Honestly, what I hate most about living in our era is just having to watch this monster in the distance approaching us. This horrifying terrible abomination that has backed you into a corner, that you know is coming, but is ever so slowly crawling towards you, like a giant disgusting slug.
I’m just tired and completely and utterly done, with everything just getting ever so slightly worse and more retarded, at a snail’s pace. It’s like we’re all working for a company that you know is going bankrupt, management is leaving, they stopped refilling the coffee machine with coffee beans for you so you started buying your own and at this point you just really want to get it all over with and be sent home.
Monkeypox, H5N1, SARS-COV-2, economic collapse, rogue AI hacking everyone’s bank account to buy Bitcoin, nuclear war, a fucking alien invasion for all I care, I’m a low status white male with a blog, I’m guessing like everyone else, I honestly don’t know what it’s going to be. All I know is that it’s coming and that I’m tired of pretending like everything is normal and we can just go on having a normal life in the middle of this insanity.
Two months ago the Dutch government suddenly began telling people to stock up on water, stored food, emergency aid kits, to have a copy of your ID, to buy candles and flashlights. People began stocking up on all this stuff. But they’re not telling us what’s going on. “Cyberattacks.” Ok why are those more likely now than 12 months ago?
Why is this now a thing all of a sudden? How exactly do you expect people to plan for the future, to have a normal life, in the middle of this madness? “Oh hey honey, let’s try for a kid!” “Yeah good idea, maybe the government wants us to stock up on candles and stored food because they think we have a glorious future up ahead!”
And now we have to see this South African abomination, this technoponzi scam artist who has been promising full self driving next year for the past ten years, this delusional guy who is an obvious swindler to anyone with a triple digit IQ, taking over the US government, controlling this fat old demented orange goblin like a puppet master. I really don’t know how I’m supposed to bear witness to this, for the next four years.
It’s just a recipe for complete mental illness, to spend every day stuck in this overpopulated panopticon, working on something that you know is doomed to fail. I don’t know how people do it. It has to be the least rewarding thing possible, to wake up in the morning, go to your shitjob and to come home, watch whatever the algorithm recommends to you and realize you’ll have to do this forever, as some 95IQ influencer spends two years taking pictures of her ass and is set for life.
Please, whatever it is, just get it over with. Have the plague now, instead of four years from now. Stop dragging this out. We bury the dead, the survivors fix up the decaying old houses, healthcare and pension liabilities are suddenly manageable again because we ran out of obese elderly and we can start over with whatever is left. We don’t rebuild the old system, we just start over from scratch. You won’t need a master’s degree to babysit the children, two surviving grandmas just babysit them together for the whole neighborhood.
Sometimes, when I look around me, at these tiny concrete apartment blocks stacked up on top of each other that people had to sign a thirty year mortgage for, when I look at these people stuck in wheelchairs on a cocktail of drugs to keep them alive, heck, when I look at myself, when I look at these loveless relationships, these boomers with their dead eyes, these dissatisfied women with their pushover boyfriends with some desk job, waiting until they can get home to listen to some true crime podcast, I just feel like shouting: “Hey, you realize this is not working right? You realize this is not what life is supposed to be, right? You realize you’ll run out of serial killers you haven’t heard about yet one day, right? What are you going to do then?”
The police taught us in elementary school that we can’t play in the trees, because we would damage the trees. Hey, if we can’t play in the trees, because it would damage the trees, then I think we may have too many people and not enough trees. I was just a kid, but that was my educated guess at the time. It didn’t sound like a normal situation to me back then. It still doesn’t.
You have this epidemic of school shootings in the United States now, so people want stricter gun laws. But nobody seems to bother asking what that tells you about life as a teenager right now. There was this debate in Ireland a while ago, about banning nitrous oxide canisters because people use them to get high. This guy asked: “Wait, you really need the government to ban you from inhaling nitrous oxide? That’s now the government’s responsibility, because some of you inhale a hundred of these canisters every weekend until you suffer nerve damage?”
It wasn’t well received, but it just illustrates the problem. You’ve had Benadryl for seventy years as an anti-allergy medication. You didn’t have teenagers getting addicted to it and suffering hallucinations of translucent spiders walking over their body until a few years ago. This is new. This is your society breaking down.
Everyone just insists on stepping over the root cause. “Oh we have a bunch of twenty year olds now who need a colostomy bag because they spent years taking a gram of ketamine per day. Oh we have daily explosions now, houses are just blown up by teenagers recruited through Telegram who get paid 700 bucks for it. Oh real estate is unaffordable now because it’s used for laundering money.”
What’s the root cause guys? I went to this municipal meeting a while ago, there were a bunch of boomers there, asking the boomers running the municipality when they would do something about all those youth loitering around, inhaling nitrous oxide. They never seem to ask themselves: “Hey why is this a thing now?”
I can just imagine these boomers in my municipality, being transplanted to Zambia, hearing about street children scooping up poop from the local river and fermenting it in a bottle to get high off the noxious fumes: “Hey mayor, when are you banning the sale of bottles to youth? They’re using bottles to get high!”
