So today I’ll have to cover the topic again that we have already addressed many times before: The improper tolerance-associated antibody response to SARS2 seen after vaccination. It used to be thought that your first exposure to the Spike protein had to be from the mRNA vaccines, to trigger the abnormal tolerance associated IgG4 antibody response to the Spike protein.
But with more study, it has gradually become clear that this is not an absolute prerequisite. Although we have still seen no cases of an IgG4 dominant antibody response against the receptor binding domain of the Spike protein in unvaccinated people, even in unvaccinated people who suffered severe infection, we eventually began observing it in people who received mRNA shots after the Adenovirus vaccines too.
But now there are billions of additional people worldwide who can be expected to start deploying an IgG4 dominant antibody response to this virus, because we now see the IgG4 antibody response after three doses of the Chinese inactivated vaccines too.
I quote:
After the booster shot, the ratio of IgG4 to IgG1 significantly increased. The observation of IgG1 to the IgG4 class switch after repeated inactivated vaccinations underscores the importance of continuous monitoring of subclass antibody responses. Further clinical investigations are required to understand the implications of this class switch for optimizing immunization strategies.
Surprisingly, unlike previous reports [15], our study revealed a substantial amount of IgG2 and IgG4 antibodies, whereas IgG3 antibody responses were almost undetectable (data not shown).
You’re now dealing with a situation, where the majority of humans alive deploy an abnormal antibody response, to the amino acid chains found in the receptor binding domain of the Spike protein of SARS2. Whenever the receptor binding domain mutates, those antibodies will tend to undergo somatic hypermutation to allow them to bind to the new variants too.
Because these antibodies can’t properly do their job, almost the entire world grows dependent on antibodies that neutralize the virus through the N-Terminal Domain instead. It seems those antibodies against the N-Terminal Domain are IgM antibodies, which work by binding to multiple spike proteins at once and naturally decline rapidly. This is an unsustainable situation, that encourages the virus to mutate its N-Terminal Domain in ways that will result in the emergence of more virulent variants of this virus. Other pathogens are also placed under pressure, to adjust to this brave new world where most of the human population now has a “hole” in its collective immune response to the outside world.
It doesn’t seem to be some sort of unique problem with the mRNA vaccines that results in the IgG4 antibody response. Rather, it just seems to be a case of non-live vaccines failing to recruit the innate cellular immune response, thus placing excessive demands on the adaptive arm of the immune system, in the absence of the sort of pro-inflammatory signaling from infected cells that would signal a viral infection has occurred.
If the antibodies are binding to an alien protein in high amounts and thereby generating a lot of inflammatory signals, but there don’t seem to be any cells that are infected and releasing inflammatory signals, it makes perfect sense for the immune system to assume that it must be dealing with some sort of allergen to which it is overreacting, instead of something that replicates inside our own cells. So what you get as a result, is a class switch: The poor B cells busy just trying to do their job are instructed to switch to an antibody type that tells the immune system the protein they recognized is no big deal.
You could argue over whether IgG2 is worse than IgG4. IgG4 tends to undergo Fab-arm exchange, that results in antibodies that bind poorly. But IgG2, is a kind of gut associated antibody, that instructs the immune system to absolutely not bother killing a cell it binds to, as it’s probably just a bacteria that is supposed to live in the gut and means no harm.
Neither of these antibodies are part of a proper response to the receptor binding domain of a respiratory virus protein. Keep in mind: It’s only the receptor binding domain, where antibodies can deliver proper neutralization of viral particles. That’s where the IgG3 antibodies are supposed to be binding, but the IgG3 antibodies apparently decline to almost non-detectable levels after vaccination. There is a kind of pseudo-neutralization that IgM antibodies can offer, by binding a bunch of Spike proteins together by binding to the N-Terminal Domain of these proteins, but that seems to be an unsustainable situation, it’s not how the immune system is supposed to deal with a virus like this in the long term.
The more people worldwide are deploying an improper antibody response to this virus, the stronger the pressure this virus along with other pathogens are placed under, to abuse that improper antibody response for their own survival advantage. It’s a mistake to think that every virus or bacteria you are exposed to receives its own unique antibody. Rather, a lot of antibodies are cross-reactive. There are antibodies that bind both SARS2 and the other corona viruses, antibodies that bind SARS2 as well as influenza, andsoforth.
As a previous study on this problem noted:
Knowing that the mRNA vaccines do not prevent infections, the Omicron subvariants have been shown to be less pathogenic, and IgG4 levels have been associated with immunotolerance and numerous negative effects, the recommendations for the successive administration of booster vaccinations to people should be revised.
