Choose your own adventure

So, I had this dream where I was at a party and there was suddenly poop on my pants, which led me to rush to the toilet, only to find out somehow that the poop was on there because two chronically flatulent fat old men wanted to attend the party and have me carry the blame for the whole party smelling like shit.

I think dreams like the one I had happen because there are just parts of your interface for this world that feel unappreciated: “Oh you really like your neocortex and your massive dick huh? Well you realize I’m here too right, the part of your brain that prohibits you from shitting in your pants around other people? I’ve never failed you, not even when you were drunk, but do I ever get any appreciation? Even in your dreams I don’t fail you, it turned out two fat old guys were conspiring against you!” Various subconscious elements of the mind just do all sorts of stuff for you that never enters into your awareness and like to receive some appreciation from time to time.

Dreams like this can feel very realistic. I bring it up, because to me it just illustrates the most fatal error in the scientific materialist view of the world, the elephant in the room. “Water is made of hydrogen and oxygen, humans and apes descend from the same ancestors, we’re all made of stardust *soyjacking intensifies* unless you’re currently asleep and hallucinating the entire reality you are experiencing, in which case anything might be true”.

For eight hours a day we spend our life in a state where our own subconscious mind generates our entire world while telling us that it’s all real and there are other independent observers. But for the other sixteen hours, it’s definitely all real guys! I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE!

I could go a step further here and explain what happened when I got sick once and did not sleep for two nights in a row. Your fears begin to manifest themselves in the world around you. Your whole reality begins to break down, other people seem to become robotic, lacking agency. You can’t distinguish anymore between what you think and what you observe. It seems like people know who you are. Coincidences seem to pile up, or you just see things that are not really there.

It’s only really in the states of breakdown of reality, where we can expect to find an answer in regards to what realm us qualia experiencing agents have really found ourselves in. That’s what interests me. Not whether we will die of bird flu or of covid, or just of plain old regular failure of the climate system. Not whether the next government will import five trillion or six trillion new brown people into my country to boost our GDP by 0.0001%.

These are all questions for people who are in the game. And I can’t help but get the impression, that the world operates in a very different manner from how we think it does. It seems as if the subconscious mind generates the world it thinks you want, but struggles to comprehend what the conscious mind really wants:

“Hmm, based off your thought patterns, it seems you really enjoy being angry about the huge numbers of brown people in your country. The browner they are, the angrier you get. I am going to do my best, to give you more of what you enjoy. We’ll import millions of very brown Indians into Canada now, the population will grow by more than 2% in a year, it will be absolutely absurd.

I hope it doesn’t feel too unrealistic for you, but I noticed how much you just enjoy complaining to other low status white males (all also generated by me, your humble subconscious) on the Internet about this, so I’m going to give you more of what you enjoy.

Don’t worry, when it gets too intense, when they all stare at you and your girlfriend in their suits as they walk on the nude beach and take pictures of you, when they start defecating in your street, when you walk into a dark alleyway and see a creepy shrine of a seventeen-headed lobster demon goddess in a dark alleyway and end up surrounded by them, I will wake you up from your dream, it will be very exciting, I promise!”

To me this is also just why the problem of ecological overshoot is important to keep in mind. I feel really sorry for the low status white males who think it’s all a hoax, that there’s still plenty of oil in Texas, but they just refuse to open the wells, that CO2 is actually plant food, that nuclear energy will save the day, that we could have tens of billions of people on this planet, etcetera.

Because if that’s the sort of dumb shit you really believe, then it turns into a problem you really autistically bite into: “We could be colonizing Mars right now, if we didn’t have trillions of People of Brown entering our country every year! The brownoids will be 45% of the population by 2050 and by 2060 they will implement Sharia law!!! OMFG! RESTACK MY SUBSTACK NOW!”

The reality it seems to me is that you just desire a kind of rollercoaster of experiences and your subconscious just tries to give you that. It’s like that scene in the Matrix, where they say something along the lines of “we tried to give you a perfect world, but it seems you humans don’t want that”. Humans want horror and tragedy, stories of serial killers, demonic possession, entire countries depopulated by madmen.

It also reminds me of Hellraiser. In the first movie, it is explained that the Cenobites are simply explorers, people who just seek more and more impulses to experience, no longer distinguishing between pain and pleasure. It’s a movie based on the Amsterdam gay SM scene, where basically the same thing goes on.

And when it upsets you too much, when you break down crying because of some dead kid in Darfur, I think the answer is just that you’re taking it too seriously.

