So every once in a while I go to IKEA. Scandinavians are angelic beings of light, anything they come up with is divinely inspired. At the end of the store they sell hot dogs. They sell three different types. A hot dog of chicken, a “plant dog” designed to resemble the hot dog of chicken and a veggie dog, which is made from a wide variety of plants mashed up together, including sweet potato. The chicken costs one euro, but for fifty cents you can get a veggie dog. On animal day, they refused to sell the chicken hot dog, only offering the other two, a noble gesture. They have four different sauces, two types of mustard, tomato and a hot dog sauce. I can’t try the hog dog sauce, as it’s the only one not vegan.
But I always observe around me, what people do. What do people order? Well nine out of ten people always order the hot dog made of chicken. Or, as I like to call it: The Polybasic Cleavage Site Influenza Dog. And then I think to myself: People are not really eager to seek nature’s mercy. They trust that the universe will just deliver them what they want, no matter the cost.
You could say I live in another universe. But I don’t think I’m thát weird. I just don’t take this world for granted. It’s a very weird time to be alive, with CO2 at 420 parts per million, methane breaking new records, new highly lethal forms of influenza evolving in our chicken farms that infect the cells lining the blood vessels in your brain and all our chickens weighing more than the world’s wild birds put together.
To me it just feels like the writing is on the wall by now. Nature is running out of patience with us. But people just don’t really seem to think this can go wrong. It reminds me of when I went to the zoo as a toddler with my mom and my little brother and we looked at a cage with a bird with a big beak, I think it was a toucan. My little brother stuck his finger into the cage and I was looking at it and thinking “um I don’t think that’s a good idea”. So the bird bit his finger and he began to cry. But his finger was not injured. It was like the bird just wanted to let him know: Yes, I’m real. All of this is real. I’m a wild bird, stuck here, in a cage.
I don’t know what went through his head, but to me it is as if at some level he just genuinely didn’t think that the bird could harm him, that this is a thing that can genuinely happen. And my mother must not have thought of the zoo as a place where dangerous animals are locked up in cages either. And that’s the general impression I get with most of humanity. You have thousands of rare wild birds dying in Scotland, thousands of young sea lions in South America, they just had 95% of their infants wiped out by this virus in a single season, cats and foxes dying with damaged brains, you now have this virus in your cows and you have the first two people with blood-shot eyes from interacting with these cows.
But you just don’t genuinely believe it can go wrong. You just genuinely don’t consider it possible that a year from now we’ll be living in a very different world and thinking to ourselves “imagine if we had done something about it when we still could”. That was never really an option with SARS2. For mysterious reasons, it was already perfectly suited for person-to-person transmission when we first learned of its existence. We never saw the sort of stuff you see with bird flu now, the sort of stuff you’re supposed to see: Weird cases of people getting sick, from viruses that ended up in the wrong host. By the time we learned of its existence, it was already everywhere.
But these bird flu outbreaks are a product of our own behavior. We know what causes this. You put a bunch of inbred chickens together in a giant cage, you end up evolving influenza viruses that have a polybasic cleavage site, that allows them to infect endothelial cells. The intermediary stages, the multibasic cleage site variants, can not survive in nature, so these viruses do not grow milder over time: They go extinct by bumping into their own immunity, or killing off their hosts. That’s it, those are the options.
And I just don’t think this attitude of “believing nothing will happen will ensure nothing happens” is going to work out very well. We actually tried that in the 17th century. After we wiped out the humble Dodo in 1662, we didn’t believe it at first. We thought maybe the bird had never existed in the first place. Humans at the time did not really consider the concept of extinction to exist, so we did not believe it could happen. We thought God would just make new birds if we killed too many of them.
The extinction of the Dodo radically changed our view of the world. I think you could argue it began the enlightenment. For the first time, we had undeniable evidence, that we can really irreversibly screw this world up, that God doesn’t just jump in and edit things to bail us out.
And when I look around me, at any of these eight billion people I share this planet with, I just think to myself: How do you do it? How do you motivate yourself for this stuff? Filings your taxes, driving to work, going to college, setting up some marketing campaign for some product, all of it. Aren’t you just paralyzed, by the strangeness of it all?
In march of 2020, everyone had a kind of psychedelic experience. Suddenly they discovered that yes, things can go very wrong. It’s like rediscovering all over again that you can kill the last Dodo. And for a while it seems people learned some valuable lessons: Why do I go to the office every day, when every day can be my last? But by now everyone has settled into their routine again. They seem to look at it like a strange nightmare now, something that did not really happen. The bird never bit their finger.
I tried to explain this when I was in jail for blocking the road. I was sitting in jail with this nice smart guy, the police were clever enough to put us together. So I explained to him, how strange our period is, yet how we take it for granted. It’s just very weird, to live in a world with an infant mortality rate below <1%, where you can eat any food you want, at any time of the year. But we seem to think it will always be like this, that all of this is just normal, the default state of things.
In a sense, it’s like we’re all Taylor Swift. We’re all that famous skinny blonde woman with the private jet, whose job it is to fly around the world to sing songs. It’s an insane way to live and yet, to her this is normal, because it’s all she knows. This, this insanity we live in, is all we know. There’s an entire generation growing up now, who don’t remember a time when you couldn’t just instantly discover the answer to any question you have. Does it rain more during the day, or during the night? This is the kind of question that might pop into your head, when you wander outside. You could spend a weekend in your local library, but still not find the answer. It now takes me ten seconds.
And so I try to make use of that weird state of the world. You can just look up what we know about bird flu. You don’t have to trust the news and you don’t have to trust your uncle Bob who thinks Klaus Schwab had it made it in a lab to stop him from eating steak either. I try to really understand what’s going on.
And when you read about this, the simple fact you’ll discover is that animal agriculture creates an unusual situation for these viruses, where variants evolve that are very deadly, that could not have evolved in nature because the intermediary stages don’t have a fitness benefit in the wild. And like snow rolling down a mountain, it can’t go back. Once the Hemagglutinin protein has a whole bunch of these basic amino acid next to each other, where proteases can bind to it and chop up the protein in the right way, it can infect the cells lining the blood vessels in your brain.
And when I read about this, or look at the people eating their chicken hot dog, it feels like watching the whole human race stick its finger in the Toucan’s cage again. The whole world may seem like a zoo to us now, but the bird can still bite.
It wouldn’t at all surprise me if the right wingers were correct about Taylor Swift being a “psychological operations” asset for the Pentagon/Biden administration as a way to combat “misinformation” and influence election outcomes.
Her NFL boyfriend is a promoter of Pfizer propaganda.
She flies all around the world in her private jet, then has the gall to issue a “cease-and-desist” letter to a 21 year old aviation enthusiast who was tracking her flights.
She then virtue signals as an environmentalist by purchasing carbon credits to offset her emissions, when in reality these credits are mere gimmicks, accounting fraud, re-arranging deck chairs on the Titanic – whatever you want to call it.
If you are still describing your “opposition” as right wingers then you have learnt nothing over the last 5 years.
Do you think when they made covid in the lab and thought “this will fuck up the right wingers”?
Do you think the lock downs where designed to screw over the left wingers?
Do you think the assholes running this shit show give a toss if you are a right or left winger?
They view all of us with the same level of contempt, the more we call each other names the longer they win.
Personally, I myself am right wing on many (but not all) issues. So, they are not my “opposition”, as you describe.
But I agree that this “divide and conquer” strategy is being utilised by global elites for nefarious purposes, to distract us from the real problems that they are causing, so that we will blame “each other” (MAGA vs. Woke).
There is an argument to be made that the whole “identity politics” phenomenon was created as a way to distract people from the “Occupy Wall Street” movement borne out of the 2007/8 Global Financial Crisis.
Because you have to understand, OWS was unifying people from all parts of the political spectrum against the real enemy, which is the parasitic kleptocrat bankers like Jamie Dimon and Larry Fink.
In the USA, the Republican and Democratic parties have been gradually merging into one “Uniparty”.
Similar phenomenon in the UK. The Tories are no longer a right wing conservative party, their voters are now abandoning them en masse in order to vote for the Reform party.
I don’t eat that shit very often now, but the fake meat doesn’t taste much different from any other processed meat. The fake hot dogs are same as the real ones, the Impossible and Beyond burgers aren’t much different from hamburger. You could go buy someone a Impossible Whopper and give it to them and if you didn’t tell them it was plant based they probably couldn’t tell the difference (the only real difference is it’s more firm, doesn’t fall apart as easy) I find it interesting how people have such an aversion to fake meat; yet they’ll shove meat glue, cheetos, candy, soda, and energy drinks down their throats just fine. There’s some interesting psychology behind that, I presume it’s because people both consciously and unconsciously see meat as a status symbol. It’s high status to eat meat because in the past nobles could afford to do so more. Fake meat just doesn’t have the same historical status as a symbol of wealth. Needing to sedate themselves with Tamasic foods may also be an explanation.
I’m not judging. Everyone’s fate is determined by their inherent nature. What happens was always going to happen in that exact way; one’s virtue is what determines how they reincarnate; and virtue is something an individual can learn of and strive towards; yet all choices at the end of the day are determined by the qualities that make up one’s inherent nature. No one can help themselves at the end of the day, you will do as you are.
Also for those who don’t know what “Tamasic” foods means. It basically just means heavy foods, potatoes are also Tamasic. They sit in your gut for long periods of time and the long process of digestion helps keep thinking down to a minimum. Alcohol also helps to do this, this is why people who don’t want to think drink or “stress eat” A clear and calm mind which is capable of deep thought is achieved by eating lightly; foods like fruits, whole grains, and some beans (Sattvic). Spicy and salty and very sweet foods are stimulating like tobacco or coffee; and help with physical activity and passion (Rajas).
Of-course the way all these foods influence the mind has a material explanation. Spicy foods for example trigger endorphins. If you’ve ever been in a food coma after pigging out on Thanksgiving or similar Holidays, you know afterwords all you want to do is rest and not think; this is because the density and nature of the food is hard to digest. It’s a scientific fact that meat is actually the food that takes longest to digest. Light and easy to digest foods don’t mess with the chemicals in your brain much, which allows for calm and clear thinking.
> I don’t eat that shit very often now, but the fake meat doesn’t taste much different from any other processed meat. The fake hot dogs are same as the real ones, the Impossible and Beyond burgers aren’t much different from hamburger. Y
That shit is full of seed oils and cornstarch and various synthetic processed chemicals.
Don’t eat it if you value your biological life.
OTOH, If your primary value is your egoic life, then stuff your face with that shit and feel like a Good Person
Mehen: That shit is full of seed oils and cornstarch and various synthetic processed chemicals.
I know, which is why I don’t eat it much now. It’s about as bad as eating red meat, which is full of saturated and monounsaturated fat and carcinogens that will give you heart disease and cancer. You can generally get away with eating unhealthy shit occasionally if you eat correctly the vast majority of the time however, it’s the gradual buildup of shit that generally kills you. Look to the Nordic or Mediterranean diet for optimal health. Include at the most 500 grams (about a pound) of unhealthy food a week (Candy, processed grains, seed oils, fake meat, processed meat, red meat.) If you have to use oil, use olive oil, it’s good for your heart. If you have to eat meat, fish is the healthiest (including shellfish), followed by chicken. I still don’t eat meat, and I get by fine because I’m not a retard vegan who only fruits or salads.
Apollo: how do you accept this determinism? it reminds me of cultures who believe in fate and predestination…
Well it is fate and predestination, that is how I see the world. I honestly don’t see what is wrong with fate, or why people are so worked up about free will or whatever. I think the idea of fate is beautiful, a divine sympathy that we get to watch play out. Our lives are built around experiences, does fate change anything about what you get to experience in life? I don’t think so. Do you feel constrained by fate? You’re lacking information so it’s not spoiling anything, why be bothered? I’m Germanic so maybe the idea of fate doesn’t bother me since it’s a big part of the Germanic worldview.
The myths about webs of fate, which both my ancestors and yours had, were a heuristic given to our ancestors by their priests and their Gods to help them understand that there is only once choice they will ever make for every situation. There are no parallel dimensions where you also exist where you made different choices. Your genes and the life you’re given The illusion of free will comes from a lack of information, that is all. Seeing everything as just “random chance” or whatever is also simply a failure from lack of information. The laws of physics for example are not “random” there’s no randomness in how the Earth’s gravity will make objects drop to the ground. If the way an object drops appears random to you, than you’re simply lacking information. For example, not understanding drag or how the wind will affect drop. Due to the way the laws of physics work, the Big Bang was always going to happen the exact way it did, and Earth was always going to be created; because it couldn’t happen any other way.
>our experiences (e.g. teenagehood; rejections etc), and genes of course (which u can’t define as predestination), than by our “inherent” nature.
Both of those things are out of a person’s subjective control, genes are an expression of one’s inherent nature (and the strongest expression there is at that!) How one interprets the events that happen to them in their life is also influenced by their inherent nature (Which is everything that makes up a person, both their physical qualities like genes, and anything metaphysical/archetypal relating to their consciousness, for example, what level of virtue they attained in their previous life which affects how they incarnated in the life they are living currently.)
For example, me and Tryptie have both gone through very similar experiences, yet I came out as a Templist Harbringer and a Direct Realist; while he came out out as a some sort of Neo-Gnostic who believes we need to escape the Matrix. Me and Tryptie interpreted the events that we went through very differently, even when exposed to the same stimuli and information, due to our differences in nature.
>Combining is very cool! (i think the “two” might be different manifestations of one but, anyway, it doesn’t matter at this point)
The Dualist in my names comes from a belief that everything has two natures, and that finding balance between these two natures without allowing one to dominate the other is how one finds, well, I wouldn’t say peace or enlightenment, but something approximate to those concepts. For example, in a man a balance of the ego (masculine, conscious) and the anima (feminine, unconscious).
So one with two natures who should balance between the two, if that makes sense. So, a person is a combination of two, but those two make one at the end of the day. Same with the physical and mental, mind-body duality, you are both your physical body and a immaterial consciousness. The world is both physical with physical laws and also archetypal/metaphysical with laws relating to that aspect of reality as-well. Duality, everything has two natures, and the balancing act between these forces is the ideal. This was something I thought up on drugs, so it might be a little trite compared to what you might read in say, Templist Canon (though it does not contradict TC I believe) But it’s still something meaningful to me.
Reminder, when you eat meat you are risking in-taking any diseases, antibiotics, vaccines, and hormones the animals have, including bird flu.. Always wash your fruits and vegetables thoroughly to remove pesticides.
Also monounsaturated fat is fine, it’s the saturated fat that’s bad I’m pretty sure.
I am glad about your concept of balance. I don’t have the training to talk about natures without saying something potentially harmful.
+ + +
On the other ideas, determinism, predestination, free will etc, I am afraid I cannot cotribute beneficially. I can’t help thinking however that your Germanic forefathers include all currents of thought. Kant seems to be on the determinism side. Nietzche and Heisenberg on the indeterminism.
+ + +
About ancient people: Greeks thought that Fate was even stronger than the will of gods. It is very obvious in Homer. This was common ground for ancient eastern civilizations.
Exception: the Jews.
+ + +
About “inherent nature”. I thought, for you, it is connected with reincarnation, therefore independent of one’s genes.
+ + +
And here are some points which seem inconsistent (and triggered my comment):
-Fate, is also a part of Islam (kishmet?), but you don’t like it.
-Faith on Fate (seems to me) can also be a product of lack of information (ancient people didn’t know much about how biology, e.g. genetics, work). Faith on absolute randomness can also be a product of lack of information (as you pointed out).
(they *can*–it is not unavoidable).
-Quantum physics is distancing from determinism.
-You mention your Germanic ancestry. The collective soul (and body, genes) of your germanic culture is a hypothesis (more valid to me) that renders the “reincarnation hypothesis” unnecessary.
-In another life, you will or won’t be Germanic again?
-Mutations are indeed random. But the environment chooses which ones will keep going.
Maybe there’s a combination there too?
-Only Calvinism (and maybe Lutheranism) have accepted pre-destination (in Christian tradition). The effects of this is Capitalism (according to Max Weber, also a Germanic forefather). And a certain kind of.
And others that now slip my mind.
THANK you for the time you sacrifice!
>Kant seems to be on the determinism side. Nietzche and Heisenberg on the indeterminism.
Germanic does not mean just German, anywhere where they speak a Germanic language and have Germanic ancestry is Germanic, this includes Anglos. Anglo philosophers like Hume and Hobbe are far more influential on Templism than Kant and Nietzche who are derided and honestly seen as being stupid.
> About “inherent nature”. I thought, for you, it is connected with reincarnation, therefore independent of one’s genes.
It’s all interconnected, your consciousness is a point of view, one’s genes influence their behaviors and thereby their virtue which determines your reincarnation. So when I say “inherent nature” virtuous I mean every factor that determines what a person is like, and their fate. People tend to reincarnate with the same level of level of virtue they died with; so they tend to reincarnate as similar things. The exception to this are beings that were completely lacking in virtue or a strong sense of identity, their inherent nature, lack of archetypal loyalty, and lowering of virtue in life before death leads them to reincarnate as something less virtuous than what they were last born as (as they died with less virtue than they had when they were born).
Meanwhile someone who gained virtue by purely embodying the spirit of a archetypal force will reincarnate favorably as a more virtuous representative of that archetype. This means for example if you’re loyal to your race and improve it and yourself you will reincarnate within that race with a similar level of virtue to what you died with. If you betray your race and act like a libtard and make the world an uglier place while doing nothing meaningful with your life you could reincarnate as whatever; just as you spent your life as something fluid and lacking in loyalty to your form your next incarnation is very fluid and lacking in loyalty to any form.
The only exception to this is when there are many virtuous bodies but not enough virtuous souls to fill them, in that case the Gods will assign historically unvirtuous souls to virtuous bodies which will then mold them into virtuous souls, thereby increasing the overall level of virtue. Behavior is determined by one’s genes, consciousness is just a point of view, but the archetypal forces/Gods that assign the soul to the body prefer this method of soul assignment out of what I think is personal preference, personal favor, and expedience.
>About ancient people: Greeks thought that Fate was even stronger than the will of gods. It is very obvious in Homer. This was common ground for ancient eastern civilizations.
Everything is bound by their fate, yes, including the Gods. It is a law and simply how the universe functions. Wotan is typically characterized in the old myths as constantly working to understand the threads of fate in order to gain advantage. Even when one gains a perfect understanding of fate they are still bound by it, as their knowledge of fate is just another aspect of their fate.
>-Mutations are indeed random. But the environment chooses which ones will keep going.
Maybe there’s a combination there too?
No, mutations are a physical process and obey physical laws just like any other physical process. They seem random to us because we don’t fully understand the mechanics behind how they work. You said it yourself that environment influences them, that is not random. Also, even if it was “random” everything will still only play out in one way. So in this sense, it can be understood that fate is still a factor.
>-Quantum physics is distancing from determinism.
We don’t understand much about Quantum Physics, no one does, but here’s what Templist Canon says about Non-locality, may be of interest. The Gods do not reveal what it means yet. No one knows, be we will, when we are ready.
“Non-Locality | Non-locality is real. This is somewhat too advanced for you right now, as if I told you you would not believe me. Let us just say that it is not naturally real, that the apparent non-local relationship between two objects, which can and will be observed of many objects, has nothing to do with any principle of nature nor with any force or observance that is locally discoverable, and that advanced magicians will know.”
>The collective soul (and body, genes) of your germanic culture is a hypothesis (more valid to me) that renders the “reincarnation hypothesis” unnecessary.
Body and genes yes, collective soul? I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about. Consciousness can be understand as a field that gets trapped in matter, and a soul is a small specific part of this field which gets trapped in specific objects. The Gods determine what specific souls go into what specific objects. Undifferentiated consciousness has no specific characteristics, it’s just everything. The Gods assign souls the way they do because that is the way they find most pleasing and virtuous due to their own inherent natures, they are characters in the sense we are also characters with character.
> -In another life, you will or won’t be Germanic again?
If I am loyal to my race and increase its overall level of virtue while embodying the archetypes and virtues of the Germanic people, yes, I will. If I am disloyal to my race and overall decrease its level of virtue while embodying cosmopolitan and race-less archetypes and virtues, no, then I could be anything, likely something that better represents the virtues and archetypes I expressed in life.
>Only Calvinism (and maybe Lutheranism) have accepted pre-destination (in Christian tradition).