You won’t really notice it, when you have this improper antibody response. After all, these antibodies are anti-inflammatory. What makes you feel sick, when you have a virus? Inflammation, your own immune system’s attempt to get rid of the virus.
So what can we do about this, for the billions of people who were fooled into signing up for these vaccines? Well, one of those amusing facts about the human immune system is that it’s not that big of a problem, to just entirely rid a human body of the B cells that produce our antibodies. You might expect a kind of “bubble boy syndrome”, but that’s not what happens, plenty of people suffer the misery of developing some form of disease that requires the destruction of all their B cells, like multiple sclerosis.
It seems to me, that the endocannabinoid system is nature’s way of ridding a body of excessive B cells that are no longer wanted. Cannabinoids specifically suppress the body’s adaptive immune response, particularly the B cells, which should hopefully give the innate immune system more of a chance to do the job it is supposed to be doing. Then, when the innate immune system properly gets to do its own job, that should help instruct the adaptive immune system in regards to how it is supposed to respond to this protein.
This hasn’t been studied however. There is still nobody out there, trying to figure out how to get rid of this abnormal immune response. We’re just left to suffer wave after wave of this virus, even now during the height of summer, killing millions of people worldwide, with no serious attempt being made at repairing people’s broken antibody response to this virus.
They all know this is a problem, Novavax loves to brag how their vaccine does not induce an IgG4 response, but actually solving the problem, for the billions of people worldwide now affected by it, including teenagers and children whose immune systems still have to work for many decades to come and had no chance to understand what they were being administered, is something nobody seems to care about.
For what it’s worth, your body also uses antibodies to detect cells that have to be killed because they’re proliferating too rapidly. Yes, I am talking about that horrible disease. When these IgG4 antibodies bind to those cells, the immune system is not being properly instructed to deal with those cells, because those IgG4 antibodies send the wrong message to the Natural Killer cells. Worse, the IgG4 antibodies can also prevent the proper IgG1 and IgG3 antibodies binding to the same cell from sending the right message to the Natural Killer cells that it’s time to kill the cell.
This is the sort of problem where it can take many many years, before we know how big the problem really is. And it’s not fair, for the people who had no idea and no way of comprehending what they were signing up for. The people who pushed these vaccines, have a responsibility to apologize to the victims, which includes millions of underage people worldwide. And they have a responsibility, to come up with a solution.
Stéphane Bancel became a billionaire, thanks to a vaccine that makes people’s adaptive immune systems treat the spike protein of a dangerous SARS virus that has killed tens of millions of people so far, as if it were a peanut protein or some pollen from trees. With all those billions, with that vast fortune, he could fund a solution to the damage that was done to people’s immune systems, or he could at least offer some financial compensation to the people affected by this error.
And this is not something you’re supposed to read about on this blog. This is something you’re supposed to read about in every newspaper. Your newspaper is supposed to be asking why the life expectancy projections have suddenly stopped going up, why the methods of calculating excess mortality have changed, why people are coughing their lungs out in the middle of summer, why the retirement age suddenly doesn’t have to be raised in my country after all. But it seems that once again, only the jester is allowed to tell the king the truth.
Nobody has a clue how the immune system works in totality. It’s like the blind guy describing an elephant as a tail or a foot. You might as well experiement with canabinoids. Maybe a billion people need a bone marrow transplant. It was a total disaster rolling this out without 20 years of study.
>It was a total disaster rolling this out without 20 years of study.
Yup. We always knew it was very hard to make a proper vaccine against it. They tried out a vaccine against a corona virus in a bunch of animals, it generally resulted in antibody dependent enhancement of disease. They tried a vaccine against RSV before, it killed and hospitalized a bunch of kids.
But now they went ahead and tried it anyway, on a global scale, against a virus that was inevitably going to mutate in response to it. And they didn’t just try it. No, they promised us lifelong social ostracism if we didn’t go along with the experiment.
It took until june 2020, until the Scottish hospitals were full of sick elderly again, after they vaccinated 90% of them. Half a year, it didn’t even take half a year, for the whole experiment to utterly fail, visible to anyone who bothers to follow the numbers.
But nobody pulled the emergency break, nobody thought “you know what, let’s not risk this with the kids”. No, they came up with QR codes that prohibit you from sitting in a restaurant. Just the pettiest bullying possible, treating a small share of the population like this is 19th century India and we’re the dalits.
