Global Warming versus Global wokening

In the past three years, the United States has had its deadliest wildfire (Maui), its largest wildfire (Texas) and now its costliest wildfire (California).

If you’re a 95IQ low status white male of the Zerohedgean variety, it’s obvious what caused this: The LA fire chief is a woke lesbian!

And of course the woke Democrats let all the water flush into the ocean to save a tiny fish!

And if you’re a liberal soyboy beta cuck, you will have noticed an extreme drought, combined with high winds that ignited these fires and made it difficult to extinguish them.

It’s global warming versus global wokening, two competing metanarratives that seek to explain all of the world’s problems. As I explained yesterday, as a subjective idealist I believe the universe is inclined to provide us with a picture of the world that fits all of our expectations.

It’s not very interesting to argue about this, because nobody will change their mind. When next year Seattle burns down, the libcucks will point out that we’re at 1.6 degree Celsius above pre-industrial.

Obese low IQ low status white males on the keto diet (aka patriotic alpha males) will point out that there are homeless people making fires and the mayor and the chief of the fire department are “woke”.

More interesting would be to ask a low IQ low status white male whether there is anything at all that could ever convince him global warming is a genuine problem and we’re not just dealing with lesbian fire chiefs and weather manipulation by the libs.

I don’t think you’ll get a meaningful answer to that question. When problems are sufficiently gradual, then people don’t really have to acknowledge them when they don’t want to.

I always thought that when a pandemic happens, we could at least all agree on that. But even this turns out to be more complex that I anticipated. Have a look at the number of deaths in the Netherlands:

Those black bars are the death toll. In 2020 there is a huge problem that requires everyone to be locked up at home. In 2021 an injection solves the problem. Then in 2022, 2023 and 2024, there is no longer a problem. That is at least, the conventional societal narrative.

I find this hard to swallow, simply by looking at the death toll. But again, we live in a world where even a global pandemic becomes a Rorschach painting: Everyone can see in it what they want to see in it. When you’re stuck with 10% more deaths than normal for a few years, normal people can just choose to continue living their lives as if nothing is happening, while the autists will beat each other on the head on the Internet with various attempts to explain it.

I had honestly expected a kind of catharsis by now, some sort of horrific event or alternatively a return to normal, that would reveal to the whole world who was right all along. That never happened. Rather, we’re still stuck with everything just gradually getting worse at a snail’s pace, everyone getting sick, but never getting any clear answer as to what’s causing it: Did COVID give everyone immune deficiency? Did the vaccines damage people’s immune systems? Did the lockdowns give people immune debt?

You already know what I think: We forced the SARS2 virus to become steadily more virulent over time through a bad vaccine. Right now, LP.8.1.1 with the improved Furin cleavage site is becoming dominant in Brazil. We’ll find out which direction the Rorschach painting takes in the coming months.

There’s a pretty clear consensus that the virus has been steadily growing more virulent since the first Omicron wave. But again, because the sickest people die and the survivors develop immunity and the medical sector invents new medicines like Paxlovid, society doesn’t have to grind to a halt as a result. When things slowly get worse it feels as if nothing is happening, because everyone just adjusts to what is happening.

One problem is hard to disguise however: You yourself may have been exposed to five different versions of the new SARS virus, but if you bring a baby into this world, the baby has experience with exactly zero of these versions. Saving grandma comes at a high cost. I have seen the studies, I don’t envy people bringing new babies into the world right now: Those babies will suffer brain damage and there is essentially nothing you can do to stop it.

When it comes to these fires in LA, what we witness is a case of evil people and dumb people being kept in sync with each other. The evil people are the celebrities with lazy jobs, “famous for being famous”, flying around the world and belittling their staff. They’re not even racist, as that would require them to care about something other than themselves.

To those people it’s obvious what happened: God or Nature finally punished their arrogance.

To the dumb people, it’s also obvious what happened: “Woke” rewards incompetence (aka black lesbians) at the cost of competence (aka low status white males), so the whole city eventually begins to burn down as a result.

But I think if you want to understand the future, it’s useful to consider what the two competing metanarratives do agree on: Things are going to get steadily worse. They have both resigned themselves to this idea.

The low IQ low status white males are not in the business of arguing that we won’t see entire towns burn down, they have figured out how to insulate their own metanarrative from the flames: If you have a lesbian fire chief who wants to make the department more diverse, you’re doomed. That’s all it takes in their eyes for your city to burn down.