It is said that Templists are the type of people who would have been Calvinists, Calvinsim is outdated, as is all other forms of Christianity, God has a new religion and it is Templism, but Calvinism is greatly respected.
“Templists are broadly the same sort of people who, in the past, would have been Calvinists, and one of the important traits there involved is a certain readiness to dehumanize enemies and to treat non-enemy fools or careless unconscientious effeminates with unscrupulous cruelty. Natural Templists wish to interact with those of the same tribe, or a tribe of a similar species, otherwise it is clear, as it was pretty clear to the early Calvinists, when
the person who pretends to “speak” to them is really an object that can make sounds from its lips, as when the person who pretends to “negotiate” with them in a war is really a body waiting to be blown apart. It is not for
nothing that Calvinists believed they could be among the elect, and that said elect was predestined as a consequence of an innate quality chosen by God; those of Templist-kind can detach themselves from themselves. As
such they are more conscious than others. They can see, for example, when a saccharine ritual is only a set of material sights and sounds that evoke within them an emotion, but to one of another kind this is to some extent, and sometimes to a great extent, the very eye with which he sees the world so unclearly, and thus he says “behold, this ritual is sacrosanct!”. They can see, for example, when something they say is only something they heard from
someone else which may or may not be true, but to one of another kind the emulation of another’s view becomes his entire mentality and the means by which he evaluates himself and the claims of which he speaks. The non-Templist,
and non-early-Calvinist, type, has a significant degree of “what goes in the mind is the stuff of the mind”, while the “elect” can always perceive everything that goes in the mind, therefore possessing a great self-insight, and the
ability to consciously guide the blind masses according to things that are real. The non-natural Templist who humbly knows that he is not of the Templist-kind disposition, or at least not in this way, should see himself as an
avatar of those among him, such as his priests, who are. They will create rituals, sigils, speeches, etc, to imbue him with their will. He, provided that he is otherwise of the same specific tribe, is just an extension of them. Templist Canon is properly understood as the fundamental philosophy of Templism that all should be conversant in, but which is written mainly for natural Templist priests to understand, who then must not necessarily assume that their
congregations wish to understand the religion dryly (depending on the character of their congregation they wish to congregate), but may create the symbols and tales etc. that are the innately meaningless neurotransmitters chosen by nature to transmit true ideas to lesser parts of the collective mind. The Templist understanding of psychological magic enables the transfer of such transmitters without requiring the vector of deceit. When a priest says, “this symbol means X”, it is a command that means “feel X”, “be thinking of X vague idea when in the presence of this sign”. It is unfortunate that the Calvinists couldn’t be allowed to have this view, because the Bible is supposedly infallible, and it does not anywhere say or indicate that rituals can in general be sanctified by priests, except for the eucharist. Hence did they (“they” being the “natural Calvinists”, who were always a minority of Calvinists just as natural Templists will become a minority of Templists, because each is a natural priestly caste, whereas many other religions are both followed and led by mindless objects that call themselves human) ultimately lack the cohesion necessary to promulgate their original ideas, which to be clear were sub-optimal insofar as Christianity is sub-optimal. By not requiring metaphysical, theological, “magickal”, or other such deceits in the creation of magic, the whole body of Templists is tied forever to its proper masters, whereas with inferior religions the bullshit mystification of the hormone injection of various symbols and stories becomes a principle that outlasts or overturns a natural priesthood (if there ever was one) so that the religion comes to be led by those principles and those who are liable to adhere to them the most, yet these principles are not the founding principles of the religion designed by a prophet, but rather haphazard fixations upon past behaviors. The whole thing becomes a feedback loop led by idiots. Temples are supposed to be led by chief priests who obey only the Canon and the gods, not by traditions to do with sacrosanct ritual garbs or prayer formulas or whatever frivolous window dressing. Priests use these things and throw them away, or keep them if they see fit, they are commands. A religion led by priests, not congregations, not kings, not bulls, is long overdue.”
>THANK you for the time you sacrifice!
No problem! This helps me collect my thoughts so I do not mind. I’m planning on writing a long article on my experiences at some point and posting it here at this site on request of the Author. I’ve had trouble collecting my thoughts so being able to discuss these matters with you guys has helped.
I am really sorry I can’t give a response worthy of the time you dedicated.
(Maybe we should move this to the Boys Chat)
One reason I can’t focus is my huge fear of a Nuclear Holocaust from recent moves of the “Calvinist” NATO forces in Eastern Europe.
+ + +
But I will stick to one point:
If Calvinism is the breeding ground for this sort of Capitalism (very convincingly according to Max Weber) that has been destroying the Earth, treating animals like objects etc (and bringing us to the brink of Nuclear War according to my understanding):
A. I don’t understand how you can side with those, who hold them (Calvinists) in high esteem, since you are sensitive, and quite reasonable.
B. We have to admit here that if we must blame some “faith” it should be Calvinism, not Christianity. They are worlds apart.
Sorry for losing my cool… It is very difficult for me…
P.S. By “collective soul” of a people (e.g. Germanic) I mean:
language, art, traditions, history… all these are difficult to define, and yet they form you (the “how” is also difficult/impossible to define).
+ + +
I don’t favour the dualist visions of “soul”.
Originally, psyche (anima), pneuma (spirit) meant breath, and thus existence.
(that’s why I said I am glad your dualism is different)
PS 2 I *think* that mutations have lots of randomness. Whether a product of solar radiation, or a product of errors while replicating (e.g. viruses). Of course, I am not an expert, but I guess it means there is a lot of randomness there.
Evolution as a whole includes the selection of the fittest mutation by the environment. I don’t see that as random. But we do have lack of information. Ex post we can explain in general terms that a species evolved according to the environmental needs.
“This means for example if you’re loyal to your race and improve it and yourself you will reincarnate within that race with a similar level of virtue to what you died with. If you betray your race and act like a libtard and make the world an uglier place while doing nothing meaningful with your life you could reincarnate as whatever; just as you spent your life as something fluid and lacking in loyalty to your form your next incarnation is very fluid and lacking in loyalty to any form.”
What is race exactly? There were quite a lot of Italians at my school and a gorgeous Italian girl in my class had blond hair and blue eyes while her brother had olive skin, brown hair and brown eyes. In other words, if the Nazis had won the war he could have wound up in an oven. He didn’t look ‘white’ or Northern European. She did though.
If your Mother is Chinese and your Father is Indian, what ‘race’ do you get born into in your next life? There’s a programme in the UK called ‘Who Do You Think You Are?” where celebrities get genetic testing done. It’s surprising the amount of white celebrities who have African DNA. Billy Connelly’s African DNA was so specific they could locate the exact tribe in Africa his ancestors came from.
And would I be betraying my race if I slept with an African girl? How about a Sicilian girl? North Italian girl? Where does the line stop? Maybe south of Naples is unacceptable.
