“So in the first act, we have this tacky businessman with children from three different women, who decides to run for president as a conservative Republican. No political experience, complains about rapists crossing the border, surges to the top in the polls. Runs against a woman with parkinson’s disease, she collapses in public during a memorial for the most traumatic day in their collective history, he wins the election. Do I have that right?”
“Yeah that’s basically it.”
“Alright, so then he’s president for four years, loses the re-election, claims there was voter fraud, rallies his supporters to the capitol, where people enter the building to stop his new opponent, an elderly former vice president, from getting formally declared victorious in the election. One of his supporters, a young woman, is killed in the attack.”
“Alright, but then in act two, it turns out the son of the vice president, who survived a car accident in childhood that killed his mother and left him seriously injured, is addicted to crack cocaine. And he uses his access to his dad to get prestigious well-paying jobs. And the new president also seems to have some form of dementia that gets steadily worse, culminating in referring to the president of Ukraine as Putin, his country’s main opponent and his own vice-president as Trump, your protagonist for the story. Do I have that right?”
“Yeah pretty much. But you skipped over the part where the protagonist is declared a felon because he paid hush money to a prostitute.”
“Alright fine, but hold on a second. Now we get to act three, the run-up to the next election. Let me get this straight. Just checking whether I got this right. So in the third act, the protagonist gets shot during a campaign rally, hit by just a single bullet that pierces the upper fringe of his ear. Then he gets up, raises his fist into the air with small bits of blood dripping on his face, to loud thunderous cheering of the crowd of course, before he is escorted to the hospital.”
“Yeah that’s the idea.”
“You know what the critics are going to say right?”
“Screw the critics. This is what people want to see.”
“You don’t think you’re overdoing it?”
“I would say all the elements in the story fit together.”
“Don’t get me wrong, I like the antihero. He is flawed, corrupt, but he genuinely seems to believe in his cause. A kind of Han Solo type figure, he stops smuggling for a giant fat snail to join the rebel alliance. That’s the guy everyone remembers, Luke Skywalker is forgotten. But come on. He is hit, by a single bullet, in his ear. And worse, you’re recycling the idea of his antagonist being weak, old, unlikable and in cognitive decline. I just don’t believe it. After the first antagonist is defeated, they would come up with some hip young strong cool guy.”
“It’s supposed to signal the arrogance of the empire- pardon me, the government. It insists on choosing another weak figure because it gives the royal court more control. It’s not an insult to the audience, it’s supposed to look like an insult to the people in the story.”
“Alright, fine. But still. The ear. Really?”
“Every good story has one such odds-defying moment. The gate begins to go down and the hero just manages to sneak under it.”
“Gabriel, Jophiel, what are you arguing about?”
“Hey God, look what Jophiel wrote this time. I think he’s finally lost it.”
“What’s this… hmm… yeah. I like this. I like this, a lot. And then… a single bullet pierces his ear, before he raises his fist to the audience? I LOVE IT!”
“You… you love it?”
“Yeah this is exactly how it works. It’s one of the archetypes, this primal life force, it’s vitality invading the sick old body from the fringes, the barbarians, the hustlers, this is how it works. And they defy all odds. Homeless Austrian rejected for art school, almost dies in the trenches, gets thrown in jail after trying to overthrow the government, gets elected into office, has a bomb placed under his table, marries his girlfriend a day before committing suicide, surrounded on all sides by enemy troops. We do it all the time.
Hey remember how we gave him this Italian midget as his only friend? And we had him bail him out in his military adventures and eventually rescue the guy from jail? The audience loved it, people still talk about it. You Gabriel, said we overdid it. You complained about everything. You thought it was all over the top.
‘Oh the villains have skulls on their caps.’
‘Oh they believe they came from Atlantis.’
‘Oh they send expeditions to Tibet and go looking for witches in Finland to learn their occult powers.’
You know what you should do Gabriel? You should stick to writing romantic comedy, or corporate fraud. Leave the grand epic tales to Jophiel.
Yeah I like it Jophiel, you did a good job, we’re running with this.”
“B-b-but God!”
“Only one thing. You have to kill your hero. That’s just how it works.”
“What? Why?”
“Do I have to explain this again? The point of a good story is to inspire people to believe in themselves, to find their own inner strength. You want to leave your audience better off than when they entered the room. So you have to motivate them. So you can’t make them believe their hero solves their problems for them. That just makes them weak.”
