If you can believe in it

So I listened to this podcast about Adolfo Constanzo, a Mexican drug-dealer and cult leader, who was initiated into Palo Mayombe by his mother, who was a Cuban immigrant who would travel to Haiti to learn about Voodou. He ended up creating a kind of syncretic belief system, with influences from Satanism, African traditional religion and the old Aztec warrior cults. Eventually he fled to Mexico city, where he killed himself at age 26.

I’m entirely fascinated by the atmosphere of evil and darkness, but I couldn’t get myself to hurt an animal, let alone a human. I apologize to the birds when I scare them at night and they fly away. This is the big paradox in my life and part of me thinks I need to quit watching horror movies and listening to podcasts like this, but it’s the only thing I still tend to find intriguing.

Every image you can find of this guy just radiates evil. There are also images you can find of his Nganga, like the above. Now this is pretty interesting, you can see Adolfo is mostly of white Spanish heritage, but the Nganga is a concept that originates from central Africa, from where it was transported through the enslaved African diaspora to Cuba.

Palo is a pretty dark religion. It doesn’t have any sort of ethical guidance, no example you’re supposed to emulate. The religion has a creator deity, Nzambi a Mpungu, but he is seen as uninterested in intervening in human affairs. Rather, the entire religion just revolves around the acquisition of power. It revolves around the creation of a Nganga. The Nganga is essentially a spirit-vessel, the centre of the whole religion. To create a Nganga, practitioners go to a graveyard, try to commune with a recently deceased person and try to gain his consent to create the Nganga, in exchange for regular sacrifices of animal and human remains to feed it.

This is what Adolfo Constanzo did too. He created a Nganga that he regularly fed human remains, first of bodies, then eventually of people he tortured and killed himself, in exchange for protection from the Nganga. His mother and older male practitioners of the religion had convinced him in childhood that he was a kind of messianic figure, destined for greatness. He grew up in dirty houses, with dead animal remains everywhere, that were sacrificed by his mother. This must have had a formative influence on him.

Anyway, the intriguing thing about Constanzo is that all this occult stuff he engaged in just looked like it worked. He had a following, of people he would tell prophecies to, that simply came to fruition. That’s why they joined his gang, they heard his prophecies and they came true. Other drug lords and members of the Mexican elite and government would just consult him too, this is how he initially made a living before he embarked on stealing drugs from small cartels.

Once the police figured out that this guy was sacrificing human beings to this cauldron, they started looking for him, but he had already fled to Mexico city by then. So what they did is that they very publicly demolished his Nganga in a very ceremonial manner, with a priest from the Santeria religion. When Constanzo saw this on TV he was horrified and killed himself soon afterwards, because he was convinced it was over.

If you regularly read my blog, you know that I am essentially a subjective idealist. I think as humans we generate the world we inhabit ourselves. The main reason it seems to operate in accordance to scientific-materialist principles, is because those are the principles that most people believe in. However, occasionally you get people like Adolfo Constanzo , who grow up in an entirely different belief system. For them, the world then starts to behave in accordance to their belief system.

From the perspective of Adolfo and his cult members, everything happening to them was simply a logical outgrowth of their belief system. Similarly, for outside observers, everything happening is a logical outgrowth of their belief system.

Let’s say for example, that you are a scientific materialist. If I ask you: “Isn’t it kind of strange and coincidental that these prophecies of Adolfo came true?” You would probably be smart enough to say: “Well, if Adolfo told people prophecies that failed to come to fruition, people would not have joined his cult and he would have remained an obscure marginal figure that you would have never heard about.”

It is mechanisms like these, through which we are able to all remain “in synch” with each other. We can all offer an explanation for the events we observe, compatible with what we already believe about the world. This is also why occultists tend to be secretive about their personal lives. As an example, a lot are paranoid when it comes to people knowing their birthday. The less other people know about them, the less their lives have to fit into the mold of those people’s belief structures.

The Internet has a very homogenizing effect on human belief structures. It becomes hard for Muslims to remain Muslims upon exposure to the Internet. The few North Koreans with Internet access figure out that other parts of the world have things they don’t have. However, as AI now starts to take over the Internet, the Internet starts to lose credibility again. There are even numerous scientific publications now, with AI material in them.

It is like there is a massive electric magnet in the depths of a lake, drawing tiny particles from all across the lake towards it. But as they start to get drawn closer towards it, the electricity running through the magnet is turned off. They may continue to flow towards it afterwards due to inertia for a while, but eventually the whole of the lake begins to behave in accordance to its own traits again.

The purpose of all magical rituals, is ultimately to put their practitioners and witnesses into a state of mind in which they can believe the reality they wish to be true has already become true. That’s where it derives its power from.

Scientists engage in this behavior too, even though they don’t refer to it as such. Consider what they had to say about wearing masks:

Ritual and solidarity are important in human societies and can combine with visible signals to shape new societal behaviors (119, 120). Universal mask wearing could serve as a visible signal and reminder of the pandemic. Signaling participation in health behaviors by wearing a mask as well as visible enforcement can increase compliance with public mask wearing, but also other important preventative behaviors (121). Historically, epidemics are a time of fear, confusion, and helplessness (122, 123). Mask wearing, and even mask making or distribution, can provide feelings of empowerment and self-efficacy (124). Health is a form of public good in that everyone else’s health behaviors improve the health odds of everyone else (125, 126). This can make masks symbols of altruism and solidarity (127). Viewing masks as a social practice, governed by sociocultural norms, instead of a medical intervention, has also been proposed to enhance longer-term uptake (128).

