It amazes me, how eager so many Americans are to just blow up their government by putting some maniac like Trump in the White House. It means that when your town is struck by a hurricane like Helene, you’re on your own. They want to abolish emergency loans after a disaster, that allows small towns to rebuild.
The Republican party is bankrolled by libertarian billionaires, so they want to dismantle the federal government. They want to get rid of NOAA, because they hold it responsible for being “one of the main drivers of the climate change alarm industry and, as such, harmful to future U.S. prosperity”.
And of course these guys want to shift responsibilities for disaster preparedness from the federal government, to the state and local governments. In other words, when your whole state goes to shit, you’re on your own. They’re just going to let the southern states fester in poverty, anyone who can afford to will respond by leaving and so the states and counties won’t have the money to address disasters.
You don’t have to like Harris, to just comprehend the simple fact that everything is going to get measurably worse in your life with Trump as president rather than Harris. You need to be really delusional and Internet brained, not to understand this.
Harris team did a good job pointing that out to people, they’re not virtue signaling, they’re trying to appeal to normal moderate people. With Roe vs Wade repealed, you just get a situation where people die, because they now can’t get abortions, even when their lives depend on it.
It isn’t just that these billionaires don’t want to pay taxes. No, they hate being reminded that their pursuit of economic growth makes life worse for most of us. They want to feel like the good guys, the heroes in the story. Being confronted with the consequences of the economic growth addiction is unpleasant for them.
The low IQ low status white males will be left on their own by the billionaires, but of course they are going to vote for that, because the idea that a government doesn’t let you get swept away in a mudslide by a hurricane as you drown in your car is “socialism”.
The whole world is basically being held hostage, by resentful American low IQ low status white males, brainwashed by post-ironic Internet memes. That’s the reality we’re dealing with. They live in a kind of alternative reality, where cholesterol doesn’t cause cardiovascular disease, the human body functions best under ketosis, the Earth is flat and 6000 years old, where global warming is a hoax and hurricanes like Helene are created through weather manipulation and Epstein’s buddy Trump is going to shut down a global pedophile network.
But I just want to explain to you something simple, namely, that every disaster like this makes the next disaster worse. Large parts of Southern Appalachia just received the most rain in a 24 hour period since they began measurements in the 19th century.
What happens when you have a lot of rain, is that the soil ends up saturated, it can’t absorb it all. So then it begins to flow down the mountains. As it flows, it pulls the soil down with it. It also begins to uproot trees and pulls them down too. It flows down into the local river, where it settles.
As a result, during the next big downpour, from another hurricane next year, the effects become even more damaging: You now have less soil on the mountains and less trees with deep roots, so less rain can be absorbed. The local river has more sediment, so it can hold less water. This is a cycle that continues, until the whole local landscape has changed.
These sort of cycles have brought down civilizations in the past, the late bronze age collapse was largely a result of soil erosion.
Or to summarize:
People keep talking like collapse is some future event.
Modern society cannot build towns, cities, roads, bridges, dams, and interstate electric grids as fast as they’re burning up and washing away. This is a collapsing system. https://t.co/AAvLs4YSA2— Jeff McFadden (@JeffAndDonkeys) September 29, 2024
There’s a 100 billion price tag for Helene and the next one is already forming, as the gulf water still contains record breaking levels of heat. Society is not designed to have a 100 billion dollar in hurricane damage every year, but that’s where we’re at now. Ian in 2022 clocked in at a 110 billion in damage, Ida in 2021 at 75 billion.
The idea for climate change was managed retreat: We were supposed to gradually leave the parts of the world that are most vulnerable, like cities in the Netherlands that are below sea level. Well, you can see what happened to that.
But more importantly, we’re starting to notice that there isn’t really any part of the globe that’s safe. Helene traveled over a gulf that contained record levels of heat, which leads to record amounts of moisture in the air and to record amounts of rain, deep inland, in mountainous areas of the world far from the coast that are not used to receiving hurricanes like this and not properly prepared for them.
New Orleans never recovered the population level it had when Katrina struck. Now imagine a small town in Appalachia. These places just don’t recover, especially not if you get rid of subsidized loans to rebuild. Parts of Germany are still rebuilding from the 2021 floods that caused 40 billion dollar in damage. People just become climate refugees.
