The problems our world faces are not going to be solved. Nobody who is capable of understanding how immense our global problems really are, is going to radiate the kind of energy that leads people to reward them with power. If you genuinely understand what we’re dealing with, you will appear exhausted, depressed and dark, so people will avoid you. This is not just your elected representatives, it applies to government officials, people at NGOs and everywhere else too.
Here’s an example: The Biden administration is angry at Ukraine for targeting oil refineries in Russia, which drives up gas prices and could risk Biden’s reelection. If that’s the state of the world in 2024, when priorities of the most powerful country in the world revolve around whether 95IQ fat American ketolards have to pay more at the pump for their child-slaughtering SUVs, then it’s over, nothing is going to get solved.
Children are eight times more likely to die when struck by a patriotic freedom-loving SUV, than when struck by a Europoor soycuck style passenger vehicle. And because you DON’T SEE THEM, you’re far more likely to hit them than in a normal car. So go ahead, thank God that you don’t understand how the world works, because if you actually understood how the world works, you would deserve to drive off to home one day, hear bones shatter and find out too late your toddler was crawling in your garage. Turns out little Billy won’t have to grow up to see what happens when a severe drought hits Borneo after all! Lucky Billy, poor dad!
If you are an American, if you own an SUV, please say this little prayer for me:
Thank you God, for making me a fat American retard, a completely delusional naive moron, a low IQ low status white male who has no idea how the world works but is allowed to live a simple life in happy ignorance as long as he listens to his pastor who tells him to pray for Israel instead of being sucked into a Twitter echobox composed of latinx and arabs with Roman statue avatars who pretend to be white to sell supplements.
Because yes, like Scandinavians, Jews are the sort of people cursed with a high IQ and high neuroticism, who are forced to think about this sort of stuff while you watch your Superbowl. Be sure to let me know when the Palestinians start holding TED talks, warning us about the growing threat of globally synchronized crop failures.
I want you to consider the possibility there exist two versions of this video. One version, in our branch of reality, where the fat American retard who can’t see shit from his giant car and lets his kid wander around while he drives off to work hits the kid’s toy car. And one version of this video, in another branch of reality, where the crushing sound we hear comes from the child, before we see the fat American retard step out and hear the type of scream we can not erase from our memory, as the birds continue chirping, the sun continues shining and the universe continues in its ways with utter and complete indifference.
And then I want to ask you: What protected this fat American retard from ending up in the other branch of reality? I want to figure out how to stop every retard from ending up in the branch of reality he deserves, including myself. But I don’t know how to do it. And you might stroke your neckbeard and say to me that science will bail us out through improved sensors in our cars and you would not even be wrong, but we will always depend on a little divine mercy.
People who understand reality and try to make predictions based upon it tend to be humiliated, because we stumble through despite our errors thanks to miracle after miracle. We should have had a nuclear war by now, that nuclear submarine near Cuba lost its communications and thought a war had started. We should have broken the ozone layer by now, we should have started suffering global famines. We’re due for a mega earthquake in California, Yellowstone should erupt, that tiny Canary island is supposed to have landslides triggering megatsunamis inundating the entire US East coast. But we have made it through so far, with miracle after miracle.
In the Netherlands, things work out because we do everything possible to make them work out. Back in the 70’s, kids were dying on their way to school in droves, struck by cars. So people revolted. People began blocking traffic, laying down on the road with their bicycles, as the Dutch equivalent of freedom-loving patriotic alpha males in cars hurled abuse at them. It’s another prominent example, of the 60’s actually happening in the 70’s. That’s how we got the amazing bicycle infrastructure we have today, that allows me to get basically anywhere on my bicycle.
But in America, things just always seem to work out somehow. They suffer an oil crisis in 2008 and they discover a way to produce oil from shale, which no other country can affordably replicate due to the geology. Now they have so much oil, they’re all driving around in SUVs. You people will get very angry at me for saying this, but I am seriously starting to believe that part of the reason things generally end up miraculously working out for fat American retards, is because their elected government deposits a big fat check for military aid in an Israeli bank account every year.
And I really hope, that electing this guy will earn my own poor delusional naive kin some mercy from the heavens. You people will think I am losing my mind. But I am a reader of history, who has had some intense psychedelic experiences in his life. You don’t have to believe the things I say, but trust that I am not a dumb or highly irrational man. I have my reasons for saying these sort of things. The reality we inhabit is deceptive.
