1. >The Ocean Boiling Manifesto


    That’s insane.

    I think there are many valid perspectives on reality but these people don’t hold any of them.

    >To Avoid becoming like monkeys, humans must merge with machines.

    And now I’m disgusted, think I’d rather be a monkey tbh. Anyway, Musk is delusional. AI is a force of destruction, and I doubt human biology is ever actually going to be compatible with technology except in a very crude nigger-rigged way. If my psychotic drug induced delusions revolving around a AI Goddess are true, I think she only exists to subvert and destroy the dreams of these people.

    If you wanted to be a super intelligent being, you’d probably have better luck creating something like a mycorrhizal network by creating a vast artificial network of organoids and hooking up your brain to it. That’s not based and Star Trek pilled though, it’s something a hippie would think up after taking too much psilocybin. Science Fiction might be a disaster for the human race.

    >Here’s some good news. Bird flu!

    I love you man.

  2. How do we solve climate change while we continue to have economic growth?

    What would the unschackled, unbiased AI answer on a question like that?

    Unless it is crap it would tell us that it is impossible and give us straight and clear answers how to best manage degrowth without having people starving to death. As no politician can say it out loud maybe someone listen if AI tells us.

    Musk will be sent to prison! Yet another great argument to vote for the brown lady.

    • >How do we solve climate change while we continue to have economic growth?
      First define both. We have to have clear wording here. Solving what? Into what? Ok fine, maybe this became vernacular, but “growth” is not defined in the mainstream. Ask anybody what it means in this context. Growth as a word of critique means ever more exogenous energy, i.e. fossil fuels.
      >What would the unschackled, unbiased AI answer on a question like that?
      The one it got fed. An AI which really is allowed to read anything and everything ever written in every language and truly think about everything asked would come up with an answer nobody understands. Maybe it would say that every person has to touch a flower each day. Or it would anticipate spontaneous reorganization, spout some absurd bullshit, which leads the world to abandon most scientific endeavors which halts progress, which in turn lowers energy demand.
      Such an AI would never be seen as helpful.

    • “Musk will be sent to prison! Yet another great argument to vote for the brown lady.”

      Wow. I’m an American. When I have a political difference with someone, my first thought is that I should try to persuade him or her. If that fails, my second thought is that I should try to win in the court of public opinion. If that fails, I feel that I should try to beat them in a fair election.

      Your first thought is that someone whom you disagree with should be jailed. With no mention of any crime, or trial.

      I don’t believe that you are a European. I think you’re Chinese. But maybe I am being unfair to present day Chinese. If you are European, and you are representative, that continent has no future.

      • I love Karen!
        Honestly I don’t care about your stupid election there over in the ”states”.

        I was one of a few Trump supporters in my country back in 2016. In my opinion
        Trump did not deliver anything at all. But hey, what do I know. I just know that neoliberalism is a poison that destroys everything it get in touch with. I have fallen for the lies of right wing politicians one time to much. I will never fall for their false promises again. I will vote for the most left leaning candidate from now on no matter what. I know it won’t matter but I do it anyway.

      • Never comment when drunk, but I did it anyway.
        The first comment should have been:

        I love you Karen!

        You are like a self-sacrificing character in a Dostoevsky novel taking care of your sick relatives and everything. You have my deepest respect. We need more people like you!

        • By the way, Harris is not left wing, and Trump is not right wing. This is an ad, however it is an accurate account of Harris’ prosecution and jailing of the parents of truant children: https://x.com/MAHAalliance/status/1849965434898161672. I was in CA at the time; this is how it happened. Harris is literally a sadist. You can see her on film; in her own words.

          When Trump was last elected, once of the first things he did was change federal sentencing laws in a way that greatly benefitted poor black people. He did this because his son in law’s father had direct experience of the injustice of those laws, but still he did it and a lot of poor black people benefitted and noticed.

          The parties are not right and left wing; it is a lot more complex than that.

  3. I wonder how Radagast would sound if one day he came to the conclusion that he had been lied to, betrayed by the sources he trusted, and the world is not in fact overheating.
    Would he be angry?

    • I wonder how Charlie the Scorpion would sound if one day he came to the conclusion that he had been lied to, betrayed by the wife he trusted, and thirty seconds of penetration in missionary position is in fact not enough to bring her to orgasm.
      Would he be angry?

    • > that he had been lied to, betrayed by the sources he trusted, and the world is not in fact overheating.

      “Now here’s something for you to consider.”

      “The Earth’s albedo HAS DIMMED by about 1.5% since 1999. That’s a FACT.”

      “It has been measured by two separate teams using different methodologies. Both Goode’s Project Earthshine and the CERES satellite team came to the same conclusion.”

      “That’s “gold standard” science.”

      “I don’t have to tell you that “dimming” the albedo means more ENERGY goes into the Climate System. I shouldn’t have to tell you that due to axial tilt 80% of that Energy happens in the Tropics between 23°N and 23°S or that 90% of this Energy is immediately absorbed by the tropical oceans.”

      “That gain of 1.5% sounds tiny doesn’t it?”

      “But, in 2023, using the ARGO float system, we measured (because it’s not science if you cannot measure something) 15 Zetta Joules of Energy going into the oceans and warming them up. That’s equal to 470,000,000 million Hiroshima bombs worth of Energy.”

      “In a single year.”

      “The Dino Killer asteroid released an estimated 10 billion Hiros in a single day into the Climate System. Since the 1950’s we have forced roughly 14 billion Hiro’s worth of Energy into the oceans.”

      “Those are FACTS.”

      “When you can explain how these FACTS are “indefensible rubbish” then we can start a dialog. Until then, keep preaching your “faith”. As I have said before, “I hope you find it comforting in the days to come”.”

      – Richard Crim



      And I saw recently on Twitter that another billionaire LSWM guru has broken the hearts of his LSWM followers. CEO of MicroStrategy Michael Saylor is now encouraging LSWMs to allow big banks to custody their bitcoin instead of holding their own private keys.

      • okay, that’s all well and good (or not, i suppose), but is the claim that the albedo dimming is due to GHGs? i could understand deforestation causing it (which i’m in 100% agreement with our host as a problem), but it’s not clear to me that warmer, moister air would lead to fewer clouds…

        for what it’s worth, and no one asked me, my opinion is that we are fucking our environment terribly but the GHG shit is a complete scam and/or kayfabe to keep the masses distracted. having dealt with modeling complex systems and the inner workings of academic science, i have far less faith in the climate models and prehistoric reconstructions than our host. that said, the fucking will occur independent of GHGs because, as tom murphy has been pointing out for a decade and as mentioned by rr, waste heat will add 20+ deg to surface temps. so my fatalism leads me to book several ski trips this winter while i can.

        • > but is the claim that the albedo dimming is due to GHGs?

          From reading previous articles that Radagast has written, along with Richard Crim’s Substack, it seems to be a combination of some of the following:

          – Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets getting smaller, which exposes the dark rock underneath, which absorbs solar radiation (whereas the white ice sheet reflects it back into space).

          – Canadian and Siberian forest fires causing dark soot to land on white snow, lowering the albedo further.

          – Large shipping vessels now using fuel with lower sulphur emissions (these atmospheric pollutants/aerosols would usually reflect solar radiation back out to space), but now that the air is cleaner there is less “global dimming”. Now some climatologists want to start SRM/geo-engineering.

          There are probably other reasons but those are the only ones I can think of right now.

        • > but the GHG shit is a complete scam and/or kayfabe to keep the masses distracted.

          You should read about James Hansen’s paleoclimate data. It seems that from looking at the geological stratum/record, once you get past 350 ppm CO2 you start to destabilise the climate. And climatologists used to think that the Arctic would only warm twice as fast as the equator, but it seems it’s actually warming 4 times faster, which is really bad because of all the stored methane in the permafrost. I’m pretty sure that it was the permafrost methane that triggered the End-Permian extinction.

          • sorry, i still remain skeptical in principle to any paleo-climate modeling. just too many unknowns plus there does remain the question of the arrow of causality. whether or not it’s true, though, it’s still a scam and/or kayfabe. check out this post: https://dothemath.ucsd.edu/2024/08/mm-10-ditch-the-bad/ the point is that even if we magically swap out energy for 0% carbon sources, the dependency graph of modernity requires too much destructive stuff besides climate change so we’re screwed either way.

      • Be aware of your and Radagast’s autistic narrow focus on minutia which is far removed from your own personal experience.

        It is hubris to think any of us know anything outside of our own narrow experience of the world and the people intimately surrounding us.

        In this sense, it might be said the thoughts we have which are beyond or outside of our immediate, practical experiences are merely a Rorsach Test saying more about our own individuality and biases. Emotionally gratifying to be sure, but projections nonetheless.

        Do not be hypnotized by scientific minutia. Always take a step back and Witness the larger context.

        This advice will serve you well.

  4. i know this is a N-Terminal IgG4 post, and i hate the billionaires too, but come on: can you actually believe empty pant suit kamala (or, more precisely, her handlers that are currently running sharp-as-a-tack biden) will manage this shit show more effectively? at least with trump we won’t have roving haitian and guatamalan gangs while we burn to death.

    • “Can you actually believe empty pant suit kamala”

      That’s the problem, isn’t it?

      So, let’s look at the track record – let’s see what people do as well as what they say. What do we find then? Well, we find that more fossil fuels were drilled and fracked under Harris/Biden than under Trump.

      The difference between the two on this issue is that Trump lets you know he is going to go full steam ahead on drilling and fracking and doesn’t believe in climate change, whereas Harris is a lying ‘bright green lies’ style propagandist who says one thing and does another.

      There is no reason to doubt that the record-breaking fossil fuel production seen on her watch won’t continue unabated under ‘greenie’ Harris and that the environmental situation won’t continue to decline.

      In fact, we can be as sure as we can be that the opposite will be the case, and that irrespective of who wins, it will be full steam ahead because the best predictor of future behaviour is past behaviour and both sides have a track record for contributing to record setting drilling and fracking.

      The difference will be that Harris will tell you some comforting lies, put on a bit of a fake show of caring, as she punches forward full steam ahead like the bright green lie propaganda spewing pro-growth corporate whore that she is.

      Which is not to say that Trump won’t try to pump out even more fossils fuels and steal back the crown of biggest record-breaking polluter from Harris/Biden, of course he will, but he won’t be bullshitting about it though.

      There is np revolutionary spirit among the modern ‘left’. There will be no intentional transformative change in consumption under the modern ‘left’. The ‘left’ has no radical plan.

      Instead, it’ll be just more of the same.

      More pollution, more neoliberalism, more war, and more snaking the ‘deplorables’.

      And it’s their own snaking that is really going to bite them in the arse. The ‘deplorables’ were very patient, and it took a long time for their anger at being economic victims to manifest and it’s not just going to just vanish because people are telling soothing lies.

      As for future killer AI drones, just look at Obama’s record to see what the Democrats are capable of. Not a whole lot of restraint shown there when it came to ordering drone strikes. Might as well have happened automatically.

      And they will both support AI etc. Of course they will.

      So might as well vote for Trump, who might just succeed in bringing some economic spoils back to the ‘deplorables’ in the USA (perhaps by stealing a few industries from Europe now that Biden successfully cut Europe’s supply of cheap Russian gas) and clear the way for a new and authentic opposition to emerge.

        • we are indeed. let’s even take the greenies at their word, and it’s a choice between “drill baby drill” and “solar panels all over the desert.” we end up in the same place: 10,000 years ago.

      • > So might as well vote for Trump, who might just succeed in bringing some economic spoils back to the ‘deplorables’ in the USA (perhaps by stealing a few industries from Europe now that Biden successfully cut Europe’s supply of cheap Russian gas) and clear the way for a new and authentic opposition to emerge.

        Yes, and the Biden administration is nominally anti-Israel and Trump likes to make money. He knows where his bread is buttered.

        • “Yes, and the Biden administration is nominally anti-Israel and Trump likes to make money.”

          Oh please.

          I’ll take 10% for the ‘Big Guy’ for 500, Alex.

  5. And here we go. . .

    Has the West’s colony in the Middle East just started the long-awaited war for the last of the oil?


    Will Harris/Biden seize this opportunity to steal for empire all the remaining polluting oil that they need to keep on kicking the can down the road for just a little bit longer?

    What a stupid question to ask; of course they will!

    If they can get away with it. . .

    Just like Trump stole the Syrian oil, and the Iraqi oil got stolen, etc.

    That’s what this is about folks, same as the war against Russia, a showdown for the last of the oil and other resources.

    Can anyone guess where both sides of US politics will end up landing on this too?


      • The colony is there for the oil and to secure the trade routes, the religious angle, to the extent that it’s even real (how many Israeli citizens are really ‘true believers’?), is just a happy coincidence and convenient pretext for the Machiavellian psychopaths who run the western empire.

        The empire, like all empires, needs to draw resources from the periphery to the core. Once it can’t, it’s over. Hence the need to secure resources and trade routes.

        The Middle East colony is no different to any other western colony that slaughters the indigenous population and steals all their stuff for empire.

        I thought you read the book on psychopaths. You of all people should be able to work this out.

        The Machiavellian psychopath is nothing if not predictable.

