Today I’m annoyed by low IQ low status white males in the Netherlands, who witness their environment go to shit and decide to stick their heads in the sand. This of course is typical low IQ low status white male behavior, they probably do the same thing whenever their wife “works overtime”.
So for all the LSWMs still capable of redemption, I’m going to explain how drought works, as opposed to how low IQ LSWMs think it works. The Dutch right wing media aimed at low IQ LSWMs tries to downplay what’s happening now and step one of course for sedating the low IQ LSWMs is to post some woman in a bikini.
But I want to focus on the text:
“De afgelopen 32 dagen werd dit land niet meer beroerd door hemels water, wat betekent dat we vandaag het record van meeste achtereenvolgende droge dagen evenaren. Een record dat we de komende tijd verder aanscherpen gezien er voorlopig nog geen regen in de planning staat.”
So we’ve had 32 days without any rain and it looks like we’re about to break a record for the most successive days without rain.
“We snappen dat dit wat onzekerheid kan opleveren, maar laten we vooral niet vergeten dat we dit jaar begonnen met een uitzonderlijk nat voorjaar. We waren zo op dreef dat we de op één na natste lente van deze eeuw noteerden en in maart nog wakker werden met een witte laag over delen van dit prachtige land. De recente droogte is in dat opzicht meer een balansmaandje.”
Here they argue we had a very wet spring and so the drought is fine. If you’re a low IQ low status white male, this makes perfect sense: Your son nearly drowned when he went swimming in the sea, so you don’t have to offer him anything to drink for the next two weeks.
But here’s how it actually works. Climate change increases moisture in the atmosphere. This should overall slightly increase the total amount of precipitation that falls out of the sky. The problem unfortunately is that:
- We also have more evaporation. As the summers get warmer, you have more loss of moisture during the summer from the soil.
- The rain becomes increasingly unequally distributed: We get more intense downpours, followed by longer dry periods.
And it’s number 2 I want to focus on now. An intense downpour sucks. When it rains, there’s a finite capacity of moisture that the soil can absorb. This is especially low if you have had recent rain. When you exceed the absorption capacity of the soil, the rain starts to travel downhill. If you have sufficient rainfall at once this rain will start to cause soil erosion, flushing fertile soils down into the water streams.
Normal rain episodes don’t cause soil erosion, because the soil can absorb it. It’s the brief moment of intense downpours, exceeding the absorption capacity, that cause erosion. And because the soil absorbs a lot of rain, the effect is non-linear: A 10% increase in precipitation extremes, causes a bigger than 10% increase in the amount of water that is not absorbed. This can then increases erosion beyond the soil’s natural regenerative capacity.
Once the topsoil begins to erode you enter a positive feedback loop, as you’re now left with less absorption capacity while you still get the same downpours. In other words, the soil you have left has just become more vulnerable. This is one reason why climate change is a big threat to our soils. Places that now have well-functioning healthy soils will lose them, as they’ll be flushed out into rivers that take the soil into the ocean. For the Netherlands soil erosion is fortunately not a major threat: We’re a small flat country in a river delta. For most of the world however, this will cause big trouble.
So let’s look at the rain we had in spring, shall we? Does this solve the problem of a dry summer?
The answer is no, because some vegetation requires steady rain, like the annual plants that grow flowers. Those plants depend on water in the surface layers of the soil, so they need regular rain. The species that depend on these plants thus also require steady rain. This includes the butterflies and the bees. Without enough nectar, they can’t sustain themselves.
Here you see 2022:

Here you see 2023:

As you can see, we’re now faced with two consecutive droughts during summer. This means that every species that was hit in 2022, is now hit again.
We’re now at the point where this becomes a self-sustaining problem: The flowers aren’t being pollinated, because the bees and butterflies are gone due to last year’s drought. But if they’re not being pollinated they don’t produce seed. And if they don’t produce seed, then there won’t be flowers for the insects to get nectar from.
There are other species that can’t cope with these summer droughts either. The dragonflies need water in June to lay their eggs. It doesn’t matter if you have a wet spring, because the streams in our nature reserves will be dry by June if you have a dry summer, meaning the dragonflies have no place to leave their eggs. Some places have seen a 95% decline in dragonflies in 25 years, with recent droughts as a major factor.
