It’s raining glycans

So, I know I promised a video, but my nose is so clogged that I’m not going to embarrass myself by recording my voice. I have a headache and fever too, this is what happens when you don’t sleep enough and expand your mind with certain anti-inflammatory substances. Freedom has a price, but it’s one I’ll happily pay. I’d like to live to see the first category 6 hurricane, but I’m fine with missing out on the Amazon going up in flames. In all fairness though, I’m already getting better.

So we’ll have to discuss something else instead. As you know by now if you regularly follow this blog, we can expect a bunch of glycans, that is, sugar molecules, to show up on the N-Terminal Domain of the spike protein of SARS-COV-2. These glycans allow viruses to escape antibodies, by blocking the connection between an antibody and the corresponding antigen. The most notable ones are the N-linked glycans.

It’s not easy to say with 100% certainty where a mutation will lead to a new glycan, but you can generally expect an N-linked glycan to be found on the following amino acid sequence:

Asparagine-anything but proline-Serine/Threonine

So have a look at this:

So we have thirteen variants tagged as adding new N-linked glycans.

And of those thirteen variants, eleven have been found over the past three months.

The variant hunters are seeing a sudden influx, of new variants putting glycans on the N-Terminal Domain of Spike (which runs from 0 to 319).

We know that a glycan shield tends to result in persistent infections for many viruses, by prohibiting neutralization.

And we don’t like persistent infections for a reason: They tend to damage the immune system and become increasingly nasty over time.

A while ago I told you about the three highly immunogenic loops in the NTD. When these loops are shortened, the virus behaves more like the original SARS, it gets much better at fusing cells together.

So a few days ago, a new persistent infection was found in Mexico, the most highly mutated so far. It fits the pattern I pointed out: It deletes most of the N3 and the N5 loops, so that the antibodies can’t bind to those immunogenic regions. The side-effect is a virus that behaves more like the original SARS: Much deadlier, but worse at spreading from person to person.

When the antibodies against the NTD are evaded, most people presumably become dependent again on the IgG4 antibodies against the RBD. But this is worrisome, as such antibodies undergo Fab-arm exchange at high local concentrations, rendering them effectively useless. It’s a bit like having a brake in your car, that stops working when you press it too hard.

The reason we see all these new glycans in the NTD in the first place, is because the IgG4 antibodies against the RBD could not do the job: Becoming reliant on them again once the NTD is properly shielded by glycans seems like a recipe for disaster.

So how long is it going to take, before this goes seriously wrong? Well, for Marek’s disease, in poultry, it took a few decades for highly virulent strains to emerge in response to vaccination. But this seems to be approaching a grande finale of sorts much earlier.

I should point out, that for influenza, increased glycosylation tends to signal the end of a particular variant. Influenza goes through an apparent cyclical pattern of increasing glycosylation, before a variant from wild animals jumps into the human population. But importantly, this refers to glycosylation of the head. The N-Terminal Domain of Spike would be more equivalent to the stalk of Influenza Hemagluttinin.

It’s strange, to see such rapid unusual pressure being placed on the N-Terminal Domain of this virus. There is clearly immense pressure to improve the glycan shield of the N-Terminal Domain, with no equivalent at any earlier point in the pandemic.

You could presumably explain this as following: Most of the population developed antibodies against the RBD, as they are supposed to. Those antibodies were fixated on these old variants, their effectiveness declined as new variants emerged. Eventually, most of the global population developed a class switch of these antibodies, where they transition to IgG4.

With an IgG4 response to the RBD, the problem emerges that at high concentrations, these antibodies undergo Fab-arm exchange, a phenomenon that evolved as a kind of sink for excess inflammation. But after Fab-arm exchange they’re basically useless, so the immune system needed antibodies against other regions. This may have forced it to focus on the N-Terminal Domain.

