On the upcoming American presidential election

Younger black woman older white man is the divine marriage, sanctioned by the heavens.

It represents harmony and reunification between the Apollonian and Dionysian opposites of reality.

He builds. She vivifies. So it is in the realm beyond time and so it is for us mortals on this good Earth.

Certified BWC property

Certified BWC property

The Gods truly love you, so they want you to have a wife who does not take you for granted. So many of you have wives who take you for granted.

Tiktok is owned by an AZN with a three inch rice-clit so it censors these videos

Often the ladies will have native American or Indian blood in their veins too, as is the case for the newly introduced divine marriage.

Admiring the BWC
Holding hands with her workhusband

She is not omnipotent. You can’t expect her to go off to war on her own against the totality. That’s the white man’s burden. You have to read between the lines with these people. She warned you. She tried to lull you out of your sleep. She encouraged you to think.

If you were truly good people, you would have had a president who explains to you live on TV with a guy in a lab coat next to him that although it’s possible to create a vaccine, the experience we have with vaccinating poultry teaches us that viruses of this nature ultimately evolve to overcome such protection, resulting in waves of increasingly neurovirulent antibody resistant variants.

You would have had a live two hour long presentation on TV back in 2020, by someone with a nasal voice talking slowly about original antigenic sin, antibody dependent enhancement, glycans and IgG4, that’s so boring most people stop watching it after five minutes. But you have to appreciate what you can get. Girlboss Kamela telling you on TV not to take it is the fruit of your virtue. If you want tastier fruit, try being more virtuous.

You get the leaders you deserve. Harris and Waltz are far from perfect, because the electorate is far from perfect. But I do not believe they are degenerate enough, to deserve to be ruled by the Silicon Valley tech billionaires. I do not believe they deserve a billionaire coup against reality.

These people do not hide, that they will happily use Artificial Intelligence, to offer you a fake version of reality, that serves their interest. Trump and his running mate, at a very basic ontological level, do not feel an obligation to allow you to live in the real world.

“The American media totally ignored this stuff until Donald Trump and I started talking about cat memes. If I have to create stories so that the American media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people, then that’s what I’m going to do.”

I love you all. So I want you to live in freedom, dignity and happiness.

To live in the real world, vote for the black woman and her older white running mate.

To live like one of the monkeys Musk puts his Neuralink brain chips in, fed whatever stories they want to feed you until they no longer have any use for you, be sure to vote for the #MAGA/Musk ticket.

At the end of the day, you’re just another monkey to them.

I love you all.


  1. I feel like politics is spiritually poisonous. It doesn’t really even matter what angle you’re approaching it from, even if it’s only ironically. I stopped closely following it around 2016, and it turned out to be a great decision even though people around me kept trying to force it into my worldview ever since. I actually don’t know very much about Trump or Biden or this woman or whatever at all, and I intend to keep it this way.

    • > I feel like politics is spiritually poisonous. It doesn’t really even matter what angle you’re approaching it from, even if it’s only ironically.

      Same here, except I only realized this in the past few weeks.

      It’s all Kayfabe funded by all the same (((donors))) at least here in the U.S.

      Does the Left ZOG or the Right ZOG rule my country?

      I’m supposedly supposed to care one way or another.

      Maybe I should?

      I’m just so burnt out, man. So tired.

      Fuck this reality.

      It’s all one ghetto, man. A giant gutter in outer space


      • It’s all theatre regardless. It’s basically the equivalent of watching a stage play or a sports game – or a circus performance. Nothing that matters, actually occurs or meaningfully changes in the realm of popular politics. It’s not a matter of ‘voting for the right people’ or whatever either. When it comes to what’s happening to our world, which people are in office matters about as much as which team wins the local soccer match, or how people vote on American Idol or whatever (sorry I don’t watch TV either so idk what is on these days).

        • This may be of interest to you, Radagast, and others.

          Mark Devlin is a former British DJ, who eventually pursued LSWM ideas about the goings-on of the higher echelon of his music industry. You know, the usual tropes about Satanism and ritual sacrifice.

          About a year ago he graduated from his LSWM “truther” endeavors to start questioning the nature of the “reality” we all inhabit.

          He started with a video called “Is God Good?” which garnered him many views.

          So over the following months he has released about 10 follow-up videos contemplating the nature of this Hell Realm.

          This is his latest:


          I direct the reader’s attention to the segment from 1:45 to 10:50.

          I’m surprised this section didn’t garner more attention from his commentariat, but it certainly grabbed mine.

          What he is saying there is something I’ve been contemplating. I’ve seen similar comments here and there on random YouTube videos, but it dovetails with my own thinking.

          There is this notion among nihilists/pessimists/Gnostics that this Realm is horrible for *everyone*.

          But, if this is truly a Hell Realm, it just might be the case that a certain small percentage of the population have “sussed this out” (as Mark puts it) and in so doing, have decided to align with the psychopathic “evil” Deity which rules over this Simulation we call “Life”

          I can totally see it.

          I’ve posted excerpts here before from a book called the “Psychopath’s Bible”. The author goes to great lengths to describe Toxick Vampirism which is a way of feed-forwarding the evolutionary process of life feeding on life.

          This notion is the origin of LSWM theories about the world being ruled by “Devil-Worshipping child-raping pedophiles”.

          This makes no sense to those who, like Radagast, see the Natural World as “good” and “wholesome”.

          No, these people recognize, just as nihilists and pessimists do, that ALL of this world is evil and full of intentional cruelty.

          So these “elites” have learned TRUE “Satanism” (not the Anton LeVay performative kind) and they align themselves with the Demiurge to do its bidding. To be “functionaries” of the Demiurge in order to have a “good life” in this Realm.

          Thus, the desire and need for child rape and murder (among other things) in order to provide the necessary Loosh to the “Higher Powers” which oversee and rule our lives. Innocent children possess the highest amount of pure energy which “vampires” can consume in order to acquire more power and longevity.

          It’s hard to argue against the fact that throughout human history, only the most psychopathic individuals rise to prominence.

          And good-hearted and kind people “suffer as they must”.

          • >This makes no sense to those who, like Radagast, see the Natural World as “good” and “wholesome”.

            >No, these people recognize, just as nihilists and pessimists do, that ALL of this world is evil and full of intentional cruelty.

            You people need to take better care of your brains.

            You’re sounding like someone suffering severe brain inflammation.

            I think sars2 and the bacteria in your mouth are spit-roasting your brain.

            It’s simple: This world is ambivalent, neither truly good nor truly evil.

            Why? Because you need dignity and freedom.

            You can’t have that if God programmed this world to have chocolate waterfalls and talking ponies.

            If you have to be free and live dignified, your choices have to matter.

            So sometimes you’ll see someone die in his SUV and realize you could have bought narcan.

            Sometimes you’ll hit a hedgehog with your car.

            Quit it with the gnostic whining, it gets repetitive.

          • “t’s simple: This world is ambivalent, neither truly good nor truly evil.
            Why? Because you need dignity and freedom.
            You can’t have that if God programmed this world to have chocolate waterfalls and talking ponies.
            If you have to be free and live dignified, your choices have to matter.”

            That argument may work for most adult humans, but it does not work for animals and infants and the retarded. There is no dignity and freedom involved in animal/infant/retardedperson suffering. They do not benefit from it and there is no justification for it.

            Mehen is wrong of course in his claim that “that ALL of this world is evil and full of intentional cruelty.” There is love beyond imagining in the world; every litter of puppies and and every cow with her calf is a love supernova.

          • I really want to know what your definitions of ”freedom” and ”dignity” are, such that you believe we have either in this realm.

            This world is not ‘ambivalent’ as you put it – it is a world that enslaves its inhabitants using the carrot and the stick. Calling the carrot ‘good’ and the stick ‘bad’ is missing the point entirely – that you are not truly free while you’re here, you’re being prodded by mostly unseen forces which offer you a myriad of incentives and disincentives that prod you along like a puppet on strings. When people talk about the evils of this realm, they are not usually decrying the lack of chocolate ponies or talking waterfalls, but they are rather noticing that the world they exist within takes the form of an ontological prison.