This worsens all the other problems we’re dealing with, like the real estate bubble. Everyone ends up forced to huddle together in concrete apartments in big coastal cities. There’s this popular idea that you flee from the collapse of society to some backwater part of the countryside where you grow your own food as the city-dwellers die of hunger.
Well, in practice it’s kind of the opposite, because there’s unlikely to be some sort of shock-event that divides the world into a clear before and after. Living in the woods becomes impossible due to forest fires, living near mountains or in valleys becomes impossible due to flooding. In small towns you end up isolated from the rest of the world and stuck without electricity.
There has always been a section of society that looked forward to collapse, the most disenfranchised people, because at some level they thought that if they would survive it, their lives would become more exciting afterwards. But if you look at places where society has collapsed, things just get worse and stay worse for many years.
The irony in the United States is that the main victims of climate change end up being the people least willing to accept it’s a genuine problem: People who live outside the big cities. I have often thought that in response to the predicament we face, I should leave for some other city, a place like Copenhagen or a small village somewhere in Norway.
Well, you now see what that means in the real world instead of in the movies. It means you’re trapped. It’s a massive disadvantage to be stuck in a small village, especially if you’re older. The facilities you need are just going to be dismantled. The bus routes are being shut down in aging villages, there are no doctors available, there won’t be any schools or daycares. When something breaks down in your house, there’s nobody who’s going to repair it for you.
These villages were born once because there were mines or farms. When those leave, the towns die a slow death. And if you think it’s bad now, wait until the bird flu in cows becomes a real big thing. It means you end up with entire parts of the United States, where the main economic sector around which everything revolves falls away.
Dutch people are just like Americans, we are individualists who love to LARP. You have shows like this on TV here:

Dutch people moving to shithole villages in Southern Europe where they buy a house for 100k or less. They always return, it never works out. I have acqaintances like this, buying houses in rural Portugal, they always return. The reality is also that you just don’t want to be away from the people you know, when shit hits the fan. It’s basically fleeing from responsibility.
Technological society depends on humans living close together, because it means you can offer services we rarely need to a large group of people. It’s expensive to have a water treatment plant for a town of just twenty people. There are now large parts of the United States that are so called “food deserts”. There’s just no store operating in the vicinity where you can buy food.
After all, you need at least three things:
-Enough paying customers in the vicinity.
-No people robbing the store.
-People willing to work at the store.
When I look at a state like Wyoming, I ask myself: What sort of future is this place supposed to have?
You have half a million people, living in a place twice the size of England. Governments are pouring immigrants into these sort of small communities, because they hope to keep things going somehow, they know the young people are going to leave.
Globally, 2024 is already a record breaking year for disasters, according to the International Red Cross, and we’re only in September. Climate change doesn’t strike everywhere at once, the collapse is unequally distributed. It tends to hit poorer and more rural places first.
Governments are essentially failing to keep small communities livable. But in the United States, things are special, in that the Republicans are quite explicitly announcing they’re going to let small communities fail. That’s what project 2025 is. You think to yourself perhaps that these guys are out there for the rednecks, but you have a New York billionaire running for president, backed up by Californian tech billionaires like Thiel and Musk. Trump has the predatory charisma of a psychopath, low IQ low status white males readily fall for it.
We live in a society where food, particularly meat, dairy and cereals, is artificially cheap and physical space is artificially expensive. What you end up with, is a situation like South Korea and Japan have. Everyone flocks to the big cities, the average age of farmers rises above 60 and eventually you just end up with many fields left fallow. People don’t want this, but it’s hard to reverse the trend, the secret of “organic farming” and “permaculture” is that you don’t make a buck.
As long as governments are not willing to make systemic changes, like implementing a basic income that allows small towns to remain habitable and allows people to plan their own future, this is just the trend that we’re stuck with: The countryside becomes uninhabitable and we’re all poured into big cities and suburbs that lead to real estate bubbles and higher education education bubbles. In those big cities, the main threat we face are the new pandemics.
Only a matter of time before the insurance companies in Florida start going bankrupt. But the HSWMs who live there don’t want to leave because they want to be able to play golf and sunbathe at the beach in the winter. And DeSantis is popular because he is anti-woke, anti-mask, anti-lockdown, and the Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo is now openly telling all the Florida boomers to avoid further mRNA boosters. But bit late for that unfortunately…
Honestly my main motivation for Trump winning in November is the hope that he will appoint RFK Jr. as Attorney General so that he can indict Fauci, Pfizer, Moderna, Daszak, Baric etc. Or appoint him as head of the CDC/NIH/FDA, whichever works best. I also want to see all the woke pronoun PhD blue check pro-vaxxers on Twitter freak out if this happens.
And sorry but Biden and Stasi Starmer were about to give the go-ahead to Zelensky to start launching long range missiles into Russia until The Pentagon stepped in and stopped them.
> There has always been a section of society that looked forward to collapse, the most disenfranchised people, because at some level they thought that if they would survive it, their lives would become more exciting afterwards.
It’s not that I want society to collapse, it’s just that modern day society has become so terminally broken for the millennials and zoomers that many feel that a “reset” is now the only option. Enjoy the decline, as Aaron Clarey says…
> We were supposed to gradually leave the parts of the world that are most vulnerable, like cities in the Netherlands that are below sea level. Well, you can see what happened to that.
Our HSWM friend in 2 feet below sea level Wassenaar has posted a new video update of his two Giant Sequoias:
Also NOAA are moderates, we need doomers like James Hansen in charge!
>Honestly my main motivation for Trump winning in November is the hope that he will appoint RFK Jr. as Attorney General so that he can indict Fauci, Pfizer, Moderna, Daszak, Baric etc. Or appoint him as head of the CDC/NIH/FDA, whichever works best.<
Secretary of HHS oversees CDC/NIH/FDA, all of that. It is an enormously powerful position, especially with the support of the president.
Kennedy would make sure another Deep State Tony Fauci couldn't destroy American health with a putrid, corrupt 50 year career.
And if it works out he could use that as a springboard into the presidency in 2028 when Trump is done.
Governments are nothing more than entities to be fought against. Any way of life that requires the supervision and oversight of a mafia of psychopathic grifters to maintain, is simply not worth preserving at all. Even going back as far as the practice of agriculture itself: it is, for the most part, evil, that’s why humanity has been cursed since we started doing it. You really have to look at what it says about the relationship between the species and the rest of the planet, but from the perspective of if the planet were a person rather than an object. I think cities would resemble tumors, in that case. As a species, for the most part humanity acts like a cross between a psychopathic control freak and a serial rapist, from that perspective. What kind of person says to someone they know, ‘I am going to structure your existence into the shape of a farm, and repeatedly harvest you for ”resources”? It’s profoundly disturbing. To really understand the picture clearly, you kind of just have to assume that humanity has had completely the wrong idea culturally for literally eons, and that basically nobody alive really understands what is going on anymore, the shift in perspective required to do so is too radical. Normally I’d simply kill myself to make a statement, but the archons would just recycle my soul again into a new body if I wasn’t strong enough to stop them, so unfortunately I have to gradually work to disconnect from these systems and train myself spiritually in the meantime. Who the fuck cares about some shitty buildings or a bridge, anyway? I’d tear them down too, I’d be angry too, in that situation. You’re not like this, yourself, but people in general will moan and wail over ‘infrastructure’ sooner than they will the trillions of living animals that are continually suffering due to the practice of something like factory farming. I’m not sure what point I’m even trying to make here anyway. This kind of came out disjointed. I just kind of felt like posting something for some reason.
I am living in the middle of South Pacific butt-fuck nowhere – but living 100% cumfy.
I have:
Free Internet provided by Google, thanks to an undersea cable paid for by the Australian taxpayer, so as to prevent China from providing me with a free undersea cable for their propaganda instead;
If feel lonely, plenty of warm, chubby and moist widowed islander women (their chronically obese husbands died from heart disease), that are more than happy to give me a warm moist cuddle and let me cum inside them;
Plenty of Chinese businesses giving me super cheap gibs on almost everything that I need, from solar battery power to my 100 inch satellite TV system so I can watch the UK and Euro Soccer;
Endless roast pork. The islanders love their pigs – a little bit too much in my view;
Plenty of free fish if I am hungry. I just fish on the beach – and bingo – dinner; and
Plenty of sugar cane to just go, pick some and chew on it for a free sugar treat.
Life in the middle of nowhere is cumfy – fucking cumfy.
That sounds awesome.
Everything is good, except for beer. It is simply too damn expensive, as it is all imported.
I therefore brew my own. I actually use your Aussie Coopers brewing kits, when they are in stock. They are out of stock often, so I buy the general store completely out when the Coopers brewing cans come in from time to time.
Coopers is a good drop, and it makes a good home brew that’s very popular with homebrewers that I’ve known.
I’ve heard it can also be difficult/expensive to get fresh fruit and veg on the islands as everything needs freighting in, so perhaps not the first choice for a vegetarian to relocate to, but perhaps not as much of an issue for an omnivore.
Islanders are good people too.
And who doesn’t like fishing off the beach?
All told, it sounds like a pretty good life over there, so long as you can support yourself somehow I guess.
I’m curious–are you comfortable with not having many people of your own kind around? It’s not for most men, but a few thrive as outsiders (or as loners) in a foreign society.
What’s the food quality there (besides the pork and fish), and how do you avoid becoming obese and dead like the husbands?
White people handle polyunsaturated fat better than any other race, and if he’s eating local food, his diet is probably quite manageable.
I imagine the local islanders are eating imported seed oils, and not the pigs, coconuts, and sugar cane their ancestors were.
I’m sure there are many who would vote for Trump out of spite, and it’s hard to look past the class treachery of the left and all that, so I am sympathetic to that.
That said, in my own life, I can’t bring myself to vote for the right around here, but I can’t bring myself to vote for the left either when they are both as wings of the same outmoded dodo.
And that’s despite me being a child of the left.
But that whole class traitor thing man, plus the woke thing, plus the left’s insane support for endless economic and population growth in the face of overshoot thing, and its bright green lies thing, and warmongering, and neoliberalism, and its support for the housing Ponzi thing etc.
Well, those kinds of things make it hard to get on board with them. I don’t really like the right either. No surprise there. Capitalism, among other things, remains totally incompatible with my core belief system.
It could be that some of us are better off not being right or left, but just being Christian instead? On the plus side, we get to look forward to the apocalypse out of something other than disenfranchisement – not that I don’t feel just a wee touch of that 😛 And as with permaculture, and de-growth, there’s no money in Christianity either, or at least not if you do it right, and I happen to find those things attractive too.
If anyone is looking for somewhere to flee in the face of all the disasters that are going on, it would be hard to beat Oz. Housing isn’t cheap like the above examples, but the place is massive and relatively wealthy in resources, so it’s bound to remain habitable somewhere.
Or not.
I am happy for fewer new people to arrive as well.
>I’m sure there are many who would vote for Trump out of spite
Destroying your own country to own the libs.
That’s always fun, until you end up stuck with the consequences.
Zuckerberg has a doomsday bunker in Hawaii, Thiel has a bunker in New Zealand.
The low IQ low status white males on the other hand don’t have a doomsday bunker (until their particular cryptocurrency hits 1 million dollar a coin of course).
They are going to be stuck in bumfuck nowhere USA, on the roof of their mobile home, until the water swallows them.
And all the blue haired they/thems will of course be very triggered when Trump wins the election again, but I don’t think that will be a huge source of comfort when the proud community of bumfuck nowhere you lived your whole life in is swept away by the water.
Just close your eyes and meditate on a triggered snowflake as the water seeps into your nostrils, it won’t last very long.
I don’t understand your fixation on hurricanes.
Hurricanes have been swirling into the Americas for millions of years and God willing they will continue to do so, recharging the Everglades and replenishing the water tables.
They are not increasing in frequency or intensity. At any rate, it’s our problem. You aren’t going to get one in the Netherlands.
“Destroying your own country to own the libs.”
This country is already being destroyed – by the left! And by the right.
The end is coming either way unless something truly radical happens. So, tell me, do you see the left representing anything truly radical that is likely to shift the course of history?
There might be something to be said for people accepting that the left and right are not going to save us. Perhaps if the left gets booted it will open the opportunity for something more authentic, perhaps it won’t, but the truth is the best place to start – and the truth is that the interests of the left and the right are no longer the interests of the LSWM, nor of humanity, so to the flames with them both!
The moment the left gains some truly radical stones again, I’ll be all aboard, but it’s clear that they haven’t learned their lesson yet because they keep on sticking up more of the same, and more of the same just isn’t going to cut the grade.
As for the costs of rebuilding after disasters, they will ramp. People will need to carefully decide if it’s worth rebuilding.
And yes, these disasters will hurt the poor the worst. I’m sure the leftist Ponzi Lords around here will be crying into their beer over that.
Where did the right to strike around here go again? Stripped outside of ‘defined bargaining periods’ by the left, of all people, in a monumental act of class treachery.
The working class was left with no power to come together in, say, secondary strikes – there goes one effective method of resisting corporate interests on all manner of issues – including climate change!
The left defanged us at a point in history where resistance was most needed.
It’s really very hard to get behind them.
I’d rather walk away from both towards something else. Something truly radical. It could be that that something has been there all along. . .
“This country is already being destroyed – by the left! And by the right.
The end is coming either way unless something truly radical happens. So, tell me, do you see the left representing anything truly radical that is likely to shift the course of history?“
Right, exactly. On major issues, neither side is that different. If they led us to this massive crisis through their business-as-usual policies, how the hell are they going to get us out?
Wombat, all of your talk about “left” and “right” is quite inconsequential
(I should also mention I find it faintly offensive when you foreigners opine on American politics. It strikes me as hubris, the pretense that you understand the cogs and gears. But I suppose I am guilty of that as well)
The reality is that both political parties here are funded by the same billionaire (((donors))), and as such, the low-level disputes among the LSWM (Goyim) are just diversionary tactics engineered by powerful actors.
Abortion? Trans stuff?
Who fucking cares?
Our “elites” don’t care.
They care about wars for resources and immigration.
That is where the REAL power lies.
You would know this if you have ever been exposed to the American MSM.
There is the illusion that Fox is the conservative “SIDE” and CNN is the progressive “SIDE”
They are both controlled by the same billionaire class.
It is amazing to me me that half the world understands America is Zionist occupied territory, while its own LSWM inhabitants have no clue that we are the bad guys on the world stage.
And then I read comments on blogs like this that don’t realize any of this reality.
(It’s enough to make a man question his presence here)
A word that you Europeans should acquaint yourselves with is “kayfabe”
This word is in reference to the massive culture of “professional wrestling” we have here in LSWM America.
It means that both wrestlers are “in on the game”
It’s all an act, it’s theatre.
The dumb LSWM pick this side or that, and we cheer for our favored “team” debating crap like trans stuff.
But both wrestlers know who writes their checks.
“(I should also mention I find it faintly offensive when you foreigners opine on American politics.”
Well, that’s just too fucking bad. The USA is quite happy to be the center of attention. It struts the Earth imposing its will on all and sundry. Wasn’t it Condoleezza who arrogantly proclaimed that America’s interests are global interests? Well, I guess she was right, because we are all interested, and we all have an interest.
You arm yourselves with weapons that can wipe out the planet, and then have the gall to infer that what you do is none of our business?
Well, eat a cup of cement and harden up 🙂
But yes, the talk of left and right is outmoded – I have said as much. They are both parties of corporate interests, and power, and neoliberalism etc. On that we agree.
But because they are the same, an antithesis will emerge. When it does, I will happily get on board with it.
The areas that were hard hit by Helene contain a huge number of wealthy people who bought retirement homes there. It is not the poor rural place you think it is. These rich people are very unhappy now. And unlike the poor locals, they don’t know how to change a tire or run a generator, and they don’t have anyone around to hire to do that at the moment. And they don’t have relatives nearby to stay with, and they don’t belong to a church so they don’t have that help either. And while they could afford a hotel room, they are all full up. You should read Denninger’s post on the topic.
I tend to hear that the poor will be worst impacted by ramping disasters, but it doesn’t sound like it from what you are saying, at least in this case. More generally, perhaps having money isn’t necessarily going to be all that helpful? Perhaps being poor has helped prepare people in the right kind of places with access to the right kind of resources?
A bit of a bright spot in an otherwise dark future?
I can believe that.
I’ll be thinking of Rintrah’s endorsement of the worst presidential candidate in history as I gladly cast my vote for Trump.
Your links to scary Project 2025 are basically meaningless because Trump has nothing to do with Project 2025. The Heritage Foundation has been putting out these wish lists since 1981 and hardly anything will actually be implemented, which is too bad because most of their ideas make a heck of a lot more sense than the craziness we’ve been assaulted with from left-wing institutions.
Freedom of speech is literally on the ballot. Amnesty for 20 million illegal aliens versus deportation is on the ballot. Medical tyranny forever versus an accounting of what happened during the pandemic and the cleaning up of corrupt agencies. An end to the Ukraine war or more death and destruction. Global authoritarianism vs national autonomy.
The corrosive DEI nonsense and transgender insanity can be stopped. We can be rid of all the hideous lunatics and liars of the Biden regime in two months or be stuck with them for another four years.