For all practical purposes, the low IQ low status white males accept what the woke libs are predicting is going to happen to our world. They accept that we will get category six hurricanes, they accept we will get enormous forest fires, they accept we will get hundreds of millions of climate refugees.

The low IQ low status white males don’t seriously dispute any of that any more, the days of “global warming will green the world and save us from the coming ice age” are coming to an end. Rather, they now just reject the root cause proposed by the libs and focus on proposing a different root cause (weather manipulation to punish Trump voters and woke incompetence).

They’re no longer trying to destroy the competing metanarrative. No, they’re focused on defending their own castle. Instead of trying to lay siege to the other castle, they’re now boarding up their windows, and trying to ensure their own metanarrative can survive the changes our world is going to face.

And in all fairness, they’re not entirely wrong. It’s like an obese woman who walks on the pavement and breaks a bone because a tile on the pavement had come loose. The woke libs suggest she injured herself because she is in poor health. The freedom-loving patriots insist on blaming government incompetence and budget cuts that allowed the tile to come loose.

My intent, insofar as I have one, is to just puncture the bubbles and allow the competing metanarratives to adjust to each other’s insights.

Vaccines did not work and made things worse. But SARS-COV-2 itself also causes brain, lung and immune damage. You shouldn’t plant Australian eucalyptus trees in California that happen to look pretty but were adapted to a landscape with regular fires. But there’s also an extreme drought.

And it’s worth pointing out to the low status white male types: It’s true that plants tend to grow better with more CO2. Specifically, it allows plants to capture a CO2 molecule, while losing less water to evaporation. You know what that means? It means you get more small shrubs and grasses that manage to grow under dry conditions.

You know what that means? It means there’s more dry tinder. It means fire spreads more easily from tree to tree. With more CO2 in the atmosphere, droughts lead to a situation where you are stuck with a shortage of water, while the wild plants are better able to cope with the drought than you are.

Life has thrived under a wide variety of climatic circumstances. The world had giant beasts roaming around during the Pleistocene, at 241 parts per million of CO2. And at 2100 parts per million tens of millions of years ago, we had massive dinosaurs roam around the world, with every continent covered in enormous dense vegetation.

But here’s the important thing to remember: There was no civilization back then. What’s fragile is not life. What’s fragile, is the way of life that we take for granted. The grains that we eat, evolved to make use of low CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere. Our cities were built for stable sea levels, our lungs last for ninety years because we don’t inhale the smoke from forest fires.

Rich people don’t want to live in downtown L. A. they want to live on the outskirts of the city, surrounded by nature. But if you wish to live near nature, you have to live at its mercy. And the rich people in L. A., did exactly nothing to make themselves deserving of its mercy. When you are not on good terms with nature, you should stay away from it.


  1. another banger. a nitpick with this statement: “The woke libs suggest she injured herself because she is in poor health. The freedom-loving patriots insist on blaming government incompetence and budget cuts that allowed the tile to come loose.” i think you have who blaming whom backwards since the woke position is “healthy at any size!” maybe the foil isn’t the freedom-loving patriots who think the government is incompetent anyways, but the boomer-con position of “things used to work in my day!”

    the synthesis of the metanarratives is obvious: the climate’s a-changing, but you don’t want diversity hires in charge.

  2. I don’t see why both narratives can’t be true: (1) Yes, a warmer and drier environment will lead to more fires. (2) Yes, hiring fat lesbians who know little about firefighting to meet arbitrary DEI criteria, and who don’t even know what the words “fire break” mean, will lead to more devastating and out of control fires.

    The issue that you might be driving at is that most people live in algorithmic driven little information bubbles where they are only presented with one of these narratives.

    We live in the information age, and yet the timeless parable of the “Blind men and and elephant” has never been more apt. Everyone is feeling a tiny piece of the elephant and making decisions about their world.

  3. It looks as if we in the West are firmly in the ‘Wrath of God’ phase of our civilizational decline/Kali Yuga. ‘The Scorching of America’, ‘The Rape of Albion’, ‘The Violation of Germany’, ‘The Brutalisation of France’, ‘The New Barbarism in Sweden’, etc. etc. The causes are sundry, and depending on your own bespoke reality tunnel, range from the machinations of ‘evil white capitalists’ to the scheming of ‘devil worshipping paedophiles’. However the reason for these ills is our spiritual degeneracy and our concomitant moral, intellectual and physical debasement.

