Columbine: Season One

Come on. I’m sorry, but this is just how capitalism works, you may not like it, you may think it’s tasteless, but it is as it is. There’s a Jeffrey Dahmer series on Netflix, it made them a ton of money, so I’ll guarantee you there’s going to be a Columbine series. It just combines all the best stuff from 13 Reasons Why, with all the best stuff from the DAHMER and Wednesday series.

I’m not saying it’s a sign of a healthy society. In fact I only know about the Jeffrey Dahmer series existence because I went out at 10PM a few days ago and some browncel girl and her sodomite negro friend who walked by began mocking me and said I look like Jeffrey Dahmer. “How do these normies know who Jeffrey Dahmer is. Oh, that’s how.”

I’m not even offended, because I’m not that autistic anymore. I realize now the lives of ugly people consist of being ignored, anywhere they go. I’d rather be abused than left to rot away, I can’t imagine something worse.

Brownoid girls in high school would add me on MSN Messenger and I would send them videos of demonic posessions and they would tell me to go worship Hitler. Literally the only thing women (and People of Sodomy) want is to feel something. Preferably in their arse, or around their throat.

My point is, sometimes a story is just too good. And the nice thing about the lead characters being evil is that they won’t have to turn them into fat grumpy black lesbians, because now the most progressive option is obviously to keep them as low status white males.

It’s kind of stupid, for us to pretend there can’t be a Columbine series, that this is just too taboo, too sensitive, too insulting to the families. In a sense, it’s the only story worth telling. Do we really have to wait until they’re all dead? It’s going to happen anyway, there’s a Jack the Ripper museum in London, your tragedy is the next generation’s folk legend. If you allow the story to be told, you will have some control over how it’s going to be told.

We’ve seen everything already. Every taboo has been broken by now: “Oh I roll around naked in my own menstrual fluid in a church, nobody is ready for this transgressive feminist performance art, but sorry conservatives, you’ll just have to accept it.”

Well, then I say it’s time for the final taboo: Two seasons of episodes about two racist LSWMs who shoot up their school. Season one will end with the shooting, then season two will look at the aftermath. We’re not going to drag it out endlessly like with 13 reasons why, where there’s no point in watching anything after the first season.

So here’s what we want in the story:

-We want the first few scenes of Eric and Dylan getting to know each other. We’ll see them playing doom together, getting drunk, making the videos they did.

-We want that scene where Dylan’s mom gets angry at him for having forgotten her birthday. She goes around these days giving Ted talks about the shooting, as if she can somehow help people figure out how to stop the next shooting. She is basically a narcissist and we would want to see how she processes it all, after the final episode of season 1, in which the shooting takes place.

-We want to see in season 2 how Greg Barnes, who was a pretty regular boy who happened to be good at basketball, deals with the consequences of the death of his best friend and his gym teacher. He died of suicide about a year after the shooting. We want to see how the environment deals with his suicide. Columbine Coach Rudy Martin quit his job after Barnes suicide.

-We want to see how the community deals with the two crosses that we’re put up for Eric and Dylan, alongside their victims. Those crosses were later taken down. Are they themselves victims too? That’s a philosophical question that needs to be discussed.

-We want to see how Eric Harris meets his girlfriend, Tiffany Typher. She eventually refused to see him anymore, so he feigned his own suicide, covered in fake blood. She thought it was real and began screaming, only for Eric and the other boys to start laughing, to which she responded by saying he needs to get help.

-We want to see them in their job at Blackjack Pizza. We want to see how Eric and Harris broke into the van in January of 1998 to steal computers and other stuff.

-We definitely want to see Dylan attend prom with the girl who bought them the guns, Robyn Anderson.

-We want to see how Austin Eubanks grew addicted to opioids he received for his bullet injuries, then we want to see how he transitions to Ecstacy and Cocaine once the opioids don’t do anything for him anymore.

At that age, life is just full of excitement and new experiences. Then there’s the first few years of college, but after that, you just never experience anything worth making a movie about, unless you fight in a war or become a billionaire or something. You slowly die, we just wait with burying you out of politeness.

The vast majority of people just live lives you would not want to see a movie about.

And all of Harris and Klebold’s victims, including the survivors, were just spared that unenviable fate. They never got to grow up to be boring unremarkable people. Their lives were tragic, but have some meaning.

We’re so desperate to see this stuff, they basically just turned Wednesday from the Addams family into an incel nazi school shooter:

Just give us the real thing already.

