“Life’s just a ride bro, good thing I chose to ride Los Angeles instead of Goma bro.”
I’ve always been annoyed by the idea of Satan being evil for the sake of being evil. Why would a benevolent all-powerful all-knowing God allow such a thing to exist? I look at Satan more as the misanthropic side of God. He is Dr. Jekkyl’s Mr Hyde. He is half-animal half-beast, he gathers at night with naked women rubbing deliriant plants on their genitals with broomsticks.
What does Satan see when he looks at the world? He sees deformed animals kept in dark cages, pigs sent to gas chambers, chickens bred to grow so fast they can’t stand on their legs. He sees bishops bailing out priests who rape kids, he sees groups of children ganging up on one child, he sees boys raping girls after feeding them alcohol, he sees criminal gangs that hire corrupt doctors to amputate the limbs of children in Asia so that they receive more money from begging, he sees the marabout in Senegal who beats the kids when they don’t receive enough money from begging on the street. You know how those kids end up with the marabout? Their parents had more children than they could feed, so they sent the youngest one off to the marabout, who teaches them to memorize verses from the Quran.
I think it’s a worthwhile exercise, to invert every cliche belief people arrive at when they take psychedelics. Just to see where it takes you. Yeah, you flood your brain with chemicals designed to repair the brain and then you’re amazed to discover how fantastic the world truly is. “I just injected some heroin and it turns out the whole universe is fantastic wooo!” This is not insight. It’s not esoteric knowledge either.
“God is love.”
Try inverting this one. God is hate. Pure burning relentless hatred for humanity. Pure hatred, for everything we could have been, but failed to be.
Try going to Goma in North Kivu, where 100 people have to share a toilet together in refugee camps after fleeing militias that rape everyone. Tell those people you ate some mushrooms or drank ayahuasca and found out everything is the way it is supposed to be.
“We’re all one consciousness bro!”
Oh yeah I love this one. Haha this other guy at the psytrance party covered in glowsticks is actually me too!
Yeah you know who is you too? That 88 year old woman with dementia who is running through the nursing home, trying to escape people. Heaven knows what she is seeing. She couldn’t live at home anymore, because she was afraid to go to sleep, she claimed to see someone sleeping in her bed. Her mother in law treated it like a joke.
Who is this woman? I used to know her.
No, how about this: We’re all divided!
We’re all divided, by walls we can not breach. We can never understand what another person really goes through. We fundamentally have irreconcilable views of the world. Misery and happiness are awarded at random and we can never find out why. We like entirely different things, we value entirely different things, we find entirely different things meaningful and we have entirely different views in regards to how reality functions.
“This life is just a temporary ride dude. The soul continues after death.”
No how about this:
You are that ride. What continues after death is not you. It has no memories, which are stored in your brain, it has no identity, which is a product of your memories. You are this, this person, your identity shaped by your genes and your experiences in life. That’s what you are. You are the shell, not this small little core that experiences the qualia, because that has no defining characteristics. You’re not the canvas someone bought at a store, you’re the unique painting someone drew on it.
If I take a metal statue of some 18th century explorer or general and melt the whole thing down to sell it as scrap metal, did the statue go on living? No, the statue is that arbitrary form. What YOU are is not this tiny little core that goes on after death. No, you are that arbitrary form.
You’re not your “soul”, you’re not even your “will”, nor are you “what you leave behind”. No, you are a collection of memories, that together make up your identity and are ABSOLUTELY GONE once you die.
“Psychedelics healed my trauma dude”
No they didn’t heal your trauma, you idiot. Try inverting this one.
Psychedelics healed my trauma and now I’m a globe-trotting polyamorous party animal!
Yeah definitely, because if your uncle had not raped you in the ass and the other boys in high school had not shoved your head in the toilet, you would have been flying around the world to go to psytrance parties too!
Hey, you know what it would mean, if psychedelics had actually healed your trauma? You would be married, you would have two children, you would be overweight, you would drive a Ford Fiesta to your job as a mortgage advisor and get home at 6 PM to eat dinner and watch the new episode of Dancing with the Stars with your wife afterwards!
If psychedelics had healed your trauma, you would be boring and bland, lovable only by your mother and your spouse.
They didn’t heal your trauma, they turned you into a freak. They made you somewhat able to cope with being traumatized.
The normal connections in your brain were severed by trauma, but the psychedelics went ahead and made some new ones for you, so now you get off to getting whipped or choked or gang-banged or some other bizarre perversion of how a normal human being operates.
Now you have a pet snake instead of a golden retriever. Now you have a tattoo of a spider on your leg. Now you watch found footage horror movies where demonic women mutilate the guys they have sex with, instead of watching You’ve Got Mail.
Don’t tell me “psychedelics healed my trauma”, if you’re still a fucked up freak. Tell me “psychedelics healed my trauma” if you’re now a boring bland nobody who will be utterly forgotten after death and who has no further interest in taking drugs.
Hey you know what? That’s none of you.
Walk up to some guy selling insurance for a living, walk up to your local corporate laywer, walk up to the elderly lady who volunteers at your local Catholic church. Ask those people if they were traumatized as children, took psychedelics, got their shit together and never looked back.
