Get ready guys, it’s happening, you can view it here, we’re starting at 9pm central european time.
Looking forward to seeing all you schizos over there:
“The lunatic is on the grass,
The lunatic is on the grass,
Remembering games and daisy chains and laughs,
Got to keep the loonies on the path.
The lunatic is in the hall,
The lunatics are in my hall,
The paper holds their folded faces to the floor,
And every day, the paperboy brings more.
And if the dam breaks open many years too soon,
And if there is no room upon the hill,
And if your head explodes with dark forebodings too,
I’ll see you on the dark side of the moon.
The lunatic is in my head,
The lunatic is in my head,
You raise the blade, you make the change,
You rearrange me ’til I’m sane,
You lock the door, and throw away the key,
And there’s someone in my head, but it’s not me.
And if the cloud bursts, thunder in your ear,
You shout and no one seems to hear,
And if the band you’re in starts playing different tunes,
I’ll see you on the dark side of the moon.”
Why is a Japanese tea room constructed out of metal?
The very best parts were where the camera caught your shadow walking. A whole episode of just your shadow walking across the landscape would be great.
Was it the Bethel Church that burned? If so, it could have been because it looks like an Ikea store. Or because they think the bible is the word of God (when in fact Christ is). I couldn’t tell for certain from the news stories what church it was.
I liked it.
Dutch graffiti is pretty good.
Maybe you could have a small fire (a camping stove?) in a desolate spot and ingest something psychotropic while you commune with the gods and talk to us.
For science it would be interesting to observe Radagast undergo a saliva trip. Radagast if you read this, next time you use salvia, think about Loki. If you can keep your mind together enough, see if you can ask the clowns about him. Of-course you’re probably just going to get laughed at, but it would be interesting to know what you might see and hear.
This is how people in the middle ages depicted Loki btw.
I just had a conversation with an old acquaintance, probably a former friend now, about the “vaccines”. I don’t mind a difference of opinion and a healthy argument, but then I’m not a totalitarian by nature.
Totalitarians brook no differences, so I expect that will be that if he is one. I don’t know that he is, we were both punk kids back in the day, so I guess I shall see what he’s made of the next time we bump into each other.
Anyway, he’s up to his fifth injection now, and upon hearing my views, he made out like I’m the crazy one.
I tried to explain that I thought it had been years of illogical madness, but I wasn’t going to convince him anymore than he was going to convince me.
Maybe I am the crazy one.
But if I am, then it’s a crazy self-defense/survival mechanism that I’ve built from years of dealing with malignant narcissists and the permanent conspiracy of the government/elites. And when it comes to conspiracies, I come at it more from Bakunin than Alex Jones: all governments, everywhere, all over the world, are nothing more than permanent conspiracies by the minority against the majority who they enslave and fleece.
Putting all that aside though, this old friend seemed in good health. Maybe he looked a little more drawn than the last time I saw him at the outset of the covid madness, but then I’m looking like a dog’s breakfast with one foot in the grave myself, so I’m not judging.
Perhaps it was the ‘self-organizing system’ finding a way to keep the cost of petrol down.
Perhaps it was elites looking to make a fast buck, or elites/gov looking to introduce the ‘Great Reset’, or one element of a 5th generation war, but whatever it was, it was not JUST what they said it was.
This has just been too weird for that.
Someone somewhere had a nefarious agenda, or probably there was more than one player/agenda. How do I know? Because whenever someone lies to you, it’s because they want you to think and behave in a way that is not in your interests.
In short, there were just too many players spouting too many goddamn lies for anything else to be the case.
But tell me, who was it again that was washing their face and hands?
Do I believe in God? Well, no matter what comes, yes, I do.
There are no atheists in the trenches.
Ultimately, I’m not sure I even get a say in what I believe.
> At this stage in the game, I think he’ll probably be fine.
> But maybe in years to come, he’ll reflect on the events of these years, and wonder if perhaps he hadn’t acted like a cunt.
What part of “deletions in the three immunogenic loops (antigenic supersite) of the N-Terminal Domain of SARS-CoV-2 are now being selected for in Japan, South Korea and Europe” do you not understand?
Are you not paying attention to what Radagast is trying to tell us?
“In the midst of the New South Wales elections, the Actuaries Institute’s COVID-19 Mortality Working Group announced the staggering conclusion that “there were nearly 20,000 more deaths in 2022 than would have been expected if the pandemic had not happened.”
The Group’s analysis was based on data released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) which reported similar figures last month. Excess deaths for January to November 2022 from all causes were 22,886, indicating that the final figure for the year would be at least 25,000.
While the Group and the ABS used slightly different methods, the conclusion was the same: 2022 saw the highest level of excess deaths since World War II.”
Yeah, there are excess deaths.
And I know I feel like hell, and I entered into these events feeling better. And I know that vaccinated people I know also seem to be suffering.
But it’s a long way from those excess deaths and health issues and general misery to a properly mass death level event wherein, say, 30-40% of the population dies.
Maybe many of us will all die over time from this, which could well be worse – I’m a rip the band-aid off kind of guy – but there is not a ‘Black Death’ level kind of mortality event going on at this very moment.
If there were, I’d be the first to say it.
Well, maybe not the first – I live in a pretty small bubble – but I wouldn’t be far behind either.
I live in an area where the OVERWHELMING majority took the shots, and lots of shots too, before anyone was infected with the virus.
So, if/when the ‘big dying’ starts happening, I expect to see it here with a kind of brutal ‘rip your face off’ obviousness about it.
And if/when it starts happening here, or if/when it emerges here first, I’ll be sure to pass it on – presuming I live long enough, of course.
I feel like the best part of my life is already over. I’m an economic loser – there is no pot of gold waiting at the end of the rainbow for me. Not that that would make much difference in the long run anyway, given it’s all likely to come down sooner or later from one or more causes. And to cap it off, I just don’t really like the system I live in – apart from all of its numerous faults, it’s just no fun at all. So honestly, I am really looking forward to the day that it just goes away.
I hope I live to see it.
I’ll pop a bottle of sparkling white wine.
Bring it on baby.
Mutate away virus!
I can take it 🙂
When it happens, and presuming I survive and have enough health left to fend for myself, I’ll happily spend whatever time I have left wandering through the ruins and the empty spaces between them.
So, mutate away you damnable virus! I’m waiting. I have been for years.
But ‘the end’ sounds too good to be true.