Finally, an overly wet spring can actually merely make these problems worse for some species. Insects don’t really fly during rain or hail, it forces them to shelter.
Everything in nature has evolved to adjust to certain environmental variables. If those variables have been relatively stable and predictable for a long time and now very suddenly and rapidly become unstable and unpredictable, that means things start going wrong. You can’t say “well we had a wet spring so who cares that we have a dry summer”, as that’s not how the environment functions.
Ours is not a society deserving of redemption. Most people have zero desire to preserve living space for non-human species. In fact, most of you will stick your heads in the sand and make excuses, as the unprecedented droughts happening in your own area are killing off the insects. And so I will say again, don’t blame me for what’s coming for your ilk. You’re all inviting it on yourselves.
Savitri Devi nailed it when she condemned what she called “man centered creeds.” Whatever you think of her other ideas, The Impeachment of Man is an excellent book. Though, I don’t know if it’s legal to have it in the EU.
You are very much correct.
Interestingly Medieval and Early Modern Europe is quite the hotbed for Plagues. Not even highly populated Asia is like this it just doesn’t have that same frequency and severity. But the Middle East and Europe just seem primed for this. I wonder why.
Good question, I have no answer.
I can only attest to my observation in Midlands UK, but pollinators do seem not very numerous this year. Only a few bumblebees, virtually no butterflies and Wild bees except for woodcutter bees. Suprisingly there is an explosion of zebra spider population (and a decrease of house spider) . Females can be seen very often.
Yep. The only insects that seem to do well in my experience are mosquitos and tics. I got to pull one out of my leg yesterday and I had about a dozen of them swirl around my legs at dusk. Dutch nature seems to be unwelcoming to visitors right now.
When did this website Trans from LSWM friendly to LSWM hostile? You deprived me of my safe space, you cheeky monkey!
Bait and switch is what it is.
If you love someone you’re honest to them.
I try to be honest to the low status white males, by explaining to them why they’re low IQ morons.
It’s my attempt to find a select few who can be saved.
All the grass in the Netherlands is dried out again. Everywhere I look I see extremely tall foxtails, nettles and berries. Oh well.
any good books you can recommend for LSWM to read on that topic?
The Secret Life of Trees– forests of sufficient size create their own ecosystems, and affect the hydrologic cycle. Healthy forest coverage extends the inland reach of coastal moisture by pumping the water out of the ground and putting it back into the air– renewing the clouds and sending them further in
Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond –not so relevant for Netherlands, but for more arid places? Brilliant– drought is relative, and has a lot to do with human activity
Yes, in fact to adjust to the changing climatic conditions, we would benefit greatly from increased forest coverage. But that’s hard to achieve, with 8 billion people.
Yes, it is especially unfortunate that all 8 billion seem to want to live near the beach. It breaks the first link in that essential chain. Though I think I read that in at least some places that range is +/- 400 miles? Probably the terrain matters a lot. So, given the right terrain, you still have a link if there’s substantial forest within 400 miles of the coast. The coastal rains coming from the sea can reach. Still… that’s where most of our population centers are.
Well we all want to live near the beach, because the river delta is the most productive place on the planet.
People begin practicing agriculture in such places. Then you start to have cities there, which then create economic opportunities, which draw in more people. It’s an early mover advantage that’s hard to overcome. My country would be much better off dismantling the Hague, Delft and Rotterdam, as the ocean will swallow these cities. We’d be much better off relocating people here to the east of the country. We have to migrate. This will be a multidecadal project, we’d be best off starting now. But how do you accomplish such a massive project? It’s practically impossible.
The smaller towns further away from the beach on the other hand undergo mechanization of agriculture, ending what jobs were available there.
All these frikkin windmolens they build all along the coast seem to charge the clould-formation Rain does not make it to the land. On top of that they cut a lot of trees for their green transition, they call it bio-mass. What doesn’ help either is to have a plus in human population growth due to immigration of 200,000 People year after year. First thing they do is buy I Suv.. I don’ know about G5 and these factors, but I do know the artificial (led) Light disturbes insects. Other non -human factors May be the pole-shift and the sun energy.
