Geert Wilders: 𝔾𝕠𝕖𝕕𝕖 π•žπ•’π•Ÿ [Video]

Geert Wilders is een goede man.

En als je geen Nederlands spreekt, is dat jouw verlies.

Or you can turn on automatically generated subtitles I guess.


  1. Hilarious video, although I do genuinely feel bad for all those trans people who pretty much all suffer from severe mental illness instead of genuine gender dysphoria (which is extremely rare). Transgenderism is an even worse social contagion phenomenon than self-harm and eating disorders.

    I must say, PVV winning is making me seriously consider moving to The Netherlands sometime in 2024. As an EU citizen, I’m fortunate that I have this right. However bad the housing shortage is in The Netherlands, there’s no way that it could be worse than Ireland. Rent here is astronomical.

    I am very attracted to the liberal drug culture and excellent cycling infrastructure. I would probably have to rule out the Randstad region due to excessive rents. I will research other regions such as Friesland and Zeeland, and job opportunities that don’t require a college degree or the ability to speak Dutch. The ongoing labour shortage should make that task somewhat easier. Eventually you get tired and bored of being a NEET.

  2. Just sit back and watch as he lets twice as many Muslims from Africa in – just like that Italian woman. Fake Right. Africans wearing Clogs!

  3. Get a job with a livable salary, a home and a partner to start a family with. These basic things seem unobtainable to today’s youth. A society that cannot provide these things for its citizens is doomed to perish. Life is simply too difficult and complicated for people today. The glorification of gender reassignment and that this is seen as a solution to a lost youth is just one of many symptoms of this.

    • “A society that cannot provide these things for its citizens is doomed to perish.”

      Which is why Russia and China need to back their currencies with gold PRONTO and bring this whole fiat money ponzi nightmare to a swift end so that we can start again afresh. Central bankers are using the “Cantillon Effect” as a way of transferring wealth from the lower and middle class to the elites. Their ultimate aim is neo-feudalism and a return to serfdom. However they are overplaying their hand. There will reach a point in the not too distant future where wealth inequality will become so extreme that the social contract will break down and then all bets are off. Remember what happened to Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette?

      • LSWMs always think central bankers have some “secret plan” to bring back (((neofeudalism))) or whatever.

        The reality is our world is more boring than you think it is. Their goal is literally just to keep inflation around 2% and unemployment low.

        They spend years of their lives going to school, they climb the bureaucratic ladder and then they end up with a job that consists of trying to keep inflation around 2% and unemployment low.

        And then the LSWMs look at this and think there must be some secret plot behind it.


        Reality is boring, sorry.

        • Yes I agree, there is no plan.

          Eventually society will collapse to a simpler level. After much turmoil things things will stabilize and life will be more harsh and people will have less choices but they will be happier on average. Life will appear more comprehensible to young people as it did in the old days.

        • You’re right that central banks and monetary policy in general attract a lot of LSWM manichaean mysticism – but in 2008 the Federal Reserve was up to a whole hell of a lot else than just maintaining inflation at 2% and low unemployment.

        • Agreed. Worked in glorified IT for one particular transnational bogeyman and the reality is pretty boring. Everyone is a true believer in their vector autoregressive models of emerging market debt costs and their dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model forecasts of GDP growth in Ghana… it’s just that all their models are based on what makes the math easier rather than, you know, actual human behavior.

        • Sorry Rintrah but that official “2% inflation target” is largely bogus when you consider the manipulation mechanisms used when calculating the consumer price index (CPI). Namely, substitution, geometric weighting and hedonic adjustments. Also, in addition to these 3 methods, “shrinkflation” is another phenomenon. Therefore, that 2% figure is in reality more like between 5 and 10 percent:

          “By a continuing process of inflation, government can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens.” – John Maynard Keynes

          Another useful metric to examine is the ratio of average home prices to average annual salary. Historically this ratio has hovered between 3 and 4. But now, because central bankers have distorted the financial markets through artificially low interest rates and massive quantitative easing policies, that ratio has now risen to over 7 (these statistics are based on the UK property market). Hey, maybe we wouldn’t have so many young people overdosing on Benadryl if they hadn’t lost all hope of ever owning a home?!

          β€œThere is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion. The alternative is only whether the crisis should come sooner as the result of a voluntary abandonment of further credit expansion, or later as a final and total catastrophe of the currency system involved.” – Ludwig von Mises

          I don’t care if the Federal Reserve has employed hundreds of Ivy League Ph.D economists. They are blinded by “groupthink” and have a dismal track record. They failed to spot the sub-prime bubble in the years leading up to 2007. They caused The Great Depression in the 1930’s, even Ben Bernanke admitted that. They think that they can centrally plan a complex economy using mathematical models based on flawed Keynesianism ideology. Newsflash: they can’t, the science of complexity theory won’t allow it. And now look what they have created in The USA, nearly $34 trillion in debt and 122% debt/GDP ratio:

          Hence the mass buying of gold by other central banks all around the world. They know what is coming.

