Filtering reality

I don’t really link much anymore to stuff I find interesting, without having anything to say about it myself. But this was really interesting, a post about what Salvia Divinorum suggests about how our reality functions. Essentially it argues that because psychedelics like Salvia Divinorum tone down activity in the claustrum, where all signals in our brain come together, it seems like the purpose of our brain is not to perceive reality, or even to generate it. Rather, its purpose is to filter reality. The author’s Twitter account is worth browsing too.

The vast ocean of consciousness perceives everything, but the purpose of the brain is to filter it all down to the minority of signals compatible with Darwinian survival, that the ego goes on to perceive. When you turn off the claustrum, as Salvia Divinorum essentially does, you zoom out and see the whole picture again, which is perceived as a wheel that contains all possible sensations and realities.

Salvia Divinorum is an absurdist plant, that doesn’t seem to take anything too seriously. It’s a strange fit for our era, which is becoming increasingly absurd in its own right.


  1. I’ve said before that your endorsement of Salvia is highly suspect. Most serious psychonauts swear it off after a trip or two. (I can’t be bothered to find all the comments by many psychonauts saying “FUCK THAT SHIT”. My own experiences were interesting in an intellectual way, but horrifying nonetheless. As I recall, you only took small doses which loosened you up a bit. But high doses are an ontological nightmare. This should be a clue that Salvia should not be included in the pantheon of psychedelic substances. It is total insanity.

    But since you invoked my boy Robert Anton Wilson, I decided to share a quote of his that I liked.

    Alas, after spending nearly 20 minutes tracking it down, using Google, DuckDuckGo, Bing, etc, I could not find it. It appears to have been scrubbed. Which is bullshit because I can remember posting a meme of this quote on Facebook back in 2020. Very easy to find at the time.

    It was something like “All of us are convinced of the truth of ideas, until we aren’t. But the same could be said of any schizophrenic patient.”

    Forgive me if I have mangled this in my memory.

    • >But high doses are an ontological nightmare. This should be a clue that Salvia should not be included in the pantheon of psychedelic substances. It is total insanity.

      This is such a terrible argument. Humans take the leaves, make an extract out of it, then have a bad time, so the plant itself must be bad.

      ANYTHING in high dose is a bad time. You should look up high dose LSD trip report. People experience the sensation of going to prison and being anally raped by all the prisoners there. They physically experience the sensation of being raped.

      Even mescaline, the warmest and friendliest of all the psychedelics by far, becomes unpleasant at a high dose.

      • Weird that a drug which takes the filters off of your perception of reality, often causes people to perceive ontological nightmares.

  2. Btw Radagast, I recently finished Erik Davis’s book “High Weirdness”

    You would probably dig it.

    Smart guy, well versed in post-modern textual analysis, and applied his analysis to the writings of Terrance McKenna, Robert Anton Wilson, and Philip K Dick (my homeboy). Davis is no stranger to psychedelics (appeared in the famous “DMT:The Spirit Molecule” documentary so he has interesting thoughts to share). Basically, he says reality is a Mobius Strip.

  3. RR, do you have any thoughts on
    Alice In Wonderland syndrome?

    Did you experience it?

    It’s a fairly common brain malfunction among children that should be discussed more. What a trip!

  4. I stumbled on something like half this story recently. It was some random internet pundit’s theory that our senses are unlikely to be providing us with a picture of reality, but are instead more likely to be presenting us with whatever is required for us to meet our needs for survival which may or may not mirror reality.

    A filter of sorts, but I don’t recall a suggestion that it was possible to perceive more than what the filter permitted by taking drugs to remove that filter.

    I wonder, irrespective of whether or not more can be perceived, if it is wise for a human to remove their perceptual ‘survival filter’.

    • >I stumbled on something like half this story recently. It was some random internet pundit’s theory that our senses are unlikely to be providing us with a picture of reality, but are instead more likely to be presenting us with whatever is required for us to meet our needs for survival which may or may not mirror reality.

      This is exactly the theory of Donald Hoffman, professor of cognitive sciences at University of California.

