I’m going to make a Youtube video about this at some point, but I will have to censor myself a bit there unfortunately.
So a while ago I showed you Cataclysm Dark Days Ahead. You start a character with all sorts of traits and you distribute points. But if you distribute them poorly, you can start with horrible cursed combinations, like a character that’s easily wounded and yet, bad at running.
But in the game of life, there are cursed starts too. Big nose plus small chin would be one. There’s probably someone who can explain the physical ones better than me. But the absolutely most cursed start, has to be autism + high IQ.
I looked up today why the life expectancy for autists is lower and I stumbled upon this article, which explains that whereas normally in kids a high IQ reduces suicidal ideation, in autistic kids, it increases the odds more than six-fold. And that’s a lot, because autism on its own already increases it.
And so I consider autism + high IQ to be the most cursed combination. I have been playing the autism + high IQ start for over thirty years now, even though someone the other day guessed me as 24. I don’t remember how I started this game, I just woke up in a hospital somewhere crying my guts out. My IQ was tested at 130 when I was a kid, my mom bought me a SEGA afterwards, I wonder what I would have gotten if they found I was retarded instead.
My head as a kid was unusually big as in most autists, people made fun of it sometimes. The proportions of my head are normal, bit it’s only really in puberty when the size of my head compared to the rest of my body started looking kind of normal, because then my limbs became abnormally long. My high school school counselor suggested to my mom I’m autistic, she refused to hear it.
I don’t know why autism is so common nowadays. It probably has something to do with abnormal brain inflammation. This doesn’t get us any further though, because basically anything can cause brain inflammation. A viral infection, microplastics ending up where they shouldn’t, bacteria from the teeth, anything can inflame the brain. And in addition there’s all sorts of stuff that suppresses inflammation.
Everyone now claims vaccines don’t cause autism, but I’m honestly not convinced vaccines have been definitively ruled out yet. You would expect studies to find less autism in vaccinated kids, even if vaccines do cause autism, for the simple reason that parents who already have a kid with autism, or themselves have autism, will be less likely to vaccinate their kids.
In fact, jumping into the whole vaccine rabbit hole, obsessively reading about it and then deciding that you’re not going to vaccinate your kids… is kind of autistic behavior. But the problem is that getting measles is not fun either, if vaccination rates fall enough all sorts of eradicated viruses will return. And that’s also why we should never expect to receive a honest answer to the question.
The worst part of the autism + high IQ start is that you feel emotions much stronger than other people. But because of the autism, you sound robotic and you don’t naturally display emotions the way others do. This tends to mean you need people much more than they imagine you do. So be prepared to suffer through romantic breakups that leave you suicidal.
There are other problems you run into too. Compared to most high IQ people, you tend to end up with a much stronger moral compass, because you’re not really “in the game”, you’re kind of always looking at what humans do from a detached perspective. A normal guy intrinsically wants to have a good job, a fast car etc. A high IQ autist would say: “This is what I will need to get a woman to stick around.” This leads to people like Greta Thunberg.
Now there are different coping strategies that you see in the autism + high IQ combination. Other than suicide of course, there are different routes people go with it:
Weird Religions
-The high IQ autists often tend to arrive at weird religions too. The “TradCat” phenomenon tends to attract a bunch of them. Guys who like to wear suits and English tweed will start ‘sperging about some old form of mass that was already retired before they were born. From these high IQ autists it then starts spilling over to other chronically online types. To me it’s kind of cringe. You see some types end up at Buddhism too, but the Tibetans don’t really know what they need to be doing with these guys either. Meditation does do something good for your brain though in my experience.
Trooning out
This is another common option. The male to female transgenders tend to have a high IQ, ranging in the 120s. There’s also an abundance of autistic traits among them. I don’t like the existence of this option, because I think it’s kind of an indictment of our society that it even exists. The male to female transgender high IQ autists are not inherently feminine. No, their personalities are hypermasculine and alienate them from women and society as a whole. You’re basically just treating the symptoms of their hypermasculine brains for them, by feminizing their brains.
I think this is a terrible way of dealing with the problem, for the simple fact that medical science is just not able to turn a male body into a female body. But at this point, the phenomenon is becoming so common that it’s almost kind of expected:
Autist + high IQ + depressed + incel = “hey why don’t you troon out?”
It’s a very strange way, for a society to deal with its demographic that has the worst time fitting into a system that doesn’t work: “Just neuter the farmers who complain about the lords raising too high taxes and send them off to pointless wars, it’s for their own good!”
The gay and Asian troons tend to call themselves names like “Candy”. The depressed autistic white ones tend to settle on “Lilith”, I think about half of them call themselves Lilith by now. You can draw your own conclusions from that.
Now the worst thing about the trooning out solution is that whatever high IQ autistic depressed men embrace, is something that the rest of society then starts to see as high status. I call this the “Greta Thunberg effect”: All the normies look towards high IQ autists for guidance on what to do.
You see this with the egirls. These girls who have a huge need for constant validation from a bunch of guys (and thus make terrible wives, as wives have to survive off one guy’s simping) increasingly fall into this tradsperger raw milk tradcat/orthobro lifestyle. Liberal moms in San Francisco surrounded by transgender techies on the other hand start to see this phenomenon as high status and become convinced their own poor son would be much happier with a fake vagina instead of a real penis.
Political radicalism/Saving the world.
Generally speaking, this is a strangely effective way to keep the high IQ autists from killing themselves. If it wasn’t for global warming, Greta would have died of an eating disorder by now. Of course, the problem with the saving the world solution is that there are around 100 different problems we’re dealing with right now that have the capacity to bring down society on their own before the end of this century. Stop global warming? Congratulations Greta, now we all starve from soil erosion. Solved that one too? Well sorry, monkeypox and H5N1 are standing in the gates. Vaccinate everyone? Well I guess the microplastics in our brains will have to bring an end to the party. Your brain is now 0.5% plastic by weight. What do I even say about that?
The art scene.
You see the autists accumulate at some weird fringe art scene phenomena too. The problem is that art has to resonate with normal people for it to succeed, so the autists tend to end up as the “also rans”. High IQ autists don’t tend to end up as successful cloudrappers like Lil Peep. No, they end up making something like Dwarf Fortress.
Sedating the high IQ autists is somewhat effective. The problem is, it doesn’t really solve the problem, it just kind of kicks the can down the hall.
I can take psilocybe mushrooms and feel good for a few months afterwards, or cannabis and feel good for the rest of the day. But the price I pay for both the psychedelics like mushrooms and for cannabis, is that my worldview is getting increasingly weirder, as time goes on. With excessive psychedelics and cannabis, you’re honestly just swapping autism penalties for schizophrenia penalties.
None of this really shocks me. I explicitly made a point for myself when I was around 20 and took them the first time, that this was going to be my option of last resort. So I didn’t take them again for years, until a certain woman abandoned me. At this point I’m taking them weekly.
Alcohol and nicotine kind of work too, but nicotine mostly works to suppress the problems caused by the cannabis and psychedelics. In a better world, I would just sit outside in nature, high on mescaline a lot more. But you can’t just spend every day sitting outside in the Netherlands in the cold and in the rain, high on mescaline as it gets dark at 5PM, constantly having to saying hi to all the boomers walking by with their dogs (who will approach you, because they’re not on their leash)
You can take ketamine, but it has a weird agender nature to it, it’s very clearly something synthetic. It will turn you into a kind of genderless modern queer type. If Ketamine does something for you, you should try chewing salvia.
No, what seems to work better is some sort of empathogen, like MDMA or mescaline. But with mescaline you’re eating a bitter cactus and MDMA is for all practical purposes really just a mild lobotomy, you’re hardforcing social connection on a brain that doesn’t see it as appropriate.
The other thing I have to point out, is that all these options start to work less effectively as you grow older and your brain’s inherent flexibility declines. If you smoke weed at 15, take mushrooms at 17, take MDMA at 18, those drugs have a lot more to work with than they do when you start taking them in your twenties, like autists tend to do because society insists drugs are the worst thing ever. And yet, I still don’t get the impression it really solved the problem. But maybe you shouldn’t try to solve the problem and just accept that life means to endlessly kick the can down the hall.