If it wasn’t obvious yet, this blog is not a popularity contest, or a money-making machine. There is no donation button, no T-shirt shop, no supplement page, no blockchain project. It’s a diary, that allows me to get through the day. I used to think I could be a happy midwit with the right supplement. Omega 3, vitamin B12, vitamin D, cannabidiol, high doses of psilocybe mushrooms, trust me, I have tried everything. I go to the gym, I lift weights, I have a reasonably high VO2 max of 46.6 despite being a vegan who donates blood. And yes, I was like this even as a child, before I stopped eating meat. It is as it is.
Over time, I have learned to accept that my soul is like a vacuum cleaner, that sucks up some of the darkness surrounding our tiny speck of light, some of the meaningless cruel chaos, some of the hideous banalities that surround us, sequestering it as inert intellectual abstractions. I can not forget what happened in Israel, because at some level I feel as if I am to blame myself in a metaphysical way, as if I was just not willing to comprehend what the Jews have had to suffer through over the ages, so I had to see it repeated.
So what I want to ask you, for your own sake, is not to pick a fight with a people who have seemingly miraculously returned to the land their God promised to them more than two thousand years ago, after winning multiple wars against their neighbors despite overwhelming odds. If you can’t get yourself to like them, then please just ignore them. For your own good, please do not try to stand in their way.
And while we’re at it, please ditch your SUV.
But I think maybe pre-1970s Netherlands – with drivers honking at schoolchildren and cyclists to get out of their way, or don’t, whatever – would have been less likely to meekly submit to the covid program. Choose your poison; there’s no way out.
Rad I think Loki is having a laugh at your expense, all the Jew worship bro, I’m not gonna lie, it’s ridiculous. All the salvia you’ve taken has convinced you of your ultimate wisdom, but really, you’re just being clowned on by trickster archetypes. Though maybe you already know this. Anyway, I think it’s cute, no homo.
2.4 billion people worldwide worship a crucified Jew, but then they never wish to make the connection and see that they are all empowering an Egregore. The average low IQ low status white male is convinced that Jesus is literally God, but thinks all the other Jews are evil.
So all these people empower an entity, knowing full well that the entity they worship chose a particular group of people, but then spend their days defaming that ethnic group, chosen by the entity they worship.
It’s a schizophrenic attitude that can only bring them misery.
Yaweh and Christ are not the same God, it only seems ridiculous if you take what’s written in the Bible at face value. From Templist Canon.
“Indeed, as I have said in Gods, and say elsewhere, a god is not necessarily what it claims to be if there is no evidence for that claim. One may think, there is no evidence one way or another if God is Wotan, YHWH, or something else. but I have also said, “you will know us by our fruits”. For, beyond opaque questions of divine identity, there are things that we manifest in the world, which can evidence our intentions, and as intentions are part of character, can give evidence as to our identity. It is, first, evident that no matter what, God is not YHWH. For, YHWH is
demonstrably a Jew-loving, even a Jew-obsessed god, and a god who is very jealous to see his laws observed by his “chosen people”. But, the fruits born by Christ were certainly not to advance the Jews, nor to advance the Jewish laws, because he contradicted and claimed to supersede said laws, and not only contradicted them in word, but actually did promulgate a doctrine that led them to be contradicted by some Jews. Now, the prejudice of one who wants to maintain that “God simply cannot have lied” is evident. For, if he “didn’t lie” in the New Testament, then
he lied in the Old Testament about the Jews being his “chosen people”. Subhumans, like those to whom Jesus initially preached, interpret “beware of false prophets!” as containing an implicit trustworthiness, since it does not make a “lying sound”. Europeans can, if not deluded by a mass hysteria, recognize that no matter how many times the Bible says “boom! I am the sole God”, “boom! I am YHWH”, it does not provide anything by way of evidence, and there is evidence to the contrary of the fact that the gods cannot lie, as even according to his own words God is omnipotent, and in reality we are very powerful. To walk on water, or perform some other such charade, is the
“boom!” noise necessary to convince subhumans of whatever you have to say next, a divine parallel of their own artificial and clownish method of rhetoric. Power, to them, including the power to understand, is always something occulted, because it is in their nature to pretend that they, or their wares, are more than they are. It’s a secret, one understands boom noises “secretly”, but Europeans have real powers including the real power to understand using real faculties of reason and perception which you are now going to exercise.”
If that is so. How is it that when Jesus encounters other Spiritual Beings. They end up revealing themselves to be demons who scream with anger and agony when encountering him
> And one version of this video, in another branch of reality, where the crushing sound we hear comes from the child, before we see the fat American retard step out and hear the type of scream we can not erase from our memory, as the birds continue chirping, the sun continues shining and the universe continues in its ways with utter and complete indifference.
Reminds me of this video:
Looks like you cracked the code on how to get a get out of jail free card. Always side with the Jews, in all situations, however counterintuitive it may seem. It’s the difference between those who constantly harvest their V:s versus those who are force fed their L:s time after time. Actually, there was supposed to be an eleventh commandment, but God didn’t want to make it too obvious to anyone who doesn’t really deserve it.
The Eleventh Commandment:
Honor the Jews, that you may live long in the land which the LORD your God wants to give you.
I don’t know if it is that simple.
The thing that people want to ignore, is that the God of the Old Testament doesn’t start out claiming to be the only God. He is just jealous, he demands that the Jews worship no other Gods than him.
Note, he is also not some kind of formless abstract higher God, about whom nothing can be said, like Brahman or the Godhead. He has clear attributes, like his gender.
What I am saying, is that this entity clearly has a deep concern for the Jews.
You have to be a really dumb low IQ low status white male, to claim to be a tradcath, a mormon, or whatever and spend your days mocking and insulting the Jews. The God you worship clearly cares more about them than he cared about your ancestors.
In fact, I do not actively worship this God myself. I just recognize this God as a force to be reckoned with. There are other forces in this world to reckon with. When you violate the Earth or its animals, you are picking a fight with a feminine entity. Thus I do not recommend people to eat pigs and cows either.
But I would never be so dumb as the low IQ low status white males, who worship this God of the Old Testament, but nonetheless always want to pick a fight with the people the God chose from among the world’s ethnic groups.
Honestly, I’ve always considered Christianity boring and bland, Judaism incomprehensible, and Islam silly. Hinduism was the religion that appealed to me most as a child when I first came into contact with the world religions, it is limitless and imaginative. Buddhism is a pale copy with the best parts removed.
Anyway, as an adult I do not profess any religion even though I am baptized and confirmed according to the Protestant custom.
Somewhat strangely, the West is and remains Judeocentric both from a historical point of view and even into the present day. October 7th was the start of a new wave of anti-Semitic impulses and a time of trial for God’s chosen people. Is their god still powerful enough to protect them or are competing divine forces biding their time?
Yes, Yaweh is chiefly concerned with the Jews, our God is not. OUR God is the entity that destroyed Rome, Our God is the entity that lead our people to conquering the world. Our God is who our people still worship today, in different forms; Pagan or Christian, it matters not.
Yaweh is the same God as the one written about in the Old Testament, he has not changed in his ways, caring for nothing except forcing his chosen to obey the same laws they always have. The Christian God is a terrifying and brilliant Machiavellian that only cares for total domination of reality, his chosen, the Germanians and Celts they’ve interbred with; his army to spread his influence across all of reality. Jews and even Yaweh have a place in our God’s vision, they are not, and never will be, the masterminds.
Do you really think things are just going to collapse and we’ll live in barbarian ignorance forever? It’s not that simple. The turmoil of today is just setting the stage for a universal saga. The God of Kings, Victory, and Strategy won’t allow it be any different.
Just give me a burner email dude, I want to write you a manifesto about the nature of reality.
Ok will do. You can mail me at:
No joke, this is one of my actual email addresses.
“That’s how we got the amazing bicycle infrastructure we have today, that allows me to get basically anywhere on my bicycle.”
Rad, are things always changing for the better in the Netherlands?
Do you think today’s politicians could manage to achieve something like that?
Or do you blame the trillions of brown people for any problems you have?
You have no idea what living in rural America is like or what it requires.
It’s easy to think you know everything about situations you’ve never had to actually deal with, that’s why the internet is full of so many loud mouthed retards.
A couple of days ago I chatted for a while with an elderly Jewish lady in my condo complex. She is an atheist, and I belong to a Peace Church, but we held the same view: that Netanyahu is a fool who is waging war to save his own self, and that this will likely be a disaster for Israel, and that its Jewish inhabitants may again be driven to the far corners of the earth. Your interpretation of the Old Testament doesn’t take into account that after choosing the Jewish people as His special concern, God allowed the first and second temples to be destroyed, and the Babylonian captivity, and Job’s sufferings, and many other awful things. There is unfortunately precedent for more. I hope not, but you are ignoring history if you think it can’t happen again. “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.” (Isaiah 55:8). You seem to think that history has reached a stopping point but it hasn’t.
If I refuse to worship a Jew, then I am a Jew:
“You don’t have to believe the things I say, but trust that I am not a dumb or highly irrational man.”
Rad, your articles prove that you are not dumb.
Your rants, however suggest to me at least that you are quite highly irrational.
What is the rational explanation for the existence of a creator?
It would be interesting to read your rant on that.
>If it wasn’t obvious yet, this blog is not a popularity contest, or a money-making machine. There is no donation button, no T-shirt shop, no supplement page, no blockchain project. It’s a diary, that allows me to get through the day.
Thanks for this confession (assuming it is sincere). I’m sure many lurkers will be glad to read this.
>Because yes, like Scandinavians, Jews are the sort of people cursed with a high IQ and high neuroticism,
This, along with their well known germaphobia, goes a long way in explaining their outsized influence in zealously pushing an experimental transfection injection on the world to stave off a virus with something like a 99.5% IFR.
>People who understand reality and try to make predictions based upon it tend to be humiliated, because we stumble through despite our errors thanks to miracle after miracle. We should have had a nuclear war by now, that nuclear submarine near Cuba lost its communications and thought a war had started. We should have broken the ozone layer by now, we should have started suffering global famines. We’re due for a mega earthquake in California, Yellowstone should erupt, that tiny Canary island is supposed to have landslides triggering megatsunamis inundating the entire US East coast. But we have made it through so far, with miracle after miracle.
As Wombat and I have previously discussed, this curious state of affairs can be explained if one recognizes that things are not what they seem — that a reductionistic/materialistic conception of the universe offers little in providing relief from the bizarre “anomalies” you note here. Why have you not given more attention to the varieties of Christian Gnostic beliefs which would tell you this Hell Realm is ruled over by a Demiurge? Or that our individual lives are much like puppets on strings who are manipulated and dance in just the right rhythm to sate whatever hunger the “higher forces” lording over us desire?
As you insightfully note, it all doesn’t make any sense. These “issues” and “debates” go on interminably, with no clear victor. You inveigh against Fatmericans and LSWMs, yet, even they too have their brief moments in the sun. Doesn’t it seem like this whole “morality play” is perfectly engineered so that no homogenization takes place? If everyone were on the same page, perfectly rational, perfectly aligned, life would come to a standstill, and become boring and predictable. Are you understanding yet?
I can see why you have this blog, Rintrah, it doesn’t matter that you don’t make any money off it, although that is debatable since I suspect that you are harvesting subscriber data in some nefarious way, but even you aren’t, and you really are a good guy who is deeply misunderstood, and this is just a diary that you write in to relieve stress and to help you figure stuff out, the fact remains that dopamine is an addictive drug, and just like they’ve found that people become addicted to Facebook likes, in this case you have become addicted to the attention and instant gratification you get from your readers. You must feel like a big man now that you’ve gotten the attention of Igor and Geert Vanden Bossche and others. It must make you feel very powerful indeed showing how much money you’ve made in cryptocurrency and the stock market, netting you hundreds of thousand of euros. It must make you feel powerful to have a reader base of 1000+ subscribers, and have readers praise you on a daily basis.
It’s an ego thing, this website, that’s what I think it is for you. You are not authentically open minded, you are not interested in discovering the truth, especially when the truth challenges your assumptions, and forces you to change your point of view, you have a brick wall in your mind preventing you from seeing it. What you have is the opposite of an open mind. It’s so MKULTRA. Probably that’s what’s been going on in Europe, and especially the Netherlands for a long time now, you who live in Never Never Land, the land where all the royalty are fucking pedophiles! Want to know how the royal families in Europe obtained their royalty? It was by swearing allegiance to Satan at the behest of those who say they are Jews but are not!
Now I see why you are the way you are. You are completely brainwashed. It’s unfortunate what they’ve done to white people, to cause their minds to be completely scrambled and mushed and misdirected into pursuits that are ultimately meaningless and unimportant. You’ve been brainwashed to think that your mind is being expanded and enlightened whenever you consume salvia and datura, the gateway to clown world and the demonic realm, and then proceed to become obsessed with imagery of death and destruction and self-mutilation, and music as mindlessly melodic as a chainsaw severing a transgender woman in half who laughs manically during the whole ordeal. Your music is a satanic ritual, that you believe is cool and edgy and gothic, music for the gifted misunderstood loners of the world, when actually you are being harvested and drained to feed the evil that you unconsciously worship.
Okay, back to the Jews. I think it’s great that the Jews have a national homeland to call their own. But how come most of the Jews in the world don’t live in Israel, and don’t want to live there when given the opportunity? Like even when they are offered a free place to live, and a guaranteed government subsidy to live off of, on top of whatever other income they make, how come most Jews given the choice to live in Israel, choose not too? Think about it, why would that be?
Personally I think anyone who swears allegiance to Israel, regardless of their ethnic or religious background, should be forced to live in Israel for the rest of their lives! How about it? And that means you Rintrah! You love Israel so much why don’t you live there?
Also, let’s get rid of dual citizenship once and for all. This would solve so many problems! Also, let’s end German reparations once and for all, let’s end all US taxpayer subsidies to Israel once and for all! Israel has been a welfare state for way too long, the Zionist Jews need to grow up and start working for a living, and start carrying their own weight, instead of parasitically mooching off the rest of the world, like they’ve been doing since time immemorial, hiding under the cover of antisemitism, the holocaust that never ends, and the lie of being the chosen ones! SHALOM! Sleepy little boy, you need to wake the fuck up!
Is that any way to have a conversation?
Where are your manners.
This isn’t a conversation, this is an exchange of ideas.
You must love it down in the land down under, aren’t you guys like 99.99 percent boosted? It’s like the ultimate real world IQ test, doesn’t say much about your fellow countrymen…the vaccine shedding must be quite lovely, wouldn’t you say!
Well, Mr. Wombat, aka Mr. Agent Smith, of the ADL, Interpol division, somehow I wonder if you and MR. Keith could be real world brothers?
An exchange of ideas, or just you venting spleen?
You think the .01 per cent who refuses the rat juice is any kind of enforcer?
You’re a fool.
In the same way to say blacks have the groove in the blood, which is positive racism, you say the jews are the alpha-victims of mankind, which is positive anti-semitism.
“Nobody who is capable of understanding how immense our global problems really are, is going to radiate the kind of energy that leads people to reward them with power”
Eventually, in the fullness of time, a charismatic supreme leader will rise to unimaginable power, who will be so popular and hold such political power beyond what people now could possibly imagine. He will be well versed with the use of opioids, cocaine, hormones, steroids, doping agents, psychedelic and stimulant drugs. He will be a peaceful and talented painter and caring towards animals and will introduce strict animal protection laws. He will be vegan and impose laws to turn the entirety of Europe vegan – because he cares for the welfare of animals. He will burn all of the satanic, sick homo and trans-sexual queer books and web servers. He will bring back both nationalism and workers rights as a socialist left revolution. He will build extermination camps for all corrupt Euro politicians and parasitic elites in eastern Baltic states. Eastern Europeans and the Poles will be doing the actual genocide, but Germans will get the blame. The UK and USA will declare war on the revolution, World War Three. This time, however, the socialist workers will win, whilst singing Christ is King in a vegan global workers paradise.
I own a gas guzzling SUV, but rarely drive it and it is pretty much my farm/boat moving vehicle. My daily is a beater Toyota Corolla. My once a weeker is an 84 Jeep CJ7 with a 360 in it. Took it offroad this past weekend and camped out.
I’ll continue to burn fossil fuels until a more viable option becomes available. If you really want to fight “excess,” start to address our current monetary system and credit system.
mes études de français à l’université de Clemson manquaient, mais je sais ce que cela signifie
I don’t know why Rad has such a distorted view about the Scriptures, Israel, and the Church. I don’t want to insult him (he is our host after all), but he would have more credibility if he used the Scriptures as a source*.
Still, it wouldn’t be enough because the Jewish scriptures were also born inside their church, the synagogue.
And THAT is the problem of European Protestantism: they strove for centuries NOT to be a Church (unlike some American branches, who try to be like the Ancient Church).
I am in the Church (eventhough I am neurotic, awful and everything), and that gives meaning in my life, and makes me a part of the New Israel.
Rad uses his gut feeling (instead of the sources) but since he is a child of European Protestantism (the end of ecclesial Christianity), therefore he cannot feel a part of the New Israel.
At least he finds meaning in siding with Israel, and that’s very hopeful.
It is still a riddle why he won’t listen to some more knowledgeable commenters. We can’t know everything!
(that’s why being humble gets a long way in learning)
As for us, Church Christians, we just wait for our elder brother, the Old Israel, to come back to our Father.
+ + +
*About the Scriptures:
I gave you the story of Jacob’s daughter Dinah and her rape from the book of Genesis, and a few months ago I reminded you of the book of Jonah, where the Lord clearly says that He doesn’t want the death of the people of Nineveh and Assyrians, correcting Jonah’s wish to see them dead.
+ + +
Rad says that the Lord was just one God among others. It sounds like that because the Jews used the language of their neighbors (it couldn’t have happened otherwise). For example, their city, Sion, is the wife of the Lord. That’s exactly what Mid East people thought back then.
I check this website for the medical information posts, which I have found very worth reading. As for your other posts such as on social values, posts against certain groups like white women (I am one and don’t think your posts are accurate characterizations of me), fat American retards, etc, those posts to me have no value and are irrelevant. I’ve been interested to read your posts as possibly illuminating something of which I was unaware or had not considered, but for now I think only your medical information posts are worthwhile for me. You may not care, but thank you for those. (I’m probably average IQ; status high/low, don’t know, don’t care; white; female)
For a man who claims to understand Dharma, you really are dedicated to this worships a Jew stuff. You are better than I am in terms of meat eating; I’ll give you that.
Sure, the masses of imbeciles don’t perceive Dharma in the Christ. That you would reduce Him to worshipping a Jew, I’m a little upset to see this simplicity. You talk endlessly about your psychedelic experiences that you think have brought you closer to God. You would be better off with mundane meditation, my friend.
“That you would reduce Him to worshipping a Jew, I’m a little upset to see this simplicity.”
The way I see it as that Jesus was a Jew who woke up to the true nature of reality. He was a whistleblower speaking out against Jewish corruption, he called it the Synagogue of Satan, those who say they are Jews but are not.
Calling Jesus a Jew is missing the point. It would be like viewing an anti Covid-19 vaccine whistleblower who used to work for Pfizer as still an employee of Pfizer.
This is the main source of confusion, this blurring of the lines of ethnic background, religion, nationality, and ideology. Jews are not all the same. Some, like Jesus, are able to break out of the hive mind thinking of conformity, and wake up to the true nature of reality. Others, much like Agent Smith from the Matrix, act as gatekeepers and enforcers, whose sole purpose in life is to preserve the matrix of control.
So, where does this seething hatred you seem to have for Jews come from?
Has a Jew actually ever done anything to you?
The only Jews I’ve known were all very polite.
No dramas at all.
Jews are likely to have an insufferable combination of a superiority complex and a victim complex at the same time. This makes them personally abrasive. They also act collectively and racially much better than Aryans do, and they wield their influence like a sharp weapon to attack the peaceful living of others. This makes them politically abrasive. As of right now, there is no other group with such influence in the US who is trying to prevent me from speaking the truth as the Jews are.
I don’t mean this as an insult, and I’m really not trying to be a troll, but I seriously wonder if you must have some kind of reading comprehension problems, or perhaps English is not your first language? because I do not have a seething hatred of the Jews, and nothing I said in the comment above supports that statement.
Really? I hate Jews because I’m reminding you that Jesus was a Jewish Whistleblower who was speaking out against Jewish corruption, of what he termed the Synagogue of Satan?
You see it’s comments like this that make you seem like either AI or an Agent Smith type disinformation agent, because the way they work is that the moment anyone mentions the Jews in anything but a reverential light, they are instantly accused of antisemitism, even if the person saying it is themselves a Jew, it doesn’t even matter, because that’s how the ADL gatekeepers and enforcers work.
It’s possible you aren’t even conscious of it, most people are heavily brainwashed by a lifetime of watching (washing) TV, and don’t even know it.
>It’s possible you aren’t even conscious of it, most people are heavily brainwashed by a lifetime of watching (washing) TV, and don’t even know it.
Save your breath. I’ve concluded commenter “Wombat” is just another duplicitous kike. I’m familiar enough with them to recognize them by their online scent.
You are correct that he(?) “isn’t even conscious of it”. He can’t be. The whole “Jewish Question” pivots on one singular psychological point: they have a blind spot regarding their own behaviors and actions.
All humans have this same blind spot, but then, not all humans have the same reach and influence Jews do.
Don’t hate Jews Shadow Butterfly?
“Want to know how I found your blog Rintrah? I’ll tell you. Ran Prier. That’s how. It’s funny, because I don’t even read him anymore, because he’s turned out to be this completely emasculated shabbos goy…”
Because to me, there’s something in there that maybe smacks of hating Jews, just a little bit maybe hey?
Are you being honest with yourself?
But why waste your breath on me? After all, I’m an AI right? Or was that a psychopathic bootlicker? Or an agent of the matrix? Etc.
But of course, by saying anything to you, I invite further irritating and reflexive sprays.
If I am direct and honest with you, I get accused of sophistry by your pal!
Ha, ha, ha – I could not have been blunter with you!
If you actually want to have an exchange of ideas, then stop insulting me.
But I doubt you will.
I’ve got good self-preservation instincts, and I’m used to dodging dirty tricks, manipulation, lies, etc. getting fired at me.
It goes with being one of the .01%
Doesn’t hurt either when those who wish ill of me are stupid enough to open an ‘exchange of ideas’ with me, as you have, by insulting me.
Then when I respond in kind, you turn around like a viscous cat, all affronted, and prissy, about how you’re just here to impart your great wisdom on me and have an intellectual discussion, while all the while hissing and spitting.
Truth be told, I haven’t even really wanted to get involved in this topic about Jews and Israel.
Too vitriolic for my tastes.
You may note that I have not had a lot to say about it.
But I tell you what, you keep on insulting me, which I note that there are no Jews doing, then I know which side I’m gonna be taking!
