Persistent abnormal antibody concentrations in children

So, in case there are some of you who still have the faint hope that vaccination against SARS-COV-2 simply results in a similar immune response to natural immunity, I will have to shatter that hope.

In Germany they tested children, half of whom were vaccinated, for antibodies against Spike and Nucleocapsid, two of the main proteins found in the corona virus. They tested the children on average 7.9 months after their last vaccination. They also report they observed no decline in antibody concentrations over time. But here are the results they found:

On the left you see antibodies against Spike, on the right against Nucleocapsid. Against nucleocapsid, concentrations are similar between vaccinated and unvaccinated children.

On the left, you see a clear difference. But look carefully. It’s a logarithmic chart. In other words, the vaccinated children have antibody concentrations against the Spike protein about a thousand fold higher than the unvaccinated children.

If you thought my posts about how the innate immune system normally handles the response to this virus that is now overly reliant on the adaptive immune system in most of the population were hypothetical, well, here’s the evidence you were waiting for. Most of the population is stuck with an abnormal and inappropriate adaptive immune response to this rapidly mutating and diversifying virus.

So, with antibody concentrations a thousand times normal, now they must be much better protected against SARS-COV-2, right? Well, in the raw data we find that 206 out of 369 vaccinated children caught SARS-COV-2 in 2022, along with 251 out of 418 unvaccinated children. So there’s no difference.

You left the children with antibody concentrations against the Spike protein a thousand fold above normal concentrations, with no decline in infections to show for it. And, I will emphasize this again, there is no apparent decline in those concentrations over time either:

No statistically significant decline in antibodies was observed over time following either SARS-CoV-2 infection or COVID-19 vaccination, respectively (supp. Figure 2).

The children are stuck with abnormally elevated levels of antibodies against this virus. Unlike any other virus you vaccinate children against, they’re continually being re-exposed to this virus, forcing the immune response to become active again. You’re continually recalling this inappropriate immune response.

So we are now essentially living in a world, where the scientific community pretends that evolution failed to figure out how to properly protect children against one of the most ubiquitous threats to their health: Common respiratory viruses. When a child is infected by a respiratory virus, the immune system responds with concentrations of antibodies against it that are around 0.1% of what they should be for optimal health. And Darwinian selection somehow failed to correct this error over many generations, during the many thousands of years in which people lived in densely populated unclean communities with child mortality rates of around 33%.

That is essentially what you have to believe as a scientist, to look at this graph and be content with what you’re seeing in these children. You already know what I think: I think this is very dangerous, mainly because a virus exposed to this abnormal immune response will have to learn to abuse that abnormal immune response to survive.

Antibodies can be avoided, one of the easiest ways for this virus to avoid them is for it to focus on spreading by fusing cells together, as the antibodies will not infiltrate the cells. And that’s what we see, ever since the first Omicron wave this virus, this virus has been steadily evolving to get better at fusing cells in the lungs together. That is known to result in more severe disease.

But there are all sorts of other questions you ought to be asking yourself. So, we can now reasonably expect that 1000 times as many antibodies as normal are being produced in the lungs of these children. What does this mean for antibodies against other viruses? You can not stack infinite numbers of T cells and B cells in the lungs, we have our lungs for inhaling fresh air, not for scorched Earth warfare against corona viruses.

What does it mean for the capacity of the body to metabolize these antibodies? Anything the body produces has to be broken down or excreted again. When we produce large amounts of a misfolded protein that our body can not get rid of, we call that disease Amyloidosis. What is the most common form of Amyloidosis? Light chain amyloidosis, which is caused by the light chain of an antibody that is being produced at abnormally high amounts.

How long can you have the immune system churn out antibodies at concentrations 1000 times above normal, before you break something? Abnormal proteins accumulate, but it takes time. When you have Huntington’s disease, your body produce an abnormal version of the huntingtin protein. The body fails to properly break it down, so remnants of the protein start to accumulate in your brain, until it starts to cause severe brain damage, which tends to become visible between the ages of 30 and 50.

If I were responsible for children’s health, I would want to know how long they are going to be stuck with these antibody concentrations and what the ultimate fate of these antibodies is. Are the light chains from these antibodies building up in the form of fibrils in their heart, lungs, kidneys or blood vessels, as is seen in light chain amyloidosis?

I don’t know, but it’s something I would want to test. I would not want to wait ten years to find an increase in diagnosed light chain amyloidosis in the statistics, because then you’re too late. I would want to do autopsies now, to see if there are any signs of this problem emerging, in people you would not otherwise expect to see it in. I would want to see: Are we seeing signs of a buildup of light chain fibrils, in the lower lungs?

And then there is of course the obvious question, of autoimmune problems. Viruses evolve, SARS-COV-2 evolves quite readily to reinfect everyone. One of the easiest way to avoid antibodies, is to mutate your protein, to resemble sequences found in proteins produced by our own body. The cells that produce your antibodies can mutate their genes to produce slightly different antibodies, but when they do, your body will have to choose: It has to stop targeting those regions, or it has to relax peripheral tolerance.

That is: Antibody producing cells that would normally be told to shut down because their antibodies bind to your own proteins, are no longer told to shut down because they’re now just necessary to fight a virus. And the autoimmune reaction to your own proteins is a price the body just accepts, because the alternative is worse.

And I have to point out again: An adaptive immune response is easily avoided through mutation. On the other hand, the innate immune response that would normally handle this virus, is going to target structural genes and looks for conserved molecular patterns that all viruses tend to have in common. With excessive reliance on an adaptive immune response, what you get are rapidly recurring waves of a virus. And that’s not a good thing, it results in greater virulence over time.


  1. Dear Master Rintrah.

    Both the data in the referenced article and your reasoning look extremely plausible. However, when I look at wastewater data (e.g. , click on “COVID” in the upper left), the wave this winter is almost nonexistent, and concentrations are low. In the SF Bay Area practically everyone is jabbed, and there is a lot of international travel, so they get to taste all variants.

    Can the low concentrations in wastewater mean that those who took the jab are finally starting to clear the virus from their systems?

    • >Can the low concentrations in wastewater mean that those who took the jab are finally starting to clear the virus from their systems?

      I think versions of the virus without enough glycans in the NTD are now struggling to survive.

      However it’s already pretty clear that the virus adjusts to add those glycans. Those variants with glycans then start to spread.

      And it will just result in the antibody concentrations gradually declining in most people, until they have declined enough to allow for another wave.

      It basically means you end up with a subset of variants that are able to maintain persistent infections in the presence of an antibody response.

      • So, in other words, the reason why this winter’s wave was so subdued is that it was made of the variants without enough glycans in the NTD, against which the antibodies in jabbies are effective. But there is light at the end of this tunnel, and that’s the LP.8.1 train.

      • > And it will just result in the antibody concentrations gradually declining in most people, until they have declined enough to allow for another wave.

        Wasn’t the premise of this amyloid post that antibody concentrations stay high though?

        • >Wasn’t the premise of this amyloid post that antibody concentrations stay high though?

          Yeah, as long as the children have constant exposure. Not sure they stay high when constant exposure stops.

          • Can I ask you to evaluate, today, if SARS-CoV-2 is under such immune pressure as to not be able of spreading like hell ,just in the middle of northern hemisphere winter?. Innate immune systems are being activated by other viruses. What about the amount of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies now, why they would not be high?

      • Wastewater data, along with death data, along with sickness data, is faked.

        Your local corrupt politician, who does not want to be strung up on the nearest lamp post

      • Take a look at the CDC’s calculation method for wastewater levels. They recalculate the baseline every six months and the new baseline is composed of data from the last 12 rolling months. Their “level” is a massaged number that can be fairly summed up as representing the degree by which the current wastewater values exceed the baseline.

        Higher current values last year makes for a higher baseline for this year, and even if wastewater levels continue rising, they can still be less above the baseline than last year’s data was above it’s baseline.

        Straight up data deception.

        The recalculation to raise the baseline occurred recently, I think in mid January.

        This year’s wastewater “levels” aren’t down, they are just relatively less far above the baseline from the past 12 months.

    • This argument is based upon the assumption that wastewater accounting is accurate. Maybe antibody levels appear to be low in wastewater even though they’re not because of the current cryptic variants that are more difficult to trace, perhaps because of more replication in the respiratory system or different shedding behaviors unknown to date. It’s clear that many people are sick and typically sick longer. If hard data like the charts shown here identify what’s actually happen we should trust that more than samples taken from water that’s roughly assumed to correlate with population infection & antibody levels, no?

      • This is magical thinking, sorry

        Retard gives a plausible mechanism (adjustment of the numbers), but you must do look for yourself; is it true?

      • >perhaps because of more replication in the respiratory system or different shedding behaviors unknown to date.

        Yeah some of that seems to be going on too. BA.2.86 was derived from a chronic infection that seemed to be more inclined to hit the gut, thus resulting in higher levels seen in wastewater.

    • The SF Bay area had a summer surge of covid; nearly as high as a winter surge. It wasn’t that long ago. I am wondering if the extreme influenza surge we are now having is driving out covid.

      • Covid went through my office building like wildfire over the summer. Sacramento area. I haven’t heard of anyone with Covid this winter, they all had it over the summer instead.

        • I know a family in Boston that all caught it on Christmas eve day, and a relative in PA who caught it a couple of weeks ago (she caught it for the first time since she’s been ultra careful). But there was a giant summer wave here in CA. I’m seeing it predicted that this means that the Bay Area winter wave will be delayed til February. It is crazy how people see a few months go by and think it is all over; I wonder if they’ll ever stop being surprised when it again returns.

          Then there are idiots like this guy: He seems to think it is cool that his infant has covid and flu and RSV all at once, no problem.

  2. Thanks for another update.

    You’ve written before about amyloidosis from abnormally high antibody concentrations being the most logical explanation for all the rubbery clots being found by embalmers. And you’ve recommended nattokinase and serrapeptase as a way of breaking down these clots. I tried to convince my vaccinated family members to start taking these supplements, but they don’t seem to be very interested in taking them unfortunately. Oh well, I’ll make another attempt to discuss it with them. But there also seems to be a risk to this strategy: if someone with an existing blood clot suddenly started eating lots of natto, as the clot starts degrading there is a risk of it becoming dislodged and travelling somewhere else in the body, potentially causing something like a stroke (God forbid).

    And like you say, the decreasing immunogenicity of the virus due to evolution towards molecular mimicry is also terrifying due to risk of autoimmune disease if the antibodies cross-react with healthy tissue. Imagine huge percentages of the population suddenly developing autoimmune disorders? That would arguably cause even more human suffering than Vanden Bossche’s HIVICRON scenario. You’ve recommended cannabis to lower the risk of this, as it suppresses the adaptive immune response whilst stimulating the innate immune response, but I wonder if it’s primarily the THC or CBD, or a combination of both cannabinoids that is exerting this effect? Because I could try and convince my family members to consider supplementing with CBD (although in reality they would probably not be interested, but it’s still worth trying). But if it’s just the THC that works, then obviously that’s not going to be a viable strategy for the majority of the population.

    • >But there also seems to be a risk to this strategy: if someone with an existing blood clot suddenly started eating lots of natto, as the clot starts degrading there is a risk of it becoming dislodged and travelling somewhere else in the body, potentially causing something like a stroke (God forbid).

      Yes, things like this sometimes seems to happen when people take very high doses of fibrinolytics: The wall of an abcess in the mouth can break down and you get a bunch of bacteria entering the bloodstream. There have been case studies of that.

      That’s why I recommend just eating a normal dose like they eat in Japan and only introducing one fibrinolytic at once. I eat natto almost daily and I tend to take a regular dose of serrapeptase.

      Taking very high doses may be useful for some conditions, but it’s not something I recommend because it hasn’t been studied and there are plausible risks.

  3. Wow. So much unchartered territory that is frightening. I’ve chatted with my unjabbed 10 year old son about this and he asks if his jabbed friends are going to survive. I just say, “I don’t know.”

    There’s an assumption that stimulating antibodies is the gold standard but I think more people are realizing that it doesn’t matter if you have a strong antibody response if they don’t neutralize the pathogen, which then only leads to worse outcomes.

  4. You write incredibly well. Reminds me of Arthur Guyton. who wrote the bestselling human physiology books for many years.

  5. I bet they come down eventually. There’s no increased mortality in Belgium, and it is a highly vaccinated population. Almost no trace of covid, and it’s winter. But Geert is still attempting to profit from his doomsday predictions, and you are providing his audience with theories that lend credibility to his nonsense.

    • I’m one to suspect undercounting, given that most people stopped reporting due to at home tests being much more used, with people giving less of a shit afterwards. From what I’ve read, Geert sees the lower than normal winter as COVID’s last legs before it all blows up. I’ve been monitoring, because I have the suspicion of something happening after the 2024 election out of sheer irony. A lot of not so initiated followers of Geert who voted for Trump think retribution is coming, and Geert himself is optimistic about RFK.Jr in charge of public health. I cling to the thought of it happening soon because I’m afraid, and have gotten one dose of Novavax (Though Geert thinks those who’ve gotten one dose are relatively in the clear). I kind of have to be honest with myself that this might be the last year I pay attention to this because apathy for him is setting in. I feel like I have no qualifications to argue for and against him as I am a community college biology student, and I am taking Calculus and Organic Chemistry II. I want this not to happen too, and I’m not one to buy his “Africa will win” statements that much, but I persist because it’s such a fast-hitting hypothetical, and I would feel a massive burden if my family members died if this were to occur. I should probably stop posting on this site out because of both college, and there are other fundamental disagreements that I do not want to get int.

      • I am very sorry to hear that the narcissistic Belgian vet is causing you anxiety. Don’t be afraid. Good luck with your studies.

        • So, now he’s just made his final message. I’m absolutely hawkishly watching at this point for updates, and am unsure what prophylactics to use for my family, and can’t decide on Amazon either Chlorine Dioxide or duramectin in case this happens. Part of me suspects February or March, but even Geert admits he isn’t sure.

          • ” am unsure what prophylactics to use for my family”

            Xlear, a daily claritin, nasal neosporin (google “Yale study covid neosporin”)(you line your nose with a small blob of it from the tube) and an Air Tamer (sold on Amazon). And an N95. No-one in my household has yet caught covid (and I am still required to test weekly for my volunteer position since I refused the vax). One other household member who is ancient had four shots; the other who is late middle age had three shots (Moderna)(he doesn’t always wear an N95 out in the world but the other preventatives seem to have worked).

            I have no idea what use you would make of Chlorine Dioxide; I just looked it up and I would not have it in my vicinity let alone use it for anything. Please reconsider.

            It’s not clear that ivermectin will work for all variants, though it is good to have some on hand. Along with black cumin oil capsules (don’t overdo) and grape seed extract (

            That is, that is what you should do if you don’t want to catch covid. I’m not saying that things are as dire as you seem to think they are. Geert has cried wolf a zillion times. Things are bad but please don’t get frantic; it’s not that bad, and I personally think it’s going to take a lot longer for things to get significantly worse. People mostly don’t a sense of how long these sorts of things take.

      • You should not underrate your own ability to understand this stuff. Gert goes out of his way to write in an incomprehensible manner. Rintrah’s willingness to be very clear about what he is saying is a sign of a deservedly healthy ego. Also, Gert has been wrong about what will happen and when countless times. You shouldn’t take his predictions to heart.

    • >Geert is still attempting to profit from his doomsday prediction

      Geert didn’t come up with this.

      We’ve seen this problem of growing virulence in response to vaccination in most of the viruses we vaccinated chickens against. It takes a few years, but it’s the eventual outcome.

      How do you think we ended up with bird flu strains that now infect all the wild birds and kill 90% of chickens within 48 hours?

      We vaccinated with leaky vaccines that reduce symptoms but fail to stop transmission. That results in evolution of greater virulence, which is what we observe ever since the first Omicron waves (see: Measured fusogenicity).

      • Dr. McCullough has claimed the currently circulating clade of H5N1 escaped from a lab in the U.S. South, Georgia or Alabama or near there. Either vaxxing chickens with leaky vaccines or gain-of-function lab leak are plausible theories.
        Have you come across any info that would suggest the real answer is one or the other, or both theories?

        • >Dr. McCullough has claimed

          Yeah there’s your problem. I hate to say it, but he’s very good at marketing supplements, not very good at explaining what’s actually going on. The H5N1 problem has been steadily escalating for decades, it’s a product of the fact that most birds alive today are chickens in our concentration camps.

          • I wasn’t overjoyed that my doctor, who died, sold supplements – it did seem to give him a conflict of interest- but doctors are human, wanting money as I think we all do, and I don’t think it’s appropriate to criticize them for selling supplements, books, courses or anything else if they truly believe they are selling something of value and are not advertising it dishonestly. Dr. McCullough may not be correct in everything he believes or says but I think he’s a man of great integrity who has made outstanding contributions to humanity in challenging the medical-industrial complex and opening peoples’ minds to considering alternative points of view which many people feel have made them healthier and happier. He’s a great man to me and I don’t like seeing him criticized in that way. I don’t think he’s doing anything which is illegal or should be.

      • Geert’s doomsday prediction is his own, there is no point in debating this. It hasn’t happened. His reasoning is flawed. Period. Listen to him trying to explain why here: It was funny when he said he used to be stubborn, but not anymore. LOL!

        I think you’re referring to ADE. That’s a very different scenario. I’ve said it before, we are not chickens.

    • >Almost no trace of covid

      You cannot rely on stats for this. At least 50% of covid infections are now asymptomatic. That’s what the jabs did: they gave people TOLERANCE (so they can host rampant infection and spread it everywhere) but not IMMUNITY (where the virus would be defeated and stop being spread).

      Yes, the current XEC wave was a small one. The next wave (LP.8.1) is just getting started. And there will be another wave after that. And another. And another. And another…

  6. When engaging in any form of warfare, you must use your enemy’s weaknesses to your advantage.

    When your enemy has a massive B-cell moneymaking machine at the ready, with corrupt politicians firmly in their pocket, what would you do?

    Total spectrum warfare baby! The world’s poor against the polluting and planet destroying rich.

    Extinction Rebellion, biological style!


  7. RR, have you seen anything from Dr. Kevin McCairn in Japan? He’s put up a lab and is testing for amyloidosis and PrP(sc). Recently, (well, Nov.20) they’ve found a signal suggesting that the S1 protein promotes amyloids with whatever peptides they’re combining S1 with.


    At about 1:15 is where they talk about their results somewhat.

  8. There are comparatively more people in the last many weeks who have been ER-sick, even after recovering from sudden illness–even young people, with horselike constitutions. All vaxxed. Whatever is getting them is revisiting them periodically. The refrain is that the serial ailments increase in severity. Number of losses in last few years towers over the decade prior–and it’s the young people. There is something brewing in strength out there.

  9. Thanks indeed to RR for writing about this study and rightly highlighting the quite troubling graph showing the extreme divergence in anti-spike antibody levels between the vaxxed and unvaxxed children. We want to see separation like that between the cohorts on health outcomes (in the vaxx’s favor, of course), not blood titers!

    RR’s pieces on this topic all focus on the cyclical feedback between the immune system and viral evolution that he sees the covid vaxxes as having set in motion. And fair play to him for keeping his eye on that. However, there is also the fact that the mRNA vaxxes are horrible garbage of varied and unknown effect which should never have been jammed into much of the global population essentially untested, even when the SARS2 virus itself is left out of it.

    And along those lines, I want to observe that the elevated antibody levels may also be the result, not of repeated viral exposure, but of continued translation of spike protein from the transfected genetic material in the vaxx. Have some of these kids been turned into spike factories long-term, even absent infection by the virus itself? That wasn’t supposed to happen, but that doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened.

    Is it one, or the other? Or both? It sucks no matter what, but it would be good to know.

  10. Another possibility for constantly elevated spike antibodies is that some cells which are transfected with mRNA simply never stop producing spike.

    A jabbie would not need to be reinfected in this case

    • I think you’re right. Sure there is re-exposure, but also people who have been “vaccinated” just keep making spike on the surface of cells and so keep inducing the production of antibodies. The only hope is that maybe a lot of the vaccines were not effective. I think young and slim people are worse off with this; the old and fat people I know seem to have done fine with the shots; maybe kids are the worst off from them.

      • It is easy to think that cells can “never stop making spike” but I’m not sure how it will work in the body. mRNA is fragile, even the modified RNA will eventually be cleared from the body. Cell can only express foreign protein if it was reverse transcribed and integrated into the genome of the cell. Even then it needs to be in the right location to be consecutively expressed. Reverse transcribed Sars-Cov-2 can also integrate into the genome of the infected cells if we are contemplating this scenario just like many other viruses have done. Too me it looks like a re-exposure. Both virus and vax depress immune system making re-infections easy and there is also the ADE factor. Maybe once we have antibodies, those antibodies facilitate the infections with the new variants. Genomic integration is always possible though but I would argue that it would apply to Sars-Cov-2 as well not just to vax.

        • There are also reservoirs of the virus. Infection can result in reservoirs in the brain, the bone marrow, the ovaries, the testes, and lots of other places. You can have re-exposure from yourself. I think there is likely a lot of that. Maybe it is worse for vaxxed people who have developed a tolerance to the spike (IgG3 to IgG4); maybe they more readily form reservoirs upon infection.

        • Why assume anything at all?
          If corona integrate into the genome (as many other virus have done), the chance that it happens to program the cell to express spike is rather small; there is a whole virus to code for in there.
          The mRNA which transfects cells on the other hand is ALL spike encoding.

  11. Another observation;in the chart, there are only 3 unvaccinated subjects over age 12.
    Could they not find people older than 12 who are unactivated?

    • Yeah I wrote about this quite a bit myself. The worst thing about vaccination against H5N1 seems to be that it just makes it easier for the virus to jump into wild birds.

      We’re now basically replicating this experiment in humans, but against a corona virus.

  12. Whatever it maybe – it being this clustercomplex – I think they do another one in very few years (<10) and if it happens during Trump they have two very fine options. One is he does it again or the rest of the world positions as the supposedly sane majority and finishes the task, i.e. itself.

  13. There’s a small but significant looking new spike of covid in the SF bay area:

    The influenza numbers are nuts, and keep getting more nuts:

    Cows in CA are getting the bird flu a second time. It is not clear whether it is a new infection or whether they aren’t clearing the old infection:

    “Now, the USDA has said that it does not see evidence of new infections or reinfections in previously affected herds but rather a lack of clearance of that original infection. However, outside experts have said that the trajectory of symptoms in Idaho herds suggests a second round of illness.
    Unger: So why is it so important to make the distinction?
    Garcia: Reinfection in and of itself wouldn’t be particularly surprising, and symptoms could potentially be milder the second time around, which would be good. However, this suggests that the virus could circulate on farms indefinitely, and the longer it circulates, the more opportunities it has to evolve into a more dangerous form. Also, if the symptoms from reinfections are extremely mild, it would likely make that rapid detection difficult, if not impossible.” (

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