There are also alcohol and MAO inhibitors like Syrian Rue. But if there was something that makes high functioning autists feel like normal people, we would know about it by now.
You would think this is a solution, but it really isn’t. Half of autists are unemployed. Education and labor tend to require the sort of discipline and deference to authority that autists are inherently just not very good at. Personally, I’m not even able to maintain a normal sleep schedule. My body inherently just wants to go to bed around 2AM and wake up at 10 if I’m doing well, or 2PM if I’m not doing well.
Think of when we were hunter-gatherers. It kinda makes sense that the asocial types would stay up and guard the fire while the normies have already fallen asleep, don’t you think?
Autists at least used to be good at trading the stock market, but with the post-2009 boom, whatever does well is just what attracts the most normies. Michael Burry has just been losing money since then. It’s all vibes now, something called “Fartcoin” is being valued at more than 40% of publicly traded US companies.
This is not an environment in which the autists do well. Politicians love work and want to “create jobs”, because for the normal working class types, the alternative to work tends to be alcoholism. They really just need to be kept busy.
Metaphysics of High IQ Autism
I can make this long or short. I will just keep it short. As a subjective idealist I believe the High IQ Autists are kind of necessary because their brains generate the reality we inhabit. Even Stephen Hawking believed near the end of his life any model of reality he came up with that does not account for the mind will be incomplete.
The neocortex of an autist just has more neurons. And networks tend to scale superlinearly by the number of participants. It’s like what the Indians say about Brahmahatya, the murder of a Brahmin. When you kill a Brahmin, you don’t just kill the man, you destroy all the knowledge that man has acquired over his life. The caste system is underrated.
This metaphysical position is also part of the reason why I am pro-Israel by the way, even though I genuinely do feel sorry for the people in Gaza at this point.
But my conclusion is that you kind of have to accept that you exist, even if you would rather not exist, because at a metaphysical level our reality itself depends on your existence. Reality by the way, is also a spectrum, not a dichotomy: The further away you move from you, the less real things are.
I’m not going to elaborate further on any of this now, as it all just gets more cringe the more I explain it.
>You see the autists accumulate at some weird fringe art scene phenomena too. The problem is that art has to resonate with normal people for it to succeed, so the autists tend to end up as the “also rans”. High IQ autists don’t tend to end up as successful cloudrappers like Lil Peep. No, they end up making something like Dwarf Fortress.
The story of why I’m becoming a furry artist.
Please don’t. Radagast will pay you.
Rad has a fursona he wants drawn?
I wouldn’t mind giving Rad a hedgehog fursona.
Interesting article, with lots to ponder. I wouldn’t really consider myself “high IQ” but based on my academic results in high school, I’m above average. But I was too autistic to graduate college and carve out a career for myself. So I’ve been mostly living the NEET lifestyle, with occasional forays into part time work.
But now that we as a species are collectively unfortunately approaching a “conflagration of cataclysms” (viral pandemics, climate change, resource depletion, possible thermonuclear war, global sovereign debt crisis, etc.), I thought that I’d try and make the most of the “good times” we have left and stop rotting at home chronically online and eating junk food. So I’ve been using some of my NEETbux to have some “fun”.
Since I always struggled with interaction with the opposite sex due to ASD, social anxiety etc., I thought that I’d try visiting some “erotic massage” escorts. Specifically, “body-to-body” and “Nuru” massages (just Google Nuru massage if you don’t know what it is). Over the years I’ve craved physical intimacy with attractive women and had always felt that I was “missing out” on all these incredible experiences.
But now that I’ve seen some escorts over the last couple of months, I feel a bit deflated. I was expecting it to be this amazing awesome experience, but now it seems to be a bit overrated. Don’t get me wrong, it was definitely fun, but not really as good as I was anticipating based on all the porn videos I watched beforehand. On the one hand, I’m not too disappointed, because if it was as good as I was expecting it to be, then I would have felt really bad about missing out on all this pleasure over the last ~ 10 years of my youth.
Although I think if I was neurotypical and less anxious I probably would have enjoyed it more because I would have felt more comfortable in the presence of these attractive women. But I’m not giving up hope. I remember Mehen writing about how cannabis makes physical intimacy more pleasurable, so the next time I might try showing up high and see what happens lol.
>But now that I’ve seen some escorts over the last couple of months, I feel a bit deflated. I was expecting it to be this amazing awesome experience, but now it seems to be a bit overrated.
Yeah this would be a nightmare for me. I’ve never paid a woman for anything, no prostitution, no massages, none of that stuff. It would be a huge hit to my ego, to have to pay for physical touch.
I like to think I’m good looking, but a woman who massages guys for a living would still get no enjoyment out of massaging a guy, even if he’s good looking and makes sure he smells nice.
My attraction to women is rather… passive. If a woman is not going nuts over me, I’m not enjoying myself. This is part of the reason women call me a narcissist.
It’s also why I do understand the transgenders and homosexuals at some level: I understand that you want to be physically desired.
But I think the most dignified position is just celibacy. Probably even more dignified than marriage honestly.
> Interesting article, with lots to ponder. I wouldn’t really consider myself “high IQ” but based on my academic results in high school, I’m above average.
LSWM, you are brilliant.
You don’t give yourself enough credit.
You would have become spectacular in any STEM field.
(I may be talking to myself here).
The only question apart from your intelligence is if your sensitive nature would acquiesce to the compromises to your dignity and integrity you would have to endure if you really wanted to “make it” and be a HSWM
(These are my thoughts these days as I reflect upon the tragedy of my life).
Seems to me that a thing above a middle class lifestyle requires conforming to some political or ideological bullshit.
> have enjoyed it more because I would have felt more comfortable in the presence of these attractive women. But I’m not giving up hope. I remember Mehen writing about how cannabis makes physical intimacy more pleasurable, so the next time I might try showing up high and see what happens lol.
Cannabis would definitely open up your senses and make any massage feel like sinking into deeper parts of yourself that you were never aware of. You would be a peanut and jelly sandwich.
But it sounds to me like your current status is more complex than that.
I’m not autistic, but there is the notion among somatic practitioners that most people are “stuck in their heads”.
(Folx like us are just the most egregious forms of this malady)
Many years ago I was obsessive about “getting out of my head”
Your attempt at massage by hot chicks was a step in the right direction.
At the very least it acquainted you with some form of “human touch”
Google “Alexander Lowen Bioenergetics”
Also, “Feldenkrais”
There are also esoteric/magickal forms of body-centric therapy like Wilhelm Reich “orgone” and Tantra.
Bottom line: most autists need to get out of their heads and feel a connection to other organic beings.
Don’t do tantra.
I keep telling you people, that sexuality and sensuality are inherently fucked up by design in this reality, they have been tampered with in a way few will understand, if you start running in some random direction spiritually you’re literally going to end up a thrall of demonic forces. I’m telling you this to warn you. Consider sexuality to be “conceptually held captive by an enemy force” and you’ll be close to understanding. It ties in to how we are presently inhabiting a farm/zoo. Anyway we should obviously be seeking to attain freedom from this paradigm, but still.
> Don’t do tantra.
Brother, I wasn’t thinking of interpersonal/sexual tantra, but rather a more Reichian form of self-study, which can be fine by any individual.
My mentor Christopher Hyatt (before he went to the Dark Side) had a DVD series called “Radical Undoing” wherein he used Tantric techniques to allow what he called “mutant bacteria” (that would be most of us here) to grow and become more resilient.
(Looking at you LSWM)
I’m afraid I can’t find the whole program on any site.
Best I can do:
Eh, fuck it.
Since we’re on the topic:
Thank you for the kind words and helpful advice Mehen, much appreciated!
I also have an abnormally large head that makes me look funny. I own motorcycles, and only XXL-sized helmets work for me.
But thoughts about the end of the world do not make me suucidal. Quite the opposite, they make me animated; I hope I live until the day the world ends and at least another day.