This is ultimately just describing a magical ritual in woke academic terms like “feelings of empowerment”. Now the inevitable eventual downfall of most evil sorcerers like Adolfo and Fauci, comes through the fact that nobody lives truly isolated from guilt. It eventually creeps up on you, you can’t keep it out of your mind forever. It’s probably fun to be evil, you just have to keep in mind that it doesn’t last very long.

Guilt is also how we summon all these viruses, invisible little particles in the air that invade our world and begin killing everyone. Humans know that it is wrong to abuse animals. The ground zero for H5N1 and SARS-COV-2, are the factory farms and the slaughterhouses, from where these viruses begin to infect us. Not many people realize this, but the first cases of SARS-COV-2 in the West were generally observed in slaughterhouse workers. And again, as a scientific materialist, the world will offer you whatever you need to accept this (low ph in the air from manure affecting your lungs, low temperatures, etc).

I try to make it clear to people, that this situation is unsustainable. You know that you are causing suffering to animals, you know that you are making our planet uninhabitable and the elderly know they make it impossible for young people to have meaningful lives worth living by hoarding all the world’s wealth and insisting on waging a catastrophic war on drugs. It is going to backfire on our species in a catastrophic manner.

I often find myself wondering if parents ever feel guilty for bringing their children into the world. You push this child out of your vagina, you give it two dozen injections before its first birthday because nature is trying so hard to end its life, then you send it off to school and teach it that it derives its right to existence from being a good little nerd, capable of memorizing whatever the child needs to memorize to get good grades.

My best friend wanted to be a goat-herder when we were young, I wanted to be a forest ranger. But it seems you eventually forget about all of this, sink into ignorance and inflict all the injuries that were inflicted on you upon another sentient being, continuing the cycle all over again. School shootings never seem to result in any sort of critical reflection on what kind of life we have created for young people.

We already see the fusogenicity of SARS-COV-2 steadily rise as I warned about. It’s just getting steadily better again at fusing cells together. But equally important, we now see multiple lineages emerge simultaneously, that improve the Furin cleavage site. LP.8.1, MC.10, these lineages both improve the furin cleavage site and they’re taking over the world right now. It seems this is an inevitable path it needs to embark upon after it adds the glycans on the NTD.

None of this is really shocking, you see the exact same thing in the avian influenza viruses they have been vaccinating chickens against for decades: Those viruses steadily keep piling on new arginine and lysine in the polybasic cleavage site, making it easier for them to be cleaved by enzymes found throughout a chicken’s body, thereby steadily increasing the virulence of these viruses.

Why don’t the hCov’s pull these kinds of shenanigans? Because if a hCov were to misbehave, the people it infected would develop an antibody response specifically targeted against the misbehaving variant, like we did against the 1918 pandemic influenza. But if your whole population already has an antibody response against a virus, to which it just responds with endless breakthrough infections, then there’s no clear mechanism left that can discriminate against virulence.

We are masochists who live in the hell we chose for ourselves, aren’t we?


  1. Once I read that our rulers use small quantities of tissue collected by PCR tests, abortion, umbilical cords, etc… in order to do magic at an industrial scale. They bury containers with such tiny remains from millions of people and they perform above them evil ceremonies such as those at CERN or Olympic Games openings.

  2. Looking for a non-horror distraction? Check out The Telepathy Tapes podcast. It’s about non-verbal people w/ autism who are telepathic

  3. your posts have been on a roll recently.
    i think subjective idealism as an explanation for 100% of reality is kind of silly. my suspicion is that the world works 60/40 scientific materialism/subjective idealism. there are certainly true statements and phenomena that lie outside the ability of science to observe and describe there subjective idealism may play a role, such as summoning demons and magical thinking. but i just can’t behind a philosophy that everyone’s mind conjures up gravity and cars and bridges and computers all in the same way.

    i’d also say that all the viral and environmental problems that we are likely to run into are definitely scientific-material in nature, just a result of our own hubris.

  4. I’m proud to be a parent who has kept his kid safe from the world of industrializing and sickening humans at a young age. And that he can go to a school/farm in the mountains in a cobb house structure. (Nothing like my upbringing which you define well. ????) But he lives in this world that isn’t like that place, unfortunately. I don’t feel bad at all for having him. I am more sensitive to the spectrum of why we need to do better and why it all matters. It’s a beautiful position to be in, actually. It feels good to feel deeper.

  5. This is funny. On the one hand people read studies and learn about biochemistry. At the same time they believe in mystical shit with absolutely no supporting evidence. Humans are messy.

    There are lots of psychopaths around. They have no empathy. If their parents abuse them as children, there’s a good chance they’ll become abusers. It’s fun for them, and it gains them certain advantages. If they also believe in mystical shit, that’s lucky for the rest of us. They stick out like a sore thumb and can be avoided. It’s the smart ones we need to worry about. They can somewhat fit in. Many become CEOs or politicans and have real impact on the world. Never anything good.

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