“You really seem to enjoy feeling sorry for other people and pondering how terrible their plight is. I’m going to try to give you more of that. I’m going to give you a whole bunch of poor sad brown hungry children and to make it even better, it’s all going to be caused by the Jews, who you really don’t like. And the Jews are being helped in this endeavor of course by your own government, run by an old white man.”

If you enjoy feeling like a saint because you’re so upset about all the suffering in the world, then your subconscious will try to feed you more of that pleasure. And you will say: “What, NO, I DON’T ENJOY IT, IT MAKES ME FEEL TERRIBLE!”

And that’s the problem. We don’t like to admit what we really enjoy, not even to ourselves. All those feminists crying about “rape culture” and how they can’t go anywhere without the risk of being raped, even though they have boyish haircuts and zero bumble matches, reveal what they enjoy. All those anime frog based trad redpilled alpha males complaining about how women only want to have sex with negroes instead of based trad redpilled alpha males and will cheat on you with a negro and how jews run the porn industry and try to fool you into watching blonde aryan women having sex with a vile negro, are also just revealing what they enjoy.

It kind of seems to go further than not admitting what we enjoy though. It isn’t just that we don’t admit it, it’s that we don’t comprehend it. Do you think Donald Trump can gain the same enjoyment out of music that you can? Do you think Jeff Bezos 500 million yacht means the same to him as the 50,000 dollar boat you bought off the money you made through some clever cryptoscam?

It’s the Dwarf Fortress motto basically: Losing is fun.

The more you lose, the more minor of victories you’re able to enjoy. There are guys out there picking up empty bottles out of the trash and almost cumming in their pants, because when they find enough of them and return them to their local supermarket it means they won’t have to sleep on a bench in the park tonight.

People like me who take high doses of psychedelics tend to figure it out, but even my friends don’t comprehend it: “Ha, you treat the words of some unemployed guy directing traffic as the word of God!” Yes, I definitely do. Because I know how the qualia game works. I know the direction God is headed in and I know where Satan is.

And it is like this with more things. Low status white males tend to imagine themselves to be in some sort of grand ontological struggle. And in a sense they are. Dominating the world just isn’t that much fun. You know what’s fun? Feeling like you’re the poor oppressed guy fighting against overwhelming odds. People want to imagine themselves as Han Solo, nobody wants to be Emperor Palpatine.

Imagine spending your whole life trying to convince your peers not to import third world gang rapists and being called a nazi by them, only for people to finally figure it out eventually and vote for your country’s low status white male party in the EU elections, because you and the other low status white males managed to convince them through the thousands of comments and memes you posted on Internet blogs and Twitter.

That’s a lot more fun, a lot more dopamine flooding your brain, than hitting some negro with a whip because he didn’t gather enough cotton for your plantation, because your brain has become maximally sensitive, as you were forced into submission.

These are just the rules of the game. You want to feel things, you want to experience sensations, that feel meaningful. You want to feel like you’re the good guy. So that’s what your subconscious starts generating for you.

There are probably qualia experiencing entities, branching off in directions where Podesta turned out to be the leader of a group of satan-worshipping pedophiles operating under a pizza parlor. And it was only because they left their computer and went to investigate, that the police were forced to shut the whole thing down.

Not in my branch of reality, but I’m pretty sure there are LSWMs out there who branched off in that direction. Good for them. The details are only added later on. The entire dark history you discover is generated once you observe it.

I like to think some of you branched off much earlier from me. I like to think there are some of you encountering Sasquatches in the woods. I can’t, because I’m convinced if they were there, we would have already had indisputable evidence by now. It just can’t be fitted properly into my mental model of the world. I can’t easily believe we would have no more than some footsteps and some shaky camera footage of an animal of that size in North America.

I’m explaining this for my own sake. But I’m also explaining it in case there are people out there who run into the same questions and the same patterns: You look up how horrible the world is, how full of suffering it is, you fill that reality in your head and then your subconscious figures out that this is what you seem to want more of.

Because again, we don’t really comprehend what it is we really want. You only think you know what you want: Money, fame, power, friends, lovers. But it’s more complex. And our desires are shameful. And not just shameful, they’re contradicted by being honest about them.

But if you understand how it works, then you can try to snap out of whatever pattern you’re addicted to. Moral outrage, anger, grief, feeling misunderstood, these are just drugs for human Cenobites. But like every drug, they’re addictive, you start needing more and more of them, your subconscious struggles to keep up with what you’re asking: “Alright, I’m going to put a million extremely brown Indians in your country, but don’t blame me if it all starts to feel a little hard to believe, you’ll probably wake up from the dream if you want to keep going down this pattern.”