“But I don’t want to destroy this character.”
“Hey, hold on there Jophiel. Do you think I wanted to destroy the Catholic church? Jewish son of a carpenter, tortured to death by the Romans, mocked as king of the Jews. Generations of martyrs, brave men thrown before the lions in the Colosseum, men crucified upside down on their own request, young aristocratic women who hate their society, some guy in a cave in Patmos who gets his psychedelic trip thrown into the mix. My point is, I had a good story going.”
“And you smashed all of it.”
“Yup. Pedophile priests, bishops who cover up for them. Authoritarianism, burning people alive, declaring the pope to be the infallible placeholder of God. Religious schisms, having people pay money to have their sins forgiven. The whole thing had to turn into an unfunny joke. So now that’s your job. Destroy your hero, slowly and painfully. Have it on my desk by Tuesday.”
Did you just compare trump to Hitler, be careful your TDS is showing.
Over here we consider that a compliment, American.
I am not American and I still don’t see how that could be a compliment
Must have been listening to the fake news lamestream media, the enemy of the people. Sad!
Are you saying you are sad?
Exactly, Hitler is based. Without Hitler there would have been no Holocaust. Without a Holocaust, there would have been no NYC immigrant Chabad Jews. Without the NYC Chabad Jews, there would have never been the Jews that financed Trump Inc. Without Trump Inc, there would have been no MAGA. And without MAGA, there would have been no Trump. Trump required Hitler to exist – so that Trump could become Hitler. It is the MAGA circle of life.
Honestly, it’s funny to me you complain I compared Trump to Hitler, when I also had God compare Trump to Jesus. Reveals your own bias.
I simply picked out the most abhorrent comment and ignored the rest.
Hitler is vegan you retard. Do you not read this blog. Vegan = good.
So I’m a retard now? Better that than a leftard fuckwit I suppose
Trump is blessed!
A good story, although Trump isn’t Han, but Jabba! Jabba is the best character.
Bloated Jabba has his own palace, debaucherous ways with women, and taste for delicacies.
Trump is Jabba.
Trump would be more like Obi Wan Kenobi
Oh, please.
What kind of bland meatbot do you think you’ve been watching?
Really you think the political ideologies of the left are something we should embrace. Look at the shit show around the world brought to you by the left
What are you talking about?
When I said Jabba is the best character, I meant it!
May he ride high on a wave of righteous LSWM fury after decades of neoliberal betrayal from the elites of both the RIGHT and the LEFT.
Sorry I misunderstood your comment
No worries.
I like his sense for wicked humor.
I was called a supporter of the father of the vaxx, while you have to stand in the camp of the blue-haired, if you want or not.
Any American who doesn’t vote for Donald Trump at this point has my permission to fuck off to Singapore or North Korea and never spout their political opinion again.
The photographer who captured the iconic image of a bloodied Trump surviving an assassination attempt with his fist raised in defiance is about to win a SECOND Pulitzer Prize!
This may potentially be Wotan’s plan.
This guy gets it, I’m not sure the rest of you do.
They kill him by letting him take office and having him betray every hope anyone has ever placed in him: terminal financial crisis leading to CBDC and bank bail-ins (where they save themselves by seizing deposits, legally); bird flu and resurgent covid leading to NPIs and janky vaxes (plus vax mandates? why not); when Putin doesn’t come through after one phone call, more weapons and eventually troops to Ukraine; they won’t let him deport anyone, so he’ll legalize the illegals to not look like a loser.
That should take us to about next July.
Yeah, our world is scarcely believable at times. I mean the sheer odds of the bullet grazing HIS EAR!!! Just one inch to the right and America would probably be at the start of a second civil war.
Even if you’re not American, even if you’re not a denier of anthropogenic climate change, even if you despise “his beautiful vaccines”, his midwit behaviour and his sleaziness (if you believe the Charlie Sheen story about the fake platinum and diamond cufflinks), you have to admit that him raising his fist to the crowd with blood on his face to chants of “USA! USA!” with an American flag waving in the background is pretty badass.
I agree with Scorpion’s above comment that the photographer deserves a Pulitzer Prize. However I disagree with his “any American who doesn’t vote for Donald Trump at this point has my permission to fuck off to Singapore or North Korea and never spout their political opinion again” comment. If I was American I would still be voting for Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
The next few months/years are going to be CRAZY. Crazy in a bad way unfortunately, but crazy nonetheless.
