I have a confession to make. I’ll warn you in advance, you won’t like it.
I’ve looked at this video a few times now. I enjoy watching found footage style horror, like the VHS series. But there’s nothing quite like this. A bunch of teenagers and young adults who are drunk and high harass a middle aged LSWM looking for his phone, until it goes terribly wrong. This is the real life equivalent of found footage style horror. This is horror produced by God.
Most of you don’t like horror, you just enjoy the fruit of horror. You subject pigs, chickens and cows to real life horror, being dragged into some industrial facility, where it smells of blood, where they have machinery applied to their bodies by men in white gowns, covered in stains of blood. You want to have the horror hidden away from you. I want to see it.
Do you understand the extreme terror that these animals go through, to offer you your food? You realize they have the exact same basic survival mechanisms in their brains that we do, right? They’re just less capable of abstract reasoning, they’re stuck at a child-like level of understanding the world. It’s like you are all just sending your own children to Auschwitz, every single day. Because it tastes good. I honestly hate you.
Anyway, the first 90 seconds set the scene. They serve to strip away your empathy for the victims. They’re the annoying popular kids, cool enough to be friends with the negroes, the kids who have basically always had everything work out for them, who never really suffered any hardship. But then at about 95 seconds in, you notice something disturbing. The LSWM being harassed has a disturbing smile on his face. It’s your first sign that something’s about to happen.
Then at 1:45 it escalates, they push the guy into the water. He feels threatened. The boys don’t realize that, they just want to humiliate him for the camera, to get something they can publish on the Internet. But then at 1:50, as he is pushed again, he has a knife and stabs the boy who pushed him straight into the stomach.
The scary thing about being stabbed is that you often don’t immediately notice it. Our nerves are not really designed for this sort of sharp damage, they’re designed to recognize threats. So the guy doesn’t immediately yell out in pain. The laughing and harassment just continue.
After the guy stands up, they continue the harassment. More people seem to get stabbed. The first stabbing is easy to recognize, the stabbings afterwards I just can’t quite see. I think a bunch happened off-screen. But at 2:05, we get the money shot, where they realize that the situation has terribly escalated.
The first guy to get stabbed is laying in the water. Blood seems to be emerging from his belly. Now they all start screaming. There’s another guy pointing, saying “he’s dying bro”. Our cameraman puts the camera in his own face for a moment. They all start screaming “oh my God”.
The cameraman can’t believe it and asks “are you serious, is this real?”. He is intoxicated, so he’s struggling to believe this really happened, he hopes it’s just a hallucination. Then he points the camera downwards, yelling “that’s not blood”. But it is blood. Blood in the water. If you’re stabbed underwater, the blood just freely keeps pouring out, as there’s not enough oxygen to dry it up.
That’s where the video ends, exactly where it should. We have everything we need, it can only go downhill from here. There’s no better way to conclude it. This is grade A kino. I’m a sick freak, I can’t help it, this is the sort of thing I like to watch. I like disgusting stuff, but more importantly, I just enjoy seeing the real fear, the shrieks of terror from hypersocial boys whose lives will never be the same. It gets my adrenaline rushing. My empathy instinct just doesn’t kick in.
I have the same feeling about Gaza. All my empathy just evaporated when I saw the Arab civilians abuse the bodies and living civilians they brought back, with teenage boys who look like Dutch Moroccans spitting on some girl in bikini who was probably already dead.
I know at some intellectual level that I’m supposed to feel some sympathy for Arab civilians in Gaza. But I honestly don’t. I just really enjoy watching them suffer. I like to see them go hungry. I like to see them living in tents. I honestly just enjoy the gore, the sheer terror. I’m not claiming that’s good, or healthy. I’m just saying that I’m unable to feel any sort of empathy for these people.
I can’t wait for temperatures in Gaza to jump up and all the bodies under the rubble begin to stink. Israel has accomplished the most important step: Stop the Europeans from pouring endless amounts of aid into the Gaza strip, by proving UNRWA is full of terrorists.
