Don’t drink the milk

“The finding in cattle has been so different,” said Dr. Lars Larsen, a professor of veterinary clinical microbiology at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark. In mammals, influenza typically infects the lungs. In cats, it can also infect the brain. “Here we see an enormous amount of virus in the mammary and in the milk,” Larsen said.

Larsen said the concentration of H5N1 viruses in the milk of infected cows is 1,000 times higher than typically seen in infected birds. He said he and his colleagues calculated that even if the milk from a single infected cow were diluted in 1,000 tons of milk, scientists would still be able to pick up traces of the virus in lab tests.


People are busy arguing over whether or not pasteurization means there is no living H5N1 left in the milk. But I would say that’s the wrong question to ask. The proper question to ask yourself is: What do these very high concentrations of influenza proteins do to your body when you ingest them?

That questions first has to be answered, before you study whether the virus can transmit in this manner. Pasteurization may kill a virus, but if these proteins remain intact, you have to study what these influenza proteins do to someone when they’re exposed to them.

It’s a game of Russian roulette: It’s either not in the milk, or it’s there in very high concentrations, much higher than anything we know. I have been looking, but there hasn’t been any study on what happens when you feed any animal these dead influenza virus proteins at high concentrations, we’re in uncharted territory with this. Humans don’t really get exposed to it from chickens: If any chicken has it they’re all killed and it doesn’t enter the food supply.

The H in H5N1 stands for Hemagluttinin. That’s the protein used to enter a cell. We call the protein Hemagluttinin, because it has the ability to clump blood cells together. Hema means blood, gluttinin means gluing together. You add the protein to some blood, that’s the first thing you notice, the blood cells start clumping together. That’s not what you want to see happening in a human body!

Maybe the virus never jumps into humans, who knows. But right now, we’re stuck with infected cows, whose milk may no longer be fit for human consumption: It now contains huge amounts of a protein that causes cells to clump together. The milk from the sick cows looks thicker.

The N stands for Neuraminidase. That’s an enzyme in the influenza virus that breaks down sugar molecules found on the surface of target cells, so that the receptors become a better fit for the Hemagluttinin protein. Do you want to have this protein in your digestive tract, cutting off the sialic acids from your receptors?

I don’t know, but I would say you first want to test whether there is a risk involved, regardless of whether the virus itself is still alive or not. Just like the Spike protein of SARS2 is a toxic protein, regardless of how you’re exposed to it, Influenza produces proteins that are toxic regardless of whether you’re exposed to a living virus.

What do these proteins do to your gut bacteria? Do they cause your gut bacteria to clump together, like they do to red blood cells? That’s something you would want to see studied. And remember, the concentrations will have an extreme tail distribution: A small number of samples will have extremely high concentrations. It’s the difference between one million strawberries being a good source of iron because they grew in iron rich ground, versus one strawberry containing an iron nail: You would still have to recall all one million, if only one contains a nail!

But won’t the milk give you immunity? Well tell me: How many vaccines work by having you ingest dead viral material? Not a lot. Anything you eat will tend to stimulate an IgG2 immune response. That’s not the immune response you want to see to a virus infecting your lungs, it doesn’t tell your immune system to destroy an infected cell.

We can feed dead bacteria to mice to stimulate an IgG2 response that reduces inflammation in the lungs. Oral induction of tolerance is a well-established phenomenon, used to suppress various inflammatory conditions. It’s even used to establish tolerance against viral proteins, so that certain viruses can be better used to make vaccines.

In fact, since we already have immunity against influenza viruses from our own exposure to the virus, high concentrations of the protein in our food may induce a tolerance effect: It could make you start deploying the wrong antibodies against influenza.

Again, all of this is caused by the polybasic cleavage site of this H5N1 virus: That makes it behave very differently from regular influenza, because it can now infect very different cell types. Regular influenza can’t infect the milk gland of a cow, it goes for the respiratory tract.

You have no history of exposure to high concentrations of these proteins in your digestive tract by drinking the milk of an animal, that’s something we have never seen before in history, as far as I am aware. It is essentially like introducing a whole new food on the market: You first need to test whether this is safe for human consumption or not.

The worst case scenario might be as following:

  1. Pre-existing high levels of immunity against influenza from previous infections have prevented H5N1 from spreading through the human population, despite constant exposure of farmworkers.
  2. Now, the whole population is being exposed to H5N1 proteins in milk from inactive virus. This stimulates an anti-inflammatory IgG2 response.
  3. The anti-inflammatory IgG2 response that develops over time starts to make the population more susceptible to influenza, particularly H5N1.
  4. This then results in a new influenza pandemic.

This is obviously speculative, but the simple fact is that we don’t know, as long as nobody bothers to look at what the effect is of feeding an animal large amounts of dead influenza virus through milk.


  1. Quote: “What do these very high concentrations of influenza proteins do to your body when you ingest them?”

    You always focus on details of this big inscrutable machinery around us, and you think that you can see truth with your tunnel vision.

    But for me it is all wild speculation.

    • > Quote: “What do these very high concentrations of influenza proteins do to your body when you ingest them?”

      You always focus on details of this big inscrutable machinery around us, and you think that you can see truth with your tunnel vision. But for me it is all wild speculation.

      You are exactly correct, Diogenes.

      I had the same thought when reading this entry of Radagast.

      A myopic focus on minutiae is a sign of a greater avoidance of the big picture.

      All that is left is competing conceptual narratives.