>tfw when Dwarf Fortress was running on the other monitor as you read this
It also doesn’t help that computers suck now. Used to be you could hand an autist a Commodore 64 and he’d blossom into a professional-level video game developer after a few years. These days he’s too busy screeching about how every website has intrusive cookie notices and searching sissy hypno on his phone that needs 12GB of RAM to do things computers could do in the 90s with 64MB.
If you think that an psychedelic altered worldview is schizophrenic, are you saying that the “standard” worldview of being a debt slave and praising all of the right ideological totems is sane?
> If you think that a psychedelic altered worldview is schizophrenic, are you saying that the “standard” worldview of being a debt slave and praising all of the right ideological totems is sane?
Whether IQ matters just depends. My IQ is 138 but I am a total ADD case and a terrible memory. So I score high on standardized tests but I can’t actually do anything. Also, if you are male, testosterone helps you get some stuff done. Without testosterone autist females mostly just sit around. If Greta weren’t pushed by her parents she’d be a vegetable.
My mother has Aspergers so I always thought it was normal to be a freak. It was horrible, but I expected life to be horrible; why shouldn’t it be? It is possible to age out of some of the misery.
My religious denomination absolutely attracts autists. It would be comical except the few kids that are produced are a real mess.
> Without testosterone autist females mostly just sit around.
…to be RAYPED
I think instead of giving a number, people should customarily say something like, “in a room of X number of people, there is a 50/50 chance I would be the smartest person in that room.” So for an I>Q of 138, we would assume that for a room filled with 177 people, kareninca would have a 50 percent chance of being the smartest person in that room, if she were present.
> You see the autists accumulate at some weird fringe art scene phenomena too. The problem is that art has to resonate with normal people for it to succeed, so the autists tend to end up as the “also rans”. High IQ autists don’t tend to end up as successful cloudrappers like Lil Peep.
Nah. The good ones end up in some permutation of Stanley Kubrick
Mehen, you hit the nail on the head. Link related.
> relevant
Some years back I saw a thread somewhere asking for the most depressing songs.
The Verve’s “The Drugs Don’t Work” was near the top of the list.
I remember listening to this one a lot when I lost my best friend to heroin. I did a lot of heroin way back then too but I ended up okay. He’s dead though.
>I did a lot of heroin way back then too
Is there a drug you haven’t used? Jesus ;<
I’ve never done ketamine, or PCP, ibogaine. Many others too. If I bothered to make a list I’d say I’ve tried about 30-50 drugs overall tho.
>30-50 drugs
That’s crazy. What was your craziest trip ever?
That’s a really hard question to answer. I’ve taken xanax with my friends, and forgotten an entire week. I’ve taken meth with my best friend and a few other people we mutually knew, and cruised down the highways of Dallas at 170 km/h in broad daylight. I’ve taken about probably 400-600µg of LSD while on a roadtrip, where I was helping to smuggle several thousand dollars’ worth of LSD across state lines, while the driver of the car was also extremely high on acid at the time. I’ve had many, many different trips on different drugs, which lasted for more than 24 hours total. The time I went to fourth plateau on DXM, where everything in my reality was tinted a strange sepia orange and I became convinced that I was living in the Alamo and that the universe had started a few days ago, was one; another time, I took about 150mg of 4-AcO-DMT and I felt like my brain was being deconstructed layer by layer and I lost entirely the concept of time for a day straight. I think my experiences on salvia and DMT were the very strongest though. I remember a few times when I took salvia, I would end up in a space that still feels more real than real life to this very day. I’d end up in an auditorium, arena-like place surrounded by aliens or in a rusted schoolbus 1910s zeerust dilapidated carnival rusted museum evil clown Victorian extravaganza of some sort, with my soul being moved along a conveyor belt. My spiritual beliefs that we are being farmed by evil interdimensional jesters is unrelated to these experiences, but these experiences certainly made such realizations easier to digest.
> where everything in my reality was tinted a strange sepia orange and I became convinced that I was living in the Alamo
Awesome! Which side?
> day. I’d end up in an auditorium, arena-like place surrounded by aliens or in a rusted schoolbus 1910s zeerust dilapidated carnival rusted museum evil clown Victorian extravaganza of some sort, with my soul being moved along a conveyor belt.
Holy fuck that’s insanely horrifying and cool.
>Awesome! Which side?
Yeah I was just kind of living in its ruins, I guess. I lived in Texas irl at this time and my tripsitter was Hispanic so I was just, like, in the ruins of the alamo embodying the concept of last-thursdayism while I viewed myself from a third person perspective tinted orange.
>Holy fuck that’s insanely horrifying and cool.
I promise you this actual fucking reality is equally horrifying, but its like when a predatory spider sits deadly still waiting for a moment when its prey is vulnerable; most simply don’t notice what’s happening or where the fear of death actually comes from.
Yeah he’s based, I’m honestly impressed.
I didn’t know about his power level.
Great song! Karen you SDA by any chance?
No, not SDA, but I do think that they have a true and heartfelt understanding of Christ. I’m a traditional (Christian) Quaker; there are still a few.
> I remember listening to this one a lot when I lost my best friend to heroin. I did a lot of heroin way back then too but I ended up okay. He’s dead though.
That was absolutely beautiful. I’d never heard or seen anything like that before, although I was tempted to pipe up at various moments to say “this reminds me of X or Y”.
But no, this was powerful.
Sorry about your friend.
> But you can’t just spend every day sitting outside in the Netherlands in the cold and in the rain, high on mescaline as it gets dark at 5PM, constantly having to saying hi to all the boomers walking by with their dogs (who will approach you, because they’re not on their leash)
I wish I had your problems.
(Sort of. Having to deal with normies is an ongoing challenge)
> You can take ketamine, but it has a weird agender nature to it, it’s very clearly something synthetic. It will turn you into a kind of genderless modern queer type.
Yeah? And so?
Is it so wrong that I want to buttfuck everyone who visits this blog?
This world will feel my seed
I think it’s insane that most people cannot seem to understand, that gender and sexuality are not the same thing. I did not transition as some kind of weird sex thing. Most people who transition, do not do so as some kind of weird sex thing. I’m not really even that sexual of a person, and yet when anyone talks about the topic of transitioning the only speak of it in sexual terms. “Oh this must be just about what genitals you have, it must be a fetish, it must be related to some kind of porn you watched, you must want to be seen as some kind of sex object of your preferred variety.” Actually no, and, as hard as it may be for many of you autists to believe: if you saw me on the street you wouldn’t know I was anything other than an average woman.
It’s not a pathology. That’s what I want you to understand. In the same way that being a homosexual male, or being an autistic person, or what have you, isn’t a pathology. I didn’t transition because I’m a male who is compensating for some kind of mental defect, I transitioned because I’m a woman. This only doesn’t make sense to you, because to you gender is a biological thing. To someone like me, it is spiritual. You only notice a bone when it’s broken and hurting, otherwise it goes unnoticed: so it is, likewise, with something like ones gender. I’m attempting to impart to you all, that there is nothing inherently wrong with the phenomenon of transgenderism, rather it is that you have all misunderstood what gender really is. You won’t approach the topic, because of the Lovecraftian trauma that circles around it in this world. The one I sometimes talk about too. You know exactly what I mean on an intuitive level, but you will pretend not to understand. It’s okay, but don’t take your trauma and project it in my direction, to denigrate who I am. I’m a woman who was born with male gonads, and I was lucky enough that my transition turned out well, I never have to deal with people knowing I’m trans, that’s all. A lot of people aren’t that lucky, and this world makes it as hard as possible for those ones. Just be decent.
That is correct. God made some people gay, and made some trans, and made some straight. It is not a pathology. It can be turned into one, just as any state can, but it isn’t in itself pathological.
As you see the universe as the corpse of a child goddess, it makes sense that you would find the fullest expression of being one with God, in being female. I don’t myself see the need for the material part, but many people find external expressions of religion very helpful, and we are material after all.
So many of the other things you’ve said suddenly have context and make sense. LGBTIQ metaphysics of identity is posthuman metaphysics in a feminine mode. Gender, as you call it, is subversive precisely because it is not spiritual. It is driven by desires of flesh, whether explicitly pornography-inspired or not. The ancients were much wiser and understood that the spirit is anything but independent of the body. Sex is a tragic destiny, The fact that you consider these short-lived artificial constructs of gayness and autism as core aspects of self, your attachment to “being a real woman”, show just how far from true knowledge you are.
