So apparently the Netherlands sent someone to the Olympics who raped a 12 year old girl. This is just a national embarrassment. There is an argument to be made that at some point, after someone has served his sentence, he should be able to live a normal life again. But I don’t think it’s correct, to have someone who engaged in abuse of a minor represent an entire country.
Of course the obvious argument here also applies, that the punishments in this country are basically just bullshit, this guy spent 14 months in jail, while the girl has a life long trauma. And the worst part, is that this is basically just setting a precedent of normalization too. The next step is that someone like this will run for office, or becomes a judge.
And you’re also going to have people, who look at this and think “well, if I get caught, my life is not over”. But for the victim of the crime, there is a lifelong sentence. That’s just the way it is. You can find all these studies, about how you can take ketamine therapy, or you can go to some institute for complex post traumatic stress disorder and they all claim these really high rates of remission.
Well, sorry, that’s just not how it works. After you exit the clinic I’m sure you’ll feel better, but look at people 10 years later and the scars are still there. You feel better for a while and the statistics record you as a case of “remission”, but then it’s winter, or you feel lonely and the memories just start to intrude again.
And maybe after 6 rounds of Ketamine therapy you manage to get your shit together in your late twenties with some anti-anxiety medication and some antidepressants that make you obese, well it’s already too late by then. Modern society expects you to go to college for four years, but now you’re stuck picking up the phone, wearing a name-tag and talking to the customers somewhere.
“So, have you now abandoned your interest in sociology, or have you ever considered going to back to college and finishing your degree? Oh and I was just wondering, after you stopped working at McDonalds in 2020, what happened after that? Can you explain the gap in your CV?”
“Thanks, you’ll hear from us soon. Don’t call us, we’ll call you!”
You may consider killing yourself, but that feels like letting the predator win and unfair to your family. Instead you’re now just always wearing this mask and telling people you feel “much better now”. After all, if someone at a party asks you how you’re doing and you say “Well I’ve been kind of suicidal lately, I keep having flashbacks to the time I was 12 and raped after being fed alcohol”, what’s going to happen is that they walk over to talk to someone else.
Girls are much better at wearing a mask than boys, so you also rob them of their ability to be themselves. And the worst part is, when boys are mistreated, they start to resent society. Boys shoot up their school, or they start a cult, or they drop bombs on sand people for a living, or they shoot some deer. Girls don’t do that. When girls are mistreated, they internalize it. Treat them poorly and they will start to think of themselves poorly. It starts to be what they seek out. When you notice this, you want to bash your head against the wall.
The problem of course is that when there’s no national pride anymore (which is now racist), there’s no national shame anymore either. This is the other side of “tolerance”. I’m very racist, so I’m very ashamed of this happening. But sports are just a release valve now for shameful outdated nationalist sentiments, instead of being an outgrowth of those sentiments.
When Cho Seung Hui shot up Virginia Tech, the Koreans felt very ashamed. But in the Netherlands there’s apparently just no shame in being represented on the world stage by someone who abused a child. But the difference is, the Koreans felt ashamed of someone who was ill. They felt ashamed of someone who was living in hell. He had no idea how to relate to other people. He felt alienated, he had some sort of autism, he could hardly speak.
But this guy, is just the typical case of a turbonormie, someone for whom life has always worked out fine and so he never ends up developing empathy for other people and when he wants to have sex with a 12 year old, then that’s what he does, so he goes to the UK and feeds her alcohol. He’s 199 cm (6’6 for Americans), so he knows the women will line up for him. He’s blonde and has blue eyes too. If you look like that and fly to Japan, well, I’m not going to describe what happens. He’s not retarded, he knows he has all the options. But for whatever reason, he has to exploit a child.
The guy is now married to a German woman and has a child with her. You could be a small brown pajeetcel in India, born into some village with 1.2 boys for every girl, completely bald at 20 because your mom was exposed to pesticides while pregnant and there’s basically nothing you can do to make women oversee it, you could fill your whole house with stray cats, they don’t care, you can’t compensate for it. You’re never seeing any bobs or vagene without paying for it, let alone marry a white woman who towers over you. If you complain about it, you’re not taken seriously, except by autists like me. Is it any wonder, they came up with reincarnation?