Or maybe it’s the fact that we’re changing the atmosphere with carbon dioxide. Have you ever considered that possibility?
Sure I have, it probably does
But I just can’t help thinking that the measures they take to fight climate change make things even worse. And destroy nature. Take windturbines for instance, they raise temperatures on the ground considerably. Apart from taking incredibly vast landmasses and destroy landscape and birds. But that is not what it is about: they are willing to tear them down just as easily as they built them, is is just about the subsidies and investments. They call it stakeholders capitalism. Everybody is a stakeholder except the taxpayer.
There isn’t really an easy solution. But I’d rather have wind turbines than coal plants.
Large coastal forests are one of the keys to drought mitigation. The further inland the forest reaches, the further the rain reaches.
But everybody wants to build on the coast 🙁
When I was growing up I thought that the Scottish highlands and the mainland of Greece were the most beautiful and romantic landscapes. I had no idea that they had at one time been covered with immense forests, and and that terrible land use practices by humans had caused much of the tree loss. On learning this I started to read about the famines in Scotland, and concluded that although the practice of wandering Greek hillsides collecting greens to eat was picturesque, it came at too high a price.
I’m suspecting for quite some time now that the heavy build-up of wind energy in the North Sea region, Scotland, England, Northern France, Netherlands, Germany is contributing significantly to droughts as well – see: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1364032115016457. In the last winters I hardly see the classical Iceland cyclones anymore and in summers we don’t see the classical Azore anticyclones anymore. Something has changed quite swiftly over the last years, thus it might not be pure – gradual – climate change.
It’s fair to ponder this. The droughts we have right now are so severe, they’re about 30 years ahead of what the climate models anticipated. There are probably variables that aren’t properly taken into consideration.
Ok, I see some previous commentator mentioned that too – anyway, I’d expect the wind mills to change winds significantly in heights up to 1.5 to 2 km – heights where you would expect rain clouds.
I’m too lazy to study weather maps of the last years, coupled with the distribution of windmills in northern Europe of the last years, but somebody should do it.
We low IQ morons do not take offense. This particular high-end autistic moron has learned to take pleasure in watching relatives he warned about the COVID scam squirm.
It’s not like we get handed out free candy in that regard. There won’t be a renewable utopia – in the end we should all try to consume less and strive for more modesty, here I agree very much with Rintrah.
It’s btw a pity that a onesided Te-type like Vaclav Smil didn’t want to go in such intricacies in his energy related (energy density, etc) books – unsurprisingly he’s also a big supporter of vaccines and kept at least his mouth shut during the Covid vaccine rush.
We’d be doing a lot better if we could make clotheslines and bicycles a hot virtue-signaling commodity, instead of electric cars :/
Exactly. There is so much addlepated and inept thinking in the electric car hype. The far-from-being-top-performer elites promoting that BS want some lavish “MEEEE, not you!”-model.
It’s not going to work – why should the populace accept saving energy when mobby elites celebrate their parites on hydrogen-driven yachts.
Der Fisch stinkt vom Kopfe her, as a German saying goes.
There’s something analogous compared to the mRNA-vaccine with the wind-energy build-up: messing around with something we do not properly understand. We do not properly understand what the effect of large scale landscape-plastering with windmills is.
A cfd-specialist might have some fun playing around with some perfectly flat plain above which is air, then some constant wind speed as boundary condition and an increasing number of windmills though. For the sake of entertainment he could add some rain cloud object moving with the same speed as the airflow.
Wind power… We’ve been having a bunch of dead whales wash up lately. A lot of people think it’s down to the sonar surveying for offshore wind farms 🙁
I remember when saving whales was one of those nice things we could all be on board with. Now? Using the current insane amount of electricity per household forever, from whatever source, seems to take priority over everything.
Also the heavy downpours beginning in July would fit perfectly into the picture: imagine the windmill build-up as wall against common rainclouds, easily enough for causing drought in May/June .. when there is enough energy build-up in the atmosphere in summer, thunderclouds break that wall and we have torrential rains that would be otherwise much milder as a raincloudy vanguard would make unhindered landfall first.
Restore wetlands
Seen this yet:
Apparently PFZ’s internal report on adverse events. Aussie17 talks about it here: