USAID, founded by John F. Kennedy, is responsible for 40% of all development aid worldwide. Staff are currently not being allowed into their offices. Elon Musk has declared the agency “has to die”. The suspension has already resulted in cutting food aid to refugees in Ethiopia.
On the Thailand border, sick patients are being sent home from the hospital, in Laos school meals have been interrupted, in Cambodia hundreds of staff who were clearing land mines have been furloughed. Trump claimed to stop 50 million dollar worth of condoms that would go to Gaza, but it appears those condoms were supposed to go to Mozambique.
Since 2017, USAID has supplied people worldwide with 563.5 million contraceptives, with a total value of $251 million. Globally, half of all pregnancies are unplanned and 257 million women, most of them in Africa, don’t have access to contraceptives.
In 2017, USAID announced the “Actions to Prevent Child Marriage in Bangladesh” campaign, designed to eliminate child marriage, to continue progress in eliminating child marriage, after the rate of marriage under the age of 16 declined from 46 percent to 32 percent between 2007-2017. A million people throughout Bangladesh would be asked to pledge to eliminate child marriage.
In Mozambique, 14 year old Fatima was to be married to a 29 year old man, because her father was ill and could not afford to work to feed the family anymore. Fortunately, Fatima’s mother heard of her daughter’s plan and sought help from the local primary prevention mentor from the Mwanasana (“Healthy Child”) project, a USAID-supported activity designed to protect girls from early marriage. He put them in contact with alternative social services, so that she would not have to marry.
Africa is undergoing rapid population growth:

That population growth is a consequence mainly of polygamy, child marriage, as well as women’s lack of access to contraceptives. These are all problems that USAID is working to address. Without addressing Africa’s population growth, Africa will suffer a Malthusian catastrophe, accompanied by massive waves of refugees fleeing to other countries, as well as the loss of Africa’s forests and wildlife.
Africans don’t want this. Europeans and Arabs do not want the refugee streams that will result from this happening. The world does not benefit from this happening. Africans live on a continent where things work differently from the rest of the world. There’s no social security, if you don’t want to be poor in old age, you need to have children who live into adulthood.
Africa is not a continent where nature intends to have a billion humans live. Africa has no navigable inland waterways, you can’t ship products deep into the continent, like we do in Europe. There are malaria and other tropical parasites, that kill you when you try to irrigate your crops. The soils are uniquely vulnerable to erosion.
In the 19th century, Europeans used to feed alcoholic drinks to their children. Today some Africans have brain damage from iodine deficiency in their soils. Others have brain damage from cyanide poisoning from eating cassava. Many children have lead poisoning, because battery recycling happens in Africa. And other Africans lucked out and are as smart as you and me, or even smarter.
USAID has made errors in the past, nobody denies this. They assisted the Peruvian government in a campaign of forced sterilization. But by 2100, Nigeria is projected to have twice as many people as the United States, on less than one tenth of the land area of the United States. Without effort to end child marriage and the high fertility that it results in, Africa is going to suffer a Malthusian catastrophe, with hundreds of millions of deaths and the loss of its forests and wildlife.
Today Elon Musk is the richest man in the world, with a net worth estimated at US$436 billion as of January 22, 2025, according to Bloomberg. In 2022, Musk responded to the world food program, by saying he would sell 6 billion dollar of his Tesla shares, if they would explain how they can solve world hunger through six billion dollar. In reality, Musk proceeded to give his shares to his own foundation, allowing him to avoid paying taxes.
I’m explaining these things to you, because I want you to understand it’s not a “left-right” issue. I don’t care why you think Africa is poor. If you happen to think there is some sort of terrible low IQ gene that all the Africans inherited and you did not inherit because you happen to be white, fine with me, I don’t really care what you think causes the situation as it currently stands. Ending USAID is an atrocity either way.
I’m not asking you to be a saint. I’m not asking you to be a genius, I’m not asking you to correctly subscribe to a certain list of observations made about our world. I’m not asking that of our politicians either. I’m just asking you to recognize evil when it is taking place in front of your eyes and to stop making excuses for it.