      His theory is straightforward — the so called “evolutionary process” produced organisms whose brains are focused on survival, and not some Rationalistic conception of “Truth” (with a capital T)

      He believes we are in a Simulation, (his physics background supports this) but he says we evolved to survive, not to perceive so-called “Truth”.

      In effect, we are all avatars in a video game.

      I’ll leave it at that

      Here’s a video I just randomly chose

      • Yep, that’s the guy.

        I can’t remember how I stumbled across him now, maybe from a link someone posted here?

        These types of ideas seem in vogue at the moment, so who knows.

  5. The ring Wilson in wearing in that image represents the yellow brick road, or rather what the yellow brick road represents which is the path to alchemical emotional balance which leads to a state of consciousness commonly called nirvana.

    You don’t have to take intense psychedelics to get there. You just need to learn the other symbols well enough that your subconscious can synchronize more effectively with your ego. It’s simple and it works, but it requires conscious effort.

    Our minds have already been programed by 5,000 years of philosophical symbolic art. It’s there for you whenever you feel like you’re ready to see it. Your subconscious mind is your co-pilot. Your ancient anima/animus is trying to help you stop being a Munchkin.

  6. Why cannot I just be a simple cooomer?

    Why do I need to take drugs?

    I can edge for hours and my brain functions just fine.

    Coooming gets rid of my spike protein.

  7. Well, this seems like an appropriate article to post my official “trip report”.

    So, I bought the psilocybin mycelium chocolate (thanks again Rob for the recommendation). I first ate just one (0.5g mycelium), on a full stomach, as Rob said be careful as they may be overdosed…and…nothing happened.

    So, the next day, I ate 4. A good moderate dose, approx 2 grams. I went to a really nice park, sitting on a bench, at the top of a hill, overlooking wooded areas, the sea, and mountains in the far distance. Very picturesque.

    1 hour had passed since eating the shrooms…and…nothing. 90 minutes, still nothing, feeling pretty dejected. They FINALLY kicked in around 2 hours after eating them (maybe even 2 hours 15 minutes).

    So, the good first. The visuals were quite nice. Watching the sea wave patterns in the distance was very cool, it’s like they were overlain with random letters and numbers that were moving, like a jumbled up computer keyboard. I was seeing them form images, like the outline of dinosaurs and elephants you would see in a children’s sketching/colouring book. Seeing the patterns form in the distant trees as they swayed in the breeze, the patterns in the big grass fields that would seem to almost briefly form faces, then disappear. At times I could see faint outlines of giant mushrooms that would slowly move towards me. Colour perception was quite different at times.

    I was also getting these weird industrial/metallic tastes in my mouth, so some form of synesthesia I suspect. There were definitely some closed eye visuals as well, but difficult to appreciate fully being outside in bright light.

    I tried listening to some Dark Side of The Moon on my phone but couldn’t really focus on the music so I put it on mute.

    Okay, now the bad. I specifically chose a bench where there wouldn’t be people walking in front of me, but alas, it happened. 2 grown men with a young child and 2 dogs. They stopped a reasonable distance in front of me, as they were either taking off or putting on the dog leashes, I can’t remember. The two men were having a conversation in front of me, but by this stage I was tripping pretty hard and their voices appeared to me to be really loud and it’s like they were talking to each other in a really hostile and nonsensical way. They were saying really bizzare and random things that I can’t quite remember, something about dog harnesses I think. Then one of the men was loudly shouting to his young kid something, but by this stage I was pretty terrified, staring down at the grass in front of me, pretending to scroll on my phone, being sure not to make eye contact with any of them, fearing they would start approaching me or direct their anger towards me. Again, I’m pretty certain that they were nice friendly people, and it was just the drugs making me perceive them in a negative way. Thankfully they finally kept walking.

    Then a while later an African man walked past, and he seemed to stop in front of me for a little bit. Again, I felt a sinister vibe, but probably due to the drugs and not the fact that he was a brown person.

