Missouri native John Saxton has an innovative new approach to the situation that has befallen his country. Rather than waiting for the next disaster to strike out of nowhere and finding himself at loss of words, he tries to anticipate what the next horror to befell his country will be, so he doesn’t have to invent his talking points on the fly.
“With the wildfires in Maui it was pretty obvious, that was just utter blue state incompetence. In California they have a woke mayor who was in Africa when the fires started and their lesbian fire department chief is more interested in increasing DEI hires than in extinguishing fires.” Saxton explains.
“Now the hurricane that struck Appalachia is more complex. On the one hand, you can go for an angle that Democrats just don’t care about what happens in Red states and so FEMA aid arrives late and of course they prevent patriots from helping out. But that still leaves you with the hurricane. At the time I went with a ‘we’ve always had hurricanes’ approach, but it felt somewhat dissatisfying.”
Opening a spreadsheet on his work laptop, Saxton reveals what he’s going to say about the next disasters: “I think I have it nailed down to at least one of these scenarios. In case of a bird flu pandemic, I’m going to point out that we’ve always had the flu and that illegal Mexicans just have chickens they stole from their workplace wandering around in their backyard.”
But then he moans and continues: “I’m starting to think we may first face a lethal heat wave compounded by a blackout in Phoenix, Arizona however, that will cost at least a thousand lives. Now that’s a tougher one. The mayor of Phoenix is a Democrat, so that is at least a huge relief. But it’s probably going to be important to point out that with electric vehicles, it’s basically not possible for people to leave Phoenix during a blackout. And the blackout itself is probably going to be linked to DEI hires. I’ve searched the personnel section of the power company’s website and I think I’ve found at least three black lesbians so far.”
Mr Saxton pauses for a moment, sighs and says: “Yeah the heatwaves, that’s the one they’re going to be beating you over the head with in the future. Now that Canadian one a few years ago where they had temperatures of 121 degree Fahrenheit didn’t kill anyone, but I’ve looked at it and I’m pretty sure that they’re going to start hysterically screeching at some point about a heat dome right above Denver Colorado eventually too.”
“So I’ve looked at it carefully and I boiled it down to one of two things: It’s either going to be a case of Denver just being in a desert and going with a ‘it always gets hot in Denver in summer’ approach. Why didn’t the woke mayor do something about fixing the power grid instead of dancing on stage with a bunch of drag queens?”
And then he sighs: “Or, I’m going to have to resort to the weather manipulation approach. I’m really not looking forward to that, but at some point, you have no other option I guess. Something about HAARP and space lasers, you know, you must have seen those grainy videos. The celebrities paint the roofs blue to avoid getting hit. Well with a space laser, you can also heat up the air of course, right?”
But then he smiles and says: “Well, that’s at least a few years from now. We should have some easier ones ahead. When Seattle burns down it’s going to be due to the homeless who set fires to keep themselves warm and get to sit around and inject fentanyl with fresh needles handed out to them for free.”
“Honestly, I’m almost looking forward to that one. I’ve got it all printed out, stack of documents and screenshots on my desk, woke mayor, woke fire department chief, woke fire hydrants painted in the rainbow flag. Hey, did you know they have a woke governor too?” Saxton picks away a tear from behind his black sunglasses, before admitting: “I’m really worried about this… global wokening problem, for the future of my children. I’m just trying to help the best I can.”
Woman with a slight lisp explains the fire narrative. But also we risk nuclear war with Iran because of pistachios, and something about jewish people.
Yep, this is how these people think, you really nailed it.
One might think this is a little bit over the top stupid, but in reality the reasoning of these people is often even more stupid. They will never understand how the world works and it’s pointless trying to explain it to them, because they neither can nor want to understand.
It’s obvious that the politicians don’t even try anymore, all they can do is exploiting and profiting from people’s stupidity.
I live in a whole town of this type and can’t imagine giving their silly ideas the kind of rent free attention you do.
Have you ever even met a rural white conservative American before? How common is it for you, as a percentage of total interactions? Why do you care so much what they think?
>Why do you care so much what they think?
Well the interesting thing is that this whole American low status white male conspiracist view of the world is being exported to Europe. Whatever catches on among those types ends up in the heads of Dutch boomers who use social media too somehow.
Yeah whatever.
I’m more interested in your hot takes regarding the current contretemps on X about gainful employment for LSWMs
It would seem this is a topic where you (and by extension, the rest of us here) could shine.
(To say nothing of its relevance to the need to procure bio-tickets for mere survival)
“There can be absolutely no doubt that a) the Los Angeles fires were not organic and b) they were part of a plan to rebuild the city in accordance with the principles and preferences of the ruling elite. It’s exactly the same situation as Maui, only on a larger scale. The property is too valuable to be left to the plebs, so the insurance policies have been cancelled, and various other legal machinations will be created in order to incentivize homeowners to sell their properties for dimes on the dollar.”
–Vox Day
A man significantly smarter, wealthier, and more successful than Rintrah could ever hope to be.
I don’t know what it is exactly about you Big Bird, but you really rub me the wrong way.
You have made derogatory remarks about autists on multiple occasions.
And you’ve also bizarrely claimed on here (without prompt) several times that you look at least 20 years younger than your age, as if this somehow makes you great or something?
The only 4 demographics of people who could possibly pass as looking 20 years younger than their chronological age would be:
– Africans/Asians
– Autists (who tend to have neotenous facial features)
– Obese people (facial fat hides wrinkles)
– Vain people who have had extensive plastic surgery and fillers
Do you fall into one of those four categories? Are you an autist in denial? Because if you are a Boomer/Gen X Caucasian normie American woman, the chances of you genuinely looking 20 years younger are extremely remote.
Even looking at someone like Jennifer Aniston (55 years old) who takes great care of her health and has access to the world’s best dermatologists, she does NOT look 20 years younger. Does she look fantastic for her age? Absolutely. But you can still clearly tell that she is a mature woman.
So I am going to assume that you are full of complete shit.
Also Big Bird holds that “what matters about women are their looks and what matters about men is their wealth”, but she did not follow through because she has not reproduced. So it is just the form of that position, not the substance.
“And you’ve also bizarrely claimed on here (without prompt) several times that you look at least 20 years younger than your age, as if this somehow makes you great or something?”
Actually, I was prompted. Sensitive called me fat and ugly more than once, so that was my response. Though I do realize it is a trivial detail and is ultimately unimportant since we will never meet in person.
“The only 4 demographics of people who could possibly pass as looking 20 years younger than their chronological age would be:
– Africans/Asians
– Autists (who tend to have neotenous facial features)
– Obese people (facial fat hides wrinkles)
– Vain people who have had extensive plastic surgery and fillers”
No, I don’t fall under any of those categories.
It’s called clean and healthy living and having good genes. A lifetime of organically grown whole foods diet, 98 percent vegetarian, with occasional salmon, and zero processed junk foods, and zero pharmaceuticals. I don’t even use aspirin. I do drink alcohol and use cannabis though, but only in moderation.
I live a very frugal simple lifestyle with minimal modern luxuries. Not only am I opposed to transgenderism, I’m opposed to all unnecessary cosmetic surgery and have never used cosmetics and think make-up makes me people look like clowns.
Looking younger for me is not a matter of narcissistic vanity but rather is a reflection of being healthy, which I consider to be a more valuable wealth than all the money and status in the world. Looking old isn’t always a bad thing, but the longer a person preserves authentic youthfulness, correlates to an increased lifespan and higher quality of life.
OK now I just think you’re a autistic Big Bird. But a type of autist you don’t see normally see women being, which is why you confuse people.
Neurotypicals do not care about health very much; plus the autist genes keep you looking young. I’m 24 and I’ve gone through massive weight gains and losses, smoke, drink, and eat processed food, and people still think I’m a teenage boy and don’t want to let me buy alcohol at the store since I have autistic longevity. Looking young forever is a autistic trait, we’re basically vampires. Physiognomy is real.
Yeah you’re probably autistic with OCD characteristics.
> Looking young forever is an autistic trait, we’re basically vampires. Physiognomy is real.
I’m not autistic, but I resemble this comment.
It has been both a blessing and curse, depending on context.
Sensitive Young Man:
Looking like you are under 21 years old when you are 24 is no great accomplishment. The 20s are a very resilient age group. You could literally drink a liter of whiskey everyday, smoke three packs of cigarettes, and eat fast food for all your meals, and you would most likely still look young and healthy. The bad habits of the 20s and 30s usually don’t become evident until you reach your 40s.
