Revenge of the losers: Bioleninism on open display

One of the most primary drivers of the human mind, is envy. You can see it demonstrated in the French revolution: The deformed ghouls who made up the bourgeoisie sought to exterminate the nobility. You should look up how Marat, Robespierre and Danton looked, then you should compare this to the men who led the war in the Vendee.

Now you see this same phenomenon emerge with the socialists and the Islamists, who endorse the greatest slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust.

You would expect this crowd to distance itself from the massacre of children and elderly that took place. But they don’t:

Note how it’s mostly just unattractive brown women who endorse the genocide. It’s the women you would reluctantly have sex with, if they’re the only ones you can have sex with, but then you would never admit it to anyone. They realize this from an early age. It damages their brains so severely, it fills them with hatred and envy.

In this case, we’re dealing with a Somali woman named Najma Sharif. A woman who comes from a part of the world where women have their clitoris removed and have their labia sewn shut until marriage. You would think to yourself: “This woman must look at Israel as a beacon of liberty and resent her own homeland.” And sometimes that happens: See Ayaan Hirsi Ali as an example.

But most of the time, what happens is envy: Why do you get to take MDMA and dance in bikini at a festival in the middle of the desert? Why do you get to be white and pretty, while I have to be black and ugly? Why do you get to have a culture and a civilization, while I just inherited tribal feuds?

In other words: What the bourgeoisie thought to themselves, when they thought about what goes on at Versailles, where the king dresses up as the sun to dance for his theater performances. It’s not the peasantry who resented the aristocracy. Oh no. It’s the petty merchants, the tradesmen, the people who did well in business, who ended up having money, but no class.

And just as it’s not Radj Kumar in India who resents the Israelis, or a guy in Lagos, Nigeria, it’s the people who are so close to being white. It’s the people who went to a college in America. Who don’t have to worry about going hungry, or how to pay their medical bills. Who have their material comforts taken care of. But they’re never going to fit in with the white people.

They’re going to hear you listen to Neutral Milk Hotel and it’s going to piss them off. They’re going to see you dance at an Industrial house party and it’s going to make them angry. They’re going to watch you grow your hair out as a guy all the way to your ass and spend your days meditating in the forest high on mushrooms.

They’re going to watch you dress up for the Renaissance fair, or go to your civil war reenactment, or watch Yes, Prime Minister, or kiss your dog on the nose, or harvest your own sweet potatoes from your backyard and they’re going to see that you’re innocent. That you can just enjoy life. That you’re not stuck in one tribal dispute or another. That you’re not worried what your father is going to say, or that people will laugh at you, or that you will be seen as an easy target for rape by the men in your community.

That’s what they see. That’s what they think. They don’t think: “Thank you white people, for allowing me, an ugly brown woman with no meaningful talents, to live in your midst and harvest some of the fruits of the labor of your ancestors.”

No, what they think is: “You need to die.”

And I have to emphasize: There is nobody out there telling them “sorry, you can’t fit in”. Most of us white people face the same problem these ugly brown women face. None of us fit in perfectly. I’m socially awkward too. And most of us can’t make the genius accomplishments a handful of white people make.

Can I figure out how to fixate nitrogen from the air? No, but because I’m not an antisocial criminal who slaughters successful people out of envy, I can enjoy the result: I can buy affordable bread in the supermarket. We make up for this lack of talents, with some humility and by being nice. Maybe we don’t know how to cure leukemia, but we volunteer at our local hedgehog shelter and the salvation army, so the people who are geniuses do not mind sharing the spoils of their blessing.

But a lot of people just can’t have that humility. They need to dominate. They need to be in control. There are more than a million Arabs in Israel, who live happy lives as Israeli citizens. There are even Arabs in Europe, who live happy lives. They are assimilated, most of their friends are white. The only price they had to pay for getting to live in Heaven instead of Hell, is a bit of humility and friendliness.

