The world’s most insufferable techbro, Tomas Pueyo, is back. You might remember him from when he solved the COVID pandemic, with his Hammer and the Dance™. You see, we had all these established protocols, on how we should respond to a pandemic. Every major Western government had a plan on how to respond to such an event and the general consensus was that there’s just not much you can do about it.
But then along came Tomas Pueyo, with the Hammer and the Dance™. The idea he came up with, is that we would simply lock people up at home to stop the new virus from spreading too rapidly. If we didn’t do this, 10 million Americans would die within half a year, so spoke Thomas Pueyo. Soon his articles were being read by panicking bureaucrats in government health departments, who apparently just took some blog post by this Silicon Valley techbro at face value and responded by shutting everything down.
Foreign workers in Spain and other countries fled back to their own home countries, left elderly people in retirement homes to die alone of thirst in their bed, some guy in Lombardy simply began killing old people to make room for younger patients who never arrived, a nurse in the Netherlands claims he killed 24 people during the first wave alone, in New York City they began intubating conscious people to protect hospital workers from “aerosolizing procedures”, excess mortality rates shot up and the rest is history.
Eventually as time went on, we learned this virus had already shown up in every major city before we even knew of its existence, so we never stood a chance of suppressing its spread. Millions of people worldwide were thrown into extreme poverty, years of progress on eradicating female genital mutilation, child marriage and tuberculosis elimination was reversed, a rushed and experimental vaccine that left people with a broken immune response was administered under threat of social ostracism and society never really recovered. Mental health indicators are still worse than in 2019 and we are all on average more divided and socially isolated than before.
You would imagine you look back on this whole sorry episode and reflect critically on your own role in causing this outbreak of mass hysteria that led to so much misery. But then you don’t know Tomas Pueyo. Because Tomas Pueyo, if you didn’t know, is an expert at cost benefit calculations:

You can just imagine our utilitarian techbro Tomas Pueyo back in march 2020 high on Adderall or Modafinil, performing his calculations on the back of his cloth napkin, filling in a 4% fatality rate for SARS-COV-2, arriving at 10 million deaths within 180 days, subtracting some suicides and deaths from food shortage, then realizing to himself that he has to do something: He has to open his laptop, log onto substack and convince governments of the world that they should lock their citizenry up at home to relieve pressure on the hospital wards, as net, this SAVES lives!
And as I already spoiled with my screenshot above, we don’t just have Tomas Pueyo to thank for surviving SARS-COV-2. Our favorite Silicon Valley techbro is now back, to OWN the environmentalists, by helping Trump solve global warming on day one(!) that he’s in office, for just 0.1% of current climate investments:
President-elect @realDonaldTrump could own the environmentalists by solving global warming on his first day in office, and do it for 0.1% of current climate investments
Here’s how: sulfate injection ???? pic.twitter.com/fsHed1Y91o
— Tomas Pueyo (@tomaspueyo) November 12, 2024
You see, Pueyo has decided to start promoting his new favorite solution, stratospheric sulfate injection.
We need something that can:
• Cool the Earth ~1.5-2ºC
• For very cheap
• With minimal side effects
• In a reversible way
• Inspired by natureOh boy do I have something for you pic.twitter.com/WYMvmiy3p5
— Tomas Pueyo (@tomaspueyo) November 12, 2024
He is apparently seriously hoping to convince the second Trump administration (I can’t believe I’m typing those words, but this is the world we now live in), to solve global warming by blocking the sun. What could possible go wrong?
Well, don’t worry, Tomas Pueyo has us covered:
From what we know today, here are the true side-effects:
• Slight decrease in ozone (not enough to reopen the hole. It will keep shrinking)
• A few more skin cancers
• The weather might be destabilized and it might rain less
• Some more deaths from nitrate pollution
BUT— Tomas Pueyo (@tomaspueyo) November 12, 2024
A few more skin cancers, a few more deaths from nitrate pollution, the weather might be destabilized and it might rain less. You know, just the casual sort of thing that has caused the collapse of civilizations throughout history.
