Please drop the cynicism

Call me a turbonormie, I don’t care. I recognize the propaganda and it works on me, because I see no reason to resist it. If some new guy at work obviously wants you to like him, do you think to yourself: “Woah that jerk is trying to get me to like him, I’m going to punch him in his face!” Well that’s Tim Walz. He wants you to like him, give him the benefit of the doubt instead of punching him in the face.

The other option, is the MAGA/Musk ticket, composed of literal science-fiction villains. The good guys don’t have a brain-chip company that tortures monkeys and has as its goal to merge all of humanity with artificial intelligence. Not voting, or voting anything other than Harris/Walz just means being complicit in these people’s rise to power, sorry. It’s not my fault you guys have a two party system.

You can be cynical about everything, insist it’s all the same and see monstrous conspiracies everywhere. You know what that gets you? It gets you the totalitarians. What do you think North Koreans think? The whole world is conspiring against them and only their based God-Emperor Kim Jong Un can protect them. Same for the Russians, they think the whole world is plotting against them. What do you think the Germans thought? Voting for the “strongman” doesn’t mean you’re strong. It just means you’re afraid.

I really don’t know what sort of terrible thing low status white males expect is going to happen if girlboss Kamala gets to run things for four years with her workhubby Tim Walz. Do you think they’re going to blow up the world trade center AGAIN and start another war? Last time that happened, it was the Republicans. Biden didn’t start any new wars, he withdrew from Afghanistan, ending the neocon experiment that Obama and Trump inherited.

If you get Kamala/Walz, things will just kind of be the same as the past four years. What has been so terrible about the past four years, that Trump could fix? “Eggs are expensive.” Yeah, it’s called bird flu, get used to it. Milk will be expensive too soon. Vaccine mandates? Well who pushed the development of that vaccine again?

If you want things to get better than the past four years, well I’m sorry, that’s just not going to happen. But with Trump, they just get worse. Jim Mattis says he slept in his clothes, because he feared Trump could start a nuclear war with North Korea at any moment. And his own former chief of staff calls him a fascist. You can say it’s none of my business, but the whole Western world is stuck in a struggle for survival together. We have Putin on our eastern border, Xi Jinping looking hungrily at Taiwan and Kim Jong Un eager to reunify the Korean peninsula.

I don’t know what people are expecting from these types. Trump, Musk, they’re very obvious power-hungry narcissists. The AOCs and Tim Walz types, they are just agreeable hypersocial types who want to be liked. Those types tend to float to the top, that’s how it is.

Or does 40-50% of the American electorate really want to elect Trump because they think it somehow results in less brown people entering their country? Are you really going to blow up your whole country over that? Well, I wouldn’t count on Republicans stopping that either. Illegal immigrants are cheap labor for farmers.

See, twenty years ago, or even ten years ago, I understood why people voted for their local low status white male party. You had floodwaves of Syrians entering Europe, people being massacred in Paris, mass sexual assault in tunnels, etc. Politicians are retarded and have taboos, it takes them time before they figure it out. Well, they figured it out. New EU refugee laws that come into effect in 2025 are much more strict. We don’t live in the era anymore when Moroccan gangster-rapper Ali B. was on TV as an example to behold. No, that guy is literally in jail now. The world has changed. Those of us who are not domesticated, who have little serotonin in our brain, who don’t submit like a Chihuahua before a bigger dog, won. Take the win and move on with your life.

But I get the impression that a lot of you LSWM types would just vote for Pol Pot if you thought it would somehow reduce the number of brown people in your country. “Well we have piles of skulls in our backyard and anyone wearing glasses has been killed because they’re obviously treacherous libcucks, but we accomplished our goal, the percentage of brown people in our country dropped from 29 to 28 percent, time to give God Emperor Pol Pot four more years!”

In Europe our variety of invading brown people comes with bended sword, Quran and headscarf installed by default. But I really don’t get the problem Americans have: “Help my country is being invaded by brown catholic women with big butts!” I understand why that’s a problem to Peter Thiel, Bronze Age Pervert or Milo Yiannopoulos, or to any of these sour blonde suburban hags who “found Christ”. But the rest of you, I really don’t get it.

And some of you autists unironically seem to have been memed into wanting a white ethnostate. To start with, that’s really a historical aberration. When the Dutch colonized Indonesia, our men in Indonesia preferred the small brown Asian ladies over our own blonde women. And for good reason. Your brown waifu looks up to you. When you’re feeling sad, your white ball-and-chain on your foot will tell you straight in your face: “What am I supposed to do with that information?” She resents you. Look around you, at the boomers, the expression on the faces of these men who have to obey their wives. They’re in hell.

Second, the world as we knew it is coming to an end. We’re headed for 3 degree of global warming before this century is over (we’re a quarter into it). Your cringe white ethnostate is going to have malaria everywhere and category six hurricanes. It’s not the 1800’s anymore guys. Why sperg about birth rates and immigration, when hell on Earth is coming? Sometimes you have to tone down the autism and genuinely ask yourself: “Are the normies onto something?”

The problem with autists is that they’re too egalitarian. With the girls that’s not a huge problem, Greta becomes worried about the black girls in Africa. But the boys, it sends them down rabbit holes they never come out of, because they take any dipshit arguing something on the Internet seriously: “Woah interesting, this guy argues HIV doesn’t cause AIDS!” Yeah, he’s a moron, ignore it and move on with your life to something else.

Your working hypothesis as an autist should be that the normies get most things right. It makes your life much easier and allows you to spend more of your mental energy on pretending to be normal. When the normies get something terribly wrong, like when the Roman citizens began drinking from drinking cups made out of lead and everyone ended up with lead poisoning, you’re probably screwed anyway.

The vaccine actually fits this rule. Most people did not want it, scientists saw all their attempts at vaccinating against SARS viruses fail, government officials were skeptical of it, but Trump pushed to rush its development and then it was forced top-down on the masses. The libs basically treat the vaccine like an insecure drunk Asian girl who desperately wants to be liked treats sex at a frat party: “No, this was definitely what I wanted!” It will take a few years before they acknowledge to themselves it was in fact not what they wanted.

There’s this Dutch documentary about Dutch “nationalists” and they interview some nerdy autistic teenage boys with their own discord server full of edgy memes. In the interview one of these guys says he’s convinced the Holocaust is a hoax and the gas chambers were actually “delousing chambers”. Well let’s pretend he’s right. It’s the year 2024. What do you think filling your head with this information is going to do to substantially improve YOUR life? Guys like me understand you, we intuitively sympathize with you. What do you think the suburban hockey moms think of you? I’m telling you, it’s a road to NOWHERE.

As far as I’m concerned, you’re free to think the Holocaust in a hoax, the Earth is 6000 years old, the moon landing was faked (I believed that one when I was 12), no planes hit the world trade center, the Earth is hollow and the British royal family sacrifices children to Satan and drinks their blood (that one is probably true). But for the love of God, PLEASE put all that information you’re never going to get out of your head again somewhere in an obscure file cabinet in the back of your head that you never access. Most people are hypersocial agreeable morons, but I’m telling you, your life will be easier if you actively take effort to develop a personality that is compatible with their stupidity.

And finally: The fact that you’re not actively pursuing an easy life like everyone else, but allow your brain to be infiltrated by all sorts of ideas that don’t serve your own interest, means that you’re the rare sort of person who actually deserves an easy life. You’re rare and special. But you’re not going to fix this world anymore, sorry. It will be at least 3 degree above pre-industrial, everyone will be a bastard, the average IQ will continue to drop and you had better get used to it.

In times of peace, the warlike man wages war against himself. That’s what the autists do, women and homosexuals hunger for their genes. But I want you to be happy, so I’m telling you, teach yourself to be a boring lib in public. Be like girlboss Kamala and her husband: Save the white supremacy for the privacy of your bedroom.

Moving on… you LSWM types are all about satan-worshipping elite pedophile networks and adrenochrome drinking reptoids and Jeffrey Epstein and the World Economic Forum and all that jazz. Well wait until you hear this really based and schizo conspiracy theory I have for you, too radical even for zerohedge (who used to be critical of musk until musk unbanned their twitter account for them) or infowars:

I think Jeffrey Epstein and Donald Trump were really good friends.

Except of course whenever there was a thirteen year old at one of their parties, then they hated each other, because it inevitably meant one of them managed to rape her before the other one did.

Oh you think it’s impossible? Preposterous? Well tell that to the 26+ women who accuse Trump of sexual assault. Trump is uniquely evil. And evil doesn’t express itself in the form of secret underground lairs, or secret plots to depopulate the world. It tends to express itself in the form of a complete banality: Raping some 13 year old aspiring model at a party and threatening her with physical harm if she tells anyone. Because evil is not strength. Evil is weakness.