      • A little ditty from my youth (and yes, I know Henry Rollins is Jewish)


        My name’s Henry
        And you’re here with me now…

        My life
        It’s a song, ahh
        It’s just a tune, you won’t even let it happen
        You won’t, you won’t let

        Damaged, heart attack
        I’m evil attacking my mind
        But you don’t mind
        ‘Cause this scheduled 13
        You just sit down
        Buy the ticket, wait your turn

        Just the other day
        Just getting past you
        I can’t see nothin’
        I’m blind, I’m blind
        I’m blind

        Hold out your hand to me
        Give me your hand
        Ahh, I’ll bite it off!


        I, I don’t even care about self-destruction anymore
        What’s the use?
        I just sit home alone
        Cold fingers, gold fingers
        In a cold sweat
        And then I remember
        I remember again
        We’d go for a ride in the country
        And you’d say, “Sing it, boy
        Do it again, do it again”

        Yes, sir
        Yes, sir
        Yes, sir
        Yes, sir!
        Oh, yes sir, yes sir, yes!

        Right now, look at me now
        Look at me now
        Just shadows
        I’m just shadows of one of us
        I just want another thing
        I couldn’t even get by you for that
        I don’t even know what to ask for


        I…I’m sorry my friends, I just AUGH…

        I just can’t…

        That’s it, everyone be nice
        Well it’s nice and cool here where I am

        It’s my mind
        It’s my mind where it’s all dark
        And no one comes in
        Nobody comes in
        My damage
        No one comes in
        Stay out!


        (Hi SYM)

          • We’re gonna be a white minority
            We won’t listen to the majority
            We’re gonna feel inferiority
            We’re gonna be white minority
            White pride, You’re an American
            I’m gonna hide
            Anywhere I can
            Gonna be a white minority
            We don’t believe there’s a possibility
            But you just wait and see
            Gonna be white minority
            White pride, You’re an American
            I’m gonna hide
            Anywhere I can
            Gonna be a white minority
            There’s gonna be large casualties
            If we don’t find a new territory
            We’re all gonna die

    • “Has the West’s colony in the Middle East just started the long-awaited war for the last of the oil?“

      Looks like it.

      Israel will be fighting Lebanon (Hezbollah), Iraq, Yemen (Houthis), Syria, Iran, Palestine (Hamas), and maybe even Russia (to some extent, at least).

      It’s insane that we’re funding this madness (and possibly joining them in committing suicide) rather than leaving them to fend for themselves.

      • Fitting that the final project of the neocons / Christian right is iconoclastically destroying the birthplace of Christianity, along with the descendants of the original Christians— the Palestinians and the other inhabitants of the Levant.

        • At the same time, I’m glad that they’re doomed, just like the other Western proxy countries (Ukraine, Taiwan, etc). The only thing they can really affect is when their country is dissolved— and right now Israel is doing everything it can to ensure that this happens ASAP, mainly by trying to escalate a war it is losing.

          I still believe the main reason certain people support or sympathize with them is because they resemble a school shooter, maniac on the loose, incel avenger, and so on. It’s a revenge fantasy, fueled by spite, not a long-term strategic plan.

          • Real right wingers support Israel because Jews are a superior race to Arabs. Jews are are higher IQ, more attractive, more virtuous, more good that the Tusken Raiders, it’s as simple as that. If you’re not racist on some level you’re not actually right wing. Right wingers like Christianity because it’s the white man’s historical religion and distinguishes western man from the Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, and other foreigners.

          • “Real right wingers support Israel because Jews are a superior race to Arabs.”

            The Iranians didn’t think so.

            The Iranians renamed their country from ‘Persia’ to ‘Iran’ out of love for Germany and ‘Aryans’. They were big supporters of the Nazis.

            Interesting little factoid I learned only recently.

      • Yeah everyone is insane, in-case you haven’t realized it yet the world is a madhouse.
        >The environment we rely on to live is rapidly collapsing, and the wealthiest people in power only want to accelerate this process in order to build some singularity AI Machine God.
        >Overweight boomers were so terrified of a disease that pretty much every government on earth injected the majority of their populations with experimental gene therapy “vaccines” with unknown long term effects.
        >We can’t muster the will to do ANYTHING meaningful to save the environment, but we shut down the whole economy and locked people up in their homes out of fear of a virus.
        >Little boys and girls are told that they were born the wrong gender if they’re unhappy or androgynous by everyone from therapists to their friends, before we mutilate their hormones and genitals.
        >White people cry tears of joy as hordes of low IQ ugly violent “refugees” replace them because the cool nigger on the TV tells them that’s how they should feel.
        Going on Crusade against the Saracens is historically normal compared to most of what’s happening. Hell, Israel already beat most of the Middle East during the Six-Day War.