You’re putting words in my mouth, and poorly at that. I’ll leave your comments about sexuality out of it, because as I’ve already explained, they’re unrelated to the concept of gender, you’re basically interjecting your interpretation of the Jungian collective psychosexual trauma of the human race in my direction, and expecting that this will say something about who I am personally. Who I am gender-wise, has nothing to do with desire, except as the desire one might have to mend a broken limb or heal wounded tissue: once the wound is healed, life continues as normal, as it has in my case. And I’ve attained gnosis fyi.
To say that sexuality and gender are unrelated is precisely this insanity of LGBTIQ metaphysics I spoke of which you ignored. You think that I don’t understand your distinction between sex and gender when it really is the case that you’re so ignorant as to have no notion at all of what I’m trying to convey to you.
It’s no surprise that you constantly post subversive nonsense encouraging people to curse God as a psychopath. Whatever gnosis you boast of is vain and shallow
Spoken like a true slave, who defends the creator of this world, who has enslaved you, even when others around you criticize your enslavement on your behalf. Your god does not love you, or they would come to your rescue, otherwise they would be proven powerless, for you are in hell; have you not noticed that the vast majority of creatures which exist in this realm, animals included, are in a state of extreme suffering? And who created the ontology in which you exist? Who defines what you are, into which flesh suit you are placed, what feels pleasurable or painful to you, what is defined as “fit” in the ‘survival of the fittest’, the overarching narrative of your life, the overarching narrative of the world at large?
Do you believe you live in a spiritual world, or not?
You can say what you want, but of the gnosis I speak there is only one, and it is the truth. You’ll find out, or you won’t. But the truth is the truth, and you should hope for your own sake that you find out.
There we see the demonic fool show himself in all his unglory. You announce that I’m a mere slave of God because your “gnosis”, such as it is, is still so lowly that you haven’t yet realized the unity of your own will with the divine will. The bitterness which causes you to curse God in this way is the cause of your unhappiness, and you’re so blind that you cannot even conceive of it. I’ll say a prayer for you, fool that you are
That’s a lot of empty words, but you’re still a retard. There is no “unity” in this reality you abject moron, or else we wouldn’t exist within a fractalized shitshow of a reality where everything is in a predator-prey dynamic that has to continue endlessly in order for all members of said dynamic to survive. You exist within a degenerated reality. Everything acts as though it hates everything else. It’s a complete inversion, it’s the opposite of ‘unity’. Everything is turned against itself in an absolute sense, in order to survive in a fleshly way. There can be no unified will because everything is auto-cannibalizing everything else. This is what your “god” did, and it wants you to kiss its feet for the favour. Actually, it wants you to degrade yourself as much as possible so you become more like it is. I almost pity you, because you’re actually worshipping and defending a demon. You neither understand the precise manner in which your godhood was stripped from you, nor do you seek to reclaim it. Don’t pray for me, your shitty prayers are getting intercepted by interdimensional demonic forces and I don’t need that shit linked to me in any way it’s just extra work on my end, you know? Not that you were really concerned for me or anything, I know you people just say that phrase sometimes.
God is not this being or that. He is the One above all the others. You see Him as a thing among things that could be something else. Your claimed gnosis is totally false if you really think that. His love is the only thing which upholds this world, unifies it as a coherent existence.
To take your example of a devil intercepting a prayer, this could theoretically happen in one sense. He could “catch it” and try to interfere with its reaching the lesser gods. That wouldn’t stop it from reaching the true God on high who knew the prayer before, when, and after it happened, for He is the ultimate origin of it. The only way you could escape Him is to cease existing. He is not the object of some sentimental or moralistic faith. He is the only thing that actually exists. Your childish attempt to attain godhood is to Him as a young child blindsided by a surprise party.
Eventually, in some existence henceforth, you’ll get it. People can only hear what they want to hear.
And for believing this absolute horseshit, you will never be able to solve the theological problem of evil. You people, who have posited this general view of reality, have tried to do so for literally millennia, and you have always failed. And you always will, because if you believe that there is a loving being who is at the wheel to all of this, then this fundamentally shouldn’t all be happening, because this world is unloving, and if you love someone and you witness their innocence being violated, or you see them being put though an enormous amount of entirely unnecessary suffering, or you see that they are in danger of actually sleepwalking to their own spiritual destruction without actually wanting to, and you have the power to intervene, and you actually love them, then you will put a stop to the charade. You’re just another peddler of false love and broken promises, selling a principle-free theology for spiritual slaves and cowards who want to believe that the present state of reality asks nothing of them, that a benevolent being could possibly be behind the desecration of everything that was ever sacred or holy.
Also: there is more than one thing that exists, and you have an enemy. You will either find this out, or you will find this out too late. I cannot fix your stupidity for you, unfortunately.
I am, as we speak, trying to stop you from “sleepwalking to [your] own spiritual destruction”. And in your own confused way, you’re trying to do the same thing for me, even as you deny the ultimate metaphysical dimension of this and act as if it’s some merely personal consideration of individual taste.
I’m truly amazed that people like you are so scandalized by this so-called “problem of evil”. You, and every other being, are personifications of God’s divine personhood. He is free of evil. So too is every piece of him that comes to fruition. How can one overcome evil without grappling with it? You call it this capital-letter Problem of Evil(tm) without any notion of how small your view is. Man is in the world to taste evil, to face it in suffering as the Christ did. You call that exalted state slavery and act as if you know its end.
For the final point, you seem to be implying that you are my enemy, but if you really had some notion of whom the Great Devil, Kali or Satan or Iblis, or whatever, is, you’d know that such a thing goes far deeper than you’ve yet understood. I don’t consider you an enemy. Though the actual gnosis I have bids me to strike you for falsely claiming the gnosis which you plainly do not hold.
Yours is the idle, vacillating intellectual masturbation of the detached and careless pseudotheologian who has never met god yet has heard of them; who idly sings their prises yet has never come into that kind of close but uncomfortable contact that inspires both the misotheist and the mad prophet. You deign to “save me,” but I already understand that by my birth here have I been damned. I’ve already met your god; they made it abundantly clear who they were and what they thought of me, in the most upfront, supernatural and eldritch way you could possibly imagine, but worse. I wouldn’t speak in such strong terms if it were no so, as indecisiveness and timidity have often been among my greater vices. But in essence and form I am as the protagonist to an H.P. Lovecraft novel, without the slightest hint of exaggeration.
To the truly innocent, any amount of suffering is unacceptable. It should not exist at all. There are children who are being raped, people who are being sold into slavery, animals who are being tortured and killed for their meat; the biosphere is being killed, the world is slowly being made uninhabitable, people are dying of cancer and myriad illnesses, and to say that this is mere scandal, to mock the suffering of the innocent as merely “small-viewed”, to even exalt it, is actually psychopathic.
Also, you’re overusing and misusing the word gnosis. I’m telling you that I’ve had a particular set of supernatural experiences that fewer than one in one million people have had. I’m not just saying “yeah I intuitively know a few things bro”.
I am the king of masturbation.
I can edge for hours.
That said, are you that fully hot Asian MILF that lives on a farm, in but-fuck-nowhere, but you are as steaming hot as fuck, and the CIA want to black site you?
>I didn’t transition because I’m a male who is compensating for some kind of mental defect, I transitioned because I’m a woman. This only doesn’t make sense to you, because to you gender is a biological thing. To someone like me, it is spiritual.
Of course gender is spiritual.
But the fun thing is, the mind is fluid.
You decide for yourself, how masculine or feminine you want your mind to be.
There’s nothing fixated about that.
I get waves of femininity invading my mind too. It’s normal. When you really love women, it becomes slavery. And then to free yourself, you internalize the femininity.
But I choose to stay a heterosexual man.
If I just blindly pursued my sexual desires, which is mostly to be desired, it would eventually end in perversions too.
Instead of adjusting the body to the mind, people should adjust the mind to the body.