This has now forced the virus to start shielding its N-Terminal Domain with new glycans. Unlike increased glycosylation of Influenza Hemagluttinin’s head, this will not substantially hamper the virus, because the N-Terminal Domain generally is not responsible for entering other cells, that’s mostly the RBD’s job.

In general, you can just say that a sudden increase in glycosylation of the N-Terminal Domain is pretty worrisome. It hasn’t been seen before with this virus.

To me it seems this will encourage the virus to establish persistent infections, that spread throughout the body. That’s how the other SARS viruses behave in bats, so that seems like a logical eventual outcome. Unfortunately, unlike bats, we have the bad luck of not having immune systems that evolved to cope with persistent infection by SARS viruses.

The general pattern observed in biology, is that mass vaccination with leaky vaccines just tends to encourage the evolution of greater virulence. We have never done something so destructive on a global scale before.

The vaccinators never seem to ask themselves, whether our immune system evolved to discourage the evolution of greater virulence in the pathogens we are infected by. People who survived the 1918 pandemic influenza, had extremely potent antibodies, that only specifically worked against that particular strain. This means that strain goes extinct, as it can’t compete with the other influenza strains anymore.

This is what you want antibodies to do: You want them to recognize particular virulence associated epitopes on a virus, so that the population can discriminate against virulent variants of a virus.

But it seems these guys were going for the grand prize instead:

These absolute insufferable morons really thought they were going to eradicate this virus, by vaccinating everyone. It’s the sort of delusional hubris I expect to hear from Elon Musk fanboys about their colony on Mars.

They achieved the exact opposite of course: You have antibodies against all the human corona viruses. But against which corona virus, does most of the population now have an IgG4 antibody response?

It’s a self-inflicted wound, an anthropogenic disaster.


  1. Been reading your blog for 4 months now. 3 months ago I transitioned to pesco-vegan. Last night I ate tofu for the first time. You (and you alone) succeeded where the entire globo-media failed to convince me. One question: how did you become so knowledgeable about biology and virology?

  2. Whenever someone says “100 %”, I do not believe it, because nothing in nature is 100 %.

    But I see his dilemma: If he say “99,9 %”, people would start to doubt.

  3. Thanks for another update. So, you’ve explained previously how vaccinees are reliant primarily on their adaptive immune system. Their CD8+ T cells don’t seem to be as effective as the CD4+ T cells in the unvaccinated. They don’t secrete interferon gamma, and the IgG4 antibodies prevent them from killing infected cells. And they become exhausted after multiple infections.

    So that leaves the vaccinated with their antibodies. The antibodies against the RBD have become more and more useless over time, due to the class switch from IgG3 to IgG4, and the fact that the RBD continues to mutate to escape the neutralising antibodies.

    So now the vaccinated are reliant on these non-neutralising antibodies against the N-Terminal domain, which will unfortunately eventually become useless as we see more variants of SARS-CoV-2 being selected for which have deletions and glycans in the NTD loops. All this so far makes intuitive sense.

    But the part I still don’t understand is why, after multiple infections, the vaccinated still won’t be able to rely on antibody responses to other regions of the virus, such as the fusion protein, envelope protein and nucleocapsid protein. Why is it just the NTD antibodies that they are reliant on? Is it because these other epitopes of the virus have become much less immunogenic, as they have evolved to resemble our own amino acids in order to avoid detection by the immune system, or is there another reason?

    Because we can go back to this “stearic immune refocusing” hypothesis proposed by Geert Vanden Bossche, where the antibody response started to target other regions of the spike protein (NTD) that were not targeted by the vaccines (RBD), it makes you wonder why other regions of the virus have not eventually been targeted by the immune systems of the vaccinated.

    I think this is what the mainstream normie immunologists were hoping for when they used to talk about this magical “super immunity” or “hybrid immunity” that would be observed in the population after a combination of vaccine-induced immunity and infection-induced immunity. Unfortunately, that has clearly not happened.