What I enjoy even more is that the whole planet is turning into something similar to an Arab goat-fucker country. Intelligent asian and white people have stopped reproducing, once we are gone, it will just be endless numbers of this scum slaughtering each other, living in refugee camps, catching cholera and accusing each other of being “white adjacent”. Afrofuturism? Don’t count on it.
What more could you wish for? I often wonder: What sort of glorious future do the low status white males complaining about Muslims flooding into their country think is being stolen from them? The future is hell, a global Gaza, your politicians are making sure that they will be the ones to suffer through it instead of your children.
The fossil fuels are about to be exhausted, the copper mines are enormous because there’s nothing left to be found, the planet is warming up, we’re getting more powerful hurricanes than ever before, the soils have flushed out into the ocean. Please make sure to have a lot of children, so they can all live like the Arabs. You won’t even be able to go to a doctor, because there won’t be any people left smart enough to be a doctor.
Do you have any clue, what kind of complete and utterly mind-boggling suffering people born today have ahead of them?
It makes me so hot.
I have to admit, I actually laughed aloud when the cameraman revealed his visage.
The LSWM grin and the failure of the group to understand what was happening is fascinating.
Also, the females acting as men in escalating rather than de-escalating.
Truly, a video of subtle, yet powerful memetic energy.
Quote: “I like disgusting stuff …”
That’s the reason why you should better stay away from high moral grounds.
High moral don’t fit together with a bent for disgusting stuff and school-shooter phantasies.
Yeah, I agree entirely. Hard to take anyone seriously when they identify with bitter revenge fantasies against ‘normies’ to that degree.
The only silver lining is that, unlike most of the internet, RR is explicit. He doesn’t try to pretend that he doesn’t enjoy or want suffering on a certain level. I felt like saying, at a certain point, that his neo-Nazi leanings had led him to support Israel— but now he’s beaten me to the point, essentially. And this makes me glad that the Israelis, and their American sponsors, are collapsing. Bitter cucks always choose the losing side…
If you want to consume something about defeating a real enemy, not just massacring civilians and then getting evicted, watch some old Western, or the original Star Wars movies, or some thriller from the 70s or 80s.
The Adharmic always choose the inferior side, this is why your sympathize with the retarded wiggers who picked a fight and got stabbed and the towelhead savages. You’re a subhuman Stranglove, sorry to say. Your moralizing about muh Neon-Nazis is just an excuse for you to express your rage towards the superior. All you faggots who cry about muh shitskin babies never care when its white or Israeli children butchered by sandniggers, your empathy is selective and is based around supporting the lesser people against the superior.
>Your empathy is selective too!
Yup, I support my people, people who are like my people, and my people’s allies. I don’t make pretension otherwise, unlike libtard homosexuals such as yourself.
Who cares what you think, you have zero insight. I already knew that the paragraph above was going to be a bunch of profanities before I read it (which was a mistake on my part). Your brain is incapable of saying anything interesting, so you mask it by trying to be as offensive as possible. For a representative of the Aryan race that is going to take us into the far reaches of the galaxy, you sure write like a special needs kid. Your screeds belong on bathroom stalls.
All I hear is a whiny libtard crying about bad words. You should go to Palestine and go fight those Neo-Nazi Jews, before choking down sandnigger spunk. You’re already doing it on the internet, why not take the next step?
As for content and not insults, I did not moralize. RR occasionally references the Nazis, and he has written about school shooters and stuff before. I disagree with him in the comments, but I don’t screech about how OFFENDED I am and I don’t need some CONTENT MODERATOR to solve my problems for me lol.
I noted it because the Nazis were also the greatest losers of that period– partitioned between Russia and the United States, literally did not have a full nation until after the Cold War. They were capable of causing enormous damage, mass casualties, etc, but ultimately they lost to the more cohesive side.