It’s bad for your soul to support a man like Trump. And when I say this, the boomer NPCs show up in droves: “Oh you think Pol Pot is a bad guy? Well you must have PDS, Pot Derangement Syndrome!” And that’s fair I suppose, I understand why you would think I have Pot Derangement Syndrome. But Trump, I’m telling you, for the love of God, please, anyone but him.

The Kennedy endorsement is a joke. Kennedy is just bitter because the Harris campaign completely ignored him. You have to accept that anything “anti-establishment” tends to attract massive grifters. The whole substack anti-vax crowd is full of grifters, who want you to pay them five dollars a month to tell you what you want to hear.

But obviously, you shouldn’t just give away your vote for free.

So my advice to you all is as following:

  1. Walk up to AOC.
  2. Tell her you’re from Pennsylvania and plan on voting Trump
  3. She will sit on your face until you either suffocate or promise to vote for girlboss Harris

Thank me later LSWMs


  1. > The Kennedy endorsement is a joke. Kennedy is just bitter because the Harris campaign completely ignored him.

    In an ideal world, RFK Jr. would’ve NOT endorsed Trump, remained as an independent, a sizeable percentage of critical thinking Americans would’ve voted for this “third party” candidate, none of the three candidates would’ve received 270 Electoral College votes, there would then be a contingent election** which would give RFK Jr. a path to the White House. No “Operation Warp Speed” Trump, no radical leftist Kamala, just sensible “centrist” Kennedy being elected President. A new bright dawn for America. One can only dream…

    ** From Wikipedia: A contingent election is used to elect the president or vice president if no candidate receives a majority of the whole number of electors appointed.

    > The vaccine actually fits this rule. Most people did not want it, scientists saw all their attempts at vaccinating against SARS viruses fail, government officials were skeptical of it, but Trump pushed to rush its development and then it was forced top-down on the masses.

    It’s worth pointing out that one of the main contributing factors to the whole nightmare COVID debacle is that the entire scientific process has been politicised using “peer review” as a weapon by the scientific “establishment” to silence alternative/dissenting viewpoints. Who invented peer review? Robert Maxwell, the father of Jeffrey Epstein’s accomplice Ghislaine Maxwell. Explained in the following video by Eric Weinstein:

    • >radical leftist Kamala


      You people really just let the zerohedge boomer mold invade your brain like you’re goat cheese in a damp cave.

      What the hell is “radical leftist” about Kamala? What is she concretely planning to do, that is too leftist for your taste?

      • “What the hell is “radical leftist” about Kamala? What is she concretely planning to do, that is too leftist for your taste?”

        MASS AMNESTY FOR 20 MILLION+ INVADING ILLEGALS is too leftist for my taste.
        Nothing about that is good for America.

        SUFFOCATING GOVERNMENT CENSORSHIP across all social media is too leftist for my taste. Have you forgotten how Biden/Harris even tried to create an official censorship agency, a clearinghouse for what we are allowed to say? You just experienced it on YouTube ffs.

        FASCIST VACCINE MANDATES are too leftist for my taste. Biden/Harris tried to force every schoolchild and working person in America to get injected with the experimental kool-aid, starting with all companies that employed over 100 people. Thank fuck the Trump Supreme Court stopped that.

        ANTI-WHITE INDOCTRINATION OF SCHOOLCHILDREN is too leftist for my taste, and the corrosive, weakening DEI crap across corporations, the media, and throughout the military.

        THE SICK TRANSGENDER AGENDA is too leftist for my taste. The new civil rights movement? UGHHHH
        And I’m sick to death of rainbow flags everywhere.

        THE MEDICAL BUTCHERING OF SEXUALLY CONFUSED CHILDREN is too leftist for my taste. Even in Europe they are rejecting this, which Kamala strongly supports.



        I could go on and on about what a complete left-wing disaster a Kamala administration would be, for the entire western world.

  2. The solution for the psychic type is not to try and become a hylic. It’s to work toward becoming a pneumatic. Best of both worlds and beyond

  3. NTD post, but i’ll bite. it’s the constant, 100%, non-stop lying and denial of reality that does it. the “it’s not happening” to “it is happening and it’s good actually” to “it’s happening and it’s your fault, racist” cycle is so tiresome, where “it” is one of replacement migration, inflation, increased crime, etc. the “fact-checking” that consists of asking some guy if it’s true, the “misinformation” that just means an accurate prediction, men can become women and vice versa, and so on and so on.

    life has gotten noticeably worse in the last 4 years. is it covid brain damage? is it uncontrolled immigration? is it climate change? you are correct that the ship isn’t getting righted. and of course djt is no paragon of truthfulness and integrity, but which is more evil? one guy who can’t keep it in his pants, or the entire system purpose-built to deny reality? it’s not for us to choose god’s instrument of vengeance on a wicked world.

  4. Vote for Harris and do not let that big buffoon into office one more time. The west is falling, it is inevitable. But by having sane people in power perhaps the inevitable can be postponed for a while longer.

    I’ll end with a bit of nostalgia from the 2016 Trump victory. Trump winning gave som hope but it was all delusional. Do not fall for that again.

  5. Tim Walz is fake and gay, and probably a Chinese asset.

    Also the dumbfuck was a complete Pharma fascist during the worst of the covid years and he’s literally campaigning against the 1st Amendment.

  6. Yeah the only non-white culture I like is Japan. I would marry a pale Japanese Hapa girl. Anime wins.

    Anyway I think I’ll vote for Kamala, not because I actually like her, but simply to purge myself of any mental attachment to Trump.

  7. Harris is a sadist. She jailed poor black moms whose kids were truant and then giggled and giggled and bragged about it in at the Commonwealth Club; you can watch her doing so on film. She specifically says that she sent her nastiest, meanest cops to jail them. Maybe in the Netherlands it is cool to spend time in jail separated from your kids, and it is cool to be a kid separated from her mom, but in the U.S. it is a brutal and traumatic experience. I will not vote for a sadist. I think poor black kids shouldn’t be tormented, nor should their moms.

  8. After reading today’s libshit screed I went out and got myself a red MAGA cap and then I cast my vote for Trump/Vance.
    True story.

    Over 300 electoral votes, let’s goooo!

    • Red hot take.

      But the joke is…pretty much everybody still left on here believes that we are ALL AIs of some description (although they may not explicitly call it that).

  9. And some of us LSWM just want to stay out of the EU.

    Something nobody outside of that realm can understand.

    We have institutions and procedures which are 100+ years old and they worked. They worked so hard that half of the voting populace waited until it finally clicked.

    Neither Trump nor Harris nor any party or group you are bashing or lauding is capable of “finally getting it”. It is always somebody or something from above imprinting its will onto a unwilling substrate until something breaks. And THAT is the only thing unsustainable on this planet.

  10. Riintrah is not stupid so he would only be making stupid arguments like these if he had some existential fear. I believe that he feels that if the U.S. is less involved in NATO, Europe will be in deep trouble. And that it is likely that Trump, who is not a warmonger, will pull out out of NATO, at least to some degree, whereas the warmongers behind Harris will keep us fully occupied with NATO with bases and weaponry and money and imbedded soldiers and even overt soldiers, sent to die. He’s probably right about this. Alas, this is a matter on which the best interests of Americans and the best interests of small European countries conflict.

    • Europe has over twice the population of Russia. It has many times the GDP of Russia. It also has a huge, at least 20:1 advantage in the number of psychotherapists and investment advisors.

      So, Europe can manage. Furthermore, Trump had no inclination to pull out of NATO last time—instead, he pushed NATO countries to invest more in defense.

      I do not even like Trump anymore. I dislike the pro-Trump media ecosystem and pro-Trump bloggers. So I am not rooting for Trump all that much. However, I wanted to vote to express my fuck-you sentiment.

      • Yes, but Europe doesn’t want to manage on its own. It’s not a question of whether they can or not; they don’t want the expense.

        Karl Denninger just wrote that he wants Trump elected. That staggered me since he loathes Trump. If I had a nickel for every piece he’s written about how terrible Trump is, it would cover the increase in my expenses over the past four years. He’s decided that Harris is so bad that there is no other option than Trump.

      • >So I am not rooting for Trump all that much. However, I wanted to vote to express my fuck-you sentiment.

        Of course, you’re wealthy enough to be insulated from the consequences.

        It’s the young and the poor who pay the price.

        • Kamala is the current VP.

          You think the young and the poor haven’t suffered under all this insane inflation?

          Of course, you’re wealthy enough to be insulated from the consequences.

          • The last four years— under Kamala— have been awful. The next could be even worse, if she gets elected again.

            She doesn’t have a platform (other than Orange Man Bad) but judging by the past it will be the exact same garbage once she’s in charge: pointless and doomed foreign wars, record numbers of illegal immigrants, crazy inflation, etc.

            Might as well try to shake things up. There’s nothing to lose.

        • It is true. All my life I wanted to be in this position. Not exactly to maximize consumption, but to be insulated. I have a huge financial insecurity.

        • “It’s the young and the poor who pay the price.”

          It is the young and the poor who have done terribly under Biden/Harris!!

          House prices have gone up like crazy in the past four years, and so has the cost of everything else. Young people can’t buy houses anymore; that is something totally new in the U.S., and it is a very bad thing.

          The old and well off are doing very well indeed under Biden/Harris; their homes have increased in value and their stock portfolios have gone to the moon. That’s why Harris will win the rich suburbs.

          You have this backwards, if you are talking about day to day economic survival.

          • Same thing here – the ‘haves’ got fatter by cannibalizing the ‘have nots’.

            And the ‘have nots’ don’t trust or likes the ‘haves’.

            What a shocker!

            The Prime Minister here, or should I say our ‘Ponzi Lord’ (who is ostensibly supposed to represent the ‘have nots’), is currently copping grief for his multi-million dollar property portfolio and ‘requesting’ airlines upgrade all the tickets he buys on the cheap so that he doesn’t have to stain his eyes with the lower status peeps down in cattle class.

            A real man of the people there.

            A rat-faced and cunning little man.

    • > Riintrah is not stupid so he would only be making stupid arguments like these if he had some existential fear. I believe that he feels that if the U.S. is less involved in NATO, Europe will be in deep trouble. And that it is likely that Trump, who is not a warmonger, will pull out out of NATO, at least to some degree, whereas the warmongers behind Harris will keep us fully occupied with NATO with bases and weaponry and money and imbedded soldiers and even overt soldiers, sent to die. He’s probably right about this. Alas, this is a matter on which the best interests of Americans and the best interests of small European countries conflict.

      The thing populists fear to contemplate when they inveigh against “war”…

      Is that war is necessary for the survival of any particular State.

      Kill or be killed.

      This is obvious in the world of animals

      Why is it not obvious in the world of States?

      You either go full Vegan — scratch that — you either go full anti-natalist, or you go Full War.

      There is no middle ground.

      • Ultimately, the big players are all Machiavellian psychopaths.

        They will operate on whatever is in their own best self-interests.

        Is going full on into Ukraine against the Russians currently in the USA’s best self-interests?

        I’m not sure that it is.

        It’s looking like a bit of a massively costly and failed military disaster, it doesn’t look like it can be turned around, and there are other priorities, so there may not be a lot of room for middle ground, as you say.

    • I had similar thoughts, and I can see why Europeans would be keen for Trump to lose.

      Europe is in deep trouble: NATO stuck their collective leg out to trip up the Russians in Ukraine, only to have it crushed under a Russian tank.

      Now, crippled, Europe will have to face off the Russians, and everyone else who might want to take advantage of its weakness without the USA. That’s where neoliberalism gets you folks: weak and unable to defend yourself, let alone project power, because you’ve been hollowed out and don’t have any strength, despite, as Igor has noted, possessing an overwhelming numerical advantage in financial advisors!

      Pity it’s not an overwhelming advantage in making tanks and ammunition, or resources, or energy, but whatever.

      And it does seem inevitable that the USA will need to reduce its support to Europe, because the USA can’t be everywhere. The USA just can’t defend all the corners of the empire, or it will end up defending none of it! So, it will pick its battles and pivot to other theatres/regions that are also looking shaky, but which are worth more to it in terms of resources and energy – here’s looking at you Middle East and Asia.

      The USA also needs to ramp up its own industries, or it won’t be able to compete in modern wars, which are all wars of machines. A nation at war needs to be able to keep up with attrition – the Devil’s arithmetic – in battle against a peer or near peer enemy. It’s not a one and done. No siree. It takes constant manufacturing to replace as many, or more, machines as the ones that are constantly lost.

      And seeing as Europe is currently closing its manufacturing, thanks in large part to the USA cutting its access to cheap Russian gas, that means Europe will have less to feed into those demonic calculations. The USA is/will steal some of those now shaky (bye bye cheap gas, and industries) European industries too.

      A dangerous game staking your future on war: the fire in which nations can be forged or destroyed depending on complicated and sometimes ‘unpredictable’ factors, such as the military invincible Russians representing a tougher challenge than bombing the peace-loving pygmies of Mboto Gorge from 40,000 feet and stealing all their fruit.

    • > Riintrah is not stupid so he would only be making stupid arguments like these if he had some existential fear.

      Yeah, he’s a philosemite.

      He SHOULD be afraid.

      VERY afraid.

  11. 1) It’s ridiculous as mass vaccination in the pandemic is the reason for ongoing immune disaster, and RR keeps pushing for one of the responsible parties.

    2) Trump-friend-of-pedophiles and father-of-covid-vaccine is not a choice.
    Harris, pusher-of-covid-vaccine is also not a choice.
    – Vote for Harris, and you’ll get more horrifying vaccine mandates, when next Covid, mPox or X… break out.
    – There is no way to get out of the matrix, if Americans keep choosing between those 2 parties.

    Apocalypse is coming (either by disease or war, or both), as you guys keep trying to choose between those 2 wrong choices. Just as the communist symbol with a hammer and a scythe, and you’re arguing which is worse and which should be chosen. Horribly funny.

  12. Rad’s grasp of Americana is not as firm as he thinks. The libs are reliably lib because they either grift on the system (public unions, academy, government, NGO, safety net, etc.) or they have an inverted reality disorder and relate to the real world emotionally as a toddler would, and bite hard on progressive hooks baited just for them.

    The rest of the country is normally either cynically indifferent or modestly engaged, split among multiple competing factions and then loosely aligning behind the least annoying candidate. It’s humdrum in a good year.

    If the USA existed on a planet with no other countries, its own population would labor in the fields. That another nation could supply laborers who were not also citizens is a destabilizing situation. The disparity in cultural and societal development between adjacent nations that produced a flood of desperate labor from one to the other topples the market for labor. Who wouldn’t welcome cheap labor? Well, it brings the floor for labor cost down below the necessary income level to live in an expensive, developed society. It is a dilutive that cannot end of its own volition, because it is addictive and withdrawal has nasty repercussions. When the labor runs out, or the need implodes, then it fixes itself. Until then, it never ends. America has seen a massive influx that wrecks every aspect of society. Even if it is arguably “healthy”, there is a delay necessary for assimilation. Absent that, distinct sub-societies form, and those create disharmony. Try pairing roommates where one prefers frigid open windows and the other a buttoned up furnace. There’s something to it.

    Trump came along and spoke from the cuff without finesse, and he called it the way he saw it. Whatever one’s thoughts on him, he is American first, and in a global economy that has hollowed out the industrial heartland, hearing a potent political force say that he intends to reindustrialize the American shores is bread to the starving. It very, very seriously motivates, and when trivialities like personality, bluster, ad hominem, etc. are in the air, they are ignored and the focus is on granting governmental position to this political force.

    Thus, Harris is a tried and true incompetent lib and a draw for fools; Trump has almost everyone else making a beeline to the vote. The tide has turned in America; very many who were indifferent are seriously motivated, and that does not mean they like or adore Trump. Not everyone wanted the vaxx, but they took it in hopes of better health. Not everyone is a fan of Trump, but so much has gone to shit that they’re going to turn it around for a breather.

    Finally, do not forget that judges are appointed. Lib judges don’t do law; they do progressive activism and engage in selective prosecution. That alone is a major problem in so many ways that it warrants Harris being strictly avoided.

  13. I don’t get you Raddy. What you say about Truump, who’s a narcissist just like Geert The Vet From Belgium, can also be said of The Clyntons, The Bydens and Harrys the Prostit..sorry prosecutor. It’s not me, it’s Tim who said that, Tim W. his running mate. Or is she a real she. It’s hard to know with democrats these days. Sadly, I can’t post pictures here. I think you’re not an old guy. My guess is; 39. Which would explain your why you´re unable to see things as they are. You’re probably funded by the WEF too.

  14. I’ve been reading your stuff since early 2016, back on the /r/accountt1234 subreddit – the first post I read of yours was your “swallow these black pills and I’ll tell you why you’re voting for trump” post. At least you are semi-consistent on this topic, I guess.

    • oh shit, I remember that place. He just kept having his subreddits get banned over and over for some reason. I’m glad I stopped visiting reddit a while back.

      • There were some classics on there, no longer accessible. Rad, any chance of reposting any of them? The Trump black pills post and the 10 stages of genocide as it applies to the ecosystem post were very ‘pilling I thought (and still relevant)

    • Eh. I’m somewhat ambivalent on Israel.

      Gaza is a third world hellhole twice the size of Texel (Dutch island) with cameras everywhere, surrounded on all sides by Israel since they seized the border.