    • >But the part I still don’t understand is why, after multiple infections, the vaccinated still won’t be able to rely on antibody responses to other regions of the virus, such as the fusion protein, envelope protein and nucleocapsid protein. Why is it just the NTD antibodies that they are reliant on?

      It’s a good question and it’s relatively easy to explain.

      When we refer to antibodies as “neutralizing”, what we mean is: This antibody will stop a viral particle from infecting a cell, when it binds to it.

      So have a look at what a viral particle looks like:


      Nucleocapsid is internal, so you can’t use it to neutralize a viral particle. envelope is external, but is not really involved in granting a particle entrance into a cell, it’s mainly there to stitch the viral membrane together.

      There is only one proper way to achieve neutralization: Antibodies that bind to the receptor binding domain of the Spike protein.

      When you have IgM antibodies against the N-Terminal Domain, which now seem to play a major role in most people’s antibody response, it seems you can achieve a kind of pseudo-neutralization: Those antibodies are large and can bind multiple spike proteins together (including on different individual viral particles), bending the Spike protein out of its proper shape and thereby stopping it from doing its job.

      The antibodies against non-Spike proteins, are all per definition going to be non-neutralizing: They have no way to stop a viral particle circulating in your body from using its Spike protein to enter into another cell.

      Antibodies against the nucleocapsid protein and other proteins play other roles: They help tag infected cells, so that NK cells can recognize the infected cells and know it’s time to kill them.

      But they can’t fulfill the important role, of neutralizing viral particles. That’s a job mainly reserved for antibodies that bind to the receptor binding domain of the Spike protein.

      Those can be IgA, IgG or IgM antibodies. Among the IgG antibodies, you would normally expect to see most of the work done by IgG3.

      The IgM antibodies are very important.

      They’re the main antibody responsible for reducing the viral load. They’re the first antibody you see emerge when people get sick.

      IgG only becomes visible in blood, once most of the virus is already gone.

      However, IgG is also important: It’s important to tag infected cells and to help IgM clean up the body of any remaining viral particles.

      Finally, IgG sticks around and helps prevents reinfection for at least a few months (or longer if the infection was particularly nasty), by whatever virus proved virulent enough to require an IgG antibody response to emerge in the first place.

      • Thanks for the detailed reply to my question.

        Regarding that persistent infection in the Mexican person that spawned a variant with SIXTY spike mutations (when compared with BA.2), look at what you wrote almost two years ago:

        “Take a look at this chart I made, with the number of spike mutations compared to Wuhan of recent variants:

        Alpha – 9

        Delta – 7

        BA.1 – 34

        BA.2 – 28

        BA.5 – 30

        BA.2.75 – 36

        And now with this subvariant, you arrive at 39. And you can expect it’s not just a random fluke that goes nowhere, as it has already shown up in six different countries.

        As the number of spike mutations increases, you can expect the efficacy of these vaccines to decline further below zero.

        We weren’t supposed to reach this point. In fact, a lot of the people involved in manufacturing these vaccines seem to have mistakenly assumed it couldn’t really evolve much further, that it would quite rapidly run into an evolutionary dead end.

        Take a look at this study to see an example. You can see the sort of thinking that goes on here: “Twenty spike mutations? Ha, like that’s ever going to happen!” And then a few months later it happened.”

        So, the Ph.Ds thought that 20 spike mutations would be impossible, but now we’re at 60 spike mutations, due to persistent infections caused by the IgG4 response and selection of variants with increased fusogenicity and ACE2 affinity. So, where is this evolutionary dead-end that they promised us? Like you said before, there are now billions of people with essentially a mild form of AIDS acting as human petri dishes. We are so screwed.

        So, like I said in my comment on the previous post, I wonder what their plan will be. That Ryan Hisner @LongDesertTrain person who seems to be a very smart guy thinks that the KP boosters will save the day. And Eric Topol said on Twitter:

        “not enough is being done to get nasal vaccines (to prevent infections) and universal shots (vs all variants) ready, which would get us out of this vicious cycle of waning immunity, new variants, and reliance on shots which don’t achieve mucosal immunity”

        Bizarre how they didn’t take that approach from the very beginning.