It is easier to preserve health than it is to regain it once it is lost. Just as it is easier to prevent disease than it is to cure it.
You don’t have to be rich to be healthy, but you just need to be smart about what you put into your body and how you live your life.
By the way, in reference to a comment above, Jennifer Anniston (age 55) does not look healthy at all. I’m betting without the make-up she looks 20 years older. She looks like someone who smoked way too many cigarettes and snorted way too much coke. After 20 or 30 years of that, that damage is almost impossible fix.
That’s why if you are in your 20s and 30s, now is the time to make positive changes in your life. If you can fix it while you are still young and healthy you have the opportunity to undo all the damages afflicted upon your body before it ever has a chance to take root.
Clearly Vox Day is an idiot. A smart idiot possibly but an idiot nonetheless.
Big Bird get a avatar or I will remain convinced you are a bot.
“A man significantly smarter, wealthier, and more successful than Rintrah could ever hope to be.”
Oh, please, he went to Bucknell. He’s basically a frat boy.
And, he is a Christian Nationalist. Do you have any idea how gross he would find an older woman who thinks she is attractive (and I’m not denying you are; how would I know). To him you are supposed to be a grandma (and me too, of course; I think I am about your age). Anything else is tarting up mutton. Maybe you should appreciate Rintrah’s politeness.
Yeah it’s pretty funny actually. Big Bird seems to have some sort of irrational hatred towards autists, yet she takes the time to read and comment on an obscure fringe anonymous Dutch blog that almost exclusively discusses esoteric topics and which only attracts a couple of hundred readers, many of whom possess various eccentric/idiosyncratic tendencies and mental illnesses. Seems like a pretty autistic thing to be doing lol. Big Bird, shouldn’t you be at some sort of Country Club event with all your high status and intelligent friends?
When I suggested once to Big Bird that s/he was trans, s/he was very upset. That may be the answer. S/he is working out issues here, perhaps.
I think Big Bird is a dissociative fat woman who forces herself to genuinely believe in LSWM narratives because she’s been so worn down by life and has such a small and shriveled ego that she doesn’t allow herself to think like a woman.
Big Bird has stated she doesn’t care what she looks like, or if she was born as a man or not. No what offends her is being called trans, this implies she is a tribal creature, she defines her self worth by the ideology of the LSWM rather than how she feels or looks like because she’s a dissociative.
Trannies are the last people to say they don’t care about what gender they are while hating trans people. But what you said probably disturbed Big Bird because you reminded her what people who have a similar mentality to her but who care even less are like. There’s a resemblance to trangenderism in saying you’d accept being born as a man when you have the lived experience as a woman.
I’m a man and I would never want to be a woman personally. I care about how I look like and I like being a man.
She’s just a woman who doesn’t care. Either that or a false persona of a person who’s good at larping. Apparently you all know each-other since karen seems to know what university Rad graduated from.
No offense intended for Tryptie is you’re still lurking around, I’m not judging. It’s just obvious you don’t care about the sex you were born as even more than Big Bird.
> S/he is working out issues here, perhaps.
“Who among us…”
“karen seems to know what university Rad graduated from.”
LSWM, I have no idea what university Rintrah went to. I looked up this Vox guy since Big Bird is so excited by him, and he went to Bucknell.
>LSWM, I have no idea what university Rintrah went to.
Re-reading your post… Yeah my mistake.
> A man significantly smarter, wealthier, and more successful than Rintrah could ever hope to be.
What part of “college dropout polysubstance stoner misanthropic frugal minimalistic negative status white male” do you not understand?
Exactly, LSWM
Eh, those question marks were meant to be an iPhone fist bump emoji
Just wanted to add:
LSWM has a way with words.
He articulates my own thoughts and feelings with such precision that I am often left stunned.
Not that I necessarily agree with his views (on those few issues where we disagree), but he has a gift for encapsulating the thoughts we share here with an impressive alacrity.
Gee, thanks Mehen!
“‘Cause you and me? We’re like brothers. Only closer…”
The CCP is taking advantage of climate change to weaken the US. See https://naomiwolf.substack.com/p/what-is-a-war , and the Chinese military strategy espoused at https://jrnyquist.blog/2019/09/11/the-secret-speech-of-general-chi-haotian/ (General Chi Haotian was called out of nonagerian retirement to review the Rocket Troops together with Xi — a very high honor). The CCP will weaken the US with internal division, “accidental” destruction and bioweapons. Get us into a civil war. Then land a couple million “peacekeepers” on the West Coast, at the invitation of the federal government.