      I don’t comprehend why it has to take a year and ~80k deaths to defeat Hamas.

      • “I don’t comprehend why it has to take a year and ~80k deaths to defeat Hamas.”

        Exactly. You don’t comprehend.

        Funny how you’ve focused on Israel having a high population of vegans, as if that makes them morally superior, but it’s kind of odd that you feel that way, considering the fact that animal sacrifice is a central component of the Jewish religion as practiced in the state of Israel.

        Just like they’ve cornered the pornography market, I wouldn’t be surprised if they have controlling interest in the slaughterhouses around the world too, you know doing double duty, making a ton of money at consumers expense, while at the same time torturing animals for fun and profit, kosher slaughter is the worst, AND engaging in the largest daily animal ritual sacrifice, something which the real Jesus condemned, while at the same time blaming evil whitey for it, aka low status white males, just like they did with the African slave trade.

        You are either suffering from complete cognitive dissonance, or you are completely lacking a conscience.

        • Animal sacrifice is also a core component of our religion, capitalism, yet it doesn’t have to be. All religions that encourage killing animals should be modified and turned into vegan cults though, yes. Green Capitalism, Green Judaism, Green Christianity, Green Paganism.

          LSWMs (And their women, apparently.) Are obsessed with projecting all of their negative aspects traits on Jews that they themselves engage in whenever the opportunity arises. Trump the LSWM King is a corrupt nepotistic pedophile just as bad as any high status kike. Jews at their worst are not special, they’re white people with a stupid religion. Your religion is stupid too, so you’re not dissimilar.

          Personally I think ANYONE who engages in animal sacrifice, slavery, or pornography production should die, and I don’t care if you’re a Jew or if you’re high status or low status white male, or anything else. I hope the low status slaughterhouse workers get bird flu same as Sholom Rubashkin.

          Do I sound mean? Sorry, at the end of the day the animals that are tortured and slaughtered suffer far worse than even the worst off human beings. They live in their own shit, their hooves get infected and rot off, their children are stolen from them, they’re slaughtered right in-front of each-other. The factory farm system is the most heinous machine of torture that has ever been devised in all of human history. People who engage in profiting off it deserve anything that happens to them.

  15. For Trump:
    1) He wanted and wants the States to decide on non-federation matters. That’s democracy. Like with lockdowns.
    2) He wants peace with Russia.
    3) He didn’t mandate mass vaccination.
    4) He had some advisors that weren’t deep into corruption.
    5) Often he follows common logic (and his instinct, but that’s not always good).
    Against Trump.
    1) He doesn’t like to study very much. Such people don’t recognize their mistakes.
    2) Moguls are usually immoral.
    3) He wants to do business, like the big ones (Google, Amazon, Musk etc) want, regardless if that gets him trapped (and into trouble) again, as with the emergency authorization of the ‘leaky’ vaccines.
    4) He’s easily manipulated by some lobbies that don’t mind a WW3 through an attack agains Iran.
    BTW, did you notice the ridiculous propaganda where an attack against Lebanon in 2021 was presented as a big hit against Iran? Looool!
    + + +
    It’s difficult to choose, but as a matter of principle (because the West IS irrationally against Russia) I wouldn’t vote for the Dems.
    Anyway, it doesn’t matter, because people are sick of being poor and therefore they will vote for Trump, hoping to improve their lives (even at the risk of ‘transhumanism’ brokered by Musk and the big ones), and a big percentage because they hated how badly the Dems treated them during the pandemic, and they will have fun for a few weeks thinking they punished them.

    That’s the sad state of ‘democracy’ everywhere (except in Switzerland).

    • “Anyway, it doesn’t matter, because people are sick of being poor and therefore they will vote for Trump.”

      It took a loooooong time before people finally got sick enough of neoliberalism (and the greatest transfer of wealth in history from the bottom 90% to the top 10%) and for a candidate to appear who tapped into that sentiment.

      I thought Trump would win, others said he wouldn’t, but I was telling others that I thought he would win. Nevertheless, being so used to disappointment after decades of neoliberalism, I was happily surprised when he did actually win. he might have achieved more if not for the unprecedented self-interested viciousness he received from the vested interests he threatened.

      More evidence right there that neoliberalism needs to die. There needs to be consequences for bad actions or they will just go on, and on.

      Hopefully, Trump’s likely upcoming victory will force the emergence of more opposition to Neoliberalism – his opponents might need to go there, or they won’t stand much chance of getting elected.