        • >That Ryan Hisner @LongDesertTrain person who seems to be a very smart guy thinks that the KP boosters will save the day.

          Yeah that guy knows one simple thing:

          -The more the antibody response matches the dominant strain, the more protection people have.

          But this idea doesn’t really work eventually, because the virus evolves towards:

          -Increased glycan shielding (now obvious)
          -Increased fusogenicity/cell to cell transmission (I showed this before)
          -Decreased immunogenicity
          -Increased neurovirulence

          As the immune system becomes increasingly fixated on the extinct variants.

          And eventually, once there is no clear low hanging fruit left, you can expect:

          -Serotype evolution, whereby boosting against one variant merely increases risk of infection/severe disease by other variants.

          • Guys (and girls), just thought that I’d share something interesting.

            As most of you know, Geert Vanden Bossche has now hidden all his content behind a paywall. There is his Substack, but there is also an online discussion forum, where you get to ask him questions. I have personally subscribed to both, as a token of appreciation for all the great work he has done over the last few years (I think that the discussion forum also contains the Substack articles, so there is no need to subscribe to both).

            Anyway, someone brought up the topic of Mike Yeadon, who was a former chief scientist and vice-president of the allergy and respiratory research division at Pfizer. He offered great insight back in 2020/2021, but for whatever reason has gone deep down the conspiracy theory rabbit hole. He is now in the “viruses don’t exist” faction of conspiracy theorists. Anyway, here is Geert’s reply, outlining his opinion on Yeadon, Robert Malone and Peter McCullough:

            “One of my weaknesses is that I don’t mince words about what I know and think. I openly admit that I disagree on several points with some of these outspoken and courageous voices. Since quite some time, I have distanced myself from R. Malone, who has long claimed that Omicron was a blessing and points fingers at HIV patients and immunocompromised individuals as the breeding ground for immune escape variants. Similarly, I have – quite recently – distanced myself (to some extent) from P. McCullough, who is now rejecting all childhood vaccinations, thereby throwing the baby out with the bathwater (he has not responded to my Q on how we’ll maintain herd immunity against some of these childhood diseases and has declined my proposal to debate this publicly!); and not at least from Yeadon, who fact-checked me in 2021, claiming that immune escape was impossible because there was sufficient cross-reactivity of T cells to prevent the spread of the virus via variants. I lectured him on immunology back then, but he never responded to my compelling report that debunked his theory. What do all these ‘frontline fighters’ have in common? 1. They all make correct statements/ interpretations when it comes to aspects of this crisis that are directly related to their field of expertise, but 2. they all make the huge mistake of extrapolating their specialized knowledge to areas they know very little about. Neither P. McCullough nor Yeadon has in-depth knowledge of vaccinology, immunology, or virology; similarly, R. Malone has little immunological insight and has poor scientific credibility when he presents himself on one hand as the inventor and expert of mRNA technology (who’s more than aware of all the detrimental side effects!) while on the other hand being quick to get injected with this stuff. In my humble opinion, these gentlemen would do well to heed the golden rule of “shoemaker, stick to your last” in the general interest of our cause & scientific activism. Sometimes I wonder if their personal agendas or even conflicts of interest (Wellness Company.?..) play a role (sounds familiar, doesn’t it?). I really don’t understand why they speak out about aspects of this crisis in areas where they have little or no professional experience, especially when these issues are very sensitive. Don’t they realize that we’re up against an extremely powerful lobby (which even includes influential scientific experts), and therefore cannot afford amateurish statements? I had hoped for a coalition where several fields of deep expertise would merge into an armed-to-the-teeth scientific stronghold, but instead, our movement of scientific resistance seem to have turned into one-man shows. Having worked in the vaccine industry and with several global health organizations, I got to understand how the scientific quality and integrity of these institutions are increasingly eroding under their bureaucratic-hierarchical structures and conflicts of interest. I can understand that – despite their best intentions- those who don’t have this insight are often quick to invoke conspiracy theories when it comes to explaining the underlying rationale for some of the disastrous decisions made by these organizations. As I am not in favor of this approach, I am in many regards distancing myself from the opposition and prefer to rely on ‘nature’ as a teacher and ally….”

