The Netherlands has a massive COVID wave in the height of summer this year, which as I have argued before, is not normal. A virus like this is not supposed to be making everyone sick and killing people in the middle of summer, four years after we first had to deal with it. The experts agree. I quote:
Viroloog Ab Osterhaus is onaangenaam verrast door die ontwikkeling. „Ik had echt verwacht dat het virus zich in de zomer inmiddels wel rustiger zou gedragen en ik denk dat dat voor alle deskundigen geldt. Voorgaande zomers zagen we ook weleens oplevingen, maar wel minder. Je zou denken dat de immuniteit die we inmiddels opgebouwd hebben door eerdere besmettingen en vaccinaties voldoende is, maar blijkbaar niet. Gelukkig is deze variant wel minder ziekmakend en daarmee qua ernst onvergelijkbaar met de eerste jaren.”
Virologist Ab Osterhaus is unpleasantly surprised by this development. “I really expected that the virus would behave more calmly in the summer and I think that applies to all experts. Previous summers we also saw revivals, but less so. You would think that the immunity we have built up through previous infections and vaccinations is sufficient, but apparently not. Fortunately, this variant is less pathogenic and is therefore incomparable in terms of severity to the first years.”
It doesn’t really take a genius, to understand what went wrong. You gave everyone a vaccine, that already began to fail in the summer of 2021.
That’s when you should have figured out something went wrong. You shouldn’t be looking at this three years down the road, scratching your head, puzzled by what went wrong.
It was obvious you made a mistake, back in 2021. That mistake is still with us today.
This vaccine triggered an abnormal adaptive immune response, that is very vulnerable to the effects of genetic mutations to the virus. The virus struggles to overcome natural immunity through mutation, whereas the adaptive immune response induced through vaccination with inactivated (non-live) vaccines is relatively simple to overcome.
The constant domains of antibodies are important for effector functions, but less is known about how they can affect binding and neutralization of viruses. Here we evaluated a panel of human influenza virus monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) expressed as IgG1, IgG2 or IgG3. We found that many influenza virus-specific mAbs have altered binding and neutralization capacity depending on the IgG subclass encoded, and that these differences result from unique bivalency capacities of the subclasses. Importantly, subclass differences in antibody binding and neutralization were greatest when the affinity for the target antigen was reduced through antigenic mismatch. We found that antibodies expressed as IgG3 bound and neutralized antigenically drifted influenza viruses more effectively. We obtained similar results using a panel of SARS-CoV-2-specific mAbs and the antigenically advanced B.1.351 strain of SARS-CoV-2. We found that a licensed therapeutic mAb retained neutralization breadth against SARS-CoV-2 variants when expressed as IgG3, but not IgG1. These data highlight that IgG subclasses are not only important for finetuning effector functionality, but also for binding and neutralization of antigenically drifted viruses.

What this explains is that antibodies are able to neutralize multiple variants when found in the IgG3 form. In contrast, the other forms, are unable to neutralize different variants. This is because only IgG3 is able to form proper cross-links: The antibody’s two arms can move away far apart from each other, thanks to the long hinge region. This means one arm can bind to one Spike protein, while the other arm binds to another Spike protein. This can damage and deform an entire viral particle.
As the IgG3 antibody pulls two Spike proteins closer together to each other, this may allow IgG1 antibodies to bind them further together that would otherwise not be able to bind two Spike proteins together.
Without IgG3 antibodies, the IgG1, IgG2 and IgG4 antibodies are forced to try to stop a viral particle from infecting cells, by covering the tip of every Spike protein. And that’s just not very effective, it requires far more antibodies (and thus far more time) than the IgG3 antibodies need to make a viral particle useless.
This goes a long way towards explaining why we observe this:

Negative vaccine efficacy against infection, against a virus that killed millions of people.
Your immune system really likes IgG3 antibodies. I can prove this to you, in a simple manner:
For IgG1, your hinge, the bridge that gives the antibody flexibility by allowing the arms to move away from each other, is 15 amino acids long.
For IgG2, it’s 12 amino acids long (and the bridge is less flexible, because of sulfide bridges)
For IgG4, it’s also 12 amino acids long.
For IgG3?
Well, that depends on the genes you inherited. You inherited two copies, so if you’re lucky, you can make hinges of two different lengths. You will most likely have hinges of one or two of these lengths:
- 32
- 47
- 62
- 77
Why so many options?
Two reasons. There are 8 billion of us today, but there used to be just a few million until a few thousand years ago. All sorts of new viruses showed up in our population since then, so our genes had to change, we’re still playing catch-up, we’re unlikely to have all arrived at whatever the optimal length is.
That means there was also suddenly a new situation in which it became very important for our immune systems to figure out new tools to deal with viruses. Antibodies with a longer hinge region that are better able to tie proteins together on the surface of a virus, are very useful for that purpose.
There is also another factor, which is that the big trick our immune systems use to defend our species, is diversity. Your immune system is not just busy keeping you alive, it’s busy trying to make sure you don’t make people around you sick either. The immune system, more than any other element of your body, runs on diversity. You’re repulsed by the sweat of people too genetically similar to you, just to make sure your children inherit an immune system with a lot of diversity. This general benefit to diversity probably includes people having IgG3 antibodies of diverse hinge lengths.
Once you realize evolution took one of the four IgG antibodies and gave us all versions with different lengths, you realize this is the one our immune systems wants to use against rapidly mutating viruses. That’s why you see for example, that we can just check how long the hinge is in people with severe COVID and find that those with the genes for a longer IgG3 bridge stand a better chance of survival than the ones whose genes code for the shorter bridge.
We screwed this up of course. We caused most of the human race, to deploy the wrong antibodies against this virus: IgG2 and IgG4 antibodies, that have a very short bridge, of just 12 amino acids. When their bridge is so short, the antibodies can not tie different proteins together to pull the whole virus particle out of its proper shape and destroy it.
The unvaccinated still appear to have the IgG3 antibodies that the body naturally deploys against the Spike protein of this virus, the only antibody that offers strong neutralization of a viral particle. So far we haven’t seen the class shift among any of them, including those who were hospitalized. The IgG4 seen against nucleocapsid in some people (presumably from pre-existing immunity to other agents) is mostly irrelevant, as nucleocapsid is not a protein through which you can neutralize a viral particle anyway.
IgM antibodies are useful for people to deploy against the Spike protein too, but they suffer from a few problems. To start with, they’re very big. They normally can’t get through your blood-brain barrier and they can’t protect a fetus in the womb, as they don’t cross the placenta. Unlike IgG, IgM tends to stay stuck in blood vessels, it can’t get into the extracellular fluid.

IgM is what the body wants to use to get the viral load down a lot. Then IgG3 is what the body wants to use to get rid of any remaining virus and ensure a virus can’t re-invade the body for the foreseeable future. IGM starts the job, IgG3 finishes it.
Unfortunately, as long as everyone keeps getting reinfected, because people don’t have a proper immune response that is variant-independent, the virus just keeps evolving to get better at avoiding people’s antibodies.
The IgG2 and IgG4 antibodies have all sorts of other problems too, beyond their poor neutralization. IgG4 is the antibody your immune system normally uses to avoid over-reacting to antigens. IgG2 is the one it uses to avoid over-reacting to good bacteria in your gut. None of these antibodies will properly instruct other arms of the immune system, like the innate immune system (including the NK cells) to properly do their job.
The virus has been evolving to adjust to this strange situation since late 2021 in mRNA vaccinated countries, with other countries that received the whole inactivated vaccines apparently suffering the same problem later on.
It’s now in the process of evolving to make the IgM antibodies binding to the N-Terminal Domain, that still work to keep the viral load low, useless. That’s for example, why you now see this emerge:
A total of 27 sequences, divided over two lineages, that independently removed amino acids 255, 256 and 257, right in the middle of N5.
I warned about this in the past. I warned we were going to see small deletions emerge, mainly around the three main immunogenic loops of the N-Terminal Domain. Those deletions will make most of the antibodies against the NTD useless and have the side-effect of increasing virulence, by increasing fusogenicity.
It’s a very logical consequence, of a failed vaccination campaign.
Three years after the failure of their vaccination campaign, the virologists are now starting to realize something is going wrong and publicly admit it.
But as long as no attempt is made to repair people’s immune response, we’re stuck with a very awful situation.
It’s not just the vaccinated, who are constantly getting re-infected by this virus. It’s also a problem for the unvaccinated, who are constantly being exposed to it.
You don’t need to be a genius, or have a crystal ball, to figure this out. You just need to be able to tie the different lines of evidence together.
All I’m asking for, is that they just admit that they screwed it up and killed a bunch of people by screwing it up. Then the world can start working on a solution.
And then I can hopefully finally get it out of my head and think about happier things.
“You’re repulsed by the sweat of people too genetically similar to you.”
My wife is repulsed by my sweat more than anyone. Are we related?
PS – Good to have Immunologist Radagast back!
I don’t care about Covid or how many people may or may not die from it. Not my problem. Not in my power to solve. If Sun God smite boomer with Bat Aids or whatever, I don’t care.
“If Sun God smite boomer with Bat Aids or whatever, I don’t care.”
Wicked laughter!
I don’t care either. Let God sort it out.
In the interim, there is no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow for me, just more rainbow, and not good rainbow either, so fuck it.
When something doesn’t interest you, you can also just ignore it. Do you look up random Youtube videos to comment that they don’t interest you?
Yeah that’s fair, your writings behind how the virus works are interesting actually. Though I try not to care about the effects the virus will have on the world. In any-case, sorry, was drunk and wanted to post without having anything of actual value to say.
Sensitive Jackass, you never post anything of value. You just drop disgusting manure all over this blog.
I’m very interested in this virus/vaccine disaster and it being over with. I want to Rip off the damn band-aid already. I don’t care if it hurts. The slow peeling ‘reveal’ is driving me nuts, but there is a difference between that and not being interested. I am clearly interested, which you know because I’m here.
I care, and I find our host’s explanations fascinating. But I also think this is darwinism on full display. Most people are like stupid sheep. They listen to TV characters instead of using their own eyes and ears.
Some of them will die or become disabled by their foolish choices. Just like some will die from recklessly driving motorcycles. All we can do is shake our heads. Maybe the world is better off without them and their offspring.
It’s not smiting the boomers. They are doing okay, since they mostly don’t have to work and so avoid infection and the shots are up to this point helping them a bit. Their life expectancies will drop, but not hugely. It is people from 25-45 who are really a mess from the shots and from constant covid. Probably later on younger people will be added to that mess. Gen X is so fucked due to mere existence that it is hard to tell how they are doing.
1) I can somewhat grasp where we’re heading to: a variant that bypasses vaccine immunity and will wreak havocs.
But can you please clarify the cause? – Is it that the IMMUNE TOLERANCE caused by elevated IgG4 pushed the emergence of a new covid SEROTYPE?
2) Has the SAME thing also happened with bird flu (like H5N1), that is jumping to human?
3) The current approach of mass vaccinating against flu and mass killing chickens to stop outbreaks is just unsustainable, right?
So mass vaccinating people is also the wrong approach, right?
That means they took the wrong approach to birds and applied it to human, then we have the current problem of covid, then we’ll have continuous emergence of variant until lots of the vaccinated will die, right??
>I can somewhat grasp where we’re heading to: a variant that bypasses vaccine immunity and will wreak havocs.