Well, I’m here to snap you out of it. It’s not real. You’re scraping the bottom of the qualia barrel. But you can just change it if you want. You can just ask your brain for a very different reality. This is what they call “positive affirmations”. When you just imprint the reality you want in your mind, as if it has already happened, then your subconsciousness ends up with a different image that it tries to construct for you.

The harder part, oddly enough, is changing what you want. That’s the really weird part. When you figure out how it works, that’s the problem you run into: You just want to lose, because the more you lose, the more pleasurable the sensations become. Zheani seems to have figured this out too, as she sings: “Cum so hard must have good karma.”

But this is the key. You must use your own conscious, to imprint on your subconscious mind the reality you want to see, in full conviction that it is already here. Your subconscious mind, which generates the world you experience, then starts to work towards it for you. There are many people who have written more about this, like Neville Goddard, I suggest you go look them up.

Psychedelics can help with this, at least to some degree. Psilocybe mushrooms are known to bias the mind towards positive information, so you can snap out of a cycle of negativity and fill your brain with positive thoughts. Those positive thoughts will then be fed into your subconsciousness and your subconscious mind will use these thoughts as input, to try to give you more of what it thinks you want.


  1. Yeah, Dante had that one figured out around 1300, when in his Divine Comedy, he explains early on that sinners basically choose their hell.

    • Dante does show us that, but he also shows us that the only
      way to escape hell is through the bottom. You have to have the courage to look within and see it in you. Jung says the same thing.

      That’s the part that blocks almost everyone. Riches, sex, power – those things seem way more fun to spend time pursuing than doing shadow work.

      But if you can get over that hurdle, the rest is easy: just internalize the seven hermetic principles, scorecard yourself on the 42 ideals of Ma’at periodically, and learn to identify and interpret the symbols of spiritual alchemy which hide within every “hero’s journey” narrative ever created.

      Trust me, it’s well worth your time. I think it’s the only thing worth your time.

  2. Our internet lines have to be reseted every 24 hours. Why?
    Because the whole net would become instable without those resets.

    Sleep could be the same, a necessary reset. But why so long, why eight hours per day?
    Maybe because reseting a whole brain needs eight hours. If you fall asleep, the reset happens. And then nature needs eight hours to rebuild your consciousness, what we experience as dreams. And then it gets ignited, and you wake up.

    Just another theory about sleep.

  3. Rad, I’d recommend you re-read what you wrote yourself, years ago.

    Really internalize it, meditate on it for at-least ten minutes. Think about what it means.

    Now I’m going to argue with you.

    >Various subconscious elements of the mind just do all sorts of stuff for you that never enters into your awareness and like to receive some appreciation from time to time.

    Yes, why you think people believe in religion and Gods influencing their lives? What do you think the unconscious is? What you are? What the conscious/ego is?

    >For eight hours a day we spend our life in a state where our own subconscious mind generates our entire world while telling us that it’s all real and there are other independent observers. But for the other sixteen hours, it’s definitely all real guys! I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE!

    Everything you can directly observe is real, your dreams are real, your hallucinations are real, physical matter and (the laws pertaining to it) are real. When it comes to empiricism, just looking at what’s in-front of your face with no judgments or rationalizations, you can clearly see that there’s plenty more to the world than just matter. Your consciousness is clearly not of matter, yet tangibly exists to you, obviously.

    You can change how you see matter, yet the physical properties of that matter do not change. Wave-particle duality, using a different tool to observe the same matter will allow you to perceive it differently, but this has no actual bearing on the laws of physics, it’s just a difference in perception.

    (Though modern theoretical physics is flawed in many, many ways. No time isn’t a dimension you stupid retard. Gravity doesn’t function “just because” but rather because empty space exerts pressure. The more empty space is around objects, the further they’re pushed towards each-other. The more empty space is inside physical objects, the more it pushes the smallest separable objects making up said larger objects ‘atoms In the classical sense’ away from each-other.

    How the Big Bang happened is in the beginning all matter was condensed into one spot, the world egg spoken of in Hinduism. All empty space was outside of all matter, exerting pressure on the matter and keeping it together. At some point, empty space was able to find its way into the world egg, thereby pushing atoms and clusters of atoms away from each-other, creating the “explosion” of matter that we know of today as the Big Bang.

    Empty space can be manipulated by the will of intelligence, this is why quantum particles behave differently when they’re observed, and this is how true magic functions. How space found itself into the egg I’ll leave to your imagination.)

