Changing my mind on Gaza

You know, maybe it’s the MAO-inhibitors in Syrian rue doing their thing, but I’m starting to feel really sorry for the people in Gaza and I hope this war ends as soon as possible. If you don’t care about my opinion, that’s fine too, but I feel the need to state it. And it’s the sort of opinion nobody is going to like, because I don’t like either side I hear arguing about this conflict.

Two decades ago, an Islamic fanatic group known as Hamas took over control over the Gaza strip after Israel withdrew its settlements. The rise of Hamas was initially encouraged by Israel many decades ago according to some sources, as it was seen as less effective at drawing international support than the secular-leftist PLO.

Hamas is effectively a genocidal organization. Its charter made that pretty clear, with its references to the murder of Jews hiding behind rocks and trees from the Hadith. And when it carried out its surprise attack on Israel, what it carried out was effectively an attempted genocide within the territories it managed to conquer. It spared no women or children and it engaged in torture and rape. In addition to this, they kidnapped women and children, who they took back to Gaza.

So why then, have I changed my mind? Well, the answer is, because there is a large demographic of Arabs in Gaza, who do not support Hamas and reject the attack that Hamas carried out. It seems that instead of 71.3% of Palestinian Arabs in Gaza supporting the attack, only 30.7% support it. Hamas intervened in the poll, to make it seem like they have widespread support.

Like all humans, I have my biases. I have a weak spot for Jews, I don’t exactly have a weak spot for Muslims, although I have met plenty I happen to like personally. Most Muslims just want to live a normal life, just like people born into other religious backgrounds, they have no interest in Islamist movements like Hamas. I want to live in a world where Jews don’t have to fear for their safety from genocidal groups of fanatics.

But people in Gaza can not be collectively held responsible for an attack by Hamas and mass slaughter of civilians in Gaza does not make Jews safer. Besides the children, who have no say whatsoever in what happens and have had no chance to form opinions of their own, there is a very large demographic, of adults in Gaza who have no desire for the sort of cruelty Hamas carried out.

The Israel-Palestine conflict tends to result in people having radical positions of one sort or the other. Some think Israel faked the entire attack (then why did Hamas bring children as hostages back to Gaza?), others seem to think that anything better than 1 dead militant per 9 civilian casualties represents justifiable conduct. That argument doesn’t make sense to me.

Just because previous wars in cities resulted in 9 dead civilians per 1 dead militant, doesn’t mean those wars were justified or fought correctly. And when it comes to what is happening in Gaza now, it very much looks to me like indiscriminate bombardments, with no concern for innocent civilians. That is not something that can be justified.

Again, I’m not interested in radical positions on this conflict. Radical positions tend to be held by people who have not read a lot about the history of this region and have only exposed themselves to one side of the story.

I’m not an “anti-Zionist”, I think Jews have as much of a legitimate claim to a homeland in the British mandate as the Palestinian Arabs do. But I’m not interested in a kind of Israeli supremacist ideology either. In an ideal world, we would have had one secular state, in which all the Jews and Muslims live together. But in practice, that is not a functional solution, so there have to be two states.

Netanyahu screwed up Israel’s security and his ego was hurt so bad that now he seems to insist on revenge, but even among top IDF officials, there is a desire to end the bloodshed.

If tomorrow, a bunch of people from Belgium invaded my country and carried out a massacre of Dutch people, my priority would be: How do we make sure this does not happen again?

I would not be interested in debating the legitimacy of either Belgium or the Netherlands, I would not be interested in exterminating all the Belgians (at least not once I stop being angry) and I would also not be interested in annexing Belgian territory.

I doubt my opinion on this matters much to anyone, but I just feel like stating it out loud. I think the truth lies somewhere in the middle between both sides we keep hearing. But at this point, these indiscriminate bombardments of Gaza absolutely need to end.


  1. To be honest it is really retarded to care about ancient legitimacy claims more than the lives of actual human beings. Nations aren’t even tribes, they’re more like corporate entities. When nationalism came around it destroyed tribes and language as a homogenizing force, that is gay.