I expect an ear shot for Biden as revenge.
Uhm … that could be misinterpreted.
I just had the idea the Biden handlers would fake an ear attack to restore the balance.
Bad joke. I hope I will not end up in Gitmo for this.
I have hit a point of profound indifference to any part of the political process. I was on the edge of my seat during 2020, now I cannot make myself give a fuck about any of this.
Republicans don’t “represent” me, they work against my interests only slightly less aggressively than Democrats. I’m not a Democrat or a Republican, I’m a white man.
The idea of representation itself is fallacious; you either decide among your own tribe and inside yourself what you want to see and manifest it using direct action, or you are toast. The big problem with white American conservatives is that they fell for the lie of representation.
That’s why they give a shit about Trump, they’re so desperate for anyone to even pretend to manifest their goals that they’ll treat a literal 90s Democrat like the second coming of Jesus himself.
They are too retarded to learn about autonomous organization, direct action, or how sociology is literally the science of causing political change. Leftists literally have this shit down to a science by now and Republicans do not even know how to do anything except vote harder.
Vote and pout, vote harder, pout harder, never update methodology or ideology.
Fucko gets it.
Republicucks want to replace us with legally imported “based POCs” while commies just want us put in camps for being white.
Why should I care about any of these whores?
I’m just trying to stack shekels and build my own life and community up.
I couldn’t give less of a shit about the parasites who think themselves our masters.
Given the near success of the assassination attempt, we should just assume it succeeded…
I hear tell that certain leftists are claiming the event was “staged” by Trumpists to bolster his success.
But as others (including on this thread) have observed, it would be virtually impossible to orchestrate this sort of drama consciously. The tolerances for error would be vanishingly thin. To say nothing of keeping the plans secret.
But as Radagast alludes to in this entry, it is quite possible this turn of events was engineered by “higher forces” (for putatively noble ends.)
I agree with only half of that. As I have repeatedly banged my drum on this blog, using various metaphors and analogies to precisely explain the relationship between we humans and what most people call “God”, the reality of the situation is that we are puppets.
With apologies to Tryptie (who no doubt believes in the fantasy of “free will”) I have utilized various literary and scientific metaphors to explain how this whole thing works.
Radagast here seems to be proposing some notion of a “council of Wise Gods” debating amongst themselves the proper way to direct events.
I disagree with this notion. There is only ONE God, ONE Consciousness (experiencing itself subjectively). And it (and only It) is engineering our little petty human lives for its benefit.
Some say we are used as food (batteries/Matrix/“Loosh”)
Others say we are used to produce data for a scientist or A.I. program.
But what I have previously said is that we as humans are merely the characters in a film script being screenwritten by the Demiurge. Perhaps merely to entertain Himself?
In any case, the important take-away lesson from all this is that whatever notions that YOU the reader, or HER your sister, or THEY your parents, have about the “meaning” of your life, Your REAL TRUE purpose of your life is whatever the script-writer or stage-manager has assigned to you.
This is the terrible truth.
And we all, in a sense, acquiesce to this horrifying state of affairs because we feel the alternative (and the ONLY alternative) is worse:
Being the only solitary being which exists, in a dark and empty room, with nothing to do, nowhere to go, an no-one to meet.
So we all accept being sock-puppets on the hand of God/Demiurge.
“Being the only solitary being which exists, in a dark and empty room, with nothing to do, nowhere to go, an no-one to meet.”
Okay, so everyone is better off going with the matrix, because the alternative is loneliness so horrific and insanity inducing that one shatters one’s own consciousness to create some company and live in a world of delusions.
Sounds great, where do I sign up?
More seriously, I have independently arrived at this nightmare possibility before, as I’m sure everyone else has.
Now that you have identified the ultimate horror, why not embrace denying that it might exist? The delusion sounds necessary, presuming death isn’t an option.
That is another possibility I suppose, upon facing the horror, god self-destructed and we, and the rest of the universe, are god-debris.
If humpty dumpty ever gets put together again, you’d have to presume it would be such a nightmare for him that he’d do it all over.
Better to just put down the shovel now rather than keep on digging at this don’t you think?