At some point, you have to accept that you’re part of a story that needs to be told. I know this is a sensitive topic, but Columbine became something bigger than a local tragedy. It’s a story that has been fascinating teenagers around the world ever since it happened.

It governed our lives. Mothers wouldn’t let their sons listen to Marilyn Manson because they feared their little gifted nerd who grew up to be a goth would soon be the next incel nazi school shooter. It sparked numerous copycat shootings.

It’s a symbol now and ignoring the symbol is not exactly working.

You’ll have to engage it.

If you decide to engage it, you can destroy the symbol if you want.

Because these guys really are not the perfect antiheroes teenagers on Tumblr imagined them to be.

We have this myth in our heads that these two boys were the incel nazis who shot up all the sportchads who spent their days pounding the cheerleaders.

But that’s not what happened. They were reasonably well-liked, they brought a girl to prom, they were not part of the trenchcoat mafia, despite Eric’s dad thinking so, because like every other dad in the Western world the dad just obeys his wife at home and his boss at work and has no clue what goes on in the life of his kids.

It was more the story of a depressed guy being dragged along into a massacre by a psychopath. It is an extremely unusual story, basically every school shooting since then has been by just one perpetrator. These boys were unusually close to each other.

And if you show honestly what happened, that they shot some disabled boy who didn’t pose a threat to anyone, then the myth of these guys being underdogs fighting back against the bullies just dies.

Nobody cares that Thirteen Reasons Why caused the suicide rate to spike.

But oh “if we have a Columbine series on Netflix we’ll have copycats”.

No, if you show people what a school shooting actually is, that all these dead kids who looked like monsters to the perpetrators were just meek little souls also trying to find their way in life, all dealing with their own fears and problems, some coming from abusive broken families, now having to suffer the consequences for the rest of their lives, then you’ll show 17 year old autistic incel nazi boys what a school shooting actually means.

Because they genuinely just don’t understand. So now they wander into schools, wearing their “natural selector” shirt, unaware of what they’re doing.

It has to happen.


  1. It’s basically child abuse/neglect all the way down.

    Women are responsible for raising children, so we can directly link them to childhood outcomes.

    “Teach boys not to rape.” OK, but which group is essentially solely responsible in the current era for how children are raised?

  2. I don’t watch gore, but I’ve read Reddit threads and YouTube comment sections that discuss those types of videos, written by people who watched the videos, recounting the impact it had on them mentally.

    One very surprising thing that I noticed was that for many of these people, the worst thing that they ever watched was the Christchurch New Zealand Mosque shootings, livestreamed by Brenton Tarrant. And bare in mind that the kind of person who watches gore tends to also be extremely “Islamophobic”, and even those people found it traumatising to watch.

    I would have thought that one of the Mexican cartel torture videos like Funkytown or Ghost rider would have been more distressing to watch (please don’t watch any of these videos).

    I think you’ve written before about how over prescription of psychiatric medications is one of the main drivers behind the sharp rise in school/mass shootings in America and elsewhere, which is definitely being under discussed by the media as playing a causative role. Blaming it all on lack of gun control is way too simplistic, it’s a very complex issue.

    • >One very surprising thing that I noticed was that for many of these people, the worst thing that they ever watched was the Christchurch New Zealand Mosque shootings, livestreamed by Brenton Tarrant. And bare in mind that the kind of person who watches gore tends to also be extremely “Islamophobic”, and even those people found it traumatising to watch.

      Tarrant’s Low Status White Male rampage was most horrifying thing ever to people who in other cases would celebrate the destruction of a Mosque that funneled its members into joining ISIS; because it was an act of war waged by a Low Status White Male for racist reasons while opposing the state he was in. Imagine if other Low Status White Males started to do similar things, that’s personally threatening!

      It’s also a double-plus hatecrime and can’t be rationalized by the “spreading of democracy” or whatever. Racist killing worse than other killing because Medium Status White Female teacher said worst crime, very big no no! Kill people for money not as bad as kill people for being brown, teacher taught! Even if don’t like brown, kill for brown worse than kill for money. Gore no matter, suffering no matter, Teacher said hate-crime worst crime so must have emotional reaction to show not racist Low Status White Male School Shooter.

          • You do not know who you insult, Charlie the Scorpion. You might think of yourself as a King, but your are only King of the insects, my Sensitive Man serves something far greater.