    The Arabs and Jews are different in realer ways than just being from separate nations, but the idea that the Belgians and the Dutch could hypothetically be killing each-other over nations is the most retarded thing I have ever heard.

    • >the idea that the Belgians and the Dutch could hypothetically be killing each-other over nations

      It’s exactly what we did, when they declared independence.

  2. The ‘muslim brotherhood’ doesn’t have more than 55% support among locals before they take over (as they shortly did in Egypt), and then people don’t like them very much (as declining support for Hamas in Gaza shows).
    The project of an ‘Israeli’ state seems to be intertwined with the ‘collective west vs global south’ which makes it very complicated.
    One wonders why the ‘west’ has such huge intelligence services. Much part of the printed money goes there. Mosad is involved in many places, even Greece and Africa.
    One thing is for sure (IMO): Christianity is being eradicated from Syria. They are the first Christians. Many antichristian people are very glad for this. If you hide the traces of Church from that ancient cradle, you can support all sorts of ideological absurdidies about the nature of Christianity, of its spread, of Church etc.
    Which comes to this: Europe and the USA are antichristian, for at least the past 15 years, concerning their role in Syria.
    The Turkish jihadist who toppled Assad literally thanked ‘Israel’ (I use quotes bc they ain’t really Israel anymore).
    I have said before that ‘Israel’ never helped Syria against ISIS.
    This is very suspicious and telling.
    Well, these are facts. People can legitimitaly speculate about the rest.
    One last thing: not all muslim societies are the same. The substrata are different. Iranians seemed to have adopted a sacrificial version of islam (shia) to continue thriving as an empire. One can imagine that sacrifice brings them closer to Christianity. Also, Egypt and Syria had deep christian substrata etc.

  3. What the Goyim (AKA Amalek) do not understand is that the Jews are 100% correct. We the Amalek and Edomites are told, by every government and every media, that the Jews are Gods chosen people. We the Goyim are told that what the Jews do to Ishmahel is 100% correct, and 100% justified. We are all relentlessly told that the Jews have a right to act in the way that they in fact do.

    I agree 100% with the Jews, with Bibi, with all of those extreme right wing genocidal Jews. The Jews are superior. The Jews are God’s chosen people. They are blessed by the very hand of God and the biggest risk to the Jews is Ishmahel and Esau joining forces and destroying Issac and Jacob in Holocaust 2.0.

    Everything that the Jews do in response, via their unrelenting visceral hatred, unrelenting biblical vengeance, brutal non-stop collective punishment and genocide, and the most bloodiest revenge, is 100% correct, is 100% justified and 100% authorized by the very hand of God himself.

    It is about time that the stupid Goyim cattle wake up and start behaving exactly like the Jews. We Amalek, sons of Esau, must look at the Jews as the outright righteous extension of the very hand of God and act EXACTLY in the same way. This is the Jewish way. This is the correct way.

    The very slightest of harms must be responded to with the most brutal of collective punishment. The smallest of wrongs must be responded to with the most bloody of vengeance and the most vicious retribution. Kill one child, respond by killing 100,000 children. One death must be met with a genocide in response. This is the Jewish way and this is the correct way, as authorized by God himself. Remember that the Jews are God’s chosen people. They are blessed by God.

    Our friend Luigi has shown the stupid Amalek. Luigi is in fact a direct descendant of the Edomites. He is the prophet showing you stupid Goy how to act, as if you too have the right to exist. You do have that right.

    Act like a Jew.

    Act like you are guided by the hand of God as one of God’s chosen people.

    The Jews are showing you, you stupid Goy.

    Just act like a Jew.

    • >The Jews are showing you, you stupid Goy. Just act like a Jew.

      I think your encouragement of the Goyim in this comment is precisely the reaction Rad is attempting to attenuate with this blog entry ( purporting to demonstrate humility in the face of the inevitable, but it’s just another Jewish con)

      The Scorpion And The Frog is an eternal fable for a reason

  4. What the Iznogoud lookalikes choose to do is their own business. If this was about american or russian interventionism in said conflict, then sure, I’d get you. That marginally relates to us. But why care about the problems of a bunch of brown or yellow people who you have no kinship with, who feel no allegiance to you, and whose biology makes it inherently impossible for you to share their thought processes or value system? It’s not like they care about yours.