And like the Israelis, the Nazis were massive LARPers. Pretending to be pagan Germans, trying to get rid of Christianity, obsessing over genes and DNA. It was the decadent/twilight stage of the Prussian Empire. We are in a similar environment here in America/the West. Just like the Israelis pretending to be ancient Israelite warriors and not recent arrivals from Poland or Ukraine with no roots whatsoever in the M-E.
So it is no surprise who the school shooter/social reject type identifies. They project their own depressive symptoms onto others.
>As for content and not insults, I did not moralize. RR occasionally references the Nazis, and he has written about school shooters and stuff before. I disagree with him in the comments, but I don’t screech about how OFFENDED I am and I don’t need some CONTENT MODERATOR to solve my problems for me lol.
Stranglove, honestly you’re just an idiot who doesn’t get it. If you think Rad actually likes the Nazis, the guy who’s obsessed with Anne Frank and Jews, you’re even dumber than I initially though.
>I noted it because the Nazis were also the greatest losers of that period– partitioned between Russia and the United States, literally did not have a full nation until after the Cold War. They were capable of causing enormous damage, mass casualties, etc, but ultimately they lost to the more cohesive side.
Yes, they lost to the industrial might of the United States, which is all well and proper. I’m not a Neo-Nazi in-case you haven’t realized, I’m an American Patriot. I don’t like you because you’re a faggot libtard, who uses faggot libtard language. I don’t really care who you support in ancient wars.
>And like the Israelis, the Nazis were massive LARPers. Pretending to be pagan Germans, trying to get rid of Christianity, obsessing over genes and DNA. It was the decadent/twilight stage of the Prussian Empire.
All immaterial, you want to know what’s wins wars? It’s not your arbitrary sense of taste. It’s PRODUCTION, SOLDIERS, LOGISTICS, WEAPONS. You’re talking like a superstitious retard. Who cares if the Israelis can’t actually trace their lineage to Israel? They have every advantage over their Arabic adversaries, which is why they have won in the past and why they will continue to do so. Some arbitrary measurement of “roots” is irrelevant. Who had more roots in Zululand? The Zulu or the British? Who actually won the Anglo-Zulu war?
>So it is no surprise who the school shooter/social reject type identifies. They project their own depressive symptoms onto others.
More retardation where you try to equate a personality type you find distasteful with entire nations. This is why I’m a misanthrope, you were gifted with a mind capable of understanding yet the methodology of logic eludes you.
>That’s the reason why you should better stay away from high moral grounds.
High moral don’t fit together with a bent for disgusting stuff and school-shooter phantasies.
Fair point.
Comments like these are why I value your input, Diogenes
I also enjoyed watching that video. Nicolae Miu did nothing wrong.
Neither did Kyle Rittenhouse. Neither did George Zimmerman.
We need more common sense stand-your-ground and castle doctrine laws in place. Leftists who blame the victims rather than the perpetrators are pure evil.
And George Floyd was NOT a hero.
We do not have a problem that can be solved. We live in a predicament with a dire outcome that is certain.
Reaching acceptance is a real drag, but if you can survive it, then it does seem to be where the process will eventually start taking you.
It’s interesting that more people are starting to feel like this, me included.
It probably took me around ten years for the pain to soften – I’m a slow learner, I guess.
Maybe there’s a way to speed it up? I imagine that could be a good thing.
I’ve never heard of this case, though I see from a search that it is getting media coverage.
It fits my new theory that we are actually living through the John Carpenter film, “In the Mouth of Madness”: we’re the anonymous background characters killing each other off around the main character as the world goes mad while he unravels the eldritch mysteries. Unlike him, we don’t even get the benefit of experiencing full-fledged horror by being exposed to occult truths; all we get is mindless rage, terror, cruelty, and violence, with at best the option to try to participate rather than be pure victims. Our existence is solely to provide a nightmarish mise-en-scène for one man somewhere who at least matters in the story.