Covidworld has been the strangest phenomenon I’ve ever experienced.
It has transmogrified my world.
Sometimes scary, sometimes magical, sometimes humorous. . .
Very strange.
One of the things I’ve come to realize is that I’ve given people too much credit. The fact that I’m different in some ways isn’t indicative of something wrong with me, as I used to feel, but is indicative of something wrong with all of them instead 😛
Yep, same for me. You can just go back to may or june 2020, read the articles I wrote. I didn’t know that much about immunology back then.
I just knew that the numbers were publicly accessible, you could just look up the numbers and see that droves of elderly people were getting sick again, within months of being vaccinated.
But nobody was talking about it and they kept vaccinating, so it became my obsession.
You keep saying June 2020, but i guess you mean 2021. Anyhow, this was the final eye opener to me: in the summer of 2021 Israel was the country with the most Covid infections, hospitalisations and deaths per capita. If there was any doubt regarding the shots, at that moment it was laid down to rest – those shots were killing people. I was just looking at Israel because they were publishing their data in clean csv files, all per vaccination status. Probably Scotland had those data as well.
Regarding the non-live vaccines: they are so widely used everywhere, like many people are having yearly flu shots. How come the IgG2/4 switch became apparent only with the Covid shots? It should have been very prevalent in countries that deploy regularly flu “vaccinations”.
Here’s a debate question that was never asked: “President Biden, in the past four years, on your watch, the average life expectancy of Americans has suddenly plummeted by three years. How do you explain this?”
“President Biden, under the leadership of you and Tony Fauci, with all your strict mandates, school closures, and vaccinations, the US had the worst covid outcome in the world, by far. How do you explain this?”
“Because we didn’t lock down hard enough and a few people didn’t mask and vaccinate. They ruined everything. Get your 9000th booster today”
Oh wait that’s a coherent sentence.
“Oh you know, the thing. He left a mess and I cleaned the thing you know all those racists are saying the migrants and the border patrol but I saved the migrants and we beat the COVID and .. excuse me.. I mean the the the the abortion”
> It seems to me, that the endocannabinoid system is nature’s way of ridding a body of excessive B cells that are no longer wanted. Cannabinoids specifically suppress the body’s adaptive immune response, particularly the B cells, which should hopefully give the innate immune system more of a chance to do the job it is supposed to be doing.
Yes, yes, let’s just all keep smoking the Devil’s weed, right Rad?
Folks, pay no mind to Radagast’s jibberjabber. It is now incontrovertible that he is an Archon doing the bidding of YALDABAOTH:
> But it seems that once again, only the jester is allowed to tell the king the truth.
Always was, always will be
Right now I know (or know indirectly) the following people with covid:
young guy here in CA who caught it last month; he is in his 30s; he’s still exhausted and he just managed to infect his stroke ridden mother
co-religionist in CA in his 70s who caught it from a couple of other of my coreligionists (also in their 70s) who have it; it is the second time in three months he has had it
a woman in her 60s who volunteers where I do here in CA; she got it from her husband
a friend’s doctor here in CA; second time in three months for him, too
a co-religionist in Ohio
The local wastewater is not so high but that is clearly not telling all the story, since I don’t have a big social circle and this is a lot of people.
My sister just caught it 2 days ago on a flight back home from Rhode Island.
Tell her to use Xlear nasal spray and take two claritins a day (twelve hours apart) for a couple of weeks.
Ivermectin too, asap, ideally. If she won’t take that, then black cumin oil capsules.
This really is the pharmaceutical/vaccine industry’s “Chernobyl moment”.
There is still something that I don’t quite understand.
I understand why natural killer cells select AGAINST virulence, due to these DAMP and PAMP mechanisms that you have discussed previously. The NK cells selectively tolerate more benign variants of SARS2 whilst discriminating against more virulent strains. Makes perfect sense.
But I’m struggling to understand why IgG4 antibodies select FOR increased fusogenicity (and thus virulence). If the vaccinated were still deploying robust IgG3 antibodies which are highly effective at neutralising the virus, then it would make sense if we were seeing more fusogenic variants being selected for, because the ability to spread undetected from one cell to a neighbouring cell would offer these more fusogenic variants a survival advantage, as they would avoid being detected by those “pesky” IgG3 antibodies.
But on the other hand, when an IgG4 antibody binds to the spike protein expressed on the surface of an infected cell, it prevents the NK cells and T cells from killing the infected cell, thus encouraging persistent infections. So in this scenario, the virus isn’t required to spread undetected from cell to cell, because the IgG4 antibodies are complete shit at neutralising the virus.