  5. It’s too late. These people are dead.
    There is a saying among the peace churches that “everyone’s always against the last war.”
    Bad spirits cause people to rage and kill, and then afterwards most people look at the results and go “oops.”
    I’m not bashing you; this is the way humans are if they are not transformed.
    This is why Jesus Christ forbids war:

    “Christianity armed is Christianity falsified. The gospel that God gives to men and women through Jesus Christ is a message of peace, and a gift of the power to live in peace. If we accept this gift, we are not shamed, forced, or reasoned into laying down weapons and war. Rather, we are transformed into new creatures. And warfare is alien to this peaceable new creature. The new creature may make war on its own unruly habits, but does not willingly injure another soul.

    This creature grows ever more like Jesus Christ, who lived and preached a way of life that often challenged people, but never harmed them. Indeed, as a “new creature in Christ,” we now find ourselves becoming a member of Christ’s body, just as an arm, a leg or an eye is a member of your body or mine. This is no mere poetic fancy; membership in Christ can be experienced as truly today as in the days when the Apostle Paul preached it.” (

    • nope, christianity (endure anything, then heaven awaits you) is the perfect tool for obedience (the reason why imperial rome switched and why western/neo-romanian colonization was/is so successful) and true christianity is illusionist like vegans feeding their 99.99% carnivore cat fake-meat or believing their cat would be still nice if 10 times larger and hungry. i vote for buddhism and monks or nuns traditionally practicing martial arts to defend the defenseless, i weakly remember that true hindus & sikhs(?) also combine their tolerant philosophies AND defensive arts

  6. Imagine spending this much focus thinking about some stupid blackskin race that lives thousands of miles away from your country. This is pitiable

    • Nigger when you God gives your own world you’re going to be worrying about alien races that live billions of light years away from your planet. Being a Exalt means being a celestial bureaucrat. You sit in the God office and make sure the lesser races are working towards Heaven through grace and faith, that’s your job when you’re given the responsibility of divinity. The work never ends. We’re all niggers before Christ.

  7. rada, face it (your actual pott seems helpful): hebrews write in their OWN (un) holy scripts that THEY are the aggressive invaders (led by a voices hearing / schizophrenic “prophet”) AND how gruesome to treat the natives who do not comply –> they have zero legal (and absolutely no moral) right claiming (even inborn!) self defense in that area (nor would european migrants have any such right in the americas or australia/nz) – what about another german/austrian schizo occupying netherlands and this time being told by god… (would be ok then?)

    forbidden to make a picture of HIM (typical for satan in practically all other cultures on this planet) and demanding exclusively BLOODY sacrifices (opposite to vegan ones in tolerant/peaceful hinduism or buddhism) should tell it all, but the trick/deception to flatter (you are CHOSEN and discrimination via clean vs dirty, even animals/food to separate social tables) always works on retards & psychopaths (valid for ALL 3* abrahamic bloodlines – except the lost one of true christ)
    * their weapons are either finance (sanctions/credits), sword (nato, vax) or double morals (the basque or ireland never got collectively punished for eta & ira)

    btw (as you actually seem to smoke something somewhat enlightening):

    – krim (and the other regions) PROTESTED against assignment by sovjet union to ukraine already in the 1950s and demanded RE-UNION with russia instantly in 1991…

    – all dna-research confirms that the “butterstinker” (tibetians/taiwanese/uigurs/japanese/etc) are the expanding colonizers whereas china (and russia) never colonized/exploited anybody – if all former & ongoing western occupations would demand reparations (all “extractions” are well documented over centuries via their neat tax & customs system) AND sovereignty over THEIR territories the west would be done, entirely & rightfully (debts with interests to pay back over the same period/centuries of extraction to circumvent inflation trickery)

    apart from that your justifications are partly ridiculous (instead of 70% only 30% of the population supported hamas – you cared a lot about only 10% being unvaccinated and only mistreated… NOT bombed…) – rada, you need to do more drugs, to some brains enlightment takes a long route, unfortunately.

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