Please leave the United States

Typing this all out made me realize, this shit is real. People are going to die. We have had one plane crash so far, because there are not enough air traffic controllers. Well, they just offered the remaining air traffic controllers a deal to quit their job. You realize where this is going, right? It won’t be safe to fly. When this starts to go wrong, you’ll be stuck in the United States, unable to leave.

Trump has already announced that his tariffs will “cause pain”. They’re putting concrete roadblocks in front of the White House right now, apparently they fear riots or terrorist attacks. You’re facing the real prospect of food riots right now in the United States in the upcoming months. By the time the riots start, you won’t be able to leave.

You think it can’t go seriously wrong, because you have a normalcy bias. It’s like a kid who always crosses the road without looking. Most of the time other people slam their brakes for you, so you don’t truly believe things can go horribly wrong. Well, things are about to get bad. And they could easily go from bad, to horribly wrong.

We’re stuck with this “nothing ever happens” mentality. At any moment there are ten things going wrong at the same time, but then we watch as nine out of those ten things turn out to be nothingburgers, so we take it for granted the tenth will be a nothingburger too. Then when everything explodes, we say to ourselves: “Well this was obvious, anyone should have been able to see this coming.”

I’m telling you: Don’t just stick around in that “shithole country”, waiting for it to go wrong. It’s going to go wrong.

It’s all rapidly starting to escalate. Look, I’m going to explain this one more time: Everyone you meet has brain damage from SARS-COV-2. Vaccination makes no significant difference, we have all developed brain damage from this virus by now, that’s what the studies are saying. That’s why everything is going crazy now. It’s not normal to have a president who suddenly starts a trade war with Mexico and Canada, it’s not normal to have the population vote for this guy. This is happening because everyone has brain damage.


I never thought I would live to see this happen, but American low IQ low status white males are now basically making this video reality:

Remember, the idea of Americans getting angry at Canada was so ridiculous, so unthinkable, that South Park made this sketch about it. But now, the low IQ revolution led by low IQ individual Donald Trump made this reality.

Until a year ago, American low IQ low status white males didn’t have a thought to spare on Canada. But now they’re convinced that Canada must simultaneously be punished for something (nobody really seems to know or care what they did wrong), yet also become America’s 51st state, a privilege that Puerto Rico is eager to have but being denied.

When these tariffs become reality, it’s basically going to bankrupt the American auto industry, which is highly integrated across countries. The idea of a trade war like this had become unthinkable to the industry, parts are manufactured throughout North America and shipped to the United States to build cars. Increase those prices by 25% and you end up with a more expensive car that people won’t buy. Factories in Canada and the United States will shut down within days.

Low IQ individuals are now spending their days, plotting how their Dear Leader can punish… Canada. What did Canada do? Trump blames them for fentanyl entering the United States. Canada has already tried to appease them, sending drones and dogs to their border to look for it, but they’re getting the tariffs anyway. So how much fentanyl enters the US from Canada? About 0.2% compared to what enters from Mexico.

And yet, despite Canada already increasing patrols of their border, in response to American threats, the Trump administration decided they’re going to bully the Canadians anyway:

I’m not sure whether to laugh or worry about this at this point. Imagine being Joe Sixpack at some car plant, you spent the past decade building cars and now it’sover because the president you voted for has an idea.

There are all sorts of theories on why Trump is doing this, some people think American billionaires will now have to beg him for exemptions from these tariffs and so they will have to pay money to the Trump crime family to get these tariffs lifted.

But it seems to me that Trump basically has dementia and so he is just stuck on certain ideas he has had for a long time, tariffs are one of those ideas, he has been peddling this idea for decades. As humans we want to see a masterplan, but this really just seems to be happening due to Trump being a “very low IQ individual”.

But it seems like it’s going to get worse. Canada has announced its retaliatory measures that it will take. And Trump has announced the tariffs will double, if countries were to introduce retaliatory measures. China has also already announced it will respond to tariffs with its own retaliatory measures. The conservative Wall Street Journal calls this the “dumbest trade war in history”.

There are also tariffs planned for the European Union. It seems Trump doesn’t understand how tariffs work. He seems to think foreign countries will pay these tariffs, whereas in reality, the domestic importer has to pay them. It has more in common with a sales tax that you’re going to be paying on anything you buy that came from abroad.