This does put us in a somewhat similar position to the industrial food animals that so preoccupy Rintrah Radagast.
I think it’s hilarious personally, play stupid games, win stupid prizes. When stupid people die in stupid ways I can only laugh. Always been this way, hearing and seeing all the atrocities committed in the documentary the “Cannibal Warlords of Liberia” when I was thirteen only made me laugh. Like when Prince Johnson had his moment of primate triumph over Samuel Doe; or when “General Butt Naked” causally talked about feasting on the blood of children. Come on, it’s so retarded and cartoonish it just morphs into becoming a joke. I’m not trying to portray myself as some hard-ass or something, you’re not tough just because you find this shit funny, I just can’t help it.
Nicolae Miu happened to be the wrong guy to fuck with in that time and place.
Video is amazing but virtually everything is being recorded these days.
I’d only add, what about the women screaming in his face? What was that about? I thought females were supposed to be the gentler sex? Were they all high on something that made them so aggressive?
That trial is all over the news where I am. The black dude that was disemboweled did it to himself, because he continued to assault the Slavic dude and push him down which forced the knife to keep going up and up. Otherwise it would have been just a neat stab – not a stab + slice + intestines all hanging out. The funniest is bikini girl. She came back in to assault Slavic dude and he gave her a neat poke and then she realized and freaked out. Why the Slavic dude is on trial is because the BLM was disemboweled and the rest of the crew were little spoiled Jews and one Jew died. Tribe + BLM vs Alpha Slav. This is the problem with small knives. For self-defense they are ideal because they are not seen or felt. Slav dude did know VERY WELL how to use a knife. He could have gone for some easy little cuts elsewhere and quickly bled them all out Halal / Kosher style, but he chose otherwise – i.e. his acts were not inconsistent with continuing life. You see, little Jew boy Isaac Schuman (I diddnt do nuffin) died – otherwise Slav dude would not be on trial.
The problem with Bibi and the crew is that they just could not help themselves. The Old Testament style vengeance and retribution was just too appealing to ignore – so they went hard and fast turning little infant future terrorists into barbecued chickens. You see, Bathhouse Barry is Biden’s handler and Barry just simply hates Jews, hates Bibi and hates all the right wing crowd. The best way to fu*k over the Zionists is to simply give the Israelis everything that they wish for + more. This is what Barry is doing and letting Bibi bring about Holocaust 2.0. This is why Trump is so against the “deep state”. Trump wishes to save the Jews by showing some restraint and not giving Bibi what he wants. The CIA / Bush / Soetoro regime is what came out of all of the Ex Nazi SS that fled to the United States after the war to set up the anti-communist US security state apparatus. You need to understand that Barry’s objective is the destruction of the Jewish state and Bibi fell into the trap that was set. Everybody is simply sick and tired of the cost of keeping Israel afloat. They want a new Palestine with a multi-nation peace enforcing UN directed administrative government. They want the Jews to live there, but not the Jews running the place:
Retard, you should really use paragraph breaks in your walls of text.
I read your crazy ramblings usually but I don’t know if anybody else does.
Even though I don’t agree with a lot of what @Retard and Fucko The Clown have to say, I still look forward to reading their comments as a source of entertainment. Sometimes their comments are so wild that I burst out laughing.
@Retard what do you think happened to Obama’s chef who died while paddle boarding in Martha’s Vineyard? Is there perhaps more to the story?
Sudden death on the paddle-board.
Vaxxxed and booooooooosted to the max.
Now Barry needs to find a new chef.
There are plenty of gay chefs but finding a black gay chef is near impossible (at least one that can actually cook).
FYI – Barry and Mike did not take the vax.
I wish that this guy would write more comments:
He seems to have a lot of interesting things to say.
You must understand that I am, in fact, retarded.
I am so fu*cking mentally retarded that what I write makes perfect sense, but only to me.
People show pity towards me, and they confide in me.