    During my Mushroom trip, at some points looking at the forest surrounding my house through my window, sometimes the forest looked like a horrific Hel or Purgatory, brutal and sharp edged trees and mist, it looked like eternal death. Yet during other parts of my trip, the forest was like Folkvangr or Elysium, bright and warm; it was winter so the trees had no leaves to glow, yet the ground plants still glowed and moved beautifully. The physical properties of those trees, of the forest, did not change. Those trees were always the same, how I saw them is what changed, and this changed due to both my conscious thoughts and a unconscious guiding force. My perception of the matter did not change the configuration of the matter, all that changed was my perception. Perception and physical change are two different things. Using your will to change your perception is different from using your will to manipulate matter.

    >And I can’t help but get the impression, that the world operates in a very different manner from how we think it does. It seems as if the subconscious mind generates the world it thinks you want, but struggles to comprehend what the conscious mind really wants:

    Much of your fate is controlled by your unconscious, this is your Wyrd, what is “weird” Hallucinations, dreams, synchronicities you seem to notice but are irrelevant to others. All of these things stem from the unconscious, from the Gods, who are internal immaterial beings of archetypal character. The immortal you looking out for your immortal interest. The will of the superorganism that is that of your archetypal qualities, (Your qualities is what you really are, not the body you’re using.) The people that live behind your conscious ego. Of-course even Wyrd is subject to fate, to cause and effect itself.

    >Humans want horror and tragedy, stories of serial killers, demonic possession, entire countries depopulated by madmen.

    That’s what you want, that’s what many others want too. Humans also truly want peace, order, prosperity. Anything that can be conceptually understood as something anyone could want is something someone wants. Since not everyone is the same not everyone wants the same things.

    The world is dualistic, the material and the immaterial are two separate properties (Remember, the laws of physics are true, just the way people understand things today is primitive and stupid. Einstein was a primitive stupid retard.) Good and evil as you could conceptualize them as existing exist in equal amounts. Your subjective life does not dictate what everyone else is experiencing. While you live in Hell, others live in Heaven. Perhaps you could be like Satan, and drag others down into Hell with you, I make no judgments. That’s the character you are if that’s your desire. I also have my own desires. Perhaps I shove a spear through your dark heart, or perhaps you’ll burn me in hellfire. Good story either way. We’ll play again on a different stage later.

    >It also reminds me of Hellraiser. In the first movie, it is explained that the Cenobites are simply explorers,

    The world exists to be experienced.

    >These are just the rules of the game. You want to feel things, you want to experience sensations, that feel meaningful. You want to feel like you’re the good guy. So that’s what your subconscious starts generating for you.

    It really depends on what archetypal qualities you have. You Radagast have always been attracted to clownish archetypes, you like Salvia because it’s surreal and cartoonish and terrifying and hilarious all at once, and that’s how you see the world. You want to experience everything, hence why you are similar to Loki in archetypal character from my perspective. Your conscious doesn’t know this, but the that unconscious force is why we live in clown world, why people are tricked into trooning themselves out, why everything is ridiculous.

    I think the reason feel like it’s your mind changing things to be more ridiculous is because the archetypal immaterial unconscious being (God) that you are most similar to has been the determining factor in the way our society has evolved as-of late. The way things are can’t last however, that archetypal force doesn’t care how it ends, it’s just gaming.

    I of-course have different desires, and am of different archetypal character to Loki, even if I also share some traits. I personally like traditional heroics, beauty, honor, war, and progress, though I also love a good joke of existential kind as-well!

    Remember, you’re not a God, a God is a collective unconscious archetypal character of a superorganism, not a individual human in most cases.

    >The more you lose, the more minor of victories you’re able to enjoy. There are guys out there picking up empty bottles out of the trash and almost cumming in their pants, because when they find enough of them and return them to their local supermarket it means they won’t have to sleep on a bench in the park tonight.

    At the certain point, losing too much just makes you stop playing the game all-together. Those homeless people have lost less than the cubicle slaves, their minds are still free, they’re still free if poor. The slave is the true loser, the aristocrat the true winner, and the drifter something in-between that can become either. I want to win personally, a lot.

    >I like to think some of you branched off much earlier from me. I like to think there are some of you encountering Sasquatches in the woods.

    Some people probably do see them, yes. They are liked immaterial beings, hallucinations. Just as real as the Gnomes the old woman sees, or the clowns you see. Still not made of matter, made of a different substance, immaterial beings of the unconscious.

    Then stupid people dress up in costumes and muddle the waters.

    >Well, I’m here to snap you out of it. It’s not real. You’re scraping the bottom of the qualia barrel. But you can just change it if you want. You can just ask your brain for a very different reality. This is what they call “positive affirmations”. When you just imprint the reality you want in your mind, as if it has already happened, then your subconsciousness ends up with a different image that it tries to construct for you.