  4. You are not qualified to talk about CO2 or global warming until you read ethical skeptic’s article on the subject. All you are doing is repeating what the media feeds to you. Those sociopaths running big corps that you claim to despise. Yes, their self serving propaganda is what you base your world view on.

    • The oil companies have been aware of this problem since the 1950’s but you people still don’t want to see it and insist on grasping at straws.

  5. If you believe there is one productive sqkm left since last ice age without a human footprint you’re very naive.

    Commifornia has to act up and manage this shit.

    Look at the Alps. Is there one sqkm left without heavy meddling since 1000 A.D.?

      • Yes. Just like the Swiss manage their anti-snowmaggeddon forests, the Spaniards manage their (ironically) fireproof cork oaks, the Greeks deliberately plant fireprone bushes on unclaimed land to fertilize the commons etc.

        These ppl over there (almost all of America) have no clue what is even possible. They scrapped a dam for fishes. They never heard of these neat installations so that the fish can migrate upstream around the dam.

        They never heard of large scale dry wall agriculture. Ffs they have reliably >300mm rain/year+Imports by canals. Any Southern Maroccan would kill for this!

        They have the biggest runoff erosion of all states, bc muh conservation (aka preserve the botched state the Spaniard and Russians left them to fix). Right behind are Arizona and Utah with similar insane rules.

        It is as if Bruxelles prohibits avalanche tunnels for trains and then wonders why Alpine rail does not work when it snows. Completely deranged.

        And yes this means cutting all seasonally drying trees around houses and replace them with high rise, big view, lot of air, thin trees for shade and clear _everything_ around suburbia. Maybe make it mandatory for borderland owners to do it, deduct it from the property tax. Be creative! Leave firegaps and make them last forever by making it a public park or a parking lot or something. How tf did anybody think this row of houses aligned with ocean winds is a good idea?!

        Maui was one but this one is epic.

  6. “I had honestly expected a kind of catharsis by now, some sort of horrific event or alternatively a return to normal, that would reveal to the whole world who was right all along. That never happened. Rather, we’re still stuck with everything just gradually getting worse at a snail’s pace, everyone getting sick, but never getting any clear answer as to what’s causing it: Did COVID give everyone immune deficiency? Did the vaccines damage people’s immune systems? Did the lockdowns give people immune debt?”
    Same here, exactly!
    I don’t care much about the fires, or the soulless celebrities, it’s pointless, when the whole world is dying due to biological weapons (covid & vaccine). Big Pharma just does not stop, and keep pushing for more!
    I really think worldwide health disaster is coming, but it takes really long…

  7. >When next year Seattle burns down,

    When this happens I’m going down there to dance on the ashes. Then the profligates will sift through the ashes and build the next Seattle on-top of the new one just like what happened in 1889.

    There’s an entire city underneath the one I walk over and that in turn is built atop the burial mounds of vengeful natives ghosts. That city is cursed and must be destroyed.

    Seattle also rests on a fault-line so that too could cause some damage with a good enough Earthquake. There are roads will just collapse into a pit sending people screaming into the old city when a Earthquake hits.

    Nature will provide justice in time.

  8. One thing people are overlooking is the high cost of housing which is causing people to work long hours with limited leave just to make their monthly rent payment and have some standard of living. This means people can no longer volunteer for rural fire departments as they cannot financially afford the time off to fight fires.

  9. “Have a look at the number of deaths in the Netherlands:”
    That chart you showed might just be the natural die off of the baby boom born right after WW2. The average age of death is 76 male, 81 female( I looked it up). So pandemic or not you would have extra deaths in those years 2020 -2024.

    • That is not how randomness works. They might have been born 46-64 but they die off between 50 and 100, smoothing any effect year by year.
      Should be obvious.

      Not so obvious is that all the weak should have died off by now. It is called pull forward effect. Pandemic comes, zack all weak gone. Then new weak must regrow, which takes time. Normally this goes on for one, two years (like 1348ff) and not five.

  10. The fires could also be a russian attack. Should be no problem to hide some time delayed incendiary devices. A few billion Dollars of damage with a $50 investment in gasoline bottles with a chlorate-sugar-acid igniter. Place them in some eucalyptus hedges and there you go 2 days later with 5 or 6 “wildfires” at different locations.

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