God is indeed merciful and good by sparing you this horror.
And this realm is good too, warts and all, if the alternative is as you have outlined.
And why not live in the delusion?
In your own scenario, there is no better alternative, so it is follows that it is best to accept living in it.
God would have looked for a way out already and upon not finding one, he blew himself up, so he wouldn’t have to experience as much pain and horror.
Surely, prodding and probing at this trauma, pain and horror isn’t helping anyone?
God, the first and ultimate self-sacrificing hero.
Accept his sacrifice for your own benefit, for his benefit, and for the benefit of the rest of the god-shards who don’t want to be reminded about it.
God gave his only begotten Son (who was Himself, really) to show us that He understood our suffering and that He suffers as we do and that He cannot fully control what happens in the physical world.
I’m not talking Christianity here, but attempting to take Mehen’s nightmare cosmology to its logical conclusion, and maybe chucking in something like a little panentheism to get there.
None of which I claim to understand in any depth.
But not being one to let ignorance stop me from ranting, I submit that in Mehen’s philosophy/cosmology, or whatever he wants to call it, the matrix is to be embraced, and further speculation on the matter should be suppressed/repressed, because the alternative and knowledge about same is even worse than what exists now.
God blew himself up for a reason.
To explore different ideas, to learn what it was like not to exist, or more darkly, to hide from the horror of eternal isolation? If it’s the latter, which Mehen appears to believe it is, then it is necessary to embrace the matrix and repress all questions one may have about it because the alternative is too horrific.
Picking at it would only lead to misery, and then back into ignorance, so it’s best not to open that can of worms in the first place.
“In any case, the important take-away lesson from all this is that whatever notions that YOU the reader, or HER your sister, or THEY your parents, have about the “meaning” of your life, Your REAL TRUE purpose of your life is whatever the script-writer or stage-manager has assigned to you.”
That doesn’t follow logically. I can create a being (e.g. have a child, or have a dog bred) with a particular purpose in mind. But so what. My purpose isn’t the only purpose they need have. They can have their own self-understood purpose. The purpose of a creator is only one of many possible purposes. To say that it is the only one just takes as given what needs to be proven (and in this case, can’t be proven).
A perfect example is a lab animal. A human has total control over its life. But that doesn’t mean that the human’s purpose is the lab animal’s sole purpose, or right purpose. The lab animal’s purpose is arguably to live a happy life, and that is being thwarted by a human with a bad purpose.
I’m calm like a bomb
I be walkin’ God like a dog, my narrative, fearless
My word war returns to burn like Baldwin home from Paris
Like Steel from a furnace, I was born landless
This is the native son, born of Zapata’s guns
Stroll through the shanties and the cities’ remains
Same bodies buried hungry but with different last names
The vultures rob everything, leave nothing but chains
Pick a point on the globe, yes, the picture’s the same
There’s a bank, there’s a church, a myth and a hearse
A mall and a loan, a child dead at birth
There’s a widow pig parrot, a rebel to tame
A white-hooded judge, a syringe and a vein
And the riot be the rhyme of the unheard
What you say, what you say, what you say, what?
What you say, what you say, what you say, what?
What you say, what you say, what you say, what?
What you say, what you say, what you say, what?
I’m calm like a bomb
I’m calm like a bomb
This ain’t subliminal, feel the critical mass approach horizon
Pulse of the condemned, sound off America’s demise
The anti-myth rhythm rock shocker, yes, I spit fire
Hope lies in the smoldering rubble of empires
Yes, back through the shanties and the cities remains
Same bodies buried hungry but with different last names
Them vultures robbin’ everyone, leave nothing but chains
Pick a point here at home, yes, the picture’s the same
There’s a field full of slaves, some corn and some debt
There’s a ditch full of bodies, the check for the rent
There’s a tap, the phone, the silence of stone
The numb black screen that be feelin’ like home
And the riot be the rhyme of the unheard
What you say, what you say, what you say, what?
What you say, what you say, what you say, what?
What you say, what you say, what you say, what?
What you say, what you say, what you say, what?
Calm like a bomb
I’m calm like a bomb
Calm like a bomb
Calm like a bomb
There’s a mass without roofs, there’s a prison to fill
There’s a country’s soul that reads post no bills
There’s a strike and a line of cops outside of the mill
There’s a right to obey and a right to kill
There’s a mass without roofs, there’s a prison to fill
There’s a country’s soul that reads post no bills
There’s a strike and a line of cops outside of the mill
‘Cause there’s a right to obey and there’s the right to kill
You don’t have to kill your hero.