Like the fucking hammer of god!
I like people who are nice to me, and don’t try to snake me, or hurt me, etc.
I don’t like people who keep coming after me.
It’s that fucking simple.
Thank you, for helping me to start seeing Rintrah’s side in this!
Now, Rintrah has his views, and I don’t actually give a rat’s arse whether you agree with them or not, but my sense is that he is being honest about them.
Plus, in his approach to this issue, I have not found him to be personally insulting.
If he is playing me, well, more fool me, but being reasonable and not lying/manipulating etc. is a winning combo!
So here we are. . .
You venting spleen at me, vs him being honest and reasonable.
Hmmmm. . .
I am NOT the kind of person you can win over with personal insults, or the kind of person you can browbeat into submission. Whatever defects I may have, and I have plenty, masochism isn’t one of them.
In fact, I tend to fight back against overbearing, sadistic, lying, manipulative, people who come for me.
You have not employed a good strategy to win over the .01%
In fact, it is blowing up in your face.
The gall of you. . .
Insulting me.
Then crying like a bitch when I throw a shot back.
“Oh, you are a psycho, and I want an intelligent conversation, oh, and you are a stupid AI that I’m not going to talk to anymore anwyay”
Grow up.
Are you starting to work out that I’m real yet?
Do you still think I’m an AI?
Ha, ha, ha!
Well, let me assure you, I am a flesh and blood man. A large, unhappy, cranky, man. Who has scars on his face, and who gets mistaken from time to time with a rugby league player.
And let me tell you, I couldn’t give a fuck about your high falutin, and nasty ideas.
You want someone on your side when the whole pub is out for your blood?
Then you want me.
I don’t back down to nobody.
Ha, ha, ha – I love the combat.
Bring it.
Dear Mr. Wombat,
You need to chill out. Okay, it’s really quite unnecessary the way you are carrying on. If it makes you feel any better, I will admit that calling you a psychopathic bootlicker was probably uncalled for. What can I say, I was drinking a bit and got a bit carried away, but I refuse to take back any of the rest of it.
Also, why are you so triggered by the term shabbos goy? I was unaware of that being an antisemitic expression, since I learned it from a Jew, it was more or less an expression of contempt for those, particularly those who are not Jewish, who take on a subservient role in life working for a successful Jew, but who in the process of doing so causes a complete loss of self-respect and personal power.
You take my usage of this term as evidence for my hatred of Jews, when you accused me of hating Jews before I even used the term. Actually, my original comment in this post, wasn’t even intended for you, yet you felt compelled to chime in about my poor manners to the host.
Obviously this is a dialogue of some kind, I call it an exchange of ideas, ultimately because it’s the substance of the ideas that matter here, not personal biography or social niceties. I refuse to consider typing words on a screen communicating with strangers I cannot see, and cannot even be certain that they are who they claim to be, a conversation.
Anyway, this is the most important points of my original message:
>I think it’s great that the Jews have a national homeland to call their own. But how come most of the Jews in the world don’t live in Israel, and don’t want to live there when given the opportunity?
<Personally I think anyone who swears allegiance to Israel, regardless of their ethnic or religious background, should be forced to live in Israel for the rest of their lives! How about it? And that means you Rintrah! You love Israel so much why don’t you live there?
<Also, let’s get rid of dual citizenship once and for all. This would solve so many problems! Also, let’s end German reparations once and for all, let’s end all US taxpayer subsidies to Israel once and for all! Israel has been a welfare state for way too long, the Zionist Jews need to grow up and start working for a living, and start carrying their own weight, instead of parasitically mooching off the rest of the world, like they’ve been doing since time immemorial, hiding under the cover of antisemitism, the holocaust that never ends, and the lie of being the chosen ones!
<The way I see it as that Jesus was a Jew who woke up to the true nature of reality. He was a whistleblower speaking out against Jewish corruption, he called it the Synagogue of Satan, those who say they are Jews but are not.
<Jews are not all the same. Some, like Jesus, are able to break out of the hive mind thinking of conformity, and wake up to the true nature of reality. Others, much like Agent Smith from the Matrix, act as gatekeepers and enforcers, whose sole purpose in life is to preserve the matrix of control.
And I will add this: If Jesus were alive today I'm pretty sure he'd be calling Israel the Synagogue of Satan, and I'm also pretty sure you'd be calling him an anti-Semite, and he'd be crucified all over again by those who say they are Jews but are not.
I'm not a troll, or a hater of Jews, I'm just calling out the bullshit when I see it. And I'm not even a Christian, I'm just someone who is against corruption and injustice and legalized criminality, and I support the whistleblowers who speak against it!
