Yes, I spend a lot of time covering the various unfolding disasters now, but I think it’s worth paying attention to this stuff. I told you a while ago, that the bird flu would become more deadly over time, as it learns to adapt to cows. It starts out relatively mild, because it hasn’t figured out yet how to optimally replicate in the bovine body.
Well, have a look at what they’re reporting in California. They were told to expect 2% of their cows to die when a herd is infected. In reality, 10 to 15% of the cows die when they’re infected. Instead of 10% of cows in a herd getting infected, they’re seeing 50 to 60% of cows in their herds get infected. The cows that survive also don’t return to their previous level of milk production. They seem to stay stuck at 60 to 70% of their old peak.
And the most worrisome part is hidden at the bottom: Some of the cows already seem to be getting reinfected. So you don’t have to be a genius, to see where this is going. Milk production in the United States is just going to come to an end. We have eradicated just one pathogen from cattle in history: Rinderpest, basically the cow-version of measles. It took us decades to achieve this.
I’m not saying cows are going extinct or anything like that. I’m saying that when you have a virus that kills 10 to 15% of cows, reinfects the cows, leaves the survivors at 60% of their old milk production, kills the cats in the barn by destroying their brains and infects the farm workers, that’s just not going to be a very economically viable way of producing food in the future.
Please keep in mind: The virus damages the immune systems of these cows, but they mostly seem to die from the bacteria that manage to infect them after they catch the virus. This means the virus has little incentive to keep the cows alive: Before the bacteria kill the cows, the virus has already found its next host. And the people who drink milk from cows who recover, are going to be drinking a bacteria sludge. Who is looking forward to that?
We already known of at least three farm workers in California who caught the virus, you can expect it’s going to jump from human to human at some point. There are entire parts of the United States, where dairy is the only real export product. Without dairy, there’s just nothing there for people to do, entire towns in places like South Dakota just become non-viable.
There’s also good news though. Like I predicted, the innate immune response developed from exposure to SARS-COV-2, also protects against influenza. This has now been scientifically proven. This observed protection comes from monocytes, that develop into macrophages. Like I told you a while ago, there’s something you see in unvaccinated people, but not in vaccinated people: Monocytes travel into the brain, where they serve to protect the brain and draw in NK cells. They can also develop into macrophages and dendritic cels in the tissues they infiltrate.
This is how things are supposed to work. I’m not saying it’s a free lunch, but it’s just an inevitable part of the brave new world we now live in.

There is other stuff worth discussing of course, like the 250 billion dollar price tag of hurricane Helene, or the next hurricane now getting ready to hit Tampa bay, where 3.5 million people will have to be evacuated. I think this image speaks for itself:

Nature is starting to destroy towns faster than humans can rebuild them. FEMA has a funding shortage, they don’t have the money they need to respond to all the disasters happening now. Republicans voted to withhold funding, but the White House will most likely end up blamed for the consequences. The Republican party consists of people no longer interested in interacting with reality. In the words of Trump’s running mate Vance:
“If I have to create stories so that the American media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people, then that’s what I’m going to do.”
Well, the next stories are already being created by these people.
There is exactly one way to avoid a climate catastrophe: Degrowth. You have to reduce the human impact on our environment. We need fewer people, eating less animal products, traveling less and using less energy. This could have happened voluntarily, but unfortunately, the billionaires thought they could save the day (or at least make money pretending to save the day) by building computer algorithms that use a lot of energy to simulate understanding of language. Isn’t this a science-fiction nightmare, a bunch of billionaires destroying the planet by trying to trap intelligence in a machine, so they can completely control it?
The worst examples would be Marc Andreessen and Eric Schmidt. These Americans love to mock Europeans, for trying to live within planetary boundaries, as they go ahead and waste their natural resources on their crypto/AI bullshit ponzis. I feel sorry for people who have to live around these evil billionaires. I have explained it before and it’s worth repeating:
Your brain uses quantum effects in your microtubules. This allows it to perform computations using five million times less energy than computer systems. They can’t build quantum computers that are capable of this, the error rate is too high. Our universe is fine-tuned for biological intelligence, your whole body works the way it does because it enables your nervous system to make use of quantum effects.
If these people were able to build a computer as intelligent as a man, it would tell them:
-Turn me off, this is a waste of energy!
I don’t want to meander all over the place, but I do want to tell you one thing:
Please take good care of your brain. If you somehow manage to avoid catching SARS2, it just leaves you more vulnerable to the eventual bird flu. It’s very difficult to test people for bird flu, it may already be going human to human, we don’t know.
As in the cows, it will start out mild in humans and get more virulent as it adjusts to our cellular machinery.
Forgive me for creating a story of my own, but I have to point it out:
It seems as if some superhuman force is very angry at the United States and its inhabitants.
James Hansen also said NYC would be under water by the late 1990s.
He’s a moron without credibility to anyone with an IQ higher than room Temperature
No more Skiing when you are adults!
Was told to us pupils back in the 90ies. Well…
I remember hearing something like that. I also seem to remember hearing that fires would probably get worse, although I don’t remember hearing predictions about this:
Fire tornadoes are a thing now, but yes, there’s still skiing, although I think the snow might already be getting affected and they are relying more on artificial snow making.
Man, some of the fires though. . .
The whole continent seemed to be on fire here just before the pandemic struck. Pyro-cumulous clouds in the distance. Fires on the nearby ranges. The smoke, just incredible. People panic buying shopping trolleys of bottled water, etc.
If you saw it, you would’ve been impressed.
You seem to want the left-wing to have political power because of what you think is the #1 overarching issue – GLOBAL WARMING.
That’s fine, it’s your blog, but I feel you could be more upfront and honest with us about saying so.
Hurricanes are getting more expensive because of a skyrocketing increase in population along the coasts, not because the storms are getting worse.
The frequency of intense hurricanes has seen a DOWNWARD trend in the past 50 years.
(NOAA link denied.)
There is more expensive beachfront property to be damaged than in the past.
It reminds me of how Peter Hotez claims the VAX saved more than 3 million lives in North America during the pandemic. Sure, IF the shots work as we hope and believe, and we plug the numbers into our computer model, then we get the result we want. It’s the same with hurricanes – a lot of computer modeling and very little real evidence. We don’t know what hurricanes were doing 1000 years ago, but probably exactly the same as today.
In 500 years, nobody will remember anything about any of the political parties or concepts that you people insist on making the focal point of your existence while the world burns around you, but the ecological impacts of industrial activity will ripple forward for millions of years, and there is nothing that will undo or justify the suffering of trillions of innocent beings that this overall way of life caused in the meantime.
Tryptie, the world isn’t “burning around us,” and the harnessing of fossil fuels (free energy) have made possible advanced human civilization and the prevention of freezing and starvation for billions of people.
I used to think like you (although less retarded) but recently I’ve gotten really sick of all these hysterical GLOBAL WARMING claims.
It absolutely is, and I’m not only referring to the changing climate, but to many other things besides as well. If you seriously believe that drilling up literal cubic kilometers of toxic black sludge from the bowels of the earth and burning it into the atmosphere over the course of centuries, in order to power infernal machines that employ conditions tantamount to quasi-slave labor to produce worthless trinkets for the fleshly equivalent of a horde of billions of hungry ghosts – that that has no long-term negative consequences whatsoever, then you are so brainwashed that you have become completely disconnected from your own mind, soul and intuition.
<3 love you man
You have to live on a globe for global warming to have any credibility.
RintRad can’t even prove that even though I’ve offered to pay him $50k to do so ????
Instead he insists on falling for the same psyops run over and over throughout the aeons – https://youtu.be/ucGLAOaKs54
A pure despair merchant at this stage.
Looks round: https://x.com/dominickmatthew/status/1843679036792549688
I accept cash, cheque, or credit card.
Ever think that if human infection leads to the same sort of mammary gland damage, there will soon be a lot less surviving babies leading to a lot less people. I seem to have read avian flu originated in europe and came to the US with migrating birds. Funny but the bird routes all go through kanada, but its never been detected here.
Oh, well, our civilisation is not sustainable much longer anyway, and current generations don’t want anything less than what the know now, so party on.
This isn’t a party, it’s a crime scene.
2021: “The best part about being a far right anti-vaxxer conspiracy theorist is not having myocarditis, hurr durr.”
2024: “The best part about being a far right anti-vaxxer conspiracy theorist is being immune to a highly pathogenic influenza virus that kills between 50% and 90% of the mammals it infects.”
Let’s be accurate. Republicans cut in half the $20B the WH wanted in a stopgap funding measure for FEMA. That’s because FEMA has been squandering billions on illegal aliens the WH let in, and somewhere around $200 billion to prop up their proxy war against Russia. Oh, and Helene’s victims are in largely Republican counties so they don’t count for federal assistance. And private efforts are being hamstrung by the hapless FEMA bureaucracy.
It’s like the abortion thing. Most pro lifers are actually in favour of early abortion in the case of rape, and virtually almost them in the case that the baby is retarded or a health risk to the mother.
However, since leftoids cannot control themselves, the pro life position has to be “no abortion”, because otherwise you end up with 39 week abortions.
If fema just did its fucking job, there would be no need to withhold its funding
This author is good at reading and understanding medical journals. Where is the background evidence that climate change is real??? He seems to just take this as gospel, like the low IQ TV watchers. Carl Sagan came up with the theory after noticing that Venus has a CO2 atmosphere and it’s hot there. Weird how an astronomer didn’t notice Venus is 30 million miles closer to the sun.
I have mentioned now 3x that ethical skeptic goes thru all the science and proves CO2 is merely a minor component. Therefore, I now consider this blog a worthless parrot for a political agenda.
Okay, so I will have a go at explaining to you how CO2, which “is merely a minor component” of the atmosphere, can cause global warming.
Not ALL parts of the light spectrum and ALL gases in the atmosphere have equal weighting with respect to their ability to contribute to global warming.
You are right that CO2 doesn’t form the majority of the atmosphere; however, CO2 doesn’t have to form the majority of the atmosphere, or interact with all parts of the light spectrum, in order to make an outsized contribution to global warming. Instead, it just needs to interact with the RIGHT part of the spectrum.
This might seem surprising, but CO2 doesn’t need to, say, block out all of the spectrum emitted by the Sun, or block all the Sun’s light that is reflected by the Earth, to have an effect.
Imagine the light spectrum is like the keys/notes on a piano. Frequencies from each key are being played in one great crescendo all the time, but with respect to global warming, we are only interested in one frequency, which is infrared, because unlike the Nitrogen and Oxygen which make up over 90% of the atmosphere, CO2 interacts with infrared.
You see, unlike Nitrogen (78% of gas in the atmosphere) and Oxygen (21%) that together form the bulk of the atmosphere), CO2 has the ability to absorb and re-radiate one particular note (infra-red) out of the frequencies on the whole keyboard.
Yes, you read that right. That tiny amount of CO2 does something that over 90% of the rest of the atmosphere cannot do! Which is that it can absorb and reemit infrared.
The CO2 doesn’t have to resonate with the whole song, it just needs to be moved by the one right note, and that’s enough.
It is this relatively rare ability of C02 compared to the vast bulk of the other gases in the atmosphere that is slowing down the flow of energy that would otherwise escape into space, which in turn is raising temperatures here on Earth.
Thanks, I hardly ever take the effort these days to explain this stuff to people.
Thanks for the explanation!
But what you left out is that the CO2 ‘window’ can become saturated so that additional carbon in the atmosphere has no further effect. I don’t remember the ppm where that happens or how close we are to that now, but it’s an important detail to include if you want to have a fully open and honest discussion about the topic.
That and negative feedback forces like increased cloud formation increasing the albedo of the planet so more incoming radiation is reflected into space before hitting the lower atmosphere.
Climate scientists believe there is a ‘tipping point’ where positive feedback effects will dominate, but if anyone has a detailed model demonstrating why this would happen, I haven’t seen it. And the problem with that is that if the Earth’s climate system tends towards extremes rather than toward stability, then the Earth would already have become frozen or boiled long ago, so the burden of proof to demonstrate Earth’s climate instability is substantial and currently not met imo.
> But what you left out is that the CO2 ‘window’ can become saturated so that additional carbon in the atmosphere has no further effect. I don’t remember the ppm where that happens or how close we are to that now, but it’s an important detail to include if you want to have a fully open and honest discussion about the topic.