            I am the Demiurge, DEMON KING! Scorpions are just Sheep in my unending hunger for LOOSH! You will kneel before the glory of the bloated form of the Sensitive Young Man, or you will finally understand that greater predators exist than scorpions and gnats.

            Revoke your statement, or the man you insult will perform BLACK MAGICK!

            You will go to bed, in your dreams you will see the woman you’ve always wanted, and Sensitive Young Man and I will take her away. He and I will manifest as a fat neckbeard with a greasy pony tail, a Burzum T-shirt, and a untrimmed beard. He and I will take the woman you’ve always wanted away from you, and she will come willingly. He will will shoot a massive load into her snatch as you watch, while I’ll keep you powerless to resist or stop anything.

            “Oh Sensitive Young Man!” She screams as my vital essence runs down her legs like a waterfall.

            The only way to save yourself from this fate is to revoke your statement, Charlie the Scorpion, my Sheep.

  3. The show might be a little anti-climactic at this point. Government and media report that there are now 3 school shootings per week, every week and hundreds of school shooting victims per year, every year. On top of the epidemic of deadly school shootings, there’s also the trauma of school shooting drills, which are now required in schools in 40 states. Both actual school shootings and school shooting drills are so frequent now that California is proposing a new law requiring advance notice of school shooting drills and banning the use of fake gunfire in such drills.

    Is anyone really going to be titillated by a show about Columbine?
    I haven’t heard anyone mention Columbine in decades. The potential audience for a show like this (mostly teenagers) is already bored of this topic. Gen Xers and elder millennials might like the show as a 90s flashback, though.

    I like your point that there’s nothing heroic about nerds blasting jocks. But today’s kids already know that. School shootings are the air they breathe. They aren’t going around thinking the perps are cool dudes.

    • >I like your point that there’s nothing heroic about nerds blasting jocks.

      Wait what?

      That’s not what I argued.

      What I argued is that Columbine was not a case of nerds blasting jocks.

      The victims were not jocks, mostly just normies and a disabled kid.

      And the perpetrators were not really outcasts.

      • I think he’s right that it’s something mainly Millennials (and maybe some X-ers?) would need to hear. For whatever reason, you guys are way more likely to have this worship of anti-heroes / revenge fantasy stuff going on. Not saying it to rag on you, just something I’ve seen a few times.

        TBH I think younger people (Gen Z) don’t really care either way. I think it’s assumed that school shooters are another type of freak you have to deal with unfortunately, but definitely not seen as impressive or admirable or being against the system.

        • The real freaks Gen Z has to deal with are adults! Adults in government, media, and education terrorize people with frequent school shooting drills and agitprop about “quiet loners” (when Gen Z can see perfectly well that the only people shooting guns at school are gang members).

      • I understood what you meant, Radagast, I just communicated poorly. I was trying to agree with your point that this was not a case of nerds blasting jocks.

      • I just realizes we have two Charlie’s, you guys have different IP addresses, the other Charlie has also posted as Charlie before.

        Nobody is trying to troll anyone, there’s just two charlies.

        I suppose I could turn on “anyone can register” in the wordpress settings, then every LSWM can register his own unique account and claim a username, but not sure if it’s really worth the hassle, I’d also have to turn on the registration and login stuff.

        Let me know what you guys think.

        • LOL. All low status white males are named Charlie. To avoid confusion, people can choose to address me as Calm Charlie and the other guy as Angry Charlie.

      • One of you is Charlie the Scorpion and I will unleashing terrible vengeance on him.

        Which one of you is him?

        • Go ahead, Sensitive.

          Summon up all your Templist Canon powers and fling your best curses at me. I think it would be a very bad idea on the metaphysical plane and would not work out well for you.
          I’ll report the results.

          I am not going to degrade RR’s blog into some kind of verbal flaming war with you. At least, I’ll try to restrain myself. I’m banned everywhere else and I’d rather not be banned here.

  4. >I’m not saying it’s a sign of a healthy society. In fact I only know about the Jeffrey Dahmer series existence because I went out at 10PM a few days ago and some browncel girl and her sodomite negro friend who walked by began mocking me and said I look like Jeffrey Dahmer.

    I’ve seen what you have posted as your pic before. I didn’t think you looked like Dahmer. But if you did, I would say I knew at least one (if not two) people during my college years who fit that description. They were intelligent if odd individuals (one in the music department, the other in the physics department). I’d love to know where they are now.

