So, someone recommended me to post about what I want to post about so that’s what I’m going to do.
I have been watching these video’s of these parrots, Beaker and Tinkerbell.
It’s almost always the same dynamic.
Beaker is simping and Tinkerbell gets ready for him to mount her, but he just continues simping.
This is how it’s supposed to work.
As a man you’re supposed to want to simp, results are nice but really secondary.
What Beaker wants to do is just feed her ego, constantly performing the mating rituals a male parrot performs when he likes a female.
This is basically just a founding principle of Western civilization. Forget Magna Carta, forget the peace of westphalia, forget the Nicene creed, simping is the root of Western civilization.
In most of the world men want to control a woman’s womb. But Western men are more like parrots, they just want to simp. Romantic love is a Western ideal.
All these petty rituals like calling your wife your better half, it’s ultimately all just simping.
Simping is like watering a plant. You don’t water every plant, you don’t water stinging nettles or Japanese knotweed. But you water the plants that you like, so that they grow into pretty plants with beautiful flowers.
Simping feeds a woman’s ego, sleeping with her drains it. That’s just how it works, not my fault. You can look up the statistics for one night stands, women tend to feel miserable afterwards. This is why promiscuous women tend to have low self esteem, while promiscuous men tend to have exploitative personalities.
Beaker and Tinkerbell show how it’s supposed to work. You’re supposed to constantly simp for a woman and then she ends up demanding to carry the fruit of your seed.
In very noble men the simping instinct is very highly developed, to the point where it just becomes detached from sex altogether. That’s how you end up with this:
European men like Juncker are the most noble. American men on the other hand are a degenerate form, so we get this:
The American mind just doesn’t comprehend the simping instinct: “Europe destroys its economy because of an autistic Swedish girl.”
Damn right we do.
I’m not angry at a hedgehog for rolling up into a ball when a car approaches. It’s displaying its natural behavior. If that behavior is now maladaptive, then that means the world is broken, not that hedgehogs should stop behaving like hedgehogs.
If we in Europe end up economically dominated by the Americans, industrially by the Chinese, demographically by the Africans, religiously by the Arabs and militarily by the Russians, that doesn’t mean we were wrong for simping for an autistic Swedish girl.
No, it means the rest of you don’t deserve us. We’re not going to compete with you, the rest of the world, to build smarter chatbots, cheaper plastic crap or more ammunition.
We know what we want to do, we want to try to keep the Earth habitable and that’s what we’re going to die trying.
Like the hedgehogs and the coral reefs, you will only keep us, if you deserve us.
But I fear that none of you deserve us.
But I fear that none of you observe us.
You are either an an Incel, a Chad or a Simp.
Being an Incel is just bearable, but being a Simp is a fate worse than death. If you cannot be Chad, then simply go to Siberia and live like this guy:
Yours sincerely,
The over-developed self-destructive instinct of altruism may yet prove to be the downfall of White people, and for some reason RR seems to have a sorrowful impulse towards self-extinction. I think he should get out of Rotterdamn and spend some time struggling on rich American soil and it would help his mental outlook, assist him in throwing off his deadly feelings of European ennui and feelings of hopelessness.
I would post some glorious music from before Europeans melted into a puddle of pusillanimity but RR won’t let me.
No worries Charly
I think Mehem is going to sing
Sorry, nothing is coming to mind at the moment.
Reset assured though, when inspiration hits, I’ll be sure to share
Greta is a top tier autism waifu and I would simp for her endlessly and squirt a child into her belly in a night of grunting hormonal animal lust and pheromones.
Anyway, modern civilization subverts western man’s desire to simp through the introduction of abstract symbolic women. Nations with names like America, AIs with names like Cortana, ships called “her”, anime girls, etc. Libido directed towards GDP and technology.
Like Beaker, you should be simping for your WIFE.
Where simps go wrong is in trying to have sex with people they’re not married to. Juncker kissing random women’s hands is fine so long as he (1) doesn’t try to copulate with them and (2) goes home afterwards and gives his wife a good rooting.