And unfortunately there are some truly evil people who are Jewish, or at least claim to be, but unfortunately the Jews as a people, the ordinary Jews who are good people, good looking and above average intelligence, are so heavily brainwashed from an early age to believe that the Jews can do no wrong, that they are perfect, that they are the chosen ones, and that when anyone finds fault with a single Jew, they are taught to believe that it is because of antisemitism, and not because the Jew actually did something wrong, you know even if they are complicit in the killing of innocent people, or of stealing billions of dollars. When that happens, all the Jews of the world unite, that is, those Jews who have not woken up from the mass hypnotic spell of a lifetime of indoctrination, they all simultaneously became offended, and feel as if they are victims of antisemitism too, each and every single one of them.
Okay, that's what's going on. The Jewish people are not victims of antisemitism, they are victims of mind control being perpetuated upon each and every single one of them by a ruling elite who say they are Jews but are not!
This is Shadow Butterfly's final comment.
Worried about a “matrix of control”?
So, break out then.
Go and live like a desert father or Diogenes, which I know you aren’t, because you’re here, howling away into the electronic void. . .
Um, you must be retarded, or perhaps you are not fluent in your understanding of the English language.
So, yeah, I’m not responding to Wombat anymore. It is so obviously AI, I work with it professionally, and this response above me sent by Wombat is 100 percent artificially generated!
Want to know how I found your blog Rintrah? I’ll tell you. Ran Prier. That’s how. It’s funny, because I don’t even read him anymore, because he’s turned out to be this completely emasculated shabbos goy…
Yeah, I hoped I’ve helped at least one of your readers, even though I know there is no help in helping you! SHALOM!
First, I’m an agent of the matrix, now I’m an AI.
If you are a professional anything, it is a troll.
Wombat: Yeah, actually artificial intelligence is the ultimate agent of the Matrix. Agent Smith was AI. Humans are being conditioned to become more and more like AI, following a predetermined program of carefully censored and controlled language and thought, aka Newspeak, resulting in diminished consciousness, and the gradual destruction of freewill.
>Want to know how I found your blog Rintrah? I’ll tell you. Ran Prier.
I found Radagast through John Michael Greer.
JMG is decently based, but a bit of a naive optimist IMO.
But still, he is skeptical of the “climate change” narrative (which the Jews absolutely LOVE as a means of globalist control), and I would bet dollars to donuts that JMG’s occult powers are greater than Rintrah’s.
Tread carefully, folks.
The first Jew I met was back in high school. He lived near me, in government housing.
He was a very sweet natured guy, and blessed with killer good looks, like some kind of surfer.
He was also fucking our sexy blonde drama teacher.
I had nothing but respect for him.
What a guy. . .
Sensitive, intelligent, sexy, wise beyond his years. . .
An all-around amazing human.
Hard to find people like that, most of them are just cunts.
WOMBAT, you are a caricature of a self-aware being.
And you are a cunt.
Wombat: And you are an IDIOT!!
I don’t know what it is with you people, perhaps it is a matter of IQ, that you are just simply incapable of seeing beyond the surface level of your immediate senses. It’s like the ultimate myopia, you are physically, spiritually, and intellectually incapable of seeing the big picture.
I thought you weren’t going to ‘exchange ideas’ with me anymore.
So now you are also a liar.
You come back to reply to my comment just for the gratification of calling me a liar? How fucking petty. Like I said before, at this point any comments I leave here are for the benefit of the general reader, because it is obvious by now that people like you are incapable of changing your perspective or learning anything new. You are like a fucking cult, who worships death and hates the truth!
Lying cunt.
You’re happy to dish it out, aren’t you?
But not so happy to receive it.
>I thought you weren’t going to ‘exchange ideas’ with me anymore. So now you are also a liar.
Goyim lurkers:
Observe the pedantic sophistry of the kike.
Observe the reluctance to engage in a dialogue/dialectic with an intelligent interlocutor if the topic might make Jews look bad.
Nothing but deflection and sleight-of-hand and smoke-and-mirrors.
I know you are, but what am I!
We are at the “I know you are but what am I” stage of the debate 😛
I am getting quite a collection of insults.
Not much intelligent debate though.
>You want someone on your side when the whole pub is out for your blood?
Then you want me.
I don’t back down to nobody.
Ha, ha, ha – I love the combat.
Bring it.
That’s great to hear, but your admissions of being a “bruiser” or “barroom brawler” do not absolve you of the suspicions that you are just another kike, like Alfie Solomon from Peaky Blinders:
Rest assured, there are more capable (if swarthy) onlookers who are in all likelihood observing your antics from a distance and maneuvering appropriately.