          • The US is about four more years of a ‘Biden’ presidency from hyperinflation. That happens when there are no more buyers outside the govt itself for US Treasuries. Can Trump avert it? Only if he can get real growth to at least 3% a year. At least he’ll try, unlike the cypher currently hanging from the puppet strings. If, as likely, he fails, the Great Taking awaits.

        • If you think about it logically; there’s no reason for the elites to institute “neo-serfdom” anyway. Our rulers are already more powerful than any medieval king could dream of (Medieval kings actually had to listen to the peasants. and lower nobility occasionally, else they’d be overthrown.) Modern wage slaves are far more complacent and scared to rebel than the most oppressed medieval serfs. Why would the elites feel the need to change things when everyone is already too fat, cowardly, and stupid to rebel against them, and they are already basically all powerful?

          The only purpose inflation serves is to keep the slaves from being able to live off their savings; i.e, keep the slaves slaving away. Inflation means a more productive economy since it means the workforce won’t shrink as much and workers will work harder to make ends meet. Inflation is completely logical and there’s no need to create conspiracy theories revolving around it.

          Neo-Feudalism would actually preferable to what we have now. Feudalism implies decentralization. Feudalism arose in Europe with the collapse of the Roman Empire, and the advent of the stone castle. After Rome fell, the cities for which economic and military power resided fell apart, and all of a sudden power found itself residing rurally. The king no longer had a center of power, like Rome was for the Romans. There was no longer a centralized tax farm like Rome, for which a ruler could use to pay for standing professorial armies. Instead, there was nothing but unending fields of isolated villages and towns.

          The king no longer had the power to directly rule his lands, and so, he instead allowed local warlords (Petty kings in their own right) to do so in his stead. The king had to give up power to his lessers by necessity. In turn, the feudal lords had to give up power to their own underlings. The biggest reason why kings and lords couldn’t control their direct underlings being the castle. Castles allowed a small force to defend themselves against a much larger one for months and months, or even years. All of a sudden a rulers could no longer reasonability put down a rebellion from the lesser nobles, and a feudal lord could no longer easily put down rebellions from his own knights and retainers (who had their own castles).

          The very nature of their economic arrangement and military technology ensured that everyone was working to make sure everyone else was happy. The decentralized nature of things meant that the lords even had to ensure the peasants were happy somewhat. Lords were directly dependent on their peasants well-being for their own personal wealth, no one won during a peasant revolt, and medieval rulers didn’t have the capacity for totalitarianism (Which is used to keep a people in-line when you’re not working to make them happy) Like modern states do.

          What ended feudalism was the return of cities as giant tax farms; and the invention of the cannon. All of a sudden power could be centralized again with standing armies, and castles could knocked down in days instead of months. This was the advent of the absolute monarchs that in-turn lead to the modern bureaucratic states of the modern day.

          All in all, feudal societies had less government micromanagement in their lives. Rulers from the top all the way down had to keep their people happy in fear of revolts. There was more upwards mobility, as any gang of men who could claim territory and build themselves a castle, and all of a sudden had to be taken seriously by the king. It wasn’t so bad. Not possible to bring back however; this arrangement was reliant on economic and technological factors that don’t exist anymore.

        • It is even more boring than that. To do this China has set up foreign exchange swap lines, with almost everybody outside the global west, whereby China simply lends out their USD reserves and US treasuries and bonds on an unsecured basis with repayment required in Chinese RMB/CNY/yuan. China realizes that these so called assets are in the fullness of time worthless, so they use currency controls in combination with swap / loan lines. For the global south and east, what a super deal. You get loaned fake printed money to spend on fake western goods and services and you can simply sell your commodities to China to pay back the loan – and China gets to control their inflation.

  4. And how exactly do you avoid inflation and unemployment when you have massive debt and a decade of zero percent interest rates driving prices through the roof? The elites’ money policy has been to borrow as much as possible in the short term, they have no long-term plans. It’s not exactly sane.

  5. Dear Mr Wilders,
    There are currently 20 universities in the Netherlands. I recommend you close all universities except 2 or maybe 3. Higher education should be reserved for the truly intelligent. Use the same funds that are spent today on these few remaining universities. Give the students a real salary so they don’t have to worry about finances during their studies.
    As you know we have big societal problems that need to be solved and in this way we are sure that the best talents will help find solutions. Today great resources are being wasted and people are wasting their time on education that will never be of any use. This must stop.

    Best regards
    A friendly foreigner

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