We really need a new rule: If it’s on substack, then it’s not true.
If a substack blog claimed the sky is blue, I would go out to check it first myself.
“There can be absolutely no doubt that a) the Los Angeles fires were not organic and b) they were part of a plan to rebuild the city in accordance with the principles and preferences of the ruling elite. It’s exactly the same situation as Maui, only on a larger scale. The property is too valuable to be left to the plebs, so the insurance policies have been cancelled, and various other legal machinations will be created in order to incentivize homeowners to sell their properties for dimes on the dollar.”
–Vox Day
Rintrah’s post is bullshit. Anyone want to comment on the actual meat of the quote above and not my snide comment at the end? Didn’t think so.
Vox Day is a public figure with a high IQ purported to be in the 150 range. Most of his conclusions are similar to those shared by Christopher Langan IQ 190+. But I guess you all think he’s an idiot too.
I posted this quote as evidence that people much smarter than Rintrah disagree with his conclusions.
Rintrah must be a Jew, he has a 130 IQ and acts like he’s the smartest man in the world. Talk about an INFLATED EGO, talk about HUBRIS, and talk about a major case of cognitive dissonance.
Money and status mean nothing to me, and I actually have a significantly lower net worth than Rintrah does if what he has posted about himself is true, but I appreciate people who have created a successful business that adds real value to the world, like the publisher Vox Day, not people who get lucky playing the stock market, who don’t work for a living, and look down on anyone who isn’t vegan and who don’t worship the Jews.
Loads of people have been saying what you quote Vox as saying. It isn’t a novel claim. That’s why no-one is addressing it.
You’re a midwit, so you aren’t able to assess Rintrah’s intelligence. His IQ is not 130 even if he says it is. I’m an upper midwit, so I am better able to see this. Has it occurred to you that Rintrah might be claiming a lower IQ than he has? No, it hasn’t occurred to you.
One difference between midwits and high function autists (not that I think Rintrah is actually an autist) is that midwits are constantly citing other people. They piece together claims made by other people in order to construct a world view. Autists find obvious claims kind of nauseating, even if they are true. There is something aesthetically disagreeable about obvious and common claims. They try to find the truth behind the claims; that is a messier process.
Do you think you are definitely an upper midwit, condemned to it forever, like an Indian born into a certain caste, or do you think if life threw you challenges that you couldn’t avoid, you could potentially move up the hierarchy?
BTW thanks for the news story about the homeless man that you posted a while ago. He was a little lacking in ticker or character I thought, going on about how the future is bleak, “things are unfair”, etc. They definitely won’t get any fairer, I would have thought. Oligarchs are in charge and as Steinbeck said, Americans think they are temporarily inconvenienced rich people.
It wouldn’t hurt for him read Eric Rudolph, absorb the kick-arse “never say die” attitude.
I mean he spent more on “coffee” and “beer” than on food. He had a car, he got a certain amount of free money, probably more than most people on the planet earn working even full time, nose to the grindstone.
I am definitely permanently an upper midwit (I guess I could go downhill) since I have ADD and so my memory is terrible; it has always been. I do brilliantly on standardized tests but I can’t piece things together like Rintrah does because I can’t remember the components long enough. I am good at critiquing arguments that I can’t come up with myself, since I see what is wrong with them. I can’t really delude myself since my husband’s IQ is at least 30 points higher than mine and he can play chess blindfolded.
Yes, the guy in the article was self-pitying and relied on his former status to get stuff and to get attention and seemed to feel pretty entitled. But I think that is all totally forgivable due to his being constantly cold and tired and having ongoing dental pain. Can you picture having your teeth fall out one by one? Also I seem to remember that he had problems with kidney function, and that is serious. He is grasping for whatever he can, and dampening the pain as he can, and I hope he survives. It doesn’t look good thought since he was relying on his girlfriend for some crucial expenses and in the end she quits her real job and becomes an artist; it sounds like she is mentally ill and that is a step towards doom. Your suggestions for him would help someone who isn’t in such bad physical shape but he is too far gone.