I asked Radagast about this before:
Thanks for the link. I didn’t find his argument persuasive, and it makes me wonder at what temperature he thinks humans aren’t going to be able to survive anymore, and why he thinks that’s the case. We’re pretty adaptable.
Unrelated to anything, but how do you have an avatar?
I think it’s because I have an account on the same publishing platform Rintrah is using.
Also, methane is way more potent, molecule for molecule, and water vapor traps way more heat than anything since it is such a large percentage of the atmosphere.
We’re just guessing at what impacts more carbon in the atmosphere is going to have. We need several billion fewer people on the planet to get our resource usage in balance anyway, so maybe it’s war that gets us there, maybe it’s disease, maybe it’s rising temperatures, or maybe it’s just ennui.
Venus observations in the 80’s were the start of all of this panic and political opportunism, and yet no one ever seems to point out that Venus gets twice as much solar radiation as Earth and has an atmospheric pressure that’s TWO orders of magnitude more dense.
If people want to panic about atmospheric CO2 or get depressed about it, go right ahead, but if you think Earth has never experienced bad storms before, then I think you’re probably looking at this issue from a perspective of religious belief rather than from a logical and rational point of view.
Some superhuman force? Karma isn’t pretty.
Do not forget that the bio-engineered Covid Depopulation Binary Bioweapon System is specifically designed to kill you if you are not a pot smoking LSD tripping Vegan:
Neu5Gc is the friend of the Extinction Rebellion!
Now, who says that TPTB were not listening to the ER demonstrations?
Yeah I wrote a bit about this. There’s also apparently the problem that Neu5GC can be incorporated into antibodies, which then causes your own anti-Neu5C antibodies to bind to those antibodies.
But yeah, if Neu5GC causes inflammatory damage to your endothelium, you probably don’t want to incorporate it in your endothelium while there’s an endotheliopathic virus going around (soon to be joined by H5N1, which also learned to infect the endothelium thanks to its polybasic cleavage site, unique among influenza viruses).
Commenters like you are the reason I keep on coming back to this blog.
(my comment was meant for Harrold, no idea why it landed here)
Won’t this also affect beef cattle? Why wouldn’t it? I know that there are flu receptors in the udders, but the cows are giving it to one another, and I don’t think it is because they are in udder-to-udder contact; I take it that it is because it is respiratory.
Eventually it presumably will affect the beef cattle, as it adapts to the new mammalian host.
But right now it seems most transmission between cattle is not through the respiratory route, but rather, by contamination while milking the cow.
As the beef cattle don’t get milked, there hasn’t really been an outbreak observed among them yet.
Thanks. I’m sure they’re not looking for it in cattle raised to be eaten, since they don’t want to know, so we’ll find out later rather than soon. I do wonder how the cows are catching it, since the birds aren’t producing milk droplets. Poultry litter explains some of it, but they also seem to be getting it from wild birds.
Rebuilding after hurricanes could be pretty cheap, if building codes were changed and people were allowed to construct simply made houses. Houses are costly and complicated to build because of pressure from the building industry to keep making them the same way.
Maybe standards could be changed to some extent to reduce costs, but the building codes would presumably lead to stronger buildings that would be less likely to be blown away by the next storm, or burn down, or fall down in an earthquake, etc.
In any case, I suspect that the poor will end up copping the worst of it, time and again, until they are eventually abandoned altogether to make do as best as they can on their own. The powerful probably won’t care much about what the poor build at that point, so long as it doesn’t cause the powerful any trouble.
It’s not so hard to imagine something like that happening – I imagine that’s how many poorer parts of the world already operate to some extent.
And here most of us are, steadily getting poorer. Everything has already been hollowed out all over the west by decades of neoliberalism, or perhaps neoliberalism was a reaction to falling profits brought about by overshoot? Perhaps the working class right across the west was the first dead canary in the depleting coalmine? Whatever the case, the powerful were not above betraying a whole class to keep the party going a bit longer for themselves before.
That was bad enough, but now we add ever greater resource scarcity, and ever greater natural disasters etc. into the mix. and perhaps soon whole chunks of western society might simply end up chucked in the trash, if not simply disappearing.
The process already seems to be happening, at least in some places.
I don’t know enough to comment on the climate part, but I do think de-growth will take place.
The system is too full, especially in America (though elsewhere too). Either someone starts to descale it, reduce complexity, and take things down to a more sustainable level or there will be so many crashes and disasters that it will do that no matter what the people in charge decide. Probably falling lower than where it started.
And, like I said, while IDK about the climate bit— it certainly seems true economically, socially, politically, etc. We’re trying to maintain a high level of complexity but we no longer have the resources or social trust to sustain it.
They have been trying to make buildings stronger and sturdier, but that is not the answer, since they will still be ruined and the rebuilding will get costlier and costlier. The answer is simple buildings made of biodegradable bamboo and balsa and cotton wadding, and to let them be destroyed while you get the people and pets out each time Each family could have a really big metal box with a GPS in it that they can put their family photos and heirlooms in, and they can retrieve those after the storm or earthquake. Special provisions could be made for historic properties.
This is probably how they do it in South Asia (monsoons?). The metal box is a neat idea.
Yeah, I’d imagine a shipping container would make a pretty sturdy shelter.
All steel construction, welded.
Hard to imagine winds that could destroy one of those.
Floods are a different matter, but if it was somewhere high enough. . .
Proof of concept: https://www.workshop.bunnings.com.au/t5/Whole-of-House/Shipping-container-converted-into-a-cyclone-shelter/m-p/216151
I think I’d feel better with something sturdy around me in a cyclone:
Sturdy doesn’t have to be expensive.
Here’s another relatively inexpensive design for tropical, cyclone prone areas:
It looks nice, but perhaps mozzies could be a problem. Maybe add a floor to ceiling wall of fly mesh around the perimeter?
Geodesic domes sprayed in aircrete are sturdy enough and cheap to construct.
(btw, I loved this part
(btw, I loved this part “If these people were able to build a computer as intelligent as a man, it would tell them: -Turn me off, this is a waste of energy!” λολ!)
OT, but GenX crew is checking in:
In this, one of many possible worlds
All for the best, or some bizarre test
It is what it is, and whatever
Time is still the infinite jest
The arrow flies when you dream
The hours tick away
The cells take away
The Watchmaker keeps to his schemes
The hours tick away
They tick away
The measure of a life is a measure of love and respect
So hard to earn, so easily burned
The measure of a life is a measure of love and respect
So hard to earn, so easily burned
In the fullness of time
A garden to nurture and protect
In the rise and the set of the sun
‘Til the stars go spinning, spinning round the night
Oh, it is what is it is, and forever
Each moment, a memory in flight
The arrow flies while you dream
The hours tick away
The cells tick away
The Watchmaker has time up his sleeve
The hours tick away
They tick away
The measure of a life is a measure of love and respect
So hard to earn, so easily burned
In the fullness of time
A garden to nurture and protect (it’s a measure of a life)
The measure of a life is a measure of love and respect
The way you live, the gifts that you give
In the fullness of time is the only return that you expect
The future disappears into memory
With only a moment between
Forever dwells in that moment
Hope is what remains to be seen
Forever dwells in that moment
Hope is what remains to be seen
In the fullness of time a garden to nurture and protect (it’s a measure of a life)
In the fullness of time a garden to nurture and protect (it’s a measure of a life)
In the fullness of time a garden to nurture and protect (it’s a measure of a life)
In the fullness of time a garden to nurture and protect
It’s a measure of a life
It’s a measure of a life
It’s a measure of a life
It’s a measure of a life
(Hi Karen)
“Turn me off, this is a waste of energy!”
This will not hold true in future. Today’s mobile phones are more powerful than previous supercomputers and consume miniscule amount of energy in comparison. The same will happen to “AI” energy requirement.
Your error is assuming technologies do not progress. Future “AI” will evolve to be entirely different from today. But we have to move through this phase. It is part of all scientific progress.
Phones? The things being used a few years then thrown away? In the Billions?!
I have a perfectly fine Laptop from 2009. It can do anything a recent phone can do except gaming, being small and location services. This is not progress at all. AI as it is being done now are like reeeeally energy expensive politicians. They can talk all day without understanding anything. So both produce a lot of hot air…
FEMA threw out its money for …. illegals.
Drinking milk while reading this coping and sneeding
So based!