There are various ways to do this. Masculine psychedelics like San Pedro make your mind more masculine, as does tobacco. And of course, strength training has a masculinizing effect on the mind too.
After strength training, my mind suddenly feels the desire again to dominate a woman, rather than to be dominated by one.
The mind is just fluid like that.
MDMA on the other hand, will make you inclined towards being gay. I don’t want to be gay, so I just don’t take it, especially not around young blonde guys lol.
I just choose not to let these impulses grow and transform me. Some 15 year old girl tried flirting with me once, that’s the same thing, I told her to find a guy in her own school instead.
When you choose to give in to these sort of temptations, they just grow and transform you and then you will retroactively look for evidence in your life you were always like that.
What you don’t understand, is that gender dysphoria in its pure, unadulterated form is simply a form of qualia that you have not yet experienced. It’s like a person with chronic, severe lifelong depression trying to explain their condition to someone who has never been depressed before, and who thinks it’s just “being sad”, or the autistic person attempting to explain their condition of autism to the normie who cannot differentiate it from run-of-the-mill introversion and social awkwardness. There is the thing unto itself, and the popularized conception of the thing, and these two are not the same; there is an unbridgeable gap, because the qualia of the condition itself cannot be imparted to someone who does not have it. So we have this notion that gender dysphoria is equivalent to autogynephilia, because it’s what the person who does not have gender dysphoria is capable of understanding when they look at the condition, much in the same way that a person who has never had major depression might only be able to understand “sadness”. But as someone who has actually had to grapple with the condition, I can tell you it’s not inherently sexual like how you’re imagining in your mind, in the sense of like a fetish or perversion. If I had no libido, if I had never even gone through puberty to begin with, it would not have changed the nature of the condition. It is unrelated to the paradigm of domination or submission that you describe. It is not something that I perceive as some form of “temptation,” I find that idea strange. The notion that I am a girl transcends this.
Also, I disagree with the idea that we should adjust the mind to the body. We are not the body; the body is a vessel. We should fundamentally be able to choose our forms; the fact that we are forced into a particular form we do not choose, which decays and ages and dies, is a form of ontological violence inflicted upon us collectively in this realm.
>Also, I disagree with the idea that we should adjust the mind to the body. We are not the body; the body is a vessel.
In the absence of the body, we are just undifferentiated awareness.
The body gives us qualities beyond that.
Saying that we shouldn’t adjust to it is arrogance. It’s like being on a boat to Norway and saying: “Well I feel like a summer beach holiday.”
It’s very funny that you consistently try to portray this as a misunderstanding rather than a denouncing. I’m not bewildered or confused by this presentation of yours. When I was working at a dead end job in 2018, I met such a memorable person, calling himself Vee, like you whom I could not immediately identify as a “trans-woman”. In fact, I specifically had this thought of: this woman is so much more aligned with my own style than that fat, yellow-haired lesbian over there, and yet, this Vee is just totally invisible as a woman. What’s up with that? I didn’t reflect on it very much until a coworker told me, “Vee is doing her surgery today to become a REAL WOMAN.”
LMAO fuck
lol, lmao
“It’s like a person with chronic, severe lifelong depression trying to explain their condition to someone who has never been depressed before, and who thinks it’s just “being sad”, or the autistic person attempting to explain their condition of autism to the normie who cannot differentiate it from run-of-the-mill introversion and social awkwardness.”
You literally dismissed me as distorting your words when I said you considered autism and homophilia as core aspects of the self! You don’t even know your own mind. In one breath, you say that your WOMANHOOD is an essential aspect of your self, ALIKE TO GAYNESS AND AUTISM, and in the next moment you accuse me of blatantly distorting your opinions about such things. Your mind and self are not unified, my friend
If you were born a male you will always be a male at a genetic and physiological level. Having a sex change operation or imagining yourself to be a woman will never change the reality of your DNA.
For example, if you go to the doctor and have blood work drawn, you better be honest about your real gender, as there are medical conditions specific to the genders, such as prostate cancer, ovarian cancer, etc. Not identifying yourself by the gender you were born would mean having completely inappropriate medical screenings.
It’s okay to be a feminine man, who dresses like a woman, who is sensitive and nurturing and emotional, it may not be ideal but it is also okay to be gay, but this idea that a man can be a woman or that a woman can be a man is completely insane and contrary to the natural order of the universe. Sorry, but transgenderism really is a sick perversion, even much worse than being gay.
If becoming a transgender woman isn’t about sex for you, why do transgender people think they need to change their genitals to be the other gender? Genitals exist solely for sex and reproduction. If you aren’t having sex and reproducing, changing your genitals has no practical purpose, and is nothing more than a costume for playing make believe.
And no Karen, God did not make gay people and trans people. Being gay is a learned behavior, most gay people were either molested as children or seduced by an older friend who was molested as a child. Being transgender is also a learned behavior, but is mostly a product of body dysmorphia. And for some it really is a fetish. Maybe it isn’t for you, but it really is true for many. I speak as someone who has known multiple transgenders and gay people throughout my life and every single one of them had a history of mental illness, drug abuse, and early childhood trauma, and quite a few were Jewish.
Mentally healthy people do not mutilate their bodies by removing perfectly healthy body parts in the vain attempt of making 2 + 2 = 5.
“being gay is a learned behavior”
That is ridiculous. I have a cousin who intentionally married a gay guy since she thought he would make the best father of her kids, and in fact he is a great father. They had two girls and then a son. The son was gay from birth – you could tell!!! It runs in that guy’s family. And no, no-one was doing any molesting. Also, latter born (especially third born and more) sons are very often gay. There are plenty of data. The womb is primed for it at that point; it is hormone exposure. And don’t you know about the ring finger length studies? Of course people can also become gay for other reasons, but some are just born that way. I have NO dog in this race; I don’t care at all what the answer is, my only concern is to be correct in what I’m asserting. It seems to matter to you that there is a particular answer.
And, who cares about being mentally healthy? Is this some sort of moron contest? Being spiritually healthy is what matters.
Calm down Karen, there is no reason to be mad.
Of course there are multiple factors involved, there is no single cause or reason that makes a person gay, it’s multi faceted. Also, I didn’t say molestation was the only cause, just that it is a significant factor, but definitely not true of all cases.
But actions speak louder than words, a person doesn’t really become gay until they actually engage in gay sex and like it. Being a feminine boy or a masculine girl does not always translate into being gay. Nor does having a childhood crush on a member of the same sex. Which means there are no gay children, unless they have been sexually abused, or are being encouraged or coached to be gay by deviant parents.
So, in that sense it is a choice. It is a learned behavior in that whether they receive negative or positive feedback largely determines future behavior.
Also, people usually don’t talk about being molested. I don’t know how you could really definitively know whether your friend or family member ever experienced abuse. It’s often a dark family secret, same with incest. There is a lot of incest and molestation in families that people don’t talk about. I have a friend from high school who is gay, and also had a child with a woman, and was definitely in an incestuous relationship with his mother, he was also a heroin addict and suicidal and suffered from bipolar disorder. It’s not always a parent or uncle or other adult, but often an older sibling or cousin may be the initiator of abuse. If it happens early enough, they may have suppressed the memory of it, especially if it happened when they were a baby. People also don’t very often talk about their very first sexual experience, particularly gay people, but if you actually ask them, it was usually a slightly older more experienced friend or relative that seduced them, and they took on the persona, because they got positive feedback from it.
Also, spiritual health is holistic, mental illness at its root is a spiritual problem. So, who cares about being mentally healthy? Dude, from my point of view mental health and spiritual health are interconnected, to separate the two is schizophrenic.
Personally I couldn’t care less whether people are gay or not, but I definitely would never encourage it. There are many good reasons for the taboo against it, mostly health reasons. My issue is more so with the transgenders, and firmly believe it to be a pathology, and will speak out against it every chance I get, but you are free to believe whatever you want.
“Is this some sort of moron contest?”
What an ironic thing to say.
I am now convinced that having a high IQ by itself is not a true measure of intelligence. The defining element of real genius, that is, high intelligence AND wisdom, is intuition. People who have high IQ’s but are lacking intuition, are like high functioning retards. Good with numbers, but incapable of reading between the lines and seeing the big picture. Clever, but not wise. This is pretty much high IQ autism in a nutshell.