    It is real, you just don’t want to admit to it. Anything that can be observed is real. You can change how you see reality, see the forest as Purgatory or Elysium, it doesn’t change anything for anyone else. Go plant new trees, or cut them down, that’s how you change things for others. That’s where meaningful action is found.

    >You must use your own conscious, to imprint on your subconscious mind the reality you want to see.

    Imprint onto the unconcious? Possible, but unlikely. Your unconscious why you do the things you do most of the time, you can rationalize why you do things, but you don’t know why in the moment. Does the Bird consciously understand why it migrates every season?


    >Psychedelics can help with this

    They can also confuse you. Probably better to use more controllable methods to get what you want.

  4. Last week I dreamt that I had a long phone call with my brother, who died in 2020. It felt entirely real; it was just like the phone calls we had in the couple of years before he died, except that it was up to date. That dream has made me so happy. I guess I must have pretty direct and simple desires.

    On another topic, a guy in my local church and I got into it concerning the covid vaccines about a year ago. He was convinced that they prevented transmission and so people who refused them were antisocial and they should be mandated by law. Since we are obliged to be decent to one another I told him my reasoning and we did not part in (email) anger. I am glad of that since it was announced yesterday that he just died suddenly. He wasn’t all that old; I’d guess in his 60s.

    On another topic, a 40-something lady in my zoom church works in Michigan. Everyone in her office is coughing like crazy. Last week one of her coworkers tested positive for whooping cough. Now she has tested positive (no-one else has bothered to test yet). She has had a bad but not terrible time of it but maybe the boosters she had with each of her pregnancies helped (one of her two sons is severely autistic; hmmm). Whooping cough is supposed to be a reportable disease and so the state health officials should be looking into this now but there is no sign that they are. Apparently whooping cough can permanently scar your lungs so it is good to avoid.

    • “Last week I dreamt that I had a long phone call with my brother, who died in 2020”

      It’s nice when that happens. My grandfather and father both visited me in my dreams after their deaths – it made me very happy too.

      On the virus front, people here are sickly all over the place, but the body count isn’t climbing into anything horrendous. Nevertheless, when I hear people hacking up a lung on the bus, or in the office, I do start to wonder.

      A nurse commented on my lack of vaccines the other day. I was in for something different, and she was surprised that my records showed no covid or other vaccines, including the whooping cough vaccine which she noted was missing.

      I don’t even remember if I had a whooping cough vaccine. I might have, or I might not have, I don’t know. The authorities have only recently become obsessive about records and recording these things (for obvious reasons), so they don’t really know either.

      I have to admit here though that I’ve never really been a fan of vaccines, basically because of the long tail of unacknowledged injuries and gaslighting of victims. The injustice of that alone put me off, but I’ve also long harboured the suspicion that they might one day build the same weakness into everyone and cause a disaster.

      And why not? I used to argue that it’s not as if the eggheads didn’t think they’d made an unsinkable ship at one point either and look how that worked out.

      So, there’s a fair chance that I haven’t had a whooping cough vaccine. Of course, any trust that I might’ve had in these things before the events of covidworld has now simply evaporated, so I’m not likely to get one in a hurry either.

      I guess I’ll just have to avoid people who are hacking up a lung.

      • You almost certainly had a general vaccine that included whooping cough when you were a kid. But as we see with the lady I know and her officemates, that is not enough. All of those people would have had the vaccine as a kid, and they are all coughing up a lung now. And she has even had multiple boosters and it was still bad. Either covid or the vax has made the whooping cough vaccine ineffective, or at least less effective.

        I am now freaking out about kidneys. Yesterday someone on ZeroHedge randomly listed four people he knows who are suddenly having their kidneys fail. And I just talked on the phone with my 81 y.o. mom and all her bloodwork just done was great, except that her kidney function is not so good. It has always been perfect. She has had four covid shots and also had covid once. I think it is the shots, but maybe it is the covid; who knows. People are going to start dying in numbers, I think. It might not look like covid, but it will be because of covid or the shots.

        • I wouldn’t be surprised if the bodies started to pile up from either medium to long term effects of the lab generated virus, or from the “vaccines”, or from a new mutation of the virus, etc.

          Who knows what they’ve done?

          It’s unsettling.

          Meanwhile, all the meat robots keep on getting boosted, not complaining about the virus labs all over the place. . .

          The horror of these deeds puts the cannibalism of the last post into perspective.

          Kill a mere handful of people and eat them and you’re a monster, but if one kills sickens millions one gets rewarded handsomely.

          It’s bizarre that there hasn’t been any blowback on the engineers of this disaster, or at least that’s how it seems to me.