But for many, that’s too much to ask. They don’t want to live in our society. They want us to be dead. Importantly however, they also want to erase the memory that we ever existed. Why did the Taliban blow up the Buddha statues carved in the rocks? Because of some religious law? No, nonsense, they now try to use those same demolished statues for tourism. They don’t want to be confronted with the realization that other people are able to give birth to a world more beautiful than they can.

There is a name for this: Bioleninism. It’s the conspiracy of the people with bad genes and no redeeming virtues, against the people who have good genes and redeeming virtues. If you are good, if you are innocent, if you are cultured, if you are humble, if you are intelligent, if you are beautiful, if you are pleasant to interact with, you are always at risk of falling victim to the envy of people who lack those traits.

That envy, when driven to its natural conclusion, results in what happened in Israel. It results in people being slaughtered with machine guns at a psytrance festival.

This happens because it’s just very difficult, to learn to accept your station in life. One thing that helps with this, is good philosophy and religion. Compare Hindus in India, to secularized leftist Indian women in the Western world. Once they lose Hinduism, they can no longer accept their station in life. They wish they looked like Taylor Swift, but they won’t, not in this life.

Why did God make you fat, brown and ugly? I don’t know. But you are better off, accepting there is a natural order, than to try to overthrow it. Cosmetic surgery, is ultimately the same thing. Droves of women now seek out breast implants. It won’t give them what they seek.

It will just make it worse, it will rub it in their faces, how they don’t have what they want to have. But now their bodies also send a message to the world, that they are unable to be content with what they have.

They would be much happier, accepting their humble station in life. Yes, you’ll find out your husband jerks off to porn stars with much bigger breasts. Yes, those women can earn a living off their bodies, while you can’t and never will be able to. He’ll tell you he’ll never do it again and he will do it again the next week.

That’s life. God did not give you everything.


So that you would learn the highest of virtues.

The ability to look at a group of dorky white people enjoying themselves and say that one thing you’re still not able to say and truly mean:

“I’m happy for them.”


  1. I recently saw a video of black youths hiking in a park. Everytime they came upon white people on the trail they would mock them by talking at them in a phony, “white nice” way that was extremely aggressive and insulting.

    • I saw that video too. The black youths weren’t there to hike, they were there for the sole purpose of mocking whites for enjoying nature and being pleasant, borne from envy and resentment of their betters.

  2. > “There are more than a million Arabs in Israel, who live happy lives as Israeli citizens.“

    Absolutely delusional

  3. People who are ugly in body are ugly in soul too, it’s my belief that the soul and the body are firmly intertwined and that the nature of one’s soul influences the physical nature of one’s body. If you’ve ever met a serious sexual predator (Which I have a few times, once on Jury duty.) You can just look into their eyes and observe their facial features and see the subhumanity.

    In the material sense it’s a fact that facial features determine personality; when you breed wolves and select for human compatibility their faces begin to morph to being more dog like. The personality and features of a dog are a fixed package. Well, humans are not exempt from biological reality; it’s the same thing with human beings, there’s a reason we evolved to judge the ugly. Judgment is a eugenic instinct that protects us, our tribes, and our genes in both the short and long term.

    Hatred of the ugly is good as it facilitates the growth of the beautiful. Tolerance of the ugly doesn’t make the ugly like you, it just gives them the opportunity to stab you in the back out of resentment. Subhumans don’t feel gratitude and don’t have a sense of fair play so treating them like you’d treat a peer is naive and stupid.

    • How do you explain the Kardashians and Bundy? I had the misfortune of living next door to a handsome smack dealer once. Maybe he donated some of his money to charity though, who knows. Bundy did work for The Samaritans too.

      • Kardashians are ugly, do you think naturally beautiful people have to mutilate themselves with plastic surgery? Bundy has sexual predator eyes (Same eyes as the sexual predator I knew) even if his face isn’t grotesque; so his example doesn’t disprove my point that facial feature predict personality. Bundy is a different type of ugly compared to the goblins, vampires, and other monsters that make their nests in our cities, but I’d say he’s ugly nonetheless.

