyone please do more of that sort of thing 🙂
This is very strange: https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/bay-area-death-cult-zizian-murders-20064333.php.
The article is in the most normal and boring online Bay Area newspaper.
It’s as if the weirdness of the internet leaked into real life.
I don’t like murder stories and I only looked at this one because it is more or less local.
I have a friend who has a home health aide who is in her 40s and who is a native English speaker and who has a BA from UC Davis; a good school. Yesterday he got into a debate with her. He asked her to put ointment on his right knee. She put it on his left knee. He told her that it was his left knee, but she wouldn’t believe him. They kept going back and forth. His wife was there to confirm which knee was in question so at least he didn’t feel as if he were going nuts. Pretty much everyone is going insane.
Interesting, I’ll do a brief post on this.
Beautifully said. I don’t think I’ll forget that last paragraph.
Your compartmentalization of everything in society makes your content difficult to follow (for me at least).
God is with us, said everybody
Rin is the sad one. Essentially he’s saying the beautiful people are wealthy and they get laid a lot. But really, if you could mind read, they aren’t happy. Because too much happiness gets boring. Guess losers need to justify their jealousy.