          But given recent events, I think there’s a better than fair chance that I’m a defective meatbot. My operating system just doesn’t seem to work the same as the more highly socialized units. My mother probably gave me my most important inoculation when she dropped me on my head as a baby.

          • There was just a post by “tern” on twitter. There is a big whooping cough outbreak in Madrid, and per his charts (and per his translation), 90 percent of the kids who have come down with it were properly vaccinated for it ( So I guess that answers the question of how useful whooping cough vaccines are now.

          • Some five or more years ago, the Chief Medical Officer in my state said that the Whooping cough vaccine didn’t match the virus anymore.

            So maybe this has been coming for a while.

  5. My subconscious led me to an old movie with the following description:

    Gustav Rune Pettersson is a middle-aged emcee for a traveling porn show. In addition to a lesbian number with “the porn industry’s answer to Laurel and Hardy, the exhibitionist Kalle Svensson appears, who shouts Marxist slogans when he ejaculates. One day, Pettersson meets the young Henrietta, and a tentative love arises.

    I will give it a chance and watch it.

    Thanks for a great post!

  6. > It also reminds me of Hellraiser. In the first movie, it is explained that the Cenobites are simply explorers, people who just seek more and more impulses to experience, no longer distinguishing between pain and pleasure. It’s a movie based on the Amsterdam gay SM scene, where basically the same thing goes on.

    Fucking GROSS!

    What the fuck is wrong with Dutch people??

    • >Implying it’s better anywhere else.

      Dutchman are the Germanic merchant race, not the faggot race. The world’s naturally homosexual race is the Arab race.

      “Access to the sea through Frisia allowed some exports to Tyria, as well as a modest
      amount of piracy. Several ports in this area were established for trading with Ingwines. These became the closest things to “cities” that Germania had, breeding a race of Frisians that were adept at financial instrumentation and forging trade agreements, who would eventually claim descent from Forseti rather than Thunar. Pirates went here to forge agreements with other pirates, using Frisian witnesses as intermediaries. ”

      “The Frisians have different traits, being mercantile, practical, unemotional, honest, independent, intolerant, miserly, adventurous, brave, and stubborn. They are also capable of great mayhem in some cases. For example, the people of Flanders are prone to causing general mayhem if they are tyrannized. The Frisians embody the traits of a merchant broker rather than a pastoral herder. They are somewhat like the Ingwines, but not quite.”

      “ᚦᛁᛜᛊᚨᛉ – Þingsaz (Forseti)

      Numen: The presence of a self interested businessman, who considers the transactional value that exists between you and him more than he considers you or him directly. A numen that says “what shall we do together?” Someone who respects your boundaries, who doesn’t want to do anything with you that you don’t want to do. Someone who suggests ventures, who says “what if we do this?” Someone who is happy to please you in a transaction, but not for free, unless it is a marketing ploy. Someone who will leave you if you ask to be left, after asking “are you sure?” Someone who will readily present himself if you have something to offer, or even out of courtesy, if you have a possible venture. A professional amoralist. Someone who will harm your enemies or help your friends if the market value is there, or do the inverse. A libertarian. An anarcho-capitalist. Someone who cannot get mad or be offended, as long as the relationship is contractual. Someone who might, at times, influence you to pursue “alternatives to Woden’s strategy”, which can often be very personally enticing, who in that case is to be STRICTLY IGNORED, or else the gods will punish you.”

      The domination of the Lokean affects all, just in different ways.

      “ᚷᛟ – Lugo (Loki)

      Numen: The presence of a childish joker, an immature mischievous trickster who likes to play games and mess around. Someone who laughs when other people are led to their death, a glib spirit that takes nothing seriously. A lighthearted psychopath. Someone who can be kind and convivial just as a consequence of glibness, but who cannot be trusted. A mirthful spirit who might make you laugh. A clown, a jester. In fact, someone who is rarely directly hostile, unless in a “scary” way. A glibly excitable childish spirit, who can be easily made to laugh. An arbitrary presence. Someone who might just as well help you, as hurt you. Someone who is kinder to those of similarly mischievous natures, but not that kind regardless. Someone who takes weights off of your shoulders, and absolves you of responsibilities, by encouraging you not to care. Someone who fears direct confrontations. A Faustian, “Satanic” character, who likes to try new things and do things, to experiment and experience for the sake of experimenting and experiencing. Someone who tries new roles, who can appear in unusual and incongruous ways, to gain new insights about the phenomenological world. A numen that pushes you to “go see” or “go try” things, to reach mountaintops for the sake of doing so. Of course, in humans, this impulse must be subordinated to biological doing-goals, or else one is liable to fall prey to some Lokean trick, or to climb a mountain under adverse conditions and to die, or to “go try” suicide.”