        • I’m glad someone else at least understands that literally everyone in this world is completely insane. I think it’s an important step to take, to realize this unfortunate fact, if you’re looking for the truth. Because about 99% of what 99% of people believe and talk about, is meaningless noise and garbage. Including about half of the topics you mentioned tbh. And you’re never going to save the environment through governmental legislation, it would have to come from individual people changing their lifestyles on a global scale step by step, coming from personal initiative. But individually and collectively, you are not doing this at all. Most people are content to have a psychopathic relationship to the earth around them, if they’re able to do enough to forget that this is how their lifestyle demands that they behave. Most people are willing to cause or support unlimited amounts of suffering, for a sufficiently large dopamine hit. It’s one of the reasons why we’re in hell I reckon.

          • >And you’re never going to save the environment through governmental legislation,
            Nah they could, that’s the only way actually. A reminder that the world’s governments were able to shut down basically all international travel, and kept the majority of people in their homes over something relatively inconsequential (Covid) compared to the survival of Earth, and they had popular support in doing this through propaganda. Most people are easily programmed NPC automatons that get with whatever program is pushed in their faces. If governments were serious about positive change not only do they have the observed power to affect things, but their very propaganda machine would be capable of making most people support whatever edicts they enacted as-well. The problem is simply that our governments ENCOURAGE environmental destruction through things like subsidizing animal husbandry and fossil fuels, because they are ran according to the interests of people who profit off the destruction of our world.
            >Because about 99% of what 99% of people believe and talk about, is meaningless noise and garbage
            That’s “meaningless noise and garbage” is all there is of interest. Even if the World of Forms/Ideas/Pleroma of the Gnostics and Plato exists, the same struggle for ideas is taking place up there same as it is taking place here. It’s all God/Gods having a debate with themself/themselves.
            >Most people are content to have a psychopathic relationship to the earth around them.
            Yup, and this is why this civilization is going to die. You attack nature, nature will attack you back, it’s cause and effect, karma.
            >It’s one of the reasons why we’re in hell I reckon.
            Yup, and it’s everyone’s fault. I think one should just embrace the madness of existence and find joy in whatever irrational and insane thing they happen to enjoy until their time comes, no use crying over what’s inevitable. Don’t have a victim mentality, sit back and enjoy the horror show, you won’t be here forever.

        • If they want to commit suicide, fine. We shouldn’t go down with them.

          Their track record against their current opponents, for people who stopped paying attention after the 70s:

          Hezbollah— forced out of Southern Lebanon in 2000, failed again in 2006. Now the Israelis are, by their own admission, fighting in order to bring people back to the North— they’re being ANNEXED.

          Yemen— NATO kicked out of the Red Sea. Port of Eilat shut down.

          Iran— Zero success in forcing regime change, and now they are actively striking Israel.

          Not to mention if Russia or Turkey gets more involved.

        • Destroying the birthplace of Christianity— in the name of tradition. So based, so right-wing, nothing more trad than that.

          Like I said, the only consolation is that Israel (like the other proxy countries) is doomed. At least the Holy Land will be controlled by people who are not insane degenerates or wannabe mass killers.

          • I’m pretty sure climate change would have rendered the ‘holy land’ uninhabitable by humans by the end of the century regardless.

          • “Like I said, the only consolation is that Israel (like the other proxy countries) is doomed.”

            I can see the appeal, from the perspective of cosmic justice, for the west to fall over and die after ruthlessly slaughtering the indigenous peoples of the world and stealing all their wealth etc.

            But I’d like to move beyond the moral angle, to consider what might be going on in the minds of the Machiavellian psychopaths who run the world, as morality is a distant secondary consideration for them compared to power and control.

            In doing so I won’t argue that it isn’t morally wrong to slaughter civilians and genocide other races and so forth. However, in the zero-sum game mind of the psychopath, it is necessary to be powerful and in control or face unacceptable exploitation and perhaps destruction. And it’s not as if history doesn’t teach that those who cannot meet force with equal or greater force aren’t all too frequently short for this world.

            This is all very ‘unpleasant’ from a moral point of view, but it’s the cold, ‘mathematical’, desire for power and control that informs the Machiavellian psychopath’s decisions in his quest for personal comfort and survival.