I could spend a whole night, explaining all the problems with this “approach”, how plants become more vulnerable to freezing damage with more CO2 in the air, how our own cognitive faculties decline when CO2 concentrations in the air go up, how our ocean is acidifying as a result of all the CO2 being dumped into our air, killing the shellfish that we eat by dissolving their shells, how we don’t even know if the stratosphere can actually contain 2 million tons of sulphates or just flushes it out again, how blocking the sun would affect the growth of our crops, how it would aid the damaging fungi that affect our crops that are vulnerable to direct sunlight and how you probably don’t want to have Pakistan and India arguing with each other over whether the sun should be blocked or not.
But honestly, all of that is not half as interesting as the realization that this is the guy who convinced your government’s health department that it’s time to lock you up in your home. He’s a facelord, you are blessed with his smug face high on dopamine staring at you whenever you visit his Twitter profile, ready to inform you on the future of every buzzword you can think of:

And I can’t shake the haunting realization, that this is just what you can do with your life, if you have the basic ability to express your thoughts through words. I could ditch this whole blog, start taking Adderall, finally get a decent haircut, pose directly into the camera, set up my own newsletter and then all it takes is going viral once with a techbro solution that WOKE ENVIRONMENTALISTS DON’T WANT YOU TO KNOW ABOUT, to change the course of the world and live off five dollars a month from the subscribers forever. They don’t even have to know you live off their money, as Americans will just forget their long list of subscriptions.
It is a complete banality and you’ll make yourself unlovable to anyone with a soul, but this is a way to live. We live in a society with no corrective mechanisms. There are no struggle sessions anymore, Pueyo won’t have to get up on stage and defend his hammer and the dance solution before an angry mob of Chinese peasants, he won’t end up in a gulag when he falls out of favor with the regime, he will not even have to appear before a truth and reconciliation commission.
No, every once in a while during a blue moon a guy like this just manages to go viral, milks it for as long as he can, racks up a couple hundred paying subscribers, overturns carefully crafted established ways of doing things, causes irreversible damage to the fabric of society in the process and moves on with his life to focus on technofixing the next problem.
It’s mind-boggling, but this is the world we now live in.
He looks like he gets fucked in the ass by his bull.
The concept of locking up masses of healthy people didn’t originate with Tomas Pueyo – like so many other terrible ideas it was spawned in the GW Bush administration in 2006.
I can’t post the link but here’s a paragraph.
“So far as anyone can tell, the intellectual machinery that made this mess was invented 14 years ago, and not by epidemiologists but by computer-simulation modelers. It was adopted not by experienced doctors – they warned ferociously against it – but by politicians.”
“Fourteen years ago this month, during the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair in Indianapolis, Laura Glass, a 15-year-old Albuquerque High sophomore, laid out her plan for slowing the spread of pandemics. It was very much to the point. Close the schools and keep the kids at home. “It spreads like crazy once it gets in the teens in the schools,” Glass told Albuquerque Journal science reporter John Fleck, who was covering the event. Glass was one of 1,500 students, 24 of them from New Mexico, attending the science and engineering fair in May 2006. Her project, based on computer simulations of human interaction, impressed the judges enough to win her third place in the medicine and health category at the Intel fair that year. But amazingly, and much more significantly, her work motivated research that resulted in the social distancing and self-isolation policies now being used to curtail the spread of COVID-19. “The inspiration, the sparks came from my daughter,” said Robert J. Glass, a retired Sandia National Laboratories senior scientist. Glass was among those who built on Laura Glass’s project to develop the vital strategies that are employed today.”
I think people are beginning to wake up to this kind of bullshit. The election was a massive kick in the nuts to the woke vampire that’s been sucking us dry. I don’t think Trump will go for an idea this time before it’s vetted by at least a round of common sense.
Hopefully we can lock up powerful scammers like Gates and Fauci to make the smaller wannabees like this guy crawl back into their holes.
I know people in very low places, and I also know people in very high places. I am all-knowing and all-seeing.
I know Chinese people in very very high places.
When you hear talk about “war with China”, this is what the war will be about.
The Chinese have made it clear, in no uncertain terms, that they will not tolerate the global west doing any geo-engineering or atmospheric modification whatsoever. Any attempt to do so will mean total war. This the Chinese have made intolerably clear.
Hence the talk about “war with China”, because the global west will stupidly make an attempt (more-so than what is already being done with jet fuel additives which the Chinese tolerate, for now).