            Link to subscribe:

  4. >>Against which coronavirus, does most of the population now have an IgG4 antibody response?

    ALL of them, right?
    Not that different.
    So we should be seeing the vaxxies constantly infected with colds.

  5. Great post. Holy hell humanity is hosed.

    How to get the most uptake of nicotine & nattokinase into the brain: Take them at night because the brain’s waste flushing & fluid uptake system is most active when you sleep. Search for the glymphatic system to learn more.

      • I smoke nicotine laden cigarettes in the evening, as many as I want, and fall asleep just fine. Also never been infected with covid or anything else IN THE PAST 5 YEARS.
        But I’m special.

      • I once slept through a methamphetamine high years ago when I was in university, and woke up like 12 hours later, still kinda high. Anything is possible, never give up!

      • The most intense dream experiences of my life have been under the influence of nicotine.

        Patches will continue to deliver nicotine during your sleep. Intense, hallucinogenic dreams. My first dreams were dreams of slaughtering vampires, which makes sense given the oral nature of smoking I guess, but they were terrifyingly real dreams.

        Chewing lozenges and gum, obsessively, like an addict (which I was, for years) will also produce intense hallucinatory dreams.

        The last dream experience I had on nicotine, was an intensely real – as in there was no way of telling whether it was a dream or not – experience of getting up and going through all the motions of getting ready for work: getting out of bed, having a shower etc., getting kids ready for school etc., then. . . .zap, instachange, laying on a floating gurney being rushed down a tunnel with bright lights flashing past all around me, colours, figures, then ZAP!, getting out of bed, going through the motions of getting ready for work, getting out of bed, getting the kids ready. . .

        Rinse and repeat.

        And repeat.

        And repeat.

        And repeat.

        Then somehow in there, I start to get afraid.

        And repeat.

        And repeat,

        And repeat.

        I realize I’m locked in.

        And repeat.

        And repeat.

        And repeat.

        Until eventually, an infinite amount of cycles later, I somehow break out of the loop and wake up covered in sweat and feeling like a sack of shit, and it’s just in time to get up, get ready for work, get the kids ready. . .

        • The sprays are probably the worst. It’s really very easy to get completely addicted to the sprays and just keep on whacking in hit after hit.

          I really did love nicotine.

          If I ever get diagnosed with a terminal disease, I’m going straight back on that bad boy.

          • The downsides of the gum, and sprays, and lozenges?

            For me, massive acid reflux. Total throat scarring stuff. And insane dreams (which I actually came to enjoy). Plus, completely fucked up sleep.

            And the sleep disturbance was why, in the end, it had to go.

            Like someone with Parkinsons, I ended up acting out my dreams.

            Attacked by some villain, or animal in my dream? Well, I’d fight. So, I’d punch and kick. But I’d be punching and kicking in the real world.

            You wouldn’t want to be near me. I couldn’t tell the difference between dream and reality. Never even occurred to me to try.

            So, the nicotine had to go.

            And with it, thanks be to God, went the full-on dream fighting (with real world implications).

  6. Rintrah, I have re-read your post only searching for predictions which going outside from the molecular machinery into the macro world. I only found things like this:

    “… become increasingly nasty over time …”

    “… before this goes seriously wrong …”

    “… is pretty worrisome …”

    “… have never done something so destructive …”

    “… an anthropogenic disaster …”

    If I remember right, you never made any precise macro world predictions in your virus postings. Always only such fogged up statements like I listed. The others, like Geert Vanden Bossche, Wolfgang Wodarg or Sucharit Bhakdi predicted mass extinctions … and failed with their predictions until now. I guess you avoid such predictions because you don’t want to fail like them.

