I have been looking at this for a while now and today I finally read what I was expecting: The monkeypox in Congo has spread to Uganda and Kenya.
This is not like the clade 2 that spread among gay men, that struggles to infect anyone else. No, this clade 1 strain is ten times deadlier and mostly infects children. So far this year, it has killed 450 people in Congo and infected 14,000. That’s basically as many in half a year so far, as in the entirety of 2023, when it killed 654 and infected 14,626. And it now found its way into Uganda and Kenya.
And I know, with every virus that emerges, low status white males are now going to be convinced it’s just going to be another nothingburger. And that’s kind of the problem. These outbreaks are like hurricanes: Nine out of ten times it’s no big deal, then number ten comes along, the levees collapse and you lose a city. Good luck figuring out in advance which of the two it’s going to be. But human psychology means that we tend to extrapolate what we learned in the past and apply it to everything we encounter in the future.
I know there are people who take this gut instinct to the next level and develop all sorts of vague theories about how we inherently just can’t have a global pandemic affecting healthy people. But that’s not how the world works. Sometimes we just genuinely end up with one or more new pathogens spreading across a continent and killing the majority of the population. It happened in the Americas when Columbus showed up, it happened during the Plague of Cyprian and it happened to many non-human species too.
Smallpox is an orthopox virus that killed 300 million people in the 20th century. And monkeypox, is basically just a kind of proto-smallpox, a virus that is jumping into humans and trying to learn to fill that niche that smallpox once occupied.
The other gut response you notice is that LSWMs now assume after the COVID experience that every new virus that emerges on the scene must just be a consequence of people experimenting in a lab somewhere. There’s a good argument to be made for SARS2 being made by humans. There’s even a decent argument that the Ebola outbreak in West Africa must have started through a lab accident, as it was a strain that just doesn’t naturally occur in animals there.
But outbreaks don’t just happen because Klaus Schwab, George Soros and Bill Gates get together during a full moon and try to come up with new plans to make life for low status white males miserable and force them to get vaccinated. Outbreaks of disease also just happen because we now have far more people, traveling much further than they used to travel. Congo has 99 million people today, up from 15 million in 1960.
But if you want to see the really stupid thing we did, it’s this:
This is the number of kilometers traveled by plane per year. An airplane is capable of spreading basically anything anywhere, within hours. It can spread a disease to a place where nobody expects it. Why has dengue increased 30-fold between 1960 and 2010? Global warming and airplanes. Why do we continually have new SARS2 variants spread around the globe? Airplanes. These would have died out locally, in a world without airplanes.
Instead of a world of villages connected to neighboring villages, we now live in a world where major cities are just strongly connected to every other major city in the world. And Africa just so happens to be the place where humans evolved, where mother nature constantly refined her arsenal with which to keep the human population low over hundreds of thousands of years. Heaven knows what continues to linger in the animals there.
Cases of monkeypox also popped up in Bangui, the capital of the Central African Republic. But the map of political control in the Central African Republic, looks like this:
Yes, park rangers are an active party in this civil war. I wish you good luck, finding out whether monkeypox is spreading in this country, whether the guy showing up to the local hospital with a rash has clade I or clade II and figuring out how to vaccinate people.
As I wrote about before, in 2022, an estimated 5.6% of the population in the Central African Republic died, an insanely high mortality rate that basically suggests a massive famine.
It’s not coincidence either, that this virus managed to explode in North Kivu, Congo. Kivu is where an active civil war is going on. Monkeypox is relatively easy to recognize and in its current state presumably doesn’t spread that easily yet. But when you have a bunch of militias going around hunting wild animals, a bunch of women forced into prostitution because they have to survive somehow and healthcare workers afraid to show up, this is what you get.
Doctors without borders warned in April that the situation in North Kivu, where hundreds of thousands of people fled from the civil war to the regional capital city Goma, where they now live in crowded conditions and hundreds of people have to share a single toilet, would lead to an outbreak of disease. They warned about measles and cholera, but it turned out the bigger threat that would strike the region was monkeypox. A few weeks after this warning, they found 25 cases of monkeypox among people living in the refugee camps in Goma.
This is the other taboo among LSWMs: Foreign aid exists for a reason. You’re basically paying to make sure people who don’t want to have kids can use a condom or have an abortion, so the kid is not sold to the local brothel. And you’re paying to make sure a monkeypox virus like this does not get to jump from one human to another human enough times to turn into something more like smallpox, which took us a few centuries to eradicate.
You’re also paying of course, to make sure the gorillas are not eaten and the forest torched down by the local militia group. I honestly kind of prefer the arrogant Bush era neoconservative “we’re going to solve the world’s problems” attitude over the LSWM Trumpist “not our problem” attitude we see today. The Iraq war was obviously a disaster, but if you think that was bad, wait until you see what happens when the Western world decides to leave the rest of the world to its own devices.
