I found the ghost of a SERIAL KILLER in the BACKROOMS of an ABANDONED HAUNTED DYSTOPIAN JAPANESE dead mall because I’m a depressed LOSER[Video]

No sorry, I fooled you. There’s no video yet.

But if you beat me to it, with this title the YouTube algorithm will crown you as the designated heir of MrBeast, I’m pretty sure of it.

Every unemployed/fake employed (your work from home laptop job is not a real job, sorry) loser with fried dopamine receptors will watch your shitty video.

And be sure to watch the next episode, when I visit the WORST RATED hotel, where I talk to ELON MUSK, because he is clearly the only CEO on planet Earth whose thoughts and actions are worth paying attention to for us mere mortals!

The point I’m making is that you have to be careful with these magical black mirrors that are everywhere in our lives now.

Everytime you activate them, you initiate an exchange with them. You offer up some of your mental energy and let them rearrange your mind. But what do they offer you in return? Not much. They offer you the worst deal they can get away with.

You should try looking at the world like a subjective idealist and recognize the materialist narrative about how our world functions as a complex ruse.

It was bad before the rise of AI and the algorithms, it’s worse now.

“It’s not a demon communicating to me through a black scrying mirror, you mentally ill anti-science schizophrenic, it’s my AI assistant offering me relationship advice and recommending me movies through my smartphone!”

I’ll make it simple for you. You only have to remember one thing from this post: Everything you let these magical black mirrors do for you is something you will become incapable of doing on your own.

Let the phone plan your journey? Now you can’t navigate on your own. Let the AI write your message offering condolences to your coworkers over some tragic incident? You will longer know how to do it yourself.

Let the algorithms recommend music to you? Let the AI recommend movies to you? Let it write your thesis for you? Write your code for you? Let the AI make your art for you? Boom, you lose those neural pathways bro, sorry, they’re pruned and you will be too stupid to figure out how to get them back.

For any low IQ low status white males reading along, when you think AI, think Pedro Gonzalez from Mexico. When you think algorithm, think Radjeesh Kumar from India. They will take your brain’s place if you offer it up to them and they won’t give it back to you. That’s all you have to comprehend, the less you have to comprehend, the better off you are.

I’m watching it happen to my IRL friends in real time. It’s kind of like muscles you no longer use, but it’s worse, because your brain IS the world you experience.

Turn off all your magical black mirrors, unless you absolutely need them for something. Go to the library, get some real physical books. A good book is like a video game that takes place in your imagination.

Next, MEDITATE. It seems to be effective at increasing your brain’s gray matter. It will thereby help make your world more complex and interesting again.

I understand if I tell you guys to chew Salvia, most of you will just ignore me. But meditation helps you too, I do it entirely sober sometimes.

If you can, sit in padmasana, the Lotus position. Sit somewhere comfortably at room temperature, without distractions, ideally not even a ticking clock, but no dogs and no noise from normies is already great.

Close your eyes, feel any pressure in your head, let it communicate to you.

You happen to be alive at a moment when there’s simultaneously a new corona virus damaging people’s brains by injuring your endothelial cells and AI and algorithms designed to keep you scrolling are taking over the Internet. Lucky you!

In regards to that new corona virus, it has now done exactly what I said it was going to do, the fastest spreading lineage (LP.8.1) has added another arginine, to improve its polybasic cleavage site.

It’s basically doing what H5N1 began to do after they started vaccinating the chickens against it.

But I don’t look at it anymore lately, I know enough, I already have had it, I had anxiety attacks, I had nasty headaches and I had absolutely terrible nightmares.

I seem to be mostly over it though by now, but those nightmares were horrifying, visions of people with a black void where their eyes should be and some feminine vampire that tries to invade my body.

SARS-COV-2 injures your brain and if H5N1 is our guide, then it will just get better at causing brain damage to you over time. Your brain is just under assault from two fronts, sorry.

I know, some of you will blame me for the headaches and the nightmares: “It’s because you take drugs.” No, I was sneezing, feverish and had a mild cough too. I normally don’t get nightmares like that at all.

And I know, you will think I’m just crazy, but look around you. COVID “brain fog” is brain DAMAGE. That’s what the scientists observe. DAMAGE. Most people have brain damage now, that’s why they’re hyping up AI, it’s supposed to start doing the stuff for us that we’re now too stupid to do ourselves.