It always seems like there’s a lot of anticipation and waiting, but not a whole lot of delivery when it comes to theories about imminent doom.
I guess Satan isn’t keen to let any of us off the hook.
The really old people I know seem fine despite multi boosters, other than the ones that are now dying of cancer. It is the people in their 20s and 30s and 40s that look terrible. Especially the Asian people; they usually age wonderfully but not now.
Yesterday I chatted with an old lady in my condo complex. The last time I mentioned that I was not vaccinated she jumped away. This time, we had been discussing Israeli, a topic important to her. We mostly agreed about it, mainly that Netanyahu is a fool and is likely dooming the country in his own attempt to stay out of jail. So this time when I mentioned I was not vaxxed she didn’t much care. I couldn’t tell if she were mentally affected by the vaccine or by covid or not, since she never has always been into groupthink and that is all she has ever managed.
I’m unvaccinated but still look like complete shit despite this. My skin is extremely dry, I’m emaciated, addicted to chocolate, white bread and the internet, my sleep cycles are all messed up, getting up in the morning is an extreme chore. I have zero energy while cycling, and have to push my bike up hills most of the time (I don’t drive). It’s ironic that I’ve spent years researching the science of longevity and anti-aging but don’t put any of the methods I’ve learned into practice because I lack self-discipline.
If I lived in Silicon Valley like you, I would probably feel a lot better with all that sun and warmth.
The last 4 years have really taken their toll. Lockdowns in 2020, discrimination of us unvaccinated in 2021, 2022 brought a war, cost of living crisis and realization that the vaccines have made everything 10 times worse, 2023 was a nightmare working in McDonald’s and realizing that the vaccines have made everything 20 times worse and then another war, and Radagast’s February 2024 SARS2 blogs have me feeling numb and apathetic.
And even before COVID my life wasn’t exactly fun. College with autism and social anxiety was a nightmare. I also realized in my early 20’s that I was slowly going bald, now it’s really noticeable and I wear a hat everywhere. I could go to Istanbul for a transplant, but don’t know if I will or not. I refuse to take finasteride or rogaine.
And I know that psychedelics would really help me, but I got scammed on Telegram trying to buy shrooms and can’t find any garden shops/plant nurseries that sell San Pedro. I am considering bringing my bike on the ferry and train to The Netherlands for a cycling holiday now that Spring is here. It would make me feel a lot better, and I would have access to shrooms. I am not interested in a heroic dose (ego death), just a moderate dose to make life enjoyable again so I can start taking action and stop wasting my life, and prepare myself mentally/emotionally for what’s going to happen over the next few years.
You are discounting the damage that catching covid often causes. You need to take that into consideration. A couple of years ago I had a period of exhaustion. Although I never tested positive for covid (I still use an N95), I figured that I got it then. And so I did not push through my exhaustion. You need to give your body a break from stuff like vigorous cycling; that is just making things worse for your vascular system. Get a little electric motor for the bike for hills, and even for flat areas.
The best next thing you can do for your health is to eat a bowl of soup a day. Not purchased soup; a bowl from a pot that you have ongoing that you put good things in when they show up. That way you will get greens and tomato sauce and onions and fish and will be hydrated.
You need to take a claritin a day and also use Xlear or povidine spray to stop catching covid. If you keep catching covid you are toast. I would advise an N95 but no-one listens to me, so whatever.
You also need the same breakfast every day. You need to figure out what sort of porridge works for you. I can’t eat oats, so I’ve settled on a mix of farina and rolled barley with some brown sugar and olive oil. You need to come to love your daily breakfast like my 99 year old father in law loves his.
If you are not a morning person, don’t expect to be a morning person.
It is true that I live in Silicon Valley but you don’t know what constraints I have to deal with and my problems, so you shouldn’t assume that it is a great situation.
This is all middle aged lady advice since I am a middle aged lady. Take this advice for a month and then I’ll give you more since you’ll be feeling somewhat better and will be ready for it. Oh, yes, and don’t take drugs that you buy from the internet. And your baldness and ADD are pretty irrelevant at this point and also going forward.
> You are discounting the damage that catching covid often causes.
This is probably true, I notice now that my short term memory is not what it used to be, so I probably have suffered some degree of brain damage. This is another reason I want shrooms, to repair some (or all) of the damage. My gut microbiome is also all messed up from poor diet, so I’m certain that this and my depression also contribute to low energy levels. I refuse to take SSRIs.
Fixing my gut through better diet will also help my mood. Thanks for the advice on the soup, yeah I need to up my intake of vegetables and protease inhibitors in these foods to help my immune system.
> You need to take a claritin a day and also use Xlear or povidine spray to stop catching covid. If you keep catching covid you are toast.
I honestly don’t know who to believe on this. This is what Harvard2TheBigHouse says, but on the other hand Dr. GVB says that the cellular innate immune system in the unvaccinated has been so well trained by now that the unvaccinated don’t have to worry about COVID anymore. But of course, there is now measles, RSV, tuberculosis etc. to worry about due to population-wide immune deficiency (T-cell exhaustion) and IgG4 antibodies in vaccinees causing other pathogens to mutate.
> And your baldness and ADD are pretty irrelevant at this point and also going forward.
Sorry, but I wouldn’t consider it to be irrelevant. Online dating and female hypergamy has made dating extremely competitive these days. It’s completely different now to when you were my age. To look good bald you have to be tanned, tall, muscular, good beard or have a very handsome face. I can’t get a tan, and I weigh 125 lbs @ 5′ 8.5″, with a patchy ginger beard (my normal hair is dark brown though, if I had ginger hair I probably would have committed suicide by now). Bald, skinny and autistic is a complete death sentence:
Look at the facial expressions of those two women at 0:25 and 1:43.
If I got a hair transplant, fixed my skin and gained 20 pounds of muscle I could get a girlfriend.
Thanks for the advice, I appreciate it.
I have an acquaintance who is my age. He is bald, and also as round as a bowling ball. However, he has a very strong personality; he is always leering and making stupid jokes even though he is not stupid. For some reason Vietnamese ladies, or anyway the ones in our vicinity, find all of this extremely charming and attractive. I didn’t mean that baldness was irrelevant, but your health and personal vibrancy and your choice of subculture to date in matter a lot more.
I was on SSRIs years ago and they did help, but I am female so there aren’t the same downsides. The very best thing that I have found now for mood is low dose methylene blue. It is also an anti viral and an anti fungal and it crosses the blood brain barrier. But it is INCREDIBLY HAZARDOUS if combined with most of the things that Rintrah uses and recommends. I can only use it because my only other substance is red wine. But if you ever decide to drop everything else and try one thing, it is amazing stuff.
