Part of the reason I’m depressed is because for the past ten years, there simply hasn’t been a fair way left to win the game. It’s like we’re all stuck playing a really weird game and for the past ten years, the only winning strategy has been to bash in the skull of one guy laying on the ground. I just can’t get myself to do that.
I’m mostly referring here to investing. We now live in a world where Nvidia is worth more than the entire Hong Kong stock market. It’s the bubble of fools that never ends because there’s always a new fool to come along. Construction companies just happily stay stuck at a P/E ratio of 5 and a P/S ratio of 0.15 for a decade, piling the cash on their balance sheet. And then after 8 years, the stock may double, but Nvidia or any other tech stock will have gone x10. And in the meantime, as a Dutch citizen I will have spent those 8 years, paying taxes on my net worth.
But more depressing is the simple fact that money laundering is the only thing that has really worked well for the past ten years. When you buy a Bitcoin, you’re simply facilitating money laundering by drug cartels and sanction evasion by regimes like North Korea, Russia and Iran. I’m a Westerner, these people are not my friends. I’m not “contrarian” (low IQ + mentally ill) enough to pretend these are the good guys, I think the camps in North Korea tell the whole story.
You all just basically created a world where the only way for a young guy without wealthy parents to buy a house is to pour his salary into Bitcoin for a few years. The only people I know who ended up with some money are people who got involved in this Bitcoin thing and just blindly and autistically poured all their money into it, never questioning what this thing is, whether the world actually benefits from having it.
That’s not supposed to work, because a Bitcoin doesn’t produce anything. Rather, a Bitcoin just consumes huge amounts of electricity. But it did work, because eventually our enemies (Russia, Iran, North Korea) and the drug cartels began pouring their money into the system too, to launder it and evade sanctions. So you make a lot of money, by betraying the Western world. And in the process, you use about 1% of global electricity, the cheapest and dirtiest electricity the world has to offer, to poison our atmosphere.
We all live in a world, where the most retarded thing now just works the best. Microstrategy just uses debt and share issues to buy Bitcoin, its stock shoots up, then it sells more shares to buy more Bitcoin, causing the price of Bitcoin to shoot up, causing its balance sheet to shoot up, causing its stock to shoot up, to which it then responds by selling more shares to buy more Bitcoin. Then eventually it gets into the NASDAQ 100 and index investing boomers just buy it on autopilot, so it doesn’t drop down again.
And you think to yourself: “It can’t go on like this forever.” Nope, that’s right. It can’t go on like this forever, but it can go on just long enough to make sure you’re margin called.
The other one of course, is Tesla. I will admit, I bought some Tesla puts, they’re expiring worthless next month, a few thousand Euros down the drain. I really did not think, that a company that has to slash its prices and is worth more than all the other car companies combined, could keep trading at 8 times revenue. But no, what happened is that Musk spent 250 million dollar to buy the presidency.
So now you have shadow president Musk, with his demented puppet Donald Trump. And so the bubble never collapsed. These companies in the US no longer reflect the value of anything they’re actually doing. They reflect the power of their main shareholder now. Palantir technologies trades at a price to sales ratio of 73 and a forward price to earnings of 169.49. You know what this means right? If you just received the earnings from now on (without dividend taxes) and the stock would eventually be worthless, it would take you 169 years to break even.
This is not a fair market, or a fair reflection of what anything is actually worth. It’s a kind of madhouse, these valuations only make sense if you think the world is about to end and we’re all going to be stuck in a virtual reality prison run by American tech billionaires and your only way to be at their mercy is by handing them all of your money.
Well sorry, I’m not playing that game. I want freedom, happiness and reality. I’m not signing up for some scam artist’s brain chip and I don’t want my mind to be uploaded either.
These people are evil. You know they’re evil, because they know what the rules of the game are and they violate them. They call themselves libertarians. But what are they doing? They’re forming a cartel, to bid on government contracts together.
I know, nobody cares about this. If I explained this to a woman at a party, she would go to the toilet. But look: If you’re the libertarian tech billionaire Peter Thiel and you form a cartel with the other libertarian tech billionaire Elon Musk, to bid on defense contracts together, then you’re violating the rules of the game you’re playing.
You need to judge people by their context. Some guy in Papua New Guinea is not evil when he beheads some other guy, he’s playing the rules of the game in his cultural context. It’s not evil when you have sex with a woman, but it is evil when a priest has sex with a woman, because he gets up there on stage, telling you it’s wrong.
And when these libertarian guys form a cartel to milk the government through defense contracts, after setting up a “Department of Government Efficiency” to stop spending money on research for kids with cancer, you know what that makes them? It makes them evil.
But hey, don’t worry. These people are all going to catch bird flu and then the blood vessels in their brains will swell up and start to leak, until the world has finally been rid of the cancer known as Elon Musk.
Ishii Hyoki is doing well though, only down 28% since your tip!
In all fairness, Tokyo Tekko was down by about a third too a year after I recommended it. It takes a while.
This shit is so ridiculous and cartoonish; Elon is like Lex Luthor or some some shit lmao.
Like I’ve said on here before, I was formerly a Bitcoin enthusiast a couple of years ago, but since discovering this blog I’ve realised that civilization will collapse long before we ever reach “hyperbitcoinization”. So, I am sadly no longer optimistic about the future of Bitcoin.
But even if you are correct about Bitcoin being nothing more than a “wealth transfer” scheme, you have to take into consideration the direction in which this wealth transfer is occurring.
Who is most likely to be interested in Bitcoin? Autistic low status white men and brown men, i.e. the most marginalized demographic groups in Western society.
Who is least likely to be interested in Bitcoin? Women and normies, i.e. the least marginalized demographic groups in Western society.
So, essentially, we are witnessing a transfer of wealth from the least oppressed societal groups to the most oppressed societal groups.
Think about it. These autistic LSWMs and LSBMs spent their Friday evenings at home in a dark room, logged into Binance, staring at technical analysis charts full of green candles, red candles and Fibonacci ribbons.
Whereas the women and normies spent their Friday evenings in nightclubs, taking euphoric drugs, dancing, and groping each other.
Shouldn’t these autistic low status men deserve to be rewarded for their perseverance and patience?
Well think about it, if it’s a wealth transfer scheme and it’s mostly low status men who invest into it; where is the wealth being transferred to and from who? The crypto cycle revolves around spending currency on internet money and then suckering the next LSWM who stumbles along into paying the cost on your behalf. From my understanding It’s a ponzi staircase where each new person is suckered by the last.
There is no such thing as a currency that actually generates values, Bitcoin doesn’t actually generate value; value always has to come from some source other than the currency itself. When you buy into Bitcoin, you’re buying into a lie with the hope that more LSWMs will also buy into the lie so you can profit off it. Bitcoin is the lie that mindlessly burning power for no reason creates value; GDP robot retardation basically.
Bitcoin officially gets its value from energy consumption, but where it really gets its power is the idea that it is valuable. The idea that it is valuable is based on memes which are spread throughout the internet, but those memes only exist so as to keep the system going. Bitcoin is such a meme because something like that can only be valuable as a idea. Look at things like NFTS and Dogecoin and you get the feeling whole crypto currency idea is only kept together by stupid memes.
You’re not transferring wealth from anyone except people who are in the same boat as yourself; and this is only really to the benefit of the people who first bought in who’ve been profiting off the scam the whole time.
I will not eat the meat, drink the milk, get vaccinated, or buy the Bitcoin. I will not subscribe to Twitter plus. I hate Elon Musk.
Yes sorry I now actually realise the error in my logic. I should clarify further.
The point that I was trying to make is that in a hypothetical “hyperbitcoinization” scenario where all major fiat currencies (USD, EUR, GBP, JPY etc.) enter a hyperinflationary collapse (when priced in Bitcoin and gold), and Bitcoin becomes not just a widely adopted medium of exchange but also a unit of account (where things are actually priced IN Bitcoin), only then would this aforementioned “wealth transfer” take place, because the women and normies would then be forced to start using Bitcoin as a form of money, which would massively increase the purchasing power of Bitcoin, thus facilitating this wealth transfer (because if you were to replace the value of all combined fiat currencies with Bitcoin, one coin would have the equivalent purchasing power of millions of dollars in today’s money).
I don’t see this as a realistic possibility because no functioning government is actually going to allow their fiat currency to be replaced in importance by some bullshit scam made by computer nerds.
The U.S Federal Government even under the retardation of the Trump/Elon administration is not going to allow North Korea, LSWMs, and Drug Cartels to have more purchasing power than the masses of normies and billionaires, that’s simply not how things work. We’ve started wars for things that are far less dramatic.
Crypto would be outlawed before it would be allowed to become the dominant currency. There is no market that is actually guided by imaginary libertarian principles and there never will be. The people at the top have set things up so they stay at the top and the idea of a fiat collapse is a illusion. Fiat currency is backed up by state power and they have the propaganda arms and the soldiers to keep people believing in their money; that’s all it takes. When the market doesn’t work the way the state works, the state makes it work. That’s just how it is.
We have also seen with the numerous corporate bailouts over the years that the megacorpations are too intertwined with state power to be allowed to fail. Depressions are only tolerated because they take more wealth from the poor and give more power to the megacorporations and the state. The New Deal for example was the corporatist’s dream.
