I have to be honest to you. The transgender thing makes me so sad. We take our 5% most depressed and chronically online teenagers, we feed them a diet of Internet pornography and then we have social media algorithms tell them they would be much happier if they could simply be the object of their own desire instead of having to desire something they are not. There are discord channels where transgenders gather to convince 5’8 incel teenage boys that their only real chance of ever finding love is to “become women” instead.
None of this is really new, we saw it 2000 years ago with the Galloi and the cult of Cybele too. It seems to be something that emerges when a society is unable to continue growing. The whole thing operates on some deeper more fundamental level of reality. But what saddens me is that we really have a medical sector that goes along with this. Zantae on Twitter said that people just for whatever reason deify medical personnel, so when you’re a handsome high IQ Italian American with a permanently ruined back, you don’t take out your anger on your doctor who signed you up for this surgery, no, you take it out on a health insurance executive. Same with the transgender stuff. There are just doctors who spent 12 years after high school studying to learn how to turn people into Frankenstein monsters. But nobody is angry at them, no you’re angry at the obese blue-haired they/thems who are not evil, just mentally ill.
I mean, we really have an entire demographic now of people stuck in irreversibly damaged bodies. We have teenage girls walking around with a fake penis made out of forearm skin, that has to be inflated with a pump to have fake sex. And I just run into these people, sometimes I meet them in real life and have to play along and pretend they’re women, more often I see them on the Internet. Sometimes I see them on the CPTSD subreddit and then they bring up some story about how they regret going trans. Well yes of course you regret damaging your body.
This society has just gotten so retarded that I don’t know how to engage it anymore. Imagine if I was 18 today and I wanted to be some sort of cloud rapper. I would have to pay lip service to all this bullshit. Imagine if I was Lil Peep and just high on weed in my tour bus and I tweeted “hey look I wish you all the best but do me a favor and don’t sign up to have a fake penis made out of forearm skin because you were raped by your step-dad and don’t enjoy being a girl anymore as a result”. Career over.
If you don’t want to play along with this bullshit, you have to become some “alt centrist/alt right/e/acc/dark enlightenment/whatever” grifter, because this is now apparently just progressive orthodoxy. You know me, I’m a vegan with a predilection for psychedelics, I don’t really have a conservative fiber left in my heart. But half the population now wants to pretend that CO2 is plant food, the other half wants to pretend we should give depressed teenage girls raped by their stepfather fake penises made out of forearm skin.
Look, we face all sort of problems now as a society. We’re running out of oil and fertile soil, we’re running out of copper, we’re at 1.6 degree Celsius above pre-industrial, there’s a new virus out there damaging people’s brains, there’s microplastics in our brains, only boomers can afford a place to live, we’re in the middle of a new cold war that’s not very cold anymore.
But if we really just let 5% of the population fall down the autism -> insecure -> lonely -> depression -> chronically online -> porn addiction -> transgender pipeline, then we really just deserve to perish.
The thing with being a sodomite is that you can go back. You can have sex with another man, think to yourself: “Hmm, this smells like poop, I don’t like it.” And move on with your life. I honestly wouldn’t say no if Luigi Mangione asked me for a kiss. The whole thing sodomy thing however has never had any appeal to me, but I don’t really care about it because you can just change your mind. But you have 10 year olds being signed up for puberty blockers.
And then they say “wow, the rate of people regretting it and returning to their birth gender is really low!” Yeah of course it’s really low, if you have a micropenis and you’re the shortest boy in class you’re not exactly able to go back to living a normal life huh.
You know, we used to have creepy perverts in the past too. Back in the 80’s the local high school gym teacher of Bumfuck nowhere USA would be pulled over by police and be dressed in a skirt and a blonde wig and it would be really embarrassing for him. Good for him, he is in his fifties and physically active so his sex drive remains high, but the brain is rewired by orgasm so over time he develops these bizarre fetishes.
But now guys like that start injecting hormones. And then they suddenly feel great. Yeah of course you feel great, the brain enjoys it when it gets to make new neuronal connections. Completely change the hormone levels in the brain and the balance shifts towards very different neuronal connections and the brain will say: “YIPPY I RAN INTO A WHOLE BUNCH OF NOVELTY TO EXPLORE!” It’s like going on vacation, you can visit a total shithole and the locals will hate living there but because it’s new to you, you feel great.
You inject testosterone as a sexually traumatized depressed woman and suddenly you feel a sense of confidence and dominance you never felt before. You inject estrogen as an autistic nerd and suddenly you feel socially connected and in touch with your intuition. Of course you feel good, that doesn’t mean you made the right decision. You feel great when you drank ten beers in a night too. We all know what happens next.
The rise of the whole transgender thing, has led to the demise of the transvestites. I’m all in favor of the transvestites, go ahead and dress up as a lunatic with the other perverts. You know why? Because the next morning you can take off your dress again and go back to being the creepy gym teacher. Gym teachers are just creeps, it’s part of the parcel, mine would start talking about jerking off in the shower to me, but he dropped it when he realized I’m not gay, just autistic.
But now these lunatics in their forties and fifties will say: “Well I was always trans, I wish I had been able to figure this out when I was a child.” And then the whole thing starts getting pushed on children. And children, if you were not aware yet, are retarded. Children don’t understand anything about the world and they don’t look up a list of studies on Google Scholar to figure out how the world works. No, they listen to what you adults have to say about how the world works. High school teacher tells me global warming is fake? I believe her.
Look, none of this shit is real. It’s all made up. It means roughly the following:
-MtF: Autistic skinnyfat nerds who feel unable to live up to masculine standards and always got picked last in gym class, before retreating into a fake online world of anime where all the girls are cute instead of laughing at them when the jocks shove them in lockers
-They/Them: 110 IQ obese woman with polycystic ovary syndrome, utterly sexually undesirable to the boys in her class, because she eats processed foods and her grandmother was exposed to pesticides as a young girl. If she was truly smart instead of just a verbose midwit, she would start exercising, eating white button mushrooms that boost the production of estrogen in the ovaries by inhibiting aromatase, she would get rid of the junkfood, she would start eating fruit full of antioxidants and increase intake of vitamin E.
-FtM: Suicidal self-injuring girls with borderline syndrome who were sexually abused by their stepfather and as a result don’t want to think of themselves as girls anymore.
This is not a 100% accurate diagnosis. The Asian ladyboy MtF’s just seem to be gay. The Indian ones just seem to be evil and insane from what I’ve read. But it’s definitely more accurate than what passes for healthcare in the Western world now.
And if I now were to run for politics, if I suddenly were to become a famous soundcloud rapper, someone would pull this up and then I would have a “controversy” page on Wikipedia and you would never hear a thing about me again.
And that’s fine. Cancel me. But you know what? When I die, God won’t ask me why I gave autistic nerds estrogen, or why I couldn’t figure out that the girl who wants to have her breasts amputated was sexually abused.
I don’t know what happens when I die, but I do know what happens when you die: You’re going to hell, where Satan doesn’t bother with anesthesia before surgery.
Reading the stories of many trannies, many transgenders hate their own gender due to having terrible role models to look up to. Tranny boys have worthless absent father figures whose wives walk all over them while they drink beer and watch football all day; and tranny girls have emotionally abusive insane mothers who are completely lacking in feminine virtues. The transgenderism phenomenon tends to start in childhood with a total glamorization of the other gender due to hating your own, which eventually leads to self inserting as the opposite gender while watching porn after puberty. Then they get a bit older and they’re groomed into taking their fetishes one step further by society into full blown autosexuality. These are very vulnerable and sad people who ultimately hate what they are, and we humiliate and destroy them. This bothers me.
This is why pride is an important thing to have. Pride protects a person from evil people who try to get you to destroy yourself. Hatred is also useful, these kids ironically need to feel vengeful wrath towards the society that has made their lives so terrible. Love is ideal but if you can’t love hate is better than blind submission to evil.
Uncle Ted dealt with feelings of transgenderism himself, and the way he dealt with it was ultimately more noble. I don’t want to wish for violence but what else can I say?
>”If I now were to run for politics, if I suddenly were to become a famous soundcloud rapper, someone would pull this up and then I would have a “controversy” page on Wikipedia and you would never hear a thing about me again.”
Not anymore, not since Donald Trump was resoundingly reelected. There is suddenly much more room to speak.
The tidal wave of insanity is being washed back out to sea and normalcy is being restored.
Cancel culture is being canceled, and the Democrats who ran on the transgender agenda and against the 1st Amendment are in full retreat. AOC removed her pronouns from her Twitter account immediately following Trump’s landslide victory.
I’m not just saying this from the POV of MAGA, it’s the truth that you still don’t seem to grasp.
Things will be MUCH different as balance is restored.
I am not perfect in the department of homophobia and transphobia. Not only am I uncomfortable around such things, but I am even more uncomfortable with transphobic accounts posting endless streams of disgusting imagery. (like libs of tiktok)
I hope that this blog will not join those people.
By the way, I know your above post was not meant this way. I am just sharing my emotions
No worries, I’m not planning to post all these depressing pictures.
Igor, what would be “perfect in the department of homophobia and transphobia” in your estimation?
How have you fallen short in this department?
Respect and deferrence to their batshit crazy beliefs? Crying in sympathy on behalf of them? Calling a 6’2″ male “ma’am” because he demands it?
Speaking for myself, I don’t believe the junk they say, I don’t want to hear from the lunatics, I don’t respect them, I don’t believe in their new “civil rights” movement, and frankly I think they should be shamed and shunned.
I will never alter my language in tacit approval of those evil tricksters. Ewwwwww
And keep them AWAY from schoolchildren.
I can’t believe my former Democratic Party fell on the sword of transgender ideology! WTF
For me is very evident what is happening right now: There is an attack against order as God intended from the beginning. No, this is not religion. For me is so real. Have a look to what happened in the massive vaccine campaing. Some “experts” thought on their own that the so sophisticated immune system is something stupid and that “we can create something much better”. This is pride. And as Salomon wrote in his wisdom: “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall”. The main problem is that when nature or de order of God is attacked or strongly disrupted, then there is a return to normality. And often that return means something very aggresive. When the coming disaster be a reality in front of our eyes, then again people will make the same question that never ends: Why God allows suffering?
Alright, tranny shit aside this is just retarded. “Oh the arrogation of mankind! How dare we question “god’s” beautiful creation where children die of cancer and everything eats everything else and people get raped and killed all the time, and we’re all stuck in flesh suits that decay and die and everyone is a slave to arbitrary physical laws!”
God ‘allows suffering’ because that’s not god it’s satan. It’s a spiritual predator and it hates you and wants you to suffer on purpose, that’s why it keeps reincarnating you here. The things you hate about this world, including the things you hate about modernity, are all part of this as well. And like battered housewives, you people all keep making excuses for it. You’re all programmed to be slaves.
The argument always is based on the same words : Hating, retarded, progress and so on. But science exists. When you study maths, physic, chemistry, biology or whatever, what you are really study is a legislation. Laws. The concept of “against nature” is all around us. Nature is under a specific legislation to preserve the order, and It doesnt really care if you like It or dislike it. The point is that if you break that order, then eventually comes an outcome to restore its original position. Moral and ethic aspects are not definitely out of this context. One of the most “brilliant” ideas men have elaborated is the moral relativism born in the French Ilustration. But again, laws dont admite relativism aspects. What is really harming the world and the entire environment is to decide creating a new legislation based on that “God is useless and we can do It much better”. The Great Architect is not responsible att all of the current state of the world. Salomon already wrote about It 3000 years ago: Behold, this only have I found. That God made man upright, but they have sought out many inventions.
You ignored one of the key aspects of what I said, which is that this “order” you are referring to, embodied by the state of material reality itself, is a morally evil one. If you’re worshipping the being that created it, this also makes you a servant of evil, in the same way that a mindless orc who obeys the commands of Sauron might be. This is the reason why so many atrocities have been committed in the name of the Abrahamic religions over the course of the past several millennia, from the rape of children to the genocide of anyone who thinks differently: it’s because you lot, are simply part of an evil order. Your blind spot to it is why you’re eternally unable to resolve the theological problem of evil: you’re simply too close to the source of it to notice the direction which it’s coming from. And notice how you never argue for why Sauron’s world, as designed, is actually good: you simply state that it is an order which is enforced, which somehow justifies its existence to you in its own right. When your only identifiable value is obedience, or deference to an external power or authority, you become a slave, in a world with a psychopathic ontology that runs off of the maximum power principle. Do you see how this works?
I dont defend religions at all. Religions are the attempt of doctrined men to explain what God is. My ideas about God come from The Scriptures, which resolve the theological problem of evil that you mention. And also nature itself is able to answer certain questions about God. So sorry, Im not a religious person. And totally agree that this world is ruled by “Sauron” and his soldiers, totally agree. Paul wrote 2000 years ago: “For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world-rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places”. Related to obedience, this is the main problem. As people is demanding always rights rights and more rights, the mere coexistence is impossible. It is true that human being has inherently certain rights, but in the current world the world “obedience” simply doesnt exist. It is impossible the balance works if only rights are on the scene, that is not certainly a balance. Obedience to God means real freedom and real progress.
I’m a trans woman, my transition went very well and my life is much better than it was before. I’m more comfortable in my body now and transitioning also fixed my depression, which I had had for most of my life prior to doing so. What you’ve written here, for the most part, doesn’t conform to my experiences or to those of any of the trans people I’ve known over the years, FtMs included. I mean yeah weirdos exist, I’ve encountered them too, but most trans people are pretty much normal people who everyone else has loud, retarded opinions on for no reason.
I knew you were trans with the salvia trans comment, choice of anime girl avatar, and your general disposition; when we first chatted you also sounded like a bloodthirsty Pict thirsting for the blood of gods.
Anyway, personally, I don’t think I understand your position but I still think you’re brilliant.
I wish you would take a long look at why and how you hold opinions on trans people, Rintrah. I am saying this because I really like most of what you post and agree on most everything – except on this issue.
Trans people have existed as long as there are written records, and certainly before that too. In many cultures it was perfectly ok for those people to live as the gender they felt was appropriate – taking on the social role they felt fit them.
Of course opinions can differ on medical transition – I feel that in a just and perfect society where people do not judge others, trans people might feel that being allowed to express their felt gender is enough and surgeries and hormone therapy would be unnecessary or less necessary. Just like it has been historically. But still it is not my place to judge others and their choices.
I was married to a trans man (female to male) for 7 years and dated for 3 before that. I knew practically nothing of trans people before that. He had not, and has not, gone through any surgeries or hormone treatment, but still looks like a guy so much that he often passes to people who don’t know. We were usually treated like a gay couple by random strangers.
He looked like a girl only in the very first few years of his life, but from age 7-8 he looked clearly like a boy, just in girls clothes. Later (still as a kid) he started using another name instead of the given one, started wearing boys clothing and generally looking like himself. He said he knew he was trans at about 10-11 years of age. He had no history of abuse, sexual or otherwise, no traumas, no being bullied at school, and he was from a rural area of our Nordic country.
I had no issues with this because I am bisexual, it simply did not matter to me since I could date a cis male too, even thou I am rarely attracted to men, lets say 90% of the time I am attracted to females. And have had crushes on lesbians several time – lets just say I like strong, independent women – preferably also intelligent. So that figures.
Also our closest biological relatives, chimps, have 5-10% of individuals who are not straight – including trans presenting primates. That means that a similar percentage of humans must too. And when people say that the amount of trans people has increased – I would be very wary of coming to that conclusion – amount of left handed people also went up a lot after society stopped punishing and demonizing left-handedness.
Read some of Frans de Waal’s books, for example –
(A friend who keeps chicken for a hobby in her yard, had a transgender chicken. Outwardly looked like a male, with all the outward signs, and would call in the morning just like actual males do, but had female sexual organs)
I, personally, feel that most of the problems regarding trans people are problems of the wider society, and are the same issues that any minority will face – whether it is vegans, users of psychedelics for mental freedom, cyclists in a car dominated death cult society, gay people, coloured people in white majority societies etc. In a truly mentally free society, these problems would not exist.
Also, we must remember intersex people here. Their existence is a scientific fact, and they are treated wrong by much of society in very similar ways to transgender people.
Love is the law, love under will. Do not judge.
And then we get insane, inane stuff like this –
“Las Vegas bikini model ‘forced to show genitals’ after Morocco arrest as officers ‘suspect she’s trans'”
How nice and humane.
I wrote a heartfelt, eloquent response to this trans topic.
I really hope you can see that and consider the view that is I in I.
You are me, and we are you.