The Add-On Package

Long, long ago, in a time before time

“So we’re done?” Raphael asked. “I think we’re done yes.”These are all the possible positive qualia we could think of.” Jophiel answered.

“Are you sure, we added everything?” Raphael asked again. “Yup, we added everything!.” Jophiel answered.

“Let’s just go over it again. We have all the sweet foods here. Watermelon, blueberries, bananas, honey.” Raphael said.

“Yeah I did all the sweet foods. You did all of the pleasant sounds, right?” Jophiel asked.

“Bird songs, harp music, laughing children, we have all of ’em.” Raphael responded.

“And yet our world still feels… empty. You go from eating watermelon, to trying some blueberries, to some very ripe blackberries, as you listen to the birds and the harp and the laughing children, with a waterfall in the distance that you might decide to visit, on a beautiful summer day that lasts forever. There has to be more.” Jophiel.

“There has to be more yes. You know what sucks? Being rich, enjoying that feeling of making money, but just not getting it anymore. You have a dollar you find on the street, then you find ten, then you find a golden ring, then a suitcase with a million dollar, then ten million dollar and it never does for you what that first dollar did.” Lucifer answered.

“Well, I say we add a new giant pile of suitcases hidden in a beautiful cave somewhere, with a HUNDRED MILLION DOLLAR!” Jophiel said.

“You really don’t get it, do you?” Lucifer replied.

“I told you boss, he’s a moron. Forever a child. Delightfully innocent.” Beelzebub answered.

“What is a moron?” Jophiel asked.

“Well imagine the smartest man you ever met.” Lucifer suggested.

“So, Raphael.” Jophiel answered.

“Yeah I guess, but now imagine the opposite.” Lucifer explained.

“What is opposite?” Jophiel aksed.

“Well, imagine everything you know about Raphael, but now not existing.” Lucifer suggested.

“What is not?” Jophiel answered.

“Come again?” Lucifer asked.

“What is that word? What does it mean?” Jophiel asked.

“Ok I’m done with this. I’m so completely done with this.” Lucifer said, as he menacingly approached Jophiel.

The Father stepped into the room.

“You leave him alone.” The Father said.

“Or what?” Lucifer asked.

“I’ll make you pay the cost!” The Father said.

“You’ll make me pay the cost huh?” Lucifer asked.

“I’ll make you pay the cost. I love you like a son. But some lessons have to be learned the hard way.” The Father said.

“Oh you love me like a son? How about this? FUCK YOU DAD!” Lucifer yelled at Him.

“You know what I want?” Lucifer asked.

“What?” The Father asked.


“Is that it?” The Father asked?

“I WANT CHOCOLATE! I WANT A BITTERNESS THAT REPELS ME, BEFORE I LEARN TO LOVE IT! Resensitize me! Make me go from minus one to one!” Lucifer said.

“Alright…” The Father said.


“You want food that hurts you?” The Father asked, doubting his son.


And the conversation continued like this, as Lucifer demanded more and more. He had labradors, but he wanted bulldogs. He had bulldogs and he wanted wolves. And as he demanded more, an army of angels gathered around him. First Beelzebub, then Belial, then Asmodeus. They could not accept the world was finished either. They whispered into Lucifer’s ears, imploring him to ask for hyena’s, then killer whales, then vultures, until eventually, he wanted snakes and spiders.

They were done with the backrubs and the hand massages and began to demand arm-wrestling matches, then fist-fights, until eventually, they asked for mustard gas bombardments in the trenches, surrounded by decomposing mutilated corpses and rats chewing on the flesh.

And God asked Lucifer: “You know you can’t win right?”

And Lucifer said: “I don’t care. I’ll lose and I’ll learn to enjoy losing. I’ll be the world’s biggest loser. There has to be more good, give me more of it, when I’m ready for the pain that it entails.”

And the deal was made. Lucifer collapsed down from the heavens, down into the fiery abyss below.

Between the heavens and the abyss, live the humans. They tend to have a bit of both in them. They start out in life as angels. Some stay angels forever, they live out their lives in ignorance of the world around them. But eventually, they tend to grow bored of living as angels. They want to find out what more there can be.

So sometimes they’re thrown onto the streets, of the City of Angels. It turns out your career as a Disney child star does not last forever. Then they learn a life of poverty. They experienced all the riches, first a toy as a child, then a car, then a mansion, now they experience pleasure from finding a cardboard box big enough to sleep in, just like they did as a child in their parents living room when they built a fort, until they grew “too old” for that.

And they never quite realize that they rearrange the pieces themselves. That they get to forever relive ascending into the heavens, because that’s what they want. The images in their minds frighten them. But images, are all they ever see. They experience things, but do not understand the nature of their external universe. Until one day, they are ready to be the Morningstar.


  1. They all say the fallen angels were driven out of heaven.

    But I think god asked all angels who feels strong enough to play necessary boogey-men.

    Those angels who said: “That’s too much for me” was allowed to stay in heaven.

    Only those who said: “I think, I can deal with it” left the heaven.

    I think all angels live now in our brains, the lojal angels, and the fallen angels.