    By this stage I was feeling quite paranoid and afraid. I tried to go on my phone to distract myself. I tried watching golf videos on YouTube but it wasn’t helping. I visited this website and read the “recent comments” but they were completely nonsensical, I couldn’t understand anything. I looked at news headlines. An article about North Korean soldiers being sent to Ukraine, I was convinced World War 3 was about to start. An article about Birmingham airport being evacuated and all flights cancelled, I was convinced the UK was under a “9/11” style attack (turns out it was just a bomb scare). I was paranoid that at any moment the park security would approach me, and that I’d be in deep trouble.

    I was also feeling physically uncomfortable. It was a pretty chilly and windy day, I had my coat zipped up and hood up but I was shivering. And yet under my jacket, I was drenched in sweat.

    I also needed to urinate. So I started to walk to the public toilets. I had to pass a park staff member on the way, which was a bit scary. While washing my hands in the restroom, I was afraid to look at myself in the mirror.

    By this stage, because it took so long for the drugs to kick in, it was starting to get dark. I was struggling to read the time on my watch, and couldn’t remember what time the park closed at, so I started walking towards the exit, but kept changing my route to avoid people. By now I was starting to freak out a bit, like I was losing control and that I’d be stuck in this state forever. I felt very confused. I was walking on a grass path towards the wooded area where you could exit the park, but it was like I was walking on a treadmill, not getting any closer to the exit, like I was stuck in an infinite loop. Weird and slightly terrifying. Finally I made it. The exit was next to a footbridge over a busy road that only had a narrow footpath, which I didn’t want to walk along yet because I was still a bit too high. So I just stood at the exit, pretending to look at the park map as dog walkers went past, trying not to arouse suspicion. The cars appeared to be making weird futuristic sounds. Thankfully the drugs were finally starting to wear off and I was starting to feel a lot better.

    So I exited and carefully walked along the narrow footpath until I reached my bike which was locked to a pole in a roadside carpark that people use when visiting the park. I felt hugely relieved and finally “back to earth”. By now it was dark but I had a torch and high viz vest for cycling, but walked the bike along the footpath until I reached the nearest town and got onto a segregated bike path where it was safe to start cycling again.

    So overall, I would probably rate it a 4/10 experience. Started pretty good but then deteriorated. I think the next time I’ll try them in a dark hotel room, with relaxing music. Or I’ll go to an empty deserted beach where I’m 100% certain I won’t see any strangers that will ruin my trip. I’m certainly not ready for a larger dose. That feeling of not being in control was pretty scary, ngl.

    • I hope you don’t mind me saying that I think your trip report is cool, makes me want to take shrooms again.

      I also hope you don’t mind me sharing some of my theories, I’m a firm believer that the delusions caused by psilocybin is one’s unconscious communicating with them.

      >I visited this website and read the “recent comments” but they were completely nonsensical.

      When if first did 4 grams of shrooms and experienced this I interpreted this as my subconscious showing me that things like that were not worth taking notice of or thinking about. Internet text was jumbled, and on my television all the available shows that were on the front screen blended together into one generic mass of nonsense. The message I took from this is a simple one, the shows and comments I was looking at were all equally trash and a waste of mental energy to even bother perceiving on a deeper level!

      >but it was like I was walking on a treadmill, not getting any closer to the exit, like I was stuck in an infinite loop.

      The looping is a mindfuck isn’t it? If I’m not mistaken and simply projecting my experiences onto you, I think you were simply becoming consciously aware that you perceive images as frames per second, each frame a new moment. That’s how visual perception for non-NPCs actually works, you can only know the whole of a situation theoretically, you’re only perceiving one frame at any one time. This can give the illusion of your whole experience, but you’re just becoming aware that reality is frames.

      There’s always a new frame in the existence, there’s no end to new frames until you eventually come back to old ones.

      >Again, I’m pretty certain that they were nice friendly people, and it was just the drugs making me perceive them in a negative way. Thankfully they finally kept walking.

      Are you an introvert? That might have been your confronting your unconscious fears relating to interacting with strangers. You could try to be more outgoing and social.