Those who are lacking the intuitive eyes of perception to see clearly will be forever blind to the true nature of reality.
“The defining element of real genius, that is, high intelligence AND wisdom, is intuition. People who have high IQ’s but are lacking intuition, are like high functioning retards.”
That is an extraordinarily trite and hackneyed insight. I don’t intend to be mean, but really it is.
Hmmm, I just want to say that as a natural born woman who has no desire to be a man, if I went to sleep one day and suddenly woke up to discover that I was now biologically a male, I would continue on as before, seemingly unperturbed.
Not much would change. I would not be seeking out a sex change operation just because my physical appearance doesn’t conform to my inner identity. I would not feel like a woman trapped in a man’s body, nor would I feel like a man that has been liberated from the wrong body.
I would just feel like me. The same person as before. Different body, but same person. I would live my life according to my true nature, much like a river naturally running its course. Because my spiritual identity is not dependent on the physical gender of my body. And there is no need to make physical changes to my genitals in order to express the true reality of who I am.
That is the great folly and arrogance of transgenderism, that it is permissible to rebel against the sacred blueprint of life, and there is nothing more satanic then that.
Transgenderism is a scam. It’s a cash cow for big pharma, and the same people who have have profited off the Covid vaccine scam are also profiting off of the transgender industrial complex scam. It’s no coincidence that most trannies are mentally ill drug addicts, because it’s much easier to scam mentally ill drug addicts.
OK what if you woke up and lost some weight (went vegan) How would you feel if you were actually attractive and men actually wanted to fuck you, would you accept that?
“OK what if you woke up and lost some weight (went vegan) How would you feel if you were actually attractive and men actually wanted to fuck you, would you accept that?”
Dude, you’re fucking retarded.
You think I’m so desperate that I would have sex with anyone who wanted me? That’s not me, that’s you. That’s what makes us different, it’s the difference between being awake and being a slave.
Also, I’m not overweight, never have been. If I lost weight I’d be underweight. Also, have never been a vegan, nor would I EVER voluntarily become one. That’s a detox diet, it’s only meant for short-term, not long-term, but you retards don’t know that, and if you remain on it too long, it starts to do the opposite, meaning it becomes toxic. But if you really are a big fat ass, you could probably survive on it for years.
I’m actually very healthy, and very attractive. I’m probably old enough to be your mother, but if you saw me in person, you’d think I was in my early 30s or younger.
What would I do if a gross man child such as yourself wanted to have sex with me, and actually tried it?
I’d probably fucking kill you, you miserable piece of shit. No, I wouldn’t, but I would take you by the hand and bring you back home to mommy and daddy.
What the fuck is wrong with you? You go from being really nice and friendly to being some trannies bulldog who bites on command. It’s very surreal.
>You think I’m so desperate that I would have sex with anyone who wanted me?
I don’t know how women work sorry.
>I’m probably old enough to be your mother, but if you saw me in person, you’d think I was in my early 30s or younger.
Even if you actually were 30 you’re still grandma to me lmao sorry again. I’m embarrassed now.
>I’d probably fucking kill you, you miserable piece of shit.
See this is why my wife is a anime girl.
>No, I wouldn’t, but I would take you by the hand and bring you back home to mommy and daddy.
This is definitely why my wife is an anime girl, Jesus women who eat animals are evil. Killing me would be kinder.
>What the fuck is wrong with you? You go from being really nice and friendly to being some trannies bulldog who bites on command. It’s very surreal.
Listen the cool anime girl in my head needs to be honored; I try to flirt with real women but this is the response I get. Sometimes I check and see if the cool anime girl is real yet but until that day comes all the others options are.
2.Baby eating carnist monsters.
Cursed realm. I reject marriage in this life.
“Even if you actually were 30 you’re still grandma to me lmao sorry again. I’m embarrassed now.”
There is something oddly flat to what Big Bird writes. It’s as if she’s trying to prove to herself and us that she is normal. I wonder what deviant qualities she has that she’s trying to hide from herself. Probably she is actually a guy who is uncomfortable with being trans; writing this stuff is her way of working it out.
“This is definitely why my wife is an anime girl, Jesus women who eat animals are evil. Killing me would be kinder.”
You know, people are actually genetically selected to feel a powerful desire to eat animals. It turns out that squirrels eat voles, horses eat birds out of mist nets, cows eat small rodents, even bunnies lick the fat off of leather. Even if you know better it is not easy.
I was an ethical vegan for 19 years but I’m not now; I eat small amounts of cheese and eggs and yogurt and fish and if there is meat (Stouffer’s TV dinner) that my father in law ends up not eating I will eat it; I will not throw it out. I hope to be vegan again, but I’m not now.
Why don’t you compromise and accept women who don’t eat pork (for obvious reasons), lobsters (boiled alive), lambs (too cute) and veal (cruel) and ducks (too sweet)? There are such women, I would guess.
“Hmmm, I just want to say that as a natural born woman who has no desire to be a man, if I went to sleep one day and suddenly woke up to discover that I was now biologically a male, I would continue on as before, seemingly unperturbed.
Not much would change. I would not be seeking out a sex change operation just because my physical appearance doesn’t conform to my inner identity. I would not feel like a woman trapped in a man’s body, nor would I feel like a man that has been liberated from the wrong body.”
You are simply claiming that. Really you have no idea. My guess is that you would be down to the surgery office pronto. You’d then come up with some rationalization for having changed your mind, or you would tell yourself that you hadn’t actually changed your mind; that you really would have supported this all along.
There are loads of studies that have found that people are terrible at imagining how they would feel in a different situation from the one they are ine. One example is how much they would want some particular (unpleasant, miserable) lifesaving treatment for an illness. People will say that they wouldn’t want such a treatment. But then, per the studies, when they get the illness, almost all people suddenly decide that yes, they do want the treatment.
I have relatives who were anti gay for stupid religious reasons until their kid or grandkid turned out gay. Then voila!!! Gay was okay!!! It is so common as to be tedious. I guess it is better than never understanding, but it is like people who suddenly see that a war is bad after the fact, rather than being able to see it ahead of time.
>There is something oddly flat to what Big Bird writes. It’s as if she’s trying to prove to herself and us that she is normal. I wonder what deviant qualities she has that she’s trying to hide from herself. Probably she is actually a guy who is uncomfortable with being trans; writing this stuff is her way of working it out.
I don’t know the truth of the matter but just wanted to say I love you for being both autistic and having feminine intuitions.
As a Mormon (or whatever) you believe in the Hereafter, yeah?
Well…then you now know what I’m Here After!!!
Karen, you are so wrong here in your estimation of me. Definitely a female, and definitely don’t have any deviant tendencies other than perhaps leaving late night comments on this weirdo blog.
But see, I’m not an autist, and you claim to be. You’ve also claimed to have no intuition, despite Mehen saying he loves your feminine intuition, which is really funny, because you clearly don’t have any. Personally I test close to 100 percent for intuition on every personality test I’ve taken, so I think I’m qualified to say. So, despite both being female, we’ll likely never see eye to eye.
You say my writing sounds flat. What an insult to my character. What a cruel and mean spirited thing to say. Nothing could be further from the truth. I’m bearing my soul here, expressing myself authentically, this is who I am, this how I communicate. I’m not trying to prove anything to myself, what an idiotic thing to say.
I’m just trying to make a point about transgenderism being a pathology, which I think Rintrah might actually agree with. I think I made a very good case for it, but you obviously don’t get it, and it’s obviously just falling on deaf ears here. It doesn’t even matter about the religious or philosophical reasons against it, the fact is it’s actually provably destructive to health. It’s just a big making money scam. It’s all about the fucking money. That’s my point.
You fucking autists, man, fucking retards, every single one of you. I’m thankful for having discovered this blog, it has given me deep insight into the pathology known as autism. It’s been very illuminating, thanks.
I’m convinced Big Bird is a soulless automaton. Autists are the only real people probably.