You’re right, he was no spring chicken and was suffering ill health. I didn’t mean to disrespect him. But wishing things were fair is no help, because they aren’t. I wish all kids would read Eric Rudolph. It’s like Vladimir Vysotsky said, it’s important to read the right stuff in childhood, stuff that encourages honour, character, and self reliance.
I read Orwell’s “Down and Out In Paris and London” early on, and that has been very helpful to me. It is also good to read Jack London’s “People of the Abyss.”
> One difference between midwits and high function autists (not that I think Rintrah is actually an autist)
I remember you asserting this claim some time ago.
Would you care to expand on the idea Rintrah is not autistic?
I’m eager ears!
“You’re a midwit, so you aren’t able to assess Rintrah’s intelligence.”
That’s really funny that you feel that way.
It’s interesting also that I have no trouble assessing Vox Day’s (IQ 150+) intelligence or Christopher Langan’s (IQ 190+) intelligence, or other people with high IQ’s in the gifted or genius range, but not Rintrah? LOL. By the way, even though I don’t consider Rintrah a genius, I do think he is actually smarter than you are, so yeah, either his IQ is higher than 130, or your IQ is lower than 130.
Karen, you remind me of a childhood friend of mine, and by the way we are no longer friends, but she was my best friend from like 5th grade to 9th grade. She’s Jewish. And an upper midwit just like you. She currently drives a Lexus and a Mercedes Benz. She’s all about the status, even though she says she’s not, even though she regularly visits with the Amish, and I guess she thinks that means she’s living simply even though she owns two luxury vehicles and has an overly estimated opinion of herself.
Anyway, I’ll never forget when we were in Middle School together. Apparently she thought I was really smart, smarter than her, because I was a very intellectual kid, probably more than I am now because I have become more down to earth and practical, adhering to the the philosophy of Occam’s Razor, where I now value common sense wisdom over overly obtuse theoretical abstractions that very few understand, that you incorrectly assume to be a sign of high intelligence, but as soon as she found out that I didn’t get Straight A’s, not that I wasn’t capable of it, but I had other things going on, and I wasn’t giving my school work my full attention, she completely changed her entire demeanor to me. Just because I got a C in one class, and she got an A, she immediately thought that meant I wasn’t as smart as her, and that it meant she was superior to me.
I remember it vividly and will never forget it. It was a very illuminating experience. It taught me how superficial people can be in regards to perceived status.
That’s a classic midwit take. It’s also a classic midwit take to think you are condemned to your fate, that you cannot raise your intelligence, have no desire to raise your intelligence, or have no interest in helping others raise their intelligence if they are receptive to it. A person with a high IQ maintains a spirit of open minded curiosity in all things, and is more interested in discovering the truth and sharing it with others in a collaborative spirit of goodwill, instead of hording it all to themselves and thinking they are superior to everyone else. The upper midwit is only concerned with the pretense of being right which gives them the illusion of superiority.
The truth is more important than appearing smart, it’s not a fucking IQ pissing contest where the most complex ideas are the smartest, but rather it’s about sharing information in the pursuit of the truth in a collaborative spirit of goodwill. By contrast the midwit doesn’t want to share, they just want to gloat in their own perceived superiority looking down on others that don’t speak the same language or belong to the same elitist club.
I think probably most academics are Upper midwits. People smarter than that see through that bullshit and want nothing to do with it. And as far as the people who have IQs above 150 who did get vaccinated, they’ve failed miserably in the most important real world common sense IQ test ever devised. And you, Karen, by extension, even if you didn’t get the vaccine, the fact that you are married to someone who did, if that is in fact the case, is a major sign of lack of intelligence. Me, personally, if I was married to someone, or dating someone who was vaccinated, that would have been grounds for divorce. How could someone with a high IQ be so fucking dumb? Simple, they were smart but not wise. People who are truly high IQ are both smart and wise. A person with a high IQ but lacking wisdom is a fucking retard.
The IQ dick measuring game is for clowns.
Yes, it is really boring. I read the first paragraph and am unsure if I will keep reading.
Okay, I scanned it. Nothing interesting, just unsupported bragging.