      >Started pretty good but then deteriorated. I think the next time I’ll try them in a dark hotel room, with relaxing music.

      I think you should surround yourself with conforming, beautiful things, and friends who can do things like remind you that it won’t last forever, it’s just a drug, etc, while also allowing you to bounce ideas off of them If you’d like.

      • >I also hope you don’t mind me sharing some of my theories, I’m a firm believer that the delusions caused by psilocybin is one’s unconscious communicating with them

        And this is why I chose the dream hike and not the blunt chemical way. Well.

        There is no filter in dreams. Try some methods. I always thought dreams are useless or biological, but I now think they are random out of their nature, but of use to think clear about their purpose.

        In my case I noticed that assertions made by important actors on the dream stage were all from before when I was 20. Except some exceptions. Why is that? The exceptions were agreeing with humans I met before when I was twenty and they never met each other.

        Maybe chemicals can speed up this process but time is like energy for humans. I feel, think and wait. There will be a conclusion.

    • > That feeling of not being in control was pretty scary, ngl.

      You eventually get your “sea legs” where you can go to a crowded music festival under the influence. But it takes some practice.

      But I will just take this opportunity to say:


      (You’ll thank me for it later )

  8. There is nothing to filter. Once you give up on civilized humans, you will understand. Animals don’t need salvia. Time is sort for us; the shorter, the better. It is better to live in hell than rule in heaven.

    • > It is better to live in hell than rule in heaven.

      I’d prefer to rule in heaven than live in Hell.

      But something tells me you mangled your expression here…

  9. If you don’t mind my asking. Are you people already schizophrenic or bipolar? Is that why you’re taking these drugs, to try to deal with it???

      • I know a guy who smoked salvia, he ended up convinced he was a woman and trooning out. Very tragic, I felt bad for him. It doesn’t matter how much you mess with your brain chemistry, if you’re born a man you will never be a woman. Generally it is not conductive to one’s well being to take the words of clowns seriously, whether you meet them in another dimension or in the this while while they’re wearing lab coats.

  10. OK, at this point I do believe that Tryptie and the Low Status Golem, are actually puppets under the control of Rintrah, aka the Israeli Jew pretending to be a white Dutchman, they either know him in real life and are in on the joke, or they are completely fictitious entities.

    Seriously, how many other commenters here have their own cartoon avatars? So far the only other one I know of who may not be in on the joke is Yuri, but he’s a Jew, so that’s not saying much.

    As a reminder to those who may have forgotten, evil people profit off of others misfortune. Evil people laugh at others expense. Evil people love war, they love hate, and they love seeing the world as evil, and exist solely to convince as many people as possible that the world is evil, because that’s where they thrive.

    They are natural born trolls, and demonic jesters. That’s why they love the salvia and the datura, because its their holy sacrament, the primary ingredients in the witches brew, where they have opened themselves up to demonic possession. Now all they exist for is to get you to agree with them, to hate the world and to celebrate its destruction, so that eventually you too will drink the witches brew, and become like them, demonic entities.

    • >OK, at this point I do believe that Tryptie and the Low Status Golem, are actually puppets under the control of Rintrah, aka the Israeli Jew pretending to be a white Dutchman, they either know him in real life and are in on the joke, or they are completely fictitious entities.

      This would have to be a Tyler Durden type story, where I am myself completely unaware of what I’m doing.

      You also have to keep in mind, that I’m generally pretty annoyed by the “Sensitive” guy.

      You might argue I’m pretty pathetic, but this blog gets a few hundred unique visitors a day.

      I’m not pathetic enough to pose as my own commentators on my blog.

    • lmao

      but to address what you said, evil people actually have an interest in convincing you NOT to notice the evils of the world. I’d argue that deliberately keeping a pollyannaish obliviousness to the evil nature of this world, and sticking your head in the sand, is actually itself a bad thing. It’s like being the average everyday German living during world war II, and the concentration camp is right down the road or whatever but you just kind of plug your ears and pretend everything is normal. Even today, there are all kinds of abuses going on on at least that scale, and people would rather talk about banalities and do absolutely nothing actionable to actually address any of the crises unfolding in the world.