It’s not an issue of maximizing one value over another value. It’s not an issue of favoring one ideology over another, not an issue of policy, not an issue of some people trying to address some perceived conspiracy.
I’m not expecting people to conform correctly to some kind of rigid ideology. I don’t know what the solution to all the world’s problems is.
All I know is this:
If you walked in on someone raping your child, you wouldn’t have some petty debate about what is the best way to address poverty, or child abuse, or whether Kamala Harris was any better. You would know what needs to happen.
You would recognize you stumbled upon someone who is overdue for the graveyard.
And you wouldn’t ask yourself whether there would still be rape after he’s in the graveyard.
We’re dealing with the world’s richest man. The world’s richest man bought the US presidency, he spent a quarter of a billion dollar to get Trump elected and manipulated social media algorithms to convince people to vote for him.
Trump is a moron. Elon Musk is not a moron, he knows our whole world is suffering the consequences of global warming. He knows it’s going to get worse.
And as soon as he got power. What did he do? He went after the world’s poorest people. It’s the very first thing they shut down. The USaid.gov website is inaccessible right now. Why? It’s anyone’s guess. Dugin in Russia seems really happy about it, it’s perfectly possible the Russian oligarchs just ordered Trump and Musk to destroy the US government. But ultimately, it doesn’t matter WHY he’s doing it. What matters is that he IS doing it.
Foreign aid is less than 1% of the US Federal Budget. It’s less than 0.2% of US GDP. Of every ten dollar in salary you earn, less than two cents go to foreign aid.
It’s not a donation to the world.
It’s an investment in our own future.
Again, I’m not asking you to be a woke saint, I don’t care what you think about the transgenders or the drug cartels or the border wall or any of that stuff.
I’m just asking you to put on the fucking sunglasses:
If people with HIV receive medication, their bodies don’t develop AIDS and so they don’t get chronic monkeypox or SARS-COV-2 infections that give rise to new variants. You realize all the big new COVID variants came from South Africa, right?
When girls receive help to avoid marrying at age 15, they don’t end up with eight sons who see no way to make a living other than to go off to volunteer in some war abroad.
If the girls get to go to college instead of marrying at 15, they have time to figure out for themselves that Islam is bullshit and cutting off your daughter’s clitoris is bullshit.
If the population stops growing, they don’t have to chop down the forests. If they don’t have to chop down the forests, the elephants and the gorillas don’t go extinct and all that carbon in those trees doesn’t enter our atmosphere.
But he shut it all down.
And I’m impatiently waiting until someone in the US shuts him down.
The right-left divide is the puppet show for the peasants. What’s going on is a real, deadly struggle for the global empire behind the scenes, and nobody cares about collateral damage or the long term. As a thanks for helping us understand what the jabs did to us, I’ll tell you a story.
There are two factions. Faction A is anti-Israel. Faction B is pro-Israel
Faction A comprises the arabs (especially Saudis) and the CCP chinese, and the leftists inside the US. The arabs want the US weak because it is a golem for Israel. The Chinese want the US weak because it is a geopolitical rival. The US leftists (baizuo) are useful idiots who have been infested with ideology designed to divide the US politically and weaken it economically and militarily. A lot of leftists jews in the US got swept in this movement.
Faction B is Israel, who wants a strong AND obedient US, that will act as a golem in the Middle East and in the world. This is our current orange man. Useful idiots are Christian baby boomers who want to force-fulfil Revelation prophecies about Israel ruling over the entire ME, so they force God’s hand into ending the world and bringing about the thousand year kingdom of Christ. Needless to say, trying to force God to do something is the worst kind of pride.
Not sure where Russia is sitting for real
Not sure what’s in store for Europe
Some of the players may be playing double games
The rich jews used to playing both sides. However, the left’s reaction to Israel’s ongoing genocide after Oct 7 2023 showed them that the left can be dangerous to Israel. Hence they made the tech oligarchs and political tops of the Democrats abandon the mass of leftists, and support faction B
While faction A had the political power, every day the US was weaker and more divided, and the clock was ticking in its favor. Now that stopped, for the first time in decades. The Chinese and the Arabs are likely to do something like foment an insurrection of the left, coordinated with large scale cyber-attacks, sabotage, bioweapons and attempts to bring down the grid for a long time.
Faction B is trying to starve faction A of money and remove its people from position of power, ASAP and at any cost. Things are already quite hot, they are shooting down each others’ planes with High-Value Targets. See the tit-for-tat in DC and Philly a few days ago. Long-term considerations about global public health are the last thing on their mind.
None of the factions are White Man’s friend. Faction A wants us divided and perverted, a failed state. Faction B wants to milk one more war with Iran from the golems before the US goes bankrupt, enslave us into tech neofeudalism, and draft our kids to fight for Israel.
The LA fires were most likely set by Faction B so the rich leftist donors and influencers were too busy to prepare to fight Orange Man, and it set the stage for a DEI=incompetence backstory to the purge that is going on.
That’s why they are doing things like Musk & co. accessing PII and Treasury payments data, at a huge conflict of interest. Or dismantling the USAID (at costs that you mention, plus loss of trust / soft power in the world), instead of re-staffing it to serve their purposes. Or dismantling the Department of Education, instead of re-orienting it for right-wing education, and enforcement of actual standards. Faction B’s priority is starving faction A of money and power, before it counter-attacks in force.
>The LA fires were most likely set by Faction B
Or, there was a severe drought coupled with strong winds.
Not everything is a conspiracy.
That’s some good food for thought.
As for Putin, I think he’s on Trump’s side:
– On Feb 14, Putin talked about they’re making cancer mRNA vaccine. Wow, that’s strange! Where does Russia get the patent and ability to do that? And, why does he not focus on Ukraine war, but go out and promote a vaccine??
+ And then, just 7 days later, Trump announced Stargate, with which they’d make mRNA vaccine for cancer! So, Putin and Trump had the same agenda to promote.
– Just recently, Putin praised Trump for dismantling USAID. So, Putin works in harmony with Trump, very clearly.
– I’ve always feel the Ukraine war is very strange. It feels surreal, like, not a real war, but a distraction.
=> Now, I think Trump’s 2020 lost was unexpected (Trump seemed to really believe he would remain), then Putin waged a war as a distraction and wearing the US down, in waiting for Trump!
So, whatever their plan, they’re doing it hastily because they’ve been waiting for so long.
Not sure who serves whom, or they’re comrades.
>The US leftists (baizuo) are useful idiots who have been infested with ideology designed to divide the US politically and weaken it economically and militarily. A lot of leftists jews in the US got swept in this movement
Lol. You have the causation backwards
I will risk making the first comment (or one of the first).
These are some K E N Y A data:
You can see (the obvious) that as urban population grows the fertility rate drops.
I will tell you why I chose Kenya:
Whatever thoughts the C H I N E S E may have in the back of their minds, the fact is that they are building infrastructure in the Horn of Africa.
They built this R A I L R O A D in just 3 years:
Very impressive by any standards.
It will bring basic development, Kenyan ethnic identity (i.e. stability, protection against civil wars), urbanization, and with the latter: more normal demographics. Basically, it will solve the problem of demographic explosion there.
We all know what other people did/do in Africa…
These other people can step up and solve problems like the Chinese (combined with some sort of “EURAID”, why not?).
“I’m just asking you to recognize evil when it is taking place in front of your eyes and to stop making excuses for it.”
There’s an assumption that we should agree that a rich country should be supporting other countries, and that not doing that is evil. I’m not sold on it but I lean that way as I see America going closer and closer to financial insolvency and many of its own problems unsolved. Maybe if we stop expecting richer countries to subsidize poor countries we’d be forced to deal with root causes? I don’t know…but I feel that it’s not evil to focus on your own problems before trying to rescue others.