And yet despite this, we are still seeing a steady increase in fusogenicity since Omicron arrived. Unless I am misunderstanding some of these scientific concepts.
>But on the other hand, when an IgG4 antibody binds to the spike protein expressed on the surface of an infected cell, it prevents the NK cells and T cells from killing the infected cell, thus encouraging persistent infections. So in this scenario, the virus isn’t required to spread undetected from cell to cell, because the IgG4 antibodies are complete shit at neutralising the virus.
You have to remember, all the antibodies have two jobs:
1. Tagging cells infected by the virus, expressing its proteins on its surface or specific peptides in the MHC molecule. This lets the NK cells know they have to be killed (antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity).
2. For antibodies that bind to the receptor binding domain: Neutralizing a viral particle floating in your blood plasma, trying to find other cells to infect.
It’s #1 that we know IgG4 is very bad at. In fact, it’s able to stop IgG1 and IgG3 from performing #1, when it binds to the same cell as IgG1 and IgG3.
But #2 is relatively intact. If the affinity of the antibody is high enough to the RBD, it should still be able to neutralize (source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciimmunol.adg7327 ), that is physically obstruct it from engaging ACE2. And there is still IgG1 out there, which you would expect to neutralize too. It’s not as good as IgG3 at neutralization, which can develop much stronger neutralization because it has a longer tail. But that would presumably be something that can be compensated for, simply by raising antibody concentrations.
So with #1 broken and #2 relatively intact, the optimal strategy would seem to be to increasingly focus on fusing cells together, never having to suffer neutralization.
But finally, in the long run, as neutralization starts to depend on IgM antibodies binding to parts of the N-Terminal Domain, you can also expect fusogenicity to increase, simply because avoiding those antibodies will require deleting portions of the immunogenic loops, which has been observed to dramatically increase fusogenicity.
@Radagast: Thanks for clarifying, now I understand it better.
@kareninca: Regarding measles, Dr. GVB published an article on his Substack on May 5th titled “Training is gaining! A glimmer of rational hope” in which he discusses the possibility of using the MMR vaccine may somewhat repair the “dysregulated” immune response in the vaccinated.
@Diogenes: Sorry to hear about the vodka, hopefully you can use the valium to wean off it like the nurses instructed you.
@Event horizon: Yes I’ve watched some of the videos on the Merogenomics YouTube channel, Dr. Raszek does good work, he was also a co-author on a study that Radagast has cited several times in previous articles.
@Mehen: An autistic savant appeared on the David Letterman show, he was able to recite the mathematical number pi to over 22,500 decimal places, and it only took him a few weeks to learn. He also discusses his synesthesia, so in someways it’s almost like he’s constantly high on mescaline lol. Here’s the interview:
Tell me this doesn’t make you horny, Rad:
It’s more the mental effects I fear than immuno-destroying effects.
I feel more and more mental trainwrecked but I can’t differentiate what’s from becoming older, what’s from the drugs, and what’s from viral brain-damage.
I desperatly try to rebuild my social environment, but all I get are vax-zombies, crack-addicts, and clinical mad people.
And I’m back in my Vodka addiction, it’s all so fucked up …
Vodka is disgusting. Wine is wholesome, in moderation.
It would be really dumb to die of cirrhosis when by not being vaxxed you end up being one of the few people with a liver that still works. I know a lady in her 60s who has cirrhosis of the liver now, but it isn’t from drinking, it is from obesity. But here’s the worrisome thing: she isn’t all that fat. But she has had a lot of covid shots.
> Vodka is disgusting. Wine is wholesome, in moderation.
In some of the hair-splitting debates I’ve read among health-conscious addicts/alcoholics, the consensus seemed to be that drinking pure spirits in the form of high quality vodka, gin, or tequila is the way to go. Wine and beer are full of other questionable things that will put a strain on your system (and no, the resveratrol thing is a chimera. You would need to drink gallons of red wine to get anything approaching an effective dose of resveratrol)
> It would be really dumb to die of cirrhosis when by not being vaxxed you end up being one of the few people with a liver that still works.
Welcome to my world. I have a feeling Diogenes and I are barreling down the same train tracks…
I forgot to add:
If Diogenes continues to drink, he should make sure to supplement B1 (thiamine), B3 (nicotinic acid), and B12 and folate (preferably in their methylated forms)
These B vitamins are depleted in alcoholics and can lead to neurological issues.