      Evil tends to be about papering over the abuses, disguising the horrors beneath a veneer of civility, normalcy or decency. Good people want you to notice that you live in an evil world. That’s because you can’t even begin to address a problem, until you at least recognize it as one.

      I haven’t even done salvia in years btw, but the memories of it are quite strong and there aren’t many people out there who know about it enough to talk about it. So it’s interesting to me when the topic comes up. It’s super easy to get an avatar btw.

      • Honey, I’m well aware of the evils of this world, it is my primary area of research. My issue is with those who fail to name them specifically, and who act like hopeless victims whose only solution is to die.

        <It's easy to get an avatar btw.

        Yeah, I read the comment too, you can get an avatar if you have a WordPress website. It's a security breach. Not a wise move.

        Also, why would you even go out of your way to get an avatar that makes you look like a fucking anime tranny? Because we all know that the only people who have avatars like that are either teenage girls or grown men who fantasize about being teenage girls.

        Anyway, this fixation on the evils of the world without actually naming them, and acting like a hopeless victim, makes you somewhat complicit.

        You autists think you are so smart, but you are like nearsighted nerds with magnifying glasses looking at encyclopedias with photographic memories, that can see really well close-up, but seeing the big picture and making the big connections, not so much. That's why you hate conspiracy theories, because that's the domain of the intuitive, the true high IQ creative geniuses of the world, which is a domain completely outside your field of view, so you just dismiss it completely.

        • I cannot fit a dissertation explaining my entire views into every post I write on this website, and it is exhausting to explain everything from scratch to every 105 IQ boomer that comes along and makes weird assumptions about who I am or what I believe. But I constantly talk about factory farming, about how industrial capitalism is destroying the environment and behaves like a cancer, about how the people in this world are mentally and spiritually deteriorating even while the fabric of reality starts glitching out (because this is a false reality, in at least a certain sense). I’ve tried to explain to people that this place is actually created out of the corpse of a child-goddess, that it is immoral to force beings to repeatedly reincarnate here and how the very nature of this reality precludes things like freedom. Even transcendental love, itself, does not really exist in this realm outside of a few isolated examples of good people. The rest of the stuff you said in the second half I will assume is some form of projection, because it doesn’t really apply to me at all.

          • Um, not a Boomer, and definitely don’t have a 105 IQ, but I’m not obsessed with IQ or status, so whatever, couldn’t care less what you think of me.

            Anyway, it’s not an unreasonable assumption to think that Rintrah could be inventing different personas to comment on his blog. He is a a puppeteer after all, uses a lot of drugs, and is kind of a weird dude. So it’s not completely farfetched. But I could be wrong.

            Also, the last part was not so much directed at you, but more so a general statement directed at the all autists here.

            Anyway, there’s really no point in going on about this anymore, but just want to point out one other thing. You originally said in a comment above, quote:

            “I smoke salvia extract to treat my schizophrenia symptoms, I love how it helps me feel so normal and grounded.”

            It’s actually that statement that triggered my original comment, and my changed assessment of you.

            And then you said in your comment to me, quote:

            “I haven’t even done salvia in years btw..”

            That’s kind of a contradiction there. You either presently use it, or you don’t. Having trouble with your perception of time or something?

            So, anyway, you’re schizo. Explains a lot.

          • This statement:

            >“I smoke salvia extract to treat my schizophrenia symptoms, I love how it helps me feel so normal and grounded.”

            Is meant to be sarcastic, in such an obvious way that it does not need to be explicitly stated as such. It’s like saying you huff paint thinner to help you study for your exams in school. I don’t have schizophrenia either btw. People on the internet, and more generally, have lost the ability to detect sarcasm. I think everyone’s brains are collectively rotting. Maybe radagast is right that it’s related to covid, but I think it has been going on for longer than that.