>but I feel that it’s not evil to focus on your own problems before trying to rescue others.
These are your own problems. I explained that in my post, but low IQ low status white males are not good at reading.
You are not the only person who cares about poor people in Africa; a lot of people do. Americans are stuck with the Daily Mail for some of our real news: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14359253/joni-ernst-reveals-crazy-usaid-threatened-her.html. As you see, this female Republican politician tried to exercise oversight of USAID last year and was obstructed. Everyone knows that USAID is a CIA front that also does some good things. This lady cares about the good things; as she said: “‘Let’s reorganize, let’s trim back, and let’s make sure that if there are good programs, they get funded, if there is waste and abuse, that it gets done away with.” The tiny bit of examination that she was finally allowed to do found that only 40 percent of the money granted was going to the work listed; 60 percent was going to overhead. It is surely much worse for the projects she wasn’t allowed to see. Stealing most of the money that is supposed to be going to poor people is a very bad thing. That, plus the fact that USAID funded the Wuhan lab which gave us covid, which will kill millions of Africans and non-Africans alike, makes it crucial that there be oversight.
You jumped the gun on the HIV program and I think you are very likely jumping the gun on these programs.
Making contraception available does little to affect birth rates; there is plenty of data on that. Women provided with contraception have about as many kids as women who aren’t given contraception, all else being equal. What lowers birth rates is economic improvement and opportunity. I’m all in favor of providing contraception anyway since it helps people in their own individual personal lives but you could flood Africa with the stuff and women who need kids for economic reasons will still have them.
It’s a shame that you had to have such title for this post, since now you will be on a list and will never get to visit the U.S.. I guess you can still visit via youtube.
I went to the link you posted re food aid in Ethiopia; this is what it says:
“Following the suspension of U.S.-funded humanitarian aid, Action Against Hunger announced it had to cut food assistance to refugees in Gambella region. This organization has been a key player in addressing malnutrition in Ethiopia since 1985, but the funding freeze jeopardizes its ongoing efforts.
In response to the suspension, U.S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio has permitted U.S.-funded aid organizations to temporarily resume existing rescue operations but has restricted them from entering new aid supply agreements.”
So if you read the second paragraph, and not just the first one, it sounds like the problems in Ethiopia caused by the suspension are already being solved.
Uh-uh, Mozambique can take care of itself.
No tax dollars to any foreign country until every American has free university and free basic healthcare, no transgender operations. And our fruit and vegetables subsidized.
You in Amsterdam, you do without free healthcare and send the money to Mozambique for their contraceptives.
You can then virtue signal which will make it all worth it.
Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust; the great happening approaches. Make peace with it. Brahma satyam jagat mithya
What is the great happening, Sully?
It’s the happening that upends the world as we now know it. It will likely throw everything into chaos. When or how it will come remains to be seen, but it will appear like a thief in the night, to use the Christian expression
Sully: I’m a bit psychic. I see something like portals to another world opening, and countless aggressive and dangerous beings pouring in. Is that what you are seeing too?
It’s been happening longer than you know. It couldn’t be more obvious how many truly wicked things are flooding in right now, but it didn’t start recently (set next to a human lifespan, at least). You can find wisemen some hundred years ago who already saw the terror in its fullness and warned against it.
The portals you refer to are working to the utmost to rip open as many such gateways as they can. This is why you see so many malformed strange forms come from AI. These beings who are manifesting are relying on the severity of the moment. They were simply too deformed to manifest themselves in the older days when human intention was a weightier factor in the forms that could come into material being.
Anything goes now that we’ve let these despotic automata take over every speck of our lives.
…and that’s also why you should be energy training, too. I’d say things definitely took a sharp turn for the worse since at least 10-15 years ago though. Interestingly, around the same timeframe as the advent of the widespread use of AI.
>Brahma satyam jagat mithya
This is not really helpful for those of us still mired in this Hell Realm
On the contrary, the essence of the idea behind that is the only thing that will help you.
