I have thought about it all some more and I think Elon is right.
White boys are just not destined to be computer programmers working at AI companies.
White boys are destined to be cloud rappers, CEO shooters, found footage horror movie actors, true crime podcast hosts and wildlife documentary makers.
Writing code or doing a PhD is more of a browncel thing. It brings me to tears, but us white boys are just not smart enough for it, so please do the needful saar.
As long as we don’t let them bring their elephants, we should be able to keep them under control.
This post has to be divinely inspired because it sounds like God to me.
Nigga I’m going to make my own found footage arthouse horror movie next year, do you want to be one of the actors? Let me know
Sure bro sounds like fun.
Cool, you can help me write the script when I’m back in the Netherlands
Fuck yeah, thanks for the interest and the invite and all 😀
You’re my Goebbels bro, ride or die
Was convinced I was Goering there for a minute.
Lets ride.
I am also a big fan of skilled immigration, particularly when they are young Latinas with a large derrière:
I wish that I was a tall Dutch turbonormie, so that I could go to Dutch music festivals in the Summer and meet young blonde Dutch girls like this one:
Alas, it is not to be. Only plagues and tears from now on 🙁 I feel you Mehen, I really do.
(She is actually from Belgium, but whatever)
Enjoy your festival, Radagast. Sorry, but I’m not personally into goth girls.
> Alas, it is not to be. Only plagues and tears from now on ???? I feel you Mehen, I really do.
See, we could actually hang out and hunt bitches because we have completely different tastes in women.
I for one have never been attracted to the blond-haired, blue-eyed farmgirl/milkmaid type that so many of my countrymen revere.
I’ve always been attracted to the exotic dark-haired girls with almond eyes, with ambiguous heritage.
This taste spans many types, from the delicate Audrey Hepburn, to Kiera Knightly, to Wynona Ryder, to Monica Belluci (that one is too much woman for me to handle, but she gets my attention)to even Kim Kardashian. The original for me was Claudia Cardinale, however.
Then there are the putative “nerd girls” like Linda Cardellini from “Freaks And Geeks” who also played Velma from Scooby Doo.
Many others I could list if I thought about it.
Anyway, just saying we would not step on each others toes if we were bar-hopping.
(This is a real issue for anyone who has done it).
Forgot to mention: the type of girl who REALLY gets my attention, as in, the type who has been most realistic for someone of my stature, is the type Billy Bragg calls “alien hot”
These are girls who have a number of the usual Hot Girl features, but possess one or two “weird” features like wide-set eyes or buck-teeth, even while being conventionally hot in most other aspects.
This was the nature of my long lost love who had the same derpy/Mongoloid curve to her epicanthal eyelid that makes Sydney Sweeney so damn alluring.
The best example of this type would be Shelley Duval from “The Shining” with her big eyes and gummy toothy smile.
Many normie men would pass on her after a quick glance, but men with taste (me) would realize they discovered a diamond in the rough.
LOL! Is there still time for this white PhD to become a true influencer?
Radagast, you have a rapist’s wit.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01j3i8Ey9J0 (6″)
White men are very handy, they make excellent plumbers electricians carpenters and technicians in general. Have a problem to solve around your house? Go on YouTube and 90% likelihood you’ve got some white guy – at no charge to you – Explaining to you beautifully how to do the project yourself.
How does bio-diversity and rate of adaption factor into this?
Something for you autist fucks
I’m gonna check this out in a bit.
Mr. Mehen could you tell me what you think of this video?
Thanks! 😀
>Mr. Mehen could you tell me what you think of this video?
It seems you have answered your own questions to me, that’s cool.
What I was going to say is that Cormac McCarthy is one of those authors like John Grey who share many of my sentiments, and whom I have heard/read much about but never got around to reading their oeuvre.
Shame on me.
I’m reluctant to say anything definitive about your video excerpt of Blood Meridian without knowing the full context of the scene.
