Today is a good day, because Germans have invaded my country and are blocking the road. For me to live to see the day when blue-eyed blonde-haired German hysterical climate change alarmists block the A12 in the Hague warms my racist autist Nazi incel school shooter heart. They are after all our brethren people.
Once again we are marching together against international finance and the agents of the Demiurg. I would prefer it if they wore long dark coats and caps with skulls on them to illustrate the deaths already happening as a result of the climate crisis, but you have to work with what you have.
Of course we have another thing in common, in that we are both well-meaning misguided idealists who have fallen for a hoax invented by globalist billionaires. In reality, the man-made climate change hoax was invented by the Rothschilds and the Rockefeller families to tax our carbon, institute high-tech neofeudalism and justify their depopulation agenda.
Climate change is actually caused by the sun, but the Earth stopped warming in 1998. The climate change models overestimated the amount of warming that would occur, as you can see here:

Of course I have to point out that even IF climate change was not a hoax invented by globalists to tax our carbon, I would still be against the idea of doing something about it. After all, that would empower the psychopaths who run our government, whereas I would rather empower the Arab oil sheikhs who own 400 million dollar yachts, or the friendly well-meaning gentlemen who own Shell, Exxon-Mobil and British Petroleum.
In addition, the people who protest against climate change are woke. If my toddler went missing in the forest at night and someone with blue-hair and they/them pronouns offered to help me search for him, I would tell them to fuck off, because I don’t need their woke agenda shoved in my face. It’s merry Christmas, not happy holidays. And besides, there are a lot of really good memes mocking Greta Thunberg out there.
Alright well fine, that was sarcastic. I’m not one of those right-wing extremist climate change deniers. In reality, this is just a nuanced topic. I don’t deny that global warming is happening. I don’t deny that humans are mainly responsible for this. I also don’t deny that this is a bad thing. We should probably have a tax on carbon.
On the one hand, we are faced with the fastest increase in carbon dioxide seen in tens of millions of years that’s triggering a positive feedback loop caused by the release of more greenhouse gasses from the ecosystems that are dying due to the record heatwaves caused by the greenhouse gasses we have already released ourselves.
But on the other hand, we also have to protect people’s jobs. Have you ever considered how many people work in the air travel industry? And it’s not the government’s job to decide what we eat. The reality is just that we can’t change everything overnight.
If I developed COPD and my doctor would tell me I have to stop smoking, I would tell him that’s unrealistic. I would tell him that I’m going to transition to a low tar-cigarette brand, that my brain is dependent on nicotine, that going cold turkey would have catastrophic effects on my mental health and that I’m going to make use of tar-negative technologies by scientists that are being developed that will remove the tar from my lungs again.
And here’s another thing to consider. Just because we’re triggering a positive feedback loop unseen in millions of years of geological history that is leading to the catastrophic unraveling of the web of life and will ultimately culminate in billions of deaths, does not mean you have the right to block the road and stop people from going to work.
People have to get to their jobs. People have appointments they need to attend. And you blocking the road is not going to save the world. Instead of blocking the road, go find some other way of protesting that I’m also going to argue against or ideally find a form of protesting that I can simply afford to ignore.
Another thing I have to point out, is that the God of Abraham, Jahweh, made us the masters over all of the creation. Nature, was made to serve mankind. God created this world and decided two thousand years ago that it was finally time to send his only son, Jesus, after billions of people had already lived out their whole lives and died without ever hearing about the true God of the Hebrews. Fortunately I’m not one of them, because then I would have to be judged on the basis of my own behavior (yikes), whereas now I scored a get-out-of-jail free card.
Jesus promises that he would return in the lifetimes of the people he preached to. This was meant in some sort of metaphorical way of course and if Paul of Tarsus thought Jesus would return soon Paul was simply mistaken. Instead, Jesus is going to return to Earth in MY lifetime and take me away from this place.