Strange, but true.
I know many people in very high places, and many people in very low places.
Sometimes the people in very low places are the most powerful.
Back in the 1980s and 1990s I helped many nations with their pathetic filthy disgusting public health problems, nations that are most powerful today – and much cleaner today.
I worked directly with people that are now leaders of these powerful nations.
I know people.
People know me.
Big shit is happening.
Big massive shit is about to come down.
Massively big shit.
This video reminded me why I muted Ian Miles Cheong and all other transphobic, racist, and homophobic people posting disgusting fight videos, “black against white crimes” and other such stuff. They trigger my own insecurities and piss me off greatly. The conflict may be misunderstood somehow, and I hope the police investigation will find that out.
I am not sure if he can claim defense. Bottom line he pulled out a knife and stabbed teenagers. It’s not quite as bad as bombing women and children with BOMBS.
I think he probably can claim defense.
That smile for me is perhaps a bit of a tell.
If I have this right:
1. the guy goes to look for his phone, presumably having lost it after riding in that tire thingy
2. the tire thingy has another crew, who are not keen to have him around
3. the black guy recording it all, start closing in and harassing the guy, yelling and mocking incomprehensibly about him looking for a “young girl” rather than his phone, so do the others, a whole mess of well-muscled young men, plus some young women decide to get involved into the bargain
4. you see the guy smile – this for me is the key to him being able to make a case for defense, because I read this smile as a sign of submission. The guy is surrounded, harassed, and afraid (quite rightly), so he smiles as an attempt to demonstrate his meekness and disarm the situation.
5. One of the kids, emboldened by the smiling display of weakness, decides that the man is an easy mark and attacks him.
6. The man is pushed down and struck,
7. The man draws his knife and stabs.
8. The chaos and screaming starts.
9. The black man recording, or one of the others, starts calling out how “this can’t be happening” or whatever.
10. getting his priorities right, the abusive camera man instigator takes the opportunity to snap a selfie
But he was right, it shouldn’t have been happening. The troop of hooting monkeys should have easily won, being young, strong, plus having superior numbers, and being bolstered by having their prey bare his teeth in a smiling show of submission (as is known to happen instinctively among primates) before one of their number, emboldened by the display of submission, attacks instinctively.
Like a dog attacking a child that trips and falls – it does it instinctively. Could be the nicest damn dog in the world, but it’s a predator, you trigger its instincts and it just bites reflexively.
Except the man, having failed in his largely unconscious gambit at appeasement, decides that all is probably lost against the troop, and so he also, largely reflexively, decides to take out his knife. . .
If I’m right, then I’d rather not don’t judge anyone in the encounter. The young men were running on primate brain rails. And the older man just did what comes naturally out of desperation.
Not a lot of free will on display there.
Just a shitshow.
There will be more of this.
But then, I guess I don’t believe in free will anymore.
Seeing 99.9% of my “”community”” jump on the covidworld bandwagon kinda settled that question for me.
Makes it pretty damn hard to judge anybody at all.
Now, I think a man just does what he must.
No, I’m not a judger.
But I am old, wounded and dangerous.
And in another of life’s seemingly endless paradoxes, funnily enough, not believing in free will makes one less likely to follow the rules.
>Now, I think a man just does what he must.
*slow clap*
He pulled out the knife when he was smiling.
Hmmm, okay, but he was still smiling in the face off before the violence began wasn’t he?
Which would make me think that he knew he was outmatched and was trying to disarm the situation, but failed, as the sign was read as an admission of weakness (which it was).
Which is in keeping with research on this kind of thing: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/smile-you-are-about-to-lose/#:~:text=Specifically%2C%20the%20researchers%20hypothesized%20that%20there%E2%80%99s%20something%20about,the%20other.%20A%20recognition%20of%20the%20opponent%E2%80%99s%20power.
Except he didn’t lose, because he had a knife.
Otherwise, he may well have ended up face down in the river.