> One reason I can’t focus is my huge fear of a Nuclear Holocaust from recent moves of the “Calvinist” NATO forces in Eastern Europe.
It’s not in the interest of either NATO or Russia to destroy the world, at the most tactical nukes will be used. It’s funny that you bring up Calvinists being pro-Nato as Templists are generally pro-NATO as-well, as there is a secular ideology called Ultra-Militarism that has also been created by the Author of Templist Canon to push in the short term. (No ideology is useful for much time in the historical sense, so it’s not a long-term project like Templism is. Ultra-Militarism is mostly for the short-term gain of the United States and allies.)
A domestic Russian Templist would probably want to coup Putin and put a pro NATO and dharmic (i.e, not racially replacing the Russian people like Putin is ) state in place, so that would be a good thing to push to avoid a war. The Tyrian option is also available, where we fight a gentleman’s war with Russia with very strict rules of engagement in order to get rid of the Putin regime (perhaps he could agree to exile after he loses).
>If Calvinism is the breeding ground for this sort of Capitalism (very convincingly according to Max Weber) that has been destroying the Earth, treating animals like objects etc
Calvinsim is almost an exclusively Germanic phenomena, and yes it has helped Germanians conquer the world; but it is not the sole factor in the issues we face today. Actually the abandonment of collectivist, rational, cold, and warlike Calvinsim for retarded individualist evangelicalism and secular libtard materialism is actually a key factor in much of what we face. Calvinists historically argued that capitalism should be harnessed for the social good (Which is the only rational economic theory, everything else is retarded, especially socialism.)
The Calvinists do not rule now, they have not for a long time. If they did, Europe would still have her colonies, and we wouldn’t be living in clown world. There is nothing rational about raping the Earth for short term gains; only an individualist could be so selfish and have such a lack of vision. Though the modern Calvinists, Templists, will fix this.
Theodore Roosevelt had vision, he was the first American president to create national parks and seriously engage in conservation. Teddy was also a Presbyterian, which is a evolution of Calvinism. Roosevelt was big fan of the protestant work ethic, rationality, capitalism harnessed for the common good, etcetera; yet he did more for our nation’s environment than all the pinko commie faggots and individualist evangelical and atheist faggots that have existed since then.
> A. I don’t understand how you can side with those, who hold them (Calvinists) in high esteem, since you are sensitive, and quite reasonable.
Calvinism is respected because it is the truest sect of Christianity there is, and because Calvinists have served Wotan’s will and the Germanic race the most out of any concurrent existing sect of Christianity. Calvinsim was also warlike and uncompromising, Prussian in the sense of not tolerating those of different natures and collectivist, which makes it similar to Templism.
It was the Calvinist William the Silent who freed the Netherlands from Spanish repression and made it into an independent state. Calvinist rule in the Netherlands produced many great achievements, scientific progress, and many Germanic colonies in places like South Africa, and Dutch India.
In England Calvinism spread to the most Anglo-Saxon areas of England, this led to a civil war pitting those of Anglo-Saxon (Germanic) ancestry against those of Celtic and more-mixed ancestry primarily. This civil war eventually led to Cromwell becoming King, conquering Ireland, persecuting the Catholic Irish, and settling Anglo-Saxons onto Ireland; thereby advancing the interests of Germanians in the British Isles.
>We have to admit here that if we must blame some “faith” it should be Calvinism, not Christianity. They are worlds apart.
Which Christianity? Voodoo Witch Doctor African Christianity? East Orthodox? Arianism? Catholicism? Evangelical Protestantism? All Christian sects have their differences.
Calvinism is mostly different from Catholicism in that Catholicism is assimilative, while Calvinism is warlike. An assimilative religion changes itself to incorporate as many people into it as possible, including those of various different natures. While warlike religions are selective in the type of people they select for and do not comprise in order to incorporate those of different natures.
Of-course Catholics also have a reverence for the Catholic Church and its rites, which Protestants of all stripes or any other type of Christian don’t care about.
Catholic’s are also no nicer to animals than Protestant nations, not only does the Catholic nation of Spain eat plenty of meat; but they also make sport out of torturing animals in bullfighting where bloodthirsty crowds cheer on as an animal is slowly picked apart by mounted spearmen and a bullfighter with a sword. No Christian sect gives much thought to animal welfare which is a shame.
Templism has little to say on animal welfare in of-itself, but since what is beautiful is what is virtuous and since torturing animals for no good reason is ugly and barbaric I think that in of itself is a good argument within the confines of the religion for better laws for the treatment of animals. At the very least, on terms of pure sustainability the amount of animals we consume is not rational.
>P.S. By “collective soul” of a people (e.g. Germanic) I mean:
language, art, traditions, history… all these are difficult to define, and yet they form you
Very continental of you! Yeah that sound nice and poetic but none of those things have to do with the soul. Language, art, traditions, these are culture. History is history. The soul is a specific thing with a specific definition.
> I don’t favour the dualist visions of “soul”.
Than you don’t believe in the soul.
Actually the dualist vision of the soul is the only empirical way to understand your own existence. You can observe that you have a consciousness, and that it is not a material object, though it is also not a mere idea either. Within your own lived experience you can observe that your consciousness is not a material object, yet is entirely and tangibly real. You could say that your consciousness is emitted from physical objects, but this is not something you have actually observed, there is actually no evidence of that, there is no part of the brain responsible for generating immaterial consciousness; everything within the physical body is responsible for a physical process. The idea that consciousness is “generated” by the brain or whatever is simply a materialist rationalization rather than something that has been empirically observed; and doesn’t mean much because your consciousness is still not a material object.
Destruction is a physical process, it is the separation of the atoms that make up objects. Nothing can truly be destroyed at the smallest level however. Consciousness cannot be destroyed because it has no atoms to separate, it is something immaterial yet entirely real and observable. You can empirically observe as something with a consciousness that consciousness is something that finds itself inhabiting bodies. Since consciousness seems to inhabit bodies, and since it cannot be destroyed, we can infer that any individual consciousness will eventually find itself inhabiting a body again due to its very nature of already doing so once. This is the basis for the logic behind reincarnation.
>PS 2 I *think* that mutations have lots of randomness. Whether a product of solar radiation, or a product of errors while replicating (e.g. viruses). Of course, I am not an expert, but I guess it means there is a lot of randomness there.
These are not “random” they can seem random, but they are still obeying the laws of physics. When your computer has an error that is not “random” it is still obeying the laws of physics. All life obeys the laws of physics, the choices you make are not “random” they are guided by your instincts and the chemical reactions in your brain. You are fundamentally at your core a automaton; the difference between you and any other theoretical type of automation is that there is a consciousness within you observing the automaton.
> Evolution as a whole includes the selection of the fittest mutation by the environment. I don’t see that as random. But we do have lack of information. Ex post we can explain in general terms that a species evolved according to the environmental needs.