      • Read about the two Numens of Foresti and Loki, merge those two characters together, and you get Radagast. Well, from my perspective from reading his blog anyway. I obviously don’t actually know the guy.

      • Since I’m doing race astrology might as well continue and post mine.

        “Tyrian lands are varied, with fjords and mountain ranges in Norway, as well as low lying hills and farmlands in Sweden. As with all areas of this time, it was heavily forested, although the area is still quite forested in modern times.

        Tyrians are stoic, laconic, unemotional, honorable, honest, rude, tough, meticulous, and hard working. They were the most sensitive of their honor of all the Germanic groups. Their culture approached Thug-Honor rather than honor as a result. Slander was a terrible crime here and one could be easily killed for it. They have a reputation for hoarding. More so even than the Ingwines, because while the Ingwines hold things for trade and later use, Tyrians often hoard things for the sake of hoarding. Of course, there is a biological reason for this, it isn’t completely pointless – they wish to possess multi-generational status insurance, protecting their honor across generations by displaying potential wealth, which the inhabitants of Tyrians are intelligent enough to understand to be as formidable as expended wealth. They are familial and personal people not so much concerned with abstractions of any kind.”

        “ᛏᛁᚹᚨᛉ – Tīwaz (Tiw)

        Numen: The presence of a young stud, basically. A swaggering warrior. A conqueror. High esprit de corps, high morale, willingness to die. A stallion. A likable figure, someone who warms your blood like the sun. Someone who enflames the lust of women.”

        “Tiw can seem to have a dual nature, associated also with marauding, rape, looting, vandalism, torture, and so on. This is not true. Rather, his honor is sometimes expressed in this way, such as by the sadistic torture of a war criminal, even (and especially) a “friendly” war criminal. Or, the rape of a rogue woman who was promised to him in marriage. He becomes a more savage, sadistic archetype only when it is a matter of honor to do so. In this way his behavior can be similar to Vithar, but Vithar is more of a cold blooded, ruthless type of character, while Tiw’s acts of vengeance are valorous and more often heedless of the consequences.”

        Of-course I’m lacking most of the positive qualities, mix this character with Loki for me. I’m majority Norwegian and Swedish in ancestry.

        • Should include this too, though this obviously isn’t true for modern Scandinavians much. I do feel these traits have expressed themselves in me a bit.

          “Tyria was most obsessed with the practice of eugenics, compared with anywhere else. Parents were not only allowed but expected to kill deformed or unfit children. A number of informal and formal contests, e.g sports games and duels, existed to separate the weak from the strong. Weakness, including physical weakness, was considered to be grossly immoral.”

          “Tyrians were a conservative race, in a number of ways. Firstly, they maintained the old ways of doing things. The old staunch concern for honor, the old willingness to die for honor, the old social system, the old concern for eugenics, etc. Secondly, because of the aforementioned hoarding behavior, economic activity was not as great as it could be, and investment was low. Hence, economic and technological innovations seldom occurred. It was therefore regarded as a backward sort of place, but in a good way.”

          Tyrians have become more like Ingwines with modernity, not a bad thing.

    • LOL

      I’m reminded of my old girlfriend, the love of my life (whom I believe I mentioned to Rad when he was on Twitter), a Finnish American girl who I thought was a Goddess (I was a simp, and she WANTED a simp)

      One day, an Hispanic female friend of mine took her out for shopping or whatever, and eventually made a trip to my female friend’s mother’s house. After introducing my Finnish girlfriend (as being Finnish), the elderly mother who was a strong Catholic (and a bit unstable) blurted out “Los nordicas son amorales”

      (“The nordics are amoral”)

      My Hispanic friend was mortified by her mother’s lack of tact, but it was one of those stories we used to laugh about over the years.

      Now, years later, I’m not laughing.

      I mean, my Finnish dreamgirl gave me sex better than I would assume Zheani ever could, but I’m older and wiser now and thinking about 2nd and 3rd order effects.

      The absolute DEGENERACY possible to the Scandinavian/Nordics who have eschewed a God….

      It truly boggles the mind.

      Perhaps my fondness for Radagast is merely my younger self yearning for some simulacrum of those “good old days” even if he is not, technically speaking, Scandinavian.

      From my LSWM American mind, he is. And that’s good enough for me.

      • What’s your ancestry Mehen? I’m curious how that effects your thinking. Can’t tell like I can for some other people.