I don’t think an economic collapse that isn’t based in a environmental collapse is likely; and that point there will be bigger problems. By then the Bitcoin mines will be shut down to conserve the power necessary to keep the fans running so the masses don’t die of heat stroke.
> Crypto would be outlawed
Other cryptocurrencies can easily be shut down but this is almost impossible with Bitcoin because of all the decentralised nodes scattered across six continents, as well as the extremely high security of the network (current hashrate is approximately 700 EH/s).
There are also the game theoretic incentives to take into consideration. Even if every government in the world decided to collectively outlaw Bitcoin, all it would take is for one country to legalise it, which would then prompt ultra high net worth early adopters to flock to that country, massively boosting economic growth in that nation which one then encourage other countries to follow suit. This is already happening to some degree in El Salvador.
If the U.S. government were really serious about stopping Bitcoin, they would have assassinated Nayib Bukele by now.
which *would* then encourage other countries
> The U.S Federal Government even under the retardation of the Trump/Elon administration is not going to allow North Korea, LSWMs, and Drug Cartels to have more purchasing power than the masses of normies and billionaires, that’s simply not how things work. We’ve started wars for things that are far less dramatic.
This is why some people believe that Michael Saylor may secretly be working for the U.S. government as a way of covertly acquiring Bitcoin. The U.S. government could also confiscate the Grayscale Bitcoin ETF and use that as a strategic stockpile/reserve in the event that Russia/China/Iran start competitively mining and stockpiling Bitcoin.
At least, that’s what the Bitcoin maximalists on Twitter all believe.
>Other cryptocurrencies can easily be shut down but this is almost impossible with Bitcoin because of all the decentralised nodes scattered across six continents, as well as the extremely high security of the network (current hashrate is approximately 700 EH/s).
You don’t have to actually shut down the network to ban it. Simply make it illegal to buy goods and services with Bitcoin, then make the occasional example of someone who engages in it to keep the illusion of law and order. (This is how it works with the War on Drugs.) Force Bitcoin to be on the Dark Web and all you’ll be able to buy with it is illegal drugs. The best you could hope for it a Bitcoin that is even more influential in the criminal marketplace.
>which would then prompt ultra high net worth early adopters to flock to that country, massively boosting economic growth in that nation which one then encourage other countries to follow suit.
Remember, currency itself does not bring anything to the table, it’s an idea. What value would a bunch of LSWMs hopped up on crypto memes actually bring to a nation in a world where the crypto is so powerful states must necessarily attack it in order to preserve their order? They’re a bunch of nerds with numbers on a screen that are theoretically worth a lot but in actuality is worth very little if no one is buying.
I can collect a thousand seashells and proclaim myself to be a millionaire because according to my economic theory seashells are the ultimate currency for (insert arbitrary reason here) but if no ones wants to see value in my seashell collection and there’s no ability to actually purchase anything with it I’m not actually wealthy.
It should also be noted that any currency that is outlawed is going to dramatically go down in value. Most people are not going to risk their freedom for a memecoin, and most people aren’t going to abandon their homes for some Bitcoin free state; especially when in reality the rewards are not actually going to be that high. Those that do will most likely end up just facilitating the drug trade.
>If the U.S. government were really serious about stopping Bitcoin, they would have assassinated Nayib Bukele by now.
Yeah, they haven’t because Bitcoin isn’t actually a threat to fiat currency. It’s a scam and money a laundering tool. You’re not going to see the fiat collapse and the crypto takeover, fiat currency will be dominant as-long as there are states to keep it together with the velvet-mail fist. The fiat collapse is just another meme created to get suckers to buy memecoins.
In short, I do not see fiat currency as collapsing due to anything but environmental reasons; but in the world where it did collapse things would not work out ideally for the crypto bros I believe.
>This is why some people believe that Michael Saylor may secretly be working for the U.S. government as a way of covertly acquiring Bitcoin. The U.S. government could also confiscate the Grayscale Bitcoin ETF and use that as a strategic stockpile/reserve in the event that Russia/China/Iran start competitively mining and stockpiling Bitcoin.
This sounds so retarded that I wouldn’t be surprised if this was actually the case. Bitcoin still isn’t inherently more valuable than fiat currency, nor will it be in any realistic scenario however.
If the U.S began to stockpile it, it would just be done as a dick measuring contest with Iran or whatever. Believe me, no state actually wants you to buy your groceries with anything but their issued currency.
> You’re not going to see the fiat collapse and the crypto takeover, fiat currency will be dominant as-long as there are states to keep it together with the velvet-mail fist. The fiat collapse is just another meme created to get suckers to buy memecoins.
> In short, I do not see fiat currency as collapsing due to anything but environmental reasons;
In Japan, the debt/GDP ratio is now over 250%. The U.S. government is now at the stage where they’re spending more on servicing the interest on the ~$35,000,000,000,000 debt than they are on the entire military/defense budget. If they raise rates further they will default on the debt. If they lower rates they risk runaway inflation. They are stuck between a rock and a hard place. None of this is sustainable.
The only way to continue the fiat ponzi would be something like the Special Drawing Rights from the IMF. The IMF is the only remaining central bank that still has a clean balance sheet. So they can print massive quantities of SDR’s (basically a form of “world money/currency”) which will then devalue existing global debt, lowering debt/GDP and basically “reset” the global economy. Problem is that devaluing the debt using this method will also devalue people’s life savings. So, if such a scenario were to unfold in the coming years, even if people don’t think Bitcoin has any value, it’s still worth owning assets that are scarce. Precious metals, jewellery, Rolex watches, fine art, real estate, land, commodities etc. Cash and bonds would become almost worthless overnight.
>Think about it. These autistic LSWMs and LSBMs spent their Friday evenings at home in a dark room, logged into Binance, staring at technical analysis charts full of green candles, red candles and Fibonacci ribbons.
>Whereas the women and normies spent their Friday evenings in nightclubs, taking euphoric drugs, dancing, and groping each other.
>Shouldn’t these autistic low status men deserve to be rewarded for their perseverance and patience?
We should do the same thing with them as we do with a horse that broke its leg.
Take it out to the back and put it out of its misery.
I want people to be happy and have meaningful lives. I don’t want there to be some sort of autism subsidy.
Growing up means realizing the nerds are more evil than the jocks.
I know you won’t let this comment through because it’s mostly off topic, but all your belly aching about climate change is for naught. It’s not about all the air travel, especially the rich, private plane-owning assholes…
They don’t even consider militaries!
And you just outed yourself as a typical left-wing murderer with this comment about how to deal with autistic LSWMs. Congrats ????. Thank dog for people like you ready to do the dirty work!
So you want everyone to be happy. What is happiness according to you and should everyone be happy according to your definition of happiness? Some folks might find happiness in sodomizing hoaland autistic bloggers with hot rods. Don’t they deserve to be happy, too?!
Tbh I found you funny before this almighty syndrome you contracted along the way. It seems that your biggest regret in life is lack of power and inability it obtain it.
I also lost money on various puts, EXCEPT I made very nice sum on Moderna puts. Most of my money has been invested in Berkshire Hathaway since 1998. My reasoning is that I am certainly dumber than Warren Buffett.
>Most of my money has been invested in Berkshire Hathaway since 1998.
Yeah, that’s what I call winning on autopilot. I’m not against it, it’s certainly better than passive investing. It stopped working in the past few years though.
A few years ago I made a decision to no longer care about outperforming S&P 500. I just do not care what the index does. I want to avoid doing anything stupid trying to outperform or keep up with that index.
You feed a pig before you decide to slaughter it. So it’s just a matter of time when they decide to say, that owning and trading BTC is unlawful. Then the slaughtering of the (fat) “rich” BTC-idiots will begin.
Can you pay taxes in Bitcoin? No. You pay them in EUR or USD or any other “real” currency of your country. The BTC is worthless in the long run as every “alternative” or “regional” currency. Some of them die earlier, some later. But they all will lose against the real currency in which you pay taxes.
>real currency
Therefore I wrote “real” currency.
You should read more carefully. And yes, it is backed by labour of the people, tax payments and weapons which brutally enforce the tax payments if you are not willing to pay them. This is far more “real” than all Shitcoins on this planet. It is all about physical violence in the end which backs the “real” currency systems. That is the only thing how civilisation works, in the end it’s brutal violence and pain against your body (your physical existence).
Bitcoin enthusiasts are not the most intelligent living beings on this planet I think. Your BTC-currency is worthless. You can’t force people to use it. You have no weapons to do this. Every government has weapons and people who will carry them and use them against you. It’s all about weapons. The ultimate force on the planet.
Chaos is fair. We need more Chaos.
Are we now loosing sleep for the sole reason that some people are baddies?! And all this without taking into consideration that their opponents are also baddies. Shilling for one set of political elites over another is perhaps even dirtier and worse than being nusk himself.
half the time you’re gleefully looking forward to the theoretical painful deaths of people you don’t like, wishing theoretical painful deaths on people you don’t like or writing bizarre hypotheticals in which people you don’t like die horribly screaming in pain, and the other half of the time you’re clutching a stuffed bunny asking why we cant all just get along.
just accept that you grew up in a society where the doctor put a sword in your hand when you were born, you went to school for an inappropriately long time to get used to that sword and after all this time you and the rest of us are way too used to that sword to put it down so we’re all going to die by it.
ps i bench a shit ton and all women love me