Because God is going to destroy the whole world in my lifetime, I should not waste any time worrying about how the Western way of life is leading to the irreversible annihilation of the climatic conditions of the Holocene, an annihilation that is already leading to mass famines and heatwaves affecting the world’s poorest.
Remember, we’re told to be charitable in the gospels. We should visit Jesus in prison, we should give him food and clothing when we meet him. And we meet him as one of the least among us. He can be sitting as a homeless man on the corner of the street when you go to work. And if you pass him by without treating him like a human being, you are insulting God himself.
But that’s different from worrying about destroying Jesus’ harvest, when he is an illiterate subsistence farmer growing food in Ethiopia. I have read the gospels and I never saw Jesus say: “Do me a favor and don’t vote for some dipshit who is going to trigger giant droughts in Ethiopia by giving oil companies a green light to dump greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere.”
When did you hear Jesus say to show solidarity with climate change activists in Uganda? I never heard him say such a thing. I never heard him voice his thoughts on euthanasia, slavery or abortion either, but fortunately I have my minister to figure out what Jesus thought about that sort of stuff for me. And for what it’s worth, my minister pointed out that Al Gore has a big house and Obama even has a beach side mansion, so I think that settles it. Amen.
In all seriousness, do any actual ecofascists ever show up to these protests? You said before that you attended an XR training seminar at which the organisers proclaimed that your political beliefs are irrelevant. Many would still find it hard to believe that actual far right ecofascists and blue-haired they/them wokies could co-exist together peacefully at these events. But maybe I’m wrong.
>In all seriousness, do any actual ecofascists ever show up to these protests?
I can think of one yes.
In all seriousness, ecofascism isn’t really a real thing. There are probably chronically online autistic NEETs out there who consider themselves ecofascists and can make some really spicy Unabomber memes, but in reality ecofascism is little more than a rhetorical tool of middle-aged white male boomers.
And for any blue-haired they/them wokies reading along: If some dude shows up to your climate change activist group declaring he’s an ecofascist, just give him a hug, that’s really all it takes for you to prevent a school shooting. You could even add a blowjob to that if you want to turn him into a functional member of society.
Researchers say a new supercontinent, Pangea Ultima, will form in ~250 million years, will kill us all and make Earth uninhabitable.
And it’s not our fault! What do you say about it?
Obnoxious blue-haired liberals, dumb wokies, and self-proclaimed autists with a superiority complex are absolutely ruining the environmental movement.
NOTHING is happening on the extinction front, while thousands of species are on the brink, because Bill Gates is stupidly spending his money on vaccinating everything that moves while you are stupidly crying about people driving cars. This is not helpful.
Elephants, rhinos, lemurs, and a thousand other species are not about to go extinct because carbon dioxide is approaching the healthy levels of the Pliocene epoch, it’s because they’re losing their habitat to BILLIONS of normie humans that you despise.
>are not about to go extinct because carbon dioxide is approaching the healthy levels of the Pliocene epoch
If I pushed you out of a window on the fifth floor, you would just approach the healthy place of the street below.
The problem is how fast you’re going to end up there.
The spirit of Christ has existed for all time, including in the pre-human past, and has enlightened every person who has come into the world, including all of the people who never heard of the Hebrews or of the man Christ (John 1, 9). If you read Barclay’s “No Cross, No Crown,” he describes how the virtuous pagans like Plato were aware of this spirit and acted accordingly, despite not having that name for it. So did the Native Americans, before white people showed up (for instance), and of course the Jews. The man Christ was an exemplar that the world was ready for at that moment but since each person is given a measure and only expected to live up to that measure, the inner Spirit was sufficient for those who strictly had that.
The people in my church are very good about habitat. They believe in living very simply and not owning or consuming much. However it is true that they are so driven to see one another that some of them are bad about travel, although not as bad as most Americans. Those who are farmers try to accommodate wild species. It is mainly younger people or recent converts who are vegetarian or vegan. It is also a denomination that attracts autists, due to its theological bent; the only evidence that ultimately counts is one’s own direct experience of this spirit; the written Scriptures are only there as a help in their place; if one’s personal spiritual experience directly conflicts with the Scriptures that is a problem that has to be figured out. Also since everyone experiences the same Spirit, people who truly are led by it should ultimately come to the same conclusions about things that matter.
Interesting. Your church sounds nice. What was the name?
It’s as close as you can get to the original Quakers of the 1600s and their spiritual understandings; it is the descending branch that has changed the least. “Traditional Quaker Christianity” is a book describing the denomination (2014), but a person could instead just read the early Quakers like George Fox and William Penn and Isaac Penington and William Shewen. It is one of the three Peace Churches (the other two being the Mennonites/Amish and the Church of the Brethren).
Of course it is mostly old people, like most churches now. And rural people. It is nothing like liberal modern Quakerism, whose adherents are heavily agnostic and politically focused. It is an actual Christian denomination.
George Fox said: “You will say, ‘Christ saith this, and the apostles say this;’ but what canst THOU say? Art thou a child of the Light, and hast thou walked in the Light, and what THOU speakest, is it inwardly from God?” (my emphasis)(obviously this applies to what George Fox said, too – he isn’t to be quoted as authority; if you truly don’t personally experience this inward power (although with Christ’s grace you eventually will), then you aren’t supposed to quote Fox to prove it exists).
> Another thing I have to point out, is that the God of Abraham, Jahweh, made us the masters over all of the creation. Nature, was made to serve mankind.
False. Source created our Cosmos to experience Life.
> God created this world and decided two thousand years ago that it was finally time to send his only son, Jesus, after billions of people had already lived out their whole lives and died without ever hearing about the true God of the Hebrews.
The Heavenly Father created Source, which eventually created this planet via physical processes known to us. We are all equally His children. Jesus had the opportunity to open the Celestial Heavens due to being the incarnation of an ascended master’s soul. Humans have the privilege of opening the Celestial Heavens because we are the first sapients in our galaxy with all abilities unlocked. Compare to the relative mental complexity of mammals vs reptiles, for example.
The first “Adam and Eve” were created angelic and godlike, but Fell. This is not our first planet, but our second, where we were raised up from the “dust of the earth”, from primitive native hominids. Our original planet in this solar system had lower gravity; it is dead now.
> Fortunately I’m not one of them, because then I would have to be judged on the basis of my own behavior (yikes), whereas now I scored a get-out-of-jail free card.
There is no vicarious salvation. The Law of Compensation applies to all. Divine Love is the shortcut to the eons-long path of Natural Perfection. Instead of returning to Source, it leads to the Heavenly Father, who is Soul. The path of Natural Perfection leads through Earth’s Spirit Spheres, where the afterlives of the world’s religions reside. There are multiple Sources exploring different modes of Being.
> Jesus promises that he would return in the lifetimes of the people he preached to.
After Jesus died and the archdemon dragged him down into Hell, his spirit returned to his dead flesh after 3 days. Gabriel channeled God’s Love, disintegrating Jesus’ old flesh, making the imprint on the Shroud of Turin. Jesus was clothed in the new flesh of a glorified body. He returned and ate with his disciples.
(The ability to pull in matter from higher planes is not categorically unusual; there are interdimensional species who are intrinsically shapeshifters, since shapeshifting is a subset of interdimensionality. Sasquatch is the most familiar example, and was one of Jesus’ “angelic” teachers. Gabriel is an actual angel, as in tall avian humanoid. Nevertheless, there is no evidence of anyone else “resurrecting” in this manner.)
Jesus’ body could not exist here for long without breaking our “dark” plane, because his body was too “bright” for it. Our material plane is based on the principle of electromagnetic polarity, and inherently contains zero-sum conflict. Jesus did not come to rule or found a religion. There is truth in all the paths to Natural Perfection.
> This was meant in some sort of metaphorical way of course and if Paul of Tarsus thought Jesus would return soon Paul was simply mistaken.
Esoteric Roman elites coopted the Jesus tale to exonerate Pilate, glorify Caesar’s military campaign to retake Jerusalem, make Jews look bad, and serve imperial interests, a strategy that was ultimately integral to the empire.
Using religion to justify the destruction of Mother Earth’s biome is an appalling error, considering she actually hosts most humans’ afterlives. She is tired of our evil, which is why this age is coming to an end in a hurry. Time to get right with God. It is a law of the multiverse that thoughts create reality. As your heart is, so shall your future be.
The trees have souls, and we are supposed to be stewards of them.
The non-suppressed public info corroborating this includes the James Padgett medium lineage, Sunbow Truebrother and Kelly Lapseritis’ work, and the Farsight Institute’s raw viewing data on the crucifixion and Shroud of Turin. Beware there is more than one incarnation of Jesus present on Earth during his death. We are not alone. Earth is the Megiddo of the galaxy.
Now that is some impressive “schizo-posting”, as the kids say today.
I’m not quite sure what to think about it, honestly.
Random aside, since you jogged my memory:
Ennio Morricone’s “Gabriel’s Oboe” is one of the most achingly beautiful melodies ever put to film.
>Now that is some impressive “schizo-posting”, as the kids say today.
Yeah I’m genuinely honored to have this kind of schizo-effortpoast appear on my blog.
Everyone is Jesus
Rintrah Radagast,
In a previous thread, commenter “Leo” had you dead-to-rights when he highlighted the tension between your recent outbursts inveighing against “normies”, while at the same time you were engaging in environmental activism for the “sake of humanity.”
No worries, this is a common tension within most human hearts.
In that same thread I shared a chapter from a book from an author who had finally wrenched himself away from that tension and chose a side. The “dark side”, you might say.
Yet that very same author had previously spent his entire career over decades attempting to discover methods and techniques for “elevating the consciousness” of the common man. To bring his fellow mans’ animalistic and primitive nature to the same state of clear awareness that he had.
Somewhat like you attempt to do here on your blog.
As I recall, when you were still on Twitter and both you and I played footsies, I shared the following chapter with you, and you seemed to enjoy it:
I am not going to pull any punches here. The nature of the beast is quite depressing. For example, the fact that early childhood training affects the organism to the degree it does argues for a very primitive species. Regardless of the cortical processes or “consciousness,” early childhood trauma, modeling, beliefs and training stay with most people until they die. This argues for a tribal form of intelligence; early programming remains with the organism almost regardless of cortical feedback.
“Humans” are more ape-like than they would like to believe. For the most part they do not *think* but rather — *have thoughts*. While they use the technique of logic they are not rational. Not only do they not serve the interests of the planet, they do not even serve their own interests. Their vision of the whole is extremely limited. Each is hard-wired to believe that his or her experiences are primary and “necessary.” The organism views happenstance as a necessity. It is difficult for it to view its learning as accidental.
Each organism is fundamentally set to “re-produce” itself, dedicating most of its life to this function. Each believes that it is civilized because it wears clothes, has shelter, drives a car and can talk. Each believes that it has free-will when more often than not it is responding to limited and distorted hedonic and biological needs. Almost every member of the species does the same thing within a set limited range. While cultural differences seem profound to some, they are nothing more than different styles of doing the same thing. Cultural differences are primarily due to geography, genetics and experience.
To sum it up, the human being is not quite so human after all, but is an animal with speech, larger cortex, etc. What makes the human dangerous to itself and the planet is that it can only compare itself to apes and “gods.” Thus its perspective is extremely limited. It has a difficult time changing itself regardless of all the technological advances it has made. In my view these “advances” are minimal and late in coming. Very little has been done to change man’s out-of-control breeding patterns to fit with developmental and planetary goals. There is very little brain technology to develop the cortex, to aid in re-programming the brain and overcome the early imprinting and conditioning of the lower brains.
The so-called educational system is a joke. The majority of Ph.D.’s can neither think nor apply their knowledge.
The beast is insecure, frightened and aggressive. It is dangerous to itself, the gene pool, and the planet. I view the human as a developing system with the potential to become more than what it currently is. I only see this potential as an *opportunity* — I do not view a *potential* as a *necessity*. In other words, the human being is a question mark. Neither optimism nor pessimism can account for the energy force required to enhance human potential. Courage, power, intelligence and hard work are necessary. These attributes alone can overcome the limitations of gravity, stupidity and death. I repeat the quote from Dr. Robert Lindner. As you read, replace the word “psychotherapy” with “brain-technologies” and replace the word “recovery” with “aiding of individuals and groups.” If I am accused of being optimistic because I have utilized this quote I can only say that neither optimism nor pessimism has made a rose grow. My point of view comes from my inability to tolerate my own energy in a highly restrictive world.
“…the various psychotherapies have as their job the recovery of individuals and groups for evolution so that those whose lives would otherwise be wasted can also contribute toward the same end: the coming glorious breakthrough into…What?”
Become Who You Are
Whew. What a difference 2 years can make.
The preceding was written in 1992.
The previous, darker and more disturbing chapter I shared in the other thread was written in 1994.
This is what happens when a man with a heart, perhaps naively optimistic, finally has his heart broken.
I have a feeling you can identify with both sides of this sentiment.
The issue is this:
You either feel that you are a part of humanity, that “we are all in this together”, or you live long enough to become the “villain” who recognizes that all of this human/biological “stuff” is not all equally “good”, and that some of this “stuff” SHOULD be shorn and removed as an evolutionary winnowing process.
The author, in his later years, was fond of quoting Sigmund Freud, who was reported to say, “In the depths of my heart, I can’t help being convinced that my fellowmen, with a few exceptions, are worthless.”
THIS is the critical issue which germinates in each of our hearts.
I wrestle with it as well, Rintrah Radagast.
I sometimes think of Diogenes as the angel on one of your shoulders (wise father figure) while I’m on your other shoulder as…something else.
You should probably listen to Diogenes.
As should I.
Aren’t you suspicious that you are surrounded by so many normies? I would go through all the inevitable choices left to us as members (slaves) of industrial civilization, but I want you to figure it out for yourself.
All the boomer esteemed government employees (are university professors and deans included here?) expecting their million-dollar pensions appreciate your efforts.
I traveled in Moab, UT just this past week with my girlfriend, and we saw Monument Valley, Kane Creek Canyon, Arches National Park, the view of the Valley of the Gods from the top of the Moki Dugway, lots of nameless, hardened dunes and cloudless skies, chatty ruby-throated woodpeckers, one stalking silhouette of my first wild mountain lion, petroglyphs reminding me of the tracks left in the creek sands by scurrying little lizards, and all manner of well-off tourists enjoying their retirement years or familial prime given tours by people in abject poverty at the bottom of dust and stone canyons. The ranging uniformity of those geological structures along with massive signs of great catastrophic release of stress or tension, all this weathered over millions upon millions of years of dribbling drops and seasonal cascading torrents, seeing how the organic materials left behind get recycled, collect along cracks, accumulate relative to shadows cast by setting Sun blocked by rocks merely clinging stoutly to crumble, how red becomes green becomes yellow as grass and shrubs give way and place for trees and sheep and lizards and bats. All the way out on the open rock at the Delicate Arch I laughed at a young woman and her two friends encountering a desert mouse that hopped its way into the Cheezits she brought there, for in the dark shadow of the rising moonlight she only felt its fragile yet terrible insistence and immediately thought it was was a much worse nightmare: a cricket —because insects are creepier for her.
When I, organic computational system and spiritual entombment receiver self-assigning a movable and frame-specific identity on the basis of some particular cultures’ logogrammatical hodgepodgery of category and vectors, look at a part of the world so unlike yet analogous to my own home space, where my mountains are worn down, wizened, covered in thousands of years of fungal infrastructure supporting trees a hundred feet in the air lavished by creeks and bogs and swamps and constant dew, I think about time.
I don’t know anymore how old I am. If I am these things, these forests, those stones, these dreams, your words, I am both in the immediacy of Now and the stretch of time I see take form from every story those strata tell when one takes just moments to listen as hundreds of millions of years echo as patient ghosts, those stones and all that sand once moved through trees, through dinosaurs, through algae, through you. The inland ocean, the riotous jungles, the mudslime spillways, and always that steady, silent, rolling vibration underneath softly shaking every grip loose in preparation for the moments when the asteroid strikes, the supervolcano blows, the gases suffocate, the plates rise and fall in violent tears and everything changes, goes on, flows —all these things still are, just as the future into which every piece of us will travel and become new configurations of dust or stone or slime or immutable plastic eternity is still. The perspectives we have taken as individuals are available for modification at any moment to become relative to the scales already available to us just by opening up and paying attention. I can see this planet once had a form of life very alien —paraterrestrial, even, for they were and are alongside my own, yet so unlike what my own biology and material life persist upon. I can see that sometimes radical change takes place and suddenly what was a long and seemingly endless existence as an ocean floor becomes a different kind of existence altogether, and I can see that a long and actually endless existence leads to an endless series of inevitable radical changes. I saw the moon, its mystery and its riddle, and the far stars even older than the canyons and hard clay around me —stars so far and distant that from here I mistake the millions of them captured together in a local gravitational pace for a single point of noticeable light.
The woman freaking out about the cricket accidentally wounded the mouse, because rather than than get the hell out of there with legs designed for that only hobbled most unmouselike. It was such a small thing, yet the star was even smaller from where I sat. I exist in that moment, and I am there when those stars were, because then is when I began to construct that moment by the Arch to give myself a part of the light cast in that night, for everything touching us and passing into us is who we are, endless, as we also become everyone we touch and pass into —someone as distant as another man under another Arch formed from chaos and patience and determination and time noticing all around him, or someone as dead or dying as a mistaken enemy struck from fear and ignorance.
It is incumbent on everything to die. That is how it becomes transformed. Sometimes it is swiftly and impersonal. Sometimes it is slower and assisted by endless little kisses stealing away fragments of what you believe you are, like dew drops and a few grains. But no matter vastness of scale, no matter how the Unity extends across the modes and the patterns of connection and influence and bond, no matter when I am this one human being with his microbiome and habitat or Mt Peale with his macrobiome and habitat or Mintaka with Its hyperbiome and habitat, transformation is. Extinction is the inevitable birth of unrecognizable life, life discovering new analogues of itself in Hindsight, even blindsight.
The Navajo are who they are because of the place they are have made as home, as they are also the land itself becoming them to work upon itself, just as it is becomes sage, yucca, bats, minnows, dunes, echoes —and further downstream another ocean, again. I sat in an airport finishing up Peter Watts’ Starfish novel and enjoyed myself, eating a smothered burrito held in place by a plastic container made transparent, so that I can see my pants underneath unscathed by green chili sauce.
I am no one. The less of me there is, I learn more about who I was, who I will be, where I am, and what happens is inextricably bound with what I choose to do with my own awareness of where I end, and where Other begins. I might do something about how the death of other things transforms them into me, or you. But if we both are One, then the less we can say which of us has the better perspective for who among us remains untransformed, or endless. I think, it already tells us in the rocks that once were forests then were seas and now are preserves forbidding people to touch them, soil them, litter them. Nothing can stay itself and unconnected forever.
Everything is already dust and dead tales of previous complex life. You are traces of systems of being billions of years unfolded, endless iterations of change gradual and catastophic. You are the food and the shit passed through so many mouths and stoma in so many ways a planet shapes living tubes. You are pieces of vibration crushed under great pressure into patterns of enduring stability and harmonics. You and every other still Other to you: endlessly flowing and transforming, endlessly still and enduring.
This is just self-involved romantic claptrap.
You are correct in one sense: we are particles of dust driven by winds out of our control.
We are given a few brief moments of beauty before being smashed and recycled.
You love the Demiurge, and I don’t.
I want to see a breakaway civilization.
Or nothing at all.