You already know the answer: “What, you’re asking me if I take drugs? Of course I don’t.”
Psychedelics are a coping mechanism. That’s not a bad thing necessarily, but they don’t somehow reverse what happened to you. I’ve never seen that happen to someone.
“You manifest your own reality bro!”
Woah, thanks for telling me!
You know who you should tell that? The people in your local nursing home!
Or tell it to the guy you find begging on the street!
“Hey, have you tried manifesting 10 dollars in your paper cup? What I mean? Just strongly imagine there’s 10 dollars in your paper cup and it will happen. No I’m not going to put 10 dollars in your cup. I’m telling you to manifest it!”
Try inverting this idea.
Maybe instead of your thoughts creating reality, your thoughts just decide which share of reality you seize for yourself.
Maybe it’s more like water, which flows into someone else’s garden, when you decide to manifest some pavement in yours.
“Deformed chickens in a dark cage somewhere? Yeah those are negative thoughts bro, don’t think about that. Just visualize yourself winning the lottery bro!”
Maybe that actually works. Maybe that means you win the lottery, instead of some single mom who was going to win it otherwise.
To me “just avoid negative thinking” essentially represents the abandonment of reason.
I’m not a scientific materialist. I think our minds do in a sense create the world we experience. But this mentality of “manifesting” is delusional and if it actually worked, it would merely make the world more meaningless.
I think you just have to accept to some degree, where your thoughts take you. Don’t treat negative thoughts like an unwelcome intrusion.
Maybe, when you treat them like an unwelcome intrusion, you’re just forcing the water to flood into someone else’s backyard.
Maybe they’re part of life for a reason.
Maybe you benefit from some self-limiting beliefs.
man i love this blog. one day i’m being called a cultural appropriator for preferring classical music to the arrythmic grunting that passes for music today, the next it’s being told god is hate and that it all ends when i die…
it’s like a blast from the past, back when the internet was cool.
“If I take a metal statue of some 18th century explorer or general and melt the whole thing down to sell it as scrap metal, did the statue go on living?”
Ok now your into idolatry. That an object can store mental energy that people project into it somehow. That energy is capable of influencing people with no knowledge of what that object represents. The peace sign of the sixties was designed as an anti war graphic based on semaphore letters, but unknown to the designer it is also a Germanic rune of death. Just look at the turmoil of the sixties.
Papists mistake the meaningless symbols we use to imbue certain feelings with having some fundamental spiritual substance/truth. They talk of idolatry but they make lines on paper and catholic mass into gods.
You associate the peace symbol with death but in truth the only power it holds over anyone is how it makes people feel, and what it encourages them to do in response to those feelings, it’s arbitrary either way.
You are that ride. What continues after death is not you. It has no memories, which are stored in your brain, it has no identity, which is a product of your memories. You are this, this person, your identity shaped by your genes and your experiences in life. That’s what you are. You are the shell, not this small little core that experiences the qualia, because that has no defining characteristics. You’re not the canvas someone bought at a store, you’re the unique painting someone drew on it.
Why do you think people are racist? And why do you think people generally prefer others who share their qualities over people that don’t?
I always thought we are born with inherited memories or a kind of firmware hardcoded in us. If you take any dog and play wolf or coyote calls they all freak out, their mother couldn’t teach them, the memory must be borne into them. Operation warp speed sigil magic?
Epigenetic memory.
Rintrah shifting into overdrive and turning up the decibel level to 120 with his profound, uncomfortable questions.
That’s why I love him.
My father died last friday, 58 years young, somehow you always manage to write something that reflects on my life at that specific moment, thank you
I’m so sorry. I’m a simple guy, I don’t have all the answers, far from it, but I do like to think I manage to comfort some people from time to time. Life is a series of highs and lows, I wish you all the best in getting through this low.
I’m very, very sorry. My brother died in 2020 at the age of 57. He left one kid; my niece. My brother had all sorts of problems despite being extremely smart and so I wasn’t able to get to know my niece very well; I am trying to now but it is a long process and I worry that she thinks I don’t care because I am so hesitant because I am so scared of saying something that might make her mad forever. So I am sure that you have relatives who are in agony for you and in agony about your dad and thinking about you all of the time but they may not be good at showing it.
There is so much pain in the universe but there is also so much love. I have found help by becoming a boring religious person; it is really the only way I can make it. I guess there are other ways, though.
Sending love and well wishes.
Very sorry for your loss Pico.
I hope that everything is OK with Keith, he was a regular commenter here but all of a sudden stopped posting.
Keith still lives, in good health.
Hang in there mate, the only way out is through. You can do it.
In totally unrelated terms, you are the only one (or your bubble, who knows) who has a theory for the behavior of Mallone:
You wrote what if the the vax and bird flu are linked? Then Mallone suddenly makes sense.
Though I am still in the camp that they are all insane.
God is a circle whose center is everywhere and circumference nowhere.
Jung elaborated on this inversion in Aion & Answer to Job, he called it enantiodromia. I’ve just finished Steppenwolf by Hermann Hesse, he explores similar themes of half beast half man & immortal souls, fierce interesting stuff.