Re GVB. I think that what is happening in the world disproves his claim that the unvaccinated are just fine. I don’t have a lot of faith in theories when it comes to the human body, since we know so little about it (but still I love to read what Rintrah writes on the subject). Also we don’t know a lot about covid and the variants keep changing. A better objection would be that claritin helped for the original strain but maybe it doesn’t help now. I think it is kind of stupid to think that a bioweapon is fine for people who have already been damaged by it. I don’t know what GVB’s agenda is, if he has one, or if this is just wishful thinking or if he is just mesmerized by his own reasoning. I totally accept Rintrah’s point that catching the flu reduces one’s cancer risk and so avoiding catching stuff generally is not a free lunch, so it is a trade off.
The guy in the video isn’t bald. He has a stupid haircut and should let his hair grow longer, no matter how lousy his hair may be. His big problem is that he seems half dead.
I know people who seem worse after the vaccines, that’s for sure, but they’re not dead yet. Not even the really sick ones.
I live in a little bubble of my own, but when I compare myself to how others look, I’d say I look pretty damn bad. This is probably largely my own fault, plus losing any good habits that I did have over the last few years during lockdowns and so forth. Among other things, my resting heart rate is way too high after the last few years. Probably from lack of exercise, and perhaps from covid infection.
And on that score, I agree with you that catching this virus over and over seems like a very bad idea if you can avoid it, vaccinated or not.
I don’t routinely wear a mask myself as I don’t like feeling short of breath, but I certainly wouldn’t heap crap on anyone who does.
Out of curiosity, do you keep the same pot of soup going permanently? If yes, doesn’t it go bad? Or do enough of the contents get periodically replaced that it’s not a drama?
Same pot of soup. As long as it is brought to a boil daily, it can go on forever safely. Well, I am kind of assuming that you’d eat some and add some stuff to it at least a couple of times a week, along with the daily boil. One year I won the blue ribbon in the 4H favorite Food Show for a hamburger pie whose recipe came from the back of a Crisco can label, so I am qualified to assert this, and also I haven’t died from food poisoning yet. My model in this is a very old, very rich couple I know; his ancestors starved and they do not waste food.
I hear you. When I was younger and thought my issues were merely “depression” or “anxiety” or “social phobia” instead of the intractable personality disorder I have, I went to therapists and sampled all manner of psychopharmacology. I tried many SSRIs, most of which didn’t do much of anything other than flatten my affect (in this context they may be helpful for suicidal ideation where feeling numb is better than feeling anything at all), but as I vaguely recall Zoloft was the only one where I might be forced to admit some small improvement. But it was small.
I’ve also tried old-fashioned tricyclics and MAOIs (I believe it was Nardil). Because I was naive about the corporate nature of the mental healthcare industry I came close at one point to being “shepherded” to undergoing electroconvulsive therapy. Fortunately my insurance didn’t cover it and never went through it.
At one point all those years ago, I read up on St. John’s Wort and added it to my regimen. At the time, the recommended brand was called “Perika” made by Nature’s Way, and after a few weeks I started noticing subtle changes in my mood. It was a different feeling from what the SSRIs were doing to me. I would find myself occasionally getting a warm feeling in my chest/rib cage where I was normally very tense (probably due to emotional repression/tension) I would feel subtle emotions that I hadn’t felt since my childhood. These moments were fleeting, and at the time the conventional wisdom was that St. John Wort made you photosensitive and suceptable to UV radiation. I was working as an outdoors laborer at the time so I discontinued its use.
Flash forward to today. My life circumstances are so bad that my mental state has become intolerable. A few months ago I read an old thread on the Ray Peat forum by a member whose life was changed by a particular pharmaceutical-grade extract of St. John’s Wort called “Remotiv” (produced in Switzerland). His description of his experiences sounded exactly what I needed as it works differently from SSRI’s. Apparently it is more dopaminergic than serotonergic due to its “hyperforin” content (I can’t be bothered to look up the details right now).
I was only able to obtain this Swiss product by ordering from eBay from Australia and have only sampled a box, but I did start to notice those same “warm” and “funny” feelings again. It was again fleeting, but still encouraging. Due to the cost involved and the long shipping times, I have recently decided to just go back to the Nature’s Way “Perika”, which as far as I can tell, is only available from iHerb.
Anyway, I’m not a doctor so don’t take anything I say at face value. There are apparently other health benefits from taking St. John’s Wort apart from the effect on mood, but I can’t be bothered to look them up now.
Oh, and I also recall that while reading up on “natural” treatments for Covid, there were a few websites extolling St. John’s Wort for this purpose.
Mehen, thanks very much for all the very helpful advice, I greatly appreciate it. I will look into all those supplements/extracts/medicines that you recommend, thank you.
Sorry to hear about your continued mental health struggles, I can relate to that in many ways. Sending you the best wishes going forward. Take care.
Tbh I would be wary of St John’s Wart. I read Farmers keep cows away from it as they notice it ruins the animal’s sex drive. I tried it in school and it felt similar to SSRIs and the withdrawal had the charateristic ‘brain zap’ that SSRI’s give you in withdrawal. The withdrawals were pretty bad for a herb though. Everyone is different though.
I read that SSRI’s should never be given to people with autism (which I suspect I have to a degree) as it blocks out emotions. It destroyed my intuition and ability to talk to people. I was stuck on SSRI’s for nearly two decades and it’s only in the last two years being off it that my head is clearing. It also destroyed my sex drive during the most important years of my life in my 20s. I think the reason the medical establishment still dish them out like sweets is because “they’re completely non-addictive” (as they never tire of saying) compared to the traditional view of addiction. Because they take a few weeks to work you can’t take a handful of them with a bottle of wine like you can with valium or pain pills, for instance, and feel euphoria. You can’t recreationally abuse them is the reason I think Doctors are keen on them even though they are horribly addictive because loads of people can’t get off them and then get gaslighted by Doctors who tell them that their symptoms are simply returning.
>> You need to take a claritin a day and also use Xlear or povidine spray to stop catching covid. If you keep catching covid you are toast.
>I honestly don’t know who to believe on this.
After obsessively studying this for the past few years, here is my conclusion:
Only use Claritin at the first signs/symptoms of ANY respiratory infection. I’ve only caught Covid once, but when I did, I had a Claritin in the morning, a Pepcid AC after lunch, and a Benedryl before bedtime. These 3 antihistamines are all subtly different from each other. I figure they cover all the bases for that particular Mast cell concern. I would do this for any respiratory infection these days. No need to test for Covid, specifically.
Don’t take Claritin everyday as a prophylactic.
The same goes for the Povidone-Iodine nasal lavage. Only do so at the first signs of a respiratory infection. I have read somewhere that frequent Iodine lavage of the nasal mucosa can have the same deleterious effect that antibiotic use has on our gut microbiome. Though I’m open to Radagast correcting me on this point.
On the other hand, if you anticipate being in an enclosed and crowded area for any length of time (like a bar or a nightclub) it might be wise to squirt some Xlear up your nostrils beforehand. My reasoning is that the primary effect of the Xlear is not the sterilizing effect of the Xylitol, but the barrier or film produced by the grape seed extract, which merely works mechanistically and not chemically to prevent pathogens from piercing the nasal mucosa.
And I know I feel like hell, and I entered into these events feeling better. And I know that vaccinated people I know also seem to be suffering.But it’s a long way from those excess deaths and health issues and general misery to a properly mass death level event wherein, say, 30-40% of the population dies.
A couple months back I saw a video clip on Twitter of some Covid Dissident figure. I wish I could remember his name.
He made the point that there are estimates by people like Denis Rancourt and many other respectable academicians that the Covid vaccine has killed “X millions” or “X hundreds of thousands” such that these deaths eclipse any major war, or even combination of wars.
I’m not an autistic math guy so don’t hold me to the numbers.
But he made the very sobering point that while these numbers are horrifying from a birds-eye view, or statisticians view of the data, they would not amount to much on an individual level.
I believe he said something like “the average person might know of 10 deaths a year in his extended circle during a normal year. If the vaccine-death estimates are correct, the average individual would only encounter *11* deaths instead of 10. This would not be noticed by any one individual, but it would be catastrophic on a population-wide scale”
I would love to see more people (Radagast) expound on this point.
>But he made the very sobering point that while these numbers are horrifying from a birds-eye view, or statisticians view of the data, they would not amount to much on an individual level.
I agree – what’s happening is awful at the statistical level, and on an individual l3evel for those affected (of course).
When I think of a doomsday scenario, I imagine something worse than what has happened. I’m imagining a scenario wherein those numbers are horrific on an individual as well as a statistical level.
If, for example, three or four people out of every ten die from a new mutant/”vaccine” combo, then it won’t be something any of us will miss.
That’s the sort of scenario I have in mind when I think of grave predictions, such as those made by Geert.
“Bring out your dead!” Shouts the dude driving a cart loaded with corpses while ringing his bell. That kind of medieval black death level stuff.
I haven’t seen anything like that yet. Perhaps it will still happen, but I am not so sure that it will.
It might just have to be something that I need to see to believe.
I don’t think there’s anything I can really do to prepare for it, or to influence events, so it’s kind of moot how I feel or what I believe anyway.
I have in the back of my mind though the psychology of people who find themselves in cults when prophecy fails to happen, they sometimes double down rather than giving up on their beliefs just because the mothership didn’t arrive at the allotted hour, or whatever. That sort of thing can happen to anyone.
Here I find myself, in circumstances where the prophesized event did not take place.
Should I double down on my concern, or should I move on?
Do you ever move on no matter what? Or do you maintain your beliefs?
I don’t know. But it’s worth remembering that there is a risk of something like: “We prayed so hard, but the mothership didn’t come and lift us off to the stars and kill everyone else, so now we have to pray even harder to make sure it stays that way!”
That’s just human beings for you – we all have our vulnerabilities.
> I have an acquaintance who is my age. He is bald, and also as round as a bowling ball. However, he has a very strong personality; he is always leering and making stupid jokes even though he is not stupid. For some reason Vietnamese ladies, or anyway the ones in our vicinity, find all of this extremely charming and attractive.
Yes, you are correct that materially successful, dominant and “larger than life” personalities can attract women, even if they are bald and fat.
That doesn’t mean much to autists, schizoids, and various other intelligent and sensitive men.
> The guy in the video isn’t bald. He has a stupid haircut and should let his hair grow longer, no matter how lousy his hair may be. *His big problem is that he seems half dead.*
For them, it’s a revenge fantasy, which the Nazis (and now the IDF) embody. You can’t express delight at seeing civilians killed, so they rationalize it in ideological terms. Posting links referring to the slaughter will not change their minds, because they’re so anti-social that on some level they seem to enjoy it.
Same with the posts about COVID. The vaccine is clearly useless, but in many ways it’s just endless wishing for an apocalypse. The author even admits this, and that he was disappointed that COVID wasn’t as widespread or as lethal as he thought.
Looking forward to seeing all you schizos over there:
“The lunatic is on the grass,
The lunatic is on the grass,
Remembering games and daisy chains and laughs,
Got to keep the loonies on the path.
The lunatic is in the hall,
The lunatics are in my hall,
The paper holds their folded faces to the floor,
And every day, the paperboy brings more.
And if the dam breaks open many years too soon,
And if there is no room upon the hill,
And if your head explodes with dark forebodings too,
I’ll see you on the dark side of the moon.
The lunatic is in my head,
The lunatic is in my head,
You raise the blade, you make the change,
You rearrange me ’til I’m sane,
You lock the door, and throw away the key,
And there’s someone in my head, but it’s not me.
And if the cloud bursts, thunder in your ear,
You shout and no one seems to hear,
And if the band you’re in starts playing different tunes,
I’ll see you on the dark side of the moon.”
Any chance you can upload the footage after the fact? Looks like I’m going to be fast asleep by stream time
I think it should be archived
Thanks to everyone who tuned in, I ran out of data so it disconnected. This was fun, we’ll do this again sometime.
Yeah was fun, thanks for hosting all us degens, schizos and autists.
Why is a Japanese tea room constructed out of metal?
The very best parts were where the camera caught your shadow walking. A whole episode of just your shadow walking across the landscape would be great.
Was it the Bethel Church that burned? If so, it could have been because it looks like an Ikea store. Or because they think the bible is the word of God (when in fact Christ is). I couldn’t tell for certain from the news stories what church it was.
Is there any chance you can archive it? I was out last night so couldn’t watch.
Yes it is archived you can hit play on the video.
I wake up early and go out riding my gravel bike, I can appreciate this.
I liked it.
Dutch graffiti is pretty good.
Maybe you could have a small fire (a camping stove?) in a desolate spot and ingest something psychotropic while you commune with the gods and talk to us.
For science it would be interesting to observe Radagast undergo a saliva trip. Radagast if you read this, next time you use salvia, think about Loki. If you can keep your mind together enough, see if you can ask the clowns about him. Of-course you’re probably just going to get laughed at, but it would be interesting to know what you might see and hear.
This is how people in the middle ages depicted Loki btw.
Off topic. . .
I just had a conversation with an old acquaintance, probably a former friend now, about the “vaccines”. I don’t mind a difference of opinion and a healthy argument, but then I’m not a totalitarian by nature.
Totalitarians brook no differences, so I expect that will be that if he is one. I don’t know that he is, we were both punk kids back in the day, so I guess I shall see what he’s made of the next time we bump into each other.
Anyway, he’s up to his fifth injection now, and upon hearing my views, he made out like I’m the crazy one.
I tried to explain that I thought it had been years of illogical madness, but I wasn’t going to convince him anymore than he was going to convince me.
Maybe I am the crazy one.
But if I am, then it’s a crazy self-defense/survival mechanism that I’ve built from years of dealing with malignant narcissists and the permanent conspiracy of the government/elites. And when it comes to conspiracies, I come at it more from Bakunin than Alex Jones: all governments, everywhere, all over the world, are nothing more than permanent conspiracies by the minority against the majority who they enslave and fleece.
Putting all that aside though, this old friend seemed in good health. Maybe he looked a little more drawn than the last time I saw him at the outset of the covid madness, but then I’m looking like a dog’s breakfast with one foot in the grave myself, so I’m not judging.
At this stage in the game, I think he’ll probably be fine.
But maybe in years to come, he’ll reflect on the events of these years, and wonder if perhaps he hadn’t acted like a cunt.
None of this made sense to me.
Perhaps it was the ‘self-organizing system’ finding a way to keep the cost of petrol down.
Perhaps it was elites looking to make a fast buck, or elites/gov looking to introduce the ‘Great Reset’, or one element of a 5th generation war, but whatever it was, it was not JUST what they said it was.
This has just been too weird for that.
Someone somewhere had a nefarious agenda, or probably there was more than one player/agenda. How do I know? Because whenever someone lies to you, it’s because they want you to think and behave in a way that is not in your interests.
In short, there were just too many players spouting too many goddamn lies for anything else to be the case.
Will we ever know the truth?
Well, maybe not, maybe not even to something approximating a reasonable degree of reliability.
Leonard Cohen had it down pat man. . .
Things are going to slide in all directions
Won’t be nothing you can measure anymore
The blizzard of the world. . .
No hope of finding your way in that.
When they said repent
I wonder what they meant
I know how he feels there too – half the brain has been shelved – but with the right side of the brain shut down, they can’t even start to wonder.
We’ve made a half-brained world
It’s madness
I do things, all day, that make no fuckin’ sense at all.
Ivan, I know exactly how you feel
This is probably the best anti-theist argument ever put to music:
In summary: “He never has a word to say”
I remember when I was a kid, knife in hand, watching the sun come up, and no god saying a damn thing. . .
Rings true to me.
Especially at moments like these.
And back around I come Mr 5 shots:
Hey, I said you’re godless, and
It seems like you’re a soulless friend
As thoughtless as you were back then
I swear that you are godless
I like Mr 5 shots though, even if he isn’t superstitious like me 🙂
But tell me, who was it again that was washing their face and hands?
Do I believe in God? Well, no matter what comes, yes, I do.
There are no atheists in the trenches.
Ultimately, I’m not sure I even get a say in what I believe.
> At this stage in the game, I think he’ll probably be fine.
> But maybe in years to come, he’ll reflect on the events of these years, and wonder if perhaps he hadn’t acted like a cunt.
What part of “deletions in the three immunogenic loops (antigenic supersite) of the N-Terminal Domain of SARS-CoV-2 are now being selected for in Japan, South Korea and Europe” do you not understand?
Are you not paying attention to what Radagast is trying to tell us?
And what the implications of all this will be?
Despite predictions, I don’t see the body count.
Not yet anyway.
So, I’m starting to think people will get through this.
Why? Because there just isn’t the death.
I’m sure it’s coming though, one way or another – that part seems baked into overshoot.
Tn the interim, if people start dropping like flies from covid I’ll happily change my tune, and I wouldn’t be surprised.
“Despite predictions, I don’t see the body count.”
“In the midst of the New South Wales elections, the Actuaries Institute’s COVID-19 Mortality Working Group announced the staggering conclusion that “there were nearly 20,000 more deaths in 2022 than would have been expected if the pandemic had not happened.”
The Group’s analysis was based on data released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) which reported similar figures last month. Excess deaths for January to November 2022 from all causes were 22,886, indicating that the final figure for the year would be at least 25,000.
While the Group and the ABS used slightly different methods, the conclusion was the same: 2022 saw the highest level of excess deaths since World War II.”
Yeah, there are excess deaths.
And I know I feel like hell, and I entered into these events feeling better. And I know that vaccinated people I know also seem to be suffering.
But it’s a long way from those excess deaths and health issues and general misery to a properly mass death level event wherein, say, 30-40% of the population dies.
Maybe many of us will all die over time from this, which could well be worse – I’m a rip the band-aid off kind of guy – but there is not a ‘Black Death’ level kind of mortality event going on at this very moment.
If there were, I’d be the first to say it.
Well, maybe not the first – I live in a pretty small bubble – but I wouldn’t be far behind either.
I live in an area where the OVERWHELMING majority took the shots, and lots of shots too, before anyone was infected with the virus.
So, if/when the ‘big dying’ starts happening, I expect to see it here with a kind of brutal ‘rip your face off’ obviousness about it.
And if/when it starts happening here, or if/when it emerges here first, I’ll be sure to pass it on – presuming I live long enough, of course.
I feel like the best part of my life is already over. I’m an economic loser – there is no pot of gold waiting at the end of the rainbow for me. Not that that would make much difference in the long run anyway, given it’s all likely to come down sooner or later from one or more causes. And to cap it off, I just don’t really like the system I live in – apart from all of its numerous faults, it’s just no fun at all. So honestly, I am really looking forward to the day that it just goes away.
I hope I live to see it.
I’ll pop a bottle of sparkling white wine.
Bring it on baby.
Mutate away virus!
I can take it 🙂
When it happens, and presuming I survive and have enough health left to fend for myself, I’ll happily spend whatever time I have left wandering through the ruins and the empty spaces between them.
So, mutate away you damnable virus! I’m waiting. I have been for years.
But ‘the end’ sounds too good to be true.
It always seems like there’s a lot of anticipation and waiting, but not a whole lot of delivery when it comes to theories about imminent doom.
I guess Satan isn’t keen to let any of us off the hook.
The really old people I know seem fine despite multi boosters, other than the ones that are now dying of cancer. It is the people in their 20s and 30s and 40s that look terrible. Especially the Asian people; they usually age wonderfully but not now.
Yesterday I chatted with an old lady in my condo complex. The last time I mentioned that I was not vaccinated she jumped away. This time, we had been discussing Israeli, a topic important to her. We mostly agreed about it, mainly that Netanyahu is a fool and is likely dooming the country in his own attempt to stay out of jail. So this time when I mentioned I was not vaxxed she didn’t much care. I couldn’t tell if she were mentally affected by the vaccine or by covid or not, since she never has always been into groupthink and that is all she has ever managed.
I’m unvaccinated but still look like complete shit despite this. My skin is extremely dry, I’m emaciated, addicted to chocolate, white bread and the internet, my sleep cycles are all messed up, getting up in the morning is an extreme chore. I have zero energy while cycling, and have to push my bike up hills most of the time (I don’t drive). It’s ironic that I’ve spent years researching the science of longevity and anti-aging but don’t put any of the methods I’ve learned into practice because I lack self-discipline.
If I lived in Silicon Valley like you, I would probably feel a lot better with all that sun and warmth.
The last 4 years have really taken their toll. Lockdowns in 2020, discrimination of us unvaccinated in 2021, 2022 brought a war, cost of living crisis and realization that the vaccines have made everything 10 times worse, 2023 was a nightmare working in McDonald’s and realizing that the vaccines have made everything 20 times worse and then another war, and Radagast’s February 2024 SARS2 blogs have me feeling numb and apathetic.
And even before COVID my life wasn’t exactly fun. College with autism and social anxiety was a nightmare. I also realized in my early 20’s that I was slowly going bald, now it’s really noticeable and I wear a hat everywhere. I could go to Istanbul for a transplant, but don’t know if I will or not. I refuse to take finasteride or rogaine.
And I know that psychedelics would really help me, but I got scammed on Telegram trying to buy shrooms and can’t find any garden shops/plant nurseries that sell San Pedro. I am considering bringing my bike on the ferry and train to The Netherlands for a cycling holiday now that Spring is here. It would make me feel a lot better, and I would have access to shrooms. I am not interested in a heroic dose (ego death), just a moderate dose to make life enjoyable again so I can start taking action and stop wasting my life, and prepare myself mentally/emotionally for what’s going to happen over the next few years.
You are discounting the damage that catching covid often causes. You need to take that into consideration. A couple of years ago I had a period of exhaustion. Although I never tested positive for covid (I still use an N95), I figured that I got it then. And so I did not push through my exhaustion. You need to give your body a break from stuff like vigorous cycling; that is just making things worse for your vascular system. Get a little electric motor for the bike for hills, and even for flat areas.
The best next thing you can do for your health is to eat a bowl of soup a day. Not purchased soup; a bowl from a pot that you have ongoing that you put good things in when they show up. That way you will get greens and tomato sauce and onions and fish and will be hydrated.
You need to take a claritin a day and also use Xlear or povidine spray to stop catching covid. If you keep catching covid you are toast. I would advise an N95 but no-one listens to me, so whatever.
You also need the same breakfast every day. You need to figure out what sort of porridge works for you. I can’t eat oats, so I’ve settled on a mix of farina and rolled barley with some brown sugar and olive oil. You need to come to love your daily breakfast like my 99 year old father in law loves his.
If you are not a morning person, don’t expect to be a morning person.
It is true that I live in Silicon Valley but you don’t know what constraints I have to deal with and my problems, so you shouldn’t assume that it is a great situation.
This is all middle aged lady advice since I am a middle aged lady. Take this advice for a month and then I’ll give you more since you’ll be feeling somewhat better and will be ready for it. Oh, yes, and don’t take drugs that you buy from the internet. And your baldness and ADD are pretty irrelevant at this point and also going forward.
> You are discounting the damage that catching covid often causes.
This is probably true, I notice now that my short term memory is not what it used to be, so I probably have suffered some degree of brain damage. This is another reason I want shrooms, to repair some (or all) of the damage. My gut microbiome is also all messed up from poor diet, so I’m certain that this and my depression also contribute to low energy levels. I refuse to take SSRIs.
Fixing my gut through better diet will also help my mood. Thanks for the advice on the soup, yeah I need to up my intake of vegetables and protease inhibitors in these foods to help my immune system.
> You need to take a claritin a day and also use Xlear or povidine spray to stop catching covid. If you keep catching covid you are toast.
I honestly don’t know who to believe on this. This is what Harvard2TheBigHouse says, but on the other hand Dr. GVB says that the cellular innate immune system in the unvaccinated has been so well trained by now that the unvaccinated don’t have to worry about COVID anymore. But of course, there is now measles, RSV, tuberculosis etc. to worry about due to population-wide immune deficiency (T-cell exhaustion) and IgG4 antibodies in vaccinees causing other pathogens to mutate.
> And your baldness and ADD are pretty irrelevant at this point and also going forward.
Sorry, but I wouldn’t consider it to be irrelevant. Online dating and female hypergamy has made dating extremely competitive these days. It’s completely different now to when you were my age. To look good bald you have to be tanned, tall, muscular, good beard or have a very handsome face. I can’t get a tan, and I weigh 125 lbs @ 5′ 8.5″, with a patchy ginger beard (my normal hair is dark brown though, if I had ginger hair I probably would have committed suicide by now). Bald, skinny and autistic is a complete death sentence:
Look at the facial expressions of those two women at 0:25 and 1:43.
If I got a hair transplant, fixed my skin and gained 20 pounds of muscle I could get a girlfriend.
Thanks for the advice, I appreciate it.
I have an acquaintance who is my age. He is bald, and also as round as a bowling ball. However, he has a very strong personality; he is always leering and making stupid jokes even though he is not stupid. For some reason Vietnamese ladies, or anyway the ones in our vicinity, find all of this extremely charming and attractive. I didn’t mean that baldness was irrelevant, but your health and personal vibrancy and your choice of subculture to date in matter a lot more.
I was on SSRIs years ago and they did help, but I am female so there aren’t the same downsides. The very best thing that I have found now for mood is low dose methylene blue. It is also an anti viral and an anti fungal and it crosses the blood brain barrier. But it is INCREDIBLY HAZARDOUS if combined with most of the things that Rintrah uses and recommends. I can only use it because my only other substance is red wine. But if you ever decide to drop everything else and try one thing, it is amazing stuff.
Re GVB. I think that what is happening in the world disproves his claim that the unvaccinated are just fine. I don’t have a lot of faith in theories when it comes to the human body, since we know so little about it (but still I love to read what Rintrah writes on the subject). Also we don’t know a lot about covid and the variants keep changing. A better objection would be that claritin helped for the original strain but maybe it doesn’t help now. I think it is kind of stupid to think that a bioweapon is fine for people who have already been damaged by it. I don’t know what GVB’s agenda is, if he has one, or if this is just wishful thinking or if he is just mesmerized by his own reasoning. I totally accept Rintrah’s point that catching the flu reduces one’s cancer risk and so avoiding catching stuff generally is not a free lunch, so it is a trade off.
The guy in the video isn’t bald. He has a stupid haircut and should let his hair grow longer, no matter how lousy his hair may be. His big problem is that he seems half dead.
I know people who seem worse after the vaccines, that’s for sure, but they’re not dead yet. Not even the really sick ones.
I live in a little bubble of my own, but when I compare myself to how others look, I’d say I look pretty damn bad. This is probably largely my own fault, plus losing any good habits that I did have over the last few years during lockdowns and so forth. Among other things, my resting heart rate is way too high after the last few years. Probably from lack of exercise, and perhaps from covid infection.
And on that score, I agree with you that catching this virus over and over seems like a very bad idea if you can avoid it, vaccinated or not.
I don’t routinely wear a mask myself as I don’t like feeling short of breath, but I certainly wouldn’t heap crap on anyone who does.
Out of curiosity, do you keep the same pot of soup going permanently? If yes, doesn’t it go bad? Or do enough of the contents get periodically replaced that it’s not a drama?
I’m working at the moment, and it’s hard to stay motivated at the best of times, but against this backdrop. . .
I’m longing for a disaster to set me free.
I assure you; I’ll be the first to point it out if and when it happens.
Bring it on!
Same pot of soup. As long as it is brought to a boil daily, it can go on forever safely. Well, I am kind of assuming that you’d eat some and add some stuff to it at least a couple of times a week, along with the daily boil. One year I won the blue ribbon in the 4H favorite Food Show for a hamburger pie whose recipe came from the back of a Crisco can label, so I am qualified to assert this, and also I haven’t died from food poisoning yet. My model in this is a very old, very rich couple I know; his ancestors starved and they do not waste food.
There is an old saying: “Live long, eat soup.”
That’s interesting. I’ll have to try it. I do like a good soup, there are times when I eat some that I can just feel it flush through my whole body.
Thanks for the tip.
“In short, there were just too many players spouting too many goddamn lies for anything else to be the case.”
I’m not sure that anyone is in control, but if anyone is, I think we all know it’s just gotta be the Father of Lies.
LSWM Lives Matter:
> I refuse to take SSRIs.
I hear you. When I was younger and thought my issues were merely “depression” or “anxiety” or “social phobia” instead of the intractable personality disorder I have, I went to therapists and sampled all manner of psychopharmacology. I tried many SSRIs, most of which didn’t do much of anything other than flatten my affect (in this context they may be helpful for suicidal ideation where feeling numb is better than feeling anything at all), but as I vaguely recall Zoloft was the only one where I might be forced to admit some small improvement. But it was small.
I’ve also tried old-fashioned tricyclics and MAOIs (I believe it was Nardil). Because I was naive about the corporate nature of the mental healthcare industry I came close at one point to being “shepherded” to undergoing electroconvulsive therapy. Fortunately my insurance didn’t cover it and never went through it.
At one point all those years ago, I read up on St. John’s Wort and added it to my regimen. At the time, the recommended brand was called “Perika” made by Nature’s Way, and after a few weeks I started noticing subtle changes in my mood. It was a different feeling from what the SSRIs were doing to me. I would find myself occasionally getting a warm feeling in my chest/rib cage where I was normally very tense (probably due to emotional repression/tension) I would feel subtle emotions that I hadn’t felt since my childhood. These moments were fleeting, and at the time the conventional wisdom was that St. John Wort made you photosensitive and suceptable to UV radiation. I was working as an outdoors laborer at the time so I discontinued its use.
Flash forward to today. My life circumstances are so bad that my mental state has become intolerable. A few months ago I read an old thread on the Ray Peat forum by a member whose life was changed by a particular pharmaceutical-grade extract of St. John’s Wort called “Remotiv” (produced in Switzerland). His description of his experiences sounded exactly what I needed as it works differently from SSRI’s. Apparently it is more dopaminergic than serotonergic due to its “hyperforin” content (I can’t be bothered to look up the details right now).
I was only able to obtain this Swiss product by ordering from eBay from Australia and have only sampled a box, but I did start to notice those same “warm” and “funny” feelings again. It was again fleeting, but still encouraging. Due to the cost involved and the long shipping times, I have recently decided to just go back to the Nature’s Way “Perika”, which as far as I can tell, is only available from iHerb.
Anyway, I’m not a doctor so don’t take anything I say at face value. There are apparently other health benefits from taking St. John’s Wort apart from the effect on mood, but I can’t be bothered to look them up now.
Oh, and I also recall that while reading up on “natural” treatments for Covid, there were a few websites extolling St. John’s Wort for this purpose.
Do your own research.
Mehen, thanks very much for all the very helpful advice, I greatly appreciate it. I will look into all those supplements/extracts/medicines that you recommend, thank you.
Sorry to hear about your continued mental health struggles, I can relate to that in many ways. Sending you the best wishes going forward. Take care.
Tbh I would be wary of St John’s Wart. I read Farmers keep cows away from it as they notice it ruins the animal’s sex drive. I tried it in school and it felt similar to SSRIs and the withdrawal had the charateristic ‘brain zap’ that SSRI’s give you in withdrawal. The withdrawals were pretty bad for a herb though. Everyone is different though.