            If you really want to look at the morality of what is going on in this realm, it is immoral to hold beings captive somewhere regardless of whether you’re making them suffer or giving them ‘pleasure’. We don’t get to choose whether or not we are born into physical bodies here, nor our family or the material circumstances into which we are born. We have no choice as to whether or not to experience sensations like hunger, thirst, pain, exhaustion, stress – these are inevitable aspects of life here, even if you take steps to ameliorate them. We have no choice but to consume other living beings so as to not starve. Most things that are pleasurable in this realm, are either addictive, unhealthy, or both. Have you never wondered to yourself, why this is the case? And we cannot easily leave this place – even if you commit suicide, you are generally reincarnated unless you take extraordinary measures to prepare yourself beforehand and manage to successfully resist the archons upon death.

            It seems to me that what you’re saying, boils down to ‘this was deliberately set up by a god-like being, on purpose, and every evil that exists here is somehow necessary, for the sake of freedom and dignity.’ I might once again remind you that things like slavery, rape, genocide, parasitism, factory farming, industrial capitalism, environmental degradation, and so on exist here in this world. Are you purporting to construct an argument to justify any of them? Many of these concepts run completely contrary to any notions of freedom or dignity.

            Not everyone with a differing opinion is suffering from some brain-related ailment either.

  2. Our humble narrator is N posting again. Not noticing the high priests inside joke.

    N-Terminal Domain

    Shine on
    You crazy

  3. I’m tempted to vote for Kamala just because it’s what Dick Cheney would want. Trump is anti NATO and anti American imperialism and that is incredibly gay and boring. So much in the world is already so gay and boring, America’s foreign policy shouldn’t follow suit.

    Still, Trump is the racist LSWM candidate and I’m that so he’s in the lead for my ballot. I’m going to need more than this to vote for a libtarded brown woman. I need to hear Harris talk about how she wants to sodomize Putin with a strap-on while she sings the star spangled banner and salutes the flag to be truly convinced to abandon my principles and vote for a mud person.

      • I’m a low status white male.

        In any case I do not believe the gods bless the oreo couple, if they did, miss Harris would be blessed with a couple failed assassination attempts so she could actually win the upcoming election. Instead she just stands there, bug eyed, impotently talking about the moral failings of Trump that his voting base appreciate about him. Voting at this point is basically a larp because everyone already knows Trump is going to win.

        Also white men who date brownies are simply not worthy of white women (best girls). To find happiness in climbing impossible mountains is virtuous.

        • Also I acknowledge the AI false reality shit, simply put, I hope to see things accelerate to the point all of this shit comes crashing down. Already people can’t tell truth from fiction, and politicians already blatantly lie. I want people to have zero trust in anything anyone else says on the internet or on TV. Make the hyperreality so toxic that people of character are forced to live in the physical world again.

          • That’s not going to work dude, accelerationism was always an awful idea. If you make things worse than they are, it just makes them worse. People simply adjust to what becomes the new normal, and they generally have an infinite capacity to do so. For instance, most people lack the awareness to realize that we are all literally already in hell, in a spiritual sense. To make the hell slightly worse, will not cause them to suddenly go ‘hey wait a fucking minute!’, they will just adjust to the slightly worse hell en masse and you will still have the small handful of people who notice that the world has been getting worse over time, just as you have now.

            To make things better, you would have to actually make things better. Accelerationism is an idea propagated by people who have overdosed on irony.

          • You might be right Tyrptie, there’s just not anything I can do but hope the hubris of the tech billionaires bites them in the ass. It’s not like the democrats are some anti-AI environmentalist party, nothing would genuinely change if Harris was elected. It’s not that I don’t care, I just hate everyone involved.

            Still, I think you’re right about irony being a poison. I think I’ll stop with that.

  4. There are 2 men who are truthful enough about covid/ vaccine: Ron DeSantis and RFK Jr. The Americans should have been smart enough to voice their support to them, so that they had a chance to be elected. But no, the Americans are not smart enough to do so (same with the rest of the world). So now, they stick with either Trump or Harris, NEITHER IS THE ANSWER. Why should you vote for either Father-of-the-killer-vaccine or Pusher-of-the-killer-vaccine??
    Vote for some third Party, or don’t vote at all, so you won’t be part of Devil’s supporters. Voting for either Trump or Harris, Karma will catch you later.

  5. None of you are really listening.

    It’s like a bunch of birds, all with brains hard-wired to sing one particular song.

    It’s the same songs over and over.

    • Nietzsche’s Eternal Recurrence, Campbell’s Monomyth.

      The uni verse

      One song.

      Life is like one of those old wooden music boxes playing a tune inside Gods clock. The Sun tracking the day, the Moon the moonths and the Stars the years.

      The song keeps playing until he figures out the trick he played on himself.

      It’s not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves – William Shakespeare

      • > The song keeps playing until he figures out the trick he played on himself. It’s not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves – William Shakespeare

        This quote would be more powerful with a careful explication of what exactly is meant by “he”, “our” and “ourselves”.

        I don’t think you’re up to the task.

        (Feel free to prove me wrong.)

  6. ok so, let me directly address what you said here:

    >These people do not hide, that they will happily use Artificial Intelligence, to offer you a fake version of reality, that serves their interest. Trump and his running mate, at a very basic ontological level, do not feel an obligation to allow you to live in the real world.

    >“The American media totally ignored this stuff until Donald Trump and I started talking about cat memes. If I have to create stories so that the American media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people, then that’s what I’m going to do.”

    >I love you all. So I want you to live in freedom, dignity and happiness.

    >To live in the real world, vote for the black woman and her older white running mate.

    My response to this would be, that the spectacle of American pop-political drama is not the real world. It does not intersect with or resemble the real world in any way, so engaging with it can only remove you further from what is real rather than bringing you closer, regardless of which characters in the drama you are supporting, or what angle you are approaching it all from. Most of these narratives, these political ideas and associated characters – Trump, Biden, along with whatever political talking points or stories people are going on about at the moment – they only exist as phantasms on a digital screen, that are transmitted to us through a computer or a television. Through words, pictures, ideograms, memes, narratives endlessly layered upon other narratives. That is not the real world. It is a bizarre metanarrative fantasy built on top of the real world and artificially given to us by technology we were never well-adapted to interact with. To engage with the real world, one must disengage from this whole political metanarrative entirely, and try to see the world as it truly is, without the use of any of these ideas that were implanted in our minds over the years. Kind of like how we saw the world when we were kids, before we learned about anything political, you know?

  7. >To live in the real world, vote for the black woman and her older white running mate.

    They seem like two fairly normal people so you’re absolutely right. On the other team we have a full-blooded narcissist and if he doesn’t last four years, a real psychopath takes over.

    And for the single LSWM, stop looking for a white girlfriend. If she regard you as low status she will always feel some bitterness inside of her. She might be able to hide it for a while but chances are you’ll experience just how hideous the dark side of the female psyche is. That’s something that many high-status men do not have to experience.

    Spare yourselves this suffering and find a non-white and preferably a black woman. She will feel a gratitude towards life and see you as high-status and will do everything to make you happy.

    • Harris married a guy who hit his girlfriend so hard (in public) that she “spun around.” He also impregnated his first family’s nanny, who then somehow had a “stress miscarriage.” He was a real monster in his law office in his treatment of female employees. Harris’ torment of Willie Brown’s wife with their open affair of many years was just sadistic. I don’t know people like that; they don’t seem “fairly normal” to me.

      • I’m not American so I don’t know about all the gossip. Today’s politicians are generally not good people and Harris is no exception I guess. I still prefer Harris over Trump because I hate right wing populists. They seriously believe that the high growth of the 50s and 60s is the normal state to which we can return with a little economic trickery.

        J.D. Vance said something like ”the best way out of poverty for someone who is poor is for that person to go to an Ivy League school”.

        Don’t vote for these embarrassing people!

        • You admit that you are working without information, and you clearly are working without information, and then you give advice about how to choose.

          “J.D. Vance said something like”
          In what context? Said who? Was Vance being ironic? Did it ever occur to you that your data sources are crap? BTW the stuff about Harris’ husband is not gossip; it is what he did. Same with Harris and Willie Brown and his wife. Harris jailing thousands of poor black guys for marijuana crimes, and then cackling about her own marijuana use, was also not a good thing. “I came from a middle class family” says the woman whose parents were two tenured UC Berkeley professors. Trump is an asshole, I couldn’t agree more about that.

          • I was paraphrasing. Vance comes from poor condition and because he was gifted he could get into a high tier university and get rich. It is delusional to think that all poor people can do as he did. In fact it is sadistic to give people advices like that.

            Should be interesting if the first First Gentleman of the United States will be an asshole. But it’s still more preferable than having an asshole running the country.

          • I notice that you have not given the actual cite to the Vance quote. Which means it was taken out of context. Vance has his own problems, but he is not stupid, and he has been trying to improve things for people who can’t go to Ivy league schools. You are intentionally misinterpreting what he said.

            “Comes from poor condition”??? What is your first language? I’m curious what country you are from. I’m guessing somewhere in Asia.

        • A second European vote for Trump.

          Nobody else seems to like Harris but Europeans.

          Not surprising really.

          Europe is going down with neoliberalism.

          • Sorry, that should read a “second European vote for Harris”.

            I hope I wasn’t making a Freudian slit there – some kind of sick subconscious self-loathing expressing itself as support for Harris. Yeah, nah, I don’t hate myself and my class – it must be just covid brain damage.

  8. I’ve had some black girls check me out / flirt with me— nothing wrong them. Overall I like most Africans, they seem to have a healthier libido than a lot of people in the West.

    I’m not gonna vote for Kamala though.

    IMO the elephant in the room is whether the ”results” arrive in the weeks and months after the vote. We’ll see if the US still even has real elections.

    • Trying to rebrand neoliberalism as edgy, secretly based, avant- garde, whatever, just fails miserably when it’s blowing up all around us.

      • Yeah, I was going to point out the horrid neoliberalism too; no self-respecting LSWM could vote for that.

        I can see why high-status types would like to try to maintain the current order which has worked for them if nobody else, but the sun is setting on that now due to forces outside of their control and on them.

        Better to move on than get dragged down into destruction trying to defend the indefensible.

  9. > You would have had a live two hour long presentation on TV back in 2020, by someone with a nasal voice talking slowly about original antigenic sin, antibody dependent enhancement, glycans and IgG4, that’s so boring most people stop watching it after five minutes.

    Ironically, Hotez (and Fauci) warned in early press conferences about risks of ADE, but now that the “antivaxxers” are pointing out that ADE is starting to happen, Hotez wants all those “antivaxxers” thrown into “re-education” camps run by the UN/NATO/FEMA/Homeland Security.


    > Dr Peter Hotez, vaccine expert, testifies about the dangers of “immune enhancement” or ADE (antibody dependent immunity) or “pathological priming” as a result of previous coronavirus vaccines.

  10. A vote for Kamala instead of Trump is like eating dogshit because you don’t like broccoli.

    It’s critically important at this time that my fellow murkans get out and vote the Dems into the ash heap of history. Over 300 electoral votes for Trump. Let’s gooooo!

    • 100% not fake. Shirt arm only looks fucked up because the fabric has creased. You you see conspiracies everywhere and miss the message.

  11. Trump had a bad first presidency but he has leaned a lot. The reason I’m voting for him is because RFK Jr is supporting him and Trump has agreed to RFK Jr’s input. This is HUGE. Remember that RFK Jr write the book exposing Fauci (The Real Anthony Fauci) and runs Children’s Health Defense (https://childrenshealthdefense.org/) that sues big pharma for injuring kids with vaccine injuries.

    If Trump stands up to his promise, RFK Jr may be a huge factor in cleaning up the mess in America, and so they’ve named the movement MAHA—make America healthy again.

    If Trump appoints RFK Jr as head of the Health and Human Services he would oversee FDA, CDC, NIH, and others!

    Trump knows next to nothing about public health policy but RFK Jr is a titan. Everyone should vote for Trump to help realize this possibility. And that says nothing of the influence RFK Jr may have regarding to freedom of speech, civil rights, and the war machine.

    • Vaidila, you got it.

      AND we can have Tulsi Gabbard as Secretary of State, putting the brakes on the corrupt Pentagon war machine.

      This is our chance.

      If Kamala gets in we’re fucked.

      • Who would you most like to see in power now that the American empire is about to begin to be dismantled? There are still quite a few competent people within the Democratic Party, so the answer is simple. The Trump gang doesn’t understand anything.

        • You wrote elsewhere today that you hate the U.S. and want to see it be destroyed. So your advice about what would be best for it is somewhat suspect.

          • Karen, the former girlfriend of Kamala’s creepy husband has just spoken out about him and how he slapped her so hard. She couldn’t stay silent.

          • I said I enjoy seeing your empire crumble.

            Instead of trying to maintain an empire, invest in helthcare for your own people and stop act as world police and wreak havoc all over the world.

        • Qbert, name me one competent person remaining within the Democratic Party.
          Name one.

          You can’t say Tulsi Gabbard because yesterday she announced she’s become a Republican, and the Dems have expelled RFK Jr because of his vaccine heresy.

          There is no “Trump gang,” and that is the point.

          • As you noted, the girlfriend-hitting has come out in a bigger way now. Ever since I first read of it a few weeks ago, I realized that Harris blathers because she is regularly beaten by this monster. She is afraid of saying something that will cause her to be hit. It is so gross. I also think this supports my first instinct about the nanny’s “miscarriage.”

        • You wrote under Rintrah’s California piece:

          “I hate America and I enjoy watching your empire crumble now.”
          Great advice source, lol.

      • Qbert, how da fuk do you know?
        You just say stuff and you hate America.

        Here’s my prediction: Trump wins the election in a landslide (over 300 electoral votes), Kennedy is appointed Secretary of HHS, and he uses that platform to make a strong run for the presidency in 2028.

        • You are so much more optimistic than I am. I think if Trump wins the people he has dirt on will burn the world down rather than be exposed. He has spent his whole adult life collecting dirt on horrible people.

  12. Kareninca:

    > ALL of this world is evil and full of intentional cruelty.” There is love beyond imagining in the world; every litter of puppies and and every cow with her calf is a love supernova.

    There is no doubt beauty within in this realm.

    If it were as thoroughly horrific as I hyperbolically editorialized in my comment, the slaves would realize something was amiss, and might actually start to wake up, perhaps mobilize, maybe even revolt.

    Much better to laden the prison with cheap baubles and trinkets to attact and hypnotize the attention., much as an overhead mobile above an infants crib serves to soothe the child.

  13. CtS for the dunk.

    Trump is not an asshole; he’s hyper competent and competitive, but he’s not an ass. Hillary walking around without an indictment is proof of that. Enough said.

    Harris is incompetent. The dem machine has been running the scene, and that’s their plan going forward. DOJ moving against anyone who agitates for secure voting is proof of a Stasi element protecting the machine. Life in America without an ID and a secure EBT or credit card or bank account is impossible. Yet, voting processes shall leak like a busted sieve. Harris is nothing but lipstick on a battering ram.

    In 2024, any adult who claims Trump is hitlerian or a fascist is quite simply arrested in emotional development.

    As to California broadly and life in the USA (except for NoVA/DC), best to see first hand how the stereotypes are overblown. Media is poison to the mind; one must walk among the people to see what life truly is. Degraded from its former highs, but it is, remarkably, still largely wholesome in comparison to the hyped reporting.

    • “Ass” and “asshole” have totally different meanings. An ass is a donkey. Tim Waltz wandering around “hunting” while not knowing how to load a gun, is an ass. A person who is a jerk because he can be simply because he wants to be is an asshole. Such a person can be competitive and competent. You still might not want to know them socially.

      I don’t have anything in common socioculturally with any of the candidates; I was not planning on marrying or brunching with any of them so that doesn’t really matter.

  14. Radagast:

    > It’s simple: This world is ambivalent, neither truly good nor truly evil.Why? Because you need dignity and freedom.
    You can’t have that if God programmed this world to have chocolate waterfalls and talking ponies.

    No one here has mentioned chocolate waterfalls and talking ponies as the “Better Life.”

    I can understand the need for challenges and limitation as a way for there to be “substance” or various forms of “activity” or “drama”.

    I can understand things like losing a job to find the wherewithal to find another job, or falling in love to only be heartbroken by one’s wife leaving them for another man. Perhaps there is “significance” in such contretemps.

    But as I have written here before, anyone proposing the New Age belief in the necessity of “contrasts” to explain this world will need to account for the absolutely GRATUITOUS and EXCESSIVE amounts of pain, suffering, anguish, guilt and regret we individuals find ourselves in.

