Just Music

Without music and animals I would have died long ago.

But seen from the right angle, the world is strangely perfect.

The trick is to find that angle.

Music is perhaps the most important tool for this.

I often wish I could convey what music does to me.

The best stuff is the stuff nobody knows and comes straight from the soul.

Under the classified info page I put an Ariel Pink song that had its music video removed from YouTube after he attended the capitol hill riot.

I really don’t care much about people’s politics, everyone can observe just a few parts of the same elephant and is blind to all the others.

But I have to point out Harlow Road again. This guy just pours his soul into his music.

The best song of course is the collab with NotLewy:

And here is something entirely different, something more polished:

It’s weird to think about almost all of this would have been incompatible with my mind without cannabis and psychedelics.

I like to think there is order hidden very well underneath all the chaos.


  1. I guess you’re right that this music is incompatible with a brain that hasn’t been altered by cannabis and psychedelics because it sounds just awful to me, hideous. But if you enjoy it, go on with your bad self.

    Have some thoughts on classical music?

    • >Have some thoughts on classical music?

      Yes, it’s music for people who don’t actually enjoy music, but want to feel sophisticated.

      • you are right only if you are strictly speaking about the classical period (mozart to beethoven). mozart is overrated, but beethoven was a true genius. there are a few highlights from the baroque period, but a lot of it is same-y. romantic era music is the best though. as cliched as it is, fantasy overture from romeo and juliet still gives me goosebumps when it comes on the radio.

        • What low status white males never seem to comprehend is that art is made for a particular context.

          You live in a loud rough machine landscape, where you can hear your neighbors talking through your walls, people’s vacuum cleaners, people’s dogs barking outside, white trash in their gardens yelling bullshit at each other and scooters and trucks in the distance.

          You’re not living in Versailles, you’re not living by yourself in a castle on a hill. And you’re not a Viennese aristocrat, you’re a low status white male.

          So why do low status white males insist on listening to music made for people who lived 200 years ago?

          It’s music that was not made for you. The music made for you, is the music that was made during the era you were born in.

          Your inbred LSWM peasant ancestors didn’t listen to Mozart or Beethoven or Lully or Vivaldi either (no, you people are not descended from the aristocrats, sorry), they listened to improvised folksy stuff played with a hurdy-gurdy that was never recorded on paper. And a lot of it sounded more like modern rap than like classical music.

          It’s like this strange fetish for paintings from the Renaissance. I’m Dutch, but I’m descended from catholic labor migrants from Brabant, day laborers who became chronically unemployed once agriculture was mechanized.

          So why would I fawn over paintings of a bunch of rich Calvinists dressed up for their painting of their little shooting club?

          Just accept that you’re a prole, descended from proles, instead of hyping up the culture of people who ruled over your prole ancestors 200-300 years ago.

          That’s my recommendation.

          I’m not saying I hate all classical music. I like some Lully, I like some Purcell.

          But I like it in the same way that I like some Japanese movies from the 50’s: It’s not my culture and the vast majority of it is never going to resonate with me the way it would with the people it was originally made for.

          • OK, you’ve convinced me.
            I will never listen to lovely Ludwig Van again but instead Harlow Road, because he just pours his soul into his music.
            So I can be as cool as you.

    • I’ve had my brain altered by cannabis and psychedelics, and also think this music is awful, total garbage. It reminds me of Lil Peep, which is also adored by our host, but to me just sounds like noise. But I’m Gen X, I think this is probably a generational difference, and this type of music probably only appeals to people born after 1990.

      I think it has something to do with the increase of the childhood vaccination schedule that occurred around that time, when we started seeing a major increase in autism, followed by an exponential increase of those identifying as gay, transgender, non-binary, and vegan. It makes sense that people that are vaccine damaged would also have damaged auditory receptors in their brain. So telling by his statement about classical music. Only a person who is tone deaf could make a statement like that.

      • Found a triggered LSWM

        >followed by an exponential increase of those identifying as gay, transgender, non-binary, and vegan

        Low status white males, if you had to choose, would you rather have your kid come out as gay, transgender, non-binary or vegan?