I’ve been drinking like a fish for years now, and with my healthy diet, physical activity, and targeted supplementation, I feel healthy as a horse with no diminishment of my intellectual faculties. Does anyone here dare to disagree with that statement?
He’s better off getting advice from a well-meaning middle aged lady than from a lunatic.
Having seen it first-hand, I can say cirrhosis is a ghastly way to go.
But, speaking as an alcoholic myself, that’s probably my destiny, unless something else kills me first.
I’m open to suggestions for drugs to take my pain away, without the liver issues.
The main problem for me is likely to be sourcing alternative drugs rather than a willingness to try something new.
Everything is illegal around here.
Otherwise, I’d probably be consuming it already.
Low dose methylene blue. Okay with alcohol, but you may find you don’t need to drink as much. In itself it is very safe, but beware seriously dangerous interactions with other substances (e.g. SSRIs, narcotics).
OT, but may be of interest to certain people here:
“Psychic Abilities of Autistic Savants”
“Stéphane Bancel became a billionaire, thanks to a vaccine that makes people’s adaptive immune systems treat the spike protein of a dangerous SARS virus that has killed tens of millions of people so far, as if it were a peanut protein or some pollen from trees.”
Also, a vaccine that has killed at least 17 million people internationally and directly kills one person per thousand doses (largely through blood clots, heart attacks and other heart conditions, strokes, autoimmune diseases, neurological disorders, and as you say, crippling their immune response to viruses and cancers).
The thing about this that isn’t discussed enough is that so many people are complicit, and if those people don’t repent, they will spend eternity burning in Hell. And yes, they deserve it. Doctors who pushed vaccines on their patients? Hell if they don’t repent. Employees who participated in telling their coworkers they need to be vaccinated? Hell if they don’t repent. Parents who had their children vaccinated? Hell if they don’t repent. Probably 50% of the people in the Western world are going to Hell just on this account alone.
People will say, “they were well-meaning people who were fooled by the propaganda; God won’t judge them as murderers.” Ha. God’s justice is perfect, and He will judge them as murderers if they don’t repent. They should have known–it was perfectly obvious to me and any other thinking person by the day the vaccines were released–and they certainly should know now. And repentence is easy if you’re humble (though in the modern world, humility is very hard). It is entirely fair that parents who had their children inoculated should spend eternity suffering in Hell if they don’t repent. Because if “well-meaning” people like that go to Heaven, Heaven will be just as Hellish as Hell.
Screwtape really won this round. He’s getting what he wanted: most of the world’s Christians will go to Hell. (I’m not singling out Christians for Hell; almost all the non-Christians will meet them there, and no doubt be their main tormentors.)
I’m really starting to understand why out of all the billions of people who ever lived, it is said that only 288,000 will go to Heaven. It will be very hard for God to find 288,000 souls who can populate the place without completely fucking it up.
Here in the “land of milk and honey”, well that’s what we used to call Australia once which has approx. 26 million people.
A vast majority of these people have had minimum 3 shots about half of the 5 to 11 years have had three shots.
That leaves about 575k eligible Australians unvaccinated or if you like 2.2%.
If all the vaccine issues people talk about (white fibrous clots, IGG4 discussions here & CGG insertion into DNA etc) come to fruition there won’t be many of us left.
I know 3 people including myself who avoided getting the shot, it’s not something we talk about here much (nobody wants to be an anti vaxxer) but people are starting to realise they have been duped by the government.
“it’s not something we talk about here much (nobody wants to be an anti vaxxer)”
And for good reason:
Yep that’s the react I would get lol
Good to see Donald Sutherland in action again may God rest his soul 🙂
Why wouldn’t measles work? I thought measles wiped out immune memory. Why can’t all the vaxxed just catch measles and be saved from the IgG4 fate????
Geert Vanden Bossche recommended this very thing: he said the mRNA vaccinated should rush out and get a measles vaccine ASAP. Some issues with this thinking however: one is that you can’t actually get a “measles vaccine” in most countries, instead getting the MMR cocktail. And without clinical study, there could be a whole host of additional unintended consequences that could make things even worse. So… you first.
Interesting idea. The problem is we can’t just have measles spread through the population without killing a bunch of people.
Now that people are immune-damaged from covid and from the vaxxes, we are going to have measles anyway; it is happening already; cases are way up. Just like with whooping cough. Vaccines only work well for people with functioning immune systems, and people have broken immune systems, so measles will come back even in the measles-vaccinated. The lady I know who recently had whooping cough had had the whooping cough vaccine in childhood and had had a booster with each of her three pregnancies but she still got a pretty unpleasant case of whooping cough, and she is in her 40s and generally healthy.
So once the covid-vaccinated catch measles, and their immune system is reset (assuming they survived having measles), they can go from having a damaged immune system to being a blank slate. They can start over with the Wuhan variant and work their way through. I’m not exactly recommending this but I do think it will happen.
The whooping cough lady used to be a nurse, and she claims that she has never caught covid. However she has had absolutely all of the covid vaxxes and all of the covid vax boosters. So her whooping cough case is a good indication of what we’ll get.
LSWM wrote
“There is still something that I don’t quite understand”
There is lots I still don’t understand I am more into electronics so am no expert.
I would suggest you look at this guy on YouTube
Merogenomics or search for Dr mikolaj raszek. His next video is titled IGG4 after 5 X shots. Dr raszek has a large catalog of videos where he discusses the IGG4 issue hopefully you find this of interest.
I remember in a recent video he spoke about IGG4 attaching to the IGG3 ab thus thwarting the immune systems ability to recognise a foreign object.
I believe this is what Radagast was hinting about above when it comes to that horrible disease that starts with C.
Hey Radagast, thanks for this clear post. I wonder about a few aspects, curious about your take.
I don’t see a clear reason in the study that explains the shift to more IgG4 after the third jab. It makes me suspect that the same could happen in an unvaccinated individual that gets his third infection. What do you think?
And what would be the impact of the shedding phenomena, if any? Some people in hospitals might be shed upon all the time. Could that also lead to IgG4 increase?
>I don’t see a clear reason in the study that explains the shift to more IgG4 after the third jab. It makes me suspect that the same could happen in an unvaccinated individual that gets his third infection. What do you think?
That’s very unlikely because the immune mechanisms involved are just different.
In the unvaccinated, the first exposure to viral particles is through the mucuous membranes, where IgA and IgM get an opportunity to bind.
In addition, there is tissue inflammation, from the infected cells and any neighboring cells. Those cells send messages that indicate to the immune system that cells have been infected.
In addition to this, the tissue resident NK cells get to destroy infected cells, before antibodies bind to those infected cells. That means those NK cells get the opportunity to properly inform the immune system as to what’s going on.
It should be clear to the immune system that it knows it’s dealing with a viral infection.
And that’s what the studies show. We know of zero cases where the class switch to IgG4 takes place:
We haven’t even seen it happen in severe COVID patients.
You can find some people with some IgG4 against Nucleocapsid. But Nucleocapsid is a very big protein and it’s inevitable that there will be some recall of antibodies from unrelated pathogens.
The kind of class switch where IgG4 is deployed against the RBD of Spike, just isn’t observed so far in the unvaccinated.
>And what would be the impact of the shedding phenomena, if any? Some people in hospitals might be shed upon all the time. Could that also lead to IgG4 increase?
I’ve never seen any proper evidence for the “shedding” idea.
“In the unvaccinated, the first exposure to viral particles is through the mucuous membranes, where IgA and IgM get an opportunity to bind.”
That is the case with avian flu, too, I assume. But it also gets spread digestively. There were cats in Poland that died due to cat food containing avian flu. And the farm cats in the U.S. may be getting it that way. And live virus persists in raw milk and maybe some pasteurized milk. I wonder what sort of training the immune system gets when a respiratory virus is first encountered via the gut.
Thanks for your reply Radagast. What you say about the difference between jabbed and unjabbed is clear.
As for shedding, I’m sure you are aware of the series on Substack by Pier Kory and Midwestern doctor. They gathered a lot of circumstancial evidence. Of course there is no scientific proof as no scientist is doing research in this direction. Their owners didn’t give them permission. To me it seems a likely if unexplained phenomenon.
>This hasn’t been studied however. There is still nobody out there, trying to figure out how to get rid of this abnormal immune response
For this R&D work to happen, and for billions of people to accept taking therapy, the problem needs to be publicly acknowledged, and a massive outcry raised.
As long as the official line is “The jab was a good thing”, research grants won’t be approved, and the mass of people won’t get the treatments they need
The most vain and stupid people have the biggest egos. The same kind of people is exactly those who were likely to take the jab. In order to get His Highness The Midwit to acknowledge He made a mistake, the mainstream media will need to scare him out of his wits that the jab was harmful.
Would the J&J and/or Novavax covid shots be considered live, inactivated, or partly live? The JJ viral vector contains genetic material, and the novavax live virus is grown and harvested, but only a sub-unit protein is used. (If I understand correctly)
These are all inactivated vaccines.