So, here are America’s main trade partners:

So your president has started a trade war, against countries that together make up half of all American trade volume.

And I hope Americans realize: The whole world is now treating America like a kind of mentally retarded toddler who is starting fights with random strangers. They’re not truly retaliating yet, they’re pitying the Americans. Canada is putting some tariffs on liquor produced by red states, hoping Trump’s base will respond by telling him to stop this. But once Canada has had enough of this, they’re just turning off the lights.

Basically all of America’s allies are now watching this and coming to the realization that the United States is not a reliable ally. When your country is dependent on the United States for support, you can just lose that support overnight. One moment you’re good neighbors, the next moment the United States tries to destroy your economy.

Will this next stage in the low IQ revolution at least bring an end to the opioid overdose epidemic? Nope. When you manage to crack down on fentanyl, what happens is that the market shifts to alternatives like nitrazenes, which are ten times stronger.

I’m sure there will be “low IQ individuals”, who will insist in my comments this is all a good idea. No matter what Trump comes up with, there will be people who feel a need to defend it and accuse you of “Trump derangement syndrome”.

The problem with being a Trump supporter is that for years you have heard everyone tell you he is dumb and supporting him means you’re just too dumb to see that he’s dumb. So people tend to double down. The longer you support this moron, the more difficult it becomes to say “he’s a moron”. But he’s a moron. And we’re all going to face the consequences.


  1. The idea behind tariffs is to bring manufacturing jobs back to local. That’s what you greenie liberals want most, right??? Get rid of all the high CO2 shipping and go local. You should be cheering, but you have been brainwashed into thinking everything Trump does is bad. And because of covid, there are fewer functioning brain cells. You are more susceptible to parroting what the media tells you.

    Tariffs are inflation neutral because each dollar collected reduces gov’t borrowing/printing. It’s the least economically harmful way to tax a society. Suck it euro weenies.

    • >The idea behind tariffs is to bring manufacturing jobs back to local.

      There is no way to bring potash or lumber production “back to local”. There is no way to bring Chinese rare minerals “back to local”. You don’t have the resources domestically.

      Avocados? Same issue, it’s a subtropical fruit, you won’t have a place to grow it. And some products are so niche and specialized that there is simply no point in manufacturing them domestically.

      Finally, there are copyrighted products that you’re not allowed to produce domestically. If a Canadian company has a patent on something, you can’t produce it yourself domestically.

      Blanket tariffs are utterly retarded, only low IQ individuals could come up with something like this.

      • But the products you cite, Radagast, are peripheral products with highly specialized requirements for growing or manufacturing (avocados, potash, lumber, Chinese rare minerals) so they are not good examples for this discussion (your argument of the futility of trying to moving things back to “local”).

        Where a preferable transition from the current global manufacturing model (responsible for the disastrous situation stemming from the past 30 years) back to local would be ideal and feasible is for more traditional and commonplace forms of broad-based manufacturing which are largely location-agnostic except for needing a fairly skilled labor pool. For example, manufacturing involving machining, textiles, biotech, etc. (appliances, consumer electronics, cars and car parts, clothing, drugs, medical devices, etc., etc.). Liberal arguments attempting to utilize fallacies like this can usually be identified easily when they focus on the peripheral rather than the general.

        Granted, I’m ignoring some of the economics of low- versus higher-priced labor – and thus potentially higher-priced products – but given the significant inflation problem, higher priced products produced locally might not be such a problem.

        The US is going to be fine with the tariffs, albeit having to endure some pain. Compare it to the pain of the SMO by Russia and Ukraine… Ukraine being significantly smaller cannot sustain indefinite losses while Russia, given its size and resources, can, and is. So, like the US, Russia is going to fine in the long run too. I think this is President Trump’s strategy.

        One other clarification, the strategy is not just a resistance to the drug flow (which, granted might be low from Canada), but to the illegal migrants in general which is less incidental from the North into the US. On top of everything, Trudeau is a little punk so it is great seeing him get crushed. If what President Trump is doing is so bad, then being a liberal and opposed to US policy, why would the son of Fidel be so outspoken against it?

