The odd thing about horror is how it gets better as it gets more low budget. I suppose what I like most is something that just consistently unnerves you. I found a neat Japanese found footage horror series, called Tokyo videos of horror.
There are at least two full episodes of it on Youtube:
Essentially the idea is that it’s a documentary series about the supernatural, but of course the incidents it covers are all staged for the series.
Episode 1 can be found here, it seems dailymotion has the rest of the series too. There are a bunch with subtitles on archive.org too. Keep in mind, there are twenty or so episodes of it. After that the name apparently changes from Yami Douga to Shinrei Yami Douga and there are many more episodes.
You could theoretically spend 30 hours of your life watching this stuff and never run out of new episodes. You LSWM types work as “product managers”, “account managers”, “full stack developers” and “customer service specialists”, so don’t you dare tell me that would be a waste of time.
But the reason it’s enjoyable is because it’s such a mixed bag. One moment you’re confused what you’re looking at, the next moment you wonder why you’re watching this again instead of just going to bed already, then you get some terrible CGI that just makes you laugh and then after that you get something that genuinely unnerves you somehow. Of course it helps that I generally watch this stuff with some kush in my lungs, though today I’m on a tolerance break.
The other thing I like about it is that with found footage, you generally don’t get good actors, you just get people making it up as they go. And to a degree, they’re genuinely unnerved. When you go to a creepy abandoned building to record a fake seance in the dark, you’ll be genuinely unnerved. The lines just all begin to blur. The absolute best stuff of course, is the creepy stuff where you just don’t know where it came from and whether it is real or not, like the “grave robbing for morons” video I covered before.
I know, some of you LSWMs insist this stuff is bad for you, that you attract bad spirits with it etc. Well honestly, I think people always liked creepy stuff: “Oh look it’s the mummified corpse of Saint Bernadette!” Early Christians had their churches filled with remains of the dead, whom they imagined could rise any moment. We would have filled this whole continent with crypts, cemeteries and catacombs, if we had enough space for it. Honestly, I think it’s best to just embrace the morbid side. We’re clearly entering a period of history that’s going to be morbid and bleak, so I think it’s better to just learn to embrace it.
I’d love to make a found footage horror film myself at some point, if anyone is in the Netherlands and willing to help me out, let me know. There are already too many books and too many video games, but found footage horror films are interesting by virtue of the fact that nobody has seen them.
> Honestly, I think it’s best to just embrace the morbid side. We’re clearly entering a period of history that’s going to be morbid and bleak, so I think it’s better to just learn to embrace it.
Not exactly a “horror” movie, but I’m sure that some of you have seen ‘Children of Men’, which seems to portray in many ways the type of world we are unfortunately heading towards. Here is one of the best scenes in the movie:
Starts off joyful, then takes a terrifying turn, then just keeps getting worse and worse for the protagonists. Notice how the entire scene is shot by just the one camera, all in one take. Great filmmaking.
She starts off joking about ketamine.
A scene that has stuck in my mind.
Great movie that should have won an Oscar!
And what they wouldn’t do today, the negro turns out to be a villain.
I already listed several of my favorite low-budget horror flicks.
Don’t know if anybody watched them.
You Jews and Jew lovers should start getting ready for the world you created:
Nice track.
You might like the Dirty Three: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2c3ZnzS3xEc
Sitting on my porch, sun’s going down, glass of red, Dirty Three. . .
>Not exactly a “horror” movie, but I’m sure that some of you have seen ‘Children of Men’, which seems to portray in many ways the type of world we are unfortunately heading towards. Here is one of the best scenes in the movie:
When I was somewhat younger and still entertaining the idea of being an irresistible “Alpha Male” I used to quip that I would prefer to be born as Clive Owen (the British actor in your video)
He seemed to have everything I wanted in myself, or at least, what I thought a “real man” should be.
Not a bad example, if you ask me. Though I’m older and less fanciful these days.
Have any of you reading ever seen him in the series “The Knick”???
I think it was a 2 season show. A high quality show demonstrating the reality of late 19th century/early 20th century medical practice. Extremely detailed and supposedly historically accurate.
Rad in particular might be interested because it shows the trials and tribulations of a genius who was at the top of the field, but hobbled by a debilitating drug addiction.
The sturm and drang of a genius trying to help his patients, while he himself was wrestling with a cocaine addiction is a compelling dynamic.
>Notice how the entire scene is shot by just the one camera, all in one take. Great filmmaking.
As far as I am aware, the best example of a “one take” scene is from “True Detective”:
Mehen, you seem to be in good spirits again after your self-imposed break from alcohol, how long was your period of abstinence, do you mind me asking?
And you also previously wrote that your otherwise healthy lifestyle and supplement regimen offsets any potential negative effects of the alcohol, I find this very interesting.
So all your liver biomarkers and blood work is looking fine, and you’re not worried about REM sleep phases being interfered with? Does your supplement routine prevent hangovers? For me, alcohol makes me super depressed the next day.
I also seem to recall an old comment you wrote in which you described how certain spirits like tequila are much more healthy than traditional beer and wine, may I ask what your preferred alcoholic beverage of choice is?
Sorry for all the questions lol, you don’t have to answer them all if you don’t feel like it. You are a very interesting guy with a funny sense of humour, I always look forward to reading your comments left overnight (time zone difference) when I wake up in the morning. Right now my sleep cycles are messed up so I’m wide awake at 04:30 lulz.
P.S. I’ll check out that Clive Owen TV show you recommend.
> We would have filled this whole continent with crypts, cemeteries and catacombs, if we had enough space for it. Honestly, I think it’s best to just embrace the morbid side. We’re clearly entering a period of history that’s going to be morbid and bleak, so I think it’s better to just learn to embrace it.
People who have a lot of negative entity attachments, tend to be attracted more to morbid things – it’s just a general correlation. One of the things these entities do in this realm, is subtly manipulate everyone’s thoughts. Probably the majority of your mental ‘chatter’ is influenced by them in some way, this is generally the case for almost everyone, in extreme cases it becomes something like paranoid schizophrenia. It’s one of the major ways they’ve been able to keep humanity in their stranglehold for so long.
And I tend to think that the future is going to be harder to predict than you’re accounting for. Because the future of our world is not merely ‘environmental degradation and the collapse of industrial systems’, but the fabric of reality is gradually disintegrating on a deeper level as well. This is the cause for your observation that reality has been ‘glitching out’ lately. It’s gotten really bizarre since 2021 or so, but the signs have been there for longer than that.
Do me a favour some time and when you’re out walking around in the early evening when it’s dark, around when you’d expect that the normal people have just come home from work, and take note of how many houses in your area actually have their lights on when you’d expect for them to. In my area, about 80% of them are always dark, and I’m in the centre of a small city – it wasn’t like this a few years ago. I don’t have a good, coherent explanation but I’m curious if it’s the same in your area as well.
>Do me a favour some time and when you’re out walking around in the early evening when it’s dark, around when you’d expect that the normal people have just come home from work, and take note of how many houses in your area actually have their lights on when you’d expect for them to. In my area, about 80% of them are always dark, and I’m in the centre of a small city – it wasn’t like this a few years ago. I don’t have a good, coherent explanation but I’m curious if it’s the same in your area as well.
Yeah I started noticing this a year or two ago myself. Too many houses without the lights on. I actually used to complain about it on Twitter.
I started noticing I run into fewer old people than I was used to too, mostly people aged 20-40.
Not sure what to make of it, I thought for a while they could be faking the excess mortality numbers.
But the more straightforward explanation is that you just need some cannabidiol, maybe some nicotine and a night of good sleep.
If the excess mortality was fake, you would expect to hear about a lot of funerals. That would be hard to cover up. You’d expect lots of celebrity deaths too.
Reality breaking down is how it feels to me lately, but that’s not really a model of the world that gets you anywhere.
>If the excess mortality was fake, you would expect to hear about a lot of funerals. That would be hard to cover up. You’d expect lots of celebrity deaths too.
This is exactly what LSWMs have been saying is going on e.g. funeral directors being much busier with young dead
Here’s a question: how do you get rid of negative entity attachments?
I know people take tobacco during ayahuasca trips to purge negativity, but I’m curious what you think.
>Here’s a question: how do you get rid of negative entity attachments?
I addressed this some time ago when I commented about the latest psychotherapeutic modality known as “IFS” (Internal Family Systems)
These so-called therapists follow after the Transpersonal psychologists like Stanislov Groff who used to take gargantuan doses of LSD to map the terrain of the psyche, with many references made to the birth process, i.e., if your umbilical cord got wrapped around your neck, you would evolve to be “repressed” or “stricken” in some way.
Personally, I’m not totally convinced, but I for one will never ignore the ravings of an intelligent man who did tons of psychedelic drugs.
Anyway, getting back to IFS…
Internal Family Systems seems to be a most recent outgrowth of the latest “consciousness research” fields.
Their overarching understanding is that the idea that we are unitary beings is an illusion. That we (neurotypicals, anyway) are actually made up of many parts, with those parts residing within the dark and murky swamp of our subconscious.
(Shout out to commenter Diogenes, who was groping towards this truth when he commented about 4 to 5 competing ‘selves” operating under the level of conscious awareness.)
However, there is an abiding debate deep within the IFS family. One of its progenitors, Robert Falconer, insists that what IFS practitioners call “unattached burdens” are in fact, much like the “demons” or “devil possession” of lore.
(In this video you will see Robert Falconer outline the absolutely EVIL (I don’t use that word lightly) conditions he endured as a child at the hands of his psychopathic parents. (somewhere around the 4:45 mark).He mentions the torture of being unable to breathe, the waterboarding of the prisoners at Guantanamo, and how his father knew that he (Robert) was terrified of not being able to draw a breath, so his sadistic father would sodomize him while choking him).