Oh, and P.S. they are already killing people to “save the planet” (i.e. the combination Covid infectious clone and genetic inoculation binary bio-weapon (population reduction) system).
More and more climatologists are now starting to publicly advocate for geo-engineering/SRM (solar radiation management), most notably James Hansen. I would wager that Chinese climatologists are just as if not more competent than American and European climatologists. If anything, the Chinese are even more aware of just how precarious the global climate system is right now with regards to “tipping points”. So I am somewhat skeptical of your claims. It can be hard to discern at times whether you are trolling or being 100% serious (no offense). Either you are a certified polymath or just another LSWM. One extreme or the other, with no “in between”. Hard to tell. You are certainly an interesting character.
I am retarded. This is my problem. I am a complete fucking low IQ retard, thanks to a childhood of eating lead paint.
That said, the Chinese have stated their position. China agreed to Covid / “vaccine” / plasmid DNA germline gene therapy population reduction only, and that is their red line. The main problem for China is ocean acidity. China wishes to rape the oceans for as long as practically possible and geo-engineering will inevitably kill-off all of China’s ongoing raping of the oceans and Chinese need the food.
Atmosphere modification will mean total war with China.
hasn’t this proposal been around since forever? these fucking assholes let you subscribe to a $30/month plan to release balloons of this shit: https://makesunsets.com/ herr pueyo is just a retarded bandwagon-joiner (web3! longevity! effective altruism! lol…) with a punchable face.
>And I can’t shake the haunting realization, that this is just what you can do with your life…
bro, i’m sitting here a middle-aged (sigh) LIQLSWM wondering where it all went wrong. i was a top student in a top ee/cs department in a top university, and i distinctly remember a phone conversation in 2001 with my oldest friend where i was having a nervous breakdown about how it seemed like my destined career path was making fancier and fancier cellphones until i died and i couldn’t take it any more. if only i’d gotten a prescription for some benzos and headed west, made the damn cellphones, and “believed” in all the stupid web2 and web3 shit, i could have been one of the trump supporting billionaires you hate so much. instead, i did it my way and here i am reading the rantings of a dutch drug enthusiast while suppressing panic about my failing “business.”
>hasn’t this proposal been around since forever? these fucking assholes let you subscribe to a $30/month plan to release balloons of this shit: https://makesunsets.com/ herr pueyo is just a retarded bandwagon-joiner (web3! longevity! effective altruism! lol…) with a punchable face.
Yup. That’s what makes it so frustrating. This guy’s blogposts took a hold on health departments around the world, but he’s just a trend-following techbro with a very punchable face indeed.
Physiognomy is real
For guys it absolutely is. As a guy, you can just look at a guy and figure out what he has to offer. This is why life turns so shitty for assholes, because after ~20 your personality is just written into your face and assholes don’t like surrounding themselves with other assholes either.
This guy just has techbro written all over his face, constantly optimizing and tweaking variables, flooding his body with 20 different nootropic supplements, forever longing back to those days back in march 2020 when he went viral.
I can’t imagine living in the SF bay area, surrounded by dudes like this, along with a whole bunch of aspiring Priscilla Chan’s trying their best during Hinge dates to figure out which particular techbro is going to launch the next Facebook.
A man’s intelligence is well correlated to his attractiveness, so Chads are not only better looking but also smarter than incels
Inmates also reckon they can tell chomos at a glance and often in pedo cases you think, how could anyone not know this guy was a pedo?
But yeah books can be judged by their covers
Social distancing, lockdowns of populations of HEALTHY people, and school closures were all plotted out by the evil incompetents in the Cheney/Bush administration and those plans were implemented largescale by the Biden regime as soon as he was allegedly elected in 2020.
They may have used Pueyo’s blogposts in support but I never heard of him.
> They may have used Pueyo’s blogposts in support but I never heard of him.
For some time before the onset of the Great Pandemic I had been perusing the classic “Rational Skeptic” forums and communities of my youth (I was once a Randian/Lolbertarian/materialist-skeptic). Chief among these was the famous JREF (James Randi Educational Forum). That was where you would find all the luminaries of the so-called “skeptic community”, eager to debunk any and all controversies should they contradict Regime narratives (as Sheryl Atkinson once quipped, “no Skeptic ever was skeptical of the Establishment”)
I believe I was intensely following the absolutely gargantuan thread there debating “Holocaust denial” when the pandemic hit.