But for a guy like this, the party just continues. It’s put on hold for 14 months and then they just continue what they’re doing. He is tall, so he was going to be naturally talented at some variety of sportsball, so he earns a living throwing a ball over a net, rapes a 12 year old and once he’s done sitting in jail (where he’s not assraped or messed with by anyone, because he’s too strong) he goes back to making money throwing balls over nets.
So yes, it genuinely frustrates me, that this message is just being sent to the world, on my behalf, that we just consider this acceptable. As far as I’m concerned, you should shun someone like this. You shouldn’t want to play volleyball with a guy like this on your team. And the guy should be so ashamed, that he wouldn’t want to draw this sort of attention to himself.
In the old days, you would internalize the shame and join a monastery and work on repenting. There were people in my country, who had themselves cemented into their local cathedral, where they basically lived in a cage, because they were so ashamed of being born out of wedlock. In Japan, a samurai who did something like this would be expected to cut open his bowel. The Netherlands would benefit from thinking more like Asians, or like medieval people. A guy like this doesn’t think “I brought dishonor upon my community”, but he should.
For what it’s worth: I’m a 60 yr old American mother & hausfrau, and as one of your regular readers – I am continually amazed at the breadth of your knowledge and the wisdom you display on a wide variety of topics!!
Having once, long ago, been a 12 year old girl, one who was raised by a verbally abusive mother, and having had a much younger brother, I can attest to the accuracy of what you’ve written above regarding differences between the way girls and boys internalize/externalize mistreatment.
Just thought I’d offer that perspective.
Thanks for the kind words. I’ve seen up-close how these things affect people, so this creeping normalization just really disturbs me.
Thank you for raising awareness of the plight of the “currycels”, I feel really bad for those guys.
> Modern society expects you to go to college for four years, but now you’re stuck picking up the phone, wearing a name-tag and talking to the customers somewhere.
> “So, have you now abandoned your interest in sociology, or have you ever considered going to back to college and finishing your degree? Oh and I was just wondering, after you stopped working at McDonalds in 2020, what happened after that? Can you explain the gap in your CV?”
I can REALLY relate to this. Ever since I left my last job and resumed being a NEET, my parents have been pressuring me to go back to college but I’m too afraid to tell them that there’s no point going back to college to study for a four year degree because there’s not going to be an economy in four years because civilization will have collapsed due to COVID.
Regarding the topic of this post, there’s a good American TV programme called “To Catch A Predator”. Basically it’s a “sting” operation where this Chris Hansen guy confronts the paedophiles before they’re arrested by a team of police officers:
“I can REALLY relate to this. Ever since I left my last job and resumed being a NEET, my parents have been pressuring me to go back to college but I’m too afraid to tell them that there’s no point going back to college to study for a four year degree because there’s not going to be an economy in four years because civilization will have collapsed due to COVID.“
Tbh man I would go with your parents advice and go back to college. I was convinced the world economy was going to collapse due to oil depletion and it didn’t happen. You seem smart enough to get a good degree and believe me it fucking helps to have one. Life is hard enough. Plus it will give you something to do.
Thanks for the advice, appreciate it, yeah I see your point, when you expose your brain to so much online doom porn it can be easy to start losing touch with reality, like back in 2021 I honestly thought that hyperinflation and the mass die off were both imminent, yet here we are 3 years later, everything still (somewhat) normal, albeit getting worse I would say. But yeah, try to make the most of the good times left, however long they may be. I’d like to study horticulture, useful life skill to have, and doesn’t require 4 years of study.
You should honestly just do what makes you happy.
I don’t think waiting around for everything to go to shit is the path to happiness.
You don’t have to wagecuck, maybe work on creating something you can be proud of.
Just figure out what makes you happy and pursue that.
Yes I believe you’re right, makes sense, thanks for the advice. ??
The problem is things tend to just decline very gradually.
And when they do go to shit fast, they tend to bounce up again.
It’s not really something you can plan your life around.
It’s generally a good idea to avoid having children and avoid making plans that depend on the world still being recognizable 30+ years from now.
But beyond that, just try to enjoy life.
30+ years is more than a life sentence in this part of the world.
Plenty of time.
The end through overshoot and collapse is almost certainly baked in though, presuming the road we’re all on doesn’t go off a cliff beforehand.
I really couldn’t bring myself to write 30 years before it’s unrecognizable/collapsed last time I proffered a timeline.
Partly because I think it will get a lot worse within 30 years before it finally goes away, and partly because I just WANT IT TO GO AWAY!!!
In the interim, I would seriously just advise a youngster to do whatever felt authentic to themself. Square up to it all, and stick to that no matter what.
Almost every time I’ve ever made a bad mistake it’s because it was easier to ignore my little inner voice for some reason.
So, I’d advise taking being authentic to yourself instead and listen to that voice.
I wouldn’t advise against having kids either if anyone wants to. The process of having kids is fun, kids are interesting, and nobody knows what’s coming to a certainty.
I am a depressing sort of fellow. I can tell you the last time I felt happy. I was outdoors with my daughter, watching her pick some flowers, when I felt this sensation. . .
“I’ve felt this before, what is it?” I asked myself.
“Ah, that’s joy”
>The process of having kids is fun, kids are interesting, and nobody knows what’s coming to a certainty.
Well that’s the problem, isn’t it?
You know when I would take my child to a rollercoaster? When I know with certainty the kid isn’t going to fall out of the cart.
Imagine there’s this amusement park you can take your kid to.
Sometimes kids fall out of the carts. Sometimes the crocodiles in the safari part eat a child.
Sometimes there’s a fire in the haunted house and a bunch of people die of smoke inhalation.
Would you take your kid to that park?
Well that’s our future.
Nobody knows exactly how it’s going wrong. We will have drinking water shortages in 2030 in this country. We have multiple pandemics raging that cause brain damage in children when they’re infected (suicidal ideation in Dutch teens is still about 50% above pre-pandemic levels).
The Netherlands has 10 years of natural gas left in the ground. The United States moved to shale gas and “unconventional oil”, which will not last very long either.
Then there’s this thing called global warming, that’s starting to consume the Canadian boreal forests and release methane from the soil. It caused so much rain this year that basically all of Europe is suffering failing harvests.
And then there’s the first invasion of a nuclear power going on right now, as Ukraine enters Russia.
And then there’s the demographic problem, the unfolding mass migrations. Are you going to send your kid to a vibrant and diverse school? Well, if you live in a white trash neighborhood here in the Netherlands, you won’t have a choice. Little Billy will be attending school, not with Susan and Bob, but with girls who enter arranged marriages when they graduate. I wonder why the kids feel isolated and alone?
Problems, problems, problems. . .
And yet, I think it’s a good idea to have kids if that’s what a person wants to do. Not necessarily 10 of them, like people used to do and still do in various regions, but reproducing full stop? Sure, have a kid if you want to.
The population is going to go up. Why, I was just listening to an expert explain how even with demographic issues here and there, the global population is likely to increase. Even with a deadly pandemic, or multiple deadly pandemics, and a big war thrown in on top, it is still likely to increase to 10 odd billion.
Up, up, up, right up to the point where it all craps out.
The expert suggests that large scale global family planning is a good idea, so attempting to limit family sizes and the overall global scale of reproduction/population, but that’s not the same thing as an individual choosing not to have any children at all.
I agree though that everything is getting worse, and that increasing population is going to make everything worse. I agree that more growth is a bad idea. I agree that radical transformation of society economically appears to be a good idea.
But there’s not a whole lot that any of us can do about what is coming down the pipe.
And who knows what God might still have in mind?
I don’t make all my decisions on a purely rational basis either, having been born with a brain with two hemispheres that more or less work and instincts and emotions etc, and I’m pretty far from convinced that making decisions on a purely rational basis is a good idea.
But yes, you do want to protect your children from harm. You can’t totally protect them though, and yes, this civilization is going to go away in the decades ahead. But is that a strong enough reason not to have any children at all?
Not for me at any rate. And I am well and truly traumatized by this knowledge.
At the end of the expert’s interview, he gets asked “if you could do one thing what would it be?” And he says: “ban political donations”, apparently believing that removing the profit incentive would lead to purer democracy, and from there to better outcomes etc.
He’s sort of on the right track I think, but it probably needs to go further and suggest a whole new ‘ascetic’ civilization of some kind.
Need to do away with the one we have with its greed, materialism, profits, interest, growth, over-consumption. . .
It would also need to be religious. The ‘rational’ ‘logical’ enlightened secular experiment has just about run its course and ended in a pile of fuck, so enough of that already.
And even then, would it be enough?
Or has the population bomb already gone off?