But can you please clarify the cause? – Is it that the IMMUNE TOLERANCE caused by elevated IgG4 pushed the emergence of a new covid SEROTYPE?
The ultimate cause is vaccinating with poor vaccines during a pandemic.
It means that people get infected, while the antibodies induced by vaccination have not had the opportunity yet to undergo affinity maturation.
So you have a bunch of people stuck with poorly neutralizing antibodies, that can then be largely escaped by mutations that just increase receptor affinity.
That high concentration of various poorly neutralizing antibodies prohibits the innate immune system from being properly educated in regards to this virus.
It also causes very high binding of complement to these antibodies, because these antibodies are stuck unusually close together to each other. This is useful for enhancing neutralization, but risky when too much of it is attracted.
High concentrations of these antibodies, in the absence of a proper pro-inflammatory innate immune response, seems to be what encourages a class switch of the IgG3 antibodies to IgG4.
Those antibodies no longer attract complement, so that solves excess inflammation, but you want complement to be able to bind when necessary.
And the IgG4 antibodies, are intrinsically just very poor at neutralization.
Their short hinge makes them unable to use both arms to link Spike proteins together.
That makes them easy to escape.
So that’s what happened. The RBD just changed to make the IgG4 antibodies that bind to it pretty much useless.
The immune system responded to that with high concentrations of IgM against the NTD.
But as the NTD’s functions are mostly structural, instead of binding receptors, the NTD can just easily evolve to avoid those antibodies.
Despite being pretty versatile in its own right, the RBD is under stronger constraints than the NTD.
>2) Has the SAME thing also happened with bird flu (like H5N1), that is jumping to human?
The bird flu is mostly a product of the stupidity of putting huge numbers of birds together in dark poorly ventilated facilities.
Attempts at vaccinating the birds against it failed (which is logical, as these birds only live for 48 days on average) and seem to have had the effect of making it worse, by encouraging mutations to emerge that would otherwise have had no fitness benefit, that had the side-effect of enabling jumps into other species.
>3) The current approach of mass vaccinating against flu and mass killing chickens to stop outbreaks is just unsustainable, right?
>So mass vaccinating people is also the wrong approach, right?
>That means they took the wrong approach to birds and applied it to human, then we have the current problem of covid, then we’ll have continuous emergence of variant until lots of the vaccinated will die, right??
Pretty much yes. Mass vaccination against rapidly mutating viruses with concurrent high circulation, particularly with inactivated vaccines, tends to encourage the birth of various new variants.
For SARS2, you can expect the result to get pretty grim, once variants start to circulate that have introduced deletions into the immunogenic NTD loops and added new glycans.
That’s when most of the population becomes dependent again on antibodies against the RBD, which were not able to do the job on their own as they underwent class shift to IgG4.
It’s not just that IgG4 antibodies are poorly neutralizing in their own right. They’re also unable to attract complement. Complement can bind to a bunch of IgG1 and IgG3 antibodies stuck close together to each other.
It enhances neutralization by IgG antibodies by drawing the different IgG antibodies closer to each other and can create a membrane attack complex, that allows the direct destruction of a viral particle, by destroying its lipid membrane.
Cells like your endothelial cells lining your blood vessel, can just release complement when necessary.
Unfortunately, those functions are now lost in most of the population, as IgG4 is specifically unable to attract the complement.
Keep in mind, you need multiple antibodies, six antibodies that bind their tails together, to be able to bind complement. So if you have four IgG1 antibodies and two IgG4 antibodies, complement can’t bind and thus can’t deploy the membrane attack complex that destroys a viral particle.
This is what you tend to see everywhere: It isn’t just the case that IgG4 antibodies don’t do the job they’re supposed to do against a virus. No, it’s worse. IgG4 antibodies make it very difficult for IgG1 and IgG3 antibodies that do still work to do the job they’re supposed to do.
So it’s just going to get very ugly, once the NTD no longer allows masking of the problem through use of the IgM antibodies.
As long as nothing is being done to remove these B cells producing these IgG4 antibodies against the RBD in most of the population, we’re just steadily moving towards a catastrophe.
Thank you.
I absolutely agree that the way people treat animals are too bad, and the arrogance from technology is too much. Intended or not, I guess karma and nature is gonna strike back hard this time. It’s just when.
“Most of the human race”
It’s just flabbergasting.
To this day, nobody I know has seen Fig. 2 of the Cleveland Clinic study or wants to see it. The MSM that should have been screaming about it has been actually suppressing it.
It’s very simple and newsworthy: the more shots you get, the more likely you are to get infected with the thing you fear.
It’s not just because they’ve been bought off by Big Pharma, it goes deeper than that. Maybe you can explore this in future topics.
I’ve had numerous dreams of being in a tightly confined ‘house’, with a number of other humans whose existence is never experienced, so I don’t meet them, but it’s implied.
I navigate these warm and comfortable interiors, rat piles of nest stuff, squeezing through tight confines, corridors, and entry points, extremely low ceilings. . .
After these dreams, the closest feeling that comes to mind is ‘nostalgia’.
That’s what I imagine we’re going back to.
Off topic, but Ha, ha, ha!
A glance at the title and the first question is: “What chems are in the smoke?”
Foul upon foul. . .
Catastrophe upon catastrophe, steadily amplifying, and compounding against other brain rotting consequences of our actions.
Thanks for another update. Regarding the class switch from IgG3 to IgG4, you’ve previously written before that it is essentially permanent. And here is a tweet from pro-mRNA’er Edward Nirenberg which helps to explain why:
“switching to a different type of vaccine does not undo the IgG4 bias because the other subclasses have been excised from the genome and memory cells will preferentially dominate.”
But you’ve also written before about how a potential nasal vaccine based on a live attenuated codon deoptimized virus and/or a virus that has had some of its ORFs deleted, could potentially stimulate/heal the innate immune response, so that the vaccinated will not solely be reliant on their dysregulated adaptive immune response.
And it seems there are many researchers now trying to develop nasal vaccines for COVID that would trigger production of IgA antibodies. But again, it seems to be too late to be trying this given all the problems facing the vaccinologists (OAS, multiple serotypes circulating simultaneously, glycosylation, peptide mimicry etc.).
It makes you wonder why none of the scientists or regulators asked back in 2020: “How could an injection into the deltoid muscle stimulating IgG possibly deliver sterilising immunity?”
And you’ve also written before how the design of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine was very similar to the design of their mRNA tolerogenic vaccine for autoimmune encephalitis, and how it’s crazy that none of the scientists or regulators said “hang on a second, our SARS vaccine is almost identical to our anti-inflammatory tolerogenic vaccine?” So they should have been able to anticipate that their COVID vaccine would trigger a class switch from IgG3 to IgG4.
So yeah, the whole thing is just really bizarre.
It is not bizarre. It is entirely rational. They wanted a fully hard-core irreversible imprint to compliment the globally dispersed Covid cDNA clone, and that is exactly what was delivered into the mass population, so as to enable the infectious clone to properly do its slow job over the next 50 years (if humans last that long). It is either this, or guaranteed human extinction by 2080 so TPTB picked the less bad of two bad options. These people are not idiots. They know exactly what they are doing.
Yeah it’s kind of hard to believe this is all just an accident.
You even had a secret CIA campaign at some point, to convince people in the Philippines to sign up for the mRNA vaccines instead of the Chinese vaccines:
In the EU they demanded you get the Adenovirus or mRNA shots, the inactivated ones didn’t count.
It’s really strange. The whole mRNA project basically originated with the US department of defense.
I have wondered this too, whether the whole thing is basically just a mass euthanasia project, for a world that’s running out of natural resources and warming up.
I still don’t know what to make of it.
Just look at all the controlled Twitter shills pushing the plasmid DNA so-called “contamination” BS narrative. TPTB have both “sides” very easily controlled. The plan is to eventually have everybody simply blaming the vax.
It is pointless doing a simple cull, because in another 100 years the same problem is back again. I would argue that the mRNA is the secondary objective. The primary objective is the DNA fragments and the multitude of nuclear import signals and mechanisms inserted into those mRNA bottles.
We dumped mRNA drug candidates back in the late 1990’s, because of the ovaries and adrenal gland problem (85% of the nano lipids went straight for the ovaries).
The main game, in my opinion, is germ-line gene therapy, designed to have the daughters of injected mothers (and all future generations) dealt with 30 years from now and the effect is dominant not recessive.
So yes Extinction Rebellion. TPTB have indeed been listening, and not simply kicking the can down the road. Every problem has its solution, if you simply throw human ethics in the trash.
“Death is the solution to all problems. No man – no problem.”
Joseph Stalin
“The plan is to eventually have everybody simply blaming the vax.”
@Retard could you please elaborate on this statement in more detail? Why would “TPTB” do such a thing? What would be their motivation to do this?
Re your comment below:
The moronic injected mass population will be putting 2 and 2 together eventually, so TPTB will line things up so that the useful medical idiots and Big Pharma that pushed the vax will 100% get the blame for all the deaths.
Why do you think that anti-vax is allowed now? TPTB want everybody to blame the vax. Blaming the vax is part of the plan. The fact that Vax and the Virus are two parts of a binary biological weapons system, this is what TPTB want hidden.
Try stating this on Twitter, and see how long your account lasts.
The insiders that know the true actual plan, you could count on two hands. The useful idiots that were tricked into pushing all the BS, however, they are endless.
The useful idiots that I found the most retarded were all the so-called “epidemiologists”. It is almost as if they created this entirely useless university course specifically in preparation for the cull.
Interesting take/hypothesis. The really cynical “conspiracy theorists” always maintained that TPTB would blame the unvaccinated once the more deadly variants start spreading, saying something like “this is all the fault of the unvaccinated, they are the ones breeding the more deadly variants, if they’d only gotten vaccinated none of these deadly variants would be spreading.”
This would obviously be nonsense to any critical thinker, and Geert Vanden Bossche made a video specifically addressing this topic (see his Substack post from July 10, 2023).
> TPTB will line things up so that the useful medical idiots and Big Pharma that pushed the vax will 100% get the blame for all the deaths.
I hope that you are right, there are some really insufferable immunologists in my country who have now become household names, I desperately want them to receive the justice that they deserve. One of them even has his own radio show now where he gets to play his favourite music every Wednesday night, it’s sickening.
> The useful idiots that I found the most retarded were all the so-called “epidemiologists”.
Look at this he/him wokie Ph.D on Twitter. Look at his profile picture, and what it says on his t-shirt:
You are from the Mad Max Land Down Under. Aussies went fully fascist with their police and Army curfews, general brutality, police beatings and strangulations of women in the street, employment coercion and lock downs. Your Melbourne and West Australia was the worst. What I found most amusing about you Aussies was this creature:
All involved were fooled including politicians, medical people, even Pfizer. From what I see now, vaxxies are blaming the vax, not the unvaxxed.
No, I am not from Australia, nor have I ever lived/visited there. I live in North Western Europe. @Wombat lives in Australia.
My country’s 2020/2021 tyranny was bad, but not as bad as Australia and New Zealand. That Epidemiologist that I linked to in my last comment is Australian. And look at how retarded he is:
I seem to recall you saying in an old comment that you lived in a remote Island in the Pacific. Or maybe it was someone else who said that, I can’t remember.
The Australians are humiliating the Americans in the swimming pool at the Olympics. You’d think that they, formerly having a “fearless and no nonsense” reputation to the rest of the world (Steve Irwin, anyone?) would’ve stood up against their government during the pandemic. Sadly, that was not the case.
> The fact that Vax and the Virus are two parts of a binary biological weapons system, this is what TPTB want hidden.
Engineering immunodeficiency.
“These examples suggest that it may be feasible to develop a bioweapon capable of manipulating or “engineering” the immune response. Several potential forms for such a bioweapon were considered:
Engineering immunodeficiency. Manipulating a target population to have decreased immunity could increase the impact of a biological attack. This goal could be pursued either by manipulating a pathogen to simultaneously reduce immunity and cause disease (Jackson et al., 2001) or by separately introducing an immune-suppressing agent and a bioweapon into a target population.”
Engineering autoimmunity.
“Engineering autoimmunity. Natural autoimmune diseases cause significant disability and death. It may be possible to engineer a disease that causes the body to turn on itself. Mouse models for the stimulation of autoimmunity now exist. For example, Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis, which mimics the symptoms of the human malady multiple sclerosis, has been induced in mice by immunization with antigens that cause an immune response (autoantigens; see Miller et al., 2007). Normally, such self-immunization is prevented by the mechanisms that ensure exclusion of antibodies and T-cells that are self-reactive, but some pathogens may present antigens that are similar enough to the body’s own proteins that the original immune response spreads from the pathogen to the new human target.”
Modifying the human genome.
“more recently the delivery of entire messenger RNAs (mRNAs) has proven useful for vaccination and cellular reprogramming (Steinle et al., 2017). Naked RNA is generally considered to be fragile due its susceptibility to ribonuclease in the cell, and its delivery is largely confined to laboratory settings, but there are approaches for stabilizing RNAs (e.g., using liposomes, nanoparticles, synthetic polymers, cyclodextrins, ribonucleoproteins, and viral capsids [“armored” RNAs]) in use for many applications. RNA can be expressed from genes delivered as simple expression vectors, as low-fitness-burden cargoes on viral pathogens, or via CRISPR element insertion. One reason that RNA delivery is potentially a viable biological threat is that even a small initial skew in gene expression (such as the changes in gene expression normally caused by miRNAs) could greatly alter the probability of an initial cellular alteration. Even small amounts of a targeted RNA would not modify the genome per se, but might allow or encourage cells to begin the process of self-transformation to tumors, as evidenced by the fact that a large number of pro-oncogenic miRNAs have already been discovered (O’Bryan et al., 2017). In addition to RNAs produced by viruses, bacteria produce numerous small regulatory RNAs; introduction of these into the endogenous microbiome could lead to dysbiosis. Larger mRNAs can also be delivered via liposomes and nanoparticles or by RNA replication strategies being developed for vaccine production (see Chapter 8, Rapid Development of Self-Amplifying mRNA Vaccines); these methods could potentially be used to express deleterious cargo such as toxins or oncogenes, similar to threats related to DNA vectors.”
This is the slide that flashed on the screen for a split second during the October 2020 FDA meeting before the approval of the COVID-19 “vaccines”:
Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee – 10/22/2020 – FDA Safety Surveillance of COVID-19 Vaccines : DRAFT Working list of possible adverse event outcomes *** Subject to change ***
Just heard that independent labs are in fact finding integration of the genetic Pfizer/Moderna junk in the DNA of living people. Yikes.
Getting them to admit that they screwed up? Killed and maimed tens of millions globally? Ahahahaha!
It is not a screw up. It is exactly what was intended.
“Fortunately, this variant is less pathogenic and is therefore incomparable in terms of severity to the first years.”
I wonder how long this belief will last. Just a bit of a cold you get a couple of times a year no problem. What happens when society figures long term isn’t looking so good?
Check out this chart of the number of variants over time. Even the dimmest of bulbs should be able to grasp the enormity of the problem we face. It’s going exponential:
So every time you leave your house, your immune system is now confronted with novel variants it has never seen before. Every single time. Sooner or later, anyone’s immune system will crap out and you will have “COVID.” In fact, in most western countries there are now 3 or 4 entirely different active variant “groups” going around (each with countless subvariants), when we used to only have to deal with one at a time. And they used to stick around for 1 year, then 6 months, then 3 months, now it’s going down to 1 month. Again, going exponential.