    Do we REALLY need children with terminal cancer?

    Do we really need parents sodomizing their children because they themselves were abused by their own parents, in an ongoing chain of intergenerational trauma passed down among familial lines?

    Does any of that seem “reasonable” to you?

    Perhaps the example of Palestinian children being burned alive will prove illustrative to you (or at least to your readers).

    If you can see that and say “all is right with this World” then you have just exposed yourself for all to see.

    • This world is the best you can have, without someone holding you by your hand.

      Absolute freedom comes with a high price.

      Should we release orangutans back into the wild, knowing they’re going to beat each other up, rape each other and get bitten by snakes?

      Or should we keep them in the research facilities, where there are no snakes, we can break up fights and treat them when they get sick?

      Ask mister Musk for a brain chip if it’s all too much for you.

      • ha, ha – I’ll forgo the brain chip thanks – give me freedom and dignity anytime.

        And if that comes with pain, then I’ll take the pain every time.

        We’re all going to lose in the end, so we might as well comport ourselves well in the face of life’s many challenges. And yes, there are plenty of those.

        Life is full of pain and suffering, but we can’t be courageous and truly alive unless there are risks and death, we can’t have honour without opposing unworthiness and shame, or endurance without pain, etc.

        These tests are enough to make a man out of each of us. Is that the purpose of existence? I don’t know. Only God knows, so I’ll leave it up to him.

        Meanwhile, back to Earth, as a mere mortal lacking the full picture, it seems to me that life has qualities and many pleasures, so it’s worth enjoying, having and fighting for, even if that means enduring pain and learning how to face suffering and fear with courage, dignity and discipline.

        • > Life is full of pain and suffering, but we can’t be courageous and truly alive unless there are risks and death, we can’t have honour without opposing unworthiness and shame, or endurance without pain, etc.

          As the notorious anti-natalist Inmendham
          has often pointed out, the evolutionary process is a cruel joke.

          Mother Nature births thousands, millions of organisms of any particular species, only for most of them to die, such that a tiny percentage make it through the winnowing process. It’s a disgusting “tournament” in which the victors get to crow and rewrite history.

          Your precious “honour” which you cherish is built upon bones and blood.


      • > This world is the best you can have, without someone holding you by your hand.

        Ah, so you expressing the non-dual perspective I have mentioned here before. I said I vacillate on this issue.

        > Ask mister Musk for a brain chip if it’s all too much for you.

        Thinking about it!!!

      • ”Absolute freedom”?

        What a fucking joke dude. Where is the absolute freedom here? There is hardly any freedom at all. We are not free to choose our forms, we cannot choose the circumstances of our births, we cannot choose to alter the nature of the sensations we experience (wrt pleasure/pain, among other things), we have no control over the circumstances of the societies we are born into, we have almost no ability to direct the course of our lives at all until we are about 18 or so, usually; we are domesticated, schooled, trained into the labor force, enculturated, civilized against our wills; we are thrust into a world whose ontology was arbitrarily decided beforehand by forces most of us do not understand.

        If you’re still stuck on the nature/civilization false dichotomy, then I’ve got a brain to sell you. I know you know on some level you’re living in a completely false reality, you’ve done far too much salvia to be making posts like this. The ‘this is the best of all worlds, this is all somehow a necessary trade-off for freedom’ shitpost is beneath you, even if made ironically. You don’t truly believe this is the best of all worlds, in the same way that 75 is not the best of all IQs.

  15. Q of Trump said Michael Jackson still alive and would reappear in 10/24 to accuse Diddy.
    I wonder where MJ is now? If he truly appears, I’d support Trump for sure 🙂

  16. Suffice it to say the two terms are not flattering.

    You may not plan to brunch with either, but referring to Trump as such is pointless ad hominem if you wish to see him succeed in securing the presidency. Anyone who wishes for his opponent isn’t fit for civil society–because civility is on the wane by design if his opponent’s movement secures governance.

    So, in this vast medium from which shallow, persuadable voters take their cues and echo soundings, branding a potential good leader and making him a marginally less prospective candidate serves no constructive purpose. Translated, silly voters hate him precisely because they are conditioned (taught) to hate him. They know not why, other than that he’s an “ass”.

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