First, you should be sleeping. LOL! (sleep is not gay lol)
Second, I am a simple man. I see that the most secular and capitalist and individualist countries are the formerly Calvinist “Christian” and now “Calvinist” secular. Therefore, I simply cannot agree that Calvinism was pure Christianity. It was a misunderstanding.
There is a funny (but true) map of Europe: Where do hosts give their guests food? Nowhere in f. Calvinist countries. Often in Roman Catholic. ALWAYS in Orthodox countries (they even give you food to take home with you).
This says a lot about which Churches are still connected to the original Church.
Also, check my other intervention about Nietzche, Hume, girls etc.
And of course your answers are epic, though I may disagree, and deserve a good discussion (maybe move our debate to Boys Groupchat).
(always keep in mind the substrata of a culture… e.g. Spanish bull fights are obviously pre-christian).
PS I don’t know about “continental”, but I am definitely trying to be Apophatic. I can’t give a definition of what Existence is.
In trying to understand the use of the word “soul”, I go to the etymology of the words: (Gk) psyche, pneuma*, (Latin) anima, spiritus, (Hebrew) nephas.
They all have to do with breathing, which is a fundamental indicator of existing.
(* see, ‘pneumatic drill’)
European (ancient Greek) Dualism, obviously under Persian influence, made a good vs bad distinction, where soul is good and the body is a prison. I don’t buy it. And I don’t like it.
>First, you should be sleeping. LOL! (sleep is not gay lol)
You are entirely correct, but I’ve been on a bad schedule lately tbh and I couldn’t help myself in writing that reply.
>Second, I am a simple man. I see that the most secular and capitalist and individualist countries are the formerly Calvinist “Christian” and now “Calvinist” secular. Therefore, I simply cannot agree that Calvinism was pure Christianity.
I did not say Calvinism is the pure Christianity, I said Calvinism was the most true Christianity, there’s a difference there. There is no pure Christianity, Christianity was actually built on many lies. (For example, the creation myth which science has disproved) that God/Wotan introduced into it in order to achieve certain historical ends.
Calvinism was the most true Christianity, but it is not the ultimate truth same as how Christianity is not the ultimate truth. In truth Germanics have outgrown Christianity which is why we have abandoned it, and why God has seen fit to create a new, truer, religion in Templism; through the prophet, the Author.
Templism is not entirely true either, there are necessary heuristic lies in it as-well. There is a prophecy that Templism will evolve to the point that a Second Templism will be a declared, a truer religion than modern Templism.
>hosts give their guests food? Nowhere in f. Calvinist countries. Often in Roman Catholic. ALWAYS in Orthodox countries (they even give you food to take home with you).
This is not relevant to the truth of any religion. All this says is that in historically Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox nations they still give their guests food. In Russia, an Orthodox country they have an AIDS rate similar to some African countries, and less Church attendance than the United States, that says a lot more about how seriously they take their faith than if they give people food. Adultery is one of the one most serious things in Christianity and adultery and homosexuality are the biggest spreaders of AIDS; and less Church attendance is self explanatory.
The non-religious in the Mediterranean and Slavic lands larp that they care about religion more than honest Germanians for societal reasons, but they don’t actually care about the religion more; they don’t really act like they do. Germanians are generally colder and more “autistic” than other races too. We don’t like to impose onto others and we don’t like to be imposed upon.
>And of course your answers are epic, though I may disagree, and deserve a good discussion (maybe move our debate to Boys Groupchat).
Thanks! And sure, feel free to write your next reply to me in the Boys Groupchat.
> European (ancient Greek) Dualism, obviously under Persian influence, made a good vs bad distinction, where soul is good and the body is a prison. I don’t buy it. And I don’t like it.
Yeah I don’t see it that way; any particular person could see it as good or bad but I see it as a good thing. It means you are immortal in a sense.
>psyche, pneuma*, (Latin) anima, spiritus, (Hebrew) nephas.
They all have to do with breathing, which is a fundamental indicator of existing.
Well, we know now that breathing is an entirely physical process; so this definition of soul isn’t really meaningful. The soul as understood today is a immaterial thing, we talk about the soul as something different from the physical. If there was nothing to our natures that wasn’t immaterial but real there would be no need to talk of souls at all, we would only need to be discussing physical processes.
i was wondering, bc i have a person very close to me, who believes in reincarnation, but will never engage in a discussion with me: how do you accept this determinism? it reminds me of cultures who believe in fate and predestination…
i mean, more things can be explained through the way we grew up, our experiences (e.g. teenagehood; rejections etc), and genes of course (which u can’t define as predestination), than by our “inherent” nature.
with all due respect, maybe i don’t understand what u mean…
also, i was glad to see that u probably interpret dualism as a combination of two (bc i think it means a dichotomy). Combining is very cool! (i think the “two” might be different manifestations of one but, anyway, it doesn’t matter at this point)
“Anglo philosophers like Hume and Hobbe are far more influential on Templism than Kant and Nietzche who are derided and honestly seen as being stupid.”
In what way are they stupid? Have you read Kant or Nietzche? I don’t agree with everything they say but they are both very thought provoking philosophers, particularly Nietzche. Stupid is the last thing I would call them. Even Schopenhauer, who was a massive critic of Kant and whose philosophy probably wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for Kant, praised him as one of the greatest thinkers to have ever lived.
Templist Canon has an entire post dedicated solely to criticizing Nietzsche. In-short, a will is a desire, and the will is the aggregate of all contingent and fundamental desires. Nietzsche posits that the “will to power” is the driving force behind all life, when that is clearly not actually the case if you think about things. Ask a western man if he would choose tyranny over some shithole country over the survival of his children and tell me the ultimate and overriding will is the will to power. Power is wielded for specific biological purposes, power is a tool, not the highest good or some overriding force. Humans do not toil merely to exert power over the universe, if that was the case humans would behave very differently; soldiers do not try to wipe out their own populations merely to assert their power over them, scientists do not plot to blow up the sun, even though this is “powerful”
Nietzsche isn’t even a philosopher since he doesn’t even make any arguments to actually justify his worldview, he only makes assertions. People are dazzled by the feel good noises his works produce, it’s both trite and vague, almost meaningless. This is how both Neo-Nazi and communists retards can appropriate Nietzsche, his works are barely coherent, basically just saying at the end of the day “yeah willpower is cool” Not a philosopher, German lunatic that produces feel good noises for effeminate.
Well first off Kant is a moral realist, which is retarded. The universe does not come with moral laws. Moral laws are created by humans and Gods, and moral laws from Gods are not any more abstractly true to the universe than laws created by men, they are directives backed up by threats. Moral laws are created by sentient beings who desire them for whatever reason, they are not fundamental truths like for example, the laws of physics.