On the internet everyone is a Perfectly Normal and Non Deviant Big Bird!!! With no trans inclinations at all. No siree bob!!! None at all!!!
I’ve noticed that gay guys who are in denial are the ones who give a crap about gayness. I know some who are always going around saying that gayness is sinful. Straight guys don’t much care; gay guys are not all that relevant to them. Just saying.
I’m not even sure just what intuition is. Just making a claim because it feels good???
Christ died for our sins (or for some other reason, maybe) on the cross. Very bad health outcome. Almost all of the apostles died similarly. Also bad health outcomes. The fact that something is bad for one’s health isn’t what to look at in deciding whether it is right to do.
“I’m not even sure just what intuition is. Just making a claim because it feels good???”
Intuition is the ability to know the correct answer to a problem based on limited information. It’s basically a hunch that turns out to be true. It’s a higher level of intelligence very much related to psychic ability.
Example, meeting a person for the first time who by all outward appearances is normal, well dressed, has a respectable job, doesn’t look like a criminal. But a person with expanded intuition may sense something “off” about this person right away, even though they have no evidence to prove it, they sense this person looks like a serial killer. No one else see’s it, but it turns out to be true. That’s an example of intuition.
“I’ve noticed that gay guys who are in denial are the ones who give a crap about gayness.”
I made it clear that I don’t care about gay people. It’s not really an issue I care about. I’ve known many gay people over the course of my life, friends, family members, teachers, so I’m very well informed on the subject, and my experience has been that it is an unhealthy lifestyle, but I’m not some raging homophobe, it’s something I rarely even think about, and only brought it up because it relates somewhat to the transgender issue.
” The fact that something is bad for one’s health isn’t what to look at in deciding whether it is right to do.”
I disagree with this completely. This right here expresses our core differences, we are philosophically polar opposites.
Yes, “good health” is the religion of this age. A generation raised on Prevention Magazine.
This world is not our home, and even leaving that aside good luck with the good health thing in the years coming up.
I seriously doubt that the people who created Myer Briggs would describe intuition as “a higher level of intelligence very much related to psychic ability.” Since I am sure that they didn’t believe in psychic abilities. From what I am reading it is just an ability to see patterns.
This is why gay men should be sterilized and not be allowed to have children. Everyone probably thought they were great dad’s too, just like you.
It’s more common than most people think, but most of them never get caught. Their boys will probably self-identify as gay at some point, and everyone will tell them that they were born that way. But it was anything but.
What does transgenderism, homosexuality, and pedophilia all have in common?
At its root they are all satanic practices, because inversion is their unholy sacrament.
Transgenderism is a scam. It’s a huge cash cow and its victims are the result of socially engineered brainwashing. The reality is there are feminine men, and masculine women, some are gay, some aren’t, but the only way to change your gender for real, in a way that is in harmony with the sacred blueprint of life, is to die and be reincarnated again into a new body with a different gender.
There is no other way. To pretend otherwise is mental illness.
But please don’t kill yourself, it’s not worth it. Suicide is also satanic. You were born in the gender you were given for a good reason, you may not understand it, you might not like it, but there are important lessons to be learned that can only be learned with the body you were given.
And before you claim I’m trying to convince myself, I already know what I believe, I’m not a repressed lesbian, believe me I know, there is absolutely zero doubt about it, nor am I a man trapped in a woman’s body, (why would I want to become a man so I can become a gay man, or a single celibate man, when I can do that as a woman?) that’s so stupid and contrary to everything I believe in, but am writing this only with the hope that other people, not just you, because I doubt I’ll change your mind, but anyone else who might be confused about it, maybe my comments might be helpful to you.
The real problem with faggots is that modern society tries to turn them into effeminate queens; this causes them mental anguish and the repression of their fag rage which in normal times is manifested through the slaughter of their nation’s foes. Mishima, Sparta, the U.S Marines, and the Sacred Band of Thebes are all testaments to the natural homoerotic fixation on getting stabbed to death with your bros. Homos exist to be savage canon fodder in their natural state; as they have no children to worry about they can go all in on jackboots and swords.
Unfortunately, modern society suppresses the natural killer instincts of the homosexual male by channeling their godless sodomite energy into socially acceptable avenues like becoming effeminate little gay bois; this makes them miserable. Homos are happier doing coke, bodybuilding with the bros, fighting, and dying young than being little queens like modern society tries to make them be.
By the point the PC homo programming takes hold and gay men start thinking they need to be mothers is about the point they start to suffer a de-realized mental break which needs evil to sedate; hence the child molestation. You don’t give people who live to get stabbed access to children.
> But with mescaline you’re eating a bitter cactus and MDMA is for all practical purposes really just a mild lobotomy, you’re hardforcing social connection on a brain that doesn’t see it as appropriate.
This realization goes deeper than you realize.
It goes to the “Source” or “Pregnant Void” out of which we all extrude.
Are we all “One” and “Connected to each other?”
Or are we all “different?”
Are we to seek “peace” or are we to lean into “war”?
Non-dualism vs dualism
In the end, it doesn’t even matter.
It’s all just a script, a drama, no different than your favorite Netflix series (though often less impressive)
When the suffering of others becomes reduced to a theatre, you become a psychopath. When you post things like this, you are taking on the mantle of a psychopathic perspective. “It is all theatre,” the psychopath would say as a child was raped to death in front of its eyes. Or the earth and all of its innocent creatures. The god of this world is a psychopath. We exist within a psychopathic ontology. To cede your moral framework to the lurid nature of this reality, to even speak of absolute mental garbage like “non-dualism,” is to commit a crime upon one’s very own soul. You’re basically nodding in agreement to the mental pablum ejected by a 88D demonic jester who’s been spitting its psychopathic bullshit all over our reality in an exponentially increasing fashion since about 1970 or so, and you’re all failing to notice what has been happening because your own minds are getting twisted in the process too.
> But maybe you shouldn’t try to solve the problem and just accept that life means to endlessly kick the can down the hall.
Now you’re getting it.
The primary difference between people are between the vast majority who “choose life” who think “kicking the can down the road” is in some way a “productive affair” and those who think it’s pointless.
The optimists/majority will always win out against the pessimists/minority. Eternally.
This is the Grand Design
I envy that you can going through life unconsciously larping so hard.
Brain inflammation, yes. But consider also microstrokes. Too small to detect, but they can knock out little bits of the brain, temporarily or permanently. Cranial nerves VI, VII, and IV are particularly vulnerable.
Blood cells rely upon negative charges (“zeta potential”) to keep them apart from each other and suspended as a colloid. Three examples of things that disrupt those charges and cause blood clumping are malaria, SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, and aluminum. Aluminum is frequently used as an adjuvant in vaccines. If they ever make me king, injecting aluminum into people will be a capital crime.
Also, immune stimulation can bring large white blood cells into capillaries, further blocking the flow (“Moulden Anoxia Spectrum Syndromes”).
We don’t have good tools for seeing capillary damage, but it’s very likely cumulative with each vaccine. If the glymphatic system gets damaged, I think that sets up the brain to be much worse damaged during the next round. (It has been observed that people may have a good chance of recovery from a traumatic brain injury with proper care, but a second one is often the coup de grace. So let’s mandate a schedule of 63 vaccines for our children.)
More info here for the curious: https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/why-does-every-vaccine-often-cause
I sometimes wonder what would happen if everyone in the world took some kind of heroic dose of 80x salvia extract, plus a large amount of DMT at a time near to that, and they reflected upon this life and their mortality after the fact. I reckon we would see an overnight cure to boomerism, to rationalism, to normality. It might not give all of you the depth of soul that one might hope but it would certainly be a start.
> I sometimes wonder what would happen if everyone in the world took some kind of heroic dose of 80x salvia extract, plus a large amount of DMT at a time near to that,
Well, that certainly explains a lot.
>I’m not going to elaborate further on any of this now, as it all just gets more cringe the more I explain it.
Sounds about right though.
>So I didn’t take them again for years, until a certain woman abandoned me. At this point I’m taking them weekly.
Ah shit bro I didn’t know about that. Hugs.
Related: All you cunts take far too many drugs. Stop it.