Anything that’s “not your problem” just festers, until it eventually becomes your problem after all. That’s how problems like this work. The whole world ignored the growing monkeypox problem in Africa until it spread around the world in 2022. Now we have a second episode with a ten times deadlier version mostly killing children under five and again, people just want to ignore it.
The Netherlands under our new government is cutting foreign aid. But if you ask people how much they think we give to foreign aid, they think it’s 3.6%. Ask them how much we should give and they say 2.9%. How much do we actually spend on it? 0.5%.
The parties that represent the interests of Dutch low IQ low status white males of course promise to reduce the number to zero.
I think there is some sort of order in our universe, some sort of meaning hidden underneath all the chaos, a tale that is being told. So I can’t help but suspect the 2022 monkeypox outbreak was a warning and we failed to learn the most important lesson:
Don’t abandon the people who are worst off.
Because there are currently so many crazy and bad things happening in our clown world right now, this mpox crisis will probably barely make the news, whereas if it happened 10 years ago, there would be wall to wall news coverage, just like there was during the Ebola outbreak. But now, it’ll hardly get a mention,
The MSM are more concerned about Tommy Robinson saying mean things than an orthopox virus that could kill tens of millions.
Right now there is financial Armageddon in Japan, but most people have no clue. They don’t understand the Japanese Yen “carry trade” that has been responsible for propping up the entire global financial system for the last number of years. And now it’s all falling apart, there is a huge selloff as markets open, margin calls left right and centre, Warren Buffet has sold half of all the Apple shares he owns.
But everyone’s talking about that Algerian boxer instead.
Quote: “But everyone’s talking about that Algerian boxer instead.”
Message from the Technic-Room:
Because good people don’t care about rationalism, which is the bad side.
The more good the people try to be, the more evil they become.
Quote: “Don’t abandon the people who are worst off.”
If this is your only idealistic conclusion, then I’m disappointed. You spend so much time and energy into rational analysing … but where is your idealistic power?
“Help the poor people”, that’s all?
There are two ways to be a truly good person:
Switch of both, idealism and rationalism, good and bad. That’s what the Far-East religions are preaching. And as a result of this passive way they only sit around and do nothing.
Or switch on both, which is a hard ride where you have to learn how to handle opposing forces. It’s the forbidden zone where they declare you as mad, and you can easily really become mad on this way. But if you find a way through, then that’s the best place to be.
quote: “I honestly kind of prefer the arrogant Bush era neoconservative “we’re going to solve the world’s problems” attitude over the LSWM Trumpist “not our problem” attitude we see today.”
Oh, boy..
Between these two extremes, there’s something called honest international relations and cooperation.
During the first Cold War, you had Soviet ‘anti-imperialism’ messing with the (mostly Northern) European Colonialism, which led to the independence of African States.
Now you have undercover colonialism and resource hunting, which lead to civil wars.
Is it that difficult for the West to agree to step down from the no 1 spot, the “affluent society” and the entitlement, that have kept us like spoiled children even at 30, 40, 50… years of age? Yes, you are being a spoiled child if you think marriage should be a romantic playground…
And if you put the pieces of the puzzle together, you will see that living with less (e.g. air-travelling less, as you said last time) combines very well with cooperating with the global south and ‘evil’ Russia (who isn’t resource hungry, btw)…
Sorry, it’s just too much.
Rintrah and his little Sensitive baggage handler can sign up for heroic exploits if they want.
I’m out.
It makes my dick rock hard knowing you’re still thinking about me, old man.
Honest relations? Cooperation? You sound like a Christian 🙂
The most common positions I’ve seen adopted by the ‘Lord/s of this World’ is ruthless, cold-blooded Machiavellianism and amorality at best, and pure evil at worst.
Now overlay on that the fact that we are in overshoot as a species that is manifesting in ramping war, famine, pestilence, pollution, resource depletion, landscape change, mass extinctions, etc. . .
If it was a zero-sum game before, well, what can we expect next?
If you want to know where to find the Lords of this World, just try to imagine the lowest common demoninator. That’s where they are.
Loyalty, honour, decency? Completely absent. The opposite? Well, sure, everything up to and including sadistic glee.
The people who run the show are not Christians who could give a rat’s arse about their fellow man.
Not at all.
I am comforted though that some people think it should be otherwise.