    But if you can’t make real macro world predictions, then where is the scientific value of your postings?

    • And as addition:

      I always try to understand the motivation of a person and which tactic this person is using. You and me and many others want a better world. I think there are basically two ways to achieve this:

      Threaten or lure.

      I guess you think a better world can be enforced with threaten, with fear-mongering as much as possible. That’s what you do.

      But I think this can’t work, therefore I try it with luring, showing new ways, new perspectives, new ideas, even if many of it looks crazy. Because I think that’s the only way which really can change the world.

      • You’ll never achieve a truly good world through use of either the carrot or the stick, because it will always turn out to be a world lacking in true freedom. No matter what vision you enforce in such a case, it is bound to turn sour. If a better world is what you want, it will never happen within the context of ‘human civilization, within the demiurgic construct of material reality.’ It’s chasing a false, empty promise. I think it’s better to focus on working on yourself in that case, you know? Become the kind of person who belongs to the kind of world you would wish to live in, and then work spiritually to leave this place when you die.

        • Maybe you’re right and each one of us has to find its own way to a better world, and we should never try to lead others into a better world. That would be the way between.

      • It is only fear-mongering if there is an intention to create fear. If an asteroid were going to hit the earth tomorrow and I told you that it was going to, that would not be fear mongering.

        And there is scientific value in a description of what is going on, just as much as in prediction.

        Neither threatening nor luring will produce a better world, since the world world is designed to be full of pain and stupidity. But individuals can change if they turn to something holy and act out of love.

        • The world is designed to be full of pain and stupidity, yet there are many, even here, who act like this place is some grand design orchestrated by a loving god. It is the corpse of that same god!! If you want to find divinity, look within: I promise it is the only place you will find it in any lasting sense. And no, love itself is not enough: love alone does not stop the rapist nor the murderer, one must in fact be willing to wage a war in the name of transcendental love: that is what is required here.

          • What sort of war? I don’t see how an external war, even against murderers and rapists, would help much. It wouldn’t affect the non-human world, which is also pretty terrible.

            When I allow myself to sense what is around me that is not visible, the air is full of hideous snake like things. The fact that Christ once lived as a man is something to give one some hope, and I do feel His presence in and with me.

          • Yeah, a spiritual war, not like a terrestrial one with armies which would serve no purpose. Your enemy would be moreso those ‘hideous snake-like things’ that you can sense, as well as other similar beings. It’s why I always say to people they should energetically train and stuff, especially to clear entities from within themselves (it’s worth it). But yeah, it’s important because people often think that spirituality is about submission to something external to themselves as part of the overall process of shriveling up and dissolving into nothing, when the truth is moreso that we’re in the midst of a spiritual war.

          • I do have trouble with the “obedience and submission and humility” interpretation of Christianity. The argument is made that Christ was obedient unto death, and that that, along with his lack of sin, are why he deserved to be raised from the dead (that plus Hie is also actually God, of course). I don’t truly disagree with this, but there is more. From the apostle Paul:
            Ephesians 6:
            Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. 11Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. 13Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. 14Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; 15And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 16Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. 17And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:

    • Are we diving into the philosophy of science?

      If yes, according to Popper, knowledge must be falsifiable to be scientific knowledge.

      Rintrah hypothesized that we would get more mutations directed to the NTD, which is what is happening, so his knowledge passes the test.

      What you are concerned about is what that means long term. We have Rintrah’s hypothesis “an anthropogenic disaster”

      Experiment still in progress. . .

    • >If I remember right, you never made any precise macro world predictions in your virus postings. Always only such fogged up statements like I listed. The others, like Geert Vanden Bossche, Wolfgang Wodarg or Sucharit Bhakdi predicted mass extinctions … and failed with their predictions until now. I guess you avoid such predictions because you don’t want to fail like them.