        Also, if there was a vaccine against the woke mind virus and Elon Musk himself was responsible for its creation and Alex Jones injected it into his butt live on his show, would you give it to your kids?

        • Triggered? LOL. So says the vegan autist who hates people. The statistics speak for themselves.

          >Low status white males, if you had to choose, would you rather have your kid come out as gay, transgender, non-binary or vegan?

          None of the above.

          Veganism is fake and gay. Why? Because it’s unnatural. The evidence exists in nature. The perfect food for babies is and will always be breast milk. It’s a super food, providing all the essential nutrients needed to be strong and healthy. You take that away, you get a weak and sickly baby, and if you also give that baby a ton of vaccines, you’ll likely get yourself a sociopathic vegan tranny who hates people but also hates himself even more.

          It’s kind of sad. All these vaccine damaged people running around thinking they are smarter and better than everyone else, actually using the word autist as if if were some kind of compliment, when they are actually missing a significant chunk of their brains, as if they’ve been partially chemically lobotomized and don’t even know it.

  2. Jackdaws everywhere I look. Sitting on my balcony, the world is decending into chaos. I just had a beer and have a smile on my face. I think I’ll go in and get another one.

  3. I’ve been listening to a lot of Tom Petty lately. Such a cool, mellow, vibe. I like it— aside from just how well down and nice it sounds— because moods and people like that are very rare these days, whereas emo/gloom/rage is far more common and amplified.

    Generally speaking 70s / 80s are the best.

    And yeah, taste in music and politics don’t seem very correlated.

    • Also I’m glad you’re not posting stuff that’s entirely political or edgy debates, it’s refreshing.

      I really liked your blog when I first started reading it because you would notice things nobody else did, often in a very amusing way. That’s why I comment, even if I am bonafide LSWM in almost everything.

      Don’t let these endless and tiresome debates take your individuality, you are a unique and interesting person.

  4. Quote: “It’s weird to think about almost all of this would have been incompatible with my mind without cannabis and psychedelics”.

    Drugs do connect our splitted brains, that’s the reason why we use and like drugs. We want back the brain unity we naturally have, but which was removed from us cultural by splitting us into good and bad, idealists and rationalists.

    Seems like each drug has a different way to connect, like those using DMT are all seeing machine elves as a result of the specific DMT caused connection.

    What you see as autism, Rintrah, is in fact a total disabling of your idealistic side, which results in your misantrophy and gives you your sperg power … pure rationalism (what makes you technically a “bad” person).

    With drugs you are connected to your idealism again. But you don’t wanna give it to humans, only to animals.

  5. It’s so sad for me to see how we are a species of brain cripples, one-eyed.

    Maybe it was a necessary step of evolution to make civilization possible, or maybe it was a sinistre plot of rulers in the past … or a mixture of both.

    We try to compensate it with switching, situational we use the one side, or the other. Occasionally we use both, and call it “flow” or whatever.

    Some do never switch, are always on one side, pure idealists or pure rationalists, but most switch often, some can even switch several times in a conversation.

    But there are so few who can merge, and even they can only merge for a short time, because it’s like balancing an egg on a knife.

    We can only be a healthy species if we all learn to merge all the time. I think this is only possible if a person is raised from the beginning as merger. Those who were raised from the beginning as switchers can never achive this.

  6. Papists mistake the feelings and they hold for various arbitrary objects and rituals for soul.

  7. Rintrah, I see now why you have to use cannabis AND mushrooms.

    The blockade of your idealistic side is that hard, that you need both to break through.

  8. The dualism “good via bad” from the idealistic side is 100% equal to the dualism “idealism via rationalism” from the rationalistic side.

    Why can’t you see this?

    Because you are switchers, only mergers can see this.

  9. It’s like as if I have found a weapon to beat anybody. Only those who take the same weapon can beat me. But if somebody does this, I throw away my weapon and call him a friend.

    But I’m so lonely where I am … and you all think I’m totally crazy.

    You’re right.

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