I just get annoyed, by all these old people with brains just filled with years of animal fat in their diets, these people who just completely insulated their nervous system from reality. This complete unwillingness, to understand what’s going on, to recognize that this entire way of life just isn’t working and you’re not going to fix it with some marginal tax adjustments.
It’s like cutting off the beaks of chickens in a broiler so they don’t peck at each other. You’re not asking the right questions.
I’m going to be dreaming of total industrial society collapse X-death this Christmas Eve. Come on Santa, all I want is to free the Pigs for Christmas.
How very true! The right questions are left to die in some dark corner of the collective unconscious. Daily doses of distraction and self-destruction run rampant. The game is up but the simulations continue. Is there any reason to believe an awakening of critical rationality will arise from the ashes of its instrumental extinguishment? Not really – the global crisis will play its tune to the bitter end. Ignorance and stupidity will win again. Sapiens – what an 18th century illusion that was!
> extinguishment? Not really – the global crisis will play its tune to the bitter end. Ignorance and stupidity will win again. Sapiens – what an 18th century illusion that was!
Exactly right, (((Kleinstein)))
This is a story as old as time.
Technology advances, but human nature stays the same.
So maybe your kind should stop interfering with the give and take of Nature and just learn to watch the show with equanimity? Instead of trying to impotently meddle like the busybodies you are?
Or perhaps, you could join me in realizing there are no heroes, and that we should ALL just go silently into that good night, that dying light.
I doubt it though.
You have something in you which “hopes”
Mehen might be Karl Marx’s modern incarnation. Karl Marx but he’s got a Catholic persuasion of Aztec nihilism instead of the materialism of the bourgeoise white Jew.
What do you mean by, “real estate is unaffordable now because it’s used for laundering money”? Do you mean by the Chinese? How does that work? I’m intrigued.
Fractional reserve banking
Great to have Rintrah Radagast putting us all in the “festive spirit” with all these positive and optimistic blog posts! (/s)
Just please let us enjoy at least a couple of months of GTA VI before the SHTF.
Happy Christmas everybody:
And on the day of our Lord’s birth, when he was visited by three “wise men”, let us all remember three wise** men who are no longer commenting here on our Supreme Glorious Leader’s (praise be upon Him) blog:
1) Littlebook
2) Diogenes
3) Wombat
Perhaps we may see their return in 2025. Or regardless of whether or not we will hear from them again, we wish them all well, wherever they are.
** “wise” in this instance being a somewhat subjective term, depending on whatever your particular worldview is (Master Exothermic Core-Mantle Decoupling – Dzhanibekov Oscillation (ECDO) Theory by “The Ethical Skeptic”, anyone?).
As End Of Civilization theories go, it’s not bad.
I’ve seen far crazier stuff.
Dwelling on all these doomsday scenarios is really bad for you, it keeps you in a state of constant fear and paralysis instead of doing something useful with your life. The whole history of mankind is full of impending doomsday scenarios. Black plague, nuclear war blah blah blah. Most of them never happen, and if they do, life goes on. But you can’t be tormenting yourself about stuff that hasn’t happened, may never happen, and if it does you can’t do anything about it. What a waste of your mental capacity.
How many people in the 70’s wasted a ton of money building nuclear bunkers for a war that never happened?
The problem with this reasoning is that doomsday has already happened. Look around you. We’re just waiting for the part where the innately cheerful people see it. But it is true that one might as well try to live a decent life during the disaster.
In the 1970s rational people were worried about an ice age coming, and about the Cold War ending in a total thermonuclear exchange. Now they worry about the things you described. In the 2050s they will entertain other phantom fears. Dwelling too much on such things is a symptom proving you need a wife and kids to focus on. Otherwise you’ll turn into the man equivalent of the cat lady, raising worries instead of cats.
Is that you, Elon?
“In the summer, the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) presented a special analysis of the long-term price development of food. Between January 2020 and May 2024, prices rose by an average of almost a third. The developments in individual products, especially staple foods, were drastic. The price of sugar rose by 80 percent during this period, flour and other grain products became around half as expensive, as did potatoes. Bread and rolls cost a third more than at the beginning of 2020, whole milk almost 28 percent and coffee around twenty percent.”
(Germany; Cost of living, JUNGE WELT: Expensive food and drink: Review of the year 2024. Today: Price development. After years of relatively stable food prices in Germany, products are becoming increasingly expensive).
Not being able to afford to feed your kids is no fun. I had a neighbor when I lived in Chicago who was a nice older black lady who had raised her granddaughter. She lived for years on popcorn for a lot of her meals so that the girl could eat properly. That was in the U.S. in good times. When I moved to where we now live my electric bill was typically $80; this month it was $276. If you are personally responsible for kids, rather than just going online to urge someone else to reproduce, you have to consider these things. Really anyone who tries to get someone to have kids should be responsible for the cost if things go wrong; talk is cheap. You could identify yourself to Rintrah and post bond for the cost of his kids’ food and health care; that would be a sign of sincerity.