“In every system of morality, which I have hitherto met with, I have always remarked, that the author proceeds for some time in the ordinary way of reasoning, and establishes the being of a God, or makes observations concerning human affairs; when of a sudden I am surprised to find, that instead of the usual copulations of propositions, is, and is not, I meet with no proposition that is not connected with an ought, or an ought not. This change is imperceptible; but is, however, of the last consequence. For as this ought, or ought not, expresses some new relation or affirmation, it’s necessary that it should be observed and explained; and at the same time that a reason should be given, for what seems altogether inconceivable, how this new relation can be a deduction from others, which are entirely different from it. But as authors do not commonly use this precaution, I shall presume to recommend it to the readers; and am persuaded, that this small attention would subvert all the vulgar systems of morality, and let us see, that the distinction of vice and virtue is not founded merely on the relations of objects, nor is perceived by reason.”
– David Hume
Kant also assumes in his work the “Critique of Pure Reason” that perceptions never provide us with certain knowledge, but only the universalization of an induction. An induction basically being something like “It is raining so it must be cloudy because it is generally observed that it is cloudy when it rains” This observation then leads to a principle that “It is cloudy when it rains” that is only really a probability. The flaw in this thinking is that direct observations are neither inductive or probabilistic, they are literally just what’s right in-front of your face.
Sensitive, I really don’t mean to sound disrespectful. And I hope you get a feeling that I am interested about the well-being of younger commenters here (like you), after you read this.
(As I said multiple times, I don’t speak as an expert. And I am 47)
So, Nietzche was interested in life, in living, which includes loving. And he could love passionately. His CRITICISM of european society back then (and now) was obviously about “not living (passionately)”.
I don’t think Hume was interested in that (I might be wrong of course).
Are you sure you want to trust your youth in someone who wasn’t interested about life (including love)?
Don’t take me wrong. I’m just presenting the other side. (lawyers do that all the time)
So, Hume (and Scottish Calvinism in general) seems a bit neurotic, right? While Nietzche was struggling to live (healthy). You don’t have to agree with him, and since he doesn’t have a systematic philosophy, you only have to like (or dislike) his intention.
All the youngsters (and celibate) here, you will be saved by a lovely girl who can and wants to live. Not by a “cold” Euro-Scandinavian godess (I am talking about the secular girls who are kinda lost in this secular european world… Not every euro nordic godess is “cold”, right?)…
Since you, Sensitive, live in the USA, you probably have more chances to find such a lovely girl. I assert that American girls are less secularized, which is great news.
I am hoping the same for guys in Ireland (lively people there, whose tradition is not neurotic)..
The Netherlands are higly secularised, unfortunately.
On the other hand, maybe ye guys are gonna save a “cold” Euro-Scandinavian godess from her being lost… Who knows. But it might be too heavy a cross to bear.
I’m more vital as a Templist Harbringer than as a someone who was interested to Bronze Age mindset “vitalism” which was inspired by Nietzschian ideas. Templism has given me something to live for, I don’t care for continental Nietzschian feel good bullshit and it’s never been something that has been able to truly inspire me. I care about the truth, I care about contributing to my race, I care about many things. I talk of discovering my feminine side through drug abuse but that still doesn’t mean I’m an effeminate dominated by that side or who is truly inspired by that. I am still a logical man at my core.
>you will be saved by a lovely girl who can and wants to live. Not by a “cold” Euro-Scandinavian godess
I do not need saving, I am not a victim or a weakling. I’m actually very happy with my life right now. I am not the miserable depressive I was when I was doing drugs and seeing demons! I’m the happiest I’ve been in a long time, I’ve been losing tons of weight, getting fit, and prepared to do what I’ve always wanted to do in life. A girl will come and I will be happy with her, but that is not how I derive my meaning in life, and never really has been.
I am very happy you are doing well in life!
Living makes everyone here adjust our philosophies to truth.
(I didn’t mean you are a victim or a weakling… I meant ‘Saving’ as being Whole. We all need this.)
>I am very happy you are doing well in life!
Thanks my man!
The sooner civilization collapses the better it will be for wild animals.
My dearest Radagast,
You are still under the illusion that unconscious matter in the form of “DNA” or “viruses” or “exosomes” or “T-Cells” or “NK Cells” or “CD-8” cells are directing the story line of our lives.
It’s only when you begin to awaken to the reality that what REALLY runs this Simulation is salivating over the phenomenon of us ARGUING between decent people like us, who have been fooled into thinking the person with a different opinion is our mortal enemy.
This division between “teams” acts just like the positive and negative poles of a battery. Current flows between artificially divided units of consciousness.
The Jews are those who have discovered this fundamental fact of existence and have therefore used it for it’s all worth..
But this little victory doesn’t have to be Absolute.
Other Realities are possible.
If you could just stop sucking Jew cock for a second, your mind just might be flooded with all sorts of possibilities of “New Worlds” that don’t involve sucking Jew Cock.
Believe it or not, there is an earthy and rich aspect of humanity that are NOT JEWS, that contain a seed of a NEW KIND OF LIFE.
But I’m not hopeful.
Your status anxieties will continually push you into denigrating LSWMs, and venerating kikes.
To be honest, I’m interested in seeing how this metaphysical dilemma plays out.
Which cock is tastier and smellier to suck? Circumcised or uncircumcised? Does the Rabbi’s first suck make the special taste go away?
So many questions are raised by your comments.
I have never sucked a Jew cock – so I do not know the answer to these questions.
In the spirit of empiricism, I’m going to leave this here:
I love Steel Panther, Wombat
Sensitive Young Man had the TEMERITY to dismiss alcoholics as “lesser than”
This hurt my feelings.
Because I know, from personal experience, that some of the best figures of humanity are to be found in the whirlpool of addicts and drunks.
I will grant that most addicts are sliding into a world they would rather avoid.
But some addicts, having performed as bungee-jumpers into the existential worlds normies wish to avoid, just might have a thing or two to say about the strictiures which rule our lives.
>This hurt my feelings.
Sorry, I feel bad now. I’ve had bad experiences with alcoholics but I shouldn’t be a dick. You’re cool, Mehen.
I was raised by alcoholics in-case you’re wondering.
No worries SYM.
Thanks for sharing. That puts my mind at ease, if you can believe it.
(Btw, just a little word of advice, “brevity is the soul of wit” I say this because I sometimes pass over your more interminable comments, and I feel bad about that)
At least in the U.S., the vegan Ikea hot dog tastes better than the pork and beef Ikea hot dog (but the veggie Ikea hot dog tastes best of all):
Yup, I always get the veggie dog. It’s great.
The veggie dog is great to you?
That’s your body craving meat because your diet is lacking and you are seriously out of balance, in a state of malnutrition.
I would never eat a hideous fake hotdog or hamburger, doesn’t appeal to me; don’t want or need any meat substitutes. And how do you know if being tricked?
Pure veganism doesn’t work.
At least consume dairy, enjoy ice cream and fish.