Before going further, I would ask anyone reading to ask themselves, what kind of world are we living in where the parent of a child gets sexual pleasure from sodomizing thier child, choking them so they cant get air to breathe???
Sure, this may be considered an “edge case” that only happens to 1% of the population, but the fact that this horror occurs at all is a damning indictment of what most of us call “reality”, and should be entered into evidence that whatever Intelligence created this world is not benevolent and does not have our best interests at heart.
I have previously posted an effort-video by Chuck Swindoll where he had a slide which elucidated the truth of our world. Low-level “conspiracy theories” name things like Freemasons or the Bilderberg group, but higher up the chain you find things like the “Black Pope” or various weird things like that.
But what is not weird, is what he called the “Khazarian Mafia” which straddles between the material and immaterial realms.
This is why what is known as “Jews” in the colloquial sense among the LSWM, are so often perceived as “demons”. Their visage is often distorted, bizarre, unnerving.
This is not simply a result of their inbreeding (though that is a significant factor)
It is because they have a pact with the Demiurge which rules the material realm. This is why they are the “Chosen People”
They are essentially “house niggers” who have decided, like “Cypher” from “The Matrix” to pledge their fealty to YAHWEH/Demiurge, in order to collect the gold coins of this Hell Realm.
And the rest of us who have a spark of Sophia within us are locked into this prison with these demons.
So how did people find out about Sophia the Divine Spark and the Demiurge. How did they know?
> So how did people find out about Sophia the Divine Spark and the Demiurge. How did they know?
They didn’t “know” in the strict sense of the word, I.e., (conceptual verbal understanding)
There was something within them that disturbed them when they took a hard look at the reality they were living in. They felt something was not quite right with life on Earth, that it was horrific that all biological organisms must kill and eat other biological organisms.
This set the Gnostics and Cathars apart from the rest of humanity who eagerly accepted this state of affairs, and who in various ways constructed “bubbles of self-justifying rationalizations” to feel at peace with their participation in meatgrinder this Hell Realm actually is.
And it doesn’t matter if the “meat grinding” is among animals or humans. They could tell it was all a big food chain of ravenous hunger and screams of pain.
A good test to know if one has the spark of Sophia within them is to observe one’s reactions to the interminable Middle East conflict between Israel and Palestine.
Put aside any higher-level conceptualizations about politics, ideology, strategy, or visions of the future for the moment. Simply look at the terrible, horrific, agonizing tragedy of the human pain.
If it shocks your conscience, then you might have the spark of Sophia within in you.
If it doesn’t, then you have wordlessly affirmed your allegiance to the Demiurgic “evolutionary process” of this particular Simulation.
> If it doesn’t, then you have wordlessly affirmed your allegiance to the Demiurgic “evolutionary process” of this particular Simulation.
Or perhaps are simply autistic
In my area the houses are dark because “post covid” everyone is out every night, going to some event, even if they feel sick. I have never before seen such extreme sociability. A lot of restaurants and venues have gone under, but the remaining ones are completely jammed, and the roads are jammed much later into the evenings than they were before the pandemic. I don’t know if it is psychological or if covid has affected their brains; of course I would guess the latter.
I live in an area where jogging has been common for decades; you would look out your window and typically see a several young people jogging. There are far fewer joggers now. The young people still participate in athletics from what I read, but I don’t think they have the energy to also jog.
I watched Wombat’s recommendations (I’m young & not familiar with a lot of the classic stuff). Also The Fog by Carpenter was great. I might look at Charlie’s next…
And someone recommended Argento movies somewhere and they’re great, though he fell off REAL BAD I heard.
I haven’t seen a lot of those amateur movies either. I like scary, but not bleak or masochistic. I want the good guys to win, I want to root for the winning team (even if they make sacrifices) and I like a stylized environment— colorful, great music, attractive, etc. Too much grimy and nihilistic and it becomes a reminder of how the everyday world is, in which case why watch a movie?
That’s part of what I really enjoyed in the Argento movies. The characters were very sympathetic, you admired their bravery in confronting these psychos on the loose before they got to more people.
Making an amateur horror movie sounds like it would be a lot of fun though, you should really give it a try. It would be great to see!
Another (very sad, I confess) pleasure I get from watching older movies is how functional everything looks and how pleasant normal, everyday, life seems. Office life, walking the streets, in a public space, wherever— somehow everything looks higher quality, brighter, in better shape, and everyone seems more carefree and relaxed. Not like the dystopia we live in today. It’s a way of vicariously experiencing those environments and that society.
That is why such movies vanished slowly from public perception mid-90ies.
Imagine being a chief programming director or how they call it at a big TV station or at a central programming agency (TM). You want to shock them with war footage from a 70ies movie, but accidentally they all talk about what you notice.
Rad – I’m fairly sure I have covid. Would it be ok to take magic mushrooms two weeks ( or even a week?) after having had it? I know psychedelics cause vascular constriction and covid gives your vascular system a kicking, so I’m wondering if it might be safer to wait a month?