At first I was not sure what to believe about this looming threat from China. I was soaking in as much information as I could, from any and all corners, either pro or con. Sometime in mid-March (I think it was) when some U.K. health department issued a statement that they had downgraded the Covid-19 threat to something like the flu, even as all other MSM outlets were freaking out, is when I believe I started turning towards the (truly) skeptical/“tin-foil” side.
It was fascinating to watch the dynamics at JREF during the following months. If it wasn’t obvious before that these people were ideologically captured by progressive politics, it was made obvious quite quickly as I observed their group dynamics.
There were 2 or 3 intrepid souls who had the naïveté (or autism) to actually hew to the purported aim of a “skeptics community” — to actually offer a dissenting voice, to say, “hey, hold on a minute, what about XYZ?” only to see the “inner circle” of that particular community (mostly Jews, natch) descend upon the interloper like a swarm of angry hornets, each and every one acting as enforcers and signal-boosters of the public health authorities. The snark was almost unbearable. And these few “true skeptics” were not saying anything particularly outrageous, just tame corrections like “the IFR is not as bad as you think, there is age-stratefied risks” etc.
There was one I remember in particular, someone who I later sussed out was an autogynephilic tranny, who was the worst of the offenders. This person would do that leftist/progressive thing of snowing someone with an avalanche of scientific-sounding obscurantism, only to follow up with hysterical screeching of moral dudgeon and sneering sarcastic contempt.
Anyway, all of this to say is that I will never forget the name “Tomas Pueyo,” because that was all those faggots screamed at the top of their lungs when attempting to dunk on some poor soul who thought that maybe we shouldn’t upend our children’s lives on the off-chance it might “slow the spread”
And I was constantly annoyed by the gay-as-shit phrase “Hammer and Dance” every time I read it in those interminable debates years ago…
(Years? Jesus, has it been that long? Where did the time go? Feels like yesterday to me)
We are currently in the midst of an unintentionally opposite experiment: maritime shipping stopped using high-sulfur bunker fuel. As a result, temperatures in the area of intensive shipping lanes increased by quote a lot, about 1 degree Celsium if I recall correctly.
This happened during the last two years.
sorry for typos my hands are very cold
> stratospheric sulfate injection
That’s the plot of the movie Snowpiercer (2013). Highly recommended.
Wake up babe, new tweet thread just dropped!
I don’t know how I feel about injecting chemicals into the sky, but there’s something really aesthetic about the solarpunk future these techbros are describing. Flooding the Sahara with desalinated water to turn it back into a jungle? I want to believe
>Flooding the Sahara with desalinated water to turn it back into a jungle?
Yeah and then you find out that the Sahara dust is essential to fertilize the Amazon forest.
Nature depends on things changing slowly for stability. Abrupt global changes screw everything up.
Fair point!
>back in march 2020
>March 2020
Wait a minute. March 31th was the Day when I asked around why the föck so many country and administrative borders determine incidence and deaths. This can’t be when tens of thousands cross borders each day for work. Right? Everybody looked confused. Föck them.
I demand from professionals, or posers as such, that they are at least two months earlier. Like you. They detected bird flu in Swiss swans in the Alps now. Recommendation: locals should isolate their poultry etc. from wild birds. Ha. Hahaha.
Let it rip. Idc anymore. I want my meat. Or none if they all die. Who cares. Above 120C anything is dead.
Btw in 12 months you notice that they underestimate any negative feedback loop in the climate realm. I promise.
I think people are starting to realize that there is no easy solution to global warming. In kanada they banned straws, plastic bags and plastic forks that didn’t seem to fix it yet. Some dude calculated to replace fossil fuels with nuclear would require 15000 nuclear power plants.
An absolute impossibility.
So solutions like this weather modification, however crazy, is all that’s left.
What I didn’t really mention:
Viruses are very sensitive to direct sunlight. That’s part of the reason the respiratory viruses display a seasonal pattern.
Block the sun and you make it easier for viruses to spread themselves, not just between humans, but between animals as well.
Might be relevant:
Bill Gates is already on this, and the UK government is ready to finance it, and will come up with the money by cutting heating fuel allowances to seniors. Yeah, well, after sending several billions more to the Ukies.