RFK Jr as Secretary of HHS, Tulsi Gabbard as Secretary of State, and Stephen Miller as Director of Homeland Security, serving in the next Trump administration sounds like a dream team to me.
Trump 2024!
“Trump 2024!”
I think that deserves repeating. . .
to annoy Mehen with my ‘stickybeaking’ into global affairs more than anything else 🙂
Trump is driven only by his ego and personal revenge and will not do anything to make life better for the bottom 90 percent of the population. Also consider that Trump will be older then Biden was when he was elected.
But it is the same pattern in every western country. Populist politcians that promise to bring back the economic growth of the 50s and 60s or whatever but when they get elected they can’t deliver because it’s simply not possible. Then somebody else comes along with grandiose promises and the average Joe fall for it once again.
Democracy can not solve the problems of today because they require sacrifices from the people and that is never a popular thing so then nothing gets done and the problems get worse. And then suddenly it’s too late and the problems have become unsolvable.
Trump had a first term where he actually *did* things that made life better for the bottom 90 percent of the population. Reduced immigration, tariffs, wooing some manufacturing back. Certainly more than any other politician did for the American people in the last 40 years, and more than any other politician will do in the next 100 years. Past performance is the best predictor of future performance. Trump will help the American people at least a little. After him, no other politician ever will again.
Nobody cares when Switzerland or the Netherlands have to endure floods.
So why should you care about counties bigger than your country?
Harris is the current vice president, and all kinds of things have gotten measurably worse under her too. Abysmally worse: record inflation, military collapse, plummeting trust. Biden-Harris might be the worst admin in American history. Though it’s been building up to that point, in fairness.
They might just rig the vote again— so it ultimately doesn’t matter what the LSWMs vote or choose. If LSWM controlled the world, Trump would be the current president after he won in 2020.
And Trump didn’t win in 2016, and again in 2020, because people liked the system and wanted more libertarianism— he won on a populist platform (reindustrialize + make deals w/ Russia, N. Korea, etc). Of course, he’s now pretty much a standard neocon, but so is Harris, so what is the point? The change has to come from the top, from the elites, not the bottom.
Strangelove, I agree that Biden/Harris has been the WORST administration in history, even surpassing GW Bush, which i didn’t think would be possible.
And Rintrah wishes MORE of it upon us!
Mainly out of some autistic fear of hurricanes.
You are quite wrong that Trump is a neocon. He is completely at odds with them and together with the advice of Vance, Gabbard, and Kennedy he represents our chance at bringing some sanity to American foreign policy.
The warmongering neocons have been shifting over to the Democratic Party.
Charlie— yeah, we’ll see what happens. Obviously, I hope he succeeds (assuming they even let him win) and would love to be proven wrong.
I still think there are too many neocons controlling the Republican Parry for that to happen. They’ll let him say what he wants, especially on the campaign trail, but once he’s in office it’ll be the same old same old.
Strangelove, a boatload of warmongering neocons are supporting Kamala for president, including the Evil One himself – Dick Cheney.
It might explain the hysteria over Trump, even to the point of stopping him with bullets.
Rintrah’s blog today moans about a lack of funds to keep America repaired and functioning, but we’ve sent hundreds of billions to Zelensky in the past couple of years. For what?!
And how much did we blow on the covid scamdemic? $10 TRILLION?? We would have been far better off to completely ignore it. It hardly would have been noticed.
Yeah, Harris is hot garbage. How can anyone believe the “polls” that claim she has an insane amount of support, to the point of being neck and neck with Trump— blatant propaganda.
But Trump did have four years, and not much changed. We did not reindustrialize, we in fact printed an insane amount of money. We almost went to war w/ Iran. So many immigrants came in that they had to expand the graph. He didn’t send in the national guard or the army during the insane woketard riots. And of course he was so weak that they openly stole the presidency from him.
Like Wombat, I’m too skeptical of the right to really support them, even if they say the right things. And all of this assumes they win. if you can’t or won’t defend your candidate against a stolen election, what good are you really?
We’ll see where things go, but I wouldn’t want to be in a coastal shithole either. Most Americans’ great-grandparents or even grandparents grew up in rural areas, it’s not out of the question for them to go back there especially as we’re priced out of everything. Rural areas are the historical norm for most societies, not big cities. And like I said, neither Republicans nor Dems are going to unfuck prices, solve inflation, etc. It’s really a fight over who will cause the least amount of damage, which usually means the left, but that still leaves a ton of short-term and long-term problems.