The bit about the birds caught my attention, though.
(Apologies for not having a juicier take).
My mistake, I meant John GRAY
I mean I agree with much of what he says but what does he say that others haven’t said better? What use is this man who presumably doesn’t even live in a way that’s sustainable according to his own understanding of the world and anti-humanist predication?
Yeah, I don’t like intellectuals because they can write two thousand page screeds about why humanism is a stupid idea and then they see no contradiction in living as humanists; flying around in planes, and eating meat.
Sorry bud you can talk all you want about anti-humanism but if your very way of life only exists because of humanism your words mean nothing. You’re history’s hypocrite.
Bronze Age Pervert is the worst example of this, he talks about wanting to be a barbarian and how “animool brother and sister” then he sits down on his nerd high status white Jew ass and feasts on caviar or whatever stupid thing in his profligate toy restaurant of choice.
I still don’t like Harvard graduates.
I like Harvard speakers less then people who’ve never been to Harvard.
Anyway I know you weren’t telling me to worship John Gray, Mehen. I was just getting my take out there.
Anyway I didn’t mind this video but he’s just describing natural evolution and things that seem like “mind-blowing” abilities to boomers are just basic things like pattern recongition.
It could be considered a devolution according to one’s own philosophies.
Evolution is often spurred due to environmental reasons.
There could be no feasible reason people would look inward for change in this day and age.
Just look outside: Oh wait there’s no opportunity to do anything; everything beautiful is being destroyed and you’re controlled and brainwashed 24/7 by screens from birth.
School is functionally another screen giving you information, literally a screen in many cases.
Yeah, it’s a wonder why the kids are growing up autistic.
SYM, interesting take.
I will contemplate it.
>I mean I agree with much of what he says but what does he say that others haven’t said better? What use is this man who presumably doesn’t even live in a way that’s sustainable according to his own understanding of the world and anti-humanist predication?
Speaking for myself, as I’ve explained to you fucks once before:
I think this whole enterprise of “conscious life” should be extinguished from this Earth.
I would self-delete if I were not already embedded in a matrix of family.
So, as I see it, since I was never asked to be born into this Hell Matrix where life feeds on life, and I have enough conscience to not cause further pain to my loved ones, I will continue to survive and make damn sure my tiny little corner of life is as comfortable as possible.
I don’t ask for much. I try to do as little as possible.
But by God, I will tear flesh from bones if that’s what I need.
And you ideological purists will keep impotently pissing into the wind.
As martyrs.
Martyrs no one cares about.
(But I’m sure the process inflates your egos)
Speaking of which, SYM, why don’t you just KYS?
Oh, right, you have “visions of glory” and “dreams of war”
Just another evolutionist like BAP
>I think this whole enterprise of “conscious life” should be extinguished from this Earth.
That’s fucking hilarious bro. I love Mexicans.
>I would self-delete if I were not already embedded in a matrix of family.
That snake in there be bussin’
>So, as I see it, since I was never asked to be born into this Hell Matrix where life feeds on life, and I have enough conscience to not cause further pain to my loved ones, I will continue to survive and make damn sure my tiny little corner of life is as comfortable as possible.
Yeah, pure intellectualism; this mentality is the mentality of profligates and the only reason why things are bad is because things are ran by-and-for profligates.
Stop pretending like life feeding on life disgusts you when you eat creatures that are close enough in nature to you to be kinsmen.
Intellectuals are so gay it’s unreal.
>But by God, I will tear flesh from bones if that’s what I need.
Yeah, no chicken wing will be spared…
>(But I’m sure the process inflates your egos)
It does, I’m English so I enjoy being naturally better than other people.
Have a good time practicing self-denial in the form of veganism.
I’m sure the God which created this Hell Realm, where EVERY LIVING CREATURE FEEDS ON OTHER LIVING CREATURES will have a good laugh at your self-abnegating impotency.