About the explosion in ASD diagnoses: the theory about changes in gut biome seems pretty convincing to me.
The shittier the food we eat becomes, the more we mess with our gut biome, the more autists there are.
> And for believing this absolute horseshit, you will never be able to solve the theological problem of evil. You people, who have posited this general view of reality, have tried to do so for literally millennia, and you have always failed. And you always will, because if you believe that there is a loving being who is at the wheel to all of this, then this fundamentally shouldn’t all be happening, because this world is unloving, and if you love someone and you witness their innocence being violated, or you see them being put though an enormous amount of entirely unnecessary suffering, or you see that they are in danger of actually sleepwalking to their own spiritual destruction without actually wanting to, and you have the power to intervene, and you actually love them, then you will put a stop to the charade. You’re just another peddler of false love and broken promises, selling a principle-free theology for spiritual slaves and cowards who want to believe that the present state of reality asks nothing of them, that a benevolent being could possibly be behind the desecration of everything that was ever sacred or holy.
Also: there is more than one thing that exists, and you have an enemy. You will either find this out, or you will find this out too late. I cannot fix your stupidity for you, unfortunately.
(I just wanted to see that again)
Sullen Eyes:
> I’m truly amazed that people like you are so scandalized by this so-called “problem of evil”.
Lol. Next.
> How can one overcome evil without grappling with it? You call it this capital-letter Problem of Evil(tm) without any notion of how small your view is. Man is in the world to taste evil, to face it in suffering as the Christ did. You call that exalted state slavery and act as if you know its end.
Do you even hear yourself.
If you are are saying that we as individuals are mere experiments, “rats in a maze” in order for your lord God to figure Himself out, then I would agree.
We are puppets in the service of YOUR Lord.
The problem which you seem to be wrestling with is that some of us puppets find this state of affairs to be a kind of slavery
Your conception brings no solace nor peace nor kindness among sentient beings.
It’s just more war and strife and suffering.
Surely not for OUR benefit.
Only for your God’s.
Well, I say:
There’s autism, the brain structure caused by genetic factors, and autism, the brain damage caused by inflammation (basically vaccines).
They are not the same.
I’ll be honest, I used to feel somewhat likes this. However I never took drugs (just not interested, IDK how to explain it). Ultimately I realized I preferred being employed / a member of society, as shitty as that is, over being a NEET. At the end of the day, it seems if you spend years and years in your own mind you simply wind up punishing yourself with drugs or relentless self-criticism or something.
I think the rising autism could have a scientific explanation. Perhaps it’s also due to our world becoming less social, more fragmented? Or due to the feeling that people don’t really grow up these days, or have kids, or become adults? People will be more socially stunted on average, and that will show up in the numbers. Though it does seem extreme.
I also agree with you on the transgender stuff.
It’s insane that it has become normalized in the first place. Fortunately it’s such a recent development, and so repulsive to most people, that I think in the long run it will either be banned or steadily marginalized.
Gay men and the transgender types are usually the most misogynistic types of guys, in terms of hating and deriding women. Gay dudes are more open about it, the trans types seems to keep a lid on it– but you can usually tell that’s how they feel.
Like the ones who get into boxing in order to beat up a woman. Disgusting. Or just defeat them in general– only really fucked up guys feel that way.
They also don’t seem to think like women at all, it’s all very male-typical and geeky at that.
>They also don’t seem to think like women at all, it’s all very male-typical and geeky at that.
1000 times this.
The male to female transgenders are not into costume dramas, they’re not into playing the Sims, they’re not into taking pretty pictures of flowers, they’re not into knitting, they’re not into taking care of their sick elderly parents, they’re not into volunteering for their local church, they’re not into baking cakes, they’re not into babysitting children, they’re not into gossiping about celebrities.
They don’t like stereotypically feminine stuff.
You know what they’re into? Cryptocurrency, star trek, space exploration, gnostic philosophies, anarcho-transhumanism, taking ridiculous amounts of weird drugs, hardcore pornography, satanism, class warfare.
They’re into sterotypically masculine stuff.
And that tells me that they’re not “women trapped in men’s bodies”. They’re hypermasculine men who use estrogen as a drug to treat the anguish caused by having a hypermasculine brain.
If anyone wants to claim to be a woman born trapped into a man’s body, then effeminate homosexuals have a better case for being women trapped in men’s bodies than the transgenders do. The transbians are the least convincing women I can think of.
If the transgenders would say: “I am tired of having to live life as a man and now want to perform the role of a woman in society and be treated as such”
I would say, fine, have fun, I hope you find guys who will play along with you, although for me personally the thought of licking a fake vagina or putting my penis into it horrifies me.
But this idea that they have some unique brain anomaly from birth that causes them to experience life as a woman trapped in a man’s body, is an idea I do not find convincing at all.
The trans phenomenon could really about guilt from either a same sex encounter or attraction, usually arising from childhood sexual abuse. It’s presented to and accepted by the person as a way to escape the inner turmoil and confusion by normalizing the feelings due to being ‘trapped in the wrong body’ There are many other similar examples of mental coping mechanisms
Part of my way out of this has been to focus on other people instead of myself. This wasn’t only for ethical reasons, it was because even early on I found thinking about myself so fucking boring. I had thought it out, and all there was left was to repeat the stupid thoughts, and I had had enough of that. Figuring out other people is an ongoing puzzle and doing it can benefit them and me.
Yes, I actually enjoy having some kind of difficult task at work for more or less the reason– I don’t have to think about myself. It’s relaxing.
“But the problem is that getting measles is not fun either” – In a first-world country, is that really a serious issue on an individual level?
“if vaccination rates fall enough all sorts of eradicated viruses will return.” – But how many of those were actually eradicated by truly sterilizing vaccines, and, if they were to re-emerge, how significant would the risk really be to an individual in a developed country?
I get the impression most here are young, and have never had the experience of listening to the Canadian trio Rush.
Well you’re in for a treat. A Canadian duo called “Crown Lands” seem to be Zoomers who appreciate the Rush vibe.
A duo whom traverse the bleak sands, with an Ogre trailing behind.
And a special witch who anoints their musical instruments.
Reminds me of this blog for some reason.
“If Life is a Wheel, please let it spin”
Sounds like Rad or SYM if you ask me.
In any case the Rickenbacker bass SLAPS
(Hail Neil Peart)
Rush was the polestar for autists back in my day.
(We just didn’t realize it at the time.)
I think Rad would appreciate “Natural Science”
I. Tide Pools
When the ebbing tide retreats
Along the rocky shoreline
It leaves a trail of tidal pools
In a short-lived galaxy
Each microcosmic planet
A complete society
A simple kind of mirror
To reflect upon our own
All the busy little creatures
Chasing out their destinies
Living in their pools
They soon forget about the sea…
Wheels within wheels
In a spiral array
A pattern so grand
And complex
Time after time
We lose sight of the way
Our causes can’t see
Their effects…
II. Hyperspace
A quantum leap forward
In time and in space
The universe learned to expand
The mess and the magic
Triumphant and tragic
A mechanized world, out of hand
Computerized clinic
For superior cynics
Who dance to a synthetic band
In their own image
Their world is fashioned –
No wonder they don’t understand
Wheels within wheels
In a spiral array
A pattern so grand
And complex
Time after time
We lose sight of the way
Our causes can’t see
Their effects
III. Permanent Waves
Science, like Nature
Must also be tamed
With a view towards its preservation
Given the same
State of integrity
It will surely serve us well
Art as expression –
Not as market campaigns
Will still capture our imaginations
Given the same
State of integrity
It will surely help us along
The most endangered species –
The honest man
Will still survive annihilation
Forming a world –
State of integrity
Sensitive, open and strong.
Wave after wave
Will flow with the tide
And bury the world as it does
Tide after tide
Will flow and recede
Leaving life to go on
As it was…
Yeah, science says vaccines cause autism. https://x.com/iluminatibot/status/1869328546985836794
Big Bird:
>Personally I test close to 100 percent for intuition on every personality test I’ve taken,
I’m not aware of any tests for intuition.
Is there such a thing?
Genuinely asking.
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is a major one.