The scary thing for me is that I can imagine being a midwit like BB. It is easy to picture being dumber than one is, but hard to picture being smarter, as we see. Lars Eigner wrote a an autobiography about being homeless, and he said that no matter how long it had been since he was homeless, the sense of it never went away; it was like being in a glass elevator, no matter how high you went, you could always see all the way down. So I can picture having her self-congratulatory but ungrounded sense of brilliance. She wakes up in the morning, has a cup of coffee, and thinks “I’m brilliant.” But there is no content to it; it is a feeling. She doesn’t even read the journal articles Rintrah links, let alone do research herself; she never speaks to the details of the scientific findings; she thinks that it is doing something to say that academics are not smart. I guess what is most curious about this is that she is supposedly female; a guy who bragged like this would be trained early on that guys who brag with nothing behind their bragging experience consequences; there are no such consequences for the few women who do it; they are just anomalies. And the antisemitic stuff is sad to see, but not surprising I guess.
Karen is a snob. I fucking hate snobs, they are the lowest form of life. You’re O negative, right? Makes sense, same blood type as King Charles, who is probably the most evil man alive next to Prince Philip and Prince Bernhard.
Your reply to me is the most conceited and cold hearted thing I have ever read as a response to a comment made either by myself or anyone else. And is definitely not a very Christian thing to say and is definitely not a very nice thing to say. I don’t think you are a good person at all. Which confirms my suspicions about you.
You have no idea what I have read. If you are referring to the Covid and Bird Flu articles, those are extremely boring to me, because it’s just restating the obvious. I already know that the vaccine is killing people and that people are suffering permanent damage from getting Covid itself, I don’t need to know all the minute details confirming what I’ve known for years. It’s just a waste of time and energy.
The fact is although he may connect the dots in a way that other people haven’t, his articles don’t really solve any problems at all. It’s really just intellectual masturbation, which seems to be the prevailing theme of this blog and its fanboys. Regarding Covid, he didn’t do any of the original research. He’s just reading other peoples articles, looking at public statistics and collating the information much like AI would, and then producing a summary of findings. That’s it. It’s not really anything that extraordinary. Maybe the virologist, think it’s great, and if so they should him a job, so maybe then he can doing actually useful with his life.
The fact is you are sick and dying and suffering from irreparable neurological damage. You are not going to be around much longer, Karen. Vaccine shedding is real. Anyone who is unvaccinated and cohabitating with the fully boosted is in the same boat as them, and that boat is sinking fast.
It’s not snobbish to accurately consider oneself an upper midwit.
You have a terrible memory for things that you have written here. You spend most of your ink criticizing other people, especially Rintrah, and relentlessly claim that you are smarter than they are. Over and over and over again. And it is some sort of magical smartness that doesn’t require demonstration. The smallest critique of your intellectual abilities upsets you, however.
My husband’s chess score is better than it has ever been, and better than his tutor’s (an old friend, and a pro), and is up where it shouldn’t be. So if that is the result of the vax, I guess any shedding will be a plus for me. I think that covid itself is the big hazard. I urge you to avoid catching covid. Xlear, claritin, nasal neosporin, AirTamer.
Ok Bitch, I’ll break it down for you very clearly, point by point.
1) “The scary thing for me is that I can imagine being a midwit like BB.”
Of course, that’s because you are a midwit.
2) ” It is easy to picture being dumber than one is, but hard to picture being smarter, as we see.”
Which is why you misunderstand me and underestimate my abilities.
3) “Lars Eigner wrote a an autobiography about being homeless, and he said that no matter how long it had been since he was homeless, the sense of it never went away; it was like being in a glass elevator, no matter how high you went, you could always see all the way down. So I can picture having her self-congratulatory but ungrounded sense of brilliance. She wakes up in the morning, has a cup of coffee, and thinks “I’m brilliant.” But there is no content to it; it is a feeling.”
Irrelevant and projection. Who even thinks like this? Are you even a real person?
4) “She doesn’t even read the journal articles Rintrah links, let alone do research herself; she never speaks to the details of the scientific findings; she thinks that it is doing something to say that academics are not smart.”
You don’t have any idea what I have read. Let’s say you have access to the web traffic statcounter data and you are monitoring what my ip address is and what links I click. I don’t always directly click links I read. I often copy the link to read anonymously later in a way that cannot be tracked. So you have no idea what links I have actually read.
I also don’t speak to the details of the scientific findings, because a) it doesn’t interest me and b) I’m not a scientist. That is not evidence of low intelligence.