        • > Kardashians are ugly, do you think naturally beautiful people have to mutilate themselves with plastic surgery?

          Kim Kardashian was even hotter before whatever surgery she had. Google it.

          >Bundy has sexual predator eyes (Same eyes as the sexual predator I knew) even if his face isn’t grotesque; so his example doesn’t disprove my point that facial feature predict personality.

          Many, many women would disagree with that assessment.

          Which says something about women, but that just goes to show that women — being the gatekeepers of evolution by natural selection — serve as a kind of signal as to what is actually occurring.

          Even if you or I don’t like it.

          I recall you saying recently that the myopic obsessiveness of autists is on par with geniuses like Mozart.

          ‘Nuff said.

        • A lot of guys would cut off their left hand to look like Bundy. Honestly, many dark triad types I’ve met in my life do tend to be good looking people. It seems obvious that psychopathy would be an evolutionary advantageous trait to have in this world.

    • I think a critical question to ask people who claim that beauty is only skin deep is that if everything observable has some sort of trigger, some mechanism to set it and keep it in motion, then how come we are attracted to certain features? Why exactly would we develop completely arbitrary fixations and moreover why would they stand the test of time; why would we not have evolved past such nonsense aeons ago? Obviously, we understand that certain phenotypical traits correlate to other, deeper ones and we pick up on those.

      I think that it’s important to note, however, that there is a subtle yet important difference between homely and ugly (coming from someone who has been described as fairly conventionally attractive, I’m not just trying to save my own ass here). I’ve encountered enough people who are not beautiful but who all the same are not off-putting, and tend to have clean souls, meanwhile it’s incredibly easy to spot someone rotten from the core to the surface.

      And lastly, with regards to the whatabouts, human physiognomy is incredibly complex with billions of humans and incredibly few who look the exact same; of course any simple generalization is not going to hold up across the entire board, yet anyone with any sense of pattern recognition whatsoever can acknowledge the phenomenon. That all is not to mention that certain traits like intelligence and social adeptitude, while rightly considered generally good, can be used for ill purposes, meaning that someone can have the good looks that belie such good qualities but not be entirely righteous (if you’ve ever seen somebody attractive yet sort of “off”-looking, maybe bear this in mind).

      • According to the studies I’ve seen, it works the way one might hope. Attractive people get the initial attention. Then, if they are rotten people, they are actually hated more for that than ugly people are. And after a person has been around a homely person for long enough, if they really are nice, their looks stop mattering. I realize this all must seem impossible to young males but it makes sense of why beauty is so esteemed but there are so many homely people. One of the best loved ladies in my church is incredibly homely and even as a hunch back; she is married with kids.

      • > I think a critical question to ask people who claim that beauty is only skin deep is that if everything observable has some sort of trigger, some mechanism to set it and keep it in motion, then how come we are attracted to certain features? Why exactly would we develop completely arbitrary fixations and moreover why would they stand the test of time; why would we not have evolved past such nonsense aeons ago? Obviously, we understand that certain phenotypical traits correlate to other, deeper ones and we pick up on those.

        You are right to ask this. On a materialistic/reductionistic conception of the universe, it is perplexing.

        I believe something else is going on.

        > And lastly, with regards to the whatabouts, human physiognomy is incredibly complex with billions of humans and incredibly few who look the exact same;

        My reply to this doesn’t get to your question, but it reminds of something:

        How is it that most mammals are generally indistinguishable from one another, unless you pay very close attention. To say nothing of the lower life forms like ants?

        Yet we humans are virtually “unique,” at least from a phenotypical perspective. A few small millimeters of a hooded eyebrow can distinguish redhead “John” from redhead “James”. Same goes for vocal tone and inflection and all sorts of things.

        Is it just like “all black people look the same” from our perspective? Much as an alien race would look at us?

        Just weird thoughts I have from time to time.

    • > In the material sense it’s a fact that facial features determine personality;

      ok, then explain the good & evil of IDENTICAL twins! (i well know the differing cause – your statement regarding matter is similar infantile like your nick name, sorry)

      fuck, why am i still coming to this place in hope of the research quality of former articles on c19, the retardation level here is sort of becoming digitally infectious to me, need to stop that before my mind blows up being confronted with so much self righteous stupidity all around / “law of attraction”.

  4. But Rintrah, if people are supposed to be content with their lot in life, why aren’t you content with your lot in life? Why aren’t you humbly resigned?

    You have a terrible need for status; it overwhelms everything else in your head and makes you say confused and cruel things. It is the snake in the garden; it is pride.

    • From the perspective of rich people in your country, you are like the people whom you deride. They see you as a lower form of life, and they don’t want their daughters to marry you; you’ve said as much. So you respond by abusing others in the way you are being socially abused. It’s all bad.

      • The other odd thing is that many of these women whom you claim are ugly (who aren’t actually ugly) could be Jewish women. Since the Arabs and the Jews have common ancestors, recently. But I take it you are not saying that Jewish women are all ugly and resentful.

        I think that you actually find all of these woman attractive, but your sorry need for status makes you fight this and resent them, especially since even the ones who “should” be willing to sleep with you aren’t interested. How dare they.

        An acquaintance of mine is from the Netherlands and she looks the part; she is reasonably attractive; she is very smart; her dad was a minister; her brother was/is disabled; her life was miserable. She moved to the U.S. and found an absolutely middle middle class American guy of absolutely average looks and intelligence; they quickly married and now happily have kids who are about 9 and 10 years old. FFS just move to Ohio; you don’t have have to reproduce there, you could just live like a human.

    • > But Rintrah, if people are supposed to be content with their lot in life, why aren’t you content with your lot in life? Why aren’t you humbly resigned?

      Radagast strikes me as someone with integrity and a kind of honor, even while i disagree with him on some topics.

      He’s obviously brilliant.

      Doesn’t it strike you as odd or unfair in some sense that he is not in some position of greater influence?

      Or at least not comfortably and materially situated with a loving wife and children?

      I get all that you are saying about pride, but something about this whole “just accept life” thing just rubs me the wrong way.

      • He was the one who said that people should be humbly resigned to the reality of their station in life, not me. I was wondering why he wasn’t applying his general principle to himself. He talked about doing so in re the invention of chemical fertilizers (saying that he couldn’t have invented them so he should simply be grateful someone did), but he doesn’t apply the principle to his personal life.

        I’m having trouble picturing some alternate reality in which some smart guy can have control of things, rather than the rapacious, corrupt, perverted minions of the deep state. It’s so far from possible that it doesn’t seem worth thinking about.

        It isn’t odd or unfair that Rintrah doesn’t have a loving wife and kids since he would see that as giving up. What he wants are a bunch of girlfriends who don’t want kids; girlfriends who meet his status needs. Good luck with that, these days.

  5. > It’s not the peasantry who resented the aristocracy. Oh no. It’s the petty merchants, the tradesmen, the people who did well in business, who ended up having money, but no class.
    Astute observation, and one that rings true even centuries later; find me a single actual worker at any Marxist meeting.

  6. Quote: “Why did God make you fat, brown and ugly? I don’t know. But you are better off, accepting there is a natural order, than to try to overthrow it.”

    Spoken like a Herrenmensch.

    If I remember right, you percieve yourself as ugly, and you think that’s the reason why you don’t get laid. So everything from your rant can be said to you, too.

      • He said he wasn’t homely. That is why his fussiness about female appearance is odd; he has the fussiness and pickiness of a homely guy.

        • > He said he wasn’t homely. That is why his fussiness about female appearance is odd; he has the fussiness and pickiness of a homely guy.

          I’ve seen a picture of him.

          Perhaps he just has a level of taste beyond your understanding?

          • Oh, wow, a guy who is a real connoisseur of female beauty. That’s novel, haha.

            Kind of like a female who is a real connoisseur of male power and economic success.

  7. Your perspective and position here is a valid one. I held the same position for much of my life.

    “The trouble with the maples
    (And they’re quite convinced they’re right)
    They say, “the oaks are just too lofty
    And they grab up all the light!”
    But the oaks can’t help their feelings
    If they like the way they’re made
    And they wonder why the maples
    Can’t be happy in their shade?

    And you are also correct to note that the “Other” can be categorized as either capable of appreciating the good fortune of another “tribe” and grateful to immigrate and assimilate with appropriate respect, or are full of resentment and desire to destroy the object which causes them the distress of a “sense of inferiority.”

    There is definitely a difference in peoples’ responses to this dynamic.

    (Before I continue, I would like to emphasize the somewhat tired observation that the effect television and internet has had on the global population. Formerly separated “tribes” are now given a window into how “the other half” lives. While I’m sure much ink has been spilled over this phenomenon, I get the feeling the true implications have not been explored quite enough).

    But you have to be honest with yourself and recognize that its easy to be gracious, magnanimous and “understanding” when you consider yourself and your “people” as the crown jewel of “natural processes.”

    Perhaps you are?

    In any case, it is probably a mistake to demonize those who feel “put upon” by their relatively low-station in the evolutionary chain-of-being.

    “There but for the Grace of God go I”

    (But why did God give me Grace, and not those others?)

    You characterize those “Others” who are unable to be appropriately respectful as having a desire to “dominate”.

    This is true in one sense — a sense of self-respect and self-esteem necessitates a refusal to have that self-respect injured by someone who considers themselves superior.

    But such is the way of the world.

    >There is a name for this: Bioleninism. It’s the conspiracy of the people with bad genes and no redeeming virtues, against the people who have good genes and redeeming virtues.

    Well, that’s just a mish-mash of subjective opinion. Who is to say what is “bad” and “good” from a moral or aesthetic point of view? WE ALL ARE. That’s the so-called “beauty” of evolution. While I am fond of you and your general sense of life, I don’t fool myself into thinking my ways are somehow the “be all, end all” — the final instantiation of evolution.

    It’s all up for grabs.

    While you might sit pretty, thinking you and your Kosher friends are entitled to waging war on the goyim due to your “obvious” and “natural” superiority, you should keep in mind that most normies consider autism to be an evolutionary maladaptation, and they too extend all sorts of “kindness” and “help” to you unfortunates so that you too might partake of the Glorious Normie Future.

    But when I inquired a few days back regarding your opinion of “survival of the fittest” you clarified that you wished for the non-survival of normies, and the survival of autists.

    That sword cuts both ways, you see.

    You once had a commenter (whose name I can’t remember) who said, “evolution by natural selection is Evil”

    That’s quite a statement, and probably worth considering.

    >Why did God make you fat, brown and ugly? I don’t know.

    You don’t know, but as your attorney I advise you to think closely the “why.”

  8. I think Rintrah is trying to reduce a conflict between collectives, institutions, and nations to one between individuals. Then, he assigns bad traits to the groups he doesn’t like and good ones to the ones he approves of. In this case, the Palestinians are bad and ugly while the Israelis are smart and superior.
    In reality, struggles like this are not determined by IQ, looks, or any other personality traits but by the cohesion of the groups involved.

  9. Rintrah is trying a new track. Now that his people have been attacked by a browner people, he is trying to appeal to white solidarity. This is a Jewish trick, to run with the hares and hunt with the hounds. One minute they are in solidarity with the oppressed, the next minute they are the ubermensch. Earlier he had solidarity with Fouad the shooter and even said that “Fouad did nothing wrong”, for having killed some random gentiles who had done him no harm. But the Israelis have been stepping on the Palestinians for decades.

    • Quote: “Earlier he had solidarity with Fouad the shooter and even said that “Fouad did nothing wrong”, …”

      Indeed. It shows that Rintrah can overcome his superiority attitude against a “brown” if the brown is an autist too.

    • >Earlier he had solidarity with Fouad the shooter and even said that “Fouad did nothing wrong”

      Here’s my problem. I try to write for a 120 IQ audience and I get a 95 IQ audience. So when I say something tongue in cheek, they don’t get it.

  10. So women who have small breasts are “cheating” by getting implants. They are essentially “faking” increased fertility in order to attract a mate, thus “deceiving” that potential mate. I understand your point.

    But does the same logic apply to bald men getting hair transplants? There is nothing fundamentally wrong with the health of these men, they simply have bad luck. Their follicles are too sensitive to DHT and they fall out. But there is otherwise nothing wrong with their health and fertility. And yet the majority of women prefer men with hair, because the majority of men look worse bald. The loss of their hairline makes their forehead bigger which throws off their facial proportions. Many men also have a weird head shape that is not conducive to looking good bald.

    • A very full head of hair can start to look a bit odd after a certain age. Loads of Hollywood actors and celebrities – Brad Pitt, Dicaprio, Jake Gyllenhaal, you name it – have incredibly good hairlines. In fact their hairlines are so good it actually looks slightly ridiculous as most men do start to recede in their 30s or late 20s. They have obviously had hair transplants or they are taking mammoth amounts of Finasteride.

      • Yes, true. Also, very attractive looking people like Brad Pitt tend to look good with shaved heads. They are in the minority category of men who can actually pull it off. And yet, they still want to keep a full head of hair. The sexual side effects of DHT blockers (and SSRIs) can be frightening.

        I’ve noticed that many elite golf players on the PGA Tour have early hairloss. You can see this at the end of their rounds when they all take their hats off to shake hands on the 18th green. On the other hand, elite footballers (Premier League, Champions League etc.) all seem to have full heads of hair. I wonder if the finasteride affects their athletic performance. Or maybe they don’t take fin but instead are getting small transplants every year or so.

        • That’s interesting. Could be to do with the fact footballers are fitter and have better cardiovascular health so the blood pumps to their heads better.

          Yeah there are even some men who look better bald, the lucky bastards. Andrew Tate unfortunately falls into this category too. I don’t know if Pitt would look good with a total skinhead (a wet shave skinhead) where the hair follicles aren’t visible. I don’t know.

          I had severe sexual side effects on SSRIs and had a very thick head of hair at that point. Unfortunately I couldn’t just stop taking them due to withdrawal symptoms so had to taper off very slowly and my sex drive gradually came back. Unfortunately my hair started to recede right at that point too. So SSRIs probably do block DHT in some men.

    • There’s a correlation between baldness genes and dementia. Baldness is one of many ways to sniff out subhuman genetic trash especially when it happens to young men.

  11. Rintrah, I must criticize your use of different name handles.

    New readers can’t know that “High Status White Male, Philosemite” is in fact Rintrah Radagast. It makes you also suspicious to use some more handles because you think you can trick out us dumb LSWM.

    But it only destroy your credibility if you play such games. In worst case it’s only you and me posting here.

    • Alright fine, I’ll stop trolling LSWMs like that, Zionist Globalist Jew will be my last handle before I return to using Radagast.

      • Also Rintrah, regarding your “epic mod ability” to edit people’s comments, I don’t think that Littlebook person is ever coming back here again after what you did. Although I agree that it was hilarious at the time and he was being a dick for denying the existence of the gas chambers. I dunno, maybe you would prefer if he never comes back, despite him being one of the most prolific commenters on this site.

  12. The origin of Jewish resentment towards Aryans is that Aryans are much more attractive physically than Jews, while the most intelligent Aryans are both as intelligent as Jews and much more attractive. Aryans are also more creative than Jews. The most intelligent Aryans are more creative than Jews but the most intelligent Jews are more grind-y than Aryans. The Aryan resentment towards Jews is that Jews have a tight clique among themselves so they usually win purely political battles while Aryans with better ideas usually lose purely political battles due to constantly betraying each other. However, Aryans win wars.

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