You can try to avoid exposing yourself to it, but the virus just grows stronger over time, so if you end up catching it eventually by accident you will just be worse off, as your immune system will not have adequate training, similar to how people in Africa can handle malaria when they’re constantly being exposed to it.

I know so many sick people now. My dad has cancer, my uncle is in the hospital, my friend is the same age as me and has rheumatoid arthritis, I run into people with nerve damage when I go to parties, every autoimmune disorder seems to be exploding. The governments are importing millions of brown people, because the native proles are becoming too sick to work.

Everyone seems to be vaping nicotine (self medication), people take anti-anxiety medication. They look at you like you’re crazy when you tell people this, but everyone is constantly catching a brain-damaging SARS virus that is evolving to be antibody resistant.

Don’t go gentle into that good night. Resist.


  1. I’m very sorry to hear about your Dad, uncle and friend.

    SARS-CoV-2 seems to be behaving quite strange lately, as if there’s some sort of transmission “bottleneck”. In my country, the virus seems to have disappeared for now, but influenza is through the roof. Here’s a quote from a weekly report published by the Department of Health:

    “Based on data from the three sentinel hospital sites, in week 2 2025, influenza positivity remained high at 44%, while RSV positivity was 14% and SARS-CoV-2 positivity was 0%.”

    ZERO percent of admitted hospital patients testing positive for COVID in the middle of winter! Bizarre. Of course many of these patients would be suffering from persistent infections within their bodies, but those are impossible to detect through nasal swab testing.

    Similar story with regard to COVID where you are. Low viral load in wastewater, but your excess mortality has skyrocketed again:


    When you take into consideration the “pull-forward effect” that should be happening after so many deadly winters, it’s really quite shocking what’s going on. And no one seems to care anymore, it’s still all getting swept underneath the rug.

    • Yep, we had people in our family in bed for a week with flu/corona. Two adults in their 30s and 1 and 3 year old. All unvaxxed except one of the adults. I didn’t catch it (also unvaxxed) even though I was sharing the bed with the extremely sick toddler

  2. I just used ChatGPT 4.o to help prepare corporate tax reports—specifically payments to subcontractors. I uploaded a PDF file from my bank with the report of payments to one subcontractor. Asked AI to read it and give me the total.

    ChatGPT gave me two versions of responses with DIFFERENT TOTALS.

    I asked why totals were different. It struggled to recompute, recomputed to produce the third total, this time generating and executing Python code. (the third answer was correct).

    Then I asked it how much power it used. It said it used 0.1-0.4 kWh, or the equivalent of 95 grams of CO2 emissions.

    • i spent some time moonlighting as a human in the “reinforcement learning with human feedback” for training ais. the goal was to find prompts that the ai would barf on. without a doubt, the easiest way to screw them up was to ask them to do some calculation such as mortgage interest.

      we have made it so that computers, that at their core literally only perform memory and arithmetic operations, are now bad at math. you know, that thing they were designed to do.

    • Hi, Igor! BTW, you should create Math courses for AI!
      Probably, the problem is that GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) is basically “autocomplete on steroids” (Linus Torvalds).
      It isn’t General AI, even if they let people think so (in order to make more money).
      A possible solution is “fine-tuning”, maybe in the form of plugins. There is a plugin from Wolfram, which you probably know, but for others I will say they created ‘Mathematica’.
      So, it doesn’t understand, it only mimicks human text.
      The fact it resorted to Python code (also text), shows how it actually works.
      For more, I suggest “Built a Large Language Model (from Scratch)” by Sebastian Raschka, Manning Publications.

  3. >The point I’m making is that you have to be careful with these magical black mirrors that are everywhere in our lives now.
    That was the case since around 1950. Always reflect monthly about what you are REALLY observing. I do this only since a decade. Should have done it since childhood. Should be taught by parents. But then again, they asked something like, do you really need to know this? I am glad to having noticed both. Maybe my parents smelled it decades in advance.
    >I’ll make it simple for you. You only have to remember one thing from this post: Everything you let these magical black mirrors do for you is something you will become incapable of doing on your own.
    That black mirror asks me to remember vocabulary and it explains to me how stuff was built 150 years ago. My grandfather would likely have stolen this device. He was a pure and honest man. But this? He would have stolen. And it provides a wire to my nearest neighbors. Not to be more specific.
    >But I don’t look at it anymore lately, I know enough, I already have had it, I had anxiety attacks, I had nasty headaches and I had absolutely terrible nightmares.
    My dreams were and still are very banal. Like grocery fetching. Or writing a mail. Which makes them annoying because I don’t know if I did that chore or not. I have to document everything or use logs. But lately, after reading you and others, I rediscovered the snooze technique. If I have a lot of time I set the alarm to -2hrs, and use its snooze function, which goes off all 4 Minutes. After an hour, these 4 minutes expand. Once it was a year. I thought that I must have been sleeping 4 hours for a dream this complicated.
    No. It was four minutes. Then I got up and enjoyed the day. Also, the vocabulary App now works more efficient. What a coincidence.
    The other thing I discovered is that medidation does not need a distraction free environment. A one hour train ride is enough. Loud noises, ticket checks, laughing children go by. But I am just sitting there at a place where (almost) nothing can happen. Train reaches destination, my brain wakes up and I feel like a sponge.

    Maybe Sars is dangerous. But more dangerous is that we forgot our healing techniques. Physical… and yes, let your brain dream, psychological.

  4. Much better article than the title implied… I almost didn’t even read it.

    I love how you tied together the increasing brain damage in humanity with the rise of “AI” (aka stuff being done for you, it’s not really intelligent, at least not yet). I don’t believe this is a coincidence.

    Just in case you don’t believe SARS-COV-2 causes brain damage, here is one of the most important scientific articles of the past year, where they demonstrated fibrin was binding to the spike protein basically creating microclots all over the brain. Literally gumming up the brain. The smarter ones in the room will now be wondering the implications of taking a shot that makes or injects trillions of these proteins in your body.


    But how do you resist a brain damaging virus being perpetually carried around by 80% of the population? I don’t think the answer is to just expose yourself and “train” the immune system. You don’t train at “brain gumming.” That’s just a one-way ticket down, and that’s why everyone you know is sick. I advocate avoidance + mitigation (taking things the might help your body clear this shit out).

  5. I am very, very sorry about your dad. I will hold him in my heart each night when I wait on Christ. I don’t think that this necessarily has a material effect, but it is still good for the person.

    I hope that your uncle recovers from what he is in the hospital for. People do often recover, even now, God willing.

    Rheumatoid arthritis is not good but it is not a terrible diagnosis. I know a lady who is in her mid fifties who has had it for about twenty years and she is doing fine.

    I almost didn’t see this because I almost didn’t read the piece since the headline was about serial killers. I do always read all of your stuff (sometimes very fast if it is about music, for instance). But this time I was going to skip it. I guess I won’t skip any.

  6. I’m unvaxxed but had COVID multiple times due to working in a hospital during COVID. I feel the brain damage myself. I have always been pretty quick witted and have a decent vocabulary. These days I find myself struggling to find words in the middle of a conversation. It’s really embarrassing and unsettling but no one seems to notice, they do it too.

  7. > But I don’t look at it anymore lately, I know enough, I already have had it, I had anxiety attacks, I had nasty headaches and I had absolutely terrible nightmares. I seem to be mostly over it though by now, but those nightmares were horrifying, visions of people with a black void where their eyes should be and some feminine vampire that tries to invade my body.


    For fuck’s sake, just start doing the shit under these two playlists https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOFLYgmNpSobJeSQ9dvJhF5o7KdQNL-0M https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOFLYgmNpSoYQZiQqx6VUS5YVzmE_7cAv before you end up possessed or smtg. Make a shield, do the waterfall method daily, start gradually learning to remote view and erase things. I’m telling you this as a courtesy because I don’t think you’re a bad person and we’re living in highly unusual times where the energy of the world is much worse than normal, and might continue to get worse for a while.

    • My energy shield is a mental Dyson Sphere protecting my energy surrounded by flotillas of sci-fi spaceship thougtforms, nothing gets through it without being torn to pieces by energy lasers and canons. The Greys in their goofy ass flying saucers are not autistic enough to be able to design weapons that can compete with Warhammer 40k spaceships; most other aliens and demons can’t compete in the science fiction realm whatsoever. I like to watch the demons floating through space get vaporized by lance fire.

      When I personally deal with my demons instead of erasing them and allowing them to continuously regenerate, I chop them to bits with various medieval weapons and imagine sending to to a hell of infinite size and scope to suffer endlessly in. That seems to keep the lesser ones away through a fear based response, you know the random octopuses, skeletons, and goblins.

      The more powerful spirits I still have to be dealt with personally on occasion. There’s this Jötunn spirit that I’ve been dealing with I have to kill and torture many times, it’s very annoying; and when I get energetically stronger it will be the first one I will permanently erase I think.

      Anyway my anime wife Mikasa showed up to me with the whole “black eye” void thing in a dream, I don’t see what the big deal is. Dreams are a inefficient way to communicate and not all information is easily conveyed. It’s not actually that scary.

      Love is all you need.

      • O, my friend!
        Now, here is a victory.
        This is the first glory.
        O, my friend!
        Let us celebrate this victory for the next battle!

        The wings of freedom
        “It was a pointless death.”
        Nobody should say that…
        Till we’re down to 《the last lone arrow》……
        The enemy is cruel… we are bringing…
        The enemy is enormous… we are jumping…

        With《glory》 in our hands, we sing of 《victory》, bearing the 《wings of freedom》 upon our backs
        (Those calamitous beasts…)
        Clenching our resolve to our hearts, we tear through the 《spiral of foolishness》
        (…Will be annihilated!)
        Let us dance in the clear skies——
        《Wings of Freedom》

        The bird broke through its shell to soar through the skies, not to crawl on the ground without dignity, right?
        And what are your wings for? Isn’t the sky within your cage too narrow for you?

        The freedom and the death. Those two are twins.
        The freedom or the death?
        Our friend is one!

        As for why we were even born… I’m afraid I don’t know the answer to these complicated things…
        But even if that were a mistake… I know what we’re living for…
        It’s nothing logical… we exist… therefore we are “free”!

        The wings of freedom

        The hidden truth will be the charging arrow.
        It will pierce the sealed 《inner layer of darkness》, as well as the 《Titans》 lurking in 《the outer layer of light》.
        With our previous beliefs crumbling away, even though we feel lost, let’s nevertheless march towards freedom

        Right path? Left path? Well, which way is it?
        The enemy? The friend? Human, which one are you?

        With the 《instrument》 in our hands, we sing of 《hope》, bearing the 《horizon of freedom》 upon our backs
        (Those calamitous beasts…)
        Harboring the chains that connect the world in our hearts, we play a song of what lies beyond the possible
        (…Will be annihilated!)
        Dancing through the clear skies, yea!——
        《Wings of Freedom》

        O, my friend!
        Now, here is a victory.
        This is the first glory.
        O, my friend!
        Let us celebrate this victory for the next battle!

        The enemy is enormous… we are jumping…
        The enemy is cruel…

    • Look, it is true that the world is hell. And it is true that our lives suck, and that we should pray, or energy train, or whatever. And it is true that there is covid.

      At the same time, we are material in the usual ways. And I just discovered that a very long time vegan (now a vegetarian out of desperation due to depression)(this is not me) is doing WAY better now that s/he is taking phosphatidylserine. No longer in pointless despair; just in rational despair; there is a huge difference. Phosphytidylserine is not found in vegan and vegetarian diets. 600 mg. per day of Double Wood brand (that is two capsules); the effect was almost immediate. This was the result of trying MANY, MANY different supplements; finally success.

          • The particular brand that this person is using is working; that is the most important thing; it is not the placebo effect since s/he has been tried on a huge number of other things with no luck. I just checked and it is soy based (but it is in a gelatin capsule, if a person cares about that). I did find the study that Mehen referred to. It was a study of 120 elderly people, and they were only checking for help with memory impairment. This person doesn’t have memory impairment at all; s/he has depression and anxiety. Still it is helpful to know that at some point it might be worth trying a different version.

            I tried it out of curiosity and it helped me sleep; it was amazing sleep. But my sleep is already good enough and I don’t want to take a bottleful of pills every day.

  8. So sorry to hear that your father has cancer. I hope whatever method he uses to fight it works, and I wish him all the best.

    It seems death is paying us all a closer visit. My partner also has cancer and her outlook is grim. It’s terrible, absolutely devestating to see someone’s condition wosen every day and there is nothing you can do. It breaks your heart.

    My friend’s nephew commited suicide, his mother in law passed from diabetes and his uncle died of cancer, all happened last year.

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