5) ” she thinks that it is doing something to say that academics are not smart.”
I never said that academics aren’t smart.
6) “I guess what is most curious about this is that she is supposedly female; a guy who bragged like this would be trained early on that guys who brag with nothing behind their bragging experience consequences; there are no such consequences for the few women who do it; they are just anomalies. And the antisemitic stuff is sad to see, but not surprising I guess.”
I’m not bragging, sorry you interpret that it that way, but that was never my intent, not here or in anything I have posted here. Also, I have not made any antisemitic comments in this post, so don’t really see what that has to do with anything.
Conclusion: Karen is a snob. She is a toxic person. And from this point forward I have nothing more to say to you.
“So you have no idea what links I have actually read.”
Lol. I can tell by what you write.
Big Big you should post a picture of your pussy.
LOL!!! If you believe that you must be crazy. Karen the disinformation agent. That’s what you are. You work for Mossad?
If I don’t cite other people, I’m called a midwit. If I cite other people, I’m called a midwit. Can’t win with you people.
You are acting like someone in a cult under the spell of a hypnotic trance and Rintrah is your leader.
Have you been dabbling with the datura?
Or perhaps you are becoming schizophrenic due to the vaccine shedding from living in a household of the fully boosted?
Either that or you are his mother, a Jewish mother of a monster who thinks his retarded child is a GENIUS and is incapable of being wrong.
Wow, I must have inadvertently stumbled upon some kind of sick inbred O negative bloodline satanic cult (being run out of the dark alleyways and basement tombs of Rotterdam).
Codename: Big Bird
Position: Iteration of Loki 10001
Mission: Fuck with Hitler on the Rintrah blog
I Envision: A troon wearing the skinsuit of femininity
Punishment: It will be reminded that it will never be a woman.
You will never be a woman. (YWNBAW)
This was said as a satire and a parody.
> Either that or you are his mother, a Jewish mother of a monster who thinks his retarded child is a GENIUS and is incapable of being wrong. Wow, I must have inadvertently stumbled upon some kind of sick inbred O negative bloodline satanic cult (being run out of the dark alleyways and basement tombs of Rotterdam)
Many such cases!
Anyone reading this exchange of comments who is a silent participant, that is those who are reading but not commenting, I want to direct your attention to the comment exchange between Big Bird and Kareninca.
It is so obvious to me now after a couple days of reflection that the tactic Kareninia is deploying here could be described as a classic case of gaslighting. For those who are unfamiliar with the term, it basically means manipulating someone into questioning their own perception of reality. It didn’t work, by the way, because I am stronger than this person realized. However, what it did is publicly reveal that this person possesses an extremely dark and manipulative nature, and based on my extensive reading on the subject, I would classify Kareninca as having a psychopathic personality disorder.
From this point forward pay attention to her comments. She will definitely attempt to redeem herself by appearing ultra feminine, matronly, and supportive, but it will be nothing but a disguise to hide her true identity.
Yeah you are two old women having a fight and I’m just posting random noise trying to get a response. I do this because I’m bored and have nothing better to do.
People only convince themselves of religious delusions out of boredom and ignorance if you’re not aware.
If you think this is some evil cult website you’re retarded. This is literally just some dude’s blog.
I don’t think you realize how gay and lame the real world really is Big Bird. The only men who actually take occult boogeymen stuff seriously are 24 year manchildren who masturbate to anime (me.)
I get high, go outside, and dance with a machete to try and summon Mikasa the anime girl into the physical world. Occultism is really that lame in reality. It’s all stupid shit like that.
The men running things are not satanist jew reptilians or whatever stupid bullshit. They’re guys who eat cheeseburgers and snort coke so this makes them care a lot about status and money, they’re guys like Trump and Elon Musk, who surprise surprise, they aren’t actually kikes and they don’t actually care about religious nonsense. They care about money, that is their god.
Kikes are just a weird ethno-religious tribe of a Schizotypal disposition. But I doubt you can even comprehend what the fuck I just wrote. Women can’t even comprehend what race is, let alone full on evolutionary psychology and the gradient differences found within the mean of a mischling tribe like the jewish one.
You want to act like you hate jews when you don’t even know what the fuck a jew even is, since you refuse to be racist. It’s cute honestly, I’m glad women can’t be evil like man can be.