The viral vector can not complete its reproduction cycle. If it could, it would be a very reckless experiment.
The only that can save the vaccinated is safe and effective antivirals delivered as large suppositories. It must be suppositories.
“we have still seen no cases of an IgG4 dominant antibody response … in unvaccinated people.”
I am fairly certain of seeing a study that did find IgG4 response in some unvaccinated people (kids actually in this study). Has this ever seriously been studied though? Probably not, almost no studies look directly at the unvaccinated who form a small fraction of society now. My own research indicates that an unvaccinated person who lives among the vaccinated and takes no precautions can develop the same IgG4 “tolerance” that the jabbed have. This makes sense to me from a logical perspective: the uncontrolled flooding of the body with spike protein after the jabs causes the body to shrug and say “this thing is everywhere so there’s no point fighting it” and simply accepts it as being there: IgG4 tolerance. But someone unvaxxed who lives, eats, breaths it all day from being around the jabbed will eventually share the same fate. In fact, we are all being exposed to it on some level or another on a daily basis, depending on who you spend your time with and how much of it. There are stories too numerous to count (if you know where to look) of unvaxxed getting severely ill and even dying of all same maladies the jabbed get – the turbo cancers, the menstrual problems, the heart problems, etc. When you understand this part, you realize how the design of this thing is get every last one of us.
I can’t help but suspect that this whole thing has been designed to kill off as many people as possible to accellerate population decline before the bottle neck happens and natural resources hit their limits. This is how military types think, they don’t take morality into consideration.
Imagine you have a defence budget of nearly a trillion dollars. Obv a few hundred billion or so of that will be being creamed off by cunts somewhere in the military industrial complex, but it still leaves a good sizeable sum for the many soyjak psychopaths in their payroll to play about with.
“Yes, population explosion and CO2 emissions are linked, so how de we bring it down without anyone noticing that we are behind it? Low levels of cyanide in soap or the water supply? Too obvious, would get noticed. Set up fake accounts and tell people to eat nothing but lard, beef and human shit? Try it anyway, worth a laugh, will take out a few lardos anyway. Or hey boss, we’ve been vaccinating those kidnapped homeless guys from San Fran and New York with this new MRNA shit (we’ve been putting heroin in it too to shut them up) and it basically blows their immune system after they are exposed to that SARS virus Fauci is messing about with.”
Remember Rob, there is no such thing as coincidences, and there is never only one cockroach.
Quote: “… the unvaccinated who form a small fraction of society now.”
Society? How can a pack of murderers be a society?
Yeah, the world is full of psychos, and like the crazies they are, they don’t even realize it.
I’m more and more attracted to withdrawing.
I’d like a little happiness and peace before I die.
I might have to change tack.
Step one: get permanently whacked-out on a solid, non-liver damaging (done enough of that already), drug regimen.
Step two: pull the pin on my engagement with the world.
Could you please write about what you think it might be like 10 – 20 years from now for both the “unvaccinated” and the “vaccinated”?
Also, I’m just wondering what your background is and how you know so much about all the micro medical aspects of this? For a lay person I try to read and learn about medical info but your knowledge is beyond. Thanks.
9-5 in the orifice again. . .
When is this calamity meant to happen again?
Yes indeed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8KIdzgV83Y
Bring it!
I can take it.
Back Sunday falls one day too soon? Pernicious nonsense! It can’t come soon enough!
C’mon you big black bird!
Let me take my chances on the wall of death!
How are you still in the orifice you boomer?
My parents were boomers, I’m Gen X.
The boomers turned off the lights when they left the building, so I go into the orifice to sit in the dark.
Your generation gets to chain and lock the door at the end of my death-watch.
Not really relevant to anything I pointed out here.
Persistence of the mRNA is also generally exaggerated. If the mRNA was persisting and amplifying itself, you’d see people die of that and you’d hear reports of autopsies demonstrating that.
What they see instead is that they can measure the mRNA for a few weeks longer than expected.
The problem I point out here is faulty programming of the antibody response, in response to which this virus has evolved in a manner to make use of that faulty antibody response.
These “solutions” are not going to solve that.
Do you mean the flu? I am still not convinced Sars-Cov-2 even exists.
> you’d see people die of that and you’d hear reports of autopsies demonstrating that.
Assuming anyone is even incentivized to perform autopsies on suspicious deaths (which may not even be categorized as “suspicious”)
You can’t find what you don’t look for.