And because of how they mind-fucked the population, nobody believes it. Everyone just pretends the world is normal. To me that’s the funny part. Basically this:
The reason, why I doubt all this virus stuff, is my believe into the big machine.
Either the biosphere of Earth is a big machine (including the virosphere), or not.
If you say: “There is an endless war in the micro world”, then you say “There are lots of machines destroying each other”.
I do not believe this. All parts of the machine are working together.
It is pure hubris to believe you could understand this machine in its whole.
To believe that there are two machines fighting each other is polytheism.
Quote: “All I’m asking for, is that they just admit that they screwed it up and killed a bunch of people by screwing it up.”
They were all driven by extreme idealism, while giving up all rationalism.
They can’t admit anything, because they are the “good” force.
Idealistic politics etc.
Reminds me of the climate change issue.
The science says one thing, but the politicians say another, and it is the politicians who get to set and drive policy, not the science.
So you end up with some BS getting offloaded as the best way forward.
All of the insiders (scientists etc.) know (or should know if they are objective) that the climate change policy being proffered won’t do a damn thing to prevent it, but everyone accepts that the politicians get to set the policy, so they keep it zipped.
Same thing here.
There was, for example, no ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated’, the scientists knew it, but they kept it zipped.
Rinse and repeat for all those other lies we were told.
The politicians lie, say they are doing things on the basis of science, but they’re not. The problem being our culture tends to give weight to the knowledge claims of science, so we are wowed by the politicians, even though the policy that they are promoting on the basis of ‘the science’ has nothing scientific behind it whatsoever.
The faith that gets put in “”science””, that isn’t really scientific at all (perhaps faked results, or straight out lies, etc.), can be extremely dangerous.
After recent events, perhaps the public would be sympathetic to reintroducing the ancient Persian punishment of flaying people alive, including officials, for lying.
I remember a famous court case here, Lindy Chamberlain, who was wrongly imprisoned on the basis of fake “”scientific evidence/opinion””. There was an Australian forensic pathologist who ignored results that would exonerate Lindy, and a British pathologist whose opinion was based on what he found personally believable, without any basis in empiricism at all. There was also an unresearched claim/opinion that a dingo had never taken a baby before (there were in fact a number of cases). No regard at all for empiricism. There was huge public interest, and it became a witch hunt.
“She must be guilty, because she’s a Satan woman!” Then the “”scientists”” and courts tried her with methods with the same kind of reliability as the witch hunts of old.
The epistemological certainly we give to “science” can be very dangerous indeed.
Having seen the “”experts”” at work during covid, it sure makes you wonder how much of the rest of what passes for “”science”” is just utter BS.
The Chief Medical Officer here was a shocker – one logical fallacy after another.
They’d trundle him out and he’d say whatever the latest stupid was. Incredible.
Weird mass phenomena. . .
No ergot required.
The shifting baseline effect blinds us to the dumpster fire that we call civilization. This is just normal operating procedure.
A two-core system which can use both cores at the same time, will always “win” against a two-core system which can only use one core at a time.
btw, Rintrah:
You do the same like Fauci, try to enforce stuff into people bodies against their will.
He with vaccine stuff, you with selected eating stuff.
You think you have a right because it’s the best for us all? That’s what he says too. You are both radical idealists.
No you’re free to eat what you want.
If you find a dead animal by the side of the road, go ahead and eat it.
The whole problem is that you morons kill an animal against its will and then eat it, or pay someone to kill it for you.
Quote: “No you’re free to eat what you want.”
Come on, that’s not what you say all day long.
I’m sure you could easily outdo me if you would use my technique.
And you can it. You already showed it with your story about Lucifer.
Beat me.