And I think the mob instigated the violence – they misrepresented his intentions, mocked him, assembled their force, then physically attacked him, and the rest is history.
Perhaps a strange way for the mob, and for the knife guy to behave, but then it seems people are just meat robots who can run all sorts of weird programs if the right cues are presented to them.
So, self defense? Yeah, I can see that.
I can also see though that our views on justice etc. are totally outmoded by us not having any free will.
He did what he had to do.
End of.
>This video reminded me why I muted Ian Miles Cheong and all other transphobic, racist, and homophobic people posting disgusting fight videos, “black against white crimes” and other such stuff. They trigger my own insecurities and piss me off greatly. The conflict may be misunderstood somehow, and I hope the police investigation will find that out.
Way to dispel those steeetypes, Jew
Watch the 3 last minutes and laugh!
I hope Miu is punished for lying to the police afterwards about not having a knife, but for nothing else.
I shouldn’t enjoy being a voyeur of violence, but I do find that special moment of “alpha male collapse” quite fascinating.
When the wealthy, popular, successful, confident fellow suddenly realizes that none of it matters, and the universe has also saved up a special nightmare, just for him — it is indeed mesmerising.
I’m going to eat parts of a dead chicken for lunch.
I know you don’t like it.
I’ll contemplate that reality as I eat it.
Do you think it will be better with honey mustard or hot sauce?
What’s your pick?
I’m watching this video before eating chicken for lunch. Yummy! https://youtu.be/uJXSYMhtwvU?si=AAsElzDPzEz4_M-2
Fucko the Clown gets a sexual thrill from eating food while thinking about Radagast.
Oh baby 🥵
I’d paste some lyrics from that saccharine video if I could force myself to look at it long enough
Fucko the Clown wants to larp as General Butt Naked with Radagast tied up in-front of him.
In case Rad missed this gem of GenX edginess:
This world rejects me
This world threw me away
This world never gave me a chance
This world gonna have to pay
And I don’t believe in your institutions
I did what you want me to
Like the cancer in your system
I’ve got a little surprise for you:
Something inside of me
Has opened up its eyes
Why did you put it there
Did you not realize?
This thing inside of me
It screams the loudest sound
Sometimes I think I could –
I look down there where you’re standing
Flock of sheep out on display
With all your lies bumped up around you
I can take it all away
Something inside of me
Has opened up its eyes
Why did you put it there?
Did you not realize?
Something inside of me
It screams the loudest sound
Sometimes I think I could
I’m gonna burn this whole world down
I never was a part of you (burn)
I never was a part of you (burn)
I never was a part of you (burn)
I never was a part of you (burn)
I am your saviour
I am corruption
I am the angel
Of your destruction
I am perversion
Secret desire
I am your future
Swallowed up in fire
Sounds pretty “Radagastesque” to me!
Well, it looks like he got unlucky and scored a bunch of outmoded numpties on his jury: https://www.news.com.au/travel/travel-updates/incidents/nicolae-miu-found-guilty-in-fatal-stabbing-death-of-teen-in-river-tubing-brawl/news-story/ab99cbf0be74cb244a6b4cec916a6d0d
No surprise there.
99.9% of peeps are just plain fuckin’ wrong 🙂
Time for some Stevie, who was Wright:
Rose Tattoo covered this track – they amp it up nicely: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtV6RxeYfKg
“You better think clearly my friend. . .”
I’m sure there’s a whole genre of ‘don’t fuck with me’ songs out there. . .
AC/DC – Cold Hearted Man: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBoE4LQCwRM
“And you can’t trust nothin’ you don’t understand!”
No such list could be complete without this:
AC/DC – TNT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhsK5WExrnE
“Oi! Oi! Oi! Oi! Oi! Oi!”
Kids today with their heads stuffed in their damned phones.
How’re they supposed to learn what’s what and they’ve got a cock if they’re not down the pub getting hospitalized from time to time?