> [Diogenes] is better off getting advice from a well-meaning middle aged lady than from a lunatic.
Well missy, let me tell you something. Roughly a year ago I had been hitting the sauce pretty hard. Started to feel a tenderness in my lower right rib cage area, around the gallbladder. I immediately started my Liver Protocol*.
Alas, 2 weeks later I noticed edema in my feet and ankles. After some furtive Googling I thought the worst had befallen me: hepato-renal syndrome. As in — I only had a few weeks to live without a liver transplant. Since I have no insurance, I immediately booked a flight to a 2nd world country I had extended family in. In 2 days I had a full blood work-up, and various x-rays and ultrasound imaging for my symptoms (in addition to some nagging musculoskeletal problems I had)
The verdict? My blood tests were perfect. Liver enzymes were normal. I had known from previous ultrasounds that I had a “fatty liver” but the the physician who scanned me told me it was mild enough that it could just as easily be attributed to subjective preferences in gain settings by the ultrasound machine operator.
Even better: apparently there is a test called “Fibromaxx” (or something) which is used in many countries outside the U.S. (though not normally covered by insurance in the U.S.) which is meant to determine the level of fibrosis in the liver. I was worried about that one. While I was confident I didn’t have full-blown cirrhosis, I was sure I had at least some level of fibrosis (which is an indicator of impending cirrhosis).
Guess what? I wasn’t in the red, I wasn’t even in the yellow. I was in the GREEN.
So who’s the lunatic now???
I will grant that I have reason to believe I have particularly good genetics for certain things (a strong immune system, perhaps too strong at times…anesthesia wears off too soon for me, I’ve always required double doses of medications and intoxicants to feel the full effects, etc) so I don’t want to give anyone here like Diogenes that what works for me will work for all people.
But just for the record….juuuuust in case….here is my Liver Protocol (these are just names of things. Do your own research to figure out dosages and sources and timing, etc.)
Milk Thistle
Alpha Lipoic Acid
Black seed oil
Activated charcoal
Lecithin/Brewer’s yeast
Broccoli, lentils and onions for bilirubin
Apocynin/Kutki powder
(TUDCA is a substance you might hear of in regard to detoxifying the liver. However, it should only be used when you are CLEAN OF ALCOHOL. DO NOT USE TUDCA WHILE DRINKING ALCOHOL FOR 48 HOURS BEFORE OR AFTER)
(I have Methylene Blue on my list, but can’t vouch for it as I’ve never tried it)
> I’m open to suggestions for drugs to take my pain away, without the liver issues.
Your best bet would be GHB, but from your description of your environs I doubt you’ll be able to source it.
Cirrhosis does not show up in bloodwork. My brother’s liver enzymes were perfect up to his death from (obesity induced) cirrhosis. His doctor did not realize this; a lot of doctors don’t; they look at the bloodwork and think the patient’s liver is okay. It is good that you had a Fibromaxx scan done.
Alcohol induced cirrhosis can often be helped by quitting drinking. But losing weight actually speeds the progression of obesity induced cirrhosis. Those people need to find a protocol with an anti fibrotic like nattokinase; the medical industry has nothing to offer them except transplant but they will not give you a transplant if you are too fat, but losing weight kills you faster so if you lose weight so that you can have a transplant you likely won’t survive to have it done.
I had really sore ribs once for no apparent reason so I went to the Dr. I told her all the symptoms, she asked if I was coughing up blood, I said no, she said nothing wrong with you then.
That’s the level of care you get in Australia :-).
When it comes to alcohol and livers you need to watch your iron levels as any free iron will be stored in your liver. Alcohol generally increases iron intake.
My iron count has been high for about 25 years, maybe longer but that’s when I first had it tested.
I try to give blood to keep it down.
I should probably stop kidding myself and just abstain from drinking from here on out, like what I did already with smoking when it became ‘inconvenient’.
There are better ways to go.
I was at the doctor and tried to get some pills against the desperation and panick I feel all day long. But no chance, all they offer you is complete drug withdrawal in a boot camp like part of the hospital.
I have the choice between desdending in my desperation and ruin me with vodka … or boot camp.
Maybe you will not hear something from me for a while. But thanks to you all. You gave me some help with your thoughts.
Good luck mate.
Psychiatric boot camp can be okay. I know a couple of people who benefitted from it. Just getting older usually helps, and the boot camp keeps you alive a little longer as you get older. I know Rintrah thinks being old is horrible but older people are mostly happier; the right brain cells have died off.
I hope you pull through.