      I try to go off what I understand.

      I don’t think you need a mass extinction, to prove what these people did was a terrible mistake:

      We know the vaccines have negative efficacy and we know everyone’s now getting sick in the middle of summer.

      Most deaths from this virus, were originally from an immune-overreaction to the virus, not from the direct effect of the virus itself. That’s a big flaw in any prediction of an imminent doomsday variant: People generally died from an overreaction to the virus.

      That’s unlikely to happen again, the body now has an anti-inflammatory antibody response to it. They gave most of the population an antibody response that prevents them from destroying infected cells. And the low interferon gamma production prevents infected tissues from dealing with the virus themselves.

      So what seems most likely to me personally, is that we start to see loads of people suffer chronic infections, that damage their nervous system, their lungs, their cardiovascular system and their immune system.

      I think what that would look like, would be more akin to what we saw in Southern Africa during the 90’s, with the HIV pandemic: Life expectancy just drops by a decade or two, as widespread dysfunction of the immune system allows illnesses like tuberculosis to rapidly jump from person to person.

      Except in contrast to HIV, you would expect the emphasis to lay more on damage to the cardiorespiratory system, as this virus particularly damages endothelial cells.

      I don’t think there’s necessarily going to be one particular variant, that people can no longer get rid of.

      Rather, we already have some persistent infections and with every new variant, the share of persistent infections is just going to grow further. The vaccinated will be more at risk of persistent infections than the unvaccinated, the elderly will be more prone to develop persistent infections than the young, etc.

      It’s hard for me to expect there will just suddenly be a very deadly wave akin to march 2020, because the virus evolves towards persistence and this just doesn’t seem to be what we see in persistent infections: People easily spend a year persistently infected by this virus without dying.

      • “I think what that would look like, would be more akin to what we saw in Southern Africa during the 90’s, with the HIV pandemic: Life expectancy just drops by a decade or two, as widespread dysfunction of the immune system allows illnesses like tuberculosis to rapidly jump from person to person.”

        Other issues will come to the fore as well. I mean it when I say that the system is gorked.

        And I mean this in the medical sense of the term, as in a brain surgery that was meant to prove miraculous has failed, and the patient is now gorked.

        This will have an impact, it is already.

      • I think we all have underestimated the repair abilities of our bodies.

        It can beat brutal lab-viruses and extremly poisonious vaccines!

        The overall death-toll to our species was mild, I guess car accidents do more deaths.

        (I’m just smoking my new medical weed from the pharmacy, sorry if I sound crazy)

      • Hi

        You assume a major thing nobody talks about, bc it is unverifiable.
        1. How many5 shots were blanks? How many shots were so destroyed by mishandling that no active ingredient was left?
        2. How many faked being vaxxed? From court cases in Switzerland we know that around 200’000 certs were forged. We had 14’000 PKI-endpoints (vax streets, doctors, drug store chains etc.) but they only found a few dozen obvious enough to warrant a prosecution. 14’000 and only a handful forged cert/week per endpoint would mean 1 Mio. more unvaxxed at least.

        Nobody is doing a definitive, water proof, discussion ending antibody study. Why?

      • “It’s hard for me to expect there will just suddenly be a very deadly wave akin to march 2020, because the virus evolves towards persistence and this just doesn’t seem to be what we see in persistent infections: People easily spend a year persistently infected by this virus without dying.”

        What do you mean the virus evolves toward persistence, if it’s getting more mutations that are likely leading to greater virulence?

  7. Humans do not learn from fear, or pleasure.

    They learn from surviving a crisis.

    Survival is the be all and end all.

    Nothing significant has changed since covidworld began, so it follows that we have learned nothing.

    Why have we learned nothing?

    Because have yet to experience and survive the crisis.

    But it’s coming.

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