So, I’m sorry if this gives you traumatic flashbacks, but some of you will remember this:

This is what had LSWMs freaking out back in the 00’s. “The elite always have to let you know what they are planning!” Was the LSWM consensus on this. But it seems very hard to me, to imagine guys working for the Mossad CIA, running around, going up to random Hollywood film producers, tapping the guys doing the Lone gunmen episode on the shoulder, getting some dude to make an Illuminati card came, telling them: “You HAVE to put this into your movie! You have to make Neo’s passport expire on 9/11/01!”.
There were plenty of LSWMs back then, who had this idea integrated into their worldview. If you wonder how QAnon boomers ever became a thing, it’s because they were exposed to all this stuff and had to fit it into their model of reality.
The general problem you’re faced with is that if you have a scientific materialist worldview, which even Christians in our culture tend to have, then you tend to be left with two explanations for almost all these unnerving eerie things you encounter:
-Coincidence. This is deeply dissatisfying and taken to its natural conclusion tends to resemble mental illness too.
-Foreshadowing by the conspirators.

But the third option of course, is to accept that as human beings, we can tap into a kind of collective unconscious, or a world soul, what the classical Greeks knew as the Anima Mundi. Jung kind of revived this idea, but I prefer the Platonic variety.
You can see another good example related to 9/11 here, in the first minute of this video:
Two African American gentlemen, one of them saying “it’s quiet”, the other, the host in the studio, saying it’s “too quiet”. Like every stereotype humans have, the trope of the magical negro does not come from nowhere. Women, effeminate homosexuals, children and Africans just tend to have an easier time, tapping into this phenomenon. It’s why women and children can see ghosts. It’s why when you go to a black evangelical church, where people are speaking in tongues, you’ll feel an entirely different atmosphere than at a typical white dogmatic calvinist church.
It’s also why the white man tends to be resistant to spells, curses and the like. He would show up in his boat to far away tropical places and the locals would find that their magic just does not work on him. He just doesn’t exist in sync with the environment around him. He is oblivious to certain things and immune to others.
If you live in the Niger delta and you refer to the oil beneath your feet as a dark Satanic force, then you ultimately understand it just as well as some guy with a PhD who is taking ice core samples in Greenland or studying foraminifera under a microscope, sampled from the ocean floor. All of us always knew, at a subconscious level, that there is something very dark stored beneath the ground under our feet.
Something evil, that gives tremendous power to the ones who control it. An Alex Jones rambling about how the Rockefeller family developed vaccines with cancer-causing viruses in them is just tapping into that same realization. We always knew, that all of this came with a huge price. We always knew, we were unleashing something dark.
The conspiratorial narrative is also an attempt to avoid the far more grim reality, that this black satanic force beneath our feet has the effect of pitting us all against each other. Conflict is intrinsic to its nature. Where you find oil, you find oppression, corruption and violence.
LSWMs tend to know best what horrors war entails, so they were generally most eager to sign up for the conspiratorial explanation on 9/11, just as LSWMs were most reluctant to support Ukraine once Russia invaded. But these days, when it comes to things like Israel, Alex Jones starts sounding reasonable and rational, compared to leftists like Corbyn’s brother, who insists the Hamas hostages are hired actors.
The conspiratorial narrative tends to work to help avoid people being sucked into what seems to be the inevitable outcome, a conflict between marxists, witches, third worldists and islamists on the one hand, versus Jews, Christians, Hindus and everyone else on the other.
But is it true? Well, I don’t think the conspiratorial narrative is of much use in the Israel-Hamas war, because Hamas is pretty open in kidnapping children and young women to rape. That is ultimately entirely in line with Islamic teachings. Arguing that Israeli helicopters shot at all those people at the festival does nothing to change the simple fact, that Islam teaches horrible things and that millions of men are eager to follow its teachings. That is a simple reality we’ll have to deal with, whether we like it or not.
The attacks on 09/11/2001 are a more complex case. For most people alive today who remember this event, this was a formative experience. What we think of now as the 90’s ended on 9/11, children like me had their innocence shattered that day.
You can find all sorts of visual evidence that just doesn’t make sense at a guttural level, as well as various shadowy coincidences. I’m not sure how you’re supposed to look at those towers collapse and claim with a straight face there were no explosives involved, or how you’re supposed to imagine all those various government exercises around planes crashing into buildings, along with exercises that paralyzed NORAD, were just coincidence.
You can also find a lot of bullshit however, like claims about space-lasers, holographic planes and other nonsense. And the more you sink your teeth in it, the more convinced you’ll become of your own conclusion, without having any power to do anything about it. I think it’s better to just take a psychedelic view of what happened: It was a supernatural event. The wave-function simply has not collapsed yet. The whole thing still exists in a quantum-superposition, of cave-dwelling camel-jockeys armed with box-cutters and guys in suits in smoke-filled rooms overlapping.
In the Emerald Tablet, one of the first Hermetic texts available to medieval Europeans, long before Ficino translated the Corpus Hermeticum in the 15th century and ignited the Renaissance, you find the famous phrase you still hear among esoteric groups around the world: As above, so below. What’s true in the microcosm, is true in the macrocosm.
In this light, I’d encourage you to ponder the fact that Air has the effect of pitting Earth and Fire against each other, whereas Water has the effect of re-conciliating them.
At every level of reality you observe, you’ll find this simple principle apply.
So many people believe that the Illuminati is a group of all-powerful people enjoying untold riches, that there is now an online “join the Illuminati for a fee of $700” scam.
You said
>It’s also why the white man tends to be resistant to spells, curses and the like. He would show up in his boat to far away tropical places and the locals would find that their magic just does not work on him. He just doesn’t exist in sync with the environment around him. He is oblivious to certain things and immune to others.<
I remember an account of how a powerful Indian medicine man worked up all his fury to blast the brain of a White man in a parking lot. He summoned all his power on death and destruction entering the white head. This would have easily killed any other Indian. But the White man just looked a little puzzled, scratched his ear momentarily, got into his car, and went on about his day.
Basically, no effect.
> I remember an account of how a powerful Indian medicine man worked up all his fury to blast the brain of a White man in a parking lot. He summoned all his power on death and destruction entering the white head. This would have easily killed any other Indian. But the White man just looked a little puzzled, scratched his ear momentarily, got into his car, and went on about his day.
Basically, no effect.
This sounds exactly like what happened to me with my psychopathic Hispanic aunt.
She just never encountered an individual so dissociated from the emotional currents of family life and it seemed to have fried her brain that I never succumbed to whatever her designs were.
I hear tell she discusses me with her family as a kind of “Devil” and often makes reference to the Netflix show “Lucifer” when discussing me
>I’m not sure how you’re supposed to look at those towers collapse and claim with a straight face there were no explosives involved<
Listen, I hated the Bush administration with a passion at that time, but they had nothing to do with with the destruction of the WTC on 9-11.
It is impossible that the buildings could have been rigged with explosives weeks in advance and THEN fly jetliners into them. This does not comport with my sense of reality.
And for all you who bray about
here is a hearty preemptive FUCK YOU.
Nobody cares about Building 7 which was bombarded with tons of debris and burned for hours.
Building 7 tards really piss me off.
> Nobody cares about Building 7 which was bombarded with tons of debris and burned for hours.
Not true. Your statement is an exaggeration.
>Building 7 tards really piss me off.
Cope and seethe, Jew.
Those with the eyes to see have an inkling of (((who))) was involved.
Learn to recognize and interpret the alchemical symbolism all around you, and things will make a lot more sense.
Here’s a primer for learning to recognize it in popular films:
conspiracy theory
: a theory that explains an event or set of circumstances as the result of a secret plot by usually powerful conspirators
Just watched this, a critique of “The man who saved Europe”. About the conspiracy that established modern banking by the Rothschild’s.
Also look at the BLM riots, bleck people still get shot. Now noone seems to care, I wonder why. Here in kanada the CBC went from daily covid fear porn one day, the next day no mention of covid. Have’nt really mentioned covid for years now, just abruptly turned it off. Look up The alchemical principle of the Revelation of the Method, its part of the magic.
Yes, the feminine half of our beings have a two-way connection to this world in a collective sense. Building upon what I said in the previous post, this is by design, as the malevolent beings who run this place specialize in targeting and attacking this side of us, and additionally by default there are energetic barriers erected which separate or cut off the rational, analytic parts of the mind from fully integrating with the emotional, intuitive parts. This prevents people from correlating and properly understanding the nature of the reality we inhabit, leading them to develop ridiculous ideas such as ‘scientific materialism’. The strength of ones spirit is in some respects dependent upon these two halves working together in unison and loving each other, thus it makes sense that things are done to us when we enter our bodies, to weaken or attempt to sever this connection, as this makes it easier to farm us. It’s why people don’t understand that, for instance, a large fraction of the various types of media they watch are intended in large part to seduce or humiliate them in turn, or that the seemingly inconsequential actions they take on a day-to-day basis have profound magical implications (I hope you’re all vegan). As I said before, this place operates on dream logic – and understanding the implications of this turns out to produce a much simpler explanation for these ‘coincidences’ than the complex, byzantine webs of conspiracy theories do.
Pure idealism is just as ridiculous as scientific materialism. Reality is somewhere in between. Direct realism, what can be observed is what is true. All of the senses and faculties are useful in the process of observation.
Yeah it’s interesting how some people grow out of conspiracy theory beliefs as they grow older, whereas others continue to cling to them. I remember reading one of your older posts where you yourself believed Alex Jones when he predicted that we would all one day be brought to FEMA death camps. This was years before the COVID nightmare, so his predictions were somewhat prescient…
> the white man tends to be resistant to spells, curses and the like.
> a conflict between marxists, witches, third worldists and islamists on the one hand
Just FYI, a dark sinister force is coming to Amsterdam on the 6th of September:
Sorry I should clarify, I meant to say “where you yourself USED TO BELIEVE Alex Jones”. Because I’m going to assume that you no longer hold onto those beliefs regarding the FEMA camps.
But speaking of the Alex Jones show and 9/11, here’s a horrifying story of a “suicide banker”. This was an investment broker/banker/trader who was working in the south tower of the WTC on the morning of September 11th 2001. When the first plane struck, rather than evacuate he decided to stay behind and load up on airline “put” options (because he knew that airline stock/share prices would start plummeting). He made $5 million but died when the tower collapsed on top of him. Here’s the story:
Eh she’s honestly not that dark.
She’s more like the dog that ran up to a gang of coyotes, despite being warned not to, thinking they’re going to be her friends.
Some of her songs are alright but she’s kind of cringe.
I’m just stopping by to say that this and the last two posts have been good shit, especially “will.”
People will sperg because it contradicts their belief in the supremacy of the logical mind and conscious awareness, as they aren’t aware of how much greater and more powerful the intuitive mind (my internal term for all mental faculties aside from conscious logic) really is.
The conscious logical mind cannot conceive of it in terms of itself, and so rejects it.
Nothing more to add, just respect to the good articles. Trying to go out of my way to express support and not just save my commentary for criticism.
I’m guessing you are already familiar with this.
The “Global Consciousness Project” involving random number generators and 9/11
Good stuff rintrah! I echo FtC. Had some critical comments but really just appreciate the last couple posts.
Many things which appear to be coincidence or magic can be explained by the commonality of human brain patterns and by the necessity of cause and effect.
The makers of the card game saw the two large towers in NY as culturally significant and so pictured a terrorist attack targeting them. Whoever wanted to make a terrorist statement later on (be that Mossad, the CIA, or [lol] the taliban) also saw the large, easy to hit towers as a cultural icon.
Things like the existence of intelligent life despite the seeming improbability are a simple result of the fact that intelligent life can only observe itself after the improbability barrier has been passed, through near-infinite tries