          • That’s unfair. I took you literally, too. It is hard to tell if someone is being ironic without the social cues you’d get in a conversation in person. Knowing you were kidding would also require knowing what it is like to use salvia, and that is not generally knowledge. And some of the experiences you’ve described having are consistent with the visions that people counted as schizophrenic may have. Now I no longer know if you actually had those visions or if you were being ironic about that, too. Literal honesty may be boring but information matters (says one of the few actual autists here).

          • This should just be a reading comprehension thing, where you can infer the general nature of salvia from statements such as:

            >When you turn off the claustrum, as Salvia Divinorum essentially does, you zoom out and see the whole picture again, which is perceived as a wheel that contains all possible sensations and realities. Salvia Divinorum is an absurdist plant, that doesn’t seem to take anything too seriously. It’s a strange fit for our era, which is becoming increasingly absurd in its own right.

            And then realize that the idea of using a drugs like this to treat the symptoms of schizophrenia would be equally absurd. That was the point of my sarcastic quip. I literally have mild autism, but have never generally had trouble noticing when someone is being sarcastic online, so I don’t necessarily buy that it’s some inherent limitation of the format. But yeah the spiritual experiences I mentioned were actually real.

          • Meant to be sarcastic? There’s no way to detect that. Guy asked a direct question. That was your response. That’s not sarcasm, that’s lying. Also, just about everything you’ve posted here comes across as mentally unbalanced, so calling yourself schizo, just gave validation to what people already suspected.

            You also said: “I’ve tried to explain to people that this place is actually created out of the corpse of a child-goddess..”

            Sure sounds schizo to me. Or are you being sarcastic there too? And you interpret my inability to read sarcasm as evidence of brain rot?

            That’s a really fucked up way of seeing the world. Because where I come from people say what they mean and mean what they say. Sarcasm doesn’t work online when posting on an anonymous forum where people can’t see your face and don’t know who you are. That’s why normally people who are actually considerate of others post the word Sarcasm by their comment, it helps improve the channels of communication.

            And no my brain is not rotting, I’m actually healthier and more mentally fit than I’ve ever been in my life. My memory is great. I look 20 years younger, and feel stronger and healthier than I was at 20. But of course for you talk is cheap, so my word means nothing to you.

            Well, fuck you, you fucking schizophrenic tranny!

            Or am I just being sarcastic? What can’t you tell?

          • Yeah, I actually do interpret it as evidence of brain rot, in the same way that constantly mentioning trannies in unrelated topics is a sign of metaphorical brainworms. But it’s not specific to you. It’s a general brain rot that has been affecting everyone in this society particularly in the past ten years or so, but potentially for longer, though it has been accelerating in recent years. It’s why you now hear stories of large swathes of students entering university, who are unable to read a book to completion or open a document in Microsoft Word without assistance. Radagast himself noticed it too, which is why he so frequently talks about ways to mitigate the mental side effects of covid with regards to cognitive decline. My interpretation would be that the reality we are in is entering a more general phase of protracted decline on a deeper, structural level, and that this widespread ‘brain rot’ is one manifestation thereof.

            And no, the statement that the world is a corpse is not sarcastic, as I mentioned previously. It’s a statement that has to do with the ontological nature of the reality we inhabit. This reality was one the body of a living being who could be interacted with as such, and that being was killed and warped by a psychopathic force, turning it into the clockwork-mechanical universe governed by entropy and stuck in a samsaric cycle, that we presently perceive today. It’s okay if you don’t find this easy to believe or understand right away, but I’m happy to elaborate further if curious.

          • “Yeah, I actually do interpret it as evidence of brain rot..”

            I don’t think that’s true. That only applies to in person communication. I’m actually great at reading sarcasm in person. I really don’t think that same rule applies online.

            You say you have no problem detecting sarcasm online, but when was the last time you actually verified it, by actually talking to the person and asking if your interpretation actually matches their intended meaning? I bet most of the time you’re just assuming it to be true.

            “in the same way that constantly mentioning trannies in unrelated topics is a sign of metaphorical brainworms.”