Maybe you will get a cookie?
Or a Pat on the head?
I wouldn’t hold my breath, if I were you.
I will not drink the milk, eat the meat, get vaccinated, or subscribe to twitter plus.
I do not care for people who have a bone to pick with Santa Claus without good reason.
I do not care for hypocrites, even when they’re engaging in sophism.
I will continue to goon to Mikasa Ackerman from Attack on Titan.
I will be happy.
Mehen will continue to shove other men’s meat in his mouth.
White boys will always win.
>Stop pretending like life feeding on life disgusts you when you eat creatures that are close enough in nature to you to be kinsmen.
Lol. Just listen to yourself.
Mehen believes he needs to shove sausages down your throat or you’re impotent.
Classic shitskin superstition; similar thinking can be found among the Chinese. Very sad.
Yeah there’s a reason why we able to easily destroy your civilizations and enslave you. Even when you try to be evil Nietzschean Overmen vampires who don’t need no God or whatever stupid shit you’re still fucking retarded.
>Mehen believes he needs to shove sausages down your throat or you’re impotent. Classic shitskin superstition; similar thinking can be found among the Chinese. Very sad.
I’m not Chinese but I would gladly shove my tiny meat down constricted throat. Gag on it
>Yeah there’s a reason why we able to easily destroy your civilizations and enslave you.
Who is “we” and and who is “you” in your eructation?
Be precise
>I’m not Chinese but I would gladly shove my tiny meat down constricted throat. Gag on it
Yes because you are Mexican which means you’re homosexual.
>Who is “we” and and who is “you” in your eructation?
Me: White man with white privilege.
You: Person of color.
>I will not drink the milk, eat the meat, get vaccinated, or subscribe to twitter plus.
Eat the meat at least
> I do not care for people who have a bone to pick with Santa Claus without good reason.
This is telling. Santa Claus is a fiction for young children.
>White boys will always win.
Probably. But I perceive “Dark Forces” working against them.
Those “Dark Forces” being Khazars, natch
Santa Claus is God you shut your spic-kike mouth.
Why do you think people see Elves when they trip on DMT? It’s the big man’s influence.
>Why do you think people see Elves when they trip on DMT? It’s the big man’s influence.
But the elves always happen to say something which causes you to think twice.
I haven’t seen you think twice, dude
Yes Santa’s Elves are very wise.
Yeah this place is a HeebHive
Jimmy Carter died today.
Based white Jews mogging Mehen the spic-kike by having empathy for animals.
>Based white Jews mogging Mehen the spic-kike by having empathy for animals.
Why does your empathy for animals allow you to endorse horrifying inter-human cruelty like Israel vs Palestine?
Is it because you are just another Kike which twists and turns as necessary to make his preferred outcome the “moral” one?
(Getting a new feeling for the commenter “SYM” now)
Yeah the funny thing about this game is I’m not actually Jewish whatsoever.
Anyway I like people who like animals. I am a tribal creature and I like tribes that are more similar to me than dissimilar. People who also share the quality of liking animals are more similar to me than people who think animals exist to be farmed into eternity. it’s as simple as that.
Also it’s LSWSM now, I’m getting on in years.
>Yeah the funny thing about this game is I’m not actually Jewish whatsoever
The funniest thing about this game is those Jews who claim they are not Jews.
LSWMs do not understand the difference between the Khazars/Pharisees and the Hebrews/Tribes of Judah
I have a good sense of what you are, however
>I have a good sense of what you are, however
And what would that be sir?
I used to work in the netherlands. What a great country it was. The uitzendbureaus send you to work to some or other place. You go every day to work and don’t fuck up and you get steady job after 6 months.
At least at the factory floor the collegas were great people. About offices I don’t know.
What was really great was good quality tobacco. Javaanse jongens, Brandaris zware, Gauloises melange caporal and others. And good hashish.
It really sucks I cannot get good tobacco here in northern europe.