And if you’re going to wind up working at Walmart, or making the equivalent amount of money, why not live somewhere cheap, nice, and surrounded by people you know and have real connections to? Most big cities here are insanely alienating, individualist, falling to pieces…
Tornado alley is shifting to the southeast too. When I was a kid, Texas and Oklahoma were known for their twisters. I hear more about Alabama and Tennessee now than ever.
I understand the frustration. There is a segment of woke and frustrated Black Americans that have delusions of fleeing to parts of Africa (its mainly on Youtube) with the same thinking (growing food, living off the grid etc.. until they experience the true off-the-grid). They seem to believe some familiarity exist based on skin color or genetics only to find themselves victims of tribal squabs. Almost all of these expats regret their move to Africa (really all when the come clean years later). Complaints about being overcharged, used,and targeted by locals. No traffic infrastructure…hell no infrastructure period. Particularly, Black American women are being poisoned to death by locals in West Africa. The common theme being no place to run.
I think it is a form of irresponsibility coupled with desperation. For some it’s like a suicide pact of sorts.
i have to agree with charlie and dr. strangelove above, this is a laughably bad take. it’s the biden-HARRIS administration now, and there are crickets from them on hurricane helene. how could trump be worse?
also, issues 1 thru 5 are immigration, something you also hate, issues 6 thru 10 are crime, and issue 11 is trannystuff, which you also hate. only retards believe roe v. wade is a big deal… almost all laws outlawing abortion have carve outs for maternal health, and any scary stories are almost certainly misrepresented by media that’s in the tank for harris.
all the rest of the problems are baked into the collapse of modernity, which will happen regardless of who’s in charge. at least the ride will be less bumpy with half a million fewer haitians.
rintrah has some vision of the noble and good Federal Government swooping in and helping the poor people after a disaster, especially under the kindly Democrats. What a joke. If it actually worked that way people would vote for the Democrats. But it doesn’t; if you wait for help you will actually die. That is why Katrina was so bad; the people who were affected waited for help, poor souls. Everyone else knows they have to get out there and save their relatives and neighbors since it won’t happen otherwise. He must subconsciously think the U.S. is the size of the Netherlands.
Rintrah, you don’t understand reality in the U.S.; you are working from MSNBC blather. People in rural areas just want to be left the fuck alone. Then they can build crapshacks that they can afford and grow some food. Medicine is mostly self-administered. Dental work is optional; my cousin in Indiana just “lets her teeth go” when one is infected since she can’t afford root canals. But you know what – so do people in Connecticut, because it dental work in CT is so much more expensive than dental work in Indiana. California has the highest poverty rate in the entire country when housing costs are taken into account, because of regulations that make housing insanely expensive; we have a tremendous number of homeless people here as a result. In states where people can buy and live in crapshacks, there is far less homelessness. Not having to live in your car is a really basic part of leading a decent life. Also, most of the billionaires in the U.S. are Democrats. They don’t give a damn about poor people either. From all I am reading from real accounts, the federal government isn’t doing anything for these people in North Carolina; it is all neighbors and relatives who are helping out. The National Guard has been sent overseas to fight our wars instead. You have some sort of fantasyland view about low interest loans; a person doesn’t need them if they are building what they can actually afford; if a poor person takes such a loan they usually end up worse off because they have to build something beyond their means due to building codes. My relatives in Oklahoma are poor rural people but because housing is so cheap my second cousin there owns several horses and was able to choose a job that allowed her to refuse the covid vaccines; that is the only branch of my family that refused them. Just because Dutch people move to such places and don’t like it, doesn’t mean that it doesn’t suit the people who already live there. I would bet the poor Eastern Europeans whose villages they reject will fare better in the long run than the Dutch who come and then leave.
Kareninca being hardcore again
I love you Karen
Rin, I honestly am shocked to see you support such low iq hswf ideas.
If you force people to pay for reconstruction in these disaster-prone regions, guess what…more people would live there than the region can support by itself. Then you’re simply inflating the size of the next bill.
If you give people “basic income”, all you’re doing is driving inflation. At the end of it, you’re just creating more consoomers. As an environmentalist, that should be the very last thing you want, and it’s astonishing that you’rewilfully letting your White pathological altruism blind you to this.