          • Very interesting. I don’t think I could figure out what you are from our interactions because you are so mixed. I don’t have race astrological charts for Hispanics or Jews, but here’s that for your Anglo side, and I’ll then extrapolate.

            “Ingwines are stoic puritanical businessmen. They are morally pious, practical, aloof, comical, socioeconomically condescending, and stubborn. They are not easily angered or upset. The people here were very hard working, rumors were that they hated fun. They are basically good natured and had a positive reputation with other Germanians. Ingwine clubs were eager to serve as mercenaries.

            “The folk customs here were greatly focused upon freedom, which the Ingwines believed their ancestor Ing to have promised to them. Ingwines were/are extremely upset when enthralled, being the most likely to run away or kill their owners. They do not put up with any kind of tyranny, and even the common folk
            are inclined to resist invasions.”

            “Ingwine society was the most stratified of any of the Germanians. They had
            distinct classes, individual property rights, landowners, and renters. It was common for wealthy people to band together above their poorer countrymen, something that other Germanians considered to be immoral. Ingwines
            condescend upon the unfortunate, believing them not to be smart enough, or not to have worked hard enough. Some hard-hearted Ingwines believe, and have believed the poor to deserve starvation and death to “clean the race”. Poor men were employed as seamen on unfavorable terms.”

            “ᛁᛜᚹᚨᛉ – Ingwaz (Freyr)

            Numen: The presence of an upright jovial orator who sees the world clearly. A non-mysterious wise man. Someone with direct and practical wisdom. A numen that is “abrupt” and immediate, that does not play at being nebulous or shy, that introduces itself immediately, “hello, I am right here!” Someone who enthusiastically gets right to the point, a courteous and happy person. A steadfast industrious joy, someone who says “alright, time
            to get to work, no complaining.” Someone who makes no big ado about anything. Non-intimidating, accessible, curious. Someone who might inspire you to action, not through heroism or emotion, just through stoic glibness,
            “just do the thing now, you’ll be fine.” A lighthearted joker with an “awkward” style of humor with deadpan delivery. This numen might appear in a “concrete” form. For example, as a salient idea or icon in your head. A figure who comes bearing fruits, or broadly with the promise of “things” or some material productive outcome, or to impart a clear idea of something that is muddled in your stupid mortal brain. The least “mystical” of the numina, though in fact numinous (and therefore spiritual).”

            Now onto extrapolations, your Hispanic and Jewish ancestry gives you a more Mediterranean outlook on things. You’re more sentimental when it comes to the “feeling” of traditional morality, and cute folksy shit (Catholic mentality on some-level. Maybe why you you feel the very Protestant Scandinavians are immoral?). More mystically rather than practically inclined; yet also more likely to take your religious beliefs less-seriously on a practical level. More likely to lie about little things until things get “serious”. More open to believing in abstract ideas that have no empirical evidence (Spacetime, other dimensions, etc)

            Feel free to correct me, I’m mostly just trying to see If this shit is accurate, and if can guess right on other shit, not trying to start a fight or anything. Also hope you found it informative yourself.

          • Personally I think the acceptance of stratification, and disdain for the losers among Anglos explains why you’re not a vegan despite religious and philosophical beliefs that seem like they would lead you to that ethical framework. On some level I believe you’re fine with being on-top, you just want to be free from oppression yourself.

            I’m seriously not judging, I’m a pretty amoral person myself. I’m not better than you for being vegan, veganism is just what I see as honorable. But I understand not everyone has the same sense of honor as me.

            I’m just trying to understand.

          • Yeah for you Mehen your thinking is very different from Freyr, especially when it comes to philosophy. (Which makes sense as only someone of majority Anglo heritage could be like him truly.) But I do see the general Anglo attitude within some of your behaviors, even if it’s somewhat counteracted by your other ancestral qualities.

  7. Germans strike me as a bit slow and humourless tbh You’re a Yank though not a German anymore; seriously, a Turkish German has a more Germanic mindset than you do. Yanks are cool though, they’re a crazy and creative bunch.

    • >Germans strike me as a bit slow and humourless tbh
      Oh yeah, they kind-of are, I’m not a German. I’m Germanic, which is a wider category. Basically, go to wikipedia and read what languages are Germanic , and you can extrapolate with reasonable accuracy what peoples are Germanic.

      The Franks and Normans were also a Germanic people, so much of France is also Germanic even though they speak a Romantic language.

      I’m an American Patriot first, Germanic Patriot second. Americans are the best Germanic people (I’m clearly unbiased.)

      Mexicans and Blacks aren’t Americans. They’re Hispanic “Americans” and African “Americans”, different tribes, I have nothing in common with them.

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