            I don’t constantly mention trannies. This is the only website I’ve ever called a person a tranny. I called you a tranny as a token of disrespect. It means I don’t like you. It means I think you are full of shit. Also some people have speculated here that you are a female, and me calling you a tranny is my way of vehemently rejecting that idea.

            Trannies are mentally and spiritually and physically sick and evil creatures, and that’s why I called you one, because that’s what I think of you. And since there was also some speculation that you may be schizophrenic, I believed it was completely relevant.

            And no, I have no interest in learning anything about your insane theory about reality. Pretty much I am of the viewpoint that anything you advocate believing, doing, or becoming, I would do the opposite.

          • The thing is, you’re still doing it. There are about 2 trannies in an average group of 1,000 people, and for that they seem to take up an awful lot of real estate in your mind and in the ideas you regurgitate. There are a lot of extremely sore spots in the collective unconscious of the human race that relate to the topics of gender and sexuality, and this extremely niche phenomenon intersects a lot of them in peculiar ways, which is why 105IQ facebook boomers who lack self-awareness will, without fail, go on lengthy tirades any time they so much as think about the topic.

            As for the sore spots in the collective unconscious, I think it comes in part from the way that humanity interacts with the earth as a whole. Like, if you were to take a step back and imagine human beings and their societies collectively as a single person, and the rest of the organisms on the planet as another, second person, what do you think the relationship between those two people would look like? What if one was a boy, and the other was a girl? What do you see, in your mind’s eye?

        • > You autists think you are so smart, but you are like nearsighted nerds with magnifying glasses looking at encyclopedias with photographic memories, that can see really well close-up, but seeing the big picture and making the big connections, not so much. That’s why you hate conspiracy theories, because that’s the domain of the intuitive, the true high IQ creative geniuses of the world, which is a domain completely outside your field of view, so you just dismiss it completely.

          Mehen offers a full-throated endorsement of this comment by Big Bird on this topic

      • > and people would rather talk about banalities and do absolutely nothing actionable to actually address any of the crises unfolding in the world.

        You actually think LSWMs have the power to change the direction of this world?

        This sounds like “blaming the victim”.


  11. Look at this guy, pretending to be sane. Just look at his comment trail. He’s a deranged lunatic. You know they say a picture is worth a thousand words. Seriously, what does this guys profile picture tell you?

    I rest my case.

    • Yeah you’re still being paranoid looking for deeper meaning where there is none. My avatar is of the final boss of Fallout New Vegas, I think he’s cool, I like video games.

      I could tell you that I am was actually MKUltraed and possessed by a demonic entity under the command of Rintrah Radagast the Mossad Operative, and that I myself am a Federal Agent who has undergone psychological operations to convert antisemites into becoming Israel supporters, but that’s a untruth.

      Anyway sugartits, it is not healthy to see conspiracies around every corner you know, very fast track to mental illness. Know that I’m a NEET loser with too much time on his hands, and a normal guy who’s bitter because he’s an incel, don’t look too much into it.

      • > I could tell you that I am was actually MKUltraed and possessed by a demonic entity under the command of Rintrah Radagast the Mossad Operative, and that I myself am a Federal Agent who has undergone psychological operations to convert antisemites into becoming Israel supporters, but that’s a untruth.

        Just give it up dude.

        You’re a Jew

        I can smell them a mile away.

        Like I said before, this blog is a HeebHive

        Good luck and all that

  12. Tryptie, you’re not the Filipina or Thai sort of tranny that understands the contours of femininity which is alluring and captures the attention of normie males

    You’re the autogynephellic type which has a thoroughly autistic male brain

    That’s cool, but I’m squicked I was ever attracted to you.

    (Call me)

    • Typtie, you should get with Mehen, he agrees with you that we live in a hell world. I think we live in heaven under attack from the forces of hell, though my fanfiction is much more elaborate and autistic; it involves laser rifles and spaceships. I have to save the Earth, if I can just enter the correct code, the Earth will be saved.