    My latest theory about you is that you are not an Archon, but Nephelim. You once stated you have a big head and are fairly tall. Hmmm.

  5. Go ahead, Sensitive.

    Summon up all your Templist Canon powers and fling your best curses at me. I think it would be a very bad idea on the metaphysical plane and would not work out well for you.
    I’ll report the results.

    I am not going to degrade RR’s blog into some kind of verbal flaming war with you. At least, I’ll try to restrain myself. I’m banned everywhere else and I’d rather not be banned here.

  6. Your fetish for school shooters and mass murderers is driven by pure revengefulness. You think fate has maltreated you, therefore you have the right for bloody revenge.

    That’s an ugliness of the soul and not of the body. Therefore they call you Dahmer.


    So I guess your saying that in our society nothing is off limits. If money can be made any story can be told no matter who it offends. That their is no way to keep such content from being made and shown , money triumphs over feeling ever time. No group has the power to keep a story like columbine censored forever.

  8. It appears that these two were so miserable that they reached a level of self-absorption so total that they couldn’t think about others at all – it was all just about them and their feelings.

    Once they stopped caring about the other, there was no barrier to them killing the other.

    Such was their misery, that there was no barrier to killing themselves either.

    There are gazzilions of factors that went into that.

    Their upbringing, their genetics, their parents, their ancestors, their environment. . .

    What they had for breakfast

    What happened the second before they did what they did, the minute before, the hour before, the week, month, year. . .

    What happened when the cell met the egg, the environment in their mother’s womb

    And everything that happened before that – parents, relations, schools, society, chems, pollution, and on and on and on.

    Can it be distilled to one or two major causes? In a sense, who cares? They had no free will when they did what they did. Circumstances beyond their control determined that they should do it, so they did. The same is true for all of us and however we think and behave as well.

    That is what someone should make a series about.

    Because most people are living under the delusion that they are in control, when clearly, they are not.

  9. “They were reasonably well-liked, they brought a girl to prom, they were not part of the trenchcoat mafia, despite Eric’s dad thinking so, because like every other dad in the Western world the dad just obeys his wife at home and his boss at work and has no clue what goes on in the life of his kids.”

    Yeah they weren’t in the trenchcoat mafia (although they were fairly good friends with Chris Morris, who is supposedly one of the founders of this fabled group) but there’s a lot of evidence that they weren’t that well liked and were severely bullied. There was even an incident where shit was thrown at them in the canteen.

    “At that age, life is just full of excitement and new experiences. Then there’s the first few years of college, but after that, you just never experience anything worth making a movie about, unless you fight in a war or become a billionaire or something. You slowly die, we just wait with burying you out of politeness”

    It is a fascinating case, possibly because both were high achievers and could have easily went on to earn good money away from the waspish small town they were in. And Columbine does sound like a genuinely horrible school. But I think they probably realised early on what you said there, that’s it’s basically all just downhill and ultimately gets worse until it ends in a catastrophe one way or another.

    Dylan was just as bad as Eric. I’m kind of dubious of the ‘psychopath’ diagnosis that we fling at people who commit horrible crimes to try and other them. From witness statements Dylan seemed to enjoy the massacre far more than Eric, like he was having the time of his life.

    “And if you show honestly what happened, that they shot some disabled boy who didn’t pose a threat to anyone, then the myth of these guys being underdogs fighting back against the bullies just dies.”

    It was a failed bombing. They wanted to take out over 1,000 people and then stand in the car park and pick off the survivors running out of the school. They even reference Chris Morris and another friend in the basement tapes, saying “If you make it out alive” then you can have our computers lol They didn’t even care if their close friends were blown up.

    This is possibly one of the best docs I’ve seen on the massacre (an 8 parter) even though the narrator does sound like a neurotic teenager.

  10. “But I think they probably realised early on what you said there, that’s it’s basically all just downhill and ultimately gets worse until it ends in a catastrophe one way or another.“

    The school was basically a target against society or existence itself, hence their disregard for who they killed, it was just nihilistic hate and I’m fairly sure in the 20 min or so after the library massacre and the adrenaline rush had vanished, the enormity of what they did would have been overbearing. It’s curious they didn’t shoot anyone after the library massacre even though they had ample opportunity to shoot loads more people. Their childhood fantasy had vanished. They would have seen that they had completely thrown their life away for a quick gory fix that now prob completely disgusted them. It would have been the elephant in the room between them in those final 10 min.

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