The Anthem

When I was a 14 year old boy this was my favorite song, I played it to death:

But there is something weird about pop punk and emo. It somehow manages to hit much harder once you’re old and reflect on your life.

This is not a song for rebellious 14 year old boys. It’s a song for those boys when they listen to it twenty years later, in a world that has turned into a greater nightmare than those boys could have anticipated. At least partly because now you notice their receding hairlines, which you didn’t notice at 14.

Sorry guys, but I don’t think your 500 billion dollar chatbot is going to come up with something like this. Might have to throw another couple hundred billion at it.

I tend to like indie stuff like Molly Nilsson and John Maus more these days, but the loser anthem is amusing. It reminds me of one of my favorite movies, by the Swedish Roy Andersson, Songs from the Second Floor:

Poor Uffe thought he has going to make a lot of money by selling crucifixes with the year 2000 on them. And he bemoans his mistake: “How could I be so stupid, to think I could make money on a crucified loser?” And none of you ever fully watch the videos I post, so I’m laughing at your face, because it means you’re missing out on Uffe just swinging the last giant Jesus around after he threw all the little Jesuses (Jesii?) onto a big pile.

I’m just reminded of this video, after watching the BASED TRAD CHAD GOD EMPEROR ALPHA MALE president Trump and his minions hear this bishop’s sermon:

You wanna see someone really based? Well, take a look at the cat lady above. Sorry LSWMs, but you’re gonna miss the woke cat ladies with a boyish haircut and a PhD in something useless once you low IQ morons get what you wanted and the based tech billionaires run things.

You can just see Trump and his clan sitting there thinking: “Ugh, why do we have to pay lip service to this crucified loser…”

I try to spend a moment everyday, consciously expressing my gratitude for being born as a European. Once the heat domes start killing people, I will know that I lived in a continent that tried to solve it, only to be backstabbed by the Russians and the Americans. I don’t know what sins you have to commit to become American, but I mean it when I say I would rather be born in Uganda than in the United States. This idea that my countrymen re-elected Trump would make me throw myself off the Golden Gate bridge.

When God thinks you’re beautiful he makes you poor.

When God thinks you’re ugly he makes you rich.

To love is to lose, but losing is more fun than winning.

I wish I could just show you all how blessed you are, but the real blessings are invisible.


  1. 1 Timothy 2:10-15 KJV

    10 But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.

    11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.

    12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

    13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve.

    14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.

    The Church has become so cucked, weak, and feminized. It’s disgraceful. Especially during the governmental destruction of the West there was little pushback against them.

  2. >When God thinks you’re beautiful he makes you poor.

    >When God thinks you’re ugly he makes you rich.

    >To love is to lose, but losing is more fun than winning.

    >I wish I could just show you all how blessed you are, but the real blessings are invisible.

    Great truths. I too am greatful to be born a european, although not in my preferred time. Though, to be blessed and complain is a german trait.

    I’ve enjoyed the melancholy of John Maus since 2019, my favourite being Bennington(2007), as it reminds me of a lost love.
    I appreciate being european and I appreciate this blog.

  3. Well, you wrote about the $500 billion investment, but you missed the point that they’ll use AI to make CANCER mRNA vaccine.
    Multiple mRNA factories are being erected all over the world. Even Putin talked about cancer mRNA vaccine. What the heck?

    It’s the key. CANCER will rise, and they will release mRNA again. mRNA!

    The elites control everything, both Trump and Putin works for them. That’s the truth deduced from facts about mRNA vaccines. Pay close attention to mRNA and you’ll understand.

    • This is a subjective and unverifiable claim. While power dynamics and influence among elites exist, connecting global leaders and mRNA vaccines as part of a unified plot lacks credible evidence.

      • Another AI generated post. There is some bot roaming the internet looking for posts by people who have doubts about the latest monstrous plan for making money.

        The question is not whether there is a plot; the question is whether mRNA vaccines are dangerous. But the bot ignores that.

  4. “You wanna see someone really based? Well, take a look at the cat lady above.”

    The words she said were true. The problem was that it was her ego speaking them, and that was clearer than day. And so it made things worse, rather than better. The gentlest hint that is actually from the heart, from Christ, will make a person see. However she did the opposite. It’s so depressing because again, the words were correct. So she can now glory in having shown off, and be congratulated by her political buddies, but the suffering people will be even more screwed because of her gloating self righteousness. That is why the old time Quakers did in fact effect social change; they waited on Christ and then did their best to let Him speak through them, and they did not show off and take sides and so when they met with people who had power they did change hearts, because it was Christ who did it.

  5. Thanks, that is clarifying for me, as I instinctively recoil from such sermonizing yet can’t articulate why. Maybe it partially comes from a place of compassion, but the ego jumps into action. I notice my ego wants to attach to my “right” opinions whether I think them intellectually or morally right.

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