Just fake his death.
Like this failed painter who spent the rest of his life in Patagonia.
Yes, but I don’t believe in predestination (too Calvinist for me).
I do believe that Trump is a fatherly figure, maybe the dad that Americans need.
And I agree with our host that the quality of a father shows when eventually he steps aside, to let his children grow further.
And so, isn’t the cry “Fight! Fight! FIGHT!” something a good father would say?
(However, I don’t think he HAS to be murdered.. It sounds like predestination to me, and I find it unthinkable)
(Of course, I am not whitewashing his ordering of “warp speed”..)
As long as Trump do not publicly repent his participation in the vax-massacre (Operation Warpspeed, Father of the Vax), I will not forgive.
It looks like the elites are so greedy and irresponsible that they’ll blow themselves up on their own— no need for a revolution.
Every long-term problem, and not just hot-button ones like climate, but infrastructure, debt, military alliances, immigration is going to get really fucking bad— all the while these morons will just fight each other over the most retarded gay crap, in tedious contests that never seem to end.
If your car is already off the cliff, and in free fall, it’s too late to come up with a solution or to try to slow down. Not only late, retarded and cowardly— literally trying to deny reality. Brace for a hard landing and thank God if you end up in one piece.
For a while I thought it was a failed LIHAP attack, but after I read the SWAT team on the roof ignored they orders and fled into the building because it was so damn hot on the roof, I changed my opinion.
I totally understand this because I can’t bear it too, to stand in the sun at a hot day, and would have ignored my orders too. Then they all thought the attacker was part of the SWAT team and ignored him.
Some guy explains to his water heater how a series of pivotal synthetic events is used to alter the course of history. Or maybe not.
My first impression is that this is how it seems – which is weird enough.
When I saw the would-be assassin’s skinny arm and ill-fitting shorts-with-belt and t-shirt outfit, my first thought was that he couldn’t be more than 20 years old. On that first impression, I figured he was probably young, idealistic, impressionable. . .
A likely scenario to me seemed to go like this: a skinny (probably unhappy), impressionable, idealistic kid gets influenced and inspired by his hateful environment to take action; he walks through a series of blunders that should’ve prevented the tragedy that’s about to happen from happening; he climbs a building; takes a shot at Trump and misses; hits some bystanders and kills one of them, and gets shot dead in turn.
It has enough tragedy about it to be true.
Some people might find this strange, but I feel quite moved by this kid’s death – something about him triggers my paternal protective instincts. Maybe that’s influencing my judgment, but the story feels complete enough to me to accept.
It will be interesting to see where it goes from here.
> skinny arm
Perhaps if he had been born a mesomorph instead of an ectomorph, he would have had higher self esteem and thus wouldn’t have carried out his attack.
He didn’t look like he’d finished filling out to me, no matter what his physical type.
Just a kid.
But yes, he clearly had something ‘wrongheaded’ going on, probably a whole lot of ‘something’ wrong really.
Thank you for reminding me the human side of that boy!
I feel sorry for him, but of course I don’t agree with what he did.
He was obviously mixed up, and probably turned around into the bargain.
The modern world, and the shit ideology/brainwashing that’s so prevalent and getting pushed, has a lot to answer for – including fucking up the kids.
What I have read about him he was clearly one of us aspis/autists, maybe a young Rintrah (sorry Rintrah, no insult, but I see some similarities to you).
>What I have read about him he was clearly one of us aspis/autists, maybe a young Rintrah (sorry Rintrah, no insult, but I see some similarities to you).
Here the question about this I have. The guy was on a sloped roof that faced trump. The guy had a rifle and was wearing shorts and a tee shirt. The guy could see trump who was 150 meters away. Trump was 4 ish minutes into his speech. Trump had too have seen the guy with a rifle, but trump did NOTHING. Its a bit odd.
Trump ear from a new interview he just did, bullet didn’t seem to scratch it. It seems to be a miracle.
They would have sewed the whole thing back together, so you wouldn’t really notice anything odd beyond some bruising, unless you could observe carefully.
Master Rad vs Mr. IQ 149
1 – 0