I’ll try to keep this short and succinct: You can’t fool nature.
Ozempic was thought to work by slowing down the emptying of the stomach, thereby suppressing appetite. We now know however, that it’s more complex. Instead of just suppressing appetite, it ends up binding to receptors in the brain. That’s where it hits the GLP1 receptors, but in such a way that the effect is abnormally strong and long-lasting, as they introduced structural changes from the natural variety of the molecule.
They’re really excited about this, because they now see all sorts of positive side-effects in other diseases, mostly diseases associated with chronic inflammation. As an example, they see that Ozempic is good for neurovascular health, by reducing inflammation in the brain.
And now you’re wondering: What’s the problem here? Isn’t reducing inflammation a good thing? This depends entirely, on why the inflammation is reduced. As an example, consider regularly flossing and brushing your teeth. This will reduce systemic inflammation in your body, because the bacterial plaques in your gums are being disrupted. When inflammation is reduced because a problem the body has is removed, then it’s great to observe an anti-inflammatory effect.
What about drugs like cannabis? Cannabis has a potent anti-inflammatory effect. When people take cannabis, there is a temporary reduction in inflammation. This is not a problem however, because cannabis comes associated with all sorts of benevolent and anti-viral accompanying effects. As an example, cannabidiol is effective against cancer cells and terpenes like alpha-pinene are effective against various respiratory viruses. We have been exposed to terpenes like alpha-pinene since we first crawled out of the ocean on land. They’re part of the range of chemicals our bodies are well-equipped to handle.
And most importantly: You’re not going to be on cannabis 24/7. You smoke it once, you feel stoned and then eventually it wears off. If your body needs inflammation, it can then subsequently upregulate the inflammation, to compensate for the previous period in which inflammation was down-regulated. With Ozempic and similar GLP1 agonist drugs, that’s not the case: You inject these drugs twice a week and then as a result, you just spend the whole time with an endocrine alteration to your body, that your body can’t effectively compensate for.
So the result is a systemic anti-inflammatory effect. For diseases that are a consequence of inflammation, like arthritis or some forms of dementia, that may be useful. But you have to comprehend, that this inflammation exists for a reason. If your body could just heal itself by turning down chronic inflammation in old age, we would have rapidly evolved to have less chronic inflammation.
No, the inflammation is there for a reason and turning it off is going to be dangerous. I quote:
Through their interactions with GLP-1RAs, immune cell signals are modulated inside the cell. Pro-inflammatory cytokines, including TNF-α, IL-6, and IL-1β, are suppressed by GLP-1R in immune cells.33,36 Furthermore, GLP-1RAs can boost the generation of anti-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-10, which helps to mitigate inflammation and restore immune balance.33
Interleukin-6 is very useful. When people exercise, the body increases concentration by a hundred fold. Without it, you lose physical endurance. What you see on people on Ozempic is that they very rapidly lose muscle weight. I have to emphasize, there’s a lot we still don’t know about Ozempic, including how exactly it causes people to lose weight.
But more importantly, I want to emphasize the TNF-α. This stands for “Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha”. Tumor Necrosis Factor: The factor, that leads to necrosis of tumors. Necrosis: A form of cell injury which results in the premature death of cells in living tissue. Tumor: A type of abnormal and excessive growth of tissue.
In a lot of health conditions, you don’t want to see TNF-alpha. But again, if it was inherently a bad chemical, someone thousands of years ago would have had a mutation that would destroy the body’s ability to produce this protein and the mutation would rapidly spread throughout the human species.
Your immune system doesn’t give you alzheimer’s or arthritis because it hates you. No, your immune system tries to do the best job it can, to keep you alive without allowing your body to spread dangerous pathogens to your close relatives. Sometimes, that requires it to produce so much inflammation, that your brain starts to suffer damage, or your joints start to hurt.
Your job, under those conditions, is not to turn off the inflammation. Your job, is to figure out why your body is forced to produce so much inflammation. Perhaps you have bacteria in your gums damaging your teeth. Perhaps you have an organ where a group of mutated cells are replicating too fast.
Don’t turn off your immune system’s treatment for a problem, when you’re not busy treating the problem yourself!
Right now, we see that two thirds of people stop taking Ozempic within a year. They lose weight on Ozempic, then when they stop taking it, they rapidly tend to regain the weight. That is, unless they suffered a health problem as a result of Ozempic, in which case they may even continue losing weight. An example would be stomach pain, that persists after you stopped taking Ozempic. Now eating food causes you pain, so you eat less.
I understand that there are elderly people with diabetes who receive Ozempic. But now we see a situation, in which young adults who are obese take Ozempic because they fail to lose weight through dieting. It turned into a “celebrity solution” to lose weight rapidly. That’s a dangerous development.
But let me return to the cytokines. Ozempic reduces the production of IL-6 and increases production of IL-10. Interleukin 6, is what encourages the immune system to produce B cells and Neutrophils. B cells are the cells that go on to produce your antibodies, Neutrophils are the most common cell of the innate immune system.
Scientists have already warned that Ozempic is probably going to reduce the efficacy of vaccines, “through both immune and non-immune mechanisms”. And if it reduces efficacy of vaccine induced immunity, you can expect the same effect on infection acquired immunity.
Right now 137 million Americans are eligible to receive Ozempic. That’s more than half of all American adults. One in eight Americans has already tried this drug. You’re basically moving towards a society, where a large segment of the population has artificially induced immunosuppression, as a side-effect to lose weight.
You don’t just have to worry about the long-term side effects, of making it difficult for the immune system to destroy rapidly replicating cells. You also have to ask yourself, what the impact is on all these infectious diseases that are currently skyrocketing, including of course SARS-COV-2.
The immune system also affects the brain. With a lot of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the body, we tend to feel tired, miserable, pessimistic and depressed. Turn off those pro-inflammatory cytokines with a new drug and you also impact how people cognitively operate. You may for example, see them become manic or overly optimistic.
We know what works to make people lose weight, it’s the same boring story we already knew decades ago. Look at countries where most people are healthy and skinny and try to eat the sort of stuff people in those countries eat. This mostly just means reducing high-calorie animal products in the diet. High-calorie animal products are the main reason people carry excess weight.
People are desperate to hear a more exciting answer, but the more exciting answers don’t solve the problem for us. People enjoy fast results and Ozempic gives fast results. But you need to accept that the key to losing weight, is to learn to be satisfied with slow results. Give your body the time, to adjust to a slow and gradual loss of weight. This gives your skin, bones and muscles the opportunity to adjust too.
Goldman Sachs, the most pure incarnation of evil in this world, is already uncorking the champagne. They’re now suggesting that by putting 60 million Americans on Ozempic by 2028, the economy could grow by another 1%!
But I will just spell it out for you: My expectation is that if Americans are now going to put most of their adult population on Ozempic, what’s actually going to happen is that we’re going to find out why turning off the tools your immune system uses to keep you healthy is a bad idea.
Ozempic is to 2024, what mRNA is to 2020. Cooperate with your body. Don’t try to trick or force it into doing something that it doesn’t want to do.
>Don’t turn off your immune system’s treatment for a problem, when you’re not busy curing the problem yourself!
Good advice.
Never forget Vioxx! I kid. No one remembers it. Do your own surveys. Ask family and friends: What was Vioxx? Observe something that killed 60,000 Americans* and caused 500,000 heart-attacks vanish into the mist of Time. An email obtained with a subpoena revealed how the bigshots at Merck knew it was deadly. And the safety studies were fake. And doctors who blew the whistle were put on a hit list. Amazing how much power a gazillion dollars buys. The power to kill and maim and pay a small fine.
*Some estimates are much higher.
Good point. Vioxx was basically the same idea: Treating arthritis by turning off the immune system.
statins are somthing similar, turn off cholesterol way higher up chemical pathway that affects a lot of other stuff. we haven’t come to grips with that one yet.
One small win against the machine.
i know you are vegan, but it’s kind of misleading to say “This mostly just means reducing high-calorie animal products in the diet.”
assuming a calorie is a calorie is a calorie–a dubious proposition–animal products may or may not be higher calorie than plant products. rice, flour, sugar, etc. are comparably calorie dense to meat, eggs, etc.
No, I’m saying you specifically need to avoid high calorie animal products. You would not hear me say: “Stop eating oysters to lose weight.” Oysters are animal products, but not high calorie.
The main problem is meat, followed by dairy and eggs. When you cut out those two you can generally even get away with high calorie plant foods.
The two factors causing obesity and other metabolic disorders appear to be
-too much protein
-too much seed oil
Western diets are largely composed of meat drenched in seed oil.
This also tracks with obese vegans and vegetarians, whose products are usually chock full of seed oils.
In hospital settings, isocaloric protein restriction had a greater effect on weight loss and blood markers than 25%!!! caloric restriction
yes, it’s weird that the metabolic wards know what’s up but it never leaves the medical literature to actual advice to people. the quickest i’ve ever lost weight was when all i ate were potatoes fried in olive oil and/or baked potatoes (with apologies to our host, stuffed to the gills with cheese, butter, and sour cream). probably ~15g protein/day. running was fine, lifting not so great though…
i’ve heard it said that there’s sort of a “metabolic swamp” where “balanced macros” is the worst. either cut out carbs or cut out protein and you are okay, but mixing the two seems to be worst.
Might I suggest that there could be a spiritual factor to the obesity epidemic? The obesity rates started rising worldwide around 1970 or so, which is right around the exact time when we first exceeded the Earth’s carrying capacity as a species. It started in America first, then spread to the rest of the west and now to other countries as well – it transcends cultural and economic boundaries. We know that industrial civilization as a whole behaves somewhat like a hungry ghost, or a wetiko-like being, where it is driven by an insatiable desire to consume everything around it, and if it stops doing so at any point it becomes so hungry it spazzes out and basically collapses and starts to consume itself from the inside, yet whatever it consumes only causes it to grow larger so that it must consume more the next year. My suggestion is to generally move away from this paradigm. The less you do to support the machine that needs to endlessly consume in order to run from its own growing need to consume, the less likely you will grow into a fat, empty consumerist shell who overeats, yourself. So like, go vegan, cut back on the consumerist stuff like buying too much, avoid ads and the media in general, wrest yourself away from the diseased social fabric and so on, and I bet in general you’d be less obese as a consequence.
“This mostly just means reducing high-calorie animal products in the diet. High-calorie animal products are the main reason people carry excess weight.”
Possibly reducing meat eating is good, but eating meat is now why people in US are fat.
The culprit is seed oils: corn oil, soy oil, rapeseed (canola) oil, sunflower oil, and most other vegetable oils, except olive oil.
Linoleic Acid — The Most Destructive Ingredient in Your Diet
If you don’t believe this, try applying corn oil to your skin as a moisturizer, if you like severe acne, that is.
Radagast has no idea the amount of fructose syrup coke, seed oil dunkin donuts, and seed oil french fries americans ingest. Morbidly obese people are not eating eggs, meat, and milk in the USA.
I’ve said this too. Even when they occasionally listen to you, they’ll pivot to something else. And then when after you’ve exhausted yourself arguing whatever, they’ll go back to the original argument (“Americans fat b/c red meat”) as if they didn’t hear you.
Americans are fat because of seed oils AND dairy. Sorry but eating Ice Cream and Butter will make you fat, it’s pure fat.
No, the meat is what makes you go blind, enjoy your cataracts you stupid ape-nigger.
“Meat = evil.
Drugs = great.”
I’m sure the long term benefits of that lifestyle will be wonderful.
Meat is a drug for Low IQ people. All the meat you’re eating, especially the grass fed, has steroids and antibiotics in it. Milk is full of growth hormones. You’re a roid tranny.
You’re right. I guess I’ll just stop eating meat and start doing drugs.
Anyways, I was responding to CLAIRE.
>You’re right.
I’m always right, I’m working for Santa I believe, not sure though.
If all carnists immediately stopped eating meat or supporting animal agriculture in any way, and instead decided to all simultaneously take up both heroin and methamphetamine addictions, the world would still be a better place overall.
Veganism and drug addiction go hand in hand, so it would at least be fitting.
When you’re talking about paying people to rape, torture and murder a bunch of innocent beings as part of a process whose scale worldwide makes the Holocaust look like a drop in the ocean, and which is actively, just by itself, causing the destruction of the biosphere – pretty much any banter or justification you give is going to fall flat. “People who don’t cannibalize the remains of murdered rape victims are j-just d-drug addicts!,” says the person who can only conjure up a nonsensical non-sequitur because their brain doesn’t work right due to their endocrine system being fried from too much bovine growth hormone.
Cannibalized rape victims — GTFOH.
Not just drug addicts, but most vegans are also misanthropes or at least very hostile to the idea of connecting with other people. I strongly doubt they’re more involved with other people IRL, rescue animals or help out their communities, lend a hand, etc. It’s mainly a ‘movement’ of people making grandiose statements like the one above, so they can feel morally superior to everyone else.
I think the drugs come in due to starving yourself or so many nutrients your brain/body needs.
And there’s always such a vindictive / puritanical / bitter streak to most of these climate things, it’s crazy.
But yeah, the amount of carbs/sugar/junk people eat now is crazy.
1970/80s— sounds like when the anti-fat movement started accelerating. And also when corporations became all ‘Greed is Good’. So, just substitute fake food and garbage ingredients for real food, who cares what it does to people as long you line your pockets.
It’s essentially a monstrous / bizarre system where the govt and Walmart and these other zombie companies work together to prop up economic growth, while every other metric (health, prosperity, wellbeing, etc) goes by the wayside.
Bernie Sanders has been on a crusade about the cost of this potentially bankrupting the federal government. It sold in other countries for a tenth of the cost in the USA. Also a lot coming out about shrinkage of heart muscle. A common side effect is sudden diarrhea wonder what that means?
You’ve been churning out really good, high quality blog posts over the last fortnight. Thanks very much, it’s great.
This is good information about the drugs, and I thank you for it, since I know several people on them or planning to take them. The problem is that although I wish you were right that eating reasonably could lead to reasonable weight loss that could be maintained, it just doesn’t. There are a zillion studies out there; people can lose weight but they just can’t keep it off. Even if they go vegetarian, even if they go vegan. Yes, I know gigantically obese vegans who don’t eat processed food. Losing weight resets hunger hormones; trying to eat less is then like trying to breathe less. You can’t say that because slim people eat a certain way, that if a fat person starts eating that way that he will become and stay slim, since it isn’t true, since he can’t maintain that way of eating. I am not overweight myself but I’m an American so most people I know are, so I have a LOT of personal observations to go with the studies.
Fat people are immunosuppressed due to being fat. If they take weight loss drugs and are no longer fat, perhaps their immune system will improve overall, despite the hit to it due to the weight loss drugs. Do we know?
And the toxins in the fat are gone too.
“High-calorie animal products are the main reason people carry excess weight.”
I don’t think the data agrees with this. It’s sugar and a high carb diet driving obesity. People on a carnivore diet aren’t fat. It’s those who eat McDonalds burgers with fries and milkshakes.
Go with the times, man. Seed oils, BPA, pesticides, blue LED light, wrong gut biome…
We all know a slim guy who eats horrible amounts of carbs grains, rice, potatoes.
Yes, that’s true. I don’t eat animal products for 20yrs or so (except sometimes a few eggs and a little bit cheese), but my problems are cookies (sugar) and bread (wheat). That’s the reason I have 10 kg surplus fat to carry. I know this and I am sitting too much due to my work for burning that surplus fat.
Radagast has always good ideas but often draws the wrong conclusions because they have to fit in the scheme he believes in. But that is not how science works. They are rather personal beliefs like in the church, which are cannot be proven.
So CO2 _IS_ plant food (read some scientific books, they all will tell you the same as I do now), but the problem is the burning of fossil fuels itself. That puts more heat to the atmosphere. So there is that misconclusion that CO2 = warming, but that’s totally wrong. The burning of fossil fuels itself means more heat in the system of the earth’s atmosphere. Because fire means heat. Every three year old kid knows this. So if you have 100’000’000 million cars with cumbustion engines rolling around every second, you will release heat in the atmosphere because these motors are 100’000’000 fires you ignite. That’s the cause of global warming (with a lot other factors), not CO2.
But wait. Ozempic lowers cardiovascular disease and is very healthy! People who take this drug smile. The commercial told me so.
My kids love the jingle… “OH, OH, OH, OZEMPIC!…
For millions of years animals self-medicated with plants. Plants created some powerful compounds to protect themselves – most plant drugs evolved as a means to protect the plant from insects or other consumers. Some compounds – like those found in garlic – protect against parasites or bacteria because the garlic evolved to survive in the wild. Very nutritious plants often develop extra protections – think stinging nettles or comfrey. When you consume garlic those compounds help you fend off infections. That’s why evolutionary herbal medicine works – it is what animal bodies evolved to utilize.
But with the introduction of pharmaceuticals, all manner of disasters ensued. We didn’t evolve to utilize isolated compounds, especially ones synthesized in a lab. Such drugs tend to take a toll on the body – like antibiotics on the gut bacteria. They may help in the short run, but in the long run they are likely to damage our organic bodily systems. So wonder drugs come with a steep, if often invisible-at-first, cost.
Another factor behind the increasingly global obesity epidemic is the demineralization of our soils. Bad agricultural practices – like the use of glyphosate – bind minerals in the soil and make them unavailable to plants. So the food we eat gets less and less nutritious. We need to stop using poisons on the soil. Instead of dropping bombs on the enemy, planes could be used to spray glacial rock dust on the depleted soils. This would help immensely with our overall health and vitality. But since we live in a system of institutionalized insanity, such commonsense solutions will not be implemented. Instead we will get more poisons and insatiable appetites. And thus more demand for stupid wonder drugs.
To say nothing of the fact that 1 in 15 appsrently go blind in 3 years.
Without looking up whether any of you are actually telling the truth or not, I’d like to point out that if 1 in 15 people in a country take a drug that has a 1 in 8 chance of causing blindness within 3 years, you would expect 1 in 120 people in that country to go blind within 3 years assuming that the set of people who take the drug is statistically as likely as the overall population to contract blindness from taking it.
Switch the 15 and the 8 in the above post, I’m having a tard moment.
For kicks and giggles I gooooooooooooooooooogled Ozempic Penis
This is an AI text.
>One in eight Americans has already tried this drug
America has truly strayed too far from God’s Light.
I have been vegan for over a year. And I know that I can VERY EASILY gain weight on the vegan diet just by eating whatever I want in any desired quantity. That includes eating HEALTHY FOODS ONLY, however defined, I will gain weight on them if I do not watch the quantity. Unfortunately, there is no “magic diet” for me.
I lost 14 lbs on vegan diet, but it happened only because I used my willpower to eat less than I otherwise would.
I also was on a low carb diet for 8 years, really the same result, I was gaining 3-4 lbs per year on low carb (that was after a very considerable weight loss)
“High-calorie animal products are the main reason people carry excess weight.”
No, this is not true. The problem is carbs, or the mix of carbs with protein and fat. If you drop the carbs, excess weight disappears. If you are addicted to carbs, you need to strictly limit protein & fat.
>The problem is carbs, or the mix of carbs with protein and fat. If you drop the carbs, excess weight disappears.
This is what every low status American believes and yet they just keep getting fatter.