“With Roe vs Wade repealed, you just get a situation where people die, because they now can’t get abortions, even when their lives depend on it.”
This is incorrect. The repeal of Roe vs Wade only removes the Constitutional Right for an abortion on a federal level. It doesn´t forbid it. It transfers the right for abortion to a state level. Now the states will have to come up with their own legislation.
Yes, but that legislation results in people dying.
Furthermore, the Supreme Court held that the US Constitution is NEGATIVE! This entitles a person to be let alone in one manner or another. In other words, in this particular case, the Constitution has a restraint on granting abortion rights on a federal level. These rights have to come from the States.
I hope this clarifies why Roe vs Wade just had to be repealed by the Supreme Court. They just didn´t have any choice but to follow the Constitution.
You really have no clue about MAGA. They don’t want to abolish (pick your agency). They want to dismantle the deep state, which they know is their real enemy, and return most (legitimate) govt functions to the state level where they belong. And they see Trump as the only one left standing to at least try. For one simple reason. Unlike today’s Democrat party, he’s not a communist.
It’s truly bizarre that you think another four years of the current administration is the way forward. I suspect most Americans, including those who will vote for the communists, understand their lives and those of their neighbors were better under Trump than in the past four years. And they know why. Because he’s neither a tool of deep state nor a communist. Harris/Walz are both. They will, if not stopped by Congress or the courts, dismantle/neuter the constitution, thus paving the way to a pro-war totalitarian future; call it communist or fascist, it will be a dark new day in America and the world.
You’re also wrong that returning power to the states, where the constitution intended it to be, doesn’t mean the federal government can’t step in to help when needed or wanted (by the state). It just means power is directed by and at a more local level than by a remote and all-powerful federal level that is largely unaccountable and overbearing.
I’m reallly surprised you believe that a photo of Trump with Epstein somehow erases all those times Bill Clinton went to pedo island but somehow proves something or other.
BTW, you’re also wrong about cholesterol and global warming, but that’s for another day. Though since you brought up Helene, you could have at least pointed out that hurricane activity in the US has been trending down in force and frequency in recent years, as expected, as temperatures have risen.
I tune in occasionally because you make good points on many topics. But you missed here, as I and other commenters have pointed out. You could just blow us off as more LSWMs, or accept you may have something to learn. It’s your choice.
When Quakers say that the only help is coming from local people, they are not making some sort of political point.
This was shared with my local meeting after worship today. I reiterate that if you wait for the government to save you in this sort of situation, you will likely die. It has always been that way. People have an image of a rapid life-saving government disaster response that simply doesn’t exist:
“Celo is a mostly Quaker Community started by Arthur Morgan as a land trust in 1937. It is along the South Toe River in Yancey County. from one of the many go fund mes:
“Yancey County and its South Toe Valley (where Celo is) is one of the hardest hit areas with absolute devastation. This area experienced the eye of the storm and the most massive dumping of rain, at 26-30 inches of rain within only 4 hours. The South Toe river rose 27 feet and hundreds upon hundreds of homes along the river and creeks are completely gone- full homes floating down the river, sometimes with people inside of them screaming for help. There is still no power, no cell signal, and no clean drinking water and the valley has largely been isolated from outside aid due to major roads and bridges out getting destroyed. Estimates on power being restored is 3-5 more weeks. And there is sewage mud everywhere and mold is becoming a growing issue. Until three days ago the only way resources could come in or people rescued out was by helicopter or treacherous long hikes over steep terrain full of piles of hundreds of fallen trees, landslides, fragments of what used to be roads, thick mud and debris. THE GOOD NEWS: Now that locals have managed to clear a single lane road out toward Burnsville for 4 wheel drive vehicles to bring in emergency supplies to Celo! THE GOOD and BAD NEWS: Of the homes that are flooded but salvageable neighbors are coming together to help completely gut them, removing drywall and insulation so that they can dry out as much as possible, but at this point mold in people’s flooded homes and elsewhere is becoming a major health hazard alongside the raw sewage.
More than anything, people need urgent relief aid now, and this money will help them while they wait for assistance from Red Cross/FEMA. Due to this area being so rural and accessibility more challenging, the aid efforts from county, state, and national agencies are falling short compared to aid for large cities like Asheville, or even the nearest small town to Celo- Burnsville. So it is the locals of Celo who need direct aid the most from caring people versus agencies, to support funds to directly acquire and run in supplies that they specifically need on a daily basis from here on out.