      But no one cares to hear what I say IRL

  2. Trying to tell people not to eat meat or to drink milk, is like trying to explain to people that you shouldn’t be a cannibal or molest children. If it’s already at the point where you have to actually explain that to someone, they’re already aware of what they’re doing yet they continue to do it anyway, that person is pretty much too far gone. If the moral or heart-based reasons aren’t enough to sway them from such actions, and you have to appeal to self-interest, then you’re pretty much dealing with some kind of psychopathic robot at that point. And that’s most people these days. But I still think it’s a good gesture anyway.

      • Just in case you’re not joking, how would you have felt about the topic of cannibalism, as a young child? Would it have disturbed you in some way? This realm is designed to corrupt people spiritually, you know.

          • I’m asking you about how you would have reacted to the topic or concept of cannibalism, back when you were a young child, not about your present justifications for it. Try to think back and remember who you were back then, and how you would have felt about such a thing. This realm can be very deceptive. How certain are you, that you really understand the ‘rules’ by which you are navigating this reality?

          • @Tryptie: A few days ago, you wrote the following:

            “If you are like me, you have subconscious memories, from many thousands of years ago, before the cataclysm, when things were not like this at all.”

            Could you please describe in a bit more detail what the world looked like prior to this “cataclysm”?

            @Retard: What country/region do you live in? Are firearms legal in your jurisdiction?

          • Only retards use firearms.

            Based anarchists like me use biological means, to achieve our desired ends.

          • > Could you please describe in a bit more detail what the world looked like prior to this “cataclysm”?

            I mean, I don’t know everything, just a few things. It would not have been anything like this world at all – more like a ‘living astral dream realm’ with no particular rules or limitations, but it would have also been a relatively innocent kind of place as well, with no psychopathy or true malevolence in it initially. There was a god there, who would have been in some sense, tied into the gestalt of the realm itself, as well as its health and the wellbeing of its inhabitants. I sensed this god having the nature of something like a ‘wise, motherly child’ or a ‘childlike, wise mother.’ We would have been individuated offshoots of that being, and inhabited and probably co-created this connected series of realms within this overall dreamscape, together. It appears to have been quite vivid and fantastical in form, this realm: I saw giant mushroom forests, bioluminescent trees, a waterfall that was several kilometers wide and an unknown distance tall, something like a treetop village built on the cliff’s edge of a snowy mountain with clouds obscuring whatever was below, and more mountains in the distance; I saw myself sliding down a giant leaf as though it were a waterslide, I saw many other things which appeared familiar to me somehow; this appeared to be a place much larger in scope than the Earth we presently know. There is a sense of some kind of disaster or perhaps a war of some kind occurring at some point, an escalating series of problems arising from it, and then an extremely traumatic event which resulted in the apparent destruction of that realm; this earth we inhabit at present, is in fact as I presently understand it a fragment of that location, but energetically locked down and twisted beyond recognition into something horrendous. I wish I could tell you more, I just don’t know at present I’m still trying to work on it.

            > Tryptie, sorry to butt in, but I’m curious what you think about astrology?

            I think sometimes it can be informative in the sense that events in this reality are energetically manipulated by the cycles of these planetary bodies, but I haven’t studied it too much myself. I know that the supernatural events in my life really began to ramp up around my Saturn return, or around the Jupiter-Saturn great conjunction. I see astrological effects of that type as more of a shackle or just another restriction on our freewill, which is to say it may be valuable to understand the phenomenon, but ultimately it should be transcended or counteracted somehow. We have a right to be sovereign and decide our own destinies.

  3. If your speculations regarding H5N1 turn out to be true, it seems that this is something that would take time to develop and play out over the next number of years.

    Whereas with SARS-CoV-2, it seems to be more imminent/urgent right now, such is the very strong selection pressure currently being put on the NTD.

    This “stearic immune refocusing” phenomenon that Dr. Vanden Bossche has described has bought us some time, which I fear will soon run out.

    Either way, it’s pretty bleak. The quote from Nikita Khrushchev describing nuclear war comes to mind:

    “The living will envy the dead.”

    • > If your speculations regarding H5N1 turn out to be true, it seems that this is something that would take time to develop and play out over the next number of years.

      Lots of time.

      Lots of time to develop new and more novel “theories” about every little tittle and jot about human biology.

      The possibilities are endless.

      We could be here on this blog debating minutiae forever.

      When will you autists learn there are far greater forces in play, that have little to do with “T cells” and “NK cells”?

      That there is a narrative being scripted which involves all of us LSWMs, and has precious little to do with “facts” or “science?”

      Fucking autists…

  4. Nothing wrong with speculation without there would be no advancement, we would just sit around doing sweet FA.

    • > Nothing wrong with speculation without there would be no advancement

      Speculation about *what* exactly?

      This is the point of contention.

      > we would just sit around doing sweet [fuck all]


      Primary to our understanding of the Extreme Individual is the will to overcome anything which prevents us from reaching our own personal ideal. In opposition to the *will to overcome* is the fear of losing what we have.

      When we feel safe, our tendency is to reach out to create — to fulfill our wildest dreams — to challenge the world.

      Extreme Individuals, however, don’t wait to feel safe; they simply proceed to overcome obstacles which stand in their way of self expansion, of going beyond what they are and what they feel. Man wants to triumph, to be victorious in his life and some men want and need this more than others. These are the Extreme Individuals, those who push the boundaries of the ordinary.

      — Hyatt

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