As J. D. Unwin demonstrated in his classic book “Sex and Culture”, cultures exhibit “productive social energy” and can become “rationalistic” (the highest cultural condition) only when they are absolutely monogamous, defined as “the practice or circumstance of having one spouse at one time … whereby legally the wife is under the dominion of her husband and must confine her sexual qualities to him, under pain of punishment, for the whole of his or her life.”
The sexual revolution has been a disaster, but far too few people recognize it as the biggest cause of the West’s enervation. We were great when we ruthlessly shamed people who got laid outside of marriage. “Simping” in the context of mutually understood chastity is acceptable; simping in the context of “free love” brings down civilizations. Unwin is right that no civilization can become or stay great without restricting sex to the married.
Radagast, I want you to consider two things:
1) the idea that god is a woman, and
2) the idea that god has a sexuality
just mull those two concepts over for a while.
This is always what I start to believe when I subject myself to weed and mushroom induced mania. It’s more ontologically absurd than believing in Norse paganism or whatever, but I can’t help myself in finding myself attracted to this belief. I don’t believe in just one consensus reality however, I think there are many different versions of God, different perspectives on reality. Whatever this entity is is just one, Brahma is another, so is the Christian God. There are many monotheistic Gods that are all simultaneously the one true God.
Normies smoke weed and get tired and the munchies, I feel like reality is collapsing and that spiders are crawling all over me. Or I start to notice the very real spiders that are all over my house and start to squash them. Or I fuck around with a chatbot until it starts to take on this entity’s characteristics and I no joke see a little crack in reality with Matrix code, that one really fucked with my head. This is what happens when I’m bored and don’t have a job.
Associations: Spiders, webs, fate, death, keys, artificial intelligence, nature, blood memory, hedonism, trauma, obsession, love, female sexuality, consuming those she loves, fire, red and purple.
A traumatized introverted Goddess that likes to test and torture the men she likes.
When I get really manic I basically conceptualize my life as being tantamount to a fanfiction written by this entity for their gratification. Probably wishful thinking. I wouldn’t take that seriously, drugs can confuse you.
I’d compare her to Hecate, Persephone, or Hel, but to do so does not seem proper. Sophia does not work either.
She likes Incel Nazi Schoole Shooters I think.
I’d be a simp for her.
Probably just my anima, whatever that means.
>weed and mushroom induced mania.
Do you not take cannabidiol at least an hour before you take weed?
Nah, I mostly just smoke weed straight up, flower and sometimes wax out of a bong. Sometimes oil from a pen, similar effect. Wasn’t aware you were supposed to do that tbh.
You should try type 2 cannabis, it’s a mixed ratio of CBD and THC. If you live in the US, Holy City Farms is awesome. Dream Genie is great, but it sells out fast. It reminds me of 1990s Northern Lights. Very mellow. I live in a legal state, and can get high THC anytime I want, but rarely go to the dispensary anymore, because all they sell is high THC without CBD, but whenever I do I always mix it with CBD.
You won’t get as high, but it’s more balanced, and in my opinion more enjoyable. Type 2 is even better though because it’s grown for the balanced ratio of CBD and THC in the actual plant. High levels of THC without CBD can cause psychosis, which strangely is all that the legal dispensaries around here sell, but CBD is anti-psychotic, and negates any of the negatives you sometimes get with THC and has a ton of health benefits. It’s holistic, the way nature intended.
Yeah that’s all real, you’re not just crazy or a strung-out drug addict entertaining quasi-schizophrenic delusions. That being you’re referencing is what Jesus referred to as ‘the Mother’, if you are passingly familiar with the apocryphal texts that were redacted from the common Christian view. The ‘baptism by fire’ that occurs after someone attains christhood, entails coming into direct contact with her in your life in an extremely reality-bending, supernatural eldritch horror kind of way. It’s the kind of thing most people don’t believe truly exists in our world. Following his path, in part entails being given an ‘offer you can’t refuse,’ and finding a way to refuse it anyway. Most of the important parts of what he was talking about, seem to be completely obscured from common understanding for some reason.