      You both may live in Hazbin Hotel, I will help you out if you need help. My story is a egotistic fanfiction of the Merovingian married to Persephone (Different names in real life though, try to give us a call if you need.) I will never break “Persephone’s” heart, if you question this I will make you require Purple Energy again. Lets stay friends.

    • Normie men are gross and their tastes are gross too tho. It’s hard to stay attracted to someone if they’re literally retarded and unrelatable, that’s why I prefer smart sensitive eccentric types provided they’re reasonably attractive.

          • You’re basically a Jew transitioning into becoming a Mexican. Anyway sexuality is a one way trip so you are clearly just a homosexual not unlike Tryptie, who is a man.

          • Mehen: I want to fuck a man who becomes a woman.

            What you really want to fuck Mehen, is a man, because you are a sick faggot pervert who hates your better half. If you were not a homosexual, you would be going after a biological woman. Trannyfuckers are just delusional faggots denying their normal persuasions because white (including Jewish white) women don’t like faggots. I bet your mother tread all over your father and made him look like a cuck. You hate women because you hate your mom, so you want to fuck other men.

            Go out there Asmodeus, do not come back.

            Fizzarolli you fuck off too.

          • I’m a man with both Daddy and Mommy issues, and other stuff, autism, an addiction to anime girls and video games, sadism, masochism, all the depraved things and how I kill them by metaphorically making them real. For example, I convert trannies into faggots, and anime girls into Canadian girls. Ultimately, a reprogramming of one’s mind.

          • > Yeah Mehen you’re a faggot.

            No at all. I’m grossed out by hairy buttholes.

            In fact, I feel like I’m something of an alien, who looks upon the sexual nature of hominids and thinks it’s a cruel joke that the organs of reproduction are right next to the organs of excretion

            (The Archons and Jesters have a good laugh when they watch you performing oral sex)

            No, my attraction to the putative tranny “Tryptie” is born from an elevated, conscious awareness.

            Your low and primitive understanding will probably take several incarnations before you reach our level.

          • Yeah flesh sacks are gross. I mean I’m much happier now than I used to be, but I am pretty sure that these fucking things are designed to minimize our happiness and to make us feel as much pain as possible. They’re just soul containers that the aliens put us in to harvest us for our loosh. Anyway I bet that you could have sex as a floating disembodied spirit, that is far better than anything you could experience as a human. That’s just an intuitive hunch though, based on what I know about this place.


            I do, and when I had my enlightenment experience I would describe it as being in part an experience of anamnesis, or of a remembering something (or a few things) with certainty that I had previously known, in a way that was mentally jarring and difficult to describe.

          • You do not have human memories, since you do not have a body useful for remembering them. It’s as simple as that. If you were to have a body you would remember how cool being a human is. Transgenders are not actually human beings btw, you think you have a body, but you actually don’t. Basically, you got programmed by clowns and you’re living in a Virtual Reality. A body can only have one gender and sex.

          • You’re calling me an AI, yet you’re the one once again writing utterly incoherent slop. What are you high on rn btw? It has to be something strong.

          • If you want to be human, you must accept the body thought-form God infected you with at birth. You must perfect this thought-form through exercise and a good diet; otherwise you will lose your memories again when you next take salvia. Your body is a Temple and you can make it last forever.

          • I don’t want to live in material reality forever, because I understand this place to be an ontological hell. While here, instead of interacting with a living god who loves you, you are interacting with a lifeless psychopathic machine that pretends to follow set physical laws most of the time, when it’s the most convenient way to torture you while keeping you in the dark regarding your true circumstances. It is an absolute nightmare and honestly, fuck that idea of being ‘human’. Fuck that notion of ‘god’. If your highest aspiration is to be an insect crawling on a corpse forever, getting infected by things you don’t understand and following rulesets you didn’t consent to, then leave me out of it.

        • I understand your perspective “Tryptie”. Unfortunately I simply do not share it. It is a matter of tribes you see; and soon all the Tribes that Stretch to the Setting Sun will Bear the Mark of the Legion.

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