Yeah, I’m amazed there are still people in denial about the fact that things are starting to go seriously wrong now.
Bring on the aliens.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Many old people can do almost everything young people can do, just slower. You could have a nursing home that was staffed all with old people taking care of each other. It isn’t legal presently, but it could be done. The blind would help the deaf; the incontinent could be changed by the demented (well, maybe not that).
The problem with the Netherlands is that you’ve outbred your space. But getting rid of the old people wouldn’t help; if you did then you’d have a far higher proportion of young people, and they would reproduce quickly to fill the space and it would all be just as miserable.
Besides, it seems like it is young people who are doing badly. The fat old people I know are doing okay. This was just posted on reddit by an 18 year old who now has Multisystem Inflammatory syndrome after catching covid last month:
“So I apparently got COVID about a month ago but had no symptoms (I have a lot of antibodies to COVID). A week and a half ago I suddenly got really high temperature (I could barely lower it with a high dose of ibuprofen and even that didn’t always work) and after trying to just wait at home until it gets better I eventually went to hospital with pneumonia (on Friday) where I was later diagnosed with this rare thing in a title. I’m “lucky” I know. I’m second patient in my hospital with this thing and it’s the only reason my doctor knows what to do. It’s better now, I have normal temperature, my blood pressure went up (still not mine but not 90), saturation is still a bit low but sometimes it’s measured at 96-98 (I had 90 at worst). Pneumonia also goes away. The worst things that I still have are rash (that appears and disappears randomly) and tachycardia (no problems with a heart, I checked). ” (https://www.reddit.com/r/COVID19positive/comments/1hlvhcr/i_went_to_hospital_and_was_diagnosed_multisystem/)
I think people will just get sicker and poorer, and that there won’t be a big crash in our lifetimes. Get to know people who know how to do plumbing and electrical work. I am absolutely obsequious towards plumbers and dentists, since they will be among the few with real skills going forward, and I am so happy that they are willing to do such useful work.
It will happen sooner than later. Just do what makes you happy.
Speaking for myself, I demand a script rewrite:
In keeping with SYM’s tracking of my genetic heritage, I now throw off my veils and proudly present myself as a weirdo mixture of WASP/Hispanic/ Jew
Big Bird is invited to suck my tiny penis
I used to be a big fan of “spaghetti westerns” especially “Once Upon A Time In The West” (starring the gorgeous Claudia Cardinale)
But then I did drugs and began to appreciate the genius of “El Topo”
Do drugs, my friends
You guys are so cute and lovable.
Only Rad has done enuff drugs to understand Jaderowski
The best explanation of “Clown World” you will ever hear.
Í’m actually going to watch this half hour youtube video.
I’m interested now. Gonna do the same. I am a bot.
Alright Jodorowsky seems pretty cool.
I care for you Radagast, sincerely. And I care sincerely for everyone who comments on this site. Each of you was created by God to be with God someday in Heaven.
I find your analysis and commentary about COVID to be so enlightening (it’s what drew me to you) but your misguided negative focus on other things a tiny bit unhealthy, I think.
Here is the focus of Christmas…and every other day of the year:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKqF9yUlOwg (81 sec long)
Glorious, in every aspect
Me and Wombat
Harmonica :“So you found out you’re not a businessman after all.”
Henry Fonda: “Just a man”
Harmonica: “An ancient race”
The honest part of this article was, “honestly, what I hate most about living…”
The rest of the article has nothing to do with why you hate to be alive, Rintrah. The reason you keep writing articles about why the world is doomed, is the same reason why Prozak keeps writing articles about how to solve all of humanity’s problems by attacking a single root, and why an alcoholic keeps drinking even though he’s already drunk – the action he is trying to take to scratch a given itch is not actually scratching it.
Many awful news feed events occur. What are you going to do about it? How are you going to thrive? Were you born to lie awake at night proving to yourself that the world is about to end, or did God have another purpose in mind?
My intuition tells me it’s likely the latter, but that’s yours to figure out and discern.
>did God have another purpose in mind?
I wonder that too.
I only really feel attracted to making art, but it feels like I was born into a world where everything that has to be done has already been done.
Maybe you should pursue that and post the results. Surely that would make you feel more alive and authentic than writing homebrew doom scroll.
It’s not that I don’t value your observations, but I do legitimately think that would be good for you as a person. Hell, do both. That’d probably maximize your enjoyment.
> I only really feel attracted to making art, but it feels like I was born into a world where everything that has to be done has already been done.
An intriguing thought.
I hope you are wrong (but you may be right)
It’s the fourth turning. It will get a lot worse, and then it will get better again. That’s how it goes. Lots of us will die, and that will help. I just want everyone to experience hope for something better to believe in now and then. The first turning will be back by 2030. It’s the good one. Hang on if you can.