        • It’s simply bullying. Calling it a strategy makes it seem like a well-thought-out plan. You all are eating too much protein, and it makes people crazy. The body starts failing to detoxify ammonia properly and ammonia is very toxic to the brain (and body). That’s why you also have so much cancer in the US. So now you’ll eat even less fruits and veggies and things will get worse.

  2. Hi Radagast, the study you linked to only researches the difference between first infection and then the vaccine or first the vaccine and then the infection. In both cases the patient was both vaccinated and infected so it doesn’t prove that vaccination doesn’t make a difference with regards to brain damage.

    PS Not that I believe that it is only the vaccine. The lab escapee is dangerous too.

    • >In both cases the patient was both vaccinated and infected so it doesn’t prove that vaccination doesn’t make a difference with regards to brain damage.

      I meant to say: Vaccination doesn’t prevent the brain damage.

  3. This vid might explain what Trump is trying to do. Basically expand the US to be an independent self sufficient country with all the energy and resources within itself, and only for itself. Kinda out there. This also might explain what Putins multipolar world means. A similar block with Russia China India and the various Stans( about a billion people). If this is true Europe gets left out and basically screwed.

  4. My dad has worked at a factory that manufacturers a car component for over 25 years in Canada. Last week they announced they were beginning the process of closing. Apparently there are regulations in place that require 18 months to close for supply chain reasons.

    But that seems to be it, he’s a few years from retirement thankfully, and the company has certainly lost productivity as investment slowed for the machines they use but that seems to be it. They have a few factories in the US, China, Japan and elsewhere but that seems to be it. Hundred or so jobs. Will see if they follow through.

  5. I’ve been feeling some sort of climax building for some time now. Honestly, just get the crisis over with already. I don’t really care how bad it is. I just want to try and live through it while I’m younger rather than older. A few years of roaming bands of zombies now is better than the same thing when I’ve got ten years more eld to deal with

  6. Trump and his advisors think that the rest of the world reduced the distance from US living standards thanks to free trade, and free protection from USA.
    It’s not the first time USA will use tariffs to improve things for their trade deficit and debt. They used it against Japan and shook their economy forever.
    The rise of the brics, asia etc forces them to.
    Canada may have to bring their currency lower to avoid the consequences. Who knows? But they have a huge trade surplus against the US.
    Btw, sanctions against Russia didn’t work because they have resources and they can sustain themselves.
    Can the USA do the same? We’ll see.
    It would be nice to see a serious debate.

    • Earlier, after ww2, USA helped Germany and Japan with low tariffs to bring them in their camp. The same with China, when they needed to lure them away from the USSR.
      So tariffs are also a foreign policy tool.
      These things need to be addressed. It isn’t very simple. I guess Europe doesn’t make history as much anymore, but we still need to study it. Why things worked like that during the great wars and after..

    • Apollo – I agree with you and thank you for bringing some history to the discussion. The ability of a country to withstand sanctions and tariffs is hugely dependent, as you cite, on the ability to withstand that situation over time. Russia can do this. As can the champion of absorbing sub-optimal economic conditions and bad policy of all time: the printing press and loaded weapon called the US.

      President Trump’s tariff policy reminds me of the strategy of a big-box store coming in undercutting the pricing of Mom and Pop hardware stores. It can simply outlast them. Whatever one thinks about the ethics of that, it works. President Trump has the dual mandate of the popular vote and his own actions which have served him well in a manner beyond description.

  7. Radagast, the photo you post of Donald Trump and Jeff Epstein is a bit disingenuous. Given Epstein’s history and attempt to gain influence, everybody of any consequence and their mother has had their picture taken with Epstein. More telling are the flight logs. Trump took one flight with Epstein sometime long ago, mostly to get home from New Jersey to Florida. Members of Trump’s family were on board. This is easily researched. It’s also interesting research and I invite folks to do it. There is an easily searched spreadsheet available. Examine how many flights Bill Clinton and Bill Gates took with Epstein, and where the flights took off and landed.

    • >Given Epstein’s history and attempt to gain influence, everybody of any consequence and their mother has had their picture taken with Epstein.

      Lol. Trump has a little more than just his picture taken with Epstein.

  8. Please don’t take this personally but your posts themselves have become progressively more brain-damaged in the two years I’ve been reading here.

    I think the connection between covid and brain damage is either partial or spurious though. I don’t have anything to back that up. This will be my first and last comment so I forbid you from deleting it.

    Cheers from Detroit MI, busiest trade border in N America

    • I found this half-written post in my notepad++ today and I’ve tried to loosely tie it together without adding too much more to it or rambling too long:


      This is part of a wider phenomenon that is affecting a large number of people over the past several years. You are correct that it is not merely a long-term effect of covid though.

      I’ve noticed the same thing happen to other figures I follow as well. As an example, I’ve always had a strong interest in space flight, so I have been following SpaceX and Elon Musk’s companies more generally since the early 2010s, long before he became a billionaire and before he started acting unhinged. Most people will proclaim that due to his recent behaviour, we can conclude that the man’s reputation for intelligence is completely unearned, but as someone who followed this stuff closely for many years I can confidently say that he started out smart and insightful but *became* dumb, that this man is far more brain rotted now than he was 10 to 15 years ago – almost like viewing the behaviour of two different people. In his present state, he would not have been able to found a successful rocket company in the context SpaceX was founded in, and make it successful as he did in the early 2000s to 2010s.

      Likewise, Jordan Peterson used to be a Harvard professor who spoke about Jungian metaphysics and initially became famous due to his insightful lectures on these and related matters, and has now been reduced to a right-wing Christian moron who blathers about wokeism and pushes a “carnivore diet”. Though this particular example is often attributed to the effects of his benzo addiction and subsequent treatment, or perhaps the effects of getting famous and then later selling out, we can observe that the brainrot, again, started showing its earliest signs in the late 2010s and then accelerated as time progressed. There are other examples of this phenomenon that I’ve observed, and to a lesser extent Radagast is among them. The same person who wrote a short story like, “How I Escaped the Superclusters”, has to an extent become the subject of his own earlier parody.

      What can we say about all of these examples of ‘brainrot’? Well if we are just connecting the dots between these three examples alone, we could say that they all happened to people who were both intelligent and earnest truthseekers, and that the people involved were heavily using drugs (elon musk with his ketamine and MDMA, Jordan Peterson with benzos, and radagast with psilocybe mushrooms). Another interesting commonality is that these people were all vaguely materialist in nature, but dipped their toes into supernatural or occult topics. So we have Elon Musk, for example, being a hardened scientific materialist in most contexts but then talking about simulation theory or how building a sufficiently advanced AI would be similar to “unleashing the demon”, among other small details. It goes without saying that to speak in-depth about Jungian psychology as Peterson did, is also to straddle this line, and I think we can all agree that Radagast’s thoughts are of a similar overall nature, flitting between a sort of biochemical reductionism and an interest in more occult topics. To what extent any of these people have dabbled into the occult in their personal lives I cannot say, but the pattern is there. Another commonality is that all of them become political, but in strange ways that they weren’t previously. So you see Elon, for example, who used to be vaguely libertarian but borderline apolitical in his public stance, gradually morph into this divisive right-wing figure. The brainrot, itself, doesn’t seem to care whether the person becomes left-wing or right-wing. But strangely enough, an extreme hatred of trannies pervades all of the examples shown above, a topic which, again, only became popular around 10 years ago or so, around the beginning of our timeframe for the brainrot phenomenon. One might note that Elon Musk, Jordan Peterson, and Radagast all share this particular topical interest. People are entitled to their opinions, but when you direct an extreme and excessive amount of attention and hatred towards a group that constitutes about 0.1% of the population, when it’s unlikely you know anyone personally who is trans and the topic and group likely has no tangible effect on your life whatsoever – I’m going to point out to you that something stranger and deeper is going on with you mentally. You’re projecting something very dark, that’s vaguely sexual and predatory, that exists in the collective human unconscious, that you’re picking up on like a frequency but misattributing due to your lack of understanding of what it is. As I’ve told you all repeatedly, this world is the corpse of a child-goddess who was raped and murdered. This statement is not to be taken in isolation but is to be understood as having enormous explanatory power for how the world works generally, and specifically for the underlying collective behaviours and motivations of the people who inhabit it. So the thing in the collective unconscious, that you’re all projecting on to this vanishingly small fraction of the population, is related to the discord that exists between the male and female aspects of oneself, and how it relates to the way that our species is relating to the earth as a whole.

      I would make the claim that this brainrot is the result of something supernatural, and that we are seeing a general decay of our reality that extends beyond the dimensions of the physical and into the supernatural. People who instinctively perceive that this world is headed for a cataclysm often assume it will take the form of a physical threat – world war, famine, economic collapse, climate change. But what if the deteriorating condition of reality in a physical sense were only a symptom of something deeper that was going increasingly wrong, on a metaphysical or supernatural level? Observant people will notice that alongside everything else elaborated here, an increasing frequency of anomalous and supernatural events have been occurring during the past 10 to 15 years or so in particular. The Mandela effect is one example, which became reported in a widespread way some time in the 2010s. The widely reported phenomenon of ‘sky trumpets’ – loud, extremely disturbing sounds coming from the sky that can occasionally be heard in disparate locations around the world and sound like loud trumpets and/or enormous metallic gears grinding together – is, likewise, relatively recent and only has been reported in the last decade or two. Radagast, himself, has noticed that an unusually large number of houses never have their lights on at night anymore, even at times when people would be expected to be at home, and despite the foot traffic of people during the day not being correspondingly reduced (though he misattributed the phenomenon to an effect of depopulation from covid) – this one is also widely reported, and I’ve witnessed it myself, with perhaps 75% of the houses in the middle of my large town being off at all times now despite the appearance of an unchanged population. The more you think about that last one, the more disturbing and unexplainable it becomes, as is the case with many of these initially innocuous-seeming phenomena. There are many more examples of things, in general, just becoming “weirder” overall, as though the fabric of reality, itself, were beginning to decay or perhaps the veil between our reality and what lays beyond were thinning. I would argue that when we observe this type of brainrot, we are not seeing a knock-on effect of covid or a decline in attention spans due to the internet, or whatever other excuse people typically conjure up when they notice this happening – but that the brainrot, as well as the other ways in which reality has been deteriorating on economic, political, environmental, metaphysical and other levels, are all symptoms of a deeper phenomenon. I can’t convincingly think of a way to argue to someone with a materialist worldview that the energetic state of the world is getting tangibly darker over the past two decades or so, but you probably feel it, and can intuitively pick up on the general trend for yourself. Anyway, if I’m right and this type of mental deterioration is not biophysical in nature, but a manifestation of something energetic or supernatural, then it probably cannot be fully resolved through a diet change alone or by eating a lot of nattokinase or taking ketamine or psilocybin or any other number of fixes that are designed to address biophysical phenomena only.

      • Yeah when I go place now I make an effort to make sure the same building are there as were there before. Just checking if the simulation is glitching.

        • I believe you. Strange and unexplainable things like that can sometimes occur, I have several stories of my own in that regard. People like to ascribe such things to the effects of drugs or to mental illnesses, but it is moreso the case that drugs (particularly psychedelics) tend to open you up to the unseen realms, so that you can perceive things which are actually there but that others cannot; and that people with illnesses such as schizophrenia are usually simply suffering from the effects of negative entity attachments, which cause the symptoms they are experiencing. That being said sometimes sensitive people can perceive these things while being sober and functional too.

          Clowns are a negative energetic race. There are all kinds of negative energetic races, countless numbers of them, and some of them look fucking retarded. There are dragon entities, giant spiders, cartoon frogs, dinosaurs, spooky ghost girls, masses of amorphous sludge…Guy Fawkes’ masks are a negative energetic race, too. I’m not kidding – I’ve encountered a few. That’s not to say that their physical equivalents in the form of, say, people who work as clowns for a living, or tangible Guy Fawkes’ masks, are inherently evil – the negative entity races exist as their own thing in a sense, though it is possible that their forms may have somehow influenced or inspired the forms of some of the items we encounter in our physical reality.

          My own experiences and insights lead me to believe that the construction of our reality is far more arbitrary than we have been lead to believe, and that it can be thought of, on at least one level, as having the qualities of a joke made at our collective expense. That’s not to say that the situation isn’t serious – it’s moreso that the force holding us here is sadistic.

          Most spiritual people hold beliefs about reality that run along the lines of: ‘There’s a grand plan underpinning this world that acts for the benefit of what is good / God will sort everything out in the end / This is the best of all possible worlds / Everything in the world is the way it is for good reason (excepting products of human activity)’, and the more materialist or atheistic ones will likewise often hold a conviction that the laws of physics that appear to govern our reality are the only way for life to exist; that no other realities can or do exist that work differently than our own; that nothing exists outside of the material reality we are presented with, except possibly other material realities like ours; that science has given us a largely accurate understanding of reality; that our understanding of history and of the unfolding of the universe are correct; that nothing is being deliberately hidden from us; and so on. I’ve found discarding a lot of these ideas to be helpful as I developed a better understanding of our overall situation. Though it might be frightening to do so at first, it is ultimately liberating and empowering when you take the reins of your own destiny and start fighting for what you believe in and what you truly think is right without worrying about what some overly-patronizing spiritual tyrant might think about it.

  9. > We have had one plane crash so far, because there are not enough air traffic controllers.

    I may or may not read this whole post, but I’m not sure if it’s worth the effort after this start. This blog is valuable for its perspective, but no one is entitled to make up their own facts and expect to be taken seriously (though obviously many people get away with, even get elected president of the United States twice doing it).

    I’m all for waiting for the investigation before making any final judgment, but as of now the responsibility of air traffic control for the collision *if there is any at all* appears to be having possibly failed to do absolutely everything possible to save a situation created by the army helicopter’s movements.

    In fact there’s every indication that the fault may lie with the female senior officer on the helicopter, who had been a regular at the Biden White House doing protocol duties. So in other words, a Trumpy wet dream blame-wise (not transgender, but you can’t have everything).

    Inconvenient facts are still facts.

    • When our weary world was young
      The struggle of the ancients first began
      The Gods of Love and Reason
      Sought alone to rule the fate of Man

      They battled through the ages
      But still neither force would yield
      The people were divided
      Every soul a battlefield
      Every soul a battlefield

      “I bring truth and understanding
      I bring wit and wisdom fair
      Precious gifts beyond compare
      We can build a world of wonder
      I can make you all aware
      I will find you food and shelter
      Show you fire to keep you warm
      Through the endless winter storm
      You can live in grace and comfort
      In the world that you transform”

      The people were delighted, coming forth to claim their prize
      They ran to build their cities and converse among the wise
      But one day, the streets fell silent, yet they knew not what was wrong
      The urge to build these fine things seemed not to be so strong

      The wise men were consulted and the Bridge of Death was crossed
      In quest of Dionysus to find out what they had lost

      “I bring love to give you solace
      In the darkness of the night
      In the heart’s eternal light
      You need only trust your feelings
      Only love can steer you right
      I bring laughter, I bring music
      I bring joy and I bring tears
      I will soothe your primal fears
      Throw off those chains of reason
      And your prison disappears”

      The cities were abandoned and the forests echoed song
      They danced and lived as brothers, they knew love could not be wrong
      Food and wine they had aplenty and they slept beneath the stars

      The people were contented and the Gods watched from afar
      But the winter fell upon them and it caught them unprepared
      Bringing wolves and cold starvation and the hearts of men despaired

      The universe divided as the heart and mind collided
      With the people left unguided
      For so many troubled years
      In a cloud of doubts and fears
      Their world was torn asunder into hollow hemispheres…

      Some fought themselves, some fought each other
      Most just followed one another
      Lost and aimless like their brothers
      For their hearts were so unclear
      And the truth could not appear

      Their spirits were divided into blinded hemispheres

      Some who did not fight brought tales of old to light
      “My Rocinante sailed by night on her final flight”
      To the heart of Cygnus’ fearsome force, we set our course
      Spiralled through that timeless space, to this immortal place…

      I have memory and awareness, but I have no shape or form
      As a disembodied spirit, I am dead and yet unborn
      I have passed into Olympus, as was told in tales of old
      To the city of Immortals, marble white and purest gold

      I see the Gods in battle rage on high…
      Thunderbolts across the sky…
      I cannot move, I cannot hide…
      I feel a silent scream begin inside…

      Then all at once the chaos ceased
      A stillness fell, a sudden peace
      The warriors felt my silent cry
      And stayed their struggle, mystified

      Apollo was astonished
      Dionysus thought me mad
      But they heard my story further
      And they wondered and were sad

      Looking down from Olympus, on a world of doubt and fear
      Its surface splintered into sorry hemispheres

      They sat a while in silence, then they turned at last to me
      “We will call you Cygnus, the God of Balance you shall be”


      We can walk our road together, if our goals are all the same
      We can run alone and free, if we pursue a different aim
      Let the truth of love be lighted
      Let the love of truth shine clear
      Sensibility, armed with sense and liberty
      With the heart and mind united in a single perfect sphere

  10. As much as I detest Biden for his coercive covid policies, I also knew that Trump would destroy the US.
    He’s “making America greate again” by waging wars with allies and abandoning the US’ position as head of the Alliance. That’s ridiculous in any possible aspect.
    The US is doomed for sure.

    • WRONG, hiep o shit.
      El Trumpito is putting his foot down and confirming America as Numero Uno, correcting trade imbalances and bringing manufacturing jobs back while stamping out DEI crap.
      It’s good to have a strong president.
      Four years of “girlboss” as RR wanted would have been unimaginably horrible.

  11. Things only got this bad because the libtards went full retard and decided to do everything in their power to marginalize conservatives and low status white males. Literally all the libtards had to do to stop the low status white males from voting in the low status white male president was:

    1. Stop importing infinite immigrants.
    2. Stop with the omnipresent LGBT messaging.

    The low status white males are typically too lazy to look into politics deeper than these two issues; if the libtards had stopped being insane themselves than many LSWMs wouldn’t have even bothered to vote.

    The shit cherry on-top is that libtards tried to make a fucking brown woman president, how delusional could they be? Are they even living reality? Not even white women really want a woman president, let alone a brown one.

    Bernie could have actually won, people actually liked him, he’s a charismatic white jew, but they just had to push retarded idea that the future is brown and female so he got marginalized and now MAGA has won forever.

    The democrats just had to be absolute retarded extremists obsessed with marginalizing the fucking majority of the country. Now they’ve completely lost everything, what a joke. Everything about real life politics is a joke. Fictional politics has more serious actors, rulers in ASOIAF fanfictions take their jobs more seriously and have better foresight than rulers in real life.

    It should never be forgotten that there was no winning for any of us, and that the game was rigged.

    People today do not deserve economic prosperity, they deserve to go hungry and they deserve to be poor. The billionaires deserve to live in fear as hungry and desperate people decide that they want to become new iterations of Luigi. People deserve to be brain damaged by Covid and they deserve to lose everything. You all deserve this because you don’t care that the polar bears are going extinct. I’m not joking. You just want to eat and shit until everything beautiful is gone and all we’re left with is apartment buildings and landfills. Fuck you.

  12. Fuck Mexico. It’s a horrible corrupt country that helped facilitate an invasion over the last four years not mention the poison the cartels run across the border. Canada though? That I don’t understand. We like Canada, they’re like our weird but lovable cousin from out of town. I don’t know why he’s messing with them.

    • Maybe they (I can’t say it’s only Trump) are trying to lure them to join the US into a powerful state, or some other arrangement, where they will be able to use the VAST resources of Canada without the Canadians asking a lot of questions.
      It sounds a bit like they are trying to get ready for a hotter war with brics.
      Same with Greenland.
      Given: if they ever manage to counter the COLD weather challenges in both cases (Canada and Greenland). Probably, more doable than Mars. An ecological challenge, nevertheless.
      RUssia has a know-how in this field.

  13. I don’t think the time for hyperventilating is now. You know what the rest of the world could really use? LESS AMERICAN INFLUENCE. They didn’t get the nickname “The Great Satan” for nothing. America turtling into its own shell is a good thing for the world. If they ever close up their hundreds of military bases around the world and bring everyone home, it would be even better.

    And this is where the cognitive dissonance of the left comes in, and it’s really fucking irritating actually. One the hand they are all “fuck America! fuck Trump! Evil bastards!” and at the exact same time the second America pulls back they go “Nooooo! You can’t cut the funding! America needs to SAVE US!!!!”

    You can’t have it both ways.