I read that SSRI’s should never be given to people with autism (which I suspect I have to a degree) as it blocks out emotions. It destroyed my intuition and ability to talk to people. I was stuck on SSRI’s for nearly two decades and it’s only in the last two years being off it that my head is clearing. It also destroyed my sex drive during the most important years of my life in my 20s. I think the reason the medical establishment still dish them out like sweets is because “they’re completely non-addictive” (as they never tire of saying) compared to the traditional view of addiction. Because they take a few weeks to work you can’t take a handful of them with a bottle of wine like you can with valium or pain pills, for instance, and feel euphoria. You can’t recreationally abuse them is the reason I think Doctors are keen on them even though they are horribly addictive because loads of people can’t get off them and then get gaslighted by Doctors who tell them that their symptoms are simply returning.
LSWM Lives Matter:
>> You need to take a claritin a day and also use Xlear or povidine spray to stop catching covid. If you keep catching covid you are toast.
>I honestly don’t know who to believe on this.
After obsessively studying this for the past few years, here is my conclusion:
Only use Claritin at the first signs/symptoms of ANY respiratory infection. I’ve only caught Covid once, but when I did, I had a Claritin in the morning, a Pepcid AC after lunch, and a Benedryl before bedtime. These 3 antihistamines are all subtly different from each other. I figure they cover all the bases for that particular Mast cell concern. I would do this for any respiratory infection these days. No need to test for Covid, specifically.
Don’t take Claritin everyday as a prophylactic.
The same goes for the Povidone-Iodine nasal lavage. Only do so at the first signs of a respiratory infection. I have read somewhere that frequent Iodine lavage of the nasal mucosa can have the same deleterious effect that antibiotic use has on our gut microbiome. Though I’m open to Radagast correcting me on this point.
On the other hand, if you anticipate being in an enclosed and crowded area for any length of time (like a bar or a nightclub) it might be wise to squirt some Xlear up your nostrils beforehand. My reasoning is that the primary effect of the Xlear is not the sterilizing effect of the Xylitol, but the barrier or film produced by the grape seed extract, which merely works mechanistically and not chemically to prevent pathogens from piercing the nasal mucosa.
But I’m open to being corrected on this as well.
> Yeah, there are excess deaths.
And I know I feel like hell, and I entered into these events feeling better. And I know that vaccinated people I know also seem to be suffering.But it’s a long way from those excess deaths and health issues and general misery to a properly mass death level event wherein, say, 30-40% of the population dies.
A couple months back I saw a video clip on Twitter of some Covid Dissident figure. I wish I could remember his name.
He made the point that there are estimates by people like Denis Rancourt and many other respectable academicians that the Covid vaccine has killed “X millions” or “X hundreds of thousands” such that these deaths eclipse any major war, or even combination of wars.
I’m not an autistic math guy so don’t hold me to the numbers.
But he made the very sobering point that while these numbers are horrifying from a birds-eye view, or statisticians view of the data, they would not amount to much on an individual level.
I believe he said something like “the average person might know of 10 deaths a year in his extended circle during a normal year. If the vaccine-death estimates are correct, the average individual would only encounter *11* deaths instead of 10. This would not be noticed by any one individual, but it would be catastrophic on a population-wide scale”
I would love to see more people (Radagast) expound on this point.
>But he made the very sobering point that while these numbers are horrifying from a birds-eye view, or statisticians view of the data, they would not amount to much on an individual level.
I agree – what’s happening is awful at the statistical level, and on an individual l3evel for those affected (of course).
When I think of a doomsday scenario, I imagine something worse than what has happened. I’m imagining a scenario wherein those numbers are horrific on an individual as well as a statistical level.
If, for example, three or four people out of every ten die from a new mutant/”vaccine” combo, then it won’t be something any of us will miss.
That’s the sort of scenario I have in mind when I think of grave predictions, such as those made by Geert.
“Bring out your dead!” Shouts the dude driving a cart loaded with corpses while ringing his bell. That kind of medieval black death level stuff.
I haven’t seen anything like that yet. Perhaps it will still happen, but I am not so sure that it will.
It might just have to be something that I need to see to believe.
I don’t think there’s anything I can really do to prepare for it, or to influence events, so it’s kind of moot how I feel or what I believe anyway.
I have in the back of my mind though the psychology of people who find themselves in cults when prophecy fails to happen, they sometimes double down rather than giving up on their beliefs just because the mothership didn’t arrive at the allotted hour, or whatever. That sort of thing can happen to anyone.
Here I find myself, in circumstances where the prophesized event did not take place.
Should I double down on my concern, or should I move on?
Do you ever move on no matter what? Or do you maintain your beliefs?
I don’t know. But it’s worth remembering that there is a risk of something like: “We prayed so hard, but the mothership didn’t come and lift us off to the stars and kill everyone else, so now we have to pray even harder to make sure it stays that way!”
That’s just human beings for you – we all have our vulnerabilities.
Geert, and others, set dates for their prophesies.
Those dates have now expired.
How long do you shift the goalposts before giving up on the prophecy, or hypothesis, or whatever?
Something to think about.
LSWM Lives Matter:
> If I got a hair transplant, fixed my skin
Have you looked into Melanotan?
I’m naturally tan, but I had read up on it for it’s boner-enhancing effects
> I have an acquaintance who is my age. He is bald, and also as round as a bowling ball. However, he has a very strong personality; he is always leering and making stupid jokes even though he is not stupid. For some reason Vietnamese ladies, or anyway the ones in our vicinity, find all of this extremely charming and attractive.
Yes, you are correct that materially successful, dominant and “larger than life” personalities can attract women, even if they are bald and fat.
That doesn’t mean much to autists, schizoids, and various other intelligent and sensitive men.
> The guy in the video isn’t bald. He has a stupid haircut and should let his hair grow longer, no matter how lousy his hair may be. *His big problem is that he seems half dead.*
Dear mister self-appointed and “Fucko the Clown” approved Israelite:
Are these your people?
For them, it’s a revenge fantasy, which the Nazis (and now the IDF) embody. You can’t express delight at seeing civilians killed, so they rationalize it in ideological terms. Posting links referring to the slaughter will not change their minds, because they’re so anti-social that on some level they seem to enjoy it.
Same with the posts about COVID. The vaccine is clearly useless, but in many ways it’s just endless wishing for an apocalypse. The author even admits this, and that he was disappointed that COVID wasn’t as widespread or as lethal as he thought.