Aussie friend, on the (mutual) feeling of comfort, allow me a somewhat long comment about the Day of the Transfiguration (August 6). I did a little translation for you guys here, including our host, who could see God’s fingerprints when sailing in the North Sea:
Quote: “Today is the day of the Transfiguration, and every year on this day, a wonderful picture comes back to me. We were sitting on a low stone bench in Karyes, Holy Mountain: father David, a chubby old monk with a face of absolute happiness that I envied ever since I met him; a young Russian monk, tall and skinny with those innocent Slavic eyes full of questions, wearing his round glasses, holding a notebook with Greek and Cyrillic doodles, like a figure from a Dostoyevski novel; and me, a weirdo who was starting to be overwhelmed slowly but steadily by the ascetic life of Mount Athos, as though I had discovered a world you would never believe is possible.
Father David was describing passionately the miracle that happened on the famous Mount Thabor in the time of Saint Euthymius, where on the day of the Transfiguration the Temple was filled with the Uncreated Light… The Light caused the congregation to fall to their knees with their eyes closed, unable to bear it, and only Saint Euthymius remained standing in supplication. Then the good old priest said to the young monk from Russia: did you understand, Arsenie, how God gifts people with eyes? We are what we see, brother! We see God, that’s who we are. We see the world, that’s who we are. Everything is eyes. The good-natured and somewhat naive Russian was asking again and again: Father, where will we find such eyes? Tell me, where?
I was listening in silence while smoking.
I never forgot those words in the years that came, and in my endless wars. No matter how much ugliness I saw on my way, no matter how much beauty, I understood that everything is eyes and you must guard them like the borders of a precious homeland, your heart.
They will save you or judge you one day. They will tell the story of your entire life. They will ultimately transform you into an authentic existence.
And the final prize again will come from the eyes: they will render you worthy to see the Face of God.”
(originally in Greek by Phaedon Christodoulakis)
This is most concerning.
We should shut down all travel, keep people in their homes, and force everyone to get vaccines. Lives are at stake!
Seriously though. This.
>Anything that’s “not your problem” just festers, until it eventually becomes your problem after all. That’s how problems like this work. The whole world ignored the growing monkeypox problem in Africa until it spread around the world in 2022. Now we have a second episode with a ten times deadlier version mostly killing children under five and again, people just want to ignore it.
Is a good argument.
You cannot just hand out resources to people and expect their lives to improve. It simply does not work that way, unfortunately.
Helping people is noble, but Government is fundamentally not competent to do so.
If you want to charitably help people, then YOU need to go out and do the footwork to ensure your aid actually helps them, instead of putting them deeper on their hole.
Give out aid in the wrong way in Africa and instead of 1 child sold into a brothel, you end up with 10 sold into brothels.
15 million in 1960. 99 million now. That’s called “exponential growth”. Which is why you DON’T FEED THE PIGEONS. If you care about global warming, animal welfare, just about any social problem. Stop causing overpopulation.
The applaud the Swiss Railway system, our roads and our grid.
All in state hands or build by the state.
Ofc gubermint is able to do so – if they want or have to. Force African states to invest and build categorically and something will change.
Libya: independent under Gaddafi -> no civil wars -> high standard of living
Attacked by the West -> civil wars -> failed state
Niger: undercover French colony -> uranium -> civil wars
I thought some reasons about the deplorable state of African countries were obvious..
Good people are really in a bad trap.
The “bad” people, the rationalists, know what happens if they use their power too much. It ends up in something like the Third Reich.
And basically we all know that radical rationalism and radical idealism (religious warriors, crusades) are evil.
But can good poeple realize it’s the same for them? That using their power too much ends up in something like the Third Reich, too?
They can’t. Without using rationalism, the “bad” force, they can’t realize this.
It’s really a bad trap. The only way to escape for the force of good is to betray itself and cooperate with the other force.
If morning else, I realized how much I appreciate that someone on the whole Internet is still marching to the beat of his own drum, and writing about his own shit from his own perspective with no reference to the typical.
That’s been my goal for my entire life so I know how difficult that is, to constantly be going down your own rabbit holes instead of getting sucked up in the media cycle.
While most of the people I know are busily complaining about Donald Trump or the talking monkey he’s running against for the position of pretending to represent people’s interests, I’ve been hanging out with complete weirdos and diving into hermeticism and shamanism.
Mpox in Sweden now. And it is the more contagious version.
In Albuquerque, there is a disease so scary it cannot be named, so contagious (airborne?) it needs full-on quarantine, and so serious it needs immediate contact tracing done by University hospital staff: https://www.koat.com/article/albuquerque-disease-found-mdc-jail/61901234
One of the two vaccines approved by the Gov for monkeypox is Jynneos; the other is straight-out a smallpox vaccine. So maybe the Russkies or the Mullahs have had enough, and monkeypox is really just a codeword for smallpox…
Anyway, our rulers don’t know the difference between a man and a woman, so it’s not to be expected they would behave in a rational way in geopolitics or health policies.
There’s a civil war going on in the Central African Republic? Who knew? Heck, who even knew there was a Central African Republic?
Another view: