So I’ll try not to waste too many words on this, but the Dutch Extinction Rebellion protesters are blocking the entrance to the state museum in Amsterdam.
Ted Kaczynski famously warned that protesters should not create a rift between themselves and the general public. Rather, they should seek to find adherents, by attacking the excesses of the system they oppose. For his anti-tech revolution, he recommended focusing on genetic manipulation, rather than, let’s say, the electricity grid.
So if you block the entrance to the state museum, preventing people who have very little spare time from going to the museum, you’re inevitably just marginalizing yourself. You’re also marginalizing yourself of course if you start piling other leftists causes on top of your cause, like the Palestinians.
But I don’t think these people are seriously trying to save the world. I think they want to be able to say to themselves that they were “on the right side of history” and “tried everything”. Above all else, they’re trying to treat their own existential anguish.
They kind of ran out of ideas, so now they’re settling on a kind of “fifteen degrees to Hitler” leftist social shaming strategy. The fossil fuel industry is Hitler. ING, the Dutch bank, funds Hitler, so they’re nazi’s. The nazi bank also funds the museum, so the museum are nazi sympathizers.
But this is a bit of a dead-end social strategy. At this point, my honest recommendation is to just accept that the attempt to stop global warming has failed and we’re going to die.
“It was all looking pretty bleak. But then people blocked the entrance to a museum funded by a bank that also funds the fossil fuel industry and things began to get better!”
The Africans are fucked, the elephants are fucked, the orangutans are fucked.
But let’s be honest to ourselves. The African population is projected to swell to 3.5 billion by 2100. Global warming or no global warming, they were fucked to begin with. Their fertile soils are flushing down into the ocean.
Congo had 12 million people in 1950. They had 101 million in 2020. They will have 379 million by 2100. What did you think was going to happen? “Oh no, global warming caused millions of people in Congo to die of starvation in 2050 who would have otherwise died in a Malthusian catastrophe in 2080!”
Most people don’t zoom out, they live in the here and now. If you zoom out you’ll get anxious, because you will see your own ugly old mug and your death on the horizon. But if you’re going to zoom out, it would be better if you would recognize the inevitability of collapse too.
Nobody really knows exactly what’s going to happen, but you don’t have to be a genius, to recognize collapse is baked into the system by now. Forget about global warming for a moment. We don’t have the natural resources we need to keep the system going. The aquifers are depleting, our soils are flushing into the ocean, the pollinating insects are dying from our pesticides, our sperm counts are crashing and most of the population is obese.
The Koreans and Japanese are dying out, the Afghans and the Congolese are undergoing a population explosion. Call me racist if you want, but I don’t think the Amish-Afghan-Congolese coalition is going to build the same sort of society as the Japanese and the Koreans did.
If you think the temperatures we’ll get by 2050 are terrifying, wait until you see the resource depletion problem that kicks in much earlier. We don’t have the natural resources we need for the whole sustainable energy transition, there’s very little copper left in the world.
And if you think the resource depletion is scary, wait until you see the real problem, the pandemic problem. Congo has always had monkeypox. But in the old days people lived in isolated villages, so the virus would die out for lack of hosts, before finding its way into the next village.
But now people are living in giant refugee camps, in cities where children with bullet holes in their body lay in the same hospital bed as children with monkeypox. People now live in refugee camps where a hundred people have to share the same toilet. The women are forced to prostitute themselves, to feed their children. Just as nature tries to be merciful to the chickens we put in cages, nature tries to be merciful to the poor people stuck living in these refugee camps.
When you go from 12 million people to 101 million people, you make it much easier for a virus to spread to the next host, before dying out. Add some airplanes and truck drivers to that and a virus can spread to multiple other countries. That’s what happened to monkeypox. I said it before, I’ll say it again: Orthopox viruses killed 300-500 million people in the 20th century, even though smallpox was extinct by 1980. When this goes wrong, it goes very wrong.
“We’re going to save the Africans from global warming!”
Bro, you can’t save the Africans from monkeypox. The vaccines have finally arrived, but they won’t start vaccinating until they’ve trained the personnel, so the first vaccines will be administered in October at earliest. After that it’s a week or two before the vaccine is actually effective.
They will have 380,000 vaccines, on a population of 90 million in Congo alone. The capital city Kinshasa has already had its first 11 detected cases. There are 17 million people living there.
Good luck. This is going to turn into the same thing as SARS2, you’re just going to accelerate its evolution by vaccinating against it.

“I wonder what’s going to happen…”
Well, I have often released animals in Sim Life that showed this growth pattern and ate all the plants before the plants could produce seeds, so allow me to spoil the ending for you: They’re going to die. You can stabilize the ecosystem a bit, by releasing a plague virus before the animal population peaks, but otherwise they will probably just make all your plants extinct too.
But that’s just Congo. Nigeria will have 477 million by 2100, Ethiopia will be at 366 million. The EU will have 420 million by 2100, so yes, Nigeria alone would have more people than the EU. What do you think is going to happen?
By 2100 Nigeria would have the population density of the Netherlands! Forget about improving yields for a moment. In the Netherlands, we’re using 7% of our land, just for housing. Your food production is going to decline, simply because you’ll need to use your most fertile farmland to build houses and roads for your population. After all, your first cities like Lagos emerged in fertile river deltas, not in the middle of the desert up north.
We obviously won’t make it that far, collapse is baked into the system by now. But people don’t want to hear this, they want to think they can still dig their way out of this hole.
The crown of trees looks like this:

This is how they stop pathogens from spreading. For generations, people living in the jungle did the same thing, they were highly xenophobic, they avoided other tribes.
But now countries like Congo are becoming an actual unified whole. And the number of flights worldwide exploded:

So take a guess what’s going to happen.
The writing is on the wall by now.
Like the era of antibiotics, the era of controlling viruses through vaccination is of limited duration.
We’re now entering the pandemic era. Global warming will be of secondary concern.
I don’t know about you, but I would prefer if the population of Africa didn’t explode into the billions.
Global warming and pandemics don’t seem to be bothering them: maybe only Bill Gates “vaccines” can slow down their level of reproduction.
Bill Gates is a fucking hero.
If you care about elephants and other wildlife, african people have to be removed. Be it from monkey pox or gas chambers, I could not care less. Stop feeding them is the first step. *Helpful* white people caused the overpopulaton there.
> This is going to turn into the same thing as SARS2, you’re just going to accelerate its evolution by vaccinating against it.
> Like the era of antibiotics, the era of controlling viruses through vaccination is of limited duration.
> We’re now entering the pandemic era. Global warming will be of secondary concern.
I’ve been doing more research on IgG4, and found this argument on Twitter between pro-mRNA’er Nirenberg and anti-mRNA’er Mavakay:
I’m going to assume that Mavakay wins the argument, but I’m just wondering if you’re able to quantify just how much higher the concentration of IgG4 antibodies are when comparing post-mRNA vaccine vs. post-measles infection, from that cited study. Are we talking several times higher IgG4 titers, or orders of magnitude higher IgG4 titers?
Also sand. We’re running out of sand.
In addition, there was rather shocking article in the New York Times last weekend, about U.S. farmland being contaminated with PFAS from being fertilized with sewage. The main cope for the moment seems to be to not look for the problem so it won’t seem as bad as it is.
Don’t worry, Radagast, self-amplifying RNA will save the day: https://jessicar.substack.com/p/why-we-cant-move-forward-with-self
Yes, the population bomb has already gone off. We’re just waiting for the blast to take us all out. From back in 2010:
“Eminent Australian scientist Professor Frank Fenner (now departed, may he rest in peace), who helped to wipe out smallpox, predicts humans will probably be extinct within 100 years, because of overpopulation, environmental destruction and climate change.
Fenner, who is emeritus professor of microbiology at the Australian National University (ANU) in Canberra, said homo sapiens will not be able to survive the population explosion and “unbridled consumption,” and will become extinct, perhaps within a century, along with many other species.”
What to do in the face of that knowledge?
Join XR? A movement that’s been coopted by tame, vain, artsy posers. Should we become limp-wristed, mincing ninnies who’re even more useless than leftists?
Pray for a virus? That might not make enough of a dent in the numbers. Plus, if the death rate increases the birth rate will increase to compensate.
Or perhaps, in a hat-tip Uncle Ted, one thing would be anti-tech revolutionaries might want to consider is to just give the elites who run the system more of what they want:
“Revolutionaries might consider favoring measures that tend to bind the world
economy into a unified whole. Free trade agreements like NAFTA and GATT are
probably harmful to the environment in the short run, but in the long run they may
perhaps be advantageous because they foster economic interdependence between na
tions. It will be easier to destroy the industrial system on a worldwide basis if the
world economy is so unified that its breakdown in any one major nation will lead to
its breakdown in all industrialized nations.”
Uncle Ted – par 196, ISAIF
But why stop there? Revolutionaries seeking to destroy the industrial system, which must necessarily lower the population, might also want to consider working for more than just additional globalization, but also more industrialization, financialization, technology, immigration, economic growth, etc. instead of fighting against these things.
Instead of fighting it, might it not a surer way to destroy it be helping it link up into one disgusting, diseased, planet covering, interlinked whole? In this way, the whole lot might be destroyed at one if a single critical system fails.
This approach has the added advantage of aligning with where it all wants to go anyway.
It would certainly seem likely to heighten social tensions, perhaps until the point where a revolution against technology becomes possible and attractive to the masses, who will mostly die afterwards.
Another hat-tip seems due here to another psychopath, Hyatt, who Mehen frequently quotes: “Learn how to help everyone achieve what they want. It will, in the end, destroy them.”
Rad, I genuinely don’t understand why you care.
All of us on this blog believe some version of “We’re the playthings of Promethians” or “We’re living in a simulation / hell / one small part of an n-dimension reality.” Worrying about the fate of a species – ANY species – just seems weird frankly.
>All of us on this blog believe some version of “We’re the playthings of Promethians” or “We’re living in a simulation / hell / one small part of an n-dimension reality.
That’s your problem, not mine.
>That’s your problem, not mine.
Respectfully, I think it’s your problem.
> Call me racist if you want, but I don’t think the Amish-Afghan-Congolese coalition is going to build the same sort of society as the Japanese and the Koreans did.
I do not doubt that an Amish-Afghan-Congolese coalition will never reach the heights of technological progress that Japanese and Koreans do. But perhaps this hypothetical New World of Amish Afghans will have a lot more human-to-human compassion. I’m thinking here of how “Western” peoples are often criticized for putting their parents in nursing homes, who are rarely visited by their children, while more Mediterranean or familial cultures have a tradition of parents and children sticking together so that those who have the closest emotional connection to you, are also the ones closest to you geographically. Rather than the usual third world blacks and Carribeans who make up the bulk of elder care (at least here in America)
You might provide me with dozens of examples of how the intelligence and individualism of Northern European whites made this or that progress, and you would not be wrong.
But I say, this world is ultimately a Hell Realm, it is shit, and EVERYONE eventually succumbs to the ravages of aging, pain, and death. Would you not rather have your most vulnerable years cradled by close associates rather than corporation-paid NPCs?
I’m not saying I know any answers. Just thinking out loud here.
I just got back from visiting a friend who is dying in hospice at the local VA hospital, he is close to the end; he didn’t have the strength to talk so I just sat. I mean, I guess he’s a friend; I knew him 26 years ago when we had community garden plots in the same garden, but he has lived in his van for decades and traveled from place to place and once in a while returned to this area and I might run into him then and chat. He has two daughters but the family is a mess and I did not see any evidence that anyone was visiting. The VA hospice people certainly seemed glad that I was visiting. He is 81 y.o.; he was born in Minnesota and when he was six years old his parents (who were drunks) took his five siblings and moved to the Pacific Northwest. They left him behind in MN with his grandmother for several years. I think his whole life has been a result of that; imagine doing that to a kid. He is a Theosophist but I do not see that this brings him comfort.
On everyone’s favorite topic, back in January he was fine. Then he caught covid and when he was discharged from the VA back to his van he needed food so I brought him some. He seemed to recover okay from the covid but then he developed dizziness, and he had a fall, and broke a bone. Then he was in rehab for months. Then two months ago he developed turbo cancer; it is advancing a lot faster than it should be. He had one J&J shot.
The last über ride I took was from a guy from Afghanistan; he was pretty excited to learn that my 99 y.o. father in law lives with us since that is how they do it. Well, you have to have someone at home for that, and in reality it will almost always be a woman if it happens. He said that Afghanistan was a wonderful place, but he did mumble under his breath something about “problem with women.”
Karen, thanks for the comment.
> He said that Afghanistan was a wonderful place, but he did mumble under his breath something about “problem with women.”
I am unsure what you are implying with this anecdote?
Mehen, the Afghans have experienced 20 years of life under western rule. There is an entire generation of women there who want to continue living that way. And they have fathers, brothers, and other male relatives who are willing to help them keep it.
The average Afghan male is going to experience a slow immersion into western gynocentrism.
Yes, but the western rule has gone now hasn’t it?
What makes you think these Afghan women’s male relatives want western ways, given that it makes women much, much less manageable?
Once the westerners are gone, they can go back to old methods of controlling women, clouting them and so forth, like Sean Connery was apparently in favour of.
Ataturk secularised Turkey 100 years ago, so that it could catch up with the west.
Erbakan used to say “domuzdan post gavurdan dost olmaz” to rally support.
And Afghanistan is not Turkey.
According to Rory Stewart, many Afghans still live in totally feudal, primitive, tough conditions, busting their hump on the land, just for food.
In such conditions I would say uppity women just would not be tolerated.
But I could be wrong, I don’t mean any disrespect.
I think that whenever he reads about Afghanistan in the American media, it is an article about how women are being oppressed. So that is all he thinks that people know or think about Afghanistan. Maybe he often gets comments from riders on the topic, and was hoping to stave one off.
“We obviously won’t make it that far, collapse is baked into the system by now. But people don’t want to hear this, they want to think they can still dig their way out of this hole.”
What if the fastest and least painful (if not the only) way out is through a hole in the bottom?
Passing through that tiny sphincter in the bottom promises to be an icky process, and most might well get digested or suffocated along the way, and even if anyone makes it through the pipe, the pile one lands in mightn’t smell so great; however, on the plus side, new life and species will bloom and evolve in the ripe mess.
Perhaps this realization is a way of coping with the anguish?
New, mushy, jelly-blubber life will infest the oceans; plagues and fungal infections will thrive and flourish; a whole new world of pus, teeming with disgusting lowest common demoninantor life of all descriptions will spring forth from the rotting corpse of the old world.
How to cope with the anguish this causes? Perhaps one way is to embrace and encourage the process.
We are not here forever, so revel in it while it lasts.
Might be the best answer… I don’t believe the end is nigh, the Amish/Afghan/Congolese axis would do a whole lot better in thriving in that pus-riddled shitshow. High tech is not giving us the promised utopia. And I hope the Ethical Skeptic is not right about being past the tipping point.
I guess how close it is depends on what you mean by the ‘end being nigh’. If we are talking human extinction, then it’s a possibility, perhaps within a hundred years according to Fenner, who actually exterminated a species (smallpox), so he might’ve known a thing or two about what he was talking about.
Is one hundred years ‘nigh’? Sounds pretty close to me.
That said, nobody knows what will happen to a certainty; events are chaotic, humans are adaptable and present everywhere on Earth in staggering numbers, so it seems hard to believe that ALL of us will die.
Which is cold comfort for most of us.
It may take time to play out, perhaps decades, but humans will eat and/or pollute themselves to death. Some have faith that this process will follow a nice and gentle curve down over a hundred years or more, but I can’t get behind that. Certainly not for individual places, not when there are plenty of examples of civilizations that have died suddenly. There are plenty, for example, that have been totally destroyed in war, and with vast numbers of humans, dwindling resources, and worsening ecological conditions, competition for the remaining resources is only gonna ramp up.
And with the complicated interconnectedness of things, who knows what the destruction of a given place might do? The system is so vast and complicated, like an unfathomable multicellular organism, that nobody really understands what’s going on. What is the significance of the loss of this clump of cells to the organism?
Is it just an ear, or is it the heart? Nobody can tell.
Anyway, whether fast or slow, one way or another, it seems to me like the end is indeed inescapably nigh for most of us, if you consider less than a hundred years as ‘nigh’.
With that in mind, I can see the attraction of holding out hope for a sudden planetary cataclysm, as it would perhaps be more humane than a protracted and agonizing death for global civ, but barring that, what is coming is coming with the ‘mathematical’ inexorability of overshoot – and of course, we are screwed either way.
The future holds nothing more than a choice of catastrophes and the best we can hope for is the second coming to speed things along. I won’t judge anyone for coping with that however they can.
>What if the fastest and least painful (if not the only) way out is through a hole in the bottom? Passing through that tiny sphincter in the bottom promises to be an icky process, and most might well get digested or suffocated along the way, and even if anyone makes it through the pipe, the pile one lands in mightn’t smell so great; however, on the plus side, new life and species will bloom and evolve in the ripe mess.
The Practitioner knows, for example, that, if the pro-abortionists win by controlling population, it is the *wrong* population that will be controlled.
This is one of the key principles of Toxick Magick: whether, for example, the Church gets its way or not in terms of abortion is quite irrelevant. It is the *quality and nature* of the forces set in motion for which the Toxick Magician strives.
He knows that whatever is the most gross will triumph in the
end. Whatever levels the playing field triumphs for a while.
He knows that the faster technology develops, the greater will
be the collisions and destruction within the species which developed the technology.
Inertia must always be viewed from the
psychological perspective of indolence. Indolence, in one form or
another, leads to farce.
Regardless of social strictures, laws or anything else, the
masses will continue to breed. The goal is 66.6% *illiteracy* in the
Civilized World and not the reverse. The goal of literacy is simply
a ruse, a ploy of the Toxick Magician to set into motion those forces which interfere with the natural give and take of intelligence and stupidity, and power and impotency.
Thus, every so-called worthy goal is a ruse and the fuse of
destruction. In the end, all goals reduce to control and the means
used to gain control are irrelevant and quickly forgotten (when convenient)
What difference does it make to the average individual or
organization that 10 or 20 million lives are destroyed after a week
or two? It is only important that there is a fresh chicken in the
pot. This is called “Voodoo Mechanics”
By the perfect application of the mind of a Master, individuals will develop the natural character traits to lead the world into a deep and abysmal darkness until the necessary form of transformed destructiveness occurs, thereby freeing new and more
interesting forms to evolve and develop.
For example, as we wind down to ultimate world peace, expect the greatest possibility for a nuclear holocaust.
Note that when speaking of evolution, we use the word
“forms” and not “form.” The idea of plurality is important in
many ways but for the moment its importance lies in the fact
that multiple users of Toxicity can create competing ends for the
yet unborn futures which will create events which will be
regarded as beautiful and grotesque.
The only major requirement is that all Manipulators know
that their ultimate goal is for the good of the gross force field
which is forever struggling to give birth to new life forms as
quickly as possible, regardless of the cost to the older forms.
Now, at last, the human race has the means to make radical
transformations and provide the race with the opportunity to do
away with itself in its present dead-end form.
Thus, for example, in order for immortality to exist, most of
the human race will need to be destroyed — and it will be.
At first, of course, there will be the obligatory moaning over
the “tragedy.” But, within a few months, this destruction will be
seen as a happy and necessary event, just as euthanasia will in
time, be seen as a “new” solution to the “problems” of over
population and the funding of Social Security systems. (The
scenes at the conclusion of Stanley Kubrick’s brilliant movie “Dr.
Strangelove Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb”
present an excellent example of this process.)
>Wombat: “How to cope with the anguish this causes? Perhaps one way is to embrace and encourage the process.”
Few individuals can tolerate the mental void of Toxick Chaos
which surrounds him. Always there is some little quirk or some
little error which causes him some misery, pain or destruction.
Without the need to change diapers, most mothers would strangle their infants.
It always appears that this little something or that could have
been avoided and, if we didn’t wish to hide from the inherent
ugliness of the human condition, we could have side-stepped this,
But, remember: those who do not readily, eagerly and graciously accept this world of in-voluntarism will be labeled misfits
and psychopaths. As such, be prepared — for enemies are needed to blame for every “bad ending.”
Look at the dinosaur — they might have blamed the automobile. And if you look at things perversely enough, the death of the automobile might create a species more horrifying than the dinosaur.
Even with horror and death aside, few can tolerate complete
success. It leads to boredom and to the final realization that we
are all food within the belly of a giant monster whose final goals
we only have a glimmer of — and the glimmer we see is not
Thus, while man doesn’t seek death *per se*, he seeks destruction as this provides the opportunity for new and potentially more lively events. Destruction is the great act of control. It is the “NO” to in-voluntarism.
The fact that destruction does, in fact, lead to death is purely
happenstantial. The organisms of the future will be able to
destroy themselves and still continue to live.
Where there exists an innate superiority or power, Toxick
Magick will manifest itself.
A good Student will immediately understand this once he
realizes that much of what he has called “failure” is truly pre-potent success. This is particularly true when the Student can
write his “autobiographies” with complete dispassion. Every
autobiography is nothing more than a story of destruction and
Whether a force is ultimately positive or negative doesn’t
matter, for it sets in motion other forces over which the magician
has little or no control.
This form of Chaos is desired since unknown results leads to
more Toxicity and Chaos. Toxick Magicians have been called the
“Children Who Hate.” And, if the truth be known, they do. They
hate stupidity, death and restriction. They loathe the idea of
linear time.
You were SUPPOSED to reply to this.
*drums fingers on table*
I’m going to kick off with the fact that you seem a little ‘enigmatic’ when it comes to your own views on this guy. I’ve asked you before what your take on him was, and you referred me back to his words, but never really explained your own views to me. That seemed a bit slippery of you, given you are so frank in your opinions on other things.
But what do I think about him?
That would take a long post. I will try to be brief. I agree with him that humans collectively, as a civilization, would on any fair reading of the DSM, be categorized as a psychopath. I came to this view independently over 20 years ago.
Anyone who understands that and understands the nature of the psychopath (and the malignant narcissist) is going to have some reasonable insights to share into how the world works.
His philosophy oozes with manipulation of events through the application of will and chaos magic. In that sense, it is a good fit for the modern world, which also oozes with bending the world to our will and the consequences of same. The Faustian deals we strike to bend the world to our will come with blowback. There is no free lunch, the world just operates that way. I also suspect that there are ‘things’ in the dark that feed off those deals that I rather don’t like.
The system does seem to contain the seeds of its own destruction. Should a person encourage that system and thus encourage its destruction?
Perhaps not if they’re a Christian.
A Christian should probably pray instead and put their faith in God’s will instead of pushing the efforts of psychopathic men to bend the world with evermore magic/technology to their will, which will deliver benefits, but not without payment of an even greater price.
There is; however, no guarantee that the outcome wouldn’t be the same, or worse. I guess that’s where the faith comes in.
Psychos and the psycho system, making deals with the Devil, trying to control/influence events with magic/technology. . .
Let’s face it, those sorts of things are what’s gotten us into this mess, so maybe people are just better off avoiding all of that?
Maybe another way to cope is to just peel off, to the extent one is able?
Aim to become a damnable, consciency, recalcitrant, refusenik, rascally, pray-boy instead. If yes, it has the attraction of at least annoying all the other players, which seems pretty punk and potentially gratifying in and of itself no matter what the outcome 😛
Also seems a bit liberating to just throw up your hands: “THY WILL BE DONE GOD! I leave it all in your care man. I wash my hands of this shitshow. Do as you will!”
It’s hardly as if the result could get any worse.
Not that much seems worse (at least non in this mortal realm) than the awful future we’ve created for ourselves.
Civilizations are actually predatory superorganisms. They are farming us, we are not the masters of civilization, we are not directing its will at all, these are egregores with an emergent will of their own and they brainwash us from birth into being cattle to advance their ends so that they can expand and consume the earth. And yes, they are obviously very evil. Part of that brainwashing, is the unspoken notion that “humans are in control of [human] civilization”.
“we are not the masters of civilization”
Agreed. We are not as in control of events (and probably even of ourselves) as we think we are:
“FIFTH PRINCIPLE. People do not consciously and rationally choose the
form of their society. Societies develop through processes of social evolution that are not under rational human control.”
Uncle Ted, ISAF, Par 106.
I read Gail Tverbergs essays and the comments she gets reasonable often. Your notion of civilization as an emergent egregore, reminds me of how she sees global civilization as a self-organizing system. For example:
“The Universe came into being, apparently out of nothing. The Universe has grown and continues to grow. Eric Chaisson, in his 2001 book, Cosmic Evolution: The Rise of Complexity in Nature, shows that the trend in the Universe has been toward ever greater complexity.
Together, it appears that the Universe, itself, acts like a dissipative structure. Self-organization leads the Universe to grow and become more complex, as long as it has adequate energy. The question becomes, “Where is the expanding energy supply for the Universe as a whole coming from? Can the expanding energy supply continue indefinitely, or until whatever force started it, chooses to stop it?”
It seems to me that there is something from outside pushing the whole Universe along. Economists talk about “an invisible hand.” People from a religious background might say that there is a God who created the Universe, and is continuing to create it every day, through involvement in the things that take place on Earth, including the strange happenings in 2020.
If I am correct that there is an outside force influencing the economy today, perhaps Earth’s problems are temporary. One possibility is that eventually a new type of energy solution will be found. There is also the possibility that, at some point, whatever force started the Universe may cause the operation of the Universe to cease. A replacement (which we can think of as heaven) might be provided instead.
The popular narrative tends to see ourselves as having a great deal of power to manage problems with our current economy, but I don’t think that we have very much power to influence the system we find ourselves embedded in. The economic system behaves on its own, based on market forces, just a child grows up, matures, and eventually dies. The system within which we live is very much guided by what we call self-organization, which is outside our power to control.”
I also agree that global civilization is inherently evil. Why else would we find it necessary to lie about what is going on so often? I would not be surprised to learn that all other forms of civilizations were/are also evil.
There’s a reason, I guess, why hermits leave the world of men to find God in the wilderness. Perhaps God splits as soon we get settle down and get ‘civilized’ 😛
Or maybe ‘inherently evil’ is too strong a term. Maybe it’s just that you can’t have the light without the dark, or substance without a shadow, etc.
There certainly is plenty of evil though.
Anyay, morality aside, I think civilization is going to go away because ‘physics’ because ‘ecology’ because ‘overshoot’.
I’m leaning towards fast rather than slow collapse. A slow collapse seems to suit people with certain leanings. People who are into ‘small is beautiful’ and living in harmony etc. ‘Good’ people who don’t want to accept that hordes of starving people will eat everything down to the lizards. People who are academics, and/or work in cloistered and sheltered academia who are not able to see the lengths that genetics and evolution have shaped and prepared us to savagely rip each other’s throats out in a catastrophic collapse and die off scenario.
It’s already a psychopathic global system, but at least it’s still a bit civilized. Once that civility breaks down though, there will be no hope of anything other than a savage and brutal descent.
Based and Grandfather Nurgle pulled.
This is bullshit.
Why should there be no farmers left in mountaineous regions? Bc Zombies? Fallout?
Meh. There are 50 Million humans living in remote valleys with a high soil turnover (natural erosion).
Same for that nonsense of a new world “after us”. They said in the 90ies by now we’ll have Mediterranean style bushy woods. None of it came to be. In fact, forests are expanding and growing thicker.
This insect problem might resolve itself quickly. There are agriculturally poisoned ponds where experts said it will take decades to repopulate. Ten years later they had to elevate their status it bc of red list species living in them. Oops.
It is sad that this author is too lazy to learn about the realities of global warming. A guy calling himself the ethical skeptic goes over every possible cause. It could only be from undersea volcanoes. 1/2 the heating of the past 30 years came during june 2023.
For crissakes, get educated.
For a smart guy, you seem to be extremely slow on the uptake.
It is pointless doing a simple cull. This is because, in only two generations, you have the same problem back again, but much worse because of zero resources.
TPTB have already solved this problem. They carried out a mass human population genocide, of 25 billion NPC cattle, that are yet to even exist.
Is this a crime? Is this unethical to genocide people that are yet to be born? Can you think of any other solution?
Fuck the cattle.
Human population reduction is not a quick fix for environmental problems.
Was a study from 2014 about how much population reduction could solve global warming. Basically it would take a war or pandemic with a loss of 3 to 5 billion over 5 years, combined with fertility controls. To one child per woman. That would reduce the population to about 3 billion by 2100. So not a quick fix but a fix.
You know they abort about 73 million a year, so over about 13 years thats a billion gone. Add feminism, the gay agenda, traniism, low sperm counts all seems to be going to plan.
>Human population reduction is not a quick fix for environmental problems.
Of course, anyone can figure this out. It would have been great, if something had been done about the population problem fifty years ago.
But alas. Only China took the problem seriously, once that retard Mao was gone.
But they didn’t do anything about it, and in fact did the opposite, so now hordes of humans will inevitably eat and/or pollute themselves to death.
It’s amazing that despite that knowledge, our Ponzi Lords keep on ramping up the numbers with vast immigration.
Now that is truly retarded.
They trundled out the economists (aka high priests of Mammon) to ‘refute’ claims of limits with the same kind of totalitarian blindness as Mao – totally incapable of seeing past their ideological blinkers.
So effective has the propaganda been that now, even when the immigrants/climate refugees start eating everything with a heartbeat, there’s still refusal to accept it’s happening because that’d be ‘racist’, or whatever other slander our corporate overlords have programmed into people: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/cant-take-it-anymore-residents-springfield-ohio-beg-help-after-20000-haitians-overwhelm
The way I see it, the best thing to do is to address the problem on a personal level in a way where if everyone did what you were doing, things would get better. It’s all you can really do about this in the end, and when we die it’s ourselves that we have to live with ultimately. So in my case that means going vegan, going jobless (I’m fortunate enough to be able to do this), reducing my expenditures by like 80-90%, and for some people out there, they may also be willing to consider more direct forms of personal “activism” against the bad actors destroying the environment. Our situation is ultimately spiritual so it’s more complicated than the material factors suggest, I mean this world is a corpse and humanity writ large is kind of being pigeonholed by dark forces into a kind of ritual reenactment of something, so there’s that element as well. But in the end what we’re left with is ourselves, so we’ve got to try our best to act accordingly I think.
But, something WAS being done about the population problem 50 years ago – in fact, 80 years ago:
They 100% knew about the problem, 50 years ago:
They have been busy, very busy, Down Under – where nobody was looking.
Now, all you beautiful retarded retards, what was all that DNA “contamination” exactly doing in those bottles?
Time will tell – in the next generation or two.
>Time will tell – in the next generation or two.
Kinda late to the game.
By the time that the next generation of yet to be born females reach childbearing age, all those responsible will be long dead:
“By the time that the next generation of yet to be born females reach childbearing age, all those responsible will be long dead:”
Then why bother? At least intentionally.
We will have to use as much of EVERYTHING in the next 30 years as we have in the last couple of hundred years at a modest 2.3% growth rate or whatever (I don’t claim to be a mathematician – and nor should we do so collectively as a species, because it seems like we cannot wrap our collective heads around exponential growth).
So double the consumption of EVERTHIHNG in 30 odd years, and quadruple that for 60 odd years.
When do women start having kids these days? 30 years old or so?
No, this civilization won’t be here in two generations, nor will a habitable planet. So, why bother sterilizing future generations intentionally, other than to give them one more thing to gripe about as they choke out their last, shaking their fists in the air at their cunt ancestors?
@ Fatso the Wombat:
There is the cull on top of this, with Gen X and Boomers designed to cancer out or die suddenly together.
They did what they did, as the hail Mary last ditch effort.
It is all that they could have done, so they did.
What is scary is that the elites think just like LSWMs. It is LSWMs from the very top to bottom. You are trapped with 8 billion-plus LSWMs on a prison hell planet that is ready to collapse at any moment.
>What is scary is that the elites think just like LSWMs.
Correct. When you meet rich people, what strikes you generally is their simple banality. These are not aspiring Hitlers. They’re very boring people with very shallow interests and goals.
Some of them are insane.
> Some of them are insane.
Yes, SYM.
I feel Rad is being far too charitable when he characterizes the rich as just as dumb as any LSWM.
This is simply naive, at best.
I once had the the luxury of dating a JAP whose father was a multimillionaire who was instrumental in setting up power plants in third world countries.
I wouldn’t go so far as to say he was “insane”, but there was a psychological intensity to his mind which I noticed when we sat around the dinner table. He was basically a good guy, I guess. But his drivenness and intensity was worlds away from my pussy faggot mind.
I used to be friends with an autistic Jew who attributed everything to “entropy”
I think I now understand the appeal of the “entropy” explanation…
I don’t know any rich people. They are rich and I am not, so our paths never cross.
They could all disappear tomorrow, and I wouldn’t even notice.
I watched a program once about rich people who basically do nothing but live on the interest of their family fortunes/trusts and have done nothing at all of merit since they were born.
They can’t even fail at school, because they pay.
The father of this guy was offering his life advice to his son that he should get a hobby, and that he himself collected maps.
I doubt the really rich need to exercise their brains a whole lot.
There are two reliable indicators for ‘success’:
1. being born rich
2. being born good looking
Intelligence has nothing to do with it.
There will never have been a funnier time to be an old person.
i’m sure you and everyone else is familiar with Tom Murphy’s Do the Math Blog, a sort of apology for his career as an astrophysicist. if not check out http://dothemath.ucsd.edu, it’s very related.
Honestly when i read the title i thought he was going to recommend psilocybe, but we get more doom porn.
Rad, isn’t there a happy mushroom you can take?
This seems like good fodder for a Radagast essay:
Don’t know if you read the Neo-Fuedal review.
Humanity as a slave-making ant colony
Globohomo wants a managed decline of humanity’s genetic stock and population
“This post compares the behavior of humanity to that of slave-making ant colonies, arguing that globohomo wants to create a permanent overlord-slave relationship that cannot be altered or undone, and that such a setup may have its origins in the human psyche itself.”
From about 15:10 he starts to go off the rails after about 15 minutes or so, in my opinion.
“The plan of the people in charge is to transform our societies, evermore into termitaries, and to insectify our lives as much as possible”
Or something close to those words.
An old mate of mine, who is in the departure lounge now with a terrible and ‘rare’ degenerative neurological disease after accepting the “vaccines”, is/was a big believer in technology/the system.
When he’s in town, we meet, get hammered, and argue. I hope for one last boozy session with him, if he can make it back home.
In prior sessions he has told me that: “It won’t be long man, and we will be able to re-engineer you, take your pain away. . . ”
He sees humans as meat machines, like insects, and civilization as a hive. He argues that humans can and should be recrafted for the greater benefit of the hive, and for the benefit of the individual too, who will be re-engineered to enjoy paying their parking tickets etc. I retort that his proposal is undignified and disgusting to a human, and that specialization is for insects.
He shows me a picture of the Earth at night, saying: “Look at it man, the civilization looks alive, like it’s a superorganism.” And I retort “Or an infection”.
He’s a nice and optimistic fellow. I’m going to miss him.
Damnable “vaccines”.
Mr Rad
Serious question:
What are your views on Rabobank?
They are starting to be active on my South Pacific island paradise – funding ag plantations.