Regarding your Corrosion Of Conformity song:
>Prison for praise – the obvious answer
Once had power mad – living disaster
Don’t fuck with me ‘cos I’m on a freedom train
I’d love to hear your definition of “freedom”
There is no freedom in this world of puppets determined by biology and circumstance.
You are beginning to sound like Antifa
I understand that the hottest BPD bitches are found in those enclaves but those subcultures will never produce anything approximating the fecundity of Life.
(Otoh, if you are a nihilistic pessimist like myself, please give me the @s of your favorite dysgenic Antifa whores. I’ve got a lot of catching up to do)
“Africans don’t want this.”
so then stop? it’s not like they haven’t been getting this message for 2 or 3 or (since it’s africa) 4 generations.
last comment was before reading the full post so i realize maybe it’s OT.
look, i’m not going to defend elon’s honor, i think anyone that rich has to have been morally compromised. but another possible interpretation beyond “elon is evil!!!” is that usaid has been ineffective at its stated mission. maybe its failure is due poor implementation (corruption, bad execution, etc.), maybe in principle it is impossible (modern medicine + african culture == disaster); it doesn’t matter. the real point it: do we have literally any reliable data on the actual effectiveness of usaid in africa other than what they say they are accomplishing? we have independent estimates of population growth and direct observations of refugee waves that say they aren’t doing their job well enough. is it funding? i don’t know, but my suspicion is that only a small percentage of the budget actually ends up doing anything. perhaps i am overly trusting 4chan and twitter anons’ reports of their peace corps or other charity experiences, but let’s be honest… do any of these stories of incompetence, stupidity, and corruption surprise anyone?
so, yes, the budget is a pittance compared to what we spend on keeping old and useless people alive in our country (myself included). but you are making the mistake that because the money is inconsequential we should just let it keep doing what it says its doing. the problems are (a) it’s ineffective at doing what it says it is doing, (b) it’s used to fund replacement migration (sorry, too many browns), and (c) it’s turning out to be a big ol’ slush fund that’s used to fund people and projects that are… less than humanitarian. so perhaps killing it might be the right answer.
where i’m going with this is that maybe its conceivable that colonialism was the right answer. now we are reduced to using carrots to stop child brides and polygamy; if we could execute the husbands for child rape and throw them in prison for polygamy, this shit would stop pretty quick. in principle self-determination sounds great, but we don’t have time for african norms to catch up to modernity as you have documented. in a pre-modern or pre-civilization era, who cares? knock yourself out with 10 wives, average age 16.
I have highly mixed feelings about USAID. I hate it. Remaking foreign nations, which is what you have described above, is a highly unethical activity in general.
At the same time, I realize that it is a soft power arm of the USA, and cutting USAID is like cutting an arm. Nobody asked for permission or assent to liquidate USAID. There was no debate or discussion of it. It is just like someone said, “You do not need that arm; I will cut it off”.
Elon Musk (like me) is a foreigner and I have to question his motives here. I generally have to question motives of both Trump and Elon.
It’s not the actual aid part of USAID that’s the problem. It’s the money they spend destabilizing governments like they did in Ukraine. That kind of intervention eventually cost US taxpayers many billions more and has created tremendous suffering for Russia and Ukraine. It’s the money they paid to POLTICO which then churned out propaganda to serve the left, most notably during the 2020 election and the Biden laptop gaslighting.
USAID was rotten to the core, so it structurally has to go away. The US State Department is still there and American citizens have been more charitable than any other nation in the history of the world, so I think the hyperventilating about a new African AIDS crisis are premature and mostly political.
You have the ability to think more clearly than you are on this topic, Ratty.
Geez, USAID and CIA involved in regime change, in the US?!
Tripe!!! USAID is a regime change operation operating behind a facade of paternalistic contempt for the ‘dumb niggas’. It’s a branch of the CIA, the USA’s ‘Real State’.
Africa is already going through rapid Malthusian collapse. Like second decade of it. What’s happening Rafa? Are you on heroin now? If not fun y at least you were somewhat objective and factual.