I remember shortly after 9/11, certain people were constantly speculating about future islamic terror attacks in the U.S., as though it would become a potentially commonplace event now that it had happened once. Of course, that speculated future event with the nature of 9/11 never materialized in the following years, and such events never became commonplace. Instead, we got the 2008 economic crash, COVID-19, and other such things as the next series of events which caused collective mass-trauma. Likewise, with the coronavirus in recent memory, there are various people speculating that the next catastrophe will be a virus-related one that bears a general resemblance in form to what happened in 2020. However, I suspect that the next traumatic event that occurs on a global scale will be something that we do not expect, that occurs entirely out of left field, just as the previous ones were. Will pandemics occur in the future? Of course. Could a mutation occur in the cleavage sites of some strain of influenza, killing tens of millions of people? Yeah it could in theory, it and I agree that society is approaching this issue retardedly. It ‘feels likely,’ the signs are there that it could happen, which is why it won’t, just like the second 9/11 didn’t occur in the mid 2000s and the second 2008-style economic crash didn’t occur in the 2010s. This is related to how the world, simply does not work logically. Yes, your arguments are all sound, and logically it does make sense that this is likely to occur, but these catastrophic events have a tendency to be things which nobody is anticipating. I’m just saying, whatever crazy thing happens next will also be something that was not on anyone’s radar. In retrospect it will seem obvious as though it could have been easily predicted, just as the others were, but prior to it occurring, it will simply not be something that you would have predicted to happen at that particular time.
Radagast: “You just genuinely don’t consider it possible that a year from now we’ll be living in a very different world and thinking to ourselves “imagine if we had done something about it when we still could”. That was never really an option with SARS2. For mysterious reasons, it was already perfectly suited for person-to-person transmission when we first learned of its existence. We never saw the sort of stuff you see with bird flu now, the sort of stuff you’re supposed to see: Weird cases of people getting sick, from viruses that ended up in the wrong host.”
What’s the current thinking about a Pμrebl00ded man copulating with a v@xxinated woman [even just something so grotesquely quotidian as simply sport phμcking her]?
How much risk does that pose to the Pμrebl00ded man, and to any children whom he might subsequently sire with a Pμrebl00ded woman?
We’re talking no prophylactics [condoms] whatsoever, just raw White skin b@nging raw White skin, plus deep passionate French kissing.
If there are any quality academic studies concerning this quandary [of whether or not it’s safe for a Pμrebl00ded man to lay down with a v@xxinated woman], then kindly give me some links to read.
Thanks so much!!!!!
An Old Friend
I exchanged texts with a friend recently who is into the barbecue “scene” in Texas. He told me that some of his friends in that world have been talking about finding large tumors and abscesses deep in the muscle tissue of the beef they’ve been purchasing from reputable sources they have used for years.
I stopped eating meat early last year, so that made me gag but also be thankful I finally applied the philosophical rigor I demand of myself in other areas of my life to my dietary choices.
This was a very good post, and most of the comments have been excellent as well.
There’s some articles about MRNA vaccine’s being used in the livestock industry as of last year. But, as our medical professionals say, correlation is not causation.
Yes, multicellular animal life is largely caged in factories and feedlots, and while that seems significant to us, it’s worth considering that multicellular animal life represents a poofteenth of the total abundance of life on this planet.
All that other, simpler, life will be enjoying the bridges we’ve made for it to travel over and exploit new reservoirs.
Perhaps the balance of life, and most life isn’t multicellular, will enjoy a great boom out of ‘intelligent’ human activity.
Just think of all the diversity this new homogeneity is encouraging.
A tremendous new diversity of pus and infection.
As above, so below.
The whole zeitgeist is one big race to the diseased, slimy, bottom.
Teeming with disgusting life of the lowest common demoninator.
>As above, so below. The whole zeitgeist is one big race to the diseased, slimy, bottom. Teeming with disgusting life of the lowest common demoninator
The Practitioner knows, for example, that, if the pro-abortionists win by controlling population it is the *wrong* population that will be controlled.
This is one of the key principles of Toxick Magick: whether the Church, for example, gets its way in terms of abortion or not is quite irrelevant. *It is the quality and nature of the forces set in motion for which the Toxick Magician strives.*
He knows that whatever is the most gross, will triumph in the end. Whatever levels the playing field triumphs for a while.
He knows that the faster technology develops, the greater will be the collisions and destruction within the species which developed the technology. Inertia must always be viewed from the psychological perspective of indolence. Indolence, in one form or another, leads to farce.
The only major requirement is that all Manipulators know that their ultimate goal is for the good of the gross Force Field which is forever struggling to give birth to new life forms as quickly as possible, regardless of the cost to the older forms.
Now, at last, the human race has the means to make radical transformations and provide the race the opportunity to do away with itself in its present dead-end form.
Thus, for example, in order for immortality to exist, most of the human race will need to be destroyed — and it will be.
At first, of course, there will be the obligatory moaning over the “tragedy.” But, within a few months, this destruction will be seen as a happy and necessary event, just as euthanasia will, in time, be seen as a “new” solution to over-population and the “problem” of funding Social Security systems. (The scenes at the conclusion of Stanley Kubrick’s brilliant movie “Dr. Strangelove: Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb” present an excellent example of this process.)
Every human, no matter what he tells himself, knows that, simply by being alive, he has run into a brick wall in every aspect of his life. This world is a world of in-voluntarism, of Zombies. And the final brick in the wall is involuntary death.
The power of death lies not simply in the cessation of life, but in the reality that death always feels like the “other” and forces most people to feel a distance between their self and their “here-and-now-ness.” Death is alienation — the final negative outcome.
This is why the housewives of the world are seen everywhere pushing baby carriages
and sipping tea as the mushroom clouds form. The Master, on the other hand, always
keeps his coffin handy.
— The Psychopath’s Bible, ca. 1998
(For any uppity Zoomers reading, that is MOTHERFUCKING *1998* OK???)
This is the second time you’ve drawn that book to my attention.
It’s eerie how quotes from that book align with some of my own observations.
Are we seeing the practices of chaos/toxick magicians manifesting?
It’s an interesting thought, and it does sound like the boot fits.
Although after a lifetime of working in Babylon I see demonic influence everywhere, because, well, it is everywhere. . .
This place is rotten.
It needs to be purged, with fire.
A coupla weeks ago, somebody alerted me to the following story:
90% of U.S. Cheese Contains GMO Made by Pfizer
Upon reading the headline, I immediately threw out all of the cheese in the refrigerator [hundreds of dollars worth], and switched all of the foodstuffs over to Organic.
Going organic means the grocery budget has increased by 50% to 100%, and slicing organic vegetables is exceedingly time consuming [cutting off all the nasty stuff which Normies never see on their produce], but, the Good Lord willing, I won’t be going back to anything resembling GMO.
My whole life I had thought that organic was simply asinine.
But I simply cannot allow anything (((Pfizer))) to enter muh body.
Obviously the shekel mongers can & will cheat [falsely labelling GMO as though it were Organic], but I will not consciously play ball with (((Pfizer))).
> I don’t favour the dualist visions of “soul”.
Originally, psyche (anima), pneuma (spirit) meant breath, and thus existence.
(and there’s still bands who can make music..!)