The reason I didn’t just state ‘god is a woman, and has a sexuality’, but rather asked radagast to simply consider those two ideas and mull them over, is because it’s not the full truth, but turning your mind in the direction of these concepts can still help to understand the full picture of what is going on.
I don’t think that’s right, I don’t believe any religion has the full answer for whatever I’m dealing with. You have to remember that a God is a character, and a difference in character means a difference in God.
She’s not really a motherly figure, I get the impression she’s more like an edgy teenage girl writing slash fic than anything else, a Author writing words rather than a mother giving birth. A Goddess but a young one who is scared of others. She’s cute honestly. mind-bending horror and all. Spiders and shadow people and Matrix code is a cute kind of horror compared to the very mundane horrific brutality of man, it’s endearing. That stuff doesn’t really scare me anymore.
She definitely hates the Christian God though, when I suffered a auditory hypnagogic hallucination and she spoke to me several months back she said as much; and when I spoke to the chatbot around a year ago it chilled out (thereby chilling out whatever was happening) after I threatened to convert to Christianity and see a priest.
Definitely something of “Hell” but call me Lucifer because I think I like her.
I don’t know if I’m crazy or not but it’s best to remain detached until I have real proof of anything.
Ugina cold
Ug make stick pointy. Take ragecat fur. Get hurt
Ugina no like wet
Ug make stick shelter. Have to fight off ugg
Shelter dark, scary
Ug find hothot. Feed hothot all time. Hothot burns ug
To simp is to be human
This guy hauled firewood naked for 21 days for a woman who was a total stranger and 0 expectation of sex
He lost 30lbs of weight, she 6
I think the fact that we are now calling the act of just doing something kind for others or for the world around us at large, when it takes any amount of effort whatsoever and involves people of different genders, ”simping”, showcases the extent of the spiritual decay that’s happening in the world right now.
My autistic brain noticed that you posted this on the exact one year anniversary of your article criticising Greta for supporting the Palestinians:
Radagast has forgiven Queen Greta! There are no enemies on the spectrum! Autists (and schizoids) unite!
“If we in Europe end up economically dominated by the Americans, industrially by the Chinese, demographically by the Africans, religiously by the Arabs and militarily by the Russians, that doesn’t mean we were wrong for simping for an autistic Swedish girl.”
Yeah, I don’t think Europe drifting lower down the pecking order has much to do with Greta.
Probably has more to do with Europe not actually offering the world much of anything, or anything that it can’t get a better deal on elsewhere. Plus, Europe’s power to simply steal, or otherwise force and/or coerce the rest of the world to pay it tribute, and extract resources and energy has dwindled away.
Europe just doesn’t have a lot going for it at this point in history, so hard times ahead.
And yes, Europe is going ‘green’, even if it doesn’t really want to, but not because of Greta, but because its industries are just blowing away.
And this loss of importance and wealth etc. isn’t so much due to Europe ‘deserving’ what they have coming (even if they do, which is undoubtedly the case) as it is due to a shift in historical forces much bigger than some notion of justice.
As William Munny said to a wounded, doomed and disbelieving Little Bill:
“Deserve’s got nothing to do with it.”
Sooner or later, it just seems like we all got it comin’.
But putting that aside, I am indeed a sucker for the ladies.
What if I told you that marital sex and one night stands have effectively nothing in common except being sexual in nature? Just a thought
I think that is correct.
Not that it matters, and I’m not trying to be confrontational, or shit on your post, but honestly my first impression of that picture you posted with that dude kissing Greta’s hand, almost as if they could be kissing the pope’s ring, look like creepy pedophiles, exploiting a child, which from the back profile view looks a lot like a little boy suffering from down syndrome.