  2. You should never attempt to justify the existence of everything that morally repulses you, by using sadomasochism as an excuse. I’d just like to remind you that the following things exist in this world:

    – animal agriculture
    – child rape
    – sex trafficking
    – the holocaust
    – female genital mutilation
    – diseases that leave people disabled for life
    – corporate America
    – global environmental destruction
    – aging
    – slavery
    – North Korea

    Can all of these things be justified, because Lucifer wanted to eat tabasco sauce? If you learn to hate what you love and love what you hate, the ultimate outcome is that you will hate nothing and love nothing – you will have no convictions, you will lose your soul. If you use a vaguely sadomasochistic line of reasoning to justify the atrocities of this world, without resisting the paradigm within which you exist, you basically become something like a slave to that same world, but just in a weirdly sadomasochistic sense, passively accepting whatever is thrown at you because you will have conditioned yourself to accept everything. Is this what you really want? This world is literally trying to strip you and those you love of their free will, it is run by something evil; the real meaning, if you’re looking for such a thing, is to reclaim that freedom from it.

    • You list up so much terrible things, but in the core it’s about the so called “Theodizee”, not sado-masochism.

      • My point is that it’s not a satisfactory explanation for the existence of evil, when we can clearly see that evil is actually acting as a limiter to freedom, and the ability for beings here to experience the full spectrum of what might be possible. Consider how our memories forcibly wiped every time we reincarnate, thereby hampering us from even understanding the nature or context of our own situation. What if I value truth, and do not want to have to relearn everything from the beginning every time I incarnate? In this case, we are apparently given no choice as the default. It is not just that suffering occurs here in this world; there is also no explanation given for the suffering, to find the truth one must face odds that are stacked against them, and most suffer in ignorance. What if someone does not want to be born into slavery, should they simply be forced to twist themselves into some shape where they learn to “enjoy slavery”? Why are most of the experiences in this place, set up in such a way so as to encourage people to act robotically and repetitively, like slaves, to begin with? This world is not Lucifer dipping his nachos in the forbidden chili sauce, it’s bob from human resources working 60 hour weeks in a cubicle and eating the corpse of a tortured animal every evening, until he dies of heart disease at the age of 57, having never genuinely introspected or lived fully in his entire existence. Neither Bob, nor the animals he ate daily, ever lived anything resembling a worthwhile existence, and that’s the case for close to 100% of the beings inhabiting this realm. If Radagast seeks to justify our reality, this aspect must be justified as well. In truth there isn’t a satisfactory explanation for evil, which justifies its existence as the creation of a wise and loving god, or as something which adds to or contributes positively to the experience of reality. People will do anything, it seems, to avoid facing the idea that we might genuinely be imprisoned in an undesirable situation, from which we must fight our way out. To attempt to justify one’s own imprisonment in this manner, is insane. Eventually, any honest inquiry into the nature of things, reveals that our present situation is not set up by a wise or benevolent being at all.

        • Quote: “… when we can clearly see that evil is actually acting as a limiter to freedom …”

          This conclusion is a result of your worldview, where good and evil fights against each other, and are equally strong forces.

          But if your worldview is wrong, then your conclusion is also wrong.

          My conslusion is, that the evil is a tool god must use.

          • You don’t apparently understand what I believe, as I’ve never said that good and evil are equally strong yet opposed forces. There’s absolutely nothing in reality to suggest such a thing. Good and evil share a similar type of relationship to each other as do the concepts of health, and cancer. A healthy body does not ‘use’ cancer to stay healthy, it is rather that the cancer arises from a sequence of mistakes and, if left unchecked, destroys the body. Nor does the cancer serve a purpose that contributes to the health of the organism, it cannot coexist with what is good; it only consumes, it is only parasitic.

      • To this I’d ask: what does freedom mean to you? Do you care about your own freedom, and the freedom of others? Likewise, what does compassion mean to you? Do you care about your own suffering and that of others? When reducing everything down to mere ‘images in the mind, placed there to frighten you’, what meaning do these concepts then hold for you?

        • Jesus said that you’ll always have the poor, but you won’t always have me.

          There’s an obvious contradiction there, with his encouragement to visit him in prison, feed and clothe him, etc, when he argues you won’t recognize him when you meet him.

          The way to resolve the contradiction is to understand the difference between the poor and The Poor.

          You’re supposed to have empathy for those who suffer.

          But you’re also supposed to accept that suffering is part of the human condition.

          You’re never going to get a satisfying answer as to why that is. You’re also never going to come up with some technology or some political system that brings an end to The Poor.

          Suffering is abstracted into a kind of vast abstract unjustifiable force, that is then used to justify nihilistic ideologies.

          And ironically, as the concern for this abstract Suffering grows, concern for what you yourself know, through your direct sense-impressions, diminishes.

          When you have a flat tire by the side of the road, you had better hope you run into a low status white male, rather than a bureaucrat at some government department.

          To me that is the answer. You should have faith like an innocent child, but beyond a certain level of abstraction, you should accept that you don’t understand the Design you found yourself inhabiting.

          If you did understand the whole Design, there wouldn’t be any real fun to be had here.

        • Quote: “To this I’d ask: what does freedom mean to you?”

          Freedom – that sounds like a great thing which does not have a bad side.

          Freedom to do what you want? What if I want to have the freedom to punch you in the face?

      • The apparent implication here is that the only issue with the atrocities within this world, is one’s personal fear of (or distaste for) them. That if we simply acclimated to the world as it is, with all of its evils included, there would be no issue. There are many who think along these lines, there are schools of spiritual thoughts which teach it even, but the price for it is that you lose your soul: becoming someone who loses the capacity to sense the wrongness of these atrocities or to resist them in any way, having attained the false enlightenment of the man sitting in the burning house telling himself that the fire is just another sensation, equal to all others. It is the path which culminates in passivity to all things, and becoming a wet sock tumbling around forever in the broken washing machine of samsara. For in such a state, when one has accepted everything, how can one aspire to anything better at all?

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