      And the Democrats hate the working class and the poor, so they just aren’t up for any of that.

      They call them deplorables, and sexists, and garbage.

      You can’t be in a relationship with someone who holds you in contempt. If your partner keeps on looking at you with disgust on their face, it’s as good as over and you need a divorce.

      • quote “It took a loooooong time before people finally got sick enough of neoliberalism (and the greatest transfer of wealth in history from the bottom 90% to the top 10%) and for a candidate to appear who tapped into that sentiment.”

        It is true. What is very striking is that more than 90% of the Counties are with Trump (red). Only the big cities want the globalist party to go on… (I can’t blame them too much, because they’re used to that sort of life style)
        If Trump stops the neocon wars, then he would save enough money to lower taxes and improve the lives of the poor.
        I really don’t know what kind of jobs he can create though, or how.
        (I was also happy when he got elected back in 2016. And I loved how he used his power to appoint that female supreme court Judge, the one with the many kids, before he stepped down. She seems to be a healthy person; Amy Coney Barret)

  16. Oooooh, it hasn’t fizzed out after all:

    Better shift that emphasis to Israel, or they might disappear.

    I actually think they will anyway, sooner or later.

    They are demographically puny compared to their neighbours, and totally reliant on foreign military support, which isn’t necessarily going to last – the USA is a looooong way away, and it’s help is therefore vulnerable to being interdicted, among other things – like a looming shortage of fossil fuels and other resources to help Israel stay afloat.

    Israel has been, frankly, awful. Nobody likes them anymore. They have no political capital left, so finding other help is unlikely.

    Desperate times for the west and its empire.

    I should probably start learning Chinese. Starting with the following phrase: “I surrender” 😛

    • > They are demographically puny compared to their neighbours, and totally reliant on foreign military support, which isn’t necessarily going to last – the USA is a looooong way away, and it’s help is therefore vulnerable to being interdicted, among other things –

      Fucking lol

  17. > As far as I’m concerned, you’re free to think the Holocaust in a hoax, the Earth is 6000 years old, the moon landing was faked (I believed that one when I was 12), no planes hit the world trade center, the Earth is hollow and the British royal family sacrifices children to Satan and drinks their blood (that one is probably true). But for the love of God, PLEASE put all that information you’re never going to get out of your head again somewhere in an obscure file cabinet in the back of your head that you never access. Most people are hypersocial agreeable morons, but I’m telling you, your life will be easier if you actively take effort to develop a personality that is compatible with their stupidity.

    Ah, yes.

    Now that the Jews have achieved Full Spectrum Dominance, let’s encourage the neurodivergent Goyim to just “adapt”, to “go along to get along”, to “submit”

    And you have the GALL and EFFRONTERY to object when your readers accuse you of being Jewish.

    It is to laugh.

    • If you don’t like Jews and think I’m Jewish, what are you doing here?

      Do you go to worldstarhiphop to complain all day long about how you can’t stand black people too?

      • > If you don’t like Jews and think I’m Jewish, what are you doing here?

        Because I’m a Warrior for Truth? And have a desire for dialectical give-and-take?

        What the fuck kind of question is that, if not an admission of the very thing I am accusing you of?

        Yeah, I think I just might be done here.

        • Mehen, I just wanted to let you know that I for one appreciated everything you’ve contributed here. I think you are an exceptionally brilliant man, and I would place you in the top five commenters here for interesting content, and if you had a blog I’d definitely read it.

          “Because I’m a Warrior for Truth? And have a desire for dialectical give-and-take?”

          Yeah, some people don’t value the truth, and they respond to all opposition with slander. Some people are so narcissistic and ego driven that all they care about is being the smartest person in the room, even when they are wrong, and when they encounter opposing viewpoints that challenge their central thesis, they act like spoiled children whining on about low IQ low status white males ad nauseam like it’s their fucking mantra.

          May not be a Jew, but very Jew “ish”.

          • > Mehen, I just wanted to let you know that I for one appreciated everything you’ve contributed here. I think you are an exceptionally brilliant man, and I would place you in the top five commenters here for interesting content, and if you had a blog I’d definitely read it.

            Thank you.

            I’ve considered it, but I’m far too paranoid to put myself out there like that. If I were truly self-sufficient I would do it in a heartbeat.

            But it seems to me that everyone (apart from the most living-off-the-land survivalists) is in some way beholden to the System which sustains them.

            “Welcome my Son, to the Machine”


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