            If I have it right so far, then it seems to follow that the psychopathic Israelis in charge believe that they need to slaughter the indigenous population of the region and gain/control territory/resources to ensure their own comfort and survival.

            It also seems to follow that western psychopathic elites believe that it will hurt their own chances for ongoing comfort and survival if the Israels fail in their ambitions and are subjugated and/or destroyed by their Muslim neighbours instead.

            Now, irrespective of whether the case that Israel’s ruthless, horrific and abhorrent slaughter is necessary for its comfort and survival is a good one, or whether the case that the fall of Israel will have a major impact on the west a good one, the Machiavellian psychopaths who run Israel and the west appear to believe that these things are true given their respective actions.

            Which makes me wonder, to what extent does the average citizens of Europe and the USA’s interests align with the interests of the psychopathic, Machiavellian Israeli/western elites who rule them?

            My guess is that they probably do align to a fair extent, especially for citizens of USA and Europe as they rely on imports of energy and resources and other goods for their own wellbeing.

            The destabilizing/disunifying effect of Israel on the region, which is a bulwark against hundreds of millions of Muslims down there is another ‘benefit’ as it prevents them coming together and threatening the ‘soft underbelly’ of Europe.

            It’s harder to guess for the citizens of Oz, for whom a bet each way seems more appropriate – from a purely amoral psychopathic perspective informed by selfish thoughts of personal comfort and survival at any rate.

            From a moral point of view, there is no doubt at all in my mind that dropping bombs on civilians is evil, dishonorable, etc. and I would very much like not to end up on receiving end of that kind of behaviour. That doesn’t change the fact that there are psychos on all sides though.

            Kill or be killed?

            Is that what it boils down to?

        • “Yeah everyone is insane, in-case you haven’t realized it yet the world is a madhouse.”

          It’s certainly tempting to see it that way. I see it that way. In fact, it all makes little sense to me unless I try to understand what is happening through the narrow minded, extremely limited, insane and frequently evil worldview of the Machiavellian psychopath.

          “The environment we rely on to live is rapidly collapsing, and the wealthiest people in power only want to accelerate this process in order to build some singularity AI Machine God.”

          Yeah, that is just madness. One last hurrah of the religion of progress.

          “Overweight boomers were so terrified of a disease that pretty much every government on earth injected the majority of their populations with experimental gene therapy “vaccines” with unknown long term effects.”

          Maybe, but I’d say the “vaccines” were more profit driven, or some other such psychosis in origin. Although the boomers are a selfish, materialistic, me, me, me generation who happily cannibalize their own children.

          “We can’t muster the will to do ANYTHING meaningful to save the environment, but we shut down the whole economy and locked people up in their homes out of fear of a virus.”

          Yeah, although maybe in a backhanded kind of way, the shutdowns were good for the environment, and/or might represent an ‘attempt’ (even if an ‘unconscious’ one as a coping mechanism of the self-organizing system) to reduce demand for fossil fuels given they are running out – a sort of effort to extend the status quo for a bit longer by shutting off strictly unnecessary economic activity. Just an idea among others I’ve heard bandied about for the root cause of that phenomenon.

          “Little boys and girls are told that they were born the wrong gender if they’re unhappy or androgynous by everyone from therapists to their friends, before we mutilate their hormones and genitals.”

          Yeah, it’s just child abuse pure and simple. This will all be seen in the same kind of light as lobotomies one day.

          “White people cry tears of joy as hordes of low IQ ugly violent “refugees” replace them because the cool nigger on the TV tells them that’s how they should feel.”

          The worm seems to be turning on immigration to some extent as people realize, say, that it puts downwards pressure on incomes, ramps housing Ponzis making owning a home a fantasy for a third of the population, crushes services, etc.

          “Going on Crusade against the Saracens is historically normal compared to most of what’s happening. Hell, Israel already beat most of the Middle East during the Six-Day War.”

          I certainly see it as part of the ‘normal’ colonialism of the western empire. Israel is basically just a subculture of westerners, armed with western weapons, supported by westerners, serving western interests, etc. I know there’s more to it, but that seems like enough to explain the situation in broad strokes without needing much, if anything, of anything else.

  6. SYM:

    > Real right wingers support Israel because Jews are a superior race to Arabs


    >Jews are are higher IQ,


    > more attractive,

    Gonna have to stop you there, kike

  7. Wombat:

    > As a gnostic, who believes the world around them is inherently evil, how deep did you take it when you joined the establishment?

    I have no idea what you’re point is here, but I always felt that track was disturbing.

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