    One also needs to look deeper at what’s going on here. Trump appears to be taking a flamerthrower to the worldwide globalist system. That’s the same globalist system that uses China to make endless cheap crap, made by slave labor, made with zero environmental rules, piles it onto supertankers (the single most polluting things ON EARTH) and ships it across the oceans so western consumers can use it for 30 seconds before it breaks and they have to order another one. Anyone who thinks this is a good system is a FUCKING RETARD. This system is one of the main drivers behind our earth being destroyed. Retarded liberals think that if pollution happens in China or out in the ocean, it “doesn’t exist.” If he actually sees them through (remains to be seen), Trump’s moves will do more real world benefit to the environment than all the Liberal/EU “carbon taxes” have ever done, combined.

    Also Trump has correctly identified that both Canada and Mexico have turned into nasty parasitic leeches draining the life out the USA and giving very little in return. They are also both openly politically aligned against Trump – both openly WEF aligned, corrupt, globalist outposts. Basically both countries have been very quietly and slowly weaponized against the United States. Why does anyone think the USA is somehow “obligated” to buy products from these hostile countries?

    So what’s this really about? It’s the globalist order being disrupted by Trump, and the wailing and gnashing of teeth that results. Trump can either use it for massive leverage in negotiations, or see it through to the end. America will benefit, the globalist run nations of the west will lose.

    • You might want to brush up on China a little. I remember talking to a US engineer, I complaigning it was so hot that day, he replied how that was possible in the middle of winter.

  14. Oops, using brutal force on a fragile system. It is like being present at the beginning of a communist revolution. However we know how bad people using a ”kitchen Napoleon”-strategy in the real world can mess things up. They did not know back in 1917 how bad things would turn out and the magnitude of human suffering it would lead know. Today we know and we are heading full speed into disaster.

  15. “There are also tariffs planned for the European Union. It seems Trump doesn’t understand how tariffs work. He seems to think foreign countries will pay these tariffs, whereas in reality, the domestic importer has to pay them. It has more in common with a sales tax that you’re going to be paying on anything you buy that came from abroad.”

    I always see that argument: “he doesn’t know how Tariffs work”.

    Yes, the US company pays them, but that cash goes directly to the Federal Government and reduces inflation generated by the federal government’s deficit spending by an identical amount. So it’s cancelling it out.

    And when people see significant margin opportunities on products, the production comes back into the US…

  16. I listened to the song Flugzeuge im Bauch the other day for some reason.
    I thought the AFD could re-lyricify it
    Gibt uns unser Land zuruck
    Wir brauchen unser Land zuruck
    Gibt uns unser Land zuruck
    Bevor es auseinanderbricht
    Je eher, je eher sie gehen
    Umso leichter umso leichter wird es fur uns
    They can turn it into a poignant protest song. I only relyricked the chorus. An actual German with some brains and creativity could relyric the whole song.

  17. You should decide:
    Either we have to act globally bc of mimimi issueproblemstuff and accept that irrational countries can harm everybody like the US now does or we split up all nations into small statelets and haul everything industrial into local regions again to have (a) stable and smaller system(s).

    One way, or the other.

  18. Some kind of value-based retaliatory taxes on US intellectual property are likely, and these would be efficient. Based on claimed value, paid per year. Claimed value – if a company in a lawsuit claimed it’s patents are wort X – this will be used for tax purposes.

  19. Look no further (lol) to answering your questions about “why bully Canada?” :
    Marco Rubio, interviewed by Mergyn Kelly:
    “So it’s not normal for the world to simply have a unipolar power. That was not – that was an anomaly. It was a product of the end of the Cold War, but eventually you were going to reach back to a point where you had a multipolar world, multi-great powers in different parts of the planet.”
    (a Greek I follow on FB):
    “The greatest success of Trump’s policy so far is that, through dynamic rhetoric, it presents this clear American defeat, that is, the failure of the US to establish a unipolar world order, more or less as its own choice, as a voluntary policy change. However, it is a defeat, and a major one at that. Trump recognizes it, while Biden pretended that the battle was still undecided.
    The question is to what extent the US is now willing to withdraw from the role of policeman. On the one hand, they have made it clear that they see (at least in North and Central) America as their own backyard of power. Will they recognize similar rights for the Russians (Ukraine) and the Chinese (Taiwan)? And if so, what will be the fate of the rest of Europe?”

    • T. paused the tariffs on Mexico and Canada.
      As I said, tariffs are being used by the USA as a foreign policy tool (not for the first time), and as pressure for improving the trade deficit.

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