Anyway, we are now and always just so much flotsam and jetsam upon an ocean of historic forces and currents that are well beyond our control. Have children? Sure, go ahead. All of our ancestors did. And our descendants will too.
Seriously wish I’d done something like horticulture tbh You’re out in the sun all day and not aging rapidly at a desk job.
When I was younger office work seemed quite appealing; the American ‘cubicle’ open plan offices looked appealing anyway (having your own space) which we don’t really have in the UK as we’re all sat next to each other in open plan offices. Either way, office work is just utterly against nature.
I have neighbours that are on the dole and the council pays their rent. Honestly wonder what the hell I’m doing sometimes when I could just bleed the system.
Really harsh torture methods where invented to liberate the society from these kind of people back in the days. This piece of shit is not suppose to be alive. Liberal democracy kiss my ass. Cut his balls of and break him slowly on a wheel.
Since the authorities are no longer interested in justice, we the people need to take over. Defund the police. Because at this point all they do is protect the criminals from honest citizens who would do what we all know needs to be done.
I think you have bigger things to worry about than a native blond beast that misbehaved.
60% of the people in YOUR city in the Netherlands are FOREIGN and committing most rapes. 70% of the youth in your city came from elsewhere in the world and are shouldering out the natives everywhere.
This might go to explain your emotional discomfort and why you feel the need to incessantly express yourself.
Charlie the Low Status White Male who only has empathy for girls when they’re victimized by brown people. Shut the fuck up you stupid washed up boomer faggot. Get sick and die already.
>Muh blonde beast
Of-course you suck Nietzsche’s cock to. I hate you.
Simmer down, sensitive child.
You write like a mean girl and it’s a bit rich that you would talk about empathy when you’re about the nastiest individual I’ve ever encountered on the internet.
Sorry, I’ve never actually cared about you Charlie, I didn’t get why you didn’t like me and thought it was funny to troll you, but I never actually had much of a opinion of you until now. That post though, filled me with absolute disgust and revulsion.
Here Rad wrote a very insightful, and true post, with honorable intentions; shedding light on the serious overlook of the sexual exploitation of a child, the terrible trauma young girls go through when they’re raped, the double standards that are given to types like Steven van de Velde, how our nations should respond to this type of behavior, etc. And all your dumb vulgar LSWM ass can think up in response is to make Nietzsche noises and bitch about the brown people. It’s repulsive.
Congratulations, you actually managed to surprise me and raise my cortisol levels, won’t happen again though.
Sensitive douchebag, I insist that you respectfully refer to me from here on as Charlie the Scorpion God.
Of course Rintrah wrote a good, thoughtful, moralizing essay, as usual. It just occurred to me to make the point I did, as the LSWM I am.
(But how would it differ if I were a HSWM? Not sure.)
Anyway, you are by far the most repulsive poster on here. Rintrah had to go in and delete one of your stupid, nasty comments, it was that disgusting. The only time he’s done it.
And finally, this will shock you: ALL of us are the products of rape. Every member of the human race is a product of rape if you go back a few generations. I’m not excusing or justifying rape, I’m just telling a dimwit like you how it is.
My point was that there are other things to worry about, such as that the indigenous people of Europe are being raped 9-1 by foreigners.
>60% of the people in YOUR city in the Netherlands are FOREIGN and committing most rapes. 70% of the youth in your city came from elsewhere in the world and are shouldering out the natives everywhere.
“Too many brown people in your city”
-low status white male
They’re inheriting a city beneath sea level that will be consumed by the north sea.
One big submarine landslide and it’s all gone.
There is no real future here.
>There is no real future here.
Come to America then and I’ll show you around.
No real loss to Europe since you’re not having a family.
Dude, Olympics are a GloboHomo/GloboPedo event nowadays. They’ve become an embarrassment altogether and this dude fits in perfectly. Time for the athletes to seek alternative venues.
“Come to America then and I’ll show you around.
No real loss to Europe since you’re not having a family.”
I don’t think Americans realise just how fucking hard it is to get into their country legally, unless you have family over there already.
Murka seems great to visit to me, but I can’t imagine living there, the food makes you obese.
That is just the average age of an arranged marriage, in some forward thinking countries.
Wrong, right, good, bad, legal, illegal. Things are just so subjective nowadays:
It is all of those broiler chicken and swine / pork growth hormones. Things just